Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
It has been so long, since she let herself be free. Interacting with people, she felt, would never be her strong suit. She, at least this side of her, preferred blood and carnage than having to put a mask in front of others.

It was exhilarating. The feel of blood as her claw tore through the flesh of those wolves. Those wolves, snarling at her could do nothing while she was airborne like this.

She felt ecstasy, as she saw one more of those wolves life snuffed out. The wolf tried to jump at her using the bark of the tree as the foothold, yet a slight shift to the left made him missed his target, and put her in the perfect position to run her claws through its body.

She wondered if they would continue to attack in futility? Would they become discouraged if she killed one more? Putting the idea into plan, she rose beyond the canopy of the trees, and dove down. The force of gravity added to her acceleration, the momentum made it easier to tore down another.

They did not back down at all. In the end, she guess she had to kill the leader to make this chore end.

Unlike the rest, the alpha of the pack was a big, grey wolf. The size of the wolf eclipsed the others by a large margin, that she was reasonably sure it was classified as a Dire wolf. The alpha howled once, and the hesitant pack regained their courage.

If this continued, she would have less time to gather branches for her payment. Her backpack, discarded near one of the tree, had to be retrieved at all cost. That being the reason, she prepared herself to kill the alpha in the next strike.

She lowered her altitude, tempting the alpha to strike at her. The wolves, circling around her, waited at the command of the alpha. The alpha barked, and they simultaneously attacked from multiple direction. Since there was no escape except to go up, she went higher. The alpha seem to know this, as he was already charging at her position. He leaped.

This one strike would decide it. She infused her claws with some kind of energy from her core and meet the alpha head on. The mouth of the alpha already in position of biting her, she thrust her left hand to the mouth, and she felt her claw pierced through the wolf's head. Both the momentum of the alpha and hers made it easier to pierce the roof of the wolf's mouth. Still, the full body weight of the alpha pushed against hers, and her body collided with the tree.

The remaining pack members seem to be confused. She hastily freed herself from the corpse of the alpha. As the corpse of the alpha was laid bare, the remaining wolves decided to scatter, ending the battle.

She picked up the backpack once again. Her bloodlust receded, she gathered the remaining branch until the backpack was full. It was then, she was reminded of the quest Hunting mission.

> > >
Hunting Mission - EVALUATED
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Hunt some medium-large game.
  • Bring it back to the guild.
  • Meat must be edible and fresh.
The chef at the guild wants some ingredients re-stocked!
Of course there needs to be meat! Meat!! Meat!!!!
Bring us some meat!
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: 5 jerky
> > >

The dire wolf would be sufficient as the payment, right? She would have to carry both the branches and the corpse. To bring those together, she would have to stay in this primal state. would she be able to do that, she wondered.

She had no other solution. Leaving the backpack was inconceivable. The wolf was a convenient solution to that one quest, yet it was not necessary. She guessed, that she could fly near the border of the city and drag it from there.

Plan set, she put those plan into motion. Her backpack on her back and the dire wolf's corpse held by her hand, she flew back to the city.


The dire wolf's corpse was dragged to the receptionist's desk. She would have to write the quest report. She took a parchment and ink, and wrote:
Dire wolf's corpse, freshly hunted.

She submitted the report.
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
The first time I did this quest, there was a scary old man, so I just took the ingredients and dashed away and did it all at home. The second time, I did the same thing, except I was yelled at by the receptionist and told not to do that again. Unfortunately, I want to be able to use the guild kitchens, since I heard that they have a lot of conveniences, such as various cooking appliances, pot fillers and "free" fire!

I started camping out around the guild kitchen, hoping to go to work as soon as that old man leaves. I mean, he must have a life outside of the guild right? However, I swear that the guy lives there or something. Every single time I check (or let my cat check), he's always there!

Frustrated, I decided to visit the guild kitchen at 2 am. Surely, he wouldn't be there right? Well, it turns out that the guild kitchen is closed at that time :blob_teary:

So I got a brilliant idea! I simply snuck in when he went to take a restroom break (at least he leaves to do that), and hid myself in a box. After taking a nap there, I woke up with a stiff neck, but the kitchen was completely empty, with no old man in sight!

And thus I began baking the rations. I got to play with all the fancy equipment, with these cool looking dough rollers (i had to just use my hands before), and all these ovens! And what's cool about those ovens, is that you can specify exactly how long you want them to cook for, and then it will sounds an alarm when it's ready! Gone are the days I have to keep checking at my sand filled hourglass.

While all 40 rations were baking, I went and inspected all the other fancy kitchen appliances. Half of them, I wouldn't be too sure how to use though, but I guess I can just ask the guild for those. Before I knew it, the loud buzzer went off, and I ran over and began to collect the rations.

Checking the rations via a lantern I brought, they looked perfect! I carefully stowed them in the bag, but in the middle of doing so, I heard footsteps in the distance, with a very familiar voice saying something about "those broken machines are going off at night yet again"

In a rush, I hurried up and threw all the rations into the bag and bolted out of the kitchen, hoping that I wouldn't be noticed. It failed, and the old man yelled, "It's that thief again!" But as usual I made my quick get away.

The next day, when I went to deliver the rations, I casually asked about the guild kitchen appliances. The receptionist had no idea, but said that Rordon Gamsey, could answer all my questions, since he's always there in the kitchen. Wait, if that's the old man.... I guess I'm either going to have to get along with him or never use the guild kitchen. :blob_teary:

Attached are the 40 rations.
"Miss Eustania, I'd really appreciate if you stopped making the cooks think there are thieves assaulting the kitchen... Please clarify things with mister Rordon next time.

"Nonetheless, you did a good job with the cooking at the very least.

"May the gods give you the courage to face your fears."

Final Reward:
Money: 10G
Items: 5 rations

OOC: Remember to tag your report as appraised in some way.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably! Rewards:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
"Excuse me sir I seem to be lost." I spoke to a man that seemed to be passing by, he turned around and asked "Little sister Your in the middle of town! Anyway I'm pretty busy so why not go to the scribble town Adventurer's guild? just take a left, go past 3 more intersections and it's the building on the left!"

The man left in a hurry before I could ask anything more and I left to the adventurer's guild, eventually registering there after learning a bit from a staff member there.

Please Don't Starve (Together)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
When I was walking to this adventurer guild I had observed various people who seemed like they were from the same race as me eating strange foods relaxedly, so I kept in mind which foods were most often eaten, something that's popular shouldint taste bad right? I shook my head, I was told that the library was the best place to learn it, and I wanted to learn if my coins had any value or not so I won't get scammed. In fact, I needed to know if these coins were worth anything at all, what if they were like arcade tokens?

Making a Friend™
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somebody you can actually talk to without punching a friend!
  • Discover the wonderful magic of friendship! :blob_happy:
It's tough to be stuck in a strange universe far away from home.It's even tougher if you're here without anybody you know.Make a friend, and maybe things will get easier? :sweating_profusely: Rewards:
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
"And that many coins buys this amount of food, while this amount can also buy these ingredients so it's better if you make it yourself really." I was speaking to a man that seemed quite knowledgeable and I was slowly getting a picture of where I had stumbled upon, Was I in the same world? was this a different country? Different continent? I had so many questions but it seemed to be getting harder to go back after my journey, afterall, I was pretty sure my hometown had no such thing as a world gate.

"Thanks!" I thanked the man and went around to the stalls that sold items cheaply, I did not have that much money on me afterall, I was told that it might last me a few days.

"Registering for the guild really was necessary huh" I started browsing goods.
Um, where can I get a toothbrush?
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Realize that you are unable to maintain a routine from your old life.
  • Find a solution to get around it... or not.
The culture shock continues!Do they sell bath soap here? Underwear?What am I going to do without my quantum teleporter?OMG, my mana-phone is going to run out of battery! :blob_upset: Rewards:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
I was able to find a cheap form of soap and some semi-soft rags but I shook my head, I needed to get these things after I made my first amount of money so that I can build a base from myself, not having to rely on the magical appearing money that came from the bag. What if the money vanished one day? would I get arrested for thievery?

I nodded, It seemed this world was in an age of development about 1 or 2 ages behind my world's development But I gradually learned more and more about something that made this world unique, different from my own.

I'm not homeless, am I?
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
:blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep: Rewards:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
I was able to find a place for a couple coins a day, lifting a medium sized portion of worry off my heart as I rested on the straw bed and started to think about what kind of task or quests I should do to make money.
> > >
"Miss Letiana, I have to say this is an unusual report... Or reports, so to speak.

"I welcome you to the guild and I'm glad you could find your way here... Though I must say you do not seem like the type to be an adventurer... Please be careful with your life, there are other possible jobs in this city and I'd hate to host your funeral without even giving you a warning first.

"I can't say much more than that, perhaps you should use the simplest jobs and study something until you feel confident about wandering on your own.

"May the gods protect you now and forevermore."

