On backstories.


Active member
May 19, 2021
Well, I've had this back story in my mind but there are some things about it that are bugging me, and I really don't know why. So, just tell me your opinion then I can understand what is wrong with it.

Ok firstly, a but of an explanation about the world so it starts to make more sense. There are 10 angels that are ruling over the world, they want to keep humanity as happy as possible while removing any possible threat. Like people fighting. So there is no religion in the world, no one owns property, and basically all of the work is done by these angels, everyone is living a very humble life basically. These angels constantly survey everyone on the planet, but they aren't omnipotent so they occasionally miss a person or two.

So, we have our main villain now, who as a young boy was dissatisfied with how boring life was and how every day was the same, wake up. Do nothing, wait for the angels to deliver food, and basically nothing. Then one day, other people who were also dissatisfied with owning nothing and wanted more, had come to rob the main villains family.

This isn't a very rare occurrence in this world, and the angels constantly have to deal with this type of stuff. But recently these robberies would increase.

In the struggle, his father would die. And his mother would hide him underneath the floorboards to be safe, then would seal it with magic. Then, he'd hear the sound of battle. Then death. His mother would die, and he would stay stuck underneath the floorboards for days.

After coming out, he'd feel extremely angry and bitter that these angels hadn't come to save him, then would dedicate the rest of his life to removing them from power. Believing that they are tyrants and that their method of life was not living. And to place a system where everyone can work for their living, and for people with sufficient ability to gain much higher living standards than what was previously there.

So yeah, that is basically it. I don't know what is bugging me about it. But there is something annoying me.

Forget you saw this after reading it Alright? I don't wanna spoil my whole story!


Jun 6, 2021
Okay... So it's very contrived. That's the answer I have for what's wrong with it.

The angels want what's best for humanity, but then basically force them to sit around and do nothing all day. At the very least, they should be taking volunteers for doing basic tasks like preparing and delivering food, providing home security, and crafting or decorating things. If the angels don't have enough leeway to protect everyone, they should give up on performing actions that can be carried out by humans, leaving them more time to prevent serious crimes like assault and murder.

Additionally, although I understand why they don't allow religion, it would be better if they allowed a single religion that was absolutely devoted to carrying out their vision of a perfect world. It wouldn't have to be called or considered a religion, just a... fan club. People who love and respect the angels for saving the world, and will do everything in their power to help them.

In the scenario you've laid out, the character isn't the Villain. He's the hero, or the anti-hero. He's Right. The Angels are doing a horrible job. And he shouldn't have been the first person to say so. It would literally have turned into a guerilla war as soon as the angels announced their intentions.
In the struggle, his father would die. And his mother would hide him underneath the floorboards to be safe, then would seal it with magic. Then, he'd hear the sound of battle. Then death. His mother would die, and he would stay stuck underneath the floorboards for days.

After coming out, he'd feel extremely angry and bitter that these angels hadn't come to save him, then would dedicate the rest of his life to removing them from power. Believing that they are tyrants and that their method of life was not living. And to place a system where everyone can work for their living, and for people with sufficient ability to gain much higher living standards than what was previously there.
This is especially egregious. The angels should have detected the crime and come to help, possibly not in time to save one or both parents. But at the VERY least, they should have noticed something was up when they came to deliver the family's food on schedule and nobody came to collect it.
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Active member
May 19, 2021
Hm interesting, I'll take these into mind. Problem is, I planned for that previous society to completely collapse, and for the Angel's to be like. Yeah, we ain't doing anything anymore. And for the dude to cause a war that would practically doom the planet. And the death of many many people

But I will change several things, thanks for your input.


Jun 6, 2021
Hm interesting, I'll take these into mind. Problem is, I planned for that previous society to completely collapse, and for the Angel's to be like. Yeah, we ain't doing anything anymore. And for the dude to cause a war that would practically doom the planet. And the death of many many people

But I will change several things, thanks for your input.
Tbh, I don't see angels giving up on their duty. They probably wouldn't be capable of things like indignation or apprehension. They would just keep trying until something worked or they were destroyed. Like the machines in The Matrix.

