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:meowsip: There are often people that claim they have predicted the plot and that is was obvious where the story is going, but I wonder if they truly can or it is just the Nostradamus effect at work here. Because I am very bad at predicting the plot.
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:blob_cookie: It is not troll logic. It is why predicting the future has always been an age old fallacy. Or to quote Rumsfeld:

b"ecause as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know."
I think you might have a different definition of 'prediction' than I do. A prediction is an estimate. An educated guess. You can say, for the most part, that something is likely to happen. It's not a prophecy or a one hundred percent guarantee that something will happen. It doesn't actually even matter if it's right or wrong.
:blob_melt: Say that to the investors if they sue you for damages.

Anyway, this margin of probability is usually not recognised in hindsight.
I am testing the colors to see how they look in the dark mode.
"I am testing the colors to see how they look in the dark mode."

I am testing the colors to see how they look in the dark mode.
I am testing the colors to see how they look in the dark mode.
As an author do you have chapter in revision waitting to be uploaded. Like in the page for chapter to be publish in site. If yes, how many chap do you have in stock ?
It still amazes me that taxi drivers used to know an area so well they just knew all the streets.

Kinda like those geo guesser players