Final Reward:

OOC: Please tag your report as appraised in some way.
And a reminder that each quest should have its own separate report. Since GM talked to you on the OOC Room and didn't tell you to split this one up, I appraised it all together, but I gave it only 1/2 reward as I felt it would be really unfair to the others if I gave you 200+ exp for a single report.
And welcome aboard Lee-chan! *hugs*


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
It has been so long, since she let herself be free. Interacting with people, she felt, would never be her strong suit. She, at least this side of her, preferred blood and carnage than having to put a mask in front of others.

It was exhilarating. The feel of blood as her claw tore through the flesh of those wolves. Those wolves, snarling at her could do nothing while she was airborne like this.

She felt ecstasy, as she saw one more of those wolves life snuffed out. The wolf tried to jump at her using the bark of the tree as the foothold, yet a slight shift to the left made him missed his target, and put her in the perfect position to run her claws through its body.

She wondered if they would continue to attack in futility? Would they become discouraged if she killed one more? Putting the idea into plan, she rose beyond the canopy of the trees, and dove down. The force of gravity added to her acceleration, the momentum made it easier to tore down another.

They did not back down at all. In the end, she guess she had to kill the leader to make this chore end.

Unlike the rest, the alpha of the pack was a big, grey wolf. The size of the wolf eclipsed the others by a large margin, that she was reasonably sure it was classified as a Dire wolf. The alpha howled once, and the hesitant pack regained their courage.

If this continued, she would have less time to gather branches for her payment. Her backpack, discarded near one of the tree, had to be retrieved at all cost. That being the reason, she prepared herself to kill the alpha in the next strike.

She lowered her altitude, tempting the alpha to strike at her. The wolves, circling around her, waited at the command of the alpha. The alpha barked, and they simultaneously attacked from multiple direction. Since there was no escape except to go up, she went higher. The alpha seem to know this, as he was already charging at her position. He leaped.

This one strike would decide it. She infused her claws with some kind of energy from her core and meet the alpha head on. The mouth of the alpha already in position of biting her, she thrust her left hand to the mouth, and she felt her claw pierced through the wolf's head. Both the momentum of the alpha and hers made it easier to pierce the roof of the wolf's mouth. Still, the full body weight of the alpha pushed against hers, and her body collided with the tree.

The remaining pack members seem to be confused. She hastily freed herself from the corpse of the alpha. As the corpse of the alpha was laid bare, the remaining wolves decided to scatter, ending the battle.

She picked up the backpack once again. Her bloodlust receded, she gathered the remaining branch until the backpack was full. It was then, she was reminded of the quest Hunting mission.

> > >
Hunting Mission
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Hunt some medium-large game.
  • Bring it back to the guild.
  • Meat must be edible and fresh.
The chef at the guild wants some ingredients re-stocked!
Of course there needs to be meat! Meat!! Meat!!!!
Bring us some meat!
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: 5 jerky
> > >

The dire wolf would be sufficient as the payment, right? She would have to carry both the branches and the corpse. To bring those together, she would have to stay in this primal state. would she be able to do that, she wondered.

She had no other solution. Leaving the backpack was inconceivable. The wolf was a convenient solution to that one quest, yet it was not necessary. She guessed, that she could fly near the border of the city and drag it from there.

Plan set, she put those plan into motion. Her backpack on her back and the dire wolf's corpse held by her hand, she flew back to the city.


The dire wolf's corpse was dragged to the receptionist's desk. She would have to write the quest report. She took a parchment and ink, and wrote:

She submitted the report.
"Well, that's a... Very short report, miss Meiko.

"I'd worry that you might be trying to hide something by writing this little, but you have been very diligent so far, so I'll trust your word in this one.

"Please give us a bit more information next time, alright?

"May the gods help you get closer to those that wish to aid you."

Final Reward:
Money: 20G
Items: 5 Jerky

OOC: Remember to tag it as appraised~


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Scouting the Lake
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm Fields
  • Required Level: 7
  • Scout the perimeter of the lake.
  • Note any changes in the enemy status.
  • Note any changes in the poisoned fields.
  • Do not lure enemies to the city.
Information is essential to fighting any war, and we cannot afford to operate blind.
Please scout the lake and the Poisoned Fields and assess the damage.
Many varieties of new poisonous monsters have been discovered since the war.
Any information about the hydra's forces is invaluable.
  • Points: 320 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
Quest Report (30)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 7 (5295/5600) Rank E
Quest: Scouting the Lake
  • No changes in the poisoned fields
  • Discovered a strange scene of inner fighting between two three-headed snakes by the lakeside
After a restless night in an unfamiliar place that had yet to become her home, Felicia awoke somewhat ready to face the new adventures of the day. She had long decided that her first quest here would be a scouting mission or a quest that didn't require her to face head-on with any enemies just yet. Afterall, she knew nothing about the environment around here, only rumours and passed on knowledge. She needed to study and see things for herself to truly get a grasp of the dangers she was dealing with. Or else, it may cost her her life.

After finishing up a meagre meal that left both her and Sable wanting more, the pair set off for their first quest in Gelderholm towards the poisoned farmlands. They headed south cautiously and slowly, unsure of what would await them outside the sturdy dwarven fortress walls. Strangely enough, for quite a distance, there was no sign of wildlife at all. Similar to an illusion of peace and tranquility, but the quieter it was, the more unnerved Felicia became. Becoming rather paranoid and worried, she held onto Sable's wing to ensure that she was still safe with her before continuing forward.

Finally, they arrived at the poisoned fields. The land was littered with wilted crops, torn up vegetation and ruined farmland. But more than that, was the abundance of snake and lizard-like monsters wandering the area. It was frightening how many there were, and their great variety, as some had legs, some had two heads, some had spiked tails and some had venom which would corrode even the earth it dripped onto. Since she had already heard of most of these creatures before, she deduced that there were no significant changes in the farmland area.

Silently, she retreated from the area and headed east towards the great lake. There, she found something disturbing. She didn't know if it was just a trap, or a plot from the great hydra, but two three-headed snakes, which she had usually seen lead groups of minions in the fields, had broken into a row on the lakeside. Other snakes silently watched the fight as the pair duked it out, both bearing snake flesh in their fangs and oozing blood from their wounds.

Finally, a winner was decided as one of the snakes collapsed onto the ground unconscious. The winner looked coldly at the loser before slithering off, with all the spectators following them orderly. When all was still, Felicia was struck with a dilemma. Should she kill the unconscious three-headed snake? It clearly wasn't dead, just heavily injured, and who knows how many lives it would take if she didn't kill it now. But this whole situation could very well be a trap. If she died here, Sable would die too, and she would never get to warn the dwarves about this strange scene. And to be honest, this whole scene felt a little weird. She just coincidentally walked in on such an interesting scene during her first quest here in Gelderholm? It was suspicious, were there hallucinogenic or illusion-creating snakes out there?

As tempting as it was, she decided against the risk and retreated back to Gelderholm to make her report with Sable, who had been lovely and obedient the whole time, definitely not just upset and drowzy from a lack of food and sleep...
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
> > >
Joint Military Exercises
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm City
  • Required Level: 5
  • Report to the Gelderholm barracks.
  • Conduct a patrol exercise with the dwarven military.
  • Demonstrate competency in a military environment.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
We don't got the luxury of time, but I'm in charge of you new recruits.I don't care what kind of place you came from, but you listen to my orders here.My orders, you hear me? If I tell you attack, then you attack.Don't be that goddamn idiot who fires an arrow without the signal.And by the Balrog's Breath, don't fling those fireballs senselessly like an idiot.The tunnels are fragile, and you never know when there's gas in the rock.If you cause an explosion, you'll bury all of us alive!Forget the hydra — you'll get us all killed first! Rewards:
  • Points: 250 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Having the simple patrol mission turn into a battle of endurance was fine.

It was true that, compared to some of her old colleagues, Vicious had a proud streak and didn't really follow instructions by the latter.

Having an idiot teammate who spooked out and fired his crossbow too early, alerting the enemies and causing the start of a massive zerg---sorry, reptile---rush was still fine.

It was also true that compared to other colleagues, she fulfilled mission objectives and didn't make often messes. And when she did, she took care of her own messes. Which is why she took this job with utmost confidence.

Regardless, when it came to large-scale operations, her and most others with the same role filled in mostly for the early stages; the vanguard, as it were. After the initial onslaughts ended, when she would then be permitted to withdraw and keep an eye out while her more...specialized...teammates mopped up the late comers. She never really stuck around for the lumbering, heavily armoured guys that her Caster friends had to dispatch, but Vicious didn't mind. Everyone had their own role to play, after all, and hers was to fight off the beginning waves.

Which was why the girl wasn't bothered as she waded through the scores of snakes, both living and dead, doing a job that was practically second nature to her. Holding the line down while the others picked off the snakes from the rear. And since her dwarven frontline teammates were outfitted in heavy armour and carried thick shields, all she had to do was to swing her bat and smash faces.

At least, that was the only thing she should have had to do. Naturally, that wasn't the only thing she ended up doing. Why? Incompetent teammates. As someone once put it finely, fear not god-like enemies, but rather pig-like teammates. Like that idiot earlier who fired without orders.