On the other hand, the war could occur without that specific villain around. Literally just instead of bored people becoming bandits, they become revolutionaries and start a war on their own.


Active member
May 19, 2021
Tbh, I don't see angels giving up on their duty. They probably wouldn't be capable of things like indignation or apprehension. They would just keep trying until something worked or they were destroyed. Like the machines in The Matrix.

On the other hand, the war could occur without that specific villain around. Literally just instead of bored people becoming bandits, they become revolutionaries and start a war on their own.
Another problem here, these Angel's are quite unique, in that they were basically stripped of a large portion of power and sent into that universe, they were also given free will.

The reason why they do everything for humanity is due to fear of not being angels anymore, so they basically try to take do everything by themselves, to stay busy.

And the reason why they completely stop when war breaks out, is that half of them realize that this war was caused by their mistakes. And that interacting with humans was their first mistake.

And so, like the god that created them, they completely stop interacting with them. And just watch. Half of them wanna help, the other say that their help caused this. And so, they are stuck in a stalemate.


Jun 6, 2021
Another problem here, these Angel's are quite unique, in that they were basically stripped of a large portion of power and sent into that universe, they were also given free will.

The reason why they do everything for humanity is due to fear of not being angels anymore, so they basically try to take do everything by themselves, to stay busy.

And the reason why they completely stop when war breaks out, is that half of them realize that this war was caused by their mistakes. And that interacting with humans was their first mistake.

And so, like the god that created them, they completely stop interacting with them. And just watch. Half of them wanna help, the other say that their help caused this. And so, they are stuck in a stalemate.
Lol, so they really are confused interns. But it's weird that not even one of them was competent, even though there were so many of them. I assume there will be indirect aid though?


Active member
May 19, 2021
Lol, so they really are confused interns. But it's weird that not even one of them was competent, even though there were so many of them.
Guess never learning about humans and basically having just gained sentience makes you pretty confused.

But you have some very good points, thanks, I enjoyed talking about that with you.

Guess I gotta rethink some stuff.


Jun 6, 2021
Guess never learning about humans and basically having just gained sentience makes you pretty confused.

But you have some very good points, thanks, I enjoyed talking about that with you.

Guess I gotta rethink some stuff.
Ah, come to think of it. I mentioned that 'Someone would have said so.' Most likely, as confused and ignorant as they are, they would have asked for advice from the only people who could have offered it. That being humans. I really like the idea of someone falling into tearful rapture at the sight of an angel, and then the angel walking up and asking questions like a six year old. "What is the meaning of life? Why do I think? Why? Why? Why?"
Feb 6, 2021
Well, I've had this back story in my mind but there are some things about it that are bugging me, and I really don't know why. So, just tell me your opinion then I can understand what is wrong with it.

Ok firstly, a but of an explanation about the world so it starts to make more sense. There are 10 angels that are ruling over the world, they want to keep humanity as happy as possible while removing any possible threat. Like people fighting. So there is no religion in the world, no one owns property, and basically all of the work is done by these angels, everyone is living a very humble life basically. These angels constantly survey everyone on the planet, but they aren't omnipotent so they occasionally miss a person or two.

So, we have our main villain now, who as a young boy was dissatisfied with how boring life was and how every day was the same, wake up. Do nothing, wait for the angels to deliver food, and basically nothing. Then one day, other people who were also dissatisfied with owning nothing and wanted more, had come to rob the main villains family.

This isn't a very rare occurrence in this world, and the angels constantly have to deal with this type of stuff. But recently these robberies would increase.

In the struggle, his father would die. And his mother would hide him underneath the floorboards to be safe, then would seal it with magic. Then, he'd hear the sound of battle. Then death. His mother would die, and he would stay stuck underneath the floorboards for days.

