Mainstream Comics Should End


Was Divided By Zero: Looking for Glovebox Jesus
Nov 2, 2021
This thread is purely my opinion, so now that is out of the way I have to say, DC and Marvel comics have run their course. It has gotten to a point where comics just aren't that interesting anymore, people are just adding a new coat of paint to old characters or a character brand to get something new out of them. The continuity can't be kept straight and frankly, the storylines are running on fumes with hardly any new or inventive things coming out.

I want to see new characters and stories and settings, this is why I decide to turn to indie comics, less known comic publishers, and manga. So, for those that feel the same here are some of my recommendations:

1. Sweet Home (On WEBTOON)
2. Fables by Vertigo Comics (Yes I know DC owns Vertigo, it is still good though).
3. Date A Live
4. Saga of Tanya the Evil
5. Overlord
6. Rising of The Shield Hero

Also if you share my opinion why do you think that Mainstream Comics should end
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Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
People like what they like. Whether the comics end or not, you don't have to read them if you don't like them. It's great that you are interested in new things, but that doesn't mean everyone needs to read those new things instead of the old things they like.


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
This thread is purely my opinion, so now that is out of the way I have to say, DC and Marvel comics have run their course. It has gotten to a point where comics just aren't that interesting anymore, people are just adding a new coat of paint to old characters or a character brand to get something new out of them. The continuity can be kept straight and frankly, the storylines are running on fumes with hardly any new or inventive things coming out.

I want to see new characters and stories and settings, this is why I decide to turn to indie comics, less known comic publishers, and manga. So, for those that feel the same here are some of my recommendations:

1. Sweet Home (On WEBTOON)
2. Fables by Vertigo Comics (Yes I know DC owns Vertigo, it is still good though).
3. Date A Live
4. Saga of Tanya the Evil
5. Overlord
6. Rising of The Shield Hero

Also if you share my opinion why do you think that Mainstream Comics should end
It’s virtue signaling propaganda, not a work to should by the masses but a woke few


Active member
Dec 15, 2020
leaving aside the fact that almost everything coming from western outlets is ruined by politics, its still clear the they lack the creativity and willingness to take risks and make new characters, hulk, spiderman, batman ecc are all great character but they have run their course, why would i even bother to whatcha the N spiderman movie or read the N spiderman comic anymore? at this point thei are just trying to milk the character to the last cent, no matter if it get destroyed by it


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2019
Get woke Go broke

There's still potential with some of those characters I'd personally love to see more Batman beyond and some good static shock and the like but I do agree most need to be retired as they're over like 70yrs old at this point with more versions then I can count


A Historical Bastard
Apr 7, 2019
Most of today's comics is woke-ish, or anti-white. The amount of poorly hidden BLM bullshit propaganda or some other "insert woke whining point here" is disgusting. I'm glad most of the comics are hemorrhaging money from a lack of sales. Both companies are only held afloat by the films they make now. There are numerous articles of comic writers and artists complaining about the decreasing sales and how most of them have 2nd jobs to support them since comics aren't making enough, which is amusing since people USED TO GET RICH off of comics alone. Best person to find new information about the leftist political cesspit that has become Marvel and DC comics is the youtube channel "Just Some Guy". He shits on lefties and righties but even he agrees nowadays, Lefties are a special brand of trash.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
what everyone else said, not to forget the fact that manga sales are constantly absolutely steamrolling comic sales into the ground because manga does everything better, including diversity and representation without being preachy.


Skeletal Eromancer
Aug 24, 2021
Most of today's comics is woke-ish, or anti-white. The amount of poorly hidden BLM bullshit propaganda or some other "insert woke whining point here" is disgusting.

Found the 4chaner.

Wouldn't even say most comics are "broke woke" besides a few blatent misguided attempts at exploiting people who want more representation (Screentime, really?!?!) that doesn't even land as a good parody for the left side of the political spectrum. Most modern Western comics are still delivering more of the same, the reason comic sales are falling is because the people who grew up with Spiderman and Supes are literally dying and new customers have a vastly wider range of entertainment options (including League of Legends), but considerably less cash. If you put a drop of iodine in a larger cup of water, it'll be less saturated.

Hell, you could even say that the big two aren't selling well because they refuse to pivot to a valid marketing strategy for the current generation. Whenever a superhero shows up on Fortnite they generate some buzz among starry eyed 12 year olds, but then they leave a chasm between exposure to them and every other project vying for their time.

6. Rising of The Shield Hero

All the others are decent, Shield Hero is garbage, in my opinion. Not because of the controversy, but because it's shoddily written. The series has to give everyone the idiot ball and make Naofumi an instant miracle genius for him to survive the setup they put him into. It breaks the promise of a dishonored hero who has to actually struggle to do his job/survive early on, and I'm not distracted enough by the cute raccoon dog to give that a pass.
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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2019
Found the 4chaner.

Wouldn't even say most comics are "broke woke" besides a few blatent misguided attempts at exploiting people who want more representation (Screentime, really?!?!) that doesn't even land as a good parody for the left side of the political spectrum. Most modern Western comics are still delivering more of the same, the reason comic sales are falling is because the people who grew up with Spiderman and Supes are literally dying and new customers have a vastly wider range of entertainment options (including League of Legends), but considerably less cash. If you put a drop of iodine in a larger cup of water, it'll be less saturated.

