Adding new effects to main elements, got any ideas?


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Light means there is something.
Light illuminates, that means it radiates something out. Thing that radiates are flame, star. Condition inside these bodies are chaotic.

Dark is nothing. Dark settled down. Dark didn’t change. Dark is stable. It is evenly, uniformed, ordered.

Now tell that to the fantasy crap that I had been consuming since I could read till now. Hero of Light vs Demon King of Darkness. Church of Light vs Cult of Darkness. Loli of Light vs Dominatrix OL of Dark.

I get your literal approach to calling out the usual tiresome tropes, such as people like the light and scared of the dark, by inverting it and as I was typing this out, I feel a sense of deja vu of having written this kind of statement before and promptly getting demolished later.

So allow me to say that I am still a fogey of light being order solely because Light is bright and I can see it and everything under it (thus Order) while Dark is dark and my imagination runs wild when I see into the void (hence Chaotic).
Feb 6, 2021

Now tell that to the fantasy crap that I had been consuming since I could read till now. Hero of Light vs Demon King of Darkness. Church of Light vs Cult of Darkness. Loli of Light vs Dominatrix OL of Dark.

I get your literal approach to calling out the usual tiresome tropes, such as people like the light and scared of the dark, by inverting it and as I was typing this out, I feel a sense of deja vu of having written this kind of statement before and promptly getting demolished later.

So allow me to say that I am still a fogey of light being order solely because Light is bright and I can see it and everything under it (thus Order) while Dark is dark and my imagination runs wild when I see into the void (hence Chaotic).
light is justice/good. it desires order and balance.
dark is injustice/evil. it desires chaos and discord.
simple as


The narcissist and Attention Whore :>
Nov 15, 2020
light is justice/good. it desires order and balance.
dark is injustice/evil. it desires chaos and discord.
simple as
Light desires nothing. It simply IS.
Darkness is desire. Give in, and become as you were meant to be~.

Light is justice/good but it is ITS justice and good. It is by nature a conqueror and tyrant. From light, colour came into existence and with it different gradient of light. It divided heat and cold (thermal radiation), light and dark, good and bad.

Dark is not injustice. It is a lack of justice. If light is a scale that can be even or tipped off in one side, then dark is the absence of that scale. It does not seek to expand itself, since in the beginning it is everything. It’s light that invaded dark. It is light that appeared later and it told everyone that it is good and those that isn’t light is bad.

God the representation of light is a sole dominator and lord. HE represents One. If light and dark are two sides of the same coin, then God is promoting an imbalance in cosmic scale.

Meanwhile, Baphomet the Divine Demonic Goats of Darkness represents Duality. It promotes both sides of nature, female and male, good and evil, chaos and order, light and dark. All of them mixing together into oneness, and it is in this oneness that nothing could be distinguished from the other that it respects the everything of the universe.

The argument about which is good and which is evil is a fruitless debate. Each thing belongs to a different concept. You can find faults and benefits in both sides. You can, however, only choose to follow one side because human nature designed us ill-suited to understand concept beyond duality.

One thing is to be say. Without light, there is no life. There is also no good and evil; And there is no right from wrong. Human as the creature born from light is, therefore, must support light else they will go extinct. When you are still in the dark, when you still don’t know what is good and what is evil, you are therefore innocent (such were Adam and Eve). In this stage, you are the balance and you are Baphomet. However, when they devoured, and I quote, “the fruit of knowledge of good and evil”, they knew what is now good and evil. At that point, you can never return to the innocent stage of cluelessness. By eating that fruit, you deemed Baphomet and the duality of nature your enemy. When you have morals, you can only follow what is good, any action besides that is evil.

This is why dark is ordered, uniform. Meanwhile, light is chaos.
Feb 6, 2021
Light is justice/good but it is ITS justice and good. It is by nature a conqueror and tyrant. From light, colour came into existence and with it different gradient of light. It divided heat and cold (thermal radiation), light and dark, good and bad.

Dark is not injustice. It is a lack of justice. If light is a scale that can be even or tipped off in one side, then dark is the absence of that scale. It does not seek to expand itself, since in the beginning it is everything. It’s light that invaded dark. It is light that appeared later and it told everyone that it is good and those that isn’t light is bad.

God the representation of light is a sole dominator and lord. HE represents One. If light and dark are two sides of the same coin, then God is promoting an imbalance in cosmic scale.

Meanwhile, Baphomet the Divine Demonic Goats of Darkness represents Duality. It promotes both sides of nature, female and male, good and evil, chaos and order, light and dark. All of them mixing together into oneness, and it is in this form that nothing could be distinguished from the other that it respects the everything of the universe.

The argument about which is good and which is evil is a fruitless debate. Each thing belongs to a different concept. You can find faults and benefits in both sides. You can, however, only choose to follow one side because human nature designed us ill-suited to understand concept beyond duality.

