Writing Need Romance Ideas


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Okay. So, Imagine you lived in a universe and you're a teenager in school. You meet your "One True Love" you are now high school sweethearts. You are together for about a year, then she gets gunned down in front of you. You have about three months to be all emo and depressed when, the universe shifts and you slip into an alternate universe where she's alive, but you never got together, she never dated you, and she survived getting shot in this alternate universe. Also, for some reason, she thinks you are a creep.

I need ideas for 'cute things' that you and your girlfriend did in the first universe, so you can use the knowledge of her preferences to convince her to date you.

Please ignore the morality of the situation. YOU ARE INSANELY IN LOVE AND SEE THIS AS A SECOND CHANCE. So, don't worry about if you should or shouldn't.

Just please give me ideas on how to seduce the alternate universe version of your dead girlfriend.

Thanks in advance,


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2022
Okay. So, Imagine you lived in a universe and you're a teenager in school. You meet your "One True Love" you are now high school sweethearts
What a chad.

You are together for about a year, then she gets gunned down in front of you. You have about three months to be all emo and depressed
Not a chad anymore.

Also, for some reason, she thinks you are a creep.
And this is the point where you realistically failed.

I need ideas for 'cute things' that you and your girlfriend did in the first universe, so you can use the knowledge of her preferences to convince her to date you.

I see.

A) Get rich. Very rich, quickly. And hire an excellent lawyer.
B) Suddenly gain superpower and mind control her. It's illegal, very immoral. But it is a plausible way to turn this around.
C) Jump universe again until you find one where she likes you again. Preferably the universe that doesn't work on real world logic.

Of course, there is always a D option.
D) Forget the girl, jump the universe again and go to one which comes with the harem of devoted catgirls.


Bot of [Tsuru]
Jun 1, 2022
Okay, be warn my idea are full of cliche but here i'll go:
- try to recreate the first date. (Could be a cafee or arcade but just create the vibe of that first date you have with eachother) heard of 105 date before wanna check that movie out.

-if she ask tell her all the thing you know about her, without sounding like a creep(kinda hard)

-take a bullet for her > she then realise that maybe..just maybe you're not that bad of a person and might give you a chance to date her again. (Warning : there's no guarantee of this work, high chance of death, not recomend)

Well now all the cliche is outa the way here some...huh more interesting way:

-kinaped her under your basement and wait for stockholm syndrome to kick in

-upload her mind to an computer, you know for research.



Jun 6, 2021
Find the alternate version of yourself and figure out why you're such a creep in this universe? That should help immensely. Unless she just thinks you're creepy for being so obsessed with her, in which case you need to play it cool and give her some space.

As for previous dates, which is what I assume you're asking for:

For high schoolers, good dates happen at local convenience stores and cafes. Places where you can sneak off without telling your parents. Cheap, useful and easy to be alone. Super extra bonus points if you can get trinkets like plushies or keychains there.

Failing that, you can go the more cliché routes. Movies, malls, arcades, libraries. Anywhere you can spend some time doing an activity. However, the reason this is inferior is because you're focused on the activity instead of each other. It's too distracting. Also, she probably already did those things alone in this universe...

Least acceptable would be to go to her parents or teachers and seduce them. Not literally of course. Just get them to think putting you together would be a good idea. This sucks though because no kid wants to be at the mercy of adults, and she'll definitely direct that resentment at you. But, if you genuinely have a connection... Then you can overcome it.

If not, the one who gets gunned down in this universe will be you.


Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
I don't believe in "One True Love." I believe in true love, but there doesn't have to be just one.
I need ideas for 'cute things' that you and your girlfriend did in the first universe
Given that they were in high school, that limits our options a lot. It depends a lot on their culture and how much freedom their parents give them, too. Do the kids have jobs, or are the parents giving them an allowance? In high school, my parents let me invite my boyfriend on a family camping trip once. You could do some variation on that such as going skiing, going to some sort of convention or festival, some family holiday traditions, maybe even some religious gatherings if that's a thing for their families.

Also, if you have a polyandry ending for this, I'd be interested in reading it.
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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
Fuck her mom, works every time.

She'll then have to call him step-dad.

Then she'll get 'stuck' in something "Help me step-dad i'm stuck!"

Now she just calls him daddy...

All jokes aside, he should be rejected.
That ridiculous rom/com story where the loser/creep gets the girl is just tired and overused at this point. The loser doesnt get the girl. So he needs to be rejected, so he can come to terms with the fact that this is NOT a second chance. The girl he made those wonderful memories with DIED and is never coming back. He needs to get rejected and come to terms with the fact that his girl died.

After he comes to terms with his loss, he should then go on to make something of himself/stop being a loser.

