Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019

> > >

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

Again I returned to the Guild kitchen, this time it was automatic.

Half through my second batch of rations, there was an up roar amongst a few cooks, something about an animal in the kitchen. Are @cats even allowed to be in that kitchen?

Regardless the guild store houses are now 40 rations richer.
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Oct 21, 2019

> > >

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

Again I returned to the Guild kitchen, this time it was automatic.

Half through my second batch of rations, there was an up roar amongst a few cooks, something about an animal in the kitchen. Are @cats even allowed to be in that kitchen?

Regardless the guild store houses are now 40 rations richer.
Well done here's your reward.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2019

> > >

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

This will be the last time, it appears that I have gotten pretty good at making rations, I started to understand the little intricacies of recipe, why is salt added there, what does the rising power do, how much oil is the right amount. Cooking is a life skill and I cant help but imagine the possibilities it will spring from it, the word poison was at the forefront of those musings.

Seeing it was the last time I was going to undertake this quest, and the speed of which I was churning the rations, I took the liberty of making a dozen more, to take home, as souvenirs. But that guy, Rordon Gamsey, nothing gets past him, I swear he has got eye on the back of his head!

Anyway, enjoy your fifty odd rations. I consider my task done.
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2018

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens

A small growl escaped my stomach as I followed the scent of food in the guild "Girl are you here for the ration quest?" I nodded my while while saying "yeah I've come to make some rations." The lady gestured over to me and just had me follow her to the kitchen. "Alright I'm going to show you something really basic all you need to do is copy me."

I did what she instructed and when the recipe was finished I realized that this recipe was what soldiers used to preserve meats while on a long campaign.

  1. Cut fat off of the meat: Dry only the meat, not the fat!
  2. Salt the meat: This will help inhibit bacteria growth and make the pemmican taste better.
  3. Dry the meat: Instructions follow.
  4. Turn the dry meat into a powder: use a knife to chop the dried meat into a fine almost powderlike thing.
  5. (Optional) Turn the berries into a powder: Same as with the meat.
  6. Mix the powdered meat and powdered berries together.
  7. Heat the fat so it liquefies.
  8. Pour the fat over the powdered meat/berry mixture. The ratio of fat to dried mixture is about 1:6, but you can experiment.
  9. Let cool and form into balls or bars.
Note: The powdered berries are only to enhance taste slightly
I was kind of relieved actually, It was not too hard but by the time I finished making all 40 rations the sun past mid-morning already, maybe it's the mid afternoon? I used my eyes to plead to the chef lady "You'll be getting 5 rations when you turn in the quest, cute little puppy eyes don't work on me little miss." I pouted and left to the receptionist's desk, with my stomach demand something in it.
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report (Appraised)
Grave Digger
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Go to the local cemetery.
  • Dig graves and assist with burials.
  • Stop vandalism and grave robbery.
  • Prevent the undead from spawning.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Many adventurers are killed in action every year.
It is important to ensure that there is a surplus of graves and tombstones.
Without a proper burial, undead may be attracted to the area.
The cemetery must be closely monistored for undead activity.
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
References: (1); (2.1), (2.2), (2.3);

Ever since I read that report from miss Luna about the cemetery, I have been meaning to investigate it... However, with the number of mysterious incidents within the city skyrocketing, and me getting possessed, I ended up avoiding it for a while.

However, ever since my conversation with miss Oam, I could understand my own shortcomings better and could slowly restore my faith in the goddess, and I felt The Goddess was properly answering my prayers once more, even if not as well as how she did it back in my home world, it was still a great improvement, and I could finally cure my wounds and feel energized again.

With this, I figured it was time to look at what was going on in the cemetery at last. I prayed that The Goddess would protect me, and moved to the graveyard.

Once I arrived there, I saw the usual workers that I generally met while making prayers for the deceased. I greeted them briefly and they asked what business I had in the cemetery today, and I told them I was actually in an investigation about an unusual mist, jewels and possible disappearances... Sadly though, none of them had a clue on what this could be all about, so I had to look around on my own.

My first round through the cemetery was... Uneventful. I gave some prayers to a few names I recognized within it, but I didn't get wind of any mist or any mysterious riches floating around near the tombstones. After a while doing that, I figured it might be better to try replicating the situation of miss Luna's report.

I talked to the gravekeepers about it and explained I wanted to see if we could isolate the cemetery tonight. Perhaps if I was the only one there, I could find the mist somehow. They worried for me, but I reassured them that there was nothing to fear, for The Goddess was on my side, she would protect me from all harm.

