Your Secrets as a ScribbleHub User...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 29316
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When Blue Just Isn't Quite Blue Enough
Jan 20, 2019
My secret is, I made this account not long after this site even started....and then just forgot SH even existed. I only recently started looking around here again..maybe a month or two ago? Mid-October-something. And then I only seriously posted here and on the main site 2-3 weeks ago?

And as for dark secrets...does me spending most of my late teens homeless count? I mean from 17 to 22. Not bouncing around couches homeless. I mean I ate from dumpsters, slept in bathrooms that were unlocked in subway stations as well bus stations and more than once had to run from policeman when they caught me sleeping on the floor of the stalls. Sometimes all I had was a wall to lean on. Homeless shelters were always packed where I was and it was quite vicious competition for the limited room. Probably the best place was this museum bathroom. The floors were warm because they were carpeted. I stole some poor blokes lunch leftovers from somewhere earlier in the day for food. Wanna say it was Thai food but I can't remember exactly now. Maybe Indian. It was a nice night, but the morning was awful. My only jacket got ripped when I had to run from museum security and it was pretty rough for a few weeks later. It was early fall then and it got cold fast.

Most of the nastiest fights I've been, (not many mind you I'm no tough guy or wannabe brawler, but a few), were me defending my little collection of morsels of food from other homeless just like myself. I've met good people like me, and then I've met some not so good. Still, I learned to be grateful for the little things because all of it can be taken away for no reason at all. Simple roll of the dice came out bad. No logic. No reasoning. Just pure chance. And to also try and say goodbye or goodnight to those you care for because nothing is guaranteed.

Being young and healthy doesn't necessarily mean you'll wake up in the morning.
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Level 35 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
I don't keep secrets. If I did, nobody would know how to make me happy.

Obviously, receiving 1-star ratings makes me happy 😇


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2020
My secret is that I'm afraid of writing/doing something weird, because I grew up very sheltered and don't have experience with online communities (also, if my parents found out I post stories online and interact with strangers I have never met irl, they would probably kill me lol)

Deleted member 46002

I am usually roasting the shit out of my chapters or just smiling like an idiot while writing.


The Winds Of Change Will Erode All Things.
Jul 6, 2019
Well, just as the title says, what are your secrets as a ScribbleHub User? It could be a dark secret, or something trivial. Mine would be...I do 5* bombing runs to encourage an author to write (with skimming through the work first, of course), irregardless whether I like the genre or not.

My reason for that is, if I liked the work, it's a 5*. If not, then I wouldn't rate at all, and contact the author about what I don't like.
I'm not a lawyer of anything, but admitting to bombing people is not a legally sound play. Outing yourself as a terrorist is never a good move in general, really.

Especially if it's with 5*, which I'm guessing is a stronger version of C4.


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
My deep dark secret is that I like statistics way too much. In general and in scribblehub. Always looking at those numbers. Even if they're depressing.