5k words per day are too tiring.


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
5k words per day are too tiring. For the past couple of months, I wrote 5k, sometimes, 10k, words per day. Let me tell you something. They take a lot of time and give headaches, in the end. Especially if you type slowly like me (30-40 words per minute. Most often than not, 34.) I have written 14 stories since last October. 14, and it hasn't even been a year. In that time, I learned a lot.

Like, for example, that dialogues have to end in a comma, and not in a dot. Unless they need a question mark, exclamation mark, or, are the second piece of dialogue in a paragraph. Also, that more than two pieces of dialogue are bad style. (Or so the people on Royal Road seem to claim. I have read many stories that have more than two dialogues in a paragraph and didn't see the problem, but now this style, dialogue-clarification-dialogue, is ingrained in my writing. I find it is easy to keep to it, so, I don't think I will revert to my old habits.)

Another thing I learned is that 1k word chapters keep people coming back for more. (I am making an experiment with updating three times per week. So, once I get the results, I might share them.) Three line paragraphs look better than a wall of text. A chatty story is just as engaging as a psychological one. (They both have their pluses and minuses. Some people like to have an info dump, some don't. I write chatty stories, but that is only because I don't know how to write more showing ones. But, I am reading more stories with less dialogue, so, hopefully, I will learn.)

The most important thing I learned is that to leave the least among of mistakes in a chapter, you have to read it out loud. Or listen to a MP3 of it, and read it from the Word file at the same time. Because, if you use a Word to MP3 converter, it can show you your typos, but can't show you if you have missed a question mark, or if your sentence got too long.

Finally, I learned that writing is not a job, it is a game. A hobby. If I keep treating it as a job and spill out 5k-10k words every day, the quality of my chapters will suffer because I will be tired. So, my new writing quota is 3k words, (which is a book every month, when one thinks on it) which would take me two hours each day to write and edit. It used to take me four. I can read other people's stories in the new spare time and learn their techniques. Thus, becoming a better writer.

What did you all learn during your time as authors?


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
You do that much, while I only write 200 words per chapter in daily🤣
Well, as long as you are having fun, that doesn't matter. I write 3k words now because I want to write at least 100 books. Some will be 200k monstrosities. Some, bigger still. Others will be more traditional, 70-80k. Then, there would be the novellas and the novelettes and the short stories. But I will get those 100 books, no matter what.


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
Then...don't? This isn't a job or anything, just a hobby. Just tell your readers the schedule is changed and that's all
I did. Two days I won't have to put up any chapters. Then, come Monday, I will give them a chapter, another one on Wednesday, and the last one for the week will be on Friday. I updated today as normal because it is Friday.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2019
I did. Two days I won't have to put up any chapters. Then, come Monday, I will give them a chapter, another one on Wednesday, and the last one for the week will be on Friday. I updated today as normal because it is Friday.
I promise if you didn't upload for a month they wouldn't say anything. Also, love your motivation. But relax. Unless you making 6K a month on Patreon (like some of the real authors here and RR are making). There is just no need for you to hurt yourself like that.


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
I promise if you didn't upload for a month they wouldn't say anything. Also, love your motivation. But relax. Unless you making 6K a month on Patreon (like some of the real authors here and RR are making). There is just no need for you to hurt yourself like that.
What do you mean by a real author? Everyone who has shared a written book is an author. There is no such thing as a fake author, unless you are speaking about people who use ghost writers?

Deleted member 90073

I have felt something like this too. But like you, I stopped when it was turning into a job for me. So, I stopped when realized I was forcing myself. Writing is a hobby for me and I want to have fun while doing it. If it's not fun then there's no point.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2021
You do that much, while I was only write 200 words per chapter in daily🤣

Well, as long as you are having fun, that doesn't matter. I write 3k words now because I want to write at least 100 books. Some will be 200k monstrosities. Some, bigger still. Others will be more traditional, 70-80k. Then, there would be the novellas and the novelettes and the short stories. But I will get those 100 books, no matter what.
That's a Big dream bro, you do have fun with that for sure, hehe
I promise if you didn't upload for a month they wouldn't say anything. Also, love your motivation. But relax. Unless you making 6K a month on Patreon (like some of the real authors here and RR are making). There is just no need for you to hurt yourself like that.
Listen her well bro, that's good advice


□■ - I like running in mazes - ■□
Nov 16, 2021
5k words per day are too tiring. For the past couple of months, I wrote 5k, sometimes, 10k, words per day. Let me tell you something. They take a lot of time and give headaches, in the end. Especially if you type slowly like me (30-40 words per minute. Most often than not, 34.) I have written 14 stories since last October. 14, and it hasn't even been a year. In that time, I learned a lot.

Like, for example, that dialogues have to end in a comma, and not in a dot. Unless they need a question mark, exclamation mark, or, are the second piece of dialogue in a paragraph. Also, that more than two pieces of dialogue are bad style. (Or so the people on Royal Road seem to claim. I have read many stories that have more than two dialogues in a paragraph and didn't see the problem, but now this style, dialogue-clarification-dialogue, is ingrained in my writing. I find it is easy to keep to it, so, I don't think I will revert to my old habits.)