They agreed to it, I always appreciated how much value is given to a priestess word, they know I carry the word of The Goddess, and therefore they trust her to protect me... And I prayed that The Goddess would guide my steps, for I knew that whatever was in this graveyard, would not be something that mortals should meddle with.

I spent some time appraising reports while I waited until night came. In that meantime, I found out that mister Adsall had already taken some of the orphanage quests and started aiding it, something I was very thankful for... Hopefully it will grow into a better place for the children like this.

Once night fell, I went back to the cemetery. The gravekeepers had already gone home, so the place was quite lonely, a loneliness that fit death... I entered inside it and noticed something amiss right away... I didn't quite get the mist, or the jewelry like miss Luna had, but it was just... A feeling. A feeling that something wrong was here, something unholy, something that should not belong to this world.

I wondered why it only seemed to manifest itself in those conditions, but I moved along, walking around the cemetery to see if I noticed anything else amiss... It didn't take too long for me to see a few tombstones with two coins in it... It reminded me of an old tradition that meant those coins were there in order to pay the fee of the afterlife's boatman. Did this mean this cemetery was more closely related to death than normal? Or was I just overthinking it by comparing it to a tradition of my own world? I wasn't even sure if afterlives were shared between worlds to begin with, and besides, all graveyards were closely tied to the afterlife due to the high amount of dead within it... Perhaps I should stop overthinking it.

For now... Let's try something. I approached the coins and prayed for the person underneath the tombstone. I wished them a safe passage to the afterlife and that the boatman would guide them towards their loved ones... The coins seemed to shine for a moment, and then disappeared into an unnatural fog... It seems The Goddess answered my prayer.

After I finished granting this soul a peaceful passage into the afterlife, I started looking around for a small bit, paying attention to the graves with and without coins in them. There wasn't much in common in either group, often times the tombstone designs were quite different, and there seemed to be no similarity in the names or dates engraved on them... At first at least.

Because after walking for a while, I noticed two things that separated the graves with and without money on them... The ones with money, were usually older. While there were plenty of graves without money on them that were older than the ones with money, on average, the ones with money were the older ones.

And also... I did not recognize any of the tombstones with money on them. While I by no means had memorized every single tombstone in the city, I could at the very least recognize the graves of the people I prayed for during their funeral, and all of those tombstones had no money in them at all... Perhaps... Those that had their money with them, were those that were not granted a peaceful passage to the afterlife?

I decided to bet on that possibility. One by one, I started praying on the graves. On each and everyone one of them, I knelt down near the coins and prayed until they disappeared into a bit of mist, just like the first ones. Some were easy, others were hard... I didn't mind, I was in no hurry. I kept going through them without leaving any behind.

I don't know how much time I spent on that, miss Luna's report signaled that the graveyard seemed to be a lot bigger than its normal size during her exploration, and I concurred, there were far more graves in here than there normally were... But what she did not report, was that time here seemed... Fuzzy.

I'm really unsure of how much time I spent praying, but it was definitely more than just a few hours. It wouldn't surprise me even if days had passed by while I prayed for those souls... And yet, I was not hungry, I was not sleepy, and the sun had not risen yet.

Nonetheless, I continued, one prayer at a time, one soul at a time, I gave them safe passage by praying for a better afterlife for them... And after a Goddess knows how long, I finally started noticing an increase in the wealth surrounding the tombstones, just like miss Luna had reported.

Those wealthier tombstones were harder to send away as well, as if... Their attachment to this world was greater than the other ones, and so were their regrets. I persisted though, I knew The Goddess had sent me for a reason, I was not going to abandon a single one of those poor souls, they deserved to rest in peace.

More hours passed, I started noticing another thing about the remaining tombstones... They were very old. Older than the portals to other worlds, possibly older than the guild itself. They were very old graves that most likely... Wouldn't even be in the graveyard anymore, considering the size of Scribel's cemetery, their bodies were most likely turned into ash by now and their place was given to a new body at this point.

Was this why the graveyard seemed bigger than before? Because there were tombstones that transcended time over here? I was unsure, it was hard to take conclusions... But it didn't matter, even if it was a soul that died in the distant past, The Goddess would still want it to rest now, and so I did my best to help them.

By the time I reached the graves filled with jewelry, I started spending what seemed to be over an hour praying for each soul. Some of them were even conscious enough to speak to me, it was a... Very unique experience, I had never talked directly to the dead before. I heard their regrets, their attachments, their wishes to remain in this world... And I prayed for them. I could not force them to pass away, but I knew that this was what was best for them. It was surprising that they did not become vengeful spirits after such a long time in this world, even after gaining awareness of themselves, they just remained in this very... Unusual part of the cemetery, spending their days wallowing about days long past.