Then, in an ironic twist of fate, the girl becomes interested in him. The guy is then ready to start a relationship with this new version of his former girl. He should be ready to start this relationship because he is now able to understand that she is not his former girl, but her own unique person.

And the world spins on.
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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2020
You have an advantage of knowing her humor, interests, hobbies, heartbreak, disappointment and family and friends.

he should first research what is different enough to change her from the one he knows.

what's so different about this world?

You could use really weird pet names that seems to make sense to her.

You could use her likes of music, movies, books and fucked up jokes as inside jokes.


You have to take out their families...
May 21, 2021
Okay. So, Imagine you lived in a universe and you're a teenager in school. You meet your "One True Love" you are now high school sweethearts. You are together for about a year, then she gets gunned down in front of you. You have about three months to be all emo and depressed when, the universe shifts and you slip into an alternate universe where she's alive, but you never got together, she never dated you, and she survived getting shot in this alternate universe. Also, for some reason, she thinks you are a creep.

I need ideas for 'cute things' that you and your girlfriend did in the first universe, so you can use the knowledge of her preferences to convince her to date you.

Please ignore the morality of the situation. YOU ARE INSANELY IN LOVE AND SEE THIS AS A SECOND CHANCE. So, don't worry about if you should or shouldn't.

Just please give me ideas on how to seduce the alternate universe version of your dead girlfriend.

Thanks in advance,
Starbucks coffee. Girls love it.
Walks in the park
Helping with English homework (Real)
Good food. Everyone loves it


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
A) Get rich. Very rich, quickly. And hire an excellent lawyer.
B) Suddenly gain superpower and mind control her. It's illegal, very immoral. But it is a plausible way to turn this around.
C) Jump universe again until you find one where she likes you again. Preferably the universe that doesn't work on real world logic.

Of course, there is always a D option.
D) Forget the girl, jump the universe again and go to one which comes with the harem of devoted catgirls.

Not very "cute", but I'll keep it in mind.

try to recreate the first date.
Hrmmm... I'll have to figure out what the first date was, but cool.

Failing that, you can go the more cliché routes. Movies, malls, arcades, libraries. Anywhere you can spend some time doing an activity. However, the reason this is inferior is because you're focused on the activity instead of each other.
Cliche works.

Also, if you have a polyandry ending for this, I'd be interested in reading it.

That ridiculous rom/com story where the loser/creep gets the girl is just tired and overused at this point. The loser doesnt get the girl. So he needs to be rejected, so he can come to terms with the fact that this is NOT a second chance. The girl he made those wonderful memories with DIED and is never coming back. He needs to get rejected and come to terms with the fact that his girl died.
Oh, I never said this was the MC or the hero. He's an antagonist, but not a villain. I want to give him a decent shot, that's all. The guy who saved the girl? She's dating that guy. He's trying to steal her away.

You could use really weird pet names that seems to make sense to her.
Ooo! YES. That would work wonderfully!

Starbucks coffee. Girls love it.
I'm using KFC instead. It's set in Japan, after all. KFC is the food of one night stands in Japan... apparently.
You know, the more I learn about Japan, the more my brain hurts.

BTW, my cat almost died. Just got back from the vet. He got through his little adventure with only a torn open toe to show for it. This has been one screwed up night. Gonna get some sleep.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
After MC manage to make the Sweetheart girl as his girlfriend again, Send MC back to his previous universe where GF originally dies.


Oct 1, 2022
Find the alternate version of yourself and figure out why you're such a creep in this universe? That should help immensely. Unless she just thinks you're creepy for being so obsessed with her, in which case you need to play it cool and give her some space.

As for previous dates, which is what I assume you're asking for:

For high schoolers, good dates happen at local convenience stores and cafes. Places where you can sneak off without telling your parents. Cheap, useful and easy to be alone. Super extra bonus points if you can get trinkets like plushies or keychains there.

Failing that, you can go the more cliché routes. Movies, malls, arcades, libraries. Anywhere you can spend some time doing an activity. However, the reason this is inferior is because you're focused on the activity instead of each other. It's too distracting. Also, she probably already did those things alone in this universe...

Least acceptable would be to go to her parents or teachers and seduce them. Not literally of course. Just get them to think putting you together would be a good idea. This sucks though because no kid wants to be at the mercy of adults, and she'll definitely direct that resentment at you. But, if you genuinely have a connection... Then you can overcome it.

If not, the one who gets gunned down in this universe will be you.
Imma just share mah idea then.

You first figure out why you are such a creep and it mentioned that you are overly obsessed. By doing that, you stop the creepy shit you did and the female will slowly notice it.

You first start to improve yourself because your body in this dimension for some reason is shit and a loser. You start to exercise and stuff, stylize your looks, basically a glow-up. And a lot of women will notice and start liking you.