We have enough tanks to create a chokepoint, and those idiots with crossbows and firebombs aren't aiming for it. Like, hello? It should be pretty obvious that we don't have enough DPS to clear out everything in one go, so the go-to method is to mop them up steadily. And to do that you'll have to keep the front constantly clear so that the front-liners don't get overwhelmed by swarms.

To his credit, the old dwarf in charge had some very sensible tactics. With any other team, they would have worked out fine---tiring, true, but it would be able to fight off the horde that was currently attacking with minimal losses. That was probably why he ended up babysitting the newcomers, since theoretically, he would be able to bring them home safely.

Vicious thought of a certain strict instructor and begrudgingly admitted that she was out of her mind. Which was the root of the issue; many of the newcomers couldn't keep up with what the strategy demanded---experience, accuracy, damage output. That led to the front being bombarded with more enemies than they could reasonably handle, and snakes started trickling past the gaps.

And that's what she ended up doing; trudging back and forth to dispatch them. It was a stopgap method that would eventually lose effectiveness, but as of now, they could still keep up. Her clothes and bat were long past the point of being simply stained with reptilian blood and she had been bitten several times now, but the girl waved them off, thinking seriously.

If this is the first phase of an assault, we're definitely screwed if anything else shows up. Gah, what I wouldn't give for that apple pie!

Then, as if to validate her thoughts, a glob of poison splattered on one of the tanks holding the line, causing him to scream and stumble as he fell down. Then something lashed around his armoured ankle, dragged him screaming into the swarm of enemies, and Vicious realised the very annoying problem even as she smashed more heads into the ground.

"Don't attempt a rescue! If the line breaks now, we're all dead!"

The hastily clobbered-together patrol team didn't have any mages. Hell, there was barely enough ranged support from the archers. Not that she was expecting support on level of her colleagues, but this was another matter entirely. She glanced at the rear of the horde, and spotted the problem; one specific snake resembling a cobra, but with ominous red markings in it's characteristic hood. It was arching it's on tail, preparing for what seemed like another shot. On the bright side, the fact that she could see it meant that the horde was thinning. The assault was slowing down...and she could see a few more of such snakes at the back, slowly making their way over.

If the enemy was allowed to pick off more tanks, they would be overran regardless of how much effort she put in. With that in mind, Vicious ran over to the old dwarf, who was caught between looking for something, keeping the line up with shouting, and covering for his less experienced charges. She did her best to whisper the bad news to him quietly so as not to alarm the others.

"Old man, there's more of those poison spitters on the way."

Another credit for the old dwarf---he didn't doubt her claim even if he couldn't see as them yet. He handed her a few firebombs.

"This is...?"

"We can't afford them to reach attacking distance. I'm very sorry, girl, but you're one of our fastest runners."

Vicious grabbed the bombs, and grinned despite having effectively just been sent on a suicide mission.

"Don't be. Just treat me to some nice drinks after we get back."

With that, she kicked herself into running gear and took off, one of the tanks making way for her momentarily to pass, but as it turned out he didn't need to have bothered for Vicious did a somersault over their heads, squashed a few snakes on landing and ploughed right into the thick of the horde at maximum speed.

Shortly after, some explosions rang out at the rear of the horde, and the attack thinned noticeably, allowing the patrol team to finally mop up the last of the snakes. Then Vicious walked out amidst the pile of corpses, dragging something with her.

"He's somehow still alive, by the way. Must be the armour protecting him from the worst of it."

After that, the largely inexperienced patrol team would then report back to the barracks, battered and in varying stages of injuries, but no fatalities, and the old dwarf clapped Vicious on the back before inviting her to have some drinks.
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Having the simple patrol mission turn into a battle of endurance was fine.

It was true that, compared to some of her old colleagues, Vicious had a proud streak and didn't really follow instructions by the latter.

Having an idiot teammate who spooked out and fired his crossbow too early, alerting the enemies and causing the start of a massive zerg---sorry, reptile---rush was still fine.

It was also true that compared to other colleagues, she fulfilled mission objectives and didn't make often messes. And when she did, she took care of her own messes. Which is why she took this job with utmost confidence.

Regardless, when it came to large-scale operations, her and most others with the same role filled in mostly for the early stages; the vanguard, as it were. After the initial onslaughts ended, when she would then be permitted to withdraw and keep an eye out while her more...specialized...teammates mopped up the late comers. She never really stuck around for the lumbering, heavily armoured guys that her Caster friends had to dispatch, but Vicious didn't mind. Everyone had their own role to play, after all, and hers was to fight off the beginning waves.

Which was why the girl wasn't bothered as she waded through the scores of snakes, both living and dead, doing a job that was practically second nature to her. Holding the line down while the others picked off the snakes from the rear. And since her dwarven frontline teammates were outfitted in heavy armour and carried thick shields, all she had to do was to swing her bat and smash faces.

At least, that was the only thing she should have had to do. Naturally, that wasn't the only thing she ended up doing. Why? Incompetent teammates. As someone once put it finely, fear not god-like enemies, but rather pig-like teammates. Like that idiot earlier who fired without orders.

We have enough tanks to create a chokepoint, and those idiots with crossbows and firebombs aren't aiming for it. Like, hello? It should be pretty obvious that we don't have enough DPS to clear out everything in one go, so the go-to method is to mop them up steadily. And to do that you'll have to keep the front constantly clear so that the front-liners don't get overwhelmed by swarms.

To his credit, the old dwarf in charge had some very sensible tactics. With any other team, they would have worked out fine---tiring, true, but it would be able to fight off the horde that was currently attacking with minimal losses. That was probably why he ended up babysitting the newcomers, since theoretically, he would be able to bring them home safely.

Vicious thought of a certain strict instructor and begrudgingly admitted that she was out of her mind. Which was the root of the issue; many of the newcomers couldn't keep up with what the strategy demanded---experience, accuracy, damage output. That led to the front being bombarded with more enemies than they could reasonably handle, and snakes started trickling past the gaps.

And that's what she ended up doing; trudging back and forth to dispatch them. It was a stopgap method that would eventually lose effectiveness, but as of now, they could still keep up. Her clothes and bat were long past the point of being simply stained with reptilian blood and she had been bitten several times now, but the girl waved them off, thinking seriously.

If this is the first phase of an assault, we're definitely screwed if anything else shows up. Gah, what I wouldn't give for that apple pie!

Then, as if to validate her thoughts, a glob of poison splattered on one of the tanks holding the line, causing him to scream and stumble as he fell down. Then something lashed around his armoured ankle, dragged him screaming into the swarm of enemies, and Vicious realised the very annoying problem even as she smashed more heads into the ground.

"Don't attempt a rescue! If the line breaks now, we're all dead!"

The hastily clobbered-together patrol team didn't have any mages. Hell, there was barely enough ranged support from the archers. Not that she was expecting support on level of her colleagues, but this was another matter entirely. She glanced at the rear of the horde, and spotted the problem; one specific snake resembling a cobra, but with ominous red markings in it's characteristic hood. It was arching it's on tail, preparing for what seemed like another shot. On the bright side, the fact that she could see it meant that the horde was thinning. The assault was slowing down...and she could see a few more of such snakes at the back, slowly making their way over.

If the enemy was allowed to pick off more tanks, they would be overran regardless of how much effort she put in. With that in mind, Vicious ran over to the old dwarf, who was caught between looking for something, keeping the line up with shouting, and covering for his less experienced charges. She did her best to whisper the bad news to him quietly so as not to alarm the others.

"Old man, there's more of those poison spitters on the way."

Another credit for the old dwarf---he didn't doubt her claim even if he couldn't see as them yet. He handed her a few firebombs.

"This is...?"

"We can't afford them to reach attacking distance. I'm very sorry, girl, but you're one of our fastest runners."

Vicious grabbed the bombs, and grinned despite having effectively just been sent on a suicide mission.

"Don't be. Just treat me to some nice drinks after we get back."

With that, she kicked herself into running gear and took off, one of the tanks making way for her momentarily to pass, but as it turned out he didn't need to have bothered for Vicious did a somersault over their heads, squashed a few snakes on landing and ploughed right into the thick of the horde at maximum speed.

Shortly after, some explosions rang out at the rear of the horde, and the attack thinned noticeably, allowing the patrol team to finally mop up the last of the snakes. Then Vicious walked out amidst the pile of corpses, dragging something with her.

"He's somehow still alive, by the way. Must be the armour protecting him from the worst of it."

After that, the largely inexperienced patrol team would then report back to the barracks, battered and in varying stages of injuries, but no fatalities, and the old dwarf clapped Vicious on the back before inviting her to have some drinks.
"Those red-marked poison spitters sounded like trouble, but I'm glad things turned out for the best in the end. I hope you enjoyed drinking with the dwarves, I've heard their tolerance is a lot higher than an ordinary human's. Oh, but well, with your abilities I'm sure you kept up just fine."

"Keep up the good work! Here are your rewards."