I wish I could have learned more about how life was in Scribel in the past by talking to them, or at least how their life was... But after this long, their memories were very fuzzy. They remembered a few moments clearly, but somehow other memories contradicted those, and what was certain at one point, became uncertain in the next... Those poor souls went through many hardships for sure.

Meanwhile, I kept praying. I prayed until they accepted their reality, accepted that their grievances have long lost their purpose, that the people they resented weren't even in this world anymore... Accepted that it was time to move on. And once they did, they too disappeared unto the mist.

Eventually, the last of the graves with coins, jewels and other monetary items had had their souls purified and moved on to the afterlife. I felt quite happy to help this many dead to reach a better place, but... This quest was not over. I was still in the extended graveyard, and in front of me, lied the mist that miss Luna had thrown her lantern at.

From her report, the mist had tried sucking her in, and she ran form it before being caught up and then suddenly appearing at the graveyard's entrance. However, the mist was not moving towards me at all, it seemed perfectly fine in staying where it was, as if it was... Waiting for me.

I did not know why I felt like it wanted me to move towards it, but I trusted this feeling, it was surely The Goddess that was telling me to move forward... And that's what I did, I moved ahead, inside the mist.

My vision went white for a moment, I could not see anything, the thick mist completely blocked everything... Yet I continued to walk forward, one step at a time. Until I traversed the mist and arrived at an eerie dark place.

It's hard to describe what I was seeing... It was fuzzy, changing, flowing... I did not seem like this was a "place" per se, instead it was a...

"Plane." I heard a voice I did not expect to hear so soon coming from behind me. I turned around in a hurry and saw the demon that entered inside me. His body was more... Tangible this time. It was still of roughly the same shape, but it didn't feel made of mist, it felt like it was his actual body this time... But how? "It's a lot easier to manifest myself on an immaterial plane." He answered.

That was very confusing... "Are you reading my mind?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Ever since you accepted me in, I have been able to access your mind." He licked his lips, "I deeply enjoyed feasting on your fearful thoughts." That made me shiver for a moment, the thought was... Scary.

I calmed down. That was exactly what he wanted. He laughed and then spoke, "Oh, such a pity, you were nicer when you got scared more easily." I did not appreciate his comment, but I decided to take it as a compliment. My thoughts on that made his smile turn into a snicker though, which was somewhat bothering. I did not appreciate having my mind so easily seen through.

It was better to change the topic than to play his game though, so I asked, "Why are you here?"

He changed his complexion into a more serious one, "To take you back." That was not an answer I was expecting... Why? "Because the living do not belong to the plane of the dead. I don't want to lose my source of food this early."

His answer was loaded, though not entirely unexpected. That the mist lead me to the afterlife was not surprising, nor was it surprising that this was dangerous to me... However... "I refuse." I answered him. He seemed to get annoyed at my reply for a moment...

Until he started laughing that is. "Who said you had a choice!?" He screamed, and then my body turned away from him, and back towards the mist that was just behind us... I stepped towards it, once. Twice. Thrice... My body once again was moving completely against my will.

It was a bit surprising to see he could that even when I was not fearing him, and the thought he could take my body over whenever he pleased was indeed terrifying, and as soon as I thought that, my body started moving faster towards the mist... However...

I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed that The Goddess would allow me to fulfill her will, that she would let me do whatever she wished me to do here... And so, my body stopped moving.

"You dare to defy me?" He asked.

I turned around and looked straight into his eyes. "The deal was that my life would be yours. Right now though, I'm not really alive, am I? The living cannot exist in the plane of the dead." He twitched, it was enough to tell me I was right. "This plane is dangerous because the longer I stay away from my real body, the thinner my life force will be and as such, I may die for real... Ain't I correct?"

The demon started grumbling, but he did not deny my words... This much was plenty for me. So I continued, "I have no right nor the power to stop you from watching, but I still want to make sure the souls buried in Scribel are going to have a peaceful afterlife, I ask you to not interfere until then.

"... And do not worry, I also have no intention of throwing away the life The Goddess has given me. I do not believe she has sent me to die here." The demon snickered, but made no comment... This was fine.

I turned away from him and started moving deeper into the plane of the dead. It was quite the unusual experience, I wasn't quite stepping on anything per se, there was just some sort of path that I knew I had to follow, some way my instincts told me that would lead me to wherever I wished to be... To the place The Goddess has sent me to be.

