SHF High-school Fanfic


subatomic cephalopod
Aug 23, 2023
Hey I'm not that evil right? someone just said to me that I was mean, harsh, and evil just like a demon... Well maybe he in stress at the time and pouring out those nonsense... Well my question still stand, I'm not evil right?
we have scoured the timelines, and can confirm: in the vast, vast majority of them, at least 99.99~% of them, you are not evil.
You're very not evil :blob_uwu: this Daikon can confirm, you are a good cat :blob_uwu:
the bestest of kitties~!


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
It's actually afternoon where I live, but good morning to you! |(^_^)/
(Also, that rolling emoji was a cool idea.)
Do we know each other? You convey a sense of familiarity.
You are not Envy's alt account since she has others, and she usually has a different way of behaving than you.
You are warm and friendly, and you have inserted yourself into the forum as if you had already been a part of it for some time.
You seem to know its inhabitants and how to conduct yourself with them. Did you by any chance already lurk on these shores?
In any case, I extend my welcome to you.
I wanted to tell you that I like your manner. You seem like a pleasant person.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Hey I'm not that evil right? someone just said to me that I was mean, harsh, and evil just like a demon... Well maybe he in stress at the time and pouring out those nonsense... Well my question still stand, I'm not evil right?
No, you are not evil. Just a little warmongering.
All kidding aside, have you knowingly hurt others and derived enjoyment from that? If not, you can't be called evil.


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Took a 4 hour nap. Now I'm gonna take another 7 hour nap.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2023
You're not, don't worry about it. Considering that you're a cat, I'd say you're mischievous.
Don't worry, you're not evil as long as you are not intentionally hurting someone. I don't know you, but have a good day!
I also don't know you, but have a good day as well!
In a lot of cases, you're not.

But in some cases,

You're very not evil :blob_uwu: this Daikon can confirm, you are a good cat :blob_uwu:
Ehe thanks
we have scoured the timelines, and can confirm: in the vast, vast majority of them, at least 99.99~% of them, you are not evil.
Thanks you quagma
No, you are not evil. Just a little warmongering.
All kidding aside, have you knowingly hurt others and derived enjoyment from that? If not, you can't be called evil.
Well is being honest is evil? I mean it's the true.
Took a 4 hour nap. Now I'm gonna take another 7 hour nap.
Took more! I Daily take a 19 hours nap!


🌻Currently Hibernating🌹
Jun 13, 2024
Do we know each other? You convey a sense of familiarity.
Yeah, I have seen matcha chocolate many times. Sorry for that dumb comment...
Seriously speaking, I haven't been around here for long, so I don't think I have seen you anywhere in threads. This is our first meeting, I guess.
You are not Envy's alt account since she has others, and she usually has a different way of behaving than you.
Obviously, how can I imitate my lady?
That would be rebellious 🦇
You are warm and friendly, and you have inserted yourself into the forum as if you had already been a part of it for some time.
Though, I'm not that warm per se, I'm more on the cooler side. Seriously, thanks for saying that.
You seem to know its inhabitants and how to conduct yourself with them. Did you by any chance already lurk on these shores?
Usually, I just make some silly comments and babble around in the threads. Actually, people around here are really chill and friendly, just like you, compared to any other places I have visited on internet. That's why I get along with them easily, most of them anyway. Metaphorically, this the very first time when I swam to the pleasant shores. Honestly, I can't really swim.
In any case, I extend my welcome to you.
I wanted to tell you that I like your manner. You seem like a pleasant person.
Thank you very, very much for this warm welcome. You seem like a sweet and pleasant person too, just like... a chocolate.
Last edited:


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
Yeah, I have seen matcha chocolate many times. Sorry for that dumb comment...
Seriously speaking, I haven't been around here for long, so I don't think I have seen you anywhere in threads. This is our first meeting, I guess.
I guess your area is in Asia. I wish it were more common where I live, but it's actually an overpriced rarity because it's imported. So, I'm forced to make it myself. Not that I mind, but I wish I could have a matcha Kit Kat without having to pay an arm and a leg. Aside from the digression, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Obviously, how can I imitate my lady?
That would be rebellious 🦇
:blob_hmm_two: That's sus
Though, I'm not that warm per se, I'm more on the cooler side. Seriously, thanks for saying that.
You are definitely cool and fresh. 🥶
Usually, I just make some silly comments and babble around in the threads. Actually, people around here are really chill and friendly, just like you, compared to any other places I have visited on internet. That's why I get along with them easily, most of them anyway. Metaphorically, this the very first time when I swam to the pleasant shores. Honestly, I can't really swim.
You call your posts silly, but I've seen more attention to what others say in them than in most other users' posts. You know the secret of charisma and charm. Keep it up; your positive presence is definitely what the forum needed right now. If you have the chance, I recommend learning to swim. It's one of the best sensations in life. Absolute freedom, and it's like reconnecting with your origins. I could do it for hours.
Thank you very, very much for this warm welcome. You seem like a sweet and pleasant person too, just like... a chocolate.
Be careful, chocolate can also be dark... But don't worry, I've taken a liking to you, so I'll see you as a friend.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
It really is a huge struggle, but is anything good in life easy? I believe that being able to accomplish your goal, being able to change the path you're on is the biggest reward out there. You get to relax knowing that you managed to change your fate with nothing but a pure determination. It always seemed very cool to me, that we are capable of that :blob_hmm_two:

The hardest part though is realizing what is it that is leading you the wrong path and acknowledging the mistakes you're making. A lot of people try to act blind to their own shortcomings, because they are too afraid to face the truth. But pretending and lying to yourself won't get you anywhere.

(also, I'm using a general "you", so it's more of my rambling than anything directed at you specifically :blob_uwu: )
It's true that our worst enemy is ourselves. I need to find the strength to overcome this moment and get back on track. This strength can only be found within ourselves. Sorry for the delayed response.
Agreed :blob_uwu: The magic of writing is in how it can be a safe heaven both for the writer and the readers. The ability to pour your own heart on the "paper" for someone else to find shelter in it is such a positive thing. I love it :blob_evil_two:
In my case, what I write is more of a hell than a heaven, but the essence of your message remains, and I agree. After experimenting with many forms of expression, the one that suits me best is definitely writing.
Of course, Matcha-kun :blob_uwu: You can count on Ane-san any time :blob_uwu:
Thank you, I know you're tired too, and here I am complaining. Lately, I feel empty, devoid of color. Thank you for putting up with my outbursts.
It's only natural. Though, being old and wise now, I can tell you that moments like this have their own benefits. It's a good time to think about yourself and focus on other things that you wouldn't otherwise. It's difficult to command your own feelings, but a bit of discipline doesn't hurt. Besides, being able to take your mind off of this is also gonna help with making the time go faster, so before you know it, all will be good again :blob_uwu:
Although I'm aware of this flaw of mine, I definitely need to learn to control myself. Too often, I go overboard and cross the line. I need more discipline. Thank you for your words, Ane-san.
ngl, we've had a little help in interpretation from some witches in a coven or two that we know...
Are the inexplicable eldritch forces compatible with witchcraft? By the way, Quagma's personal lore unlocked and interesting points to explore. :blob_hmm:
we have no choice but to act like we have free will, is how i've seen it put. if one were to recreate the exact same first second or so of the universe, things will play out pretty much almost exactly the same, save for the occasional random flux in the quantum foam. but then again, nobody knows yet if that is truly random, or if it would flux again in the exact same way if you recreate the original conditions.
Yeah, not knowing if everything is random or predestined, the sensible choice is to behave as if everything is yet to be written. It may not be the milk in the matcha that changes the final result, but there are choices we feel we have control over, and they can be crucial.
it really is therapeutic. just get those words out of your head, and they can stop bothering you because they're trapped on a page now. one can vent their frustrations, work out their fantasies, or just think about things.
A prison for words and feelings. A truly interesting concept.
we grew up the eldest of four siblings. it's not all fun and games having to be the responsible one and raising your siblings. especially when your actual parents kinda forget to do that themselves...
I am also the older brother of two younger siblings. I know what it means to be their role model and the best example possible, to take on responsibilities. It’s not easy. Sometimes I wish I had someone to rely on as well.


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
I am slowly going insane from all the work, but that's old news. So I'm okay.
I hope you get the chance to have a vacation sooner or later. You definitely deserve it.
I don't own a tarot card deck and i haven't dabbled in it much, mostly familiar with it though games

I believe you can find a virtual deck online or a way to draw cards randomly.
Well is being honest is evil? I mean it's the true.
You have a point. Sometimes telling the truth is not the best thing to do.
Wait, wha- I didn't put that card for a negative response.

Am I that ebil? :blob_pat_sad:
You need experience and someone who can guide you. You gain more by showing interest in others rather than belittling them or showing disdain, even if it's just a joke.