  • EXP: 250
  • Money: 20G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019

Quest Report (30)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 7 (5295/5600) Rank E
Quest: Scouting the Lake
  • No changes in the poisoned fields
  • Discovered a strange scene of inner fighting between two three-headed snakes by the lakeside
After a restless night in an unfamiliar place that had yet to become her home, Felicia awoke somewhat ready to face the new adventures of the day. She had long decided that her first quest here would be a scouting mission or a quest that didn't require her to face head-on with any enemies just yet. Afterall, she knew nothing about the environment around here, only rumours and passed on knowledge. She needed to study and see things for herself to truly get a grasp of the dangers she was dealing with. Or else, it may cost her her life.

After finishing up a meagre meal that left both her and Sable wanting more, the pair set off for their first quest in Gelderholm towards the poisoned farmlands. They headed south cautiously and slowly, unsure of what would await them outside the sturdy dwarven fortress walls. Strangely enough, for quite a distance, there was no sign of wildlife at all. Similar to an illusion of peace and tranquility, but the quieter it was, the more unnerved Felicia became. Becoming rather paranoid and worried, she held onto Sable's wing to ensure that she was still safe with her before continuing forward.

Finally, they arrived at the poisoned fields. The land was littered with wilted crops, torn up vegetation and ruined farmland. But more than that, was the abundance of snake and lizard-like monsters wandering the area. It was frightening how many there were, and their great variety, as some had legs, some had two heads, some had spiked tails and some had venom which would corrode even the earth it dripped onto. Since she had already heard of most of these creatures before, she deduced that there were no significant changes in the farmland area.

Silently, she retreated from the area and headed east towards the great lake. There, she found something disturbing. She didn't know if it was just a trap, or a plot from the great hydra, but two three-headed snakes, which she had usually seen lead groups of minions in the fields, had broken into a row on the lakeside. Other snakes silently watched the fight as the pair duked it out, both bearing snake flesh in their fangs and oozing blood from their wounds.

Finally, a winner was decided as one of the snakes collapsed onto the ground unconscious. The winner looked coldly at the loser before slithering off, with all the spectators following them orderly. When all was still, Felicia was struck with a dilemma. Should she kill the unconscious three-headed snake? It clearly wasn't dead, just heavily injured, and who knows how many lives it would take if she didn't kill it now. But this whole situation could very well be a trap. If she died here, Sable would die too, and she would never get to warn the dwarves about this strange scene. And to be honest, this whole scene felt a little weird. She just coincidentally walked in on such an interesting scene during her first quest here in Gelderholm? It was suspicious, were there hallucinogenic or illusion-creating snakes out there?

As tempting as it was, she decided against the risk and retreated back to Gelderholm to make her report with Sable, who had been lovely and obedient the whole time, definitely not just upset and drowzy from a lack of food and sleep...
"If the hierarchy is decided by might, then power plays might not be uncommon after all. Interesting information you've brought back, and here you go."

  • EXP: 320
  • Money: 20G


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
[Quest Submission]- verified

Feeling a little cranky from having stayed awake most of the day, Liana quickly went to the tavern to pay the rent for the room and board before she headed to the city guard barracks to vent on a Night Watch patrol. Upon reaching the location, she saw Guard Captain Harrison stepping out of a building with a frustrated look on his face. Moving closer to him, he noticed her presence and smiled wryly.

"You just keep coming back, don't you? This'll be your third night doing this, you know?"

"...I like the night."

He sighed as he took a clipboard from the back of his trousers and looked at it; glancing at the woman in front of him from time to time. "It seems you've gained a level in quest-taking. Level 2 now, right?"

"...Yes...does that mean I can't do Night Watch anymore?" She tilted her head with a detached look - her red eyes glowing dimly.

"No, you can still do that however I have more vacant spots for guarding the prison. It just so happens to require people who have done the Night Watch before and are at least Level 2 in the guild. With how unfazed you seem to be about things, I thought you'd fit right in for that kind job. What do you say? Fancy keeping the prisoners in check and not letting them escape?" He gave a smirk as he crossed his arms in provocation.

"...I can do it at night?"

"Of course! In fact, most of the vacancies are for the night since everyone would rather be with their families and sleep then."

"...I'll do it, then."

"Good! Here's a signed note. Show it to the guard currently working there; his shift should have ended a few hours ago but no one was willing to take on the next shift."

Taking the note, Liana nodded curtly before being told where the prison was.

Prison Guard Duty
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Night Watch
  • Spend a shift guarding a prisoner.
  • Do not let the prisoner to escape.
When vagrants break the law, they are sent to prison.
If they're found guilty, they could be hanged for their crimes.
Guarding them shouldn't be too difficult...
Well, as long as nothing goes wrong.
  • Points: 60 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Making her way down the well-lit stairs, she eventually entered a dimly lit room with a wooden table, some chairs and a pitcher of what smelled like mead and an empty tankard on top. Looking around, Liana couldn't see anyone else except an ajar door leading further into the prison. Going through it, she saw a corridor with barely any torches lighting it; several wooden doors with grilled openings at he top and a flap at the bottom were dotted on either side. Glancing through the door windows as she passed them, she could see shoddily dressed men similar to the ones who were arrested the night before. Thinking nothing of it, she continued down the corridor where another door was left ajar with stairs descending further into the depths of the prison.

After walking for a full 10 minutes - and going down 3 more flights of stairs and corridors - Liana eventually came across the guard whose shift she was relinquishing. He was poking a man in a lattice cage, suspended on a chain in the air, with a red hot iron poker. He had bags under his eyes as he was chatting absentmindedly to the unconscious man in the cage. As Liana approached he noticed the movement and pointed the poker towards her.

"Who's there? Why are you here?"

Holding the note, she waved it in front of her and raised her chin defiantly, "I've been sent by Harrison to do the night shift here."

Taking the note off her, he held the poker close to it so he could read it and he immediately dropped the poker, threw a ring of keys at Liana and ran up the stairs with a relieved smile on his face. As his figure disappeared from view his voice shouted out, "Be wary of the 7th floor and below prisoners! They're on death row!"


Looking at the ring of keys she had caught by reflex, she saw simple ones on one side and more complexly designed ones on the other. Remembering the guard's words, she completely disregarded his warning and headed further down in order to see the so-called dangerous criminals that required being hanged to repent for their crimes.

Reaching the 7th floor, she noticed a distinct change in the situation of the room from the upper floors. Several torture devices were dotted around the place with all of them covered in both new and old blood from many different people. Each cell was a lattice cage, where the stench that permeated the air was that of rotten flesh, blood, vomit, diarrhoea and urine. Several of the prisoners were unconscious with visible signs of aggravated and sustained torture. The ones who were awake were either shrinking into the corners furthest from Liana, or standing as close as possible while stretching their arms out to try and tempt her to let them out.

Not paying attention to any of their pleas, she instead circled around each cage to see if any of them were compromised. After spending 20 minutes inspecting each one thoroughly, she determined that the prisoners were not likely to escape and so headed down the other floors to check the security of those cells, too.

Once 2 hours had passed, Liana returned to the upper floors and checked on all of the cells on her way back to the resting room at the entrance to the prison - all while ensuring that every door for every staircase was locked as she left them. After sitting for an hour, she went back down to check on all of the prisoners and their cells
and saw most of them sleeping.

Being unable to bear holding back her blood lust, she quickly unlocked one of the cages on death row and slipped inside before locking it again. Seeing the sleeping man lying uncomfortably on the stained floor with wounds on his back from whip lashes, Liana licked her lips in anticipation. Kneeling down beside him, she leaned forward and used her sharp nail to carefully open the barely healed wound. Her fangs subconsciously grew as she placed her lips on the marred skin and licked the fresh blood that was beginning to ooze out.

"Mmnh~" Groaning in pleasure as the familiar wave of ecstasy flowed through her body, she began sucking on the open wound more greedily.

At first, the man didn't notice what was happening, but he eventually woke up from the strange sensation on his back and realised that the woman from earlier had entered his cage and was licking sucking on his back.


Before he could finish his sentence, Liana pushed his head into the ground, knocking him out again. Controlled by her desire to drink more of the delicious liquid, her fangs bit down hard on the man's neck - that also bore some wounds from torture - and she sucked from the open vein even faster than before. She could tell when he died because the blood started to change in flavour. Not liking it as much, she stopped and left the cell to search for some more tasty food. Licking her dyed red lips, she smiled euphorically as she entered another cell and repeated the process of her grand feasting. She was very careful, though, only choosing the prisoners who bore the most wounds on death row.
finding some prisoners had unfortunately passed away due to excessive blood loss from their torture wounds.

Returning back to the resting room, she checked on the prisoners throughout the night, feeling particularly energised compared with how she'd been during the day. Once dawn approached, Liana did one last round of checking before a guard came to relieve her shift.

"Anything happen?" He asked while replacing the pitcher of mead with a fresh one.

"Not really, other than some of the death row prisoners didn't survive their wounds. It was quite a gruesome sight..." Her gold eyes began tearing up as she thought about how cruel the torture methods of the prison were.