It did not take long to find it. The thing that felt the most physical around here. A river of sorts, it had a cloaked boatman in it, and multiple souls surrounding the boat... Or rather, in the boat, moving through the river, in multiple... No, in one boat. One boat that existed in multiple places, with a single boatman that manned its only boat, and that was standing still, waiting for me, while at the same time ferrying all that wished to pass through this life to the next one.

I was not capable of understanding what I was looking at. But I did not need to, what I needed to do, was to approach him and talk. For The Goddess certainly did not send me here to understand how the dead pass to a new life, she sent me to help them reach said life.

And so I walked towards the cloaked boatman, once I got close enough, I noticed that there was nothing within his cloak. It was a dark cloak filled with pure darkness inside it, something that seemed like it would pull me towards it if I stared for too long. An endless abyss that represented the inevitable death... Or so I believed.

When I stood in front of it, the boatman spoke, "What does the living wish in the river of the dead?" Its voice was strange. It felt like I heard it directly in my soul, it surrounded me completely, coming from everywhere and nowhere, yet I knew it was coming from the boatman right in front of me, it was an absolutely astonishing experience.

I understood that whatever it was, was far beyond what I was supposed to be handling... The demon was right, I was certainly not supposed to be here.

However... The Goddess sent me here for a reason, and I was not going to disappoint her. I steeled myself and answered it, "I came here to ask for safe passage. To let all those that die in Scribel have a safe trip from their previous life to their new one." My voice came out hoarse, I felt like I was running out of breath, as if the boatman's very presence was draining my life away... It was hard to stay on my feet.

The boatman answered, "The dead must repent before they reach their appropriate realm. Only those that deserve it may come to reunite with those that they long for."

... What? Repent? They aren't even aware of their own existence, how could one expect them to repent for their sins if they can't even understand that they have committed sins during their life? "This is wrong! The Goddess grants safe passage to all that desire it, a sinful life should not be accompanied by an afterlife filled with suffering!" My heart ached, I was sweating cold, my legs started trembling...

The boatman answered, "Your goddess is not from here, her word does not rule over those that die in here."

I was angered by that reply, what is this foolishness!? "I refuse! I refuse to accept this! The Goddess is merciful, she is not one to fight over who is right and who is wrong..." I started coughing, my legs could no longer sustain me and I fell on my knees. "The Goddess only wish for the best for everyone... She does not believe one should be punished for that which they no longer control... Please... Please release the dead of Scribel..." I started crying, my hand clung to the Boatman's boat while I begged him, I just wanted... I just wanted it to let them go.

The boatman's hand moved towards mine, it was a black skeletal hand that came out of the darkness of the cloak. While it moved, the boatman spoke once more, "Do you wish for a safe passage...?" I eagerly nodded, his hand moved closer, though just as it was about to hold my wrist, I was pulled away.

The Demon was now holding me in a princess carry, I did not understand what was happening... And still, he spoke clearly, "Her life does not belong to you. Do not attempt to take other's possessions away before their due time." Possession? That was me? "Yes, that's you." The demon said while reading my mind once more, "Good grief, I don't want to lose such a juicy food source so soon, get a grip, you idiot."

I was deeply offended by how he directed his words towards me, but I understood what he meant. My life is still yours, and the boatman was about to grant me safe passage from this world to the next... To think I was once again tricked by words like that... I still have much to learn.

I had a hard time keeping my eyes open, I did not think I had much time left. Still, I directed my words towards the boatman once more. "Please, in the name of The Goddess, grant safe passage to those that desire it, do not let them suffer for eternity in the land of the living when they should be long gone." Each word that I said greatly hurt my throat, each time my heart beat felt like it would be the last... But not yet, my job here was not done.

The Boatman looked towards me with its infinite 'face', and asked a simple question, "Is that what you truly desire?"

I nodded once more and struggled to get a word out... With a burning throat, I said, "Yes." My vision started fading, it became blurrier than before, almost as if everything was splitting into multiple copies of itself... Everything was shaking, I could hardly tell what was what... Even my body started to feel unreal, transient, something that would soon cease to exist.

The boatman answered my plea, "Very well, the will of your goddess will be granted then." I thanked him for his mercy, and The Goddess for giving me the strength to endure this until the end... I however, was unable to voice my feelings, I could barely keep myself whole the way I was now, speaking was out of question.

Seeing that our exchange was over, the demon spoke plainly, "We need to go." And started walking back the way we came. I did not deny him, instead I looked at his face as he moved us back.

