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    Name your writing style

    liquid insanity, berry flavored
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    Writing I need to destroy everything.

    Try reading historical novels. Sweet stuff mate. Nautical historical novels are great for perspective. If you think things are bad now, those will cheer you right up. As for character backgrounds, ease up on the planning mate. If it doesn't flow, perhaps you need two prequels... or fifteen...
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    Trope: Your new power is altering your DNA

    My MC can do it. I think the ability is only useful if you can actually control it. Otherwise, nah mate.
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    No Romance & Crazy Bureaucrat

    That question mark makes me feel uneasy, so I will try All Hail Sect Leader. Thanks mate! Added. I don't usually like revenge plots, but this one sounds different. Keep on writing mate!
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    [daily] taking out the trash

    Went to the gym today. Leg day. Listened to robo voice read me non-fiction that might help me change careers.
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    Recommendations Good Cultivation Novels on SH

    Still curious, what is it? Or was that your personal experience?
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    Recommendations Good Cultivation Novels on SH

    Now that I need to read. Name of said novel?
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    No Romance & Crazy Bureaucrat

    Any novels with 100% no romance (no dating, feelings, ...) where MC is a crazy bureaucrat? Other requirements: - at least 10 chapters total - MC is a bureaucrat for at least 10 chapters - if multi-MC, max. 3 MCs Thanks mates!
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    What does this mean to you?

    Unnecessary and risky. I've seen too many "colleagues" catch unhealthy emotional attachments. Want a family? Adopt a kid. Too many lost souls in this world already. I believe that environment matters far more than genes do.
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    [daily] taking out the trash

    I did a lot of taking out, then I quelled most of my insanity by writing a chapter. Now I am contemplating writing another... It's pouring.
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    Cold-blooded and determined or lively and playful

    All of the above. Few people are monoliths. Most of us change with our environment. Are you playful in the office? Some of my "co-workers" invest all their social energy into their workplace and live extraordinarily quiet private lives. Or the opposite. The most cold-blooded man I've...
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    Skimming Tips

    If you got the questions, it is much easier. Is it one question per paragraph? In any case, do "named" questions first. Is the question asking about so-and-so? Scan the paragraph for any mention of this person. (The same works for dates, places, and other distinct letter-number...
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    Recommendations Recommend Novels

    Hunting for Jade Beauties Considering your name, I am confident you will enjoy that novel. It is completed on Royal Road.
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    Free writing software.

    I use Zettlr and Bibisco. If you want something more advanced, try Manuskript
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    It's all been written. Read the classics of whatever continent you live on and you will discover nothing but "plagiarism". Sure, the words are different but the plot is the same. The idea that you can own ideas is bollocks mate.
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    My writing process which allows me to churn out a chapter a day. Share yours!

    1) Write what I know. Using my own life experience makes writing easier. No research required. 2) Keep the plot in mind. I will inevitably stray, but as long as I get back, it's good enough for a webnovel. 3) Stay away from mind-numbing agents. When I am numb, I cannot write. Going crazy...
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    How To Motivate A Writer

    Whenever I feel my sanity slipping, I start writing. It is a need rather than a choice. Consider why you write. Why do you need to write? If you do no need to, then don't.
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    Writers: Pet Peeves When Reading Novels

    Don't tell me everything, leave some mystery. Don't spell it out. Of course, I am guilty of that myself more often than I would like.
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    Writers Block

    Music! Turn on the music and keep going until you find a song that flows. Then let your ideas loose. You can always revise later.
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    How do you plan?

    Story first, plot second, then the chapters just flow. Let it change and grow, but prune off excess.