Difficulty of soulslike games.


Yuri Lover, endeed!
Jun 21, 2022
The difference between Souls games and Sekiro is that in souls games, you basically have to run around. You move slow, and the bosses also move slow except when in their combos.

In Sekiro, you have to get in the boss's face, know the timing and combos and mistakes etc.
You need good reflexes for sekiro, you don't really need them for Souls like games, because of how slow they are, and also, the stamina bar means you can beat any boss as long as you're patient.

I call it fake difficulty because I don't find endurance to be difficulty, or fun for that matter.
They all have the roughly same combat. The only thing different is that souls give you more option. You can run and sneak hits in if you want, or you can play aggressively like Sekiro. The games actually lean more toward the aggressive style of playing (looking at how cheesy ranged builds are).

If you need the game to force you to be aggressive, that's on you. Sekiro still has the best combat tho <3
I wasn’t talking about Souls games at first.

I was saying how old games were “difficult” and not mechanically tailored to appeal to the masses. How Souls went back to that basic. Where the game’s mechanism wasn’t streamlined or dumbed down.

The souls game brought back the same, go, figure it out style. That was my main point.
yeah, sorry for misreading what you said.
I wasn’t talking about Souls games at first.

I was saying how old games were “difficult” and not mechanically tailored to appeal to the masses. How Souls went back to that basic. Where the game’s mechanism wasn’t streamlined or dumbed down.

The souls game brought back the same, go, figure it out style. That was my main point.
yeah, sorry for misreading what you said.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
You beat the game?
Not the DLC.
They all have the roughly same combat. The only thing different is that souls give you more option. You can run and sneak hits in if you want, or you can play aggressively like Sekiro. The games actually lean more toward the aggressive style of playing (looking at how cheesy ranged builds are).

If you need the game to force you to be aggressive, that's on you. Sekiro still has the best combat tho <3
I hate the Souls games because you have to level up your character to be aggressive.
Hence you have this slow combat.


Crimson Queen Of The Night
May 8, 2021
Souls Games - High endurance, low skill.
DMC 3 on DMD mode - High skill, moderate endurance.
Sekiro - High Skill, High endurance.
Why add DMC 3 and Sekiro to the list when they have their own difficulty rate... Smh.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Iron golem is narrow arena + death box. Seath, I can understand. He's really unique. But what you get with Priscilla, you get better with Sister Friede. Respawning enemies like Nito isn't anything strange in modern games like ER and DS3. Manus (and his pendant) is literally that one tear in ER that nullifies Nihil. My point is that if DS1 has anything good, modern souls game do it better. Except for the sense of wonder, I guess. (even then, ER Beats it by a long shot.)

And yes, it is Midir, but it's also Bayle.
The point is you can make Iron golem fall. Also you did not adress other bosses. Also how many times shouls I say I did not play ER? I guess I should mention I didn't spoil it AT ALL, so I can eventually do a blind playthrough. It's on me for getting this many spoilers.

Lastly, yeah, cool. They reuse older gimmics and simply make bosses attack faster. Cool. You have to imrpove your parrying, not how you think. Yeah... That's the fucking point. All they do is force you to improve timing. They don't force you to think harder. They force you to press buttons at the right time. Why the fuck should I play Elden or Sekiro, if I can go play DMC5 that does the same fucking thing, but better, since you can do beautiful combos, and there is the storm that is approaching? What's the fucking point?


Yuri Lover, endeed!
Jun 21, 2022
The difference between Souls games and Sekiro is that in souls games, you basically have to run around. You move slow, and the bosses also move slow except when in their combos.

In Sekiro, you have to get in the boss's face, know the timing and combos and mistakes etc.
You need good reflexes for sekiro, you don't really need them for Souls like games, because of how slow they are, and also, the stamina bar means you can beat any boss as long as you're patient.

I call it fake difficulty because I don't find endurance to be difficulty, or fun for that matter.
But anon, if you really want to go there....

The difference between Sekiro and Sousl game is that in Sekiro, you basically have to parry very consistent combos. You move fast, and the bosses also move fast, except when they perform their very consistent combos.

