SHF High-school Fanfic


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Yay, I'm a cuter cat than Nahrenne :blob_uwu: , wait I am?! :blob_dizzy:
The showdown was epic, but in the end, you win. You are the cutest. :blob_uwu:
I don't expect them to go full palworld, but the newer games feel kind of soulless? Idk if it's just my bias towards 3d graphics but newer generations are sort of uninteresting. Though I heard they made shiny hunting and getting good IVs a lot easier, so at least good things came out of it.
It's a combination of factors. Relying on a plethora of zombies who would buy the games regardless, they've always done the bare minimum while the new generations become increasingly uninspired. The audience grew, but they kept targeting children... but I don't think today's kids are interested in Pokémon. The 3D graphics of the latest generations are ridiculous by today's standards, but it's the formula itself that has never evolved, remaining uninteresting. Not that it's a problem for me, as I've said, I've stopped caring and the brand will probably continue to exist by relying on the nostalgia of fanboys, keeping an soulless corpse alive, much like Dragonball Super.
There's no way I'm letting anyone other than myself read what I've written for jumpchain anyways. That will be the death of me. Not to mention it's not really a full story and more like a summary of what my jumper does in the world before moving on.
The surprising thing is that those compromising files still exist! :blob_shock: My notebooks of shame, on the other hand, no longer exist; the evidence has been eliminated. 🔥
"Our shells will blot out the sun" in a literal sense. :blob_evil:
*takes note that his beloved loves to crush her enemies with overwhelming and OP superiority. It can't even be called a confrontation, but more of a...* ✍️
If you condemn him for laziness you'd have to condemn me too. :sweat_smile:... and 90% of web writers, to be honest. At least it's not our job :sweating_profusely:
In fact, I was absolving myself as well, especially me. :blob_sweat: What I truly can't forgive him for is allowing others to create the ending of the work of his life and letting them do it so poorly.
Childhood dreams are built different, I still remember my encounter with the plastic bag monster and man-eating computer mice. Though due to how absurd they are I find them more scary than funny.
I believe that they are terrifying. Dreams, and especially nightmares, as children are terrifying because the brain is still developing, and we are inexperienced and don't know the world or ourselves well. As HPL says, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. The oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
I have no prior indication for when I dream, it just sort of happens. Unless I get a fever, then I can expect to have one that I'll forget as soon as I wake up (I have tried dream journaling but I forget the details shortly after I wake up)
I've tried that too, but what remains of my notes are always incoherent sentences or words without their context. After a short time, they lose all their meaning when I reread them. Perhaps it's better this way. The elusive nature of dreams is what makes them such unique experiences... almost magical. Maybe it's the closest experience to an out-of-reality dimension that we can experience.
There used to be no functional difference from paid and free Lunacy other than the daily single pulls. Then they added the special announcers and then changed the battle pass from direct purchase to paid lunacy. I forgot the reason why though.
It's probably because this way you're inclined to spend a higher amount by purchasing more Lunacy rather than spending the exact amount in real currency for the pass.
The crab is pain on higher floors since if you lose a single clash your entire team gets hit by an AOE. This season's mirror dungeon is nice because you have control over the boss. Though that requires you knowing what bosses are in the packs in the first place. You probably can't tell them through the silhouettes, but some are pretty straightforward. "To Be Cleaved/Crushed/Pierced" means all the enemies you face will be weak to that type of damage, for example.
I see. I'll pay more attention to the boosters. I was choosing them a bit randomly and partly favoring the scenarios I thought I had faced, even though there are still different opponents in those.
I like the EGO gifts since they make status-focus teams actually viable(minus Charge and Poise, those are OP everywhere), if not for those people would be running whatever rolls the highest coins. You're incentivized to use different teams each run.
I don't have well-defined strategies yet, as I'm still learning to play and use the best IDs I have available. But I'll probably need to consider these abilities when building a team for a specific dungeon or boss. The strategic element is always appreciated.
Yeah, you can do something like only running the dungeon until floor 2 and forfeiting. The rewards are BP levels which gives you shard crates, but I don't think you're too concerned about those right now.
Right now, I need Threads like I need bread. Shards will also be needed later for the IV uptie and, I think, for the EGO as well. So many resources...:blob_no:
I've seen interesting things done with it. One game had "domain effects" which either buffed the boss or added restrictions to you for lategame bosses. Another granted you skills for one specific fight that made you immune to strong attacks if you're able to read them. People can get pretty creative with what they have.