It was a very weird sensation, the being that took away my life, was also the one saving it now. I wondered what was his expression as he did so, but I was unable to make it out clearly, my vision was far too fuzzy for that... What I felt right now though, was... Happiness. I was happy that even a demon could help me in serving The Goddess will, that even in a place with no light, the Goddess could always find a way to guide our path.

And I was thankful, thankful for his help. He may have said it was because my life belonged to him, but he had still allowed me to do as I pleased even though he had always had the power to forcefully push me out of here, even if by not controlling my body, he could do it with his own... To take over my free will, yet still respect it when I wished for it strongly enough... He was such a weird demon. I was curious about what went on his mind as I thought this, for I knew he could hear all that went through my mind.

"You think way too much, you know that?" He said. I giggled internally, he almost felt a bit cute right now. "I should just drop you here and feed on someone else..." Was his answer to those thoughts. And while he was perfectly capable of doing so, we both knew he had no intention of following through with that action.

We reached the mist that signaled the border between worlds and moved through it in silence. Before long, we finished crossing it, and I was suddenly in the ground, taking deep breaths while trying to recover the strength of my pained body.

"She's alive!" Someone said. I looked towards it and saw the two gravekeepers worriedly looking over me, with the demon that brought me here nowhere to be found... I suppose he is back inside me right now.

"... What happened?" I asked. They explained to me that they were looking at the graveyard from the window of a nearby abandoned house, and that I had fainted as soon as I stepped at its entrance. And I remained like so for about an hour. My breath was steady for the most part, but it got rougher in the last few seconds, and even my heart had stopped beating for a few seconds, so they had been really worried for me. And at the same time, they had not been able to move me no matter how hard they tried, so they just kept watch in the meantime.

I thanked them for their help, and asked if they could once more leave me alone... They were really worried about it, but I reassured them that this time things would be a lot safer, and that I just needed to check something. They ended up complying and moved away from the graveyard... And so, I left it and moved inside once more.

This time, I did not feel like something was amiss like before... This time it was peaceful. Free. A place of rest at last.

I walked around for a bit longer just to be sure, but it didn't take long to go over the entire graveyard... If anything, the only thing I could find, was a forgotten lantern that seemed to have been left here... It felt a bit different from normal though, a bit less... Mundane. Perhaps miss Luna would be able to do something with it. Or maybe she will just be happy to have it back.

I moved back to the entrance and waved at the window that the gravekeepers were in. They quickly approached and then asked me what had happened... I decided it was best to not tell them though, so I just said that I had aided the dead to move on.

And with this, I went back to the guild, to report today's occurrences.
  • Entered the Graveyard and found nothing unusual in it.
  • Entered it during the night when nobody else was inside, and actually found the mysterious things that miss Luna was talking about in her report.
    • The extended graveyard was in fact a time-displaced graveyard within Scribel. Reuniting everyone that had been buried in here throughout time.
    • Existing in the boundary between the realm of the dead and the living. All souls that had not been granted safe passage to the afterlife by a priest, remained in this time-displaced graveyard, forever repenting for their sins.
  • Prayed for each and every soul that had ever died in Scribel and not given passage by a priest until they moved on to the afterlife.
  • Crossed through the mist that Miss Luna found and entered the world of the dead.
  • Talked to the boatman that helped the souls cross to the next life, and convinced it to get rid of the time-displaced graveyard and allow any soul that wishes to move on, the passage to the afterlife. As opposed to needing to repent for their sins or the blessing of a priest like they needed previously.
  • Almost died in the process due to staying too long in the world of the dead and talking to the very being that carried the dead to their new life. Was saved by the very demon that currently owns my life.
  • After all was said and done, I recovered the lantern that miss Luna had lost, it seems to have become a bit less mundane, perhaps something happened to it after staying for too long in the boundary between life and death.
  • Even though it seemed like I stayed days, maybe even weeks in the time-displaced graveyard, about only one hour passed for the living.
  • ... As for what did I do that was related to the job itself? I helped the passage of the souls to a new life, that should greatly reduce the chances of an undead approaching the city due to being lured to them... That counts as a satisfactory job... Right?
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Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Quest Report - verified

Reaching the barracks, Harrison took one look at her and shouted: "NO! I'M NOT LETTING YOU WORK HERE AGAIN!" Seeing the surprised look on Liana's face, her gold eyes beginning to quiver, he softened his voice as he glanced around awkwardly, "I heard about how upset you were when Samson took over the morning shift...I'm giving you a break from doing that kind of thing so you don't damage your mental health." He gently patted her head before continuing, "Go do a job that doesn't let you see blood and gore tonight. Hey, I heard that the guild is understaffed in the customer service department, why not head there?" He gave as reassuring a smile as he could - although it ended up looking like a grimace due to him not being used to smiling like that.