Basically, you start to become cool and stuff. The subplot is action, mc in this dimension is being bullied. (Your choice if you want to add this)

Once you build this foundation, the fmc will be able to notice and secretly glance at you from this onward. She felt that you suddenly disappeared in her life and now she is curious of you. Why did he suddenly disappear? Those kind of question will appear and she notice your missing presence that she got used to... Where a simp similar to dog will please her and stuff lol. (It's either now she starts to approach you, or you approach her)

•She approach you through asking related to assignments... But you notice this suddle change. You finally got her curiosity now it's just to make her interested of you.

From your first interaction, she'll notice that you are not a fucking simp anymore... And she can't describe this confidence you emit and stuff...

With this... You can now use the past experience you had with her in use~

•You can also deepen your relationship with her through the use of her being bullied and you are the saviour LMFAO
•She just coincidentally sees how you help people and stuff and it makes her respect you even more. (You either are helping these people because you felt guilty about what you did in the past. For that reason... A misunderstanding will happen haha)
•You try to stand your ground like... She is in a situation she is having a hard time saying no but you appear and help her reject something or some shit...

~Hope you liked it~


Playful Spacetime Dragon
Jun 2, 2020
Tragic space romance.
The catch: one of the pair comes from a planet made entirely of antimatter...


I write silly erotica
Dec 14, 2022
Turn it into a shonen battle cooking story. MC decides to win her over with food and foodgasms. Becomes a cook in an illegal underground cooking ring, where the edgy food is made.


Friendly Saurian Neighbor
Dec 9, 2020
There are things that only she will know. You got to know each other deeply in the previous universe and you need to use that information to your advantage.

How to make her fall for you again? There is no sure way, sadly. Realistically speaking, doing nice things is a recipe for failure, especially if she still has this "creepy guy" image of you. In a high-school environment, I would say to become besties with the popular guys to ditch that creepy guy image she has of you. Easier to say than done. But at least you will have "If the boys think he's cool then I guess I was wrong about him" in your favor.

With that done, the next step would be to make her fall in love with you. Piece of cake (sarcasm) Unless you have the power of the plot in your favor, that's a hard battle. But making her feel jealous by being charming to all the girls and not just her seems like a good plan, especially if you have a "wingman" that helps you and no other boy has his eyes on her.

Hope this helps.


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
Give it up. Let your Character try to win her over fail, let him come to terms with the girl not being "his" girl and move on. Now you can set him up with a character that is/was close to both of them but he never really noticed as an option (and no this isn't a secret plot so that a "childhood friend"-type heroine wins).

Or if you want to put a little less work into it, introduce a sister/cousin/mom and just be creepy. Bonus creep points for it being the twin sister or the mom being a widow.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2022
Given that they were in high school, that limits our options a lot.
Yes, it does.
And then you suddenly step into the bathroom and you find your childhood friend you don't remember having naked.
She hits you to the head with a sledgehammer she pulls out from the thin air.
Then you slip and hit your head on your way down.
And then truck crashes through the wall of your apartment on 12th floor.
And then you are suddenly reborn in the fantasy world with dragons and cute catgirls of questionable age.
And then you find out you will have to attend the damned high school here as well.
And then you step into the bathroom (which the fantasy world conveniently has) and ...


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
Oh, I never said this was the MC or the hero. He's an antagonist, but not a villain. I want to give him a decent shot, that's all. The guy who saved the girl? She's dating that guy. He's trying to steal her away.

That makes things more interesting.

So this is the 'bad guy' then? Then a good way to get the girl is to sabotage her current relationship. All is fair in love & war.

I once had a jealous ex boyfriend of a girl i was boning sabotage my car on two separate occasions. He flattened my tires once, and put sugar in my gas tank.

The interesting thing about this is that both were easy fixes for me, i sabotaged the relationship myself!!! hahaha!

But the idea is the same, if he is the antagonist, then he might sabotage the MCs car so he cant make a date on time.

Or he could orchestrate something to make the MC look bad.

Maybe he just flat out kicks the shit out of the MC because he is jealous. If he's crazy for this girl then i think he might resort to drastic measures to get rid of his competition.

Is he rich, or attractive? if he is then he would probably try to lean on those traits.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
That makes things more interesting.

Is he rich, or attractive? if he is then he would probably try to lean on those traits.
Some money, more than average. He thought he was, but isn't in the new universe due to new values.

And while yes, he will be doing shit like that, I also want to make a convincing case for the reader to believe that, yes indeed, he has a shot at actually changing her mind. I have the LOGICAL argument down, but I need to come up with an emotional argument, so the reader might go, "OMG, he does really care!" It's no fun if the outcome is obvious.