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  1. Zagaroth

    Patreon NSFW Guidelines Killing Smut Authors

    Do you copy and paste your chapter into the text field? Perhaps you should attach your chapter instead. I doubt they scan the files. I always end my scenes with a fade to black or just a bit of commentary about emotions and experiences, so it wouldn't affect me either way, but I switched to...
  2. Zagaroth

    So I'm writing a web novel with the use of dice rolls

    While I haven't gone that far, I do let dice decide some of my world-building. "I need this couple to have at least three kids, so that the character can have 2 siblings, but how many do they actually have? roll 2d4+1 for a range of 3-13, and I get seven. Okay, now I flip a coin for the gender...
  3. Zagaroth

    I want to write, but i cant think of a "direction."

    When I started, I had an idea for a scenario in my head. So I wrote it, and I kept asking myself, "what would these characters do next?" and I kept answering that question. From that process, the characters eventually gave each other some brief answers to "so how did you wind up here?" I...
  4. Zagaroth

    Forgotten Title looking for a story

    Yeah, that's Reborn. Recognized the set up immediatly. I like the writing a lot, and some of the characters, but the smut got too heavy for me personally.
  5. Zagaroth

    What separates a bad written villain to a good written villain

    It depends on the story. 75%+ of my story would remain the same if I had decided on a different antagonist. It's extremely character-driven, they have stuff to do and goals to accomplish, and the big bad is only important when they interfere. I have thus put relatively little...
  6. Zagaroth

    How many chapters did you stack before posting?

    None, I needed momentum and feedback. However, once I figured out my speed, I made my posting rate slower than my writing rate and currently have about 30 chapters of backlog.
  7. Zagaroth

    Would you spend time editing an old story?

    I started writing my story two years ago. I am still going back to fix things occasionally. Mind, most of this has been implementing edit suggestions from others (I started over on RR, so there is a lot more history than is shown here), but sometimes those suggestions point out areas where I...
  8. Zagaroth

    How harsh are you on your main characters?

    Mixed. The story pretty much starts at the point of things getting better for the three MCs after each has had some bad history one way or another. But there is a building threat that they are going to have to deal with, and history catching up with one character has recently caused suffering...
  9. Zagaroth

    Are prophecies something that destroy history?

    My setting doesn't have guaranteed prophecies. Guaranteed prophecies are one part self-fulfilling and one part fate-twisting in order to make an event happen, no matter how improbable. See: Oedipus Rex That leaves two others: Predictive and Luck Blessing. Predictive sees the pattern of things...
  10. Zagaroth

    Name your most desired super powers

    Passive is easy: Strong healing factor with eternal youth aspect. Active: Mmm, I want something both fun and potentially powerful. So I am thinking; the ability to grant wishes via contract. The wish would be powered by the other person's part of the contract, partly determined by my benefit...
  11. Zagaroth

    How to write harem ?

    Hmm, that sounds familiar... *googles* Yep, that would be Ranma. Though my first exposure to that sort of Harem was "Tenchi Muyo!" I had been intending to create a harem (which might have been an influence on my title...) but I ended with a stable MFF that I am very happy with instead.
  12. Zagaroth

    Gender bender and yuris?

    From what I have seen, most gender-bender stories are about titillation, not a serious exploration of sexuality. Pretty much any of the "and guy gets isekai'd into a girl" tropes. I'm just not interested. Look, if you want to just write a female MC, then just write a female MC. It's not that...
  13. Zagaroth

    Spacing Preferences?

    *Takes a deep breath* Just kidding, I am also a fan A, and dislike B
  14. Zagaroth

    How few tags for just your story?

    Two Tags: "Dungeons" "Marriage of Convenience" Not a single other story on the list. :) Also currently #11 under the "marriage of convenience" tag
  15. Zagaroth

    Do you write out of chronological order?

    No, I write my chapters in order. At least, as far as putting text to file goes. The scene composition going on in my head? That's nonstop and jumps around all the time. But those are only ideas, and nothing is finalized until I make words appear in a medium that others can read.
  16. Zagaroth

    How the hell do you people come up with names for stuff?

    "No Need For A Core?" Was inspired by the title of the anime "No Need For Tenshi?" (note that Tenshi is the MC of said anime.) I utterly blanked for a title and this was what I came up with. There is no other relationship (though that does remind me that I have been meaning to make a cabbit for...
  17. Zagaroth

    Tips for Pantsers

    This pretty much fits with what I have been doing. My entire story was born of a starting scene, and thanks to the way my brain works I needed to start throwing chapters up in order to start a feedback loop and create mental pressure to write. And that's it. One character's backstory had a...
  18. Zagaroth

    How can I properly retcon something

    Heck, I've retconned the naming of things. Author forward on next published chapter: "Hey, I'm renaming X to Y going forward, and editing in name changes during my revisions sweep" In the chapter where X (Now Y) is introduced, edit the name change into that chapter and then edit into the...
  19. Zagaroth

    A family member that you interact the most becomes the MC’s love interest.

    Okay, so the three MCs of my story are in a relationship together, so they'd all need to be interested in ... my wife. And one of the two FMCs has a personality similar to my wife's. Erm. Awkward much? Anyway, in the end, it just doesn't work. For whatever reason, they get interested in my...
  20. Zagaroth

    Name a weakness in your novel

    The biggest weakness of mine is the beginning. I really wanted to get the ball rolling and used my setup to get my three MCs into a marriage of convenience. In the end, it *works*, the trio does have chemistry and things are working there the way I wanted it to. But I am now more confident that...