Hell, you could even say that the big two aren't selling well because they refuse to pivot to a valid marketing strategy for current generation. Whenever a superhero shows up on Fortnite they generate some buzz among starry eyed 12 year olds, but then they leave a chasm between exposure to them and every other project vying for their time.

All the others are decent, Shield Hero is garbage, in my opinion. Not because of the controversy, but because it's shoddily written. The series has to give everyone the idiot ball and make Naofumi an instant miracle genius for him to survive the setup they put him into. It breaks the promise of a dishonored hero who has to actually struggle to do his job/survive early on, and I'm not distracted enough by the cute raccoon dog to give that a pass.
Found the leftist commie
Most of today's comics is woke-ish, or anti-white. The amount of poorly hidden BLM bullshit propaganda or some other "insert woke whining point here" is disgusting. I'm glad most of the comics are hemorrhaging money from a lack of sales. Both companies are only held afloat by the films they make now. There are numerous articles of comic writers and artists complaining about the decreasing sales and how most of them have 2nd jobs to support them since comics aren't making enough, which is amusing since people USED TO GET RICH off of comics alone. Best person to find new information about the leftist political cesspit that has become Marvel and DC comics is the youtube channel "Just Some Guy". He shits on lefties and righties but even he agrees nowadays, Lefties are a special brand of trash.
Just some guy is a commie he exposed himself a few months back can't quite remember when but it was a big thing amongst the comic book YouTubers I watch
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Skeletal Eromancer
Aug 24, 2021
What makes a or what is a "leftist commie"? For those of us that are not inducted to modern political tribalism.

That... is a question with many answers. The "Manosphere" "Incels" "AltRight" and mainstream Republicans will give you a different definition, but it's often used in place of "I don't have a good comeback" or "I didn't read the argument, but what I scanned sounds like something that scares me/may be slightly different from my worldview".

It's very tiring. I don't want to think ill of people based on a few hostile interactions, but I feel like people think anyone who is center or a micrometer left of center is друг.


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Fueled by anger
Jan 25, 2021
I wasn't sure Deeprot would join the mudfight, but with that cleared up, give me a good show, people!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2021
Ignoring politics and personal opinion for a moment, the existence of Marvel and DC does not prevent independent artists from creating their own stuff.
Even if you don't find nothing of value in the big superhero comics, that's no reason for them to end. They'll end on their own whenever people as a whole don't want to read them anymore.

The political side:
Personally, I find some of the newer storylines to be quite heavy handed, pandering and virtue signaling. I tend to be generally left leaning and agree with a lot of the ideas behind these series, but the execution just doesn't work for me.
Some have an overly confrontational tone that pushes away people with different opinions instead of presenting the argument in a way they could engage with and be convinced.
Others are laughable in the way their inclusion of minorities is borderline tokenism in how much they pander to the stereotypes we should work to deconstruct and overcome.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2019
Weird take.

What we know and consider as comics are mostly consumed by western audience and has a very insular culture. Don't forget that comics are inherently political, and their content are all commentary and reflective of their times of publication. If you ask folks from Thailand if they like comic books, most will scratch their heads. Comics only recently saw a resurgence thanks to Marvel and DC dipping their toes into the film industry, as well as a steadily growing stream of interest on television from continued animated works, and comics produced by other than the big 2 like Invincible and The Boys surged with massive popularity.

Western comics are certainly not dying. You not liking western comics anymore doesn't mean it's dying, for the very same reason I stopped playing League of Legends 7 years ago doesn't mean Riot or the game is dying.

Manga is growing because it has become more accessible, following Japan coming out of its shell of xenophobia and working with global publishers to get their decades' worth of treasure trove of hoarded books out for consumption. Not to mention manga has been around dating back to early 1800s.

Unlike comic books in the west, they aren't synonymous to the superheroe genre (which has been an ironic detriment, like you won't see Lord of the Rings or Aliens comics). Manga has the likes of Junji Ito delving into horror, magical fantasy from Berserk, contemporaries like Punpun, or Yazawa Ai's Nana that proceeded to catapult yuri and girls' love into popularity.

Comics aren't dying. You're making odd comparisons where they have no competition with each other at all like Coke and Pepsi does. It's more like you're comparing burgers (manga which are more varied and has extra layers) to comics (a soda which you pick one of each meal), when both of them can be on your same plate, you just need to pick the right ones.

Funniest shit to me is that people will:
1. Like yuri and lesbian sex, but hate lesbian relationships in western media.
2. Eat up femboys and traps, but hate effeminate males in western media.
3. Hate seeing strong women, but drool about badass waifus in JP media.
4. Call out diversity in western media, but want more elves, nekomimi, and monster races.
5. Hate on politics being in western media, but their favorite isekai and wishfulfillment JP media is RIFE with politics.
Feb 6, 2021
How can anyone deduce the testostrone level and selfworth from the statements made...

So confused...

Political othering is so weird...
something something wife's boyfriend. you can definitely tell about someone from what bullshit they type (assuming they're serious). but, frankly, i couldn't care less about politics. I'm just thankful I wasn't born in the us