The best idea I have is making the ults instant attacks so it doesn't consume your turn. Though that still doesn't allow you to interrupt enemy turns. Well, best of luck, I hope you figure something out.
Interesting! What's the name of this game? As in writing, observing the work of others is the best way to learn how to use the program.
There's a lot to think about and reflect on. The idea phase hasn't been surpassed yet, and I probably should focus my mental energy on writing and being more productive.
The suffering the devs feel shall be inflicted on the players twofold :blob_evil:

Soon I'll be making genetically modified sharks with dynamites and laser beams strapped on
This pleasantly satisfies me. :blob_evil: I can't wait to see these critters sow terror in all the timelines. A self-fulfilling prophecy. :blob_uwu:


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
This is my weakness too :sweat_smile: I'm always telling myself I'm going to do something small, but at some point it will always bloat before I notice :sweating_profusely:

I'd love to make at least something short that everyone could play, so I'm definitely going to work towards that :blob_uwu:
We are too ambitious, Ane-san!:blob_no:
Yesss! With the school being out of the ordinary and having it's weirdness to it that you can experience for yourself while exploring :blob_aww: Penacony gave me some ideas for an interesting level design that I want to replicate as well.

When I was coming up with ideas I was also daydreaming about adding some actual quests and missions to do around SHHS. Maybe even going Persona route and having classes that you would have to attend. Or even hiding secrets here and there :blob_happy:

For now though I want to focus on combat, because my grand idea is to actually give everyone unique moveset according to their abilities.
That sounds truly fantastic. 🤩 I offer my help if you ever need it to write some side quests.
This is how every game I know does it. Usually you're going to have 1 or 2 or a couple of body types that will share certain animations (or all of them if we're talking NPCs). The models though aren't that much of an issue, because my plan is to utilize VRoid, since I want to keep it free and mostly just as a curio for friends.

I also have a bunch of other software that I bought long time ago, so it should make things easier.
I've done some research on the program, and it seems relatively simple and user-friendly. It will definitely help you create the humanoid cast.
And then I have my GF to rely on for music and sound effects (fortunately she agreed to help) :blob_happy:
From the way you describe her, she sounds like an amazing and resourceful person, just like you. I'm really happy for you.:blob_uwu:


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
We are too ambitious, Ane-san!:blob_no:
How do we stop? :blob_no:
That sounds truly fantastic. 🤩 I offer my help if you ever need it to write some side quests.
I will definitely ask for help when it comes to that! :blob_evil_two:
I've done some research on the program, and it seems relatively simple and user-friendly. It will definitely help you create the humanoid cast.
Yep. I used it on a few occasions and it seems okay.

I will make custom shaders anyways so it should be okay. At least when it comes to style.
From the way you describe her, she sounds like an amazing and resourceful person, just like you. I'm really happy for you.:blob_uwu:
She's great and very talented :blob_uwu:


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Don't stop. Just spend more time with your loved ones to recharge. :blob_uwu:
Oke, Danny spends more time with mama :blob_reach:
Limb quests? :blob_hide:
Limb quests! (ง'̀-'́)ง
*is even more embarrassed*
But you are so pretty :blob_melt: this Daikon is absolutely charmed :blob_melt:
*stabs repeatedly*
Nyaaaaaa~!!! This Daikon is trying nya!
*Stabby stabby doesn't hurt so much anymore*
*keeps dancing*