New profile posts

Goddamn it. Why did I get another flash of inspiration for a new world-building project? I still got like, 7 others on the shelves! Fuck, 8 now...
When you have a birth defect that is mildly uncomfortable, but recorrection surgery would be incredibly painful/uncomfortable for a couple of weeks minimum. And it is so rare that you struggle to find a place that does it, not even mentioning insurance…

just putting this here to read later
Last night I had a really weird dream
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This dream happened in 2 hours

Because at 7:30AM I woke up from a dream that I was one of my beloved oc on a field trip
And I woke up at 9:30 having this serial killer dream
@LuoirM I'm sorry for interrupting you by making a random joke on Death Note character “L”. I deleted my previous comment.
Pat pat, you're forgiven, now plank for 5 hours

Real life drama. Involving a friend of someone I keep in touch with.

They do say that those that align are often alike, so what does it say when a friend of that certain someone is doing something dodgy as hell in this time of year?
Oh, hey. Look who's the little shit having a birthday now.
A curious question for the folks. Do you have a birthday experience that you still remember to this date?