After coming out, he'd feel extremely angry and bitter that these angels hadn't come to save him, then would dedicate the rest of his life to removing them from power. Believing that they are tyrants and that their method of life was not living. And to place a system where everyone can work for their living, and for people with sufficient ability to gain much higher living standards than what was previously there.

So yeah, that is basically it. I don't know what is bugging me about it. But there is something annoying me.

Forget you saw this after reading it Alright? I don't wanna spoil my whole story!
sounds frustrating but pretty solid tbh. it also allows for later development: understanding that the system itself is flawed, human nature, etc.


Active member
May 19, 2021
Hm, I just thought up a different back story, this is by the way for why the current state of the world is like that.

So, the Angel's now actually let humans do basic jobs, farming, guarding, things like that. But they absolutely forbid humans for getting into jobs like law, or anything that gives them power, making them basically an autocracy.

Some people are dissatisfied with having no power and constantly being under the influence of the Angel's whim. And so fear increases.

The angels notice this fear rising, and so, they give people a bit more power, but not enough to give humans the power to influence society in a big way.

This keeps people satisfiedish, some are still not happy about not owning anything, but what comes next could spark war between them.

A human researcher, who is the villain, discovers a new type of energy from the tree of eden. This energy allows many incredible acts. To create matter, to strengthen bodies and create artificial life.

Information about this energy spreads incredibly quickly, and people start to see how amazing it is. But the Angel's completely forbid anyone from using this energy, citing that it would destroy the entire world or possibly the universe if abused.

Some people stop trying to get it, but a lot of people, enticed by how incredible this energy is, start consuming more of it.

The Angel's imprison whoever had used it, they do not kill them because they made a vow not to kill a single human. Every criminal would be imprisoned and rehabilitated basically.

But people now took to hiding in caverns underneath the tree to sap more energy, the angels would try to stop them, but there are far too few of them, and they had learned how to cover up their tracks and make themselves basically invisible.

Then, deep in the underground, humans discover the existence of another creature, dragons namely.

But meanwhile in the surface, unrest was growing once more, this time, Angel's didn't know what it was, so they decided to give humans more power, so that they would stop their anger. But people weren't satisfied by that, they wanted the Angel's gone. They wouldn't know this now, but people were influenced by a mixture of the technology that they saw, by propaganda made by the villain. And by the seven deadly sins, which are an entirely different force which influences humanity. And is made by humanity.

The people couldn't fight the Angel's, so what was their solution, to create monstrosities and weapons from the tree of eden. And to use the dragons they found deep in the underground to fight the angels.

And finally war breaks out.

Phew, y'know I like this version a lot more. But maybe there are things wrong with it?
Feb 6, 2021
Hm, I just thought up a different back story, this is by the way for why the current state of the world is like that.

So, the Angel's now actually let humans do basic jobs, farming, guarding, things like that. But they absolutely forbid humans for getting into jobs like law, or anything that gives them power, making them basically an autocracy.

Some people are dissatisfied with having no power and constantly being under the influence of the Angel's whim. And so fear increases.

The angels notice this fear rising, and so, they give people a bit more power, but not enough to give humans the power to influence society in a big way.

This keeps people satisfiedish, some are still not happy about not owning anything, but what comes next could spark war between them.

A human researcher, who is the villain, discovers a new type of energy from the tree of eden. This energy allows many incredible acts. To create matter, to strengthen bodies and create artificial life.

Information about this energy spreads incredibly quickly, and people start to see how amazing it is. But the Angel's completely forbid anyone from using this energy, citing that it would destroy the entire world or possibly the universe if abused.

Some people stop trying to get it, but a lot of people, enticed by how incredible this energy is, start consuming more of it.

The Angel's imprison whoever had used it, they do not kill them because they made a vow not to kill a single human. Every criminal would be imprisoned and rehabilitated basically.