"If you say so...I just thought I'd be able to console them and ease their passing into the next life if I was there..."

"No, I'm not letting you down there for a while. They're still getting rid of the bodies and sorting out the cells. Go." With that, he turned around and left her, heading to the prison to help deal with things there.

Pouting, Liana left the barracks and headed to the guild to see about this customer service job Harrison had mentioned.
Customer Service Department
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Office Work
  • Report to duty at the guild offices.
  • Resolve at least 5 complaints.
  • Do not upset the customers.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Every workplace has them — the infamous "difficult customer".
In the Customer Service Department, we get the toughest of the tough.
These are the clients that nobody else wants to deal with.
How will you deal with them? Can you handle a rowdy adventurer?
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Arriving at the guild, she mentioned to a receptionist about the job who then sent her with a signed note to the customer service department where a familiar looking female elf was reprimanding someone with a fresh black eye.

"--matter if he started it! We have guards here to help deal with such people! I'm docking your pay due to your poor interpersonal skills. Get out of my sight! Go work in the back and sort through the files!" She pointed an arm out towards the door leading into the filing department and pushed her glasses up.

"Yes ma'am!" The man with a black eye ran away in fear, not wanting to embarrass himself further and gain more of his superior's ire.

Turning around, Hejlikka saw Liana with a note in her hand, and a congenial smile on her face, and looked away awkwardly with a slight blush on her face.

"You're Miss Hejlikka, right? I took on the customer service quest and was told to come here for it. Here's the signed note." Liana smiled gently at the female elf as her gold eyes shone with warmth and kindness.

Taking the note from her, Hejlikka felt a bit disconcerted by the 180 degree change in attitude and personality but still retained her professionalism, "Ah, yes. Liana, right? Everything seems to be in order. It's good you arrived when you did since we've just had to remove an employee from the front lines." She led Liana towards an empty booth while detailing the kind of work she would need to do, expressly emphasising the part about not upsetting customers and being fair in evaluations of complaints.

"I see. I'll be sure to remember, Miss Hejlikka. Thank you for your explanation, it's much appreciated." She gave a small, delicate bow and smiled before sitting at the booth with her hands neatly folded on her lap.

" sure to have successfully resolved at least 5 complaints! I'll be back in a few hours to see how you're doing."

"Okay! I'll be sure to try my best!" She smiled more enthusiastically, showing eagerness to do well on the job.

Satisfied with Liana's attitude - but still feeling a little off about it - the female elf went off to do other duties.

Sitting at the booth, waiting for someone to come, Liana observed what the other customer service people were doing in a bid to learn how to better deal with possible difficult people. Eventually, a burly man - with a very dark tan - strode in with a face full of anger. Sweeping his gaze over the booths, he saw that Liana's was free and so walked determinedly towards her. Seeing the man, she smiled gently.

"Hello, sir, is there a problem you wish to complain about?"

"Of course!" He replied in a gruff tone.

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?" She presented a saddened expression, which slightly tugged at the man's heartstrings.

"Ah...well I was on the Escort Duty quest - helping some merchants deliver their goods - only when I came back the receptionist refused to give me the reward claiming I had failed!" He slammed his fist on the desk, drawing attention from other customers and workers.

Liana seemed unfazed as she showed surprise on her face before gently stroking the man's hand, "Is your hand okay? Let me rub it better."

"Ah...thanks..." He blushed before shaking his head and putting on a firm expression again, "Never mind about that! Why was my quest deemed a failure?"

"Hmm, could you give me your name, level and rank so I can check the files, please?" Liana smiled gently again while signalling for someone to bring over the most recent evaluated reports.

"Bigsley Hardsen! Level 4! Unranked! Ah, but I swear I'll be Level 5 and ranked soon! This blasted quest would have helped me fulfil the requirements for that, tch!"

"I see, I see. Let me just check for you, Mr Hardsen."

A man came over and placed a large stack of evaluated reports yet to be filed on her desk and went off to return to the receptionist section. Going through the files, Liana eventually found the report in question and read through it diligently.

"Let's see..."

Bigsley started fidgeting as he waited for the beautiful and gentle woman to finish reading his report, rubbing his swelling hand that had hit the desk earlier. After a few minutes, Liana put down the report and smiled wryly, looking a little embarrassed before casting her gold eyes on the customer.