One thing is to be say. Without light, there is no light. There is also no good and evil; And there is no right from wrong. Human as the creature born from light is, therefore, must support light else they will go extinct. When you are still in the dark, when you still don’t know what is good and what is evil, you are therefore innocent (such were Adam and Eve). In this stage, you are the balance and you are Baphomet. However, when they devoured, and I quote, “the fruit of knowledge of good and evil”, they knew what is now good and evil. At that point, you can never return to the innocent stage of cluelessness. By eating that fruit, you deemed Baphomet and the duality of nature your enemy. When you have morals, you can only follow what is good, any action besides that is evil.

This is why dark is ordered, uniform. Meanwhile, light is chaos.
im sorry im way too tired to talk philosophy. i'll get back to you tomorrow


Well-known member
May 8, 2021
You guys are so funny!
However, it has nothing to do with life creation lores or knowledges or justice that create Order vs. Chaos elements Lv 2 for Light and Dark elements Lv 1.
There are factors:
1. Nature - Sun & Moon
2. Dramas and consequences - Representative shitcrack gods and religious fanatics like etc.
3. Activities during Night & Day
Light and dark are neither truth nor lies. The sun's light can blind and make mirages.
But the dark's shadow often give shade to hide and lay our rest.
If you really want to talk Justice. Then Justice is blind. A self-righteous hero is blind to the consequences of his own feats, both good and bad deeds. And people still glorify him for mass murders and homebreaking manners.
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A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021

How does your magic WORK?

All those suggestions work, but if I don't understand your underlying mechanics, I cannot give an opinion.


Well-known member
May 8, 2021

How does your magic WORK?

All those suggestions work, but if I don't understand your underlying mechanics, I cannot give an opinion.
1st phase is pure elemental.
2nd phase is element evolved via fusion.
Ex1. Water can turn into Ice when frozen.

3rd phase is element ultimate form that is so OP, you could decimate 1-3 cities.
However, Light and Dark are philosophical based. In other words, how you use it and what effects it got on other people.
But both Light and Dark's final form is Star.
Star is neutral element, but change power effects depending on hw you used it.
Destructive - Nether, destroy everything to oblivion
Creative - Aether, create everything from nothing
In Phase 2, as long the Element Lv 1 has the ability to turn or become another type of substance. It qualify.

For Earth Elements, people thought it was dirt. But later in years, they added Wood or Plants to it because of "Nature" manipulation ability. Idk why, but added it because I'm only tracing the evolution of Elements and trying to see what power potentials each one can do.
Lv 1 - Daily life, almost harmless
Lv 2 - Legit combat or disaster level
Lv 3 - Ultimate, affect the laws of physics and reality, can destry a whole planet or a few cities.
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A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
huh. I'm not making myself clear.

Hi. I'm Bob. I just dropped out of the sky.
I am on your world. I look around, "Well fuck. I need to get home to feed the cats and it seems like I am on an alien planet." I look around, "Well, usually people like me get superpowers when this sort of crap happens. I know."

I stick my hands out and wiggle them furiously while I shout, "ABRA-CA-POCUS! NEW PORT NEWS! WALLA WALLA WASHINGTON!" And I will magic to leap forth from my fingertips to create a gate back home.

What happens?


Well-known member
May 8, 2021
huh. I'm not making myself clear.

Hi. I'm Bob. I just dropped out of the sky.
I am on your world. I look around, "Well fuck. I need to get home to feed the cats and it seems like I am on an alien planet." I look around, "Well, usually people like me get superpowers when this sort of crap happens. I know."

I stick my hands out and wiggle them furiously while I shout, "ABRA-CA-POCUS! NEW PORT NEWS! WALLA WALLA WASHINGTON!" And I will magic to leap forth from my fingertips to create a gate back home.

What happens?
You get turned into atomic bits that get scattered all over by the wind of the new world?


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2020
Any element can be reached with any of the elements in the parentheses.
Emotion can draw power from momentary emotions
Intelligence can increase the time too process information
Oath means power through purpose, can do any task forever
Enlightenment represents the ability to leave the body. Can preserve the soul indefinitely. Can see some of the future
Transmutation works on both materials and living things
Not quite what was asked but I had fun.


Well-known member
May 11, 2021
1st Phase2nd Phase3rd Phase
Earth (Stone)WoodVitality/Matter
WindThunder (Electricity)Space
LightChaos - SupportStar (Aether)
DarkOrder - ProductionStar (Nether)

Still trying to find the effects for 2nd Phase & 3rd Phase Fire Element and Wind Element.
But I'm a little stuck, so got any idea?

3rd Phase effect of Wind Element should involve a type of OP concept that is intangible, hard to control, but powerful enough to affect the world on a global scale when the power is used at Maximum level.

1st Phase is like Magic Ability Lv. 1 -> 2nd Phase Magic Ability Lv. 2 with additional upgrades.

Edit: Space is added to Wind's 3rd Phase form. Wind can bypass the rules of Space and freely create another dimension rift. A Space Ability User has a tendency to open Inbox (Isekai) /Space Room (Cultivation Revenge BS + Crystal Zombies) from thin airs and go in and out depending on a story's genre.