But people now took to hiding in caverns underneath the tree to sap more energy, the angels would try to stop them, but there are far too few of them, and they had learned how to cover up their tracks and make themselves basically invisible.

Then, deep in the underground, humans discover the existence of another creature, dragons namely.

But meanwhile in the surface, unrest was growing once more, this time, Angel's didn't know what it was, so they decided to give humans more power, so that they would stop their anger. But people weren't satisfied by that, they wanted the Angel's gone. They wouldn't know this now, but people were influenced by a mixture of the technology that they saw, by propaganda made by the villain. And by the seven deadly sins, which are an entirely different force which influences humanity. And is made by humanity.

The people couldn't fight the Angel's, so what was their solution, to create monstrosities and weapons from the tree of eden. And to use the dragons they found deep in the underground to fight the angels.

And finally war breaks out.

Phew, y'know I like this version a lot more. But maybe there are things wrong with it?


Jun 6, 2021
Hm, I just thought up a different back story, this is by the way for why the current state of the world is like that.

So, the Angel's now actually let humans do basic jobs, farming, guarding, things like that. But they absolutely forbid humans for getting into jobs like law, or anything that gives them power, making them basically an autocracy.

Some people are dissatisfied with having no power and constantly being under the influence of the Angel's whim. And so fear increases.

The angels notice this fear rising, and so, they give people a bit more power, but not enough to give humans the power to influence society in a big way.

This keeps people satisfiedish, some are still not happy about not owning anything, but what comes next could spark war between them.

A human researcher, who is the villain, discovers a new type of energy from the tree of eden. This energy allows many incredible acts. To create matter, to strengthen bodies and create artificial life.

Information about this energy spreads incredibly quickly, and people start to see how amazing it is. But the Angel's completely forbid anyone from using this energy, citing that it would destroy the entire world or possibly the universe if abused.

Some people stop trying to get it, but a lot of people, enticed by how incredible this energy is, start consuming more of it.

The Angel's imprison whoever had used it, they do not kill them because they made a vow not to kill a single human. Every criminal would be imprisoned and rehabilitated basically.

But people now took to hiding in caverns underneath the tree to sap more energy, the angels would try to stop them, but there are far too few of them, and they had learned how to cover up their tracks and make themselves basically invisible.

Then, deep in the underground, humans discover the existence of another creature, dragons namely.

But meanwhile in the surface, unrest was growing once more, this time, Angel's didn't know what it was, so they decided to give humans more power, so that they would stop their anger. But people weren't satisfied by that, they wanted the Angel's gone. They wouldn't know this now, but people were influenced by a mixture of the technology that they saw, by propaganda made by the villain. And by the seven deadly sins, which are an entirely different force which influences humanity. And is made by humanity.

The people couldn't fight the Angel's, so what was their solution, to create monstrosities and weapons from the tree of eden. And to use the dragons they found deep in the underground to fight the angels.

And finally war breaks out.

Phew, y'know I like this version a lot more. But maybe there are things wrong with it?
It's a little overcomplicated, but it can work if executed properly. It does remind me of the Trope Talk that just got posted though, lol.

Introducing random super weapons and semi-divine beings is always a risk, though. You'll need to be absolutely sure you need them, or that they provide something significant to the plot.

For example, do you need the tree of eden AND dragons AND the seven deadly sins, or could you pull it off with one of the three?

Do any of them play into any themes you want to apply to the story, and if not, do any of them play into themes you DON'T want to explore?

For example, the superweapon plot outlined in the link above might be a great way to explore human nature and independence Vs dependence and everything in this setting. But if you aren't going to put a lot of effort into that theme, or it actively goes against a point you want to make, it might be better to use a different tool to move the plot along.

(If, for instance, you weren't interested in making the humans directly responsible for the end of the world, they could accidentally uncover the dragons while fleeing the tyranny of the angels, and the dragons could rise up to the surface and make war on both the angels and the humans.)
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Active member
May 19, 2021
It's a little overcomplicated, but it can work if executed properly. It does remind me of the Trope Talk that just got posted though, lol.

