New profile posts

How come no one has welcomed you yet? Welcome to SH! 👋

Here is a link with a TON of useful info.
Before i thought, "drama is a spice" and "tragedy is often seen in masterpieces (coincidence/not a necessity)"

But only recently, i discovered that "tragedy" is indeed a NECESSITY. To become a "timeless masterpiece".

1) Life is a tragedy
2) The fact everyone can be saved and/or a MC always wins break immersion hence will never turn into a masterpiece.
Living is pain
>Be me
>Translating chapter X
>"Wow I love this chapter because the MC did this smart thing."
>Have no balls to tell them that the MC undo the smart thing in chapter X+1 and be dumb again
Idk about you gals and guy but i'm getting real sick of having to deal with these fucking cluster headache daily. Barely able to do my job properly not to mention writting.