SHF High-school Fanfic


I yearn the day I stop rotting.
Jun 18, 2022
Gather around, everyone, the new chapter is out, my magnum opus without any modesty.

The beautiful Matcha returns to the center stage, as it should be.
In this chapter, I demonstrate my extreme skill in writing and as an author, capable of spanning multiple genres in just over 2000 words.
Don't believe it? Read and see for yourself.
Here are the multitude of genres present:
✅True Crime / Gangster
✅Slice of Life
✅Action Anime
✅Plot Holes

and for the first time even Boys Love!

Definitely a masterpiece!

Starring: Matcha, @ElliePorter, @SsemouyOnan, @Nahrenne, @Voidiris, @gaylolis, @Azure_Fog, @Stealthy_Enigma, @Iamnotabot, @Assurbanipal_II, @SailusGebel
Mentions: @Rhaps ,@Anon2024, @TheEldritchGod , @Simple_Russian_Boi ,@Corty , @Redemit , @RepresentingEnvy

Greeting, I am glad to have catch you here, in the chapter I am writing, it seems as though I might have given you a bit more dialogue, or, screen-time than intended while writing about The Triple Alliance of Evil. I'm worried that I could get your character wrong in the long term. I've read the chapter and your past appearances but I can't see much of a character than the "Call me Lord Matcha-sama", do you have anything you want to keep to be consistance? Like the way your character would treat people, approach, be approached, etc. Thank you

The Eternal Escape For One's Soul


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
There's still a lot of work ahead of me, but I shall emerge as the most Villainous Villainess in the whole SHHS.
Unfortunately, that's impossible, as there's already a certain person who has conquered all four corners of the world to hold that title. But it's a good ambition to have!

This is my promise to you, First of My Rootlings.
:blob_aww: I've been ordained with a title! You're the second villain(ess) to make me your retainer, 'tis an honor.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Greeting, I am glad to have catch you here, in the chapter I am writing, it seems as though I might have given you a bit more dialogue, or, screen-time than intended while writing about The Triple Alliance of Evil. I'm worried that I could get your character wrong in the long term. I've read the chapter and your past appearances but I can't see much of a character than the "Call me Lord Matcha-sama", do you have anything you want to keep to be consistance? Like the way your character would treat people, approach, be approached, etc. Thank you

The Eternal Escape For One's Soul

Greetings to you. I am very much at your service.

I like to allow freedom, but essentially, Matcha is an unsuccessful womanizer.
His typical approach, for example, is to say "Hello, Beauty," while moving his hair with his hand, with sparkles and shimmering effects in the background in Shojo manga style.
He is convinced of having an irresistible charm and looks at every woman as if he knows he is desired.
With his partners and subordinates, he has an attitude of superiority, and loves to blame others for his failures.
He can be pragmatic when he needs to achieve a goal.
If you need more information, feel free to ask.

Here you can find more information about the character:


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Unfortunately, that's impossible, as there's already a certain person who has conquered all four corners of the world to hold that title. But it's a good ambition to have!
Time is convoluted in the place we call SHHS. What happened has yet to happen, and what has yet to happen, happened, is happening and will happen all at once. For those who had become, there's still time to become. Among the tangled web of time I shall be reborn. I shall take what's rightfully mine. *que dramatic choir as I look in the distance*
:blob_aww: I've been ordained with a title! You're the second villain(ess) to make me your retainer, 'tis an honor.
:blob_uwu: those who follow me, shall be rewarded
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Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
Gather around, everyone, the new chapter is out, my magnum opus without any modesty.

The beautiful Matcha returns to the center stage, as it should be.
In this chapter, I demonstrate my extreme skill in writing and as an author, capable of spanning multiple genres in just over 2000 words.
Don't believe it? Read and see for yourself.
Here are the multitude of genres present:
✅True Crime / Gangster
✅Slice of Life
✅Action Anime
✅Plot Holes

and for the first time even Boys Love!

Definitely a masterpiece!

Starring: Matcha, @ElliePorter, @SsemouyOnan, @Nahrenne, @Voidiris, @gaylolis, @Azure_Fog, @Stealthy_Enigma, @Iamnotabot, @Assurbanipal_II, @SailusGebel I forgot: @CupcakeNinja and @Dr.Quack
Mentions: @Rhaps ,@Anon2024, @TheEldritchGod , @Simple_Russian_Boi ,@Corty , @Redemit , @RepresentingEnvy

Will read after work.


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
You're Spicy, how spicy, mind if i take a bite to find out? :blobspearpeek:
You would have to catch me first!



A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
To everyone,

Luoir here. Remember me? The name that used to hang in this chat like a forgotten coat in the back of a closet. I wouldn't blame you if it's faded from memory, just as I faded from sight. But the truth is, I haven't been anywhere. I've been here, trapped in a prison of my own making, built with bricks of shame and mortar of regret.

Running away never solved anything, did it? It just let the echoes of my mistakes bounce around in my head, growing louder with every silent day. You see, I messed up. Big time. Not just some forgettable stumble, but a soul-crushing blunder that left scars on more than just myself.

To Corty, I owe you apologies that reach beyond words. You carried the weight of my cowardice with a strength I'll never possess. The silence I left in your wake was a deafening roar in my ears, a constant reminder of the man I failed to be. Seeing your name pop up here, knowing I couldn't face you – it was like sandpaper on an open wound.

But running out of sight doesn't make the ghosts disappear. They chase you, corner you, until you face them head-on. So here I am, finally emerging from the shadows, not without guilt, but with a desperate hope for redemption.

I can't rewind time and be the responsible future father I promised to be. But I can crawl back from the abyss, battered and bruised, but with a flicker of resolve burning in my chest. I want to be there for Corty, every step of the way. I want to learn fatherhood with calloused hands and a trembling heart. I want to earn back your trust, piece by fragile piece, even if it takes years of patient rebuilding.

Some of you might look at me and see a stranger, a ghost returned from the land of regrets. And maybe that's not untrue. The Luoir who ran wouldn't have the courage to face you, wouldn't have the will to mend what I broke. This is the new Luoir, forged in the fires of his own mistakes. I'm not perfect, not even close. But I'm here, willing to fight for a future where my flaws don't overshadow the love I have to offer.

This won't be easy. Judgment will sting, doubts will linger, and there will be days when I fall back into the shadows. But I'm done with the darkness. I'll pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep crawling towards the light. Because at the end of the day, being a father isn't about being a hero; it's about showing up, even when it's hard, even when it hurts.

So, to my classmates, friends, and anyone who remembers my name, I ask for a chance. A chance to prove I'm not the same lost soul who vanished. A chance to rewrite my story, not with empty words, but with actions that speak louder than the silence I left behind. This is my apology, my pledge, my promise to build a future worthy of the life growing inside Corty. And I intend to keep it, starting right now.

With heavy hearts and hopeful hands,


P.S. Therapy is happening. Turns out, facing your demons is less scary when you have someone holding the flashlight.

P.P.S. Corty, you're the sun that pierced my darkness. This message is just the first sunrise in a long day. I promise the warmth will reach you soon, and together, we'll make sure it never sets again.
Can i stab you with my Scythe, because that's way to much Soap for one spoiler


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023