Introducing random super weapons and semi-divine beings is always a risk, though. You'll need to be absolutely sure you need them, or that they provide something significant to the plot.

For example, do you need the tree of eden AND dragons AND the seven deadly sins, or could you pull it off with one of the three?

Do any of them play into any themes you want to apply the story, and if not, do any of them play into themes you DON'T want to explore?

For example, the superweapon plot outlined in the link above might be a great way to explore human nature and independence Vs dependence and everything in this setting. But if you aren't going to put a lot of effort into that theme, or it actively goes against a point you want to make, it might be better to use a different tool to move the plot along.
Well, the seven deadly sins are not weapons, they just influence mankind along a bad path, and are made by man. You could say it symbolizes how mankind is influenced by the evil it creates, as hate breeds hate, evil does breed evil.

The tree of eden is not a weapon, just what basically holds the universe together, which had been placed there by god to see if mankind can resist temptations, although the angels had decided to take that matter into their own hands. But hey, he seriously doesn't care, he has an infinite number of other universes to watch.

As for dragons, well, dragons exist not as weapons, but living breathing beings. And basically a mirror of Angel's, while Angel's are humble and work solely for others, dragons are arrogant prideful, and work for their self benefit. The only reason that they will fight, is because mankind influenced them to fight, basically by showing them how the tree of eden has all kinds of cool stuff and how they'd become a thousand times more powerful basically. And how the Angel's are stopping anyone from owning that energy. Basically making a temporary alliance with the dragons to fight. Well, not so much an alliance as people staying out of their way.

Yeah, you could see them as ancient super weapons. But they really are not.

I guess it is complex, but I am trying to create a world, it has to be complex, all wars are complex after all. And something like wars that begins from society is even more complex.

Seriously though, thank you so much for your input, I was racking my brains so hard for two days and you helped me a crap ton. You're pretty cool.


Jun 6, 2021
Yeah, you could see them as ancient super weapons. But they really are not.
Small clarification. I was thinking of what happens after the war. It seemed like you wanted this to be backstory, so any of this stuff would count as ancient super weapons from the perspective of modern characters. Whoever wins might still be around, or the losers might leave their stuff laying around where someone can find it.
Seriously though, thank you so much for your input, I was racking my brains so hard for two days and you helped me a crap ton. You're pretty cool.
Worldbuilding is my favorite part of reading and writing, and I happened to have some freedom to talk just now. Now I have to sleep though, lol. GL with the rest of the story. :blob_popcorn:


Active member
May 19, 2021
Small clarification. I was thinking of what happens after the war. It seemed like you wanted this to be backstory, so any of this stuff would count as ancient super weapons from the perspective of modern characters. Whoever wins might still be around, or the losers might leave their stuff laying around where someone can find it.

Worldbuilding is my favorite part of reading and writing, and I happened to have some freedom to talk just now. Now I have to sleep though, lol. GL with the rest of the story. :blob_popcorn:
Mind blown, anyways good night, I think I now know what to do with the story.
Well, you could say I have some inspiration from 1984, but now my head is clear and I can see how to implement this back story properly.
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This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Well, I've had this back story in my mind but there are some things about it that are bugging me, and I really don't know why. So, just tell me your opinion then I can understand what is wrong with it.

Ok firstly, a but of an explanation about the world so it starts to make more sense. There are 10 angels that are ruling over the world, they want to keep humanity as happy as possible while removing any possible threat. Like people fighting. So there is no religion in the world, no one owns property, and basically all of the work is done by these angels, everyone is living a very humble life basically. These angels constantly survey everyone on the planet, but they aren't omnipotent so they occasionally miss a person or two.