"I'm sorry. As much as I would like to help you get a reward, it seems you failed to mention in your report the name of the merchants you were escorting, as well as the goods they were delivering. It pains me to say this, but you also didn't ensure they wrote a note confirming that you succeeded in the task."

"..." Bigsley breathed in heavily, a burning rage simmering inside and ready to explode.

"However, I can see that this is easily rectifiable, although it may take you some time."

"Tell me!" The man slammed his hands on the desk to the point he was leaning close to Liana, as he was staring into her eyes.

Gently smiling at the man, Liana replied: "All you'll need to do is take back the report, return to those merchants, record their names and the goods they'd delivered, as well as get a signed note from them detailing and confirming your work. Then you'll simply have to come back and re-submit your report."

Bigsley looked at her sternly before standing straight again, lamenting a bit that the woman didn't rub his hands better after he'd slammed them down on her desk. "But the report was deemed a failure, won't you get in trouble for allowing me tor re-submit it?"

"This report has not been filed away yet, so I have deemed it as if you never having submitted the report. I hope that is all right with you?"

"Ah...sure. It's just a few hours of walking back and forth and getting their confirmation, not like anyone died."

"That's good, then." She smiled brightly at the acknowledgement of the solution provided. "Then, I wish you a pleasantly safe journey, as well as success the next time you submit your report."

"...Yes...of course..." Bigsley took the report with him and left, blushing all the way out of the building. Seeing the man leave, Liana called for someone to take the stack of reports away since other booths might need them.

After half an hour, a female elf came over with a sour look on her face. She saw Liana was available and headed in her direction. Noticing the elf approaching, Liana smiled at her as she greeted, "Hello, this is the customer service department, is there a problem you need help with?"

"Yes." The elf replied curtly.

"I see, and what seems to be the problem?"

"The receptionist marked my quest as partially successful and I found her reasoning unsatisfactory."

"Oh? I'm sorry to hear that. What part did you find unsatisfactory, if I may ask?" Liana showed a concerned look, evoking a sense of gratitude from the elf.

"She said she struggled to read my writing, thus deducted some of the reward because she needed to put on some glasses which she claimed made her look unfashionable and so wouldn't get a handsome adventurer to look her way if he came in while she was wearing them."

Liana opened her mouth in surprise at the reason for the quest being evaluated as partially successful.

"I am incredibly sorry to hear about that. Could you give me the name of the receptionist, as well as your own name, level, rank and the quest you undertook, please?"

"Of course. The receptionist was called Imelda Carson - a half-elf. My own name is Freja Haljssen, my Level is 6 and my rank is E. The quest I did was to be a personal bodyguard to city official and his family for a week. I shall refrain from naming them since the report already states it and I do not wish for prying ears to learn of their current predicament."

"I see. Thank you for being forthcoming with your answers. Let me have a look and see if there was anything else wrong with the report before I inform my superior about the receptionist. Ah, please take a seat while you wait."


The elf woman sat down as the man in charge of delivering quest reports came over again with a stack of reports waiting to be filed. Finding the correct report, Liana read through it before asking for someone to call Hejlikka over. Looking at Freja, Liana called her to come back.

"I've read through your report. Although the handwriting is not as elegant as some peoples' are, it's still legible. I see no problems with it and your employer also seemed to be happy with your services. It seems they've even sent for your services again. As for the receptionist, I need to ask my superior about that..."

With that, Hejlikka arrived with an impatient look on her face.

"Why did you call for me? I'm busy. Haven't you seen the large stack of...Freja, why are you here?" She noticed who the customer was and frowned in uncertainty.

Freja gave a nod of acknowledgement to Hejlikka before responding, "I'm complaining about how my report was evaluated."

The superior showed surprise on her face as she turned to Liana for an explanation, to which she complied: "It seems that receptionist Imelda Carson has unfairly evaluated Miss Haljissen's report, not giving her the full reward she deserves on account of the writing style forcing her to wear glasses and looking less attractive towards the male customer base. I called for you because I wasn't sure how to handle the receptionist or this case."

"That hussy! I'm so sorry about this, Freja. I'll go get the reward you weren't given and then will thoroughly punish that girl for her unprofessional behaviour!" Hejlikka then stormed off, came back after 30 seconds to place a bag of coins, to then storm off once again towards the receptionist section.

"Well, it seems that we have clarified the problem. Please allow me to add the missing experience onto your guild card, Miss Haljssen."

"Of course." She replied with a light smile on her face, making her seem a lot more beautiful than earlier.