Feeling uncomfortable from seeing the young woman beginning to cry over the prisoners, the guard patted her on the shoulder and soothed with a: "There, there." Followed by him justifying how they were all exceptionally dangerous criminals who had raped both women and children, or murdered entire families, or committed arson destroying whole buildings. After a few minutes, Liana's tears stopped flowing and she gave a strained smile.

"Then, I hope the victims of such criminals can rest easy knowing that their attackers are being punished for their sins."

"Yes! I believe they will." He smiled, before asking for the keys so he could do his rounds.

After the guard left, Liana headed outside and reported on her shift to Harrison before being told she needed to submit it to the guild.
[OOC: Money before - 400G, Money after - 390G]

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Oct 21, 2019
[Quest Submission]

Feeling a little cranky from having stayed awake most of the day, Liana quickly went to the tavern to pay the rent for the room and board before she headed to the city guard barracks to vent on a Night Watch patrol. Upon reaching the location, she saw Guard Captain Harrison stepping out of a building with a frustrated look on his face. Moving closer to him, he noticed her presence and smiled wryly.

"You just keep coming back, don't you? This'll be your third night doing this, you know?"

"...I like the night."

He sighed as he took a clipboard from the back of his trousers and looked at it; glancing at the woman in front of him from time to time. "It seems you've gained a level in quest-taking. Level 2 now, right?"

"...Yes...does that mean I can't do Night Watch anymore?" She tilted her head with a detached look - her red eyes glowing dimly.

"No, you can still do that however I have more vacant spots for guarding the prison. It just so happens to require people who have done the Night Watch before and are at least Level 2 in the guild. With how unfazed you seem to be about things, I thought you'd fit right in for that kind job. What do you say? Fancy keeping the prisoners in check and not letting them escape?" He gave a smirk as he crossed his arms in provocation.

"...I can do it at night?"

"Of course! In fact, most of the vacancies are for the night since everyone would rather be with their families and sleep then."

"...I'll do it, then."

"Good! Here's a signed note. Show it to the guard currently working there; his shift should have ended a few hours ago but no one was willing to take on the next shift."

Taking the note, Liana nodded curtly before being told where the prison was.

Making her way down the well-lit stairs, she eventually entered a dimly lit room with a wooden table, some chairs and a pitcher of what smelled like mead and an empty tankard on top. Looking around, Liana couldn't see anyone else except an ajar door leading further into the prison. Going through it, she saw a corridor with barely any torches lighting it; several wooden doors with grilled openings at he top and a flap at the bottom were dotted on either side. Glancing through the door windows as she passed them, she could see shoddily dressed men similar to the ones who were arrested the night before. Thinking nothing of it, she continued down the corridor where another door was left ajar with stairs descending further into the depths of the prison.

After walking for a full 10 minutes - and going down 3 more flights of stairs and corridors - Liana eventually came across the guard whose shift she was relinquishing. He was poking a man in a lattice cage, suspended on a chain in the air, with a red hot iron poker. He had bags under his eyes as he was chatting absentmindedly to the unconscious man in the cage. As Liana approached he noticed the movement and pointed the poker towards her.

"Who's there? Why are you here?"

Holding the note, she waved it in front of her and raised her chin defiantly, "I've been sent by Harrison to do the night shift here."

Taking the note off her, he held the poker close to it so he could read it and he immediately dropped the poker, threw a ring of keys at Liana and ran up the stairs with a relieved smile on his face. As his figure disappeared from view his voice shouted out, "Be wary of the 7th floor and below prisoners! They're on death row!"


Looking at the ring of keys she had caught by reflex, she saw simple ones on one side and more complexly designed ones on the other. Remembering the guard's words, she completely disregarded his warning and headed further down in order to see the so-called dangerous criminals that required being hanged to repent for their crimes.

Reaching the 7th floor, she noticed a distinct change in the situation of the room from the upper floors. Several torture devices were dotted around the place with all of them covered in both new and old blood from many different people. Each cell was a lattice cage, where the stench that permeated the air was that of rotten flesh, blood, vomit, diarrhoea and urine. Several of the prisoners were unconscious with visible signs of aggravated and sustained torture. The ones who were awake were either shrinking into the corners furthest from Liana, or standing as close as possible while stretching their arms out to try and tempt her to let them out.

Not paying attention to any of their pleas, she instead circled around each cage to see if any of them were compromised. After spending 20 minutes inspecting each one thoroughly, she determined that the prisoners were not likely to escape and so headed down the other floors to check the security of those cells, too.

Once 2 hours had passed, Liana returned to the upper floors and checked on all of the cells on her way back to the resting room at the entrance to the prison - all while ensuring that every door for every staircase was locked as she left them. After sitting for an hour, she went back down to check on all of the prisoners and their cells
and saw most of them sleeping.

Being unable to bear holding back her blood lust, she quickly unlocked one of the cages on death row and slipped inside before locking it again. Seeing the sleeping man lying uncomfortably on the stained floor with wounds on his back from whip lashes, Liana licked her lips in anticipation. Kneeling down beside him, she leaned forward and used her sharp nail to carefully open the barely healed wound. Her fangs subconsciously grew as she placed her lips on the marred skin and licked the fresh blood that was beginning to ooze out.

"Mmnh~" Groaning in pleasure as the familiar wave of ecstasy flowed through her body, she began sucking on the open wound more greedily.

At first, the man didn't notice what was happening, but he eventually woke up from the strange sensation on his back and realised that the woman from earlier had entered his cage and was licking sucking on his back.


Before he could finish his sentence, Liana pushed his head into the ground, knocking him out again. Controlled by her desire to drink more of the delicious liquid, her fangs bit down hard on the man's neck - that also bore some wounds from torture - and she sucked from the open vein even faster than before. She could tell when he died because the blood started to change in flavour. Not liking it as much, she stopped and left the cell to search for some more tasty food. Licking her dyed red lips, she smiled euphorically as she entered another cell and repeated the process of her grand feasting. She was very careful, though, only choosing the prisoners who bore the most wounds on death row.
finding some prisoners had unfortunately passed away due to excessive blood loss from their torture wounds.

Returning back to the resting room, she checked on the prisoners throughout the night, feeling particularly energised compared with how she'd been during the day. Once dawn approached, Liana did one last round of checking before a guard came to relieve her shift.

"Anything happen?" He asked while replacing the pitcher of mead with a fresh one.

"Not really, other than some of the death row prisoners didn't survive their wounds. It was quite a gruesome sight..." Her gold eyes began tearing up as she thought about how cruel the torture methods of the prison were.

Feeling uncomfortable from seeing the young woman beginning to cry over the prisoners, the guard patted her on the shoulder and soothed with a: "There, there." Followed by him justifying how they were all exceptionally dangerous criminals who had raped both women and children, or murdered entire families, or committed arson destroying whole buildings. After a few minutes, Liana's tears stopped flowing and she gave a strained smile.

"Then, I hope the victims of such criminals can rest easy knowing that their attackers are being punished for their sins."

"Yes! I believe they will." He smiled, before asking for the keys so he could do his rounds.

After the guard left, Liana headed outside and reported on her shift to Harrison before being told she needed to submit it to the guild.
[OOC: Money before - 400G, Money after - 390G]

Well done usually we don't get very many people who take this quest.
  • Points: 60 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
OOC: Please mark your report as evaluated or something.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Quest - (Evaluated)
Preservation Times - Pt. 3

As I left the tavern, it was time to finish my cooking job marathon. I prepare myself to see the pig-making sound lady, Nana.

> > >
Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

When I got to the kitchen I noticed that there were a lot of people cooking. Looking around, I didn't see Nana in anywhere in the room. Whilst I was standing there someone of short stature with a long bearded face comes up to me.

"Oy! What ye standin there for? Ya come to work of whut?"

"Pardon my intrusion, but I have come to partake in the provisioning of ration meals. I humbly request to ask the whereabouts of Madam Nana."

"Ahh, ye're the laddie that Nana talked about. She's outta town for a few days, said to look out for a burly man with black hair who couldn't cook for shite. Well follow me then."

I could only scratch my head with a nervous grin when I had nothing to retort from his comment. Following him I was led to a station that already manned by a girl.

"As ye can see we're packed to the brim with them peeps. Ye gunna help her make some pickled fruit inna jars. Don't be shite like Nana said ye to be aight?"


Nodding in satisfaction, he left me with the woman behind.

"A pleasure to be of your acquaintance, if ever any mistakes were done by me please do not hesitate to lecture me."

"Ehhh? Ahhh no... pleased to meet you...."

Hmm... she's either nervous of me or just a shy person, anyway I might as well start.

"Then ummm.... please fill the jarred food with vinegar and ummm..... seal them tightly."

I nod to her order and begin filling up the jarred fruits with the barrels of vinegar and tightly seal them. Since there were two of us, we both finished quickly as we ran out fruits to jar. The short stature man went up to us.

"Aight, with this the job's done. I'll stock em up later in the storage. Ye can go except you. Come with me."

I got surprised as he pointed at me. He immediately started walking and I quickly followed him to another stove with no people manning it.

"I heard from Nana that ya couldn't cook for shite. So, I'm gunna teach ya. Not many people tolerate her weird talk and be rude 'bout it. So by her request, I'm teaching ya."