So, we have our main villain now, who as a young boy was dissatisfied with how boring life was and how every day was the same, wake up. Do nothing, wait for the angels to deliver food, and basically nothing. Then one day, other people who were also dissatisfied with owning nothing and wanted more, had come to rob the main villains family.

This isn't a very rare occurrence in this world, and the angels constantly have to deal with this type of stuff. But recently these robberies would increase.

In the struggle, his father would die. And his mother would hide him underneath the floorboards to be safe, then would seal it with magic. Then, he'd hear the sound of battle. Then death. His mother would die, and he would stay stuck underneath the floorboards for days.

After coming out, he'd feel extremely angry and bitter that these angels hadn't come to save him, then would dedicate the rest of his life to removing them from power. Believing that they are tyrants and that their method of life was not living. And to place a system where everyone can work for their living, and for people with sufficient ability to gain much higher living standards than what was previously there.

So yeah, that is basically it. I don't know what is bugging me about it. But there is something annoying me.

Forget you saw this after reading it Alright? I don't wanna spoil my whole story!
Err, this feels dumb for me, are the angels omnipotent and omniscient? If yes then this kind of thing should not have existed.

Unless this is also a plot of one or more angels to include strife into the world to reinvigorate it.


Queen of Yuri Devourer of Traps
Dec 23, 2018
Well, I've had this back story in my mind but there are some things about it that are bugging me, and I really don't know why. So, just tell me your opinion then I can understand what is wrong with it.

Ok firstly, a but of an explanation about the world so it starts to make more sense. There are 10 angels that are ruling over the world, they want to keep humanity as happy as possible while removing any possible threat. Like people fighting. So there is no religion in the world, no one owns property, and basically all of the work is done by these angels, everyone is living a very humble life basically. These angels constantly survey everyone on the planet, but they aren't omnipotent so they occasionally miss a person or two.

So, we have our main villain now, who as a young boy was dissatisfied with how boring life was and how every day was the same, wake up. Do nothing, wait for the angels to deliver food, and basically nothing. Then one day, other people who were also dissatisfied with owning nothing and wanted more, had come to rob the main villains family.

This isn't a very rare occurrence in this world, and the angels constantly have to deal with this type of stuff. But recently these robberies would increase.

In the struggle, his father would die. And his mother would hide him underneath the floorboards to be safe, then would seal it with magic. Then, he'd hear the sound of battle. Then death. His mother would die, and he would stay stuck underneath the floorboards for days.

After coming out, he'd feel extremely angry and bitter that these angels hadn't come to save him, then would dedicate the rest of his life to removing them from power. Believing that they are tyrants and that their method of life was not living. And to place a system where everyone can work for their living, and for people with sufficient ability to gain much higher living standards than what was previously there.

So yeah, that is basically it. I don't know what is bugging me about it. But there is something annoying me.

Forget you saw this after reading it Alright? I don't wanna spoil my whole story!
The biggest issue with the whole premise is the fact that this a utopia. In a utopia, people who do not suffer hardships, will never develop the understanding of hardship. People who are not exposed to the concept of abundance, will not understand or want for abundance. In this case, everyone equally lives humble, boring lives, as food and anything they need are delivered to them without them having to work for it.

Everyone in this world should not understand the concept of hardship. They also do not understand the concept of humility or boredom, because to them, this has always been the case. They do not understand the concept because they do not know any alternative. So when the villain is dissatisfied with his boring life, you have to ask yourself, why would he consider this life as boring or being dissatisfied with it? It's not like he knows that there is a life where everything is vibrant, working hard gives you more and such.

For that matter, robberies should also not exist. They should not understand the concept of taking more than they are given. Therefore, they should not even think of committing a crime that defines 'robbery'. This happens in our world too. Once upon a time, Nepal has almost 100% happiness rating, but when they got Internet, their happiness rating dropped sharply. They did not understand the concept of Hollywood or MTV or even online shopping, but once they did after the internet came, they were very unhappy that they couldn't get these easily.

