The Brazilian Youtuber named Zy (Serious)


A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
I have read a novel called 'Zhanye Black, To be a Superstar in another World' it was on here, scribble hub, and webnovel. The author's name is Zhanye. I enjoyed the book and thought it was cool and had a nice concept, but the author stopped releasing chapters on scribble hub. So, I go to webnovel, there are extra chapters, cool. Read extra chapters while checking the author's profile on both sites to see if they say an update is coming. I notice the ratings on webnovel are really low, about 2.6 stars.
I check the reviews, lo and behold the copy and paste mother lode. All saying that the author is a Brazilian Youtuber named 'Zy' and he was caught exchanging nudes with one of his subscribers, an underage 15-year-old girl. At first, I didn't believe it. I mean, I don't usually believe copy and paste as I usually think it's trolls, not to mention one of the copy and paste bots had a link to a youtube video that wasn't even about the YouTuber (Apparently, I didn't watch for myself because who clicks on links bots send you?).
But this time, I found one non-copy and pasted review, confirming what the pasters were saying as this author and the Youtuber had the same discord. There was some other stuff too, but I am in awe. I feel like I should do some independent research before writing off the author. Feels like this is another case of can you separate the art from the author because I genuinely enjoyed the book, but now I feel really bad. So? What should I do?(He is still active on webnovel. He has book with 6.7 million views that he recently updated)


The One who has the Eyes
Dec 10, 2021
This is a topic I usually find myself debating again and again. When should a person differentiate the artist from the art, and when should holding the artist accountable by using the threat of damaging the reputation of the art need to be affected.

In this case, as long as the author doesn't try to do something in his story that could be seen as him trying to excuse his actions, then it should be okay. What I mean is if the author, who shared nudes with an underage individual, put a section in their story where an underaged and adult figure are dating and its portrayed as healthy, then rate that shit one star. But if there's nothing like that, then I'd just not rate it and let other people beyond myself issue judgement and righteous fury.

At least that's my take on the issue. If you really want to say fuck you to the author while enjoying his story, you can always pirate it. If its even slightly popular, there's going to be a pirated version somewhere.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
The age of consent is 14 in Brazil, so perhaps he didn't see it as wrong. However, since he lives in Ireland now, someone should have told him that the age of consent is different there. Was the girl from Brazil or from somewhere else?


A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
The age of consent is 14 in Brazil, so perhaps he didn't see it as wrong. However, since he lives in Ireland now, someone should have told him that the age of consent is different there. Was the girl from Brazil or from somewhere else?
I don't know. Considering the post said 'underaged minor' it seems she must have been illegal. Plus even if she was legal, that's still so wrong at least in my eyes.


That fly you can't swat.
Nov 25, 2020
Knowing that the age of consent varies across countries, and also finding it difficult to care about people or things i've never met or spoken to in person before, i'll say i don't give a damn, the soldiers from different armies believe themselves to be the good guys and the other side the devil, its all based on perspective.
As for me, if forced to give an answer, my response would depend on that victims country's age of consent, though like i said personally i find myself incapable of giving a damn.
If i genuinely like something, i wouldn't give two shits about its origin, (though i'm unlikely to google the thing in the first place.)

I don't give a damn, if the content is engaging i'll stick around, if not, there are tons of others.
(Yes i am capable of empathy, just know better than to idolize the creators of the things i like.)


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
exchanging nudes with one of his subscribers, an underage 15-year-old girl.
So she sent some back? Fucking whore...

But the real question, is she hot? I've known some very busty 15yo girls in HS.

Also, if she DID give some back....well then thats on her. Both are pretty scummy but she's 15. I draw the line at 14. I mean i've never fucked someone that young. But i consider people at that age able to make their own choices.

No one bring up the whole, "they are too young to know better" bullshit, there's many adults who make dumb fuck choices every day and there are also very mature teenagers so age matters fuck-all in actuality.

As long as you dont have children at that age where you cant financially support them, then i have no qualms with who you choose to send nudes to.


Padoru trash writer
Nov 2, 2020
I researched it in webnovel, and I'm actually shocked that this person actually has a famous novel, I always see that book in the recommendations... Like, damn.


Chronic lecher masquerading as a writer
Feb 18, 2021
Is your heart just shaken or do you bear complete revulsion for that author?

I tend to hate people more from their personality and attitude than their past acts (sins or crimes) if they already paid whatever the price for it. And I wouldn't read people's stories I dislike not because I judge their character but because their different sensibilities values things different from mine which results in different tastes for art.

If you read his stories and it doesn't glorify pedophilia, there's no risk about consumming his art.

There's no guilt to feel even if you enjoyed a criminal's story. It's more a problem of personal taste.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2019
I want to be super mad, but teens often send nudes even without asking. There was a period of time in the US minors were charged for cp because they shared nude selfies.

I mean, yes it's dumb, and he shouldn't have done it. But it's also a fact that he never touched her (different countries and all) and she wasn't physically harmed. So there's a level of mad you can be atm without going all in. So I'm more miffed than wanting destroy a man's life. Unlike the creepers that actually did 'things' to dozens of minors who I'd be happy to learn is the bottom bitch in prison for a few decades.
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A Well-Known Daddy.
Feb 28, 2022
I want to be super mad, but teens often send nudes even without asking. There was a period of time in the US minors were charged for cp because they shared nude selfies.

I mean, yes it's dumb, and he shouldn't have done it. But it's also a fact that he never touched her (different countries and all) and she wasn't physically harmed. So there's a level of mad you can be atm without going all in. So I'm more miffed than wanting destroy a man's life. Unlike the creepers that actually did 'things' to dozens of minors who I'd be happy to learn is the bottom bitch in prison for a few decades.
Yeah but what irks me, is that he was WILLING to do it. What if they could come in contact with each other, what was he willing to do? That's what disturbs me.


The One who has the Eyes
Dec 10, 2021
The age of consent is 14 in Brazil, so perhaps he didn't see it as wrong. However, since he lives in Ireland now, someone should have told him that the age of consent is different there. Was the girl from Brazil or from somewhere else?
Well the age of consent may be 14 but most countries will still arrest someone if they send nudes or receive nudes from someone under 18. Japan, for instance, has an age of consent of 13 but sharing nudes with a 13 year old will still get you sent to the slammer.


That fly you can't swat.
Nov 25, 2020
Yeah but what irks me, is that he was WILLING to do it. What if they could come in contact with each other, what was he willing to do? That's what disturbs me.
Well, in this case you're disturbing your own sleep, a lot of terrible of things has happened, is happening or will happen, human history said to me, 'don't let the actions of strangers disturb your peace.'
If you really care, hold yourself to your standards, don't commit what you consider crimes, i personally see no point in bitching about the crimes of humanity, history has shown that some things will never change.
I am only capable of possibly pitying those in actual agony, this scenario isn't worth my sympathy.
I see no point in giving myself grey hairs for things i cannot change, such things aren't worth the risk of losing my years.