New profile posts

As an author do you have chapter in revision waitting to be uploaded. Like in the page for chapter to be publish in site. If yes, how many chap do you have in stock ?
I tend to prefer storing my chapters in a document. It does a cleaner copy & paste when cross-posting to multiple sites and you can't lose all your hard work if someone hacks your account, admins decide to remove it, or whatever else.
If you're asking for personal reasons and need to know how much of a backlog to keep, I always think the more the better. Just post half of what you can comfortably write in a week and keep the rest in a backlog. Keeps your schedule consistent regardless of what life throws at you.
:sweating_profusely: Not enough.
It still amazes me that taxi drivers used to know an area so well they just knew all the streets.

Kinda like those geo guesser players