In Souls, you have to observe the bosses' attacks, knowing the time and combos and mistakes and whether or not they will do a follow-up etc.
You need good reflexes for Souls, you don't really need them for Sekiro like games, because of how predictable they are, and also, the lack of stamina bar means that you can run away and spam shinobi tools to slowly chip away at their health/posture, meaning you can beat any boss as long as you're patient.

I call it fake difficulty because I don't find a rhythm game disgusted as an action game to be difficult, or fun for that matter.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Why add DMC 3 and Sekiro to the list when they have their own difficulty rate... Smh.
Cause I can.
That's valid. But because you hate them you discredit the difficulty of the games?
I discredit it because I hate the trend of 'patience' in gaming.
Also dislike the people saying it's a 'sense of accomplishment' because it's promoting more games like that. Granted, people should vote with their wallets, but if this opinion changes people's minds and makes From Software make more games like Sekiro then mission accomplished.

There are not many good games made nowadays that I really enjoy.
But anon, if you really want to go there....

The difference between Sekiro and Sousl game is that in Sekiro, you basically have to parry very consistent combos. You move fast, and the bosses also move fast, except when they perform their very consistent combos.

In Souls, you have to observe the bosses' attacks, knowing the time and combos and mistakes and whether or not they will do a follow-up etc.
You need good reflexes for Souls, you don't really need them for Sekiro like games, because of how predictable they are, and also, the lack of stamina bar means that you can run away and spam shinobi tools to slowly chip away at their health/posture, meaning you can beat any boss as long as you're patient.

I call it fake difficulty because I don't find a rhythm game disgusted as an action game to be difficult, or fun for that matter.
Good for you.
But now I understand why I'm enjoying Hi-Fi rush so much. I like the rhythm combos it seems.


En-Chan Queen Vampy!
Apr 13, 2022
Cause I can.

I discredit it because I hate the trend of 'patience' in gaming.
Also dislike the people saying it's a 'sense of accomplishment' because it's promoting more games like that. Granted, people should vote with their wallets, but if this opinion changes people's minds and makes From Software make more games like Sekiro then mission accomplished.

There are not many good games made nowadays that I really enjoy.
What you find fun about games is likely being made by indie devs.


Yuri Lover, endeed!
Jun 21, 2022
The point is you can make Iron golem fall. Also you did not adress other bosses. Also how many times shouls I say I did not play ER? I guess I should mention I didn't spoil it AT ALL, so I can eventually do a blind playthrough. It's on me for getting this many spoilers.

Lastly, yeah, cool. They reuse older gimmics and simply make bosses attack faster. Cool. You have to imrpove your parrying, not how you think. Yeah... That's the fucking point. All they do is force you to improve timing. They don't force you to think harder. They force you to press buttons at the right time. Why the fuck should I play Elden or Sekiro, if I can go play DMC5 that does the same fucking thing, but better, since you can do beautiful combos, and there is the storm that is approaching? What's the fucking point?
I did address all the bosses you mentioned. You're the one who dismissed all the good things about the newer bosses with "Yeah, they're just improved older gimmicks." Souls games have always been about combat. You won't think harder unless the boss is full-out a puzzle boss like the folding screens monkeys.
Btw, learning WHERE to dodge to, not just pressing the dodge button, is crucial in ER. It's clear that you're talking smack about a game you know nothing about.


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
But anon, if you really want to go there....

The difference between Sekiro and Sousl game is that in Sekiro, you basically have to parry very consistent combos. You move fast, and the bosses also move fast, except when they perform their very consistent combos.

In Souls, you have to observe the bosses' attacks, knowing the time and combos and mistakes and whether or not they will do a follow-up etc.
You need good reflexes for Souls, you don't really need them for Sekiro like games, because of how predictable they are, and also, the lack of stamina bar means that you can run away and spam shinobi tools to slowly chip away at their health/posture, meaning you can beat any boss as long as you're patient.