Another thing I learned is that 1k word chapters keep people coming back for more. (I am making an experiment with updating three times per week. So, once I get the results, I might share them.) Three line paragraphs look better than a wall of text. A chatty story is just as engaging as a psychological one. (They both have their pluses and minuses. Some people like to have an info dump, some don't. I write chatty stories, but that is only because I don't know how to write more showing ones. But, I am reading more stories with less dialogue, so, hopefully, I will learn.)

The most important thing I learned is that to leave the least among of mistakes in a chapter, you have to read it out loud. Or listen to a MP3 of it, and read it from the Word file at the same time. Because, if you use a Word to MP3 converter, it can show you your typos, but can't show you if you have missed a question mark, or if your sentence got too long.

Finally, I learned that writing is not a job, it is a game. A hobby. If I keep treating it as a job and spill out 5k-10k words every day, the quality of my chapters will suffer because I will be tired. So, my new writing quota is 3k words, (which is a book every month, when one thinks on it) which would take me two hours each day to write and edit. It used to take me four. I can read other people's stories in the new spare time and learn their techniques. Thus, becoming a better writer.

What did you all learn during your time as authors?
... to not take my time to read all this just the last sentence but to go spend my time eating Ramen, cuddling with my dog and writing weird but ok action novels.
You do that much, while I only write 200 words per chapter in daily🤣
I must say we have that in common


Active member
Jun 8, 2022
5k words per day are too tiring. For the past couple of months, I wrote 5k, sometimes, 10k, words per day. Let me tell you something. They take a lot of time and give headaches, in the end. Especially if you type slowly like me (30-40 words per minute. Most often than not, 34.) I have written 14 stories since last October. 14, and it hasn't even been a year. In that time, I learned a lot.

Like, for example, that dialogues have to end in a comma, and not in a dot. Unless they need a question mark, exclamation mark, or, are the second piece of dialogue in a paragraph. Also, that more than two pieces of dialogue are bad style. (Or so the people on Royal Road seem to claim. I have read many stories that have more than two dialogues in a paragraph and didn't see the problem, but now this style, dialogue-clarification-dialogue, is ingrained in my writing. I find it is easy to keep to it, so, I don't think I will revert to my old habits.)

Another thing I learned is that 1k word chapters keep people coming back for more. (I am making an experiment with updating three times per week. So, once I get the results, I might share them.) Three line paragraphs look better than a wall of text. A chatty story is just as engaging as a psychological one. (They both have their pluses and minuses. Some people like to have an info dump, some don't. I write chatty stories, but that is only because I don't know how to write more showing ones. But, I am reading more stories with less dialogue, so, hopefully, I will learn.)

The most important thing I learned is that to leave the least among of mistakes in a chapter, you have to read it out loud. Or listen to a MP3 of it, and read it from the Word file at the same time. Because, if you use a Word to MP3 converter, it can show you your typos, but can't show you if you have missed a question mark, or if your sentence got too long.

Finally, I learned that writing is not a job, it is a game. A hobby. If I keep treating it as a job and spill out 5k-10k words every day, the quality of my chapters will suffer because I will be tired. So, my new writing quota is 3k words, (which is a book every month, when one thinks on it) which would take me two hours each day to write and edit. It used to take me four. I can read other people's stories in the new spare time and learn their techniques. Thus, becoming a better writer.

What did you all learn during your time as authors?
I struggle writing 1k. How the h*ll are you writing 5k?


136/4001 (finally counted the stories)
Oct 13, 2021
I struggle writing 1k. How the h*ll are you writing 5k?
With a lot of discipline and waking up early. Now, I will no longer wake up at the ass crack of dawn. So, 2k fewer words.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2019
christ mate you must have the willpower of atlas, single-handily raising the daily word count of every author here. Im managing to do like 2-3k daily, but I'm on my holidays. You don't got anything else going on to hold you back?


Foxy, the fluffy butt-stabber!
Nov 17, 2020
Holy be-Jesus, 5k a day is nuts! 10k days are friggin' impossible for me. I rarely reach 5k in a day, so the fact that you did that for awhile and then some is crazy balls! I mean, seriously, that's crazy balls. You are amazing!


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
What did you all learn during your time as authors?
I aint no author. I'm a writer!

I did six thousand a day for several weeks, and it does get very tiring. Three thousand is much more sustainable, and like you said, it's a novel a month, which is actually a pretty nice pace of writing. It's over a million words a year, pulp writer speed. Love it, and it's sustainable for me. I wasn't sure what you meant by "chatty story" lol. Orson Scott Card describes it as the "narrative" side of "dramatic vs narrative." A lot of older stories are written like this, fairy tales and folk tales. I just uploaded a folk tale I wrote that uses narrative rather than dramatic prose for nearly the entire story. It's very different than you might imagine. In some ways, superior, in others, inferior.

I learned that I can be very productive. I also learned that I no longer have the felling of being unable to tell the story I want. In fact, I feel like I can sit down and tell any kind of story I want because I have the writing chops to pull it off. As I've written different kinds of stories and at different lengths, I know what my strengths and weaknesses are, and I know what kind of stories I like to tell best.