I was a bit shocked by what he said but he didn't give me time to understand anything about it. The rest of the time until midday I was taught by him on how to cook, like how to properly cook a meat, properly seasoning before cooking, using spices to enhance flavors. When it all ended, I went to the guild to to file my report and eat some of the rations I earned.

Greetings to you Guild

I conclude on this report that the quest has been completed. An amass of people were working in the kitchen and have finished the task assign to us. As there are many of us, we hastily pickled the fruits in a jar and will be stored at a later date. I had hoped to perform more but was already relieved of duty at an early date. I hope this job was perform satisfactorily despite the mass of people on duty.

At service to you, Lancer Reival

Quest pt. 1

Quest pt. 2

Evaluation Report
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
> > >
Guarding the Entrance
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm City
  • Required Level: 6
  • Prerequisite: Joint Military Exercises
  • Guard the entrance to the dwarven city.
  • Sound the alarm in the event of an attack.
  • Defend the entrance.
The hydra's minions attack swiftly and without warning.This isn't a cushy job where you can just relax and take a snooze.We need you to be vigilant. This is a siege.An assault on the city can come at any moment. Rewards:
  • Points: 200-280 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
"Hey, lass, you sure that's where you want to stand? Falling from that height would be fatal!"

"I'm fine, thanks for the concern! Besides, I can see further from this distance! Extra seconds to prepare would be great, after all!"

Currently, the girl was positioned on the high walls of the main gate. Or to be more accurate, on a stationary catapult mounted on the top of the walls. It wasn't primed, and so now she was in the bucket where the payload usually went, which would be fine if the whole instalment hadn't been mounted at an angle, hanging out of the wall itself in order to fire directly below.

In other words, she was sitting on a glorified plank that was hovering over empty air, held on by nothing except the nails in the walls and the integrity of the wood. As Vicious laughed, the armoured dwarf shrugged, mumbled 'crazy girl' under his breath, and went downstairs to get some rest before the next attack.

The morning and early afternoon hours were quiet. After lunch (jerky and a swig of water) was delivered to her by a deliveryman, Vicious sat on the catapult, swinging her legs over thin air. She raised a hand to cover her eyes as the sun started it's journey down, and at some point stood up to stretch her legs a bit. The girl yawned, staring into the distance as she blinked. At the glinting grass fields riddled with old explosion marks.


At first she thought it was just light reflected in her eyes, but Vicious decided to pay attention, and it was good that she did, because that's when she saw the shifting. The snakes had blended into the vegetation with their drab coats, and the numbers...

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The bell in her hands rang loud and clear, and she could already hear the pounding of heavy footsteps racing up the stairs when her instincts warned of approaching danger, and in the split second before the spinning projectile took out the wooden beam, Vicious vaulted back onto the walls. Safe. Then a spike embedded itself a few inches into the wall, right next to her face.

Dwarves in armour rushed up the stairs, and arranged themselves across the entire span of the gate.

"Sorry, they took out the catapult I was sitting on."

"Don't worry about it! We go through several of these in the course of a few days, and the wreckage can be used as obstruction! Now if you had fallen down there, that would have been a different story entirely! Give us a hand here, lass! How confident are you in your aiming?"

"Depends on what I'm operating, but the most I can promise is no friendly fire."

"Good enough! Take one of the unoccupied catapults and use these firebombs! They take a while to blow up, so be careful not to wait too long and blow yourself up! Now that would be a riot, ha!"


The loud noise drew her attention, and Vicious turned her head just to watch a firebomb go off, sending charred snakes flying. There was a loud cheer as the catapult's arm lowered once more, awaiting reloading---followed by shouts of surprise as the same catapult blew into smithereens, pierced by the same spike as the one which had nearly nailed her earlier. The girl hurriedly scanned the grounds below, and saw the shooter; a massive snake that resembled a giant rattlesnake. It waved it's tail, swinging it from left to right...

Vicious just about managed to push another dwarf out of the way before another spike buried itself at where his face had been moments ago.

"Whew! Thanks, lass!"

"No problem."

The spike-throwers were the problem, because they kept going for the catapults. At this rate they'd run out of catapults to fling firebombs with, and they couldn't just light one and drop it, because the blast might damage the gates as well...Vicious stared at the elongated bat in her hand and grinned.

"Old man! Toss me a lit firebomb!"

The dwarf she saved earlier raised an eyebrow but acceded to her request, throwing one over in a nice arc. Vicious concentrated, staring at the falling firebomb and calculating it's landing trajectory as she lifted her bat backwards---


The errant bomb sailed out a good distance after getting struck flying, and veered off course from it's intended target, blowing up another cluster of snakes instead. Nevertheless, it proved that she could reach that distance even without a catapult.

"Lass! Another!"


"Nice shot! Now aim for that cluster of armoured reptiles!"


"There's a big one coming from the left!"


"Three points if it hits the nose!"


"Nice shot! Hahaha!"
"Aim for the forehead! That's a softer spot!"

At the end of the shift, besides a few of the smaller ones that managed to slip through and were dispatched by the dwarves waiting on the ground, the impromptu firebomb launcher on the walls managed to take out most of the bigger threats, cutting the horde down to it's last legs faster than usual. As a added bonus, morale was also rather high because everyone who had been on defence duty for that particular shift had been entertained by the improvised method, and their hearty laughter could be heard from all the way on the ground.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Moonlight Water
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 4
  • Visit the forest during a full moon.
  • Locate the Moonlight Spring.
  • Collect 5 bottles of Moonlight Water.
Somewhere in the forest, there is a spring that glows under the light of the full moon.
Supposedly, this water has improved healing properties.
The guild would like you acquire some for our stockpile.
Beware — it can be dangerous outside at night.
  • Points: 160 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
Report - Solet' Luna
So what if my wounds are fully healed? I am extremely energetic as I only just got up. After getting scolded by Solet for a little bit, he finally yielded and healed me with his Holy Magic. It seemed that it was already dark, and it was a full moon today, too.

Full moon, I guessed the quest for today would be Moonlight Water then. I would like to test my new sorcery as well as a new potion. E Rank Examination sure worked wonder. After one wondrous journey, my head literally exploded with countless new ideas, referencing from countless wildlife I observed and met.

The night sky was calm and silent. To not let anyone disturb me, I deliberately channelled my sorcery, forming a freezing chill mist around me. The cloudy mist seeped into the forest, forming a nature-like sea of fog. The magical scene would drive every intelligent monster away, making my mission easier than ever.

Donned in my new cloak, I could feel snowflakes forming on them. The plain robe now had a few snowflake patterns on it, enhancing its feature and appearance. Feeling fancy, I let my hair loose and strolled slowly towards the moon. Occasionally, I would hear the singing of night owls and sounds of leaves rustling. Since when did the world become this quiet? I wondered.

Little by little, the memory of the past came tickling my mind. The Golden Rose, the dreamy scenario, the demon cultists, the graveyard, the poison, the God of Primordial Light... Back even before that... Solet's demise, our first meeting, when the church killed my foster parents, when I first learnt about sorcery... Who exactly am I?

I am Lurnea, the evil sorceress of the Felsur Town. I discovered the sorcery from a travelling wanderer, and I killed the first paladin at the age of nine...

No, I am Lurnea, the only foster daughter of both Aelic Salvus and Lerria Salvus. They found me in the forest, on a rock, covered in unknown, black blood with a hint of purple. Beside me was a purple ring, however, it disappeared when I asked about it, never to be seen again...

No, before that... Who am I?

"The clue is in the west—" A soft voice echoed in her mind. A silhouette of a priestess appeared out of nowhere and whispered into her ears.

"Or maybe it is a danger?—" Her cheerful voice giggled, as the strange sensation emerged from within my heart. The strange dream seemed to replay itself in my head. I needed to know the truth.

"Gelderholm..." My mouth unconsciously muttered the word. I looked forwards, seeing that a moonlight lake was before me, I slowly walked towards it.

The mission was completed successfully, but the questions still remained.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"Hey, lass, you sure that's where you want to stand? Falling from that height would be fatal!"

"I'm fine, thanks for the concern! Besides, I can see further from this distance! Extra seconds to prepare would be great, after all!"

Currently, the girl was positioned on the high walls of the main gate. Or to be more accurate, on a stationary catapult mounted on the top of the walls. It wasn't primed, and so now she was in the bucket where the payload usually went, which would be fine if the whole instalment hadn't been mounted at an angle, hanging out of the wall itself in order to fire directly below.

In other words, she was sitting on a glorified plank that was hovering over empty air, held on by nothing except the nails in the walls and the integrity of the wood. As Vicious laughed, the armoured dwarf shrugged, mumbled 'crazy girl' under his breath, and went downstairs to get some rest before the next attack.

The morning and early afternoon hours were quiet. After lunch (jerky and a swig of water) was delivered to her by a deliveryman, Vicious sat on the catapult, swinging her legs over thin air. She raised a hand to cover her eyes as the sun started it's journey down, and at some point stood up to stretch her legs a bit. The girl yawned, staring into the distance as she blinked. At the glinting grass fields riddled with old explosion marks.


