Write something that will make people's emotion to fluctuate.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
I wonder what I could've done differently, what I can do now and who else is in the same position as I.


Doubt is fear that you have before you act. Regret is fear that you have after the fact. Doubt is useful in that it makes you consider your options, but once you choose to act, it's useless. When you commit to a course of action, doubt must be left behind for second-guessing yourself at that point will only result in an increased chance of mistakes.

Regret is useful in preventing you from repeating a mistake, but there comes a point where you cannot improve anymore. It is regrettable, but sometimes, your best is not good enough and nothing can change that. It is a form of fear that is useful to help us hone our skills, to focus on a failure until it is a weakness no more. But there is a point where it becomes useless and you have to just accept your limitations.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of fear. In the moment, courage allows you to harness your fear. When you are afraid, you are stronger, faster, and more perceptive as time slows down. Properly channeled, fear is a great advantage. Fear comes at you like an ex-lover who knows all your worst secrets. She's painful to have around, but if you can keep things civil, she's got your back. It is far harder to control Fear, but much easier to put the genie back in the bottle when it's over.

When you look back at what happened, and you beat yourself up and never forgive yourself, the only question you should ask is, Would the person I am suffering for wish me to hurt like this?

Which is worse, being at fault for the deaths of the ones you love, or FAILING the ones you love?

Of the two, most people choose to be at fault, because then you could easily punish the one to blame.

But you aren't at fault. There is no way to balance these scales. There is no way to ever have "justice" because life isn't fair.

And that's a good thing.

Because I can make life fair. I can balance these scales with a single sentence.


The suffering of your loved ones is made fair if they were bad people who deserved it. However, I can tell you from personal experience, that isn't the case. The world isn't fair. Good things happen to bad people, and bad things to good. Something bad happening doesn't make you a bad person. When people want life to be "fair", they often just wish for life to be unfair IN THEIR FAVOR.

I want that too.

I want everyone to live a life most unfair. I want people to win far more than they deserve. What a horrible world this would be if it was fair. Everyone always breaking even. Nobody gets ahead, nobody falls behind. Everyone always arriving at ZERO.

I say cheat.

Get more than you deserve. Help someone else get more than they deserve. You don't have to drag someone else down to get ahead. Everyone can win, but for some reason, we don't believe that. So we have people like those who harmed your brother. They thought they could only get more by taking from someone else. Most people who commit crimes believe this. It is how they justify their actions.

"I'm making life 'fair'."
"I'm just gettng what I deserve."

No. You don't deserve anything, and making life fair never works, because most people don't even understand what "fair" is. Don't make life "fair". Don't even try.

You can start by letting go and allowing yourself to win, even if you don't feel you deserve it.
Because nobody deserves it. Instead, just try to win without hurting anyone else in the process.

Make the world a better place than you found it and the rest will sort itself out.


Active member
Nov 29, 2022
Here's a poem, I wrote while I was in a bad place, I don't know if this what you meant but I decide to share.

Title: Whispers of Resilience

From deep inside I hear the voices say,
You should give in, and let yourself and this pain fade away.
But I argue I must stay, to keep my mother from feeling a deeper pain,
Burying her child as she continues to live out her days.

My family's love wraps around me, a constant embrace,
Their smiles and laughter, a saving grace.
In their eyes, I find a fortified place,
A haven from despair, a space filled with solace.

And there's him, my beacon in the darkest night,
With him, the world seems less of a fright.
His love, a flame that burns ever so bright,
Guides me back whenever I lose sight.

Together, they weave a tapestry so tight,
With threads of hope, love, and light.
They stand with me in this fight,
Lending their strength till I reach new heights.

So I hold on for the love that's never swayed,
For the family bond that's never frayed,
And the future with him I wouldn't trade,
Together, we'll see this darkness fade.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Men like lesbian erotica because many don’t like seeing penis.


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
What starts with F and ends with CK?

I tried too hard to think of these...
Frack: inject liquid into oil-intensive areas to harvest it.
Flack: a synonym for the grief people give others, generally mocking. Or online: strong criticism.
Fight back: you didn't say it needed to be one word... ok, ok. It doesn't count.
Flick: a sudden sharp movement
Flock: a group of birds
Fishstick: yes, these can be together despite what autocorrect says. I've only eaten them with no spaces in how they are spelled, so screw spaces. *grumble, grumble* I'll think of another one though...
Fallback: an alternative plan that can be used in
Flapjack: pancake

Ones I looked up.
There are a lot.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
Sounds like bull
I'm not talking about people who pay NO taxes. That's only 28%.
I'm talking about people who pay taxes, but also receive benefits like food stamps, section 8 housing, etc etc etc. You are having a hard time believing that 27% of the population earns some money and gets government handouts that exceed the amount paid? If you have a household that gets medicare/medicaid, chances are, YOU are one of the 27%.

AND I AM GOING BY HOUSEHOLD. If you are someone who is claimed on someone else's taxes, you shouldn't get to vote, and I also don't count you. And anyone who is retired with a Roth IRA and SS retirement benefits is basically in the 27% as well. You are now a net drain on the system and should no longer be voting.

And it fluctuates. I've seen some stats indicating it is 53% don't pay more than they get, but I'm not confident in those sources. It was about 3 years ago we crossed over into the territory where less than half the population pays more taxes than they get in benefits. COVID was the final nail on the coffin, really.

Some people say it started as far back as 2014, but I think we are just quibbling over the fine details at this point.