Edit 2: Matter is added to Earth's 3rd Phase form. It has transmutable properties in both metallurgy and medical fields from Wood Lv 2 & Stone Lv 1. Energy is dumped at the end of 3rd Phase. No matter which way the element Fire get turned, it's still a ball of Energy in the end due to loss/gain of heat.
Plasma for Fire?


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2020
Okay. But we do need a way to the tell the differences between Fire Lv 1 and Fire (Plasma) Lv 2.
According to film theory, the Kamehameha wave and similar attacks in dragon ball z are roughly what plasma looks like.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
You get turned into atomic bits that get scattered all over by the wind of the new world?
Okay. My replacment gets a video of the one who just exploded, "Holy crap. Saying the wrong words of power will get you killed!" Then examines the video to figure out exactly what happened. So he figures he needs to find out more about these words of power. He asks around. Where will he learn about the words of power? Is it something you are born with? Can anyone learn? What special traits allow it? When did it start? What is the source? How is the source controlled? What are the side effects?

Before you get to the RESULTS, you need to start at the beginning and know the basics.

It's like saying, "I have weapon. It goes Pew and people die." Okay. What's it look like? How's it work? Where do you get the weapon? WHat does it cost to fire the weapon? How do I make more weapons? More ammunition? What other types of weapons can I make? How can I improve the weapon?

The OP is saying, "Here are the bullets and what they do." I want to know about the types of guns, what sort of training it takes to use the guns, who made the first gun, how did the gun evolve to its current form.

I cannot make any really useful observations about the ammunition, if I know nothing about the weapon that fires said bullets.


Well-known member
May 8, 2021
@TheEldritchGod, so let me bullet your questions.
  1. Constitution / Knowledge (Talent v. Skill)?
  2. Side effects of this Elemental Ability (Magic or etc.)? User
  3. Other types of effects of this Elemental Ability? Target
  4. Energy source + Sacrifice input for Ability output?
  5. Manipulation Techniques?
  6. When is this Ability manifest?
  7. Visual or power sense differences?
  8. Innovative Variance/ Fusion potentials?
  9. Rarity?
  10. ECO threat level? (Environment + Society's Morality Standards)
  11. Elemental Ability/Affinity Evolution?
  12. Reasons for these effects for said Elements ' powers on users, targets, and area eyc.?
Is this correct?
1. Both.
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A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
@TheEldritchGod, so let me bullet your questions.
  1. Constitution / Knowledge (Talent v. Skill)?
  2. Side effects of this Elemental Ability (Magic or etc.)? User
  3. Other types of effects of this Elemental Ability? Target
  4. Energy source + Sacrifice input for Ability output?
  5. Manipulation Techniques?
  6. When is this Ability manifest?
  7. Visual or power sense differences?
  8. Innovative Variance/ Fusion potentials?
  9. Rarity?
  10. ECO threat level? (Environment + Society's Morality Standards)
  11. Elemental Ability/Affinity Evolution?
  12. Reasons for these effects for said Elements ' powers on users, targets, and area eyc.?
Is this correct?
1. Both.
The only thing I would add is "how does one improve?" Like, I can learn it at age 15, so what happens if I learn it at 30? And then I am a slacker for 20, or I work my ass off for 5? That sort of thing.


Well-known member
May 8, 2021
The only thing I would add is "how does one improve?" Like, I can learn it at age 15, so what happens if I learn it at 30? And then I am a slacker for 20, or I work my ass off for 5? That sort of thing.
The Elemental Ability can be learned and used as long one has the proper body constitution and knowledge.

The younger a person learn how to use this power, the more flexible and better control they will have over their Elemental power.

Learning how to use the magic at older age or after slacking off from training may cause severe injuries and fatal deaths. If they survive the releases of their excess magic channel blockages, the users will be left with a self-inflicted curse corresponding to their Element Lv.2's true effects.

Ex. A wind mage forced open his channels after slacking off for 2 yr. Wind energy get released, will try to tear through his body while escaping to spiritual plane. Wind mage is electrocuted in the process because his Elemental Affinity has evolved to Lv 2 due to energy surplus.
Wind Mage survive the cleaning of his jammed magic channels and can use his Elemental Magic, but get severe burns in areas of excess magic's exits which still hurt and last for another 3 years. Can exit from the lungs or hearts. Ow.
Wind at Lv 2 is Storm/Electric Element. Electric can leave glowing burn scars that can attract more lightning attacks.
If Wind Mage fails to clear his jammed channels, his power will explode and shred his body into pieces from inside out. In other words, he die.
But if a guy just started learning at older age for 1st time. Magic channels still slightly jammed. But x3 amt of resources will be needed and x2 trainings experiences needed. Energy output is weak or smaller due to deterioration of magic channels and jamming.

One analogy is blood pressures reaction with bad cholesterols. For older first-timers.