At first she thought it was just light reflected in her eyes, but Vicious decided to pay attention, and it was good that she did, because that's when she saw the shifting. The snakes had blended into the vegetation with their drab coats, and the numbers...

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The bell in her hands rang loud and clear, and she could already hear the pounding of heavy footsteps racing up the stairs when her instincts warned of approaching danger, and in the split second before the spinning projectile took out the wooden beam, Vicious vaulted back onto the walls. Safe. Then a spike embedded itself a few inches into the wall, right next to her face.

Dwarves in armour rushed up the stairs, and arranged themselves across the entire span of the gate.

"Sorry, they took out the catapult I was sitting on."

"Don't worry about it! We go through several of these in the course of a few days, and the wreckage can be used as obstruction! Now if you had fallen down there, that would have been a different story entirely! Give us a hand here, lass! How confident are you in your aiming?"

"Depends on what I'm operating, but the most I can promise is no friendly fire."

"Good enough! Take one of the unoccupied catapults and use these firebombs! They take a while to blow up, so be careful not to wait too long and blow yourself up! Now that would be a riot, ha!"


The loud noise drew her attention, and Vicious turned her head just to watch a firebomb go off, sending charred snakes flying. There was a loud cheer as the catapult's arm lowered once more, awaiting reloading---followed by shouts of surprise as the same catapult blew into smithereens, pierced by the same spike as the one which had nearly nailed her earlier. The girl hurriedly scanned the grounds below, and saw the shooter; a massive snake that resembled a giant rattlesnake. It waved it's tail, swinging it from left to right...

Vicious just about managed to push another dwarf out of the way before another spike buried itself at where his face had been moments ago.

"Whew! Thanks, lass!"

"No problem."

The spike-throwers were the problem, because they kept going for the catapults. At this rate they'd run out of catapults to fling firebombs with, and they couldn't just light one and drop it, because the blast might damage the gates as well...Vicious stared at the elongated bat in her hand and grinned.

"Old man! Toss me a lit firebomb!"

The dwarf she saved earlier raised an eyebrow but acceded to her request, throwing one over in a nice arc. Vicious concentrated, staring at the falling firebomb and calculating it's landing trajectory as she lifted her bat backwards---


The errant bomb sailed out a good distance after getting struck flying, and veered off course from it's intended target, blowing up another cluster of snakes instead. Nevertheless, it proved that she could reach that distance even without a catapult.

"Lass! Another!"


"Nice shot! Now aim for that cluster of armoured reptiles!"


"There's a big one coming from the left!"


"Three points if it hits the nose!"


"Nice shot! Hahaha!"
"Aim for the forehead! That's a softer spot!"

At the end of the shift, besides a few of the smaller ones that managed to slip through and were dispatched by the dwarves waiting on the ground, the impromptu firebomb launcher on the walls managed to take out most of the bigger threats, cutting the horde down to it's last legs faster than usual. As a added bonus, morale was also rather high because everyone who had been on defence duty for that particular shift had been entertained by the improvised method, and their hearty laughter could be heard from all the way on the ground.
Their biology seemed interesting... These minions must be researched by me someday... Anyway, great job!

Rewards: 280 EXP, 20 G
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest - (Evaluation Needed)
Preservation Times - Pt. 3

As I left the tavern, it was time to finish my cooking job marathon. I prepare myself to see the pig-making sound lady, Nana.

> > >
Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

When I got to the kitchen I noticed that there were a lot of people cooking. Looking around, I didn't see Nana in anywhere in the room. Whilst I was standing there someone of short stature with a long bearded face comes up to me.

"Oy! What ye standin there for? Ya come to work of whut?"

"Pardon my intrusion, but I have come to partake in the provisioning of ration meals. I humbly request to ask the whereabouts of Madam Nana."

"Ahh, ye're the laddie that Nana talked about. She's outta town for a few days, said to look out for a burly man with black hair who couldn't cook for shite. Well follow me then."

I could only scratch my head with a nervous grin when I had nothing to retort from his comment. Following him I was led to a station that already manned by a girl.

"As ye can see we're packed to the brim with them peeps. Ye gunna help her make some pickled fruit inna jars. Don't be shite like Nana said ye to be aight?"


Nodding in satisfaction, he left me with the woman behind.

"A pleasure to be of your acquaintance, if ever any mistakes were done by me please do not hesitate to lecture me."

"Ehhh? Ahhh no... pleased to meet you...."

Hmm... she's either nervous of me or just a shy person, anyway I might as well start.

"Then ummm.... please fill the jarred food with vinegar and ummm..... seal them tightly."

I nod to her order and begin filling up the jarred fruits with the barrels of vinegar and tightly seal them. Since there were two of us, we both finished quickly as we ran out fruits to jar. The short stature man went up to us.

"Aight, with this the job's done. I'll stock em up later in the storage. Ye can go except you. Come with me."

I got surprised as he pointed at me. He immediately started walking and I quickly followed him to another stove with no people manning it.

"I heard from Nana that ya couldn't cook for shite. So, I'm gunna teach ya. Not many people tolerate her weird talk and be rude 'bout it. So by her request, I'm teaching ya."

I was a bit shocked by what he said but he didn't give me time to understand anything about it. The rest of the time until midday I was taught by him on how to cook, like how to properly cook a meat, properly seasoning before cooking, using spices to enhance flavors. When it all ended, I went to the guild to to file my report and eat some of the rations I earned.

Greetings to you Guild

I conclude on this report that the quest has been completed. An amass of people were working in the kitchen and have finished the task assign to us. As there are many of us, we hastily pickled the fruits in a jar and will be stored at a later date. I had hoped to perform more but was already relieved of duty at an early date. I hope this job was perform satisfactorily despite the mass of people on duty.

At service to you, Lancer Reival

Quest pt. 1

Quest pt. 2
Short and to the point report— I like that. Good work!

Rewards: 40 EXP, 10 G, 5 Rations, Permission to use guild kitchens


Syro - Aphex Twin
Jul 14, 2019
> > >
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.We need people to help keep the city safe. Rewards:
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Once again, Benji had submitted his report in the form of 200 sketches and, once again, a transcribed narrative has been attached for easier evaluation.

As of before, Benji's shift started from some point in the night to the first light of the day. This time, however, his chosen post does not include the view of a clocktower, which used to provide accurate timestamps of Benji's sketches. For now, we could only assume he's keeping up the intervals between the sketches, and that the pages are in chronological order.

Even if the sketches aren't done orderly, through Benji's sketches, we could conclude that nothing worthy of note had happened during the night, except for the arrival of a cat that somehow made its way into Benji's post. It accompanied him for about 80 sketches before Benji ran out of rations in Little Green Bag to feed the feline and walked away out of boredom. That is the most notable thing in Benji's quest report, which goes to show how uneventful the night has been.

At around the 120th sketch, Benji had found a cool-looking rock in his post, and had placed it somewhere on the railing, including it in his subsequent sketches until its last page.

  • 3 leather books containing 200 pages of quest reports in the form of detailed sketches
  • A cool-looking rock
Reported artifacts from Little Green Bag:
  • None
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Well-known member
May 4, 2019

> >
Delivering Packages
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Pick up 3 packages from the guild mail office.
  • Deliver the packages to their intended recipients.
  • The packages must not be damaged.
The Adventurer's Guild operates the public mail service in the Scribel Region.
Some citizens live outside of the city in weird odd places. Can you find them?
Beware, monsters and thieves wander the road!
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> >

"Do you understand where these addresses are?" the receptionist asked.
"Yes... it's because I do, which is why I took this quest."
The receptionist leaned over and nodded, "Ah, I see, then take care~"

Name: Oam Lola
Quest: Delivery
Summary: - Delivered packages successfully.

After taking a rest for the whole day, I decided to take a quest to earn money. The first delivery was to Shiori's. It seemed like some kind of liwuid was sloshing around inside the box... but I didn't take a look. It was a bit of a long trip, so I hired a passing carriage and arrived a little after morning. She seemed to be happy to see me... but became disappointed that I was busy. Well the package is delivered in any case.

Went very well.

The second package was apparently stones from from outside the city towards the main temple. I knew the location like the back of my hand, so I arrived soon after. The stones were quite heavy though, so I had to make a few trips between the guild and temple... I'm afraid I might have back pain later..

But the quest went well.

The last quest was towards someone called Dazar which was actually the most difficult. The city is a bit lopsided, so it took a while before I found the location. A small section, somewhere near the western slums, in an alley way with a metal gate.. a little bit intimidating. But the guy was not that bad. The package was just a letter too. He had a lot of runes painted on his body though. I wonder if he's a mage.

Uhn, it's done.

Yes! it's done! it's done! This was surprisingly simple and pleasant!

