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Some people hate criticism, and it's a problem when readers can't give their honest thoughts. I know people will hate things that are personal attacks, but why is it so hard for readers to point out obvious flaws?

If I post my story in a feedback thread, I will get an obvious take that no one said before. Yet, if I asked the reader about that take, they'd probably agree.
Welcome to the times of "good enough". Why no constructive criticism? Because it can hurt someone's feelings and it's "good enough" anyways. At least this is the vibe I'm getting from different parts of the internet
analogy :
Its like the social experiment someone did recently. A dude did "push-ups" in middle of the walking road for X hours (or day)
Well, not a lot, but a few mockeries, and 1 terrible karen bitch criticizing him for no reason.

Well, internet now in 2024.
2010 wouldnt be like that. There were bad people but not a lot bc of "maximum"
@DannyTheDaikon "Write what you want to read and someone will read it" kind of thing?
Caught a big cold.

Just now. (or like 30min ago)
Heavy cough.

New world record of my "equilibrium luck"
less than 2hours diff between "Mega happy finding a epic quality masterpiece novel that enter fav list"
and "becoming sick"
I saw my previous works again and have a sudden desire to complete the 3rd one due to its synopsis lol.
Should I add "Girls Love" tag for a pansexual FMC?
Does cuddling platonically with another woman and deeply tonguing each other platonically GL?
I would tag "gl subplot" if fmc ends up with a dude afterwards and proper "gl" if they're together. In short.
Thanks mom
I know what you did in 1987...
  • Angry
Reactions: greyblob
someone had confessed to this along time ago... he is no longer active
Your crimes will be brought to light one day....
many have tried and all have failed. if one were to succeed, it certainly would not be a duckling
Danbooru only accept the good quality stuff
Gelbooru, have less strict barriers and allow some "lower quality" art or even 3d stuff.
(meanwhile there are options to see "younger character" art for free without login / danbooru need paid-VIP function)

Is why Gelbooru is banned in some countries. Though danbooru is also banned in some countries. A certain russian can testify for that (recently)
Fine. Tired to see again a 573988th thread about "how to get popularity"
So let me tell the ultimate explanation.

-That is it-
Be a writer is like a jp-artist.

Get good. Pick smut. Choose popular theme. Do a lot nonstop.

Ty to share the word.
Why the heck, they don't get common sense to READ MORE ?????
Because it's:
1. Simple
2. Effective
3. Requires time
People hope that there's a magical cheat code that will let them skip all the effort and go directly to the rewards
Maybe, but I feel that's too harsh a way to put it. When expectations don't match reality, people naturally tend to wonder if they are doing something wrong. The intentions may differ from there. You are right, though; a large majority tend to just want the reassurance that they aren't doing anything wrong. Or want validation, depending on your outlook.