I call it fake difficulty because I don't find a rhythm game disgusted as an action game to be difficult, or fun for that matter.
That is what fucked ER DLC

Every boss is from Sekiro but the PC is from DS3.

Good luck with that. They overshot the goal line by a fucking mile.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2023
Lastly, yeah, cool. They reuse older gimmics and simply make bosses attack faster. Cool. You have to imrpove your parrying, not how you think. Yeah... That's the fucking point. All they do is force you to improve timing. They don't force you to think harder. They force you to press buttons at the right time.
Sekiro also has many different tools that, while not necessary to beat bosses/move through areas, can make it easier or sometimes even completely change how you play. If you use them right. Which either requires a guide or, what you're asking for, to think harder. I think if you actually use the ninja tools, you might find what you're looking for in sekiro.


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
What you find fun about games is likely being made by indie devs.
No, they're not.
Indie devs are starting to make garbage too now. -_- They all try to follow the trends instead of trying to make somehting I would enjoy.

Well, I hope Capcom makes another DMC game soon.
Truly, he's speaking like he's got reflexes of a 50 year old...

You're the 60 year old!


Yuri Lover, endeed!
Jun 21, 2022
That is what fucked ER DLC

Every boss is from Sekiro but the PC is from DS3.

Good luck with that. They overshot the goal line by a fucking mile.
true, but you can just always explore to get more Scadu tree things. Like I said before, maybe you should try to learn where to dodge to instead of just dodging. Positioning is extra important in ER.
Fromsoft DLCs have always been notoriously hard. I shudder to think what a Sekiro DLC would be like...


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
I did address all the bosses you mentioned. You're the one who dismissed all the good things about the newer bosses with "Yeah, they're just improved older gimmicks"
Gaping dragon with the wizard that buffs him, which is a downgraded version of Fool's idol from Demon Souls. Ceaseless Discharge. The point of Iron Golem not being small area. Reused old Dragonslayer. I am dismissing them because it is not importnat. My point isn't about them being bad or good, fun or unfun.

Can you tell me what was your first Soulslike?


Yuri Lover, endeed!
Jun 21, 2022
Gaping dragon with the wizard that buffs him, which is a downgraded version of Fool's idol from Demon Souls. Ceaseless Discharge. The point of Iron Golem not being small area. Reused old Dragonslayer. I am dismissing them because it is not importnat. My point isn't about them being bad or good, fun or unfun.

Can you tell me what was your first Soulslike?
It was dark souls 1. I'm getting pretty confused here. What was your point to begin with?


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
I played Demon Souls, Dark Souls, DS2, and DS3, but didn't complete either of them. Mostly because of this. (fight me):

  • Walk of shame
    • Died somewhere? Get fucked, nerd, go walk, find your soul bitch. Oh? Did you reach the boss with 4 estus instead of your 7? Pft, noob. Git Gud. Oh? Now, you reached it with only 2? Oops. Good luck next time. Bwahahaha.
Then there is the issue of bosses becoming bigger and bigger and bigger with every game. It was especially outrageous in ER:
  • Giant. Fucking. Bosses.
    • Are you Quentin? No? Bad luck, here, fight this massive, fucking feet; you won't see the rest anyway.
  • Elden Beast
    • Worst end boss ever. At least now you can summon your damned horse with the DLC patch. We just needed 1+ year to get this obviously missing function from the final fight.
true, but you can just always explore to get more Scadu tree things. Like I said before, maybe you should try to learn where to dodge to instead of just dodging. Positioning is extra important in ER.
I can solo Malenia. That doesn't excuse the fact that something is bad. And the DLC is bad. There is a fine balance, and they overcorrected it because Swamplover doesn't want the player base to go in with lvl300 characters and steamroll it. So what if they want to do it? The new leveling system in the DLC? Shit. Go make Sekiro 2, then.

ER was the first souls-like game that totally vibed with me, and I went ahead, collecting all items, all gear, and finding all the bosses. But right now, the DLC is a disappointment, and I won't touch it until multiple patches are added to it.

There is fun, and there is "git gud" trolling. This is the latter.