OOC: WHOOPS LOL okay im in the correct board now
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
> > >
Please Don't Starve (Together)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
> > >
I'm not homeless, am I?
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
:blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep: Rewards:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >
After some walking around, I found a tavern. When I entered, it was full of adventurers. They were drinking, shouting, fighting. It was pretty hectic. I snuck my way to the bartender and asked him the price of a room.
"10G, Meals Included." Is what he said.
I happily paid, ate some food, and finally got myself some sleep. :)

Points: 40 EXP
OOC: one post per quest.
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
> > >

Forest Ranger (APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: North Scribel Forest
  • Required Level: 3
  • Prerequisite Quest: Hunting Mission
  • Serve as a guide for civilians in the forest.
  • Protect civilians from harm.
Many of Scribel's citizens are afraid to enter the forest alone.
It is easy to lose your way if you are unfamiliar with the trails.
As an experienced woodsman, help guide citizens through the woods.
Protect our people from coming to harm.
  • Points: 140 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

"So, you are the one who will escort me?" The man asked in a cold tone.

She nodded at the man. It was very strange, she thought. The forest was not harmless for those who have no combat experience. She thought if this person, a civilian want something to be done in the forest, he would make a request to the guild instead.

The man seemed to be quite wealthy, looking from his appearance. His appearance was practical, to put it into words. A knife and a machete on his belt, heavy duty pants, white shirt, and a brimmed hat. She wondered if the man realized what was really in the forest?

What did the man want, for him to enter the forest willingly?

The man pulled a map from his bag. He unfolded the map of the Scribel region and used his finger to point at a location on the map.

"Since the guild seem to trust you, I'll extend that trust. I want you to lead me to this place."


As they stepped through the gate, she transformed. The man stepped back when she did this. Yet, he did not flee. He stared at her as her appearance become more feral. She levitated her body and faced him.

"So, is this the power the adventurer from the other world?" he mumbled in a small voice. He then said, "No, it shouldn't matter at all."


'Calm down!' she thought. She had a purpose. She had to bring the person to his destination. She should not use her claw to pierce through his body, and take his life.

She had to do it. Bring the adventurer to the location he asked. She had to do her job.

"Hold on," she told him. The man, seeing her showing her back, complied. he hugged her from the back, holding her tightly as they flew.


They arrived on the vicinity of the destination. She wondered if there was a landmark or something that marked that point. As they landed, he started to take a deep breath. Then, he said.

"Adventurer, go above." He said. "I want you to look for a clearing, where you can find plants you cannot find elsewhere on this forest. When you see that place, immediately go back to me."

Was that all? The man also picked a direction and look around. What he asked her to do was to scout around, while guarding him was one the mission requirement.

She began to listen to the world. The man made a lot of noise with him moving around. The sound of flowing water could be heard from 4 o'clock direction from her. There was the noise of insects and other wildlife, and no noise that signify the activity of other threats like goblin or wolf. She thought that it was safe.

She left him to scout from the sky.


She found a few clearing, but only one that fit the man's criterion. Since she found it, she went back. She found the man resting, his back laid against a tree.

"You found it?"

She nodded, and led the man to that place.


They arrived at the clearing.

"Witch of the forest! Heed my call! I wish to make a deal!" The man shouted.

Witch? She began to wonder once again about the man's intention. What did the man meant by witch? When the practitioner of magic could be found anywhere, why did the man went here? Was there something that only the witch could do?

"Witch of the forest! Heed my call! I wish to make a deal!" The man shouted again.

She looked around. There was no change at all. Did they enter the wrong place? was there any other clearing with strange, rare plants like in here?

"Witch of the forest! Heed my call! I wish to make a deal!" The man shouted once more.

both the man and her waited around for a while. The man looked around, trying to see the sign of the witch's presence. She did too, but found nothing. She gave up and observed the man, resting her body on the ground.

A crow flew from somewhere, perched on the shoulder of the man. Was it the witch, who sent the crow? The man and the crow seem to be communicating, and the man went somewhere to the east.

She stood, preparing to follow the man. It was then, that she heard the cawing of another raven. She looked up, and found a murder of them perched above her.

"You don't have the right to follow him." a voice behind her said.

She immediately turned her back, and begin her transformation once again. As she turned, what she found was a strange sight. A pair of jet-black wings grew from his back. His feature was of a man, with pale white skin, black hair and black eyes.

Was this man the witch of the forest they sought? or was he related to the witch? She had to protect her client. She could not leave him alone.

The person in front of her did not show any hint of aggression. He just stood there, watching her. If he would not do anything at all, she thought, she would go to her client. She turned back when she heard,



In one breath, It was suddenly night. When she look around, she found her client coming from the east. As for the winged man, he vanished, as well as the murder of crows.

The man in front of her commanded her to bring him back. She did not know if the man found what he sought. Though, she did not feel the tension coming from him anymore. The man grabbed onto her body and they flew back to Scribel City.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
"Cross Scratch!" she shouted as her claw pierced the herb slime body.

'So that makes five. We've gathered five slime cores and five twin flowers already. Do you want to go back?"

Mm... will go for fifteen." She said to the voice.

'Oh. Planning to repeat the quest?'



The sun already risen overhead when she returned to the city, She finished her gathering, pocketing ten slime core and ten stem of twin flowers in her bag, while preparing to submit the requested item to the Alchemist guild.

When she entered the guild, She saw a queue of people filled with people armed with weapons or those with mage robe. She presumed from their appearance that they were adventurers.

"The price of healing potions in Gelderholm rise again."

"You sure? What happened?"

"A failed charge against those hydras, I've heard. There was too many victim this month, that the commander did a forced acquisition of those potions from the adventurers. Not to mention the healing cost there."

"That's horrible. Though, I wouldn't want to set my foot there."

"Yeah, me too."

"I guess that's my turn. Let's chat again at the tavern?"


The girl two row in front of her then submitted something to the receptionist. Soon, it was hers to do business with the receptionist.

"Good Afternoon, adventurer. May I see your quest?"

She showed her quest to the receptionist.

> > >
Alchemist's Assistant (APPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Alchemist's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 3
  • Visit an alchemist from the Alchemist's Guild.
  • Bring 5 slime cores and 5 healing herbs as payment.
  • Spend the day collecting ingredients for the alchemist.
    • Note: Use a random item generator (A) (B) (C).
    • Pick some ingredients and look for them.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Are you interested in alchemy? Pharmacy? Witchcraft? Ahem.
Thank you for the slime cores and healing herbs.
We can use that to brew a weak healing potion.
Meanwhile, here's a list of more ingredients I want you to find.
Let's see... eye of newt... nightshade... bat guano... hmm...
Come back when you've found them! :blob_evil:
  • Points: 110 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: 1 weak healing potion
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use Alchemist Guild cauldrons and equipment
> > >

"Alright, we've received the requested item. You will be paired with alchemist Maximillia in room 503. Have a good day."


"Come in."

The woman was sitting on her desk, reading a book. The woman motioned her to sit on the chair in front the woman.

"Alright. I'm Maximillia, your mentor for today, I guess. Your name?"


"Alright Meiko. So this is how this works. Today, you'll gather these two ingredients for me, as many as possible before... 5PM. You can find grasshopper at... well, I guess if you go to a random garden you may found them. That's the same as snails. Borrow a basket from the receptionist first, to gather those. Now go."


In the afternoon.

"You're back? Now let's prepare for the potion making. Because of its time sensitive nature, we can't make a lot of it. But, this potion of ours is quite profitable."

Brewing MethodJust after sunset
Primary ingredientHandful of Grasshopper parts
Secondary ingredientSnails
Duration1 day and 1 night
Side effect whilst potion is activeCant form coherent words

1. grind the grasshopper parts. Make sure that the grounded grasshopper be shone by the sunset.
2. Extract the juice from the snails, and mix those with the grounded grasshopper. Make sure the snail was exposed to the moonlight for two days and two nights beforehand. The mixing must be done at dusk.
3. Heat the mixture with fire. Add water, according to the number of day passed since new moon. If it is new moon, add 1tbsp of alcohol instead. You need 1 tbsp of water for each day after new moon, until it was full moon. shake well.
4. Let the water evaporate. Then add water again.
Note: For maximum potency, add only one cup of water. This will make the ugliest girl ever walked on earth be as beautiful as Princess Rosa from the now ruined Dalmasca Kingdom. The effect on beautiful girl, the author found, made the appearance uncanny that no one wanted to approach the person. Don't use this potion on male, as this made them fascinated on their newfound beauty.
5. Bottle the potion.

"I've prepared the ingredients on the table there. I've also noted the time for each phase. Just follow the instruction."

'Is this for real? Beauty potion in fantasy world? Next time we'll find out that the water mage can moisturize the skin, making them the best at skin care.'

She could imagine the voice's eyes twitched.


'Is it a success?'

She wondered about that too. The guide didn't say any indicator of failure. She bottled the potion and give it to Maximillia.

"Alright. The result is quite good. Keep half a bottle, perhaps someday you will find someone whom you want to shut up. Now, go to the receptionist below and show the other half.", The woman said.

Thanking her, she left the woman on her own device.


"Alright, this is the proof of success from the alchemist guild. Give this to the receptionist when you submit the quest report, okay?"

She nodded and left.
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