To understand this lack of concept, you have to read up on the concept of Utopia, which drew on a much earlier concept, The Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve lived blissful, ignorant lives, with everything being provided and they didn't want for anything. They didn't even want for clothes, but they didn't understand protective clothing and they had no concept of shame. Then God told them not to eat the Fruit of Knowledge. But their curiosity, symbolized by the two-tongued snake, told them to eat it. So they did, and they were then taught the concept of shame and tried to hide themselves with leaves. God found out that they now have shame and banished them from Eden.

So for this to work, there must be an impetus. Someone or something must be giving these foreign concepts to them. It is not possible for them to think this themselves, when the very surrounding does not allow them to think so or birth the very concept of strife or conflict. Neither strife nor conflict exists in this setting and so they cannot develop it themselves. This also means that the concept of boredom or dissatisfaction does not exist, they wouldn't understand it.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Hm, I just thought up a different back story, this is by the way for why the current state of the world is like that.

So, the Angel's now actually let humans do basic jobs, farming, guarding, things like that. But they absolutely forbid humans for getting into jobs like law, or anything that gives them power, making them basically an autocracy.

Some people are dissatisfied with having no power and constantly being under the influence of the Angel's whim. And so fear increases.

The angels notice this fear rising, and so, they give people a bit more power, but not enough to give humans the power to influence society in a big way.

This keeps people satisfiedish, some are still not happy about not owning anything, but what comes next could spark war between them.

A human researcher, who is the villain, discovers a new type of energy from the tree of eden. This energy allows many incredible acts. To create matter, to strengthen bodies and create artificial life.

Information about this energy spreads incredibly quickly, and people start to see how amazing it is. But the Angel's completely forbid anyone from using this energy, citing that it would destroy the entire world or possibly the universe if abused.

Some people stop trying to get it, but a lot of people, enticed by how incredible this energy is, start consuming more of it.

The Angel's imprison whoever had used it, they do not kill them because they made a vow not to kill a single human. Every criminal would be imprisoned and rehabilitated basically.

But people now took to hiding in caverns underneath the tree to sap more energy, the angels would try to stop them, but there are far too few of them, and they had learned how to cover up their tracks and make themselves basically invisible.

Then, deep in the underground, humans discover the existence of another creature, dragons namely.

But meanwhile in the surface, unrest was growing once more, this time, Angel's didn't know what it was, so they decided to give humans more power, so that they would stop their anger. But people weren't satisfied by that, they wanted the Angel's gone. They wouldn't know this now, but people were influenced by a mixture of the technology that they saw, by propaganda made by the villain. And by the seven deadly sins, which are an entirely different force which influences humanity. And is made by humanity.

The people couldn't fight the Angel's, so what was their solution, to create monstrosities and weapons from the tree of eden. And to use the dragons they found deep in the underground to fight the angels.

And finally war breaks out.

Phew, y'know I like this version a lot more. But maybe there are things wrong with it?
A couple of questions, but here's the first one, why doesn't the angels chose to lobotomize the humans? The answer for myself is that it is too much of a hassle and there will always be the chosen one aka a defective product.

And earlier you said that angels gave humans menial tasks to do in order to keep them occupied and as the humans bawl out, they give out more and more authorities and only choose to seal those who are disobedient and not kill them. While you cited to not kill them as the angels' protocol, you did not say "harm and maim", so that is still on the menu.

Also, human greed knows no bound, the humans don't need external influence to cause them to go ballistics and try to overthrow their oppressors in this case is the angels. You throwing in the Tree of Eden and dragons can intro an earlier times when titans and dragons are the assholes in the block, harming everyone and anyone until all is dead and the cleanup protocol known as the "angels" step in.

At this point, the plot reminds me a bit of "the games we play" of how humans are the ingrates fucking over superpowerful babysitters because they know that the angels will not kill them.

Okay maybe not much questions because I just fill in the blanks myself.