"Then, if you have any further problems, don't hesitate to come here and our department will do our best to help resolve them." Liana gently smiled at the female elf, which made the customer smile even more.

"Thank you." She then left with a satisfied expression.

Hejlikka came back a few minutes later with an energetic look, like she'd let a load off her chest from venting/shouting, etc...

"Good work, Liana. You did right to call me over. If you need me for other cases, I'll help." She then left to deal with some other stuff.

A while later, a little girl came in crying and immediately ran over to Liana's free booth.

"Waaaaaah! Why can't I get a reward? Waaaaah!"

Seeing the girl crying non-stop, Liana got out of her seat and quickly went up to her, knelt down and hugged her while gently rubbing her head. "There, there. Sh-sh-sh. Why don't we sit over there and you can tell me about what happened?" She said in a soothing, placating tone.

The girl sniffed a few times before snuggling into Liana's chest and explaining what happened:
"I went on my first quest *sniff* and gathered lots and lots of pretty flowers for it *sniff. Only the mean old man said I failed my queeeeeeeest! Waaaaaah!"

"Oh? What was the quest that you did?"

"*sniff* It was called Healing Herbs *sniff*. Mummy told me that pretty flowers were full of goodness and would make anyone who saw them feel better *sniff*, so I picked up lots and lots! But the man said that none of them were healing herrrrrrrrrbs! Waaaaaaah!"

"I see, you poor thing. Such a mean man for telling you that. Do you have some of the flowers still with you? How about you let me have a look instead?" Liana smiled gently at the girl, her gold eyes making the girl feel warmth from them thus calming her down. The girl then gave her one of each flower before falling asleep from all of the crying she'd done.

Calling for the report - using the name on the girl's guild card - so she could go through it, Liana carefully inspected the flowers and recognised them all as ones her temple used to sometimes use when making healing poultices. Re-evaluating the report as a success, she then procured the rewards and gently woke the girl up.

"I've had a look at them and they all do indeed have healing effects. Your mummy was right and that old man was wrong. Here's your reward for completing your first quest." She smiled brightly at the girl as she handed the reward over.

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The girl jumped up from the chair and hugged Liana's waist in happiness and joy, before waving at her and running out with a smile on her face. Liana returned to her seat at the booth and had the reports cleared away once more.

An hour later a man with fox ears and tail came in and nonchalantly strolled over to Liana's booth.

"Good evening, sir! Is there a problem?" Liana opened with a gentle smile.

The man's tail swished and his fox ears twitched as he gently smiled back and said, "My quest was deemed a failure, even though I fulfilled all of the objectives set. I would like my full reward and re-evaluation of my report, please."

"Oh?" Liana looked surprised before asking, "For what reason did the receptionist give for deeming it a failure?"

"It was a silly reason that you don't need to know. However, my report really does fulfil the quest objectives so..." He smiled wryly, "...please give me my reward?"

"Well, can you please give me your name, level, rank and the title of the quest please? I need to verify the report and evaluation given by the receptionist."

The fox-man gritted his teeth briefly before smiling even more gently, "Of course~ My name is Felix Wiska, I am Level 2, Unranked and did the Charity Work quest."

"I see. Then, please, have a seat while I check the situation."

"...Of course..."

After a few minutes, Liana was given the report, along with a note attached with bold capital letters on it, 'FAKE REPORT! EXTORTION OF MONEY, FOOD AND GOODS! ON CITY GUARD WATCH-LIST'. Still smiling gently, Liana hid the note under the desk and carefully looked through the evaluation and report. She then called Felix over and smiled apologetically.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, Mr Wiska. You see, it seems that what you wrote in this report isn't what actually happened, and so...with regrets, I cannot give you any rewards."

Felix's face sank into a cold and murderous look as he uttered in a dark and low tone, "What?"

A fireball appeared above his tail but was quickly doused out by some guards who had water buckets on standby for fire emergencies. Seeing that the fox-man was acting in a threatening manner towards the staff, the guards took him away in manacles towards the barracks to be judged.

"..." Liana looked at a co-worker beside her and asked, "Did I do something wrong?" A worried look on her face.

"No. He just wanted to exploit the system but realised he'd been found out. You'd have been in more trouble if you'd actually given him the reward."

"I see."

After another 2 hours, 7 more people came in to complain about things: 2 trying to cheat the system, 4 with valid claims, and 1 with an invalid claim. Apart from the ones trying to con, the rest of the customers left with satisfaction. Hejlikka arrived again and noted the work Liana had done.

"You've done well for your first time on this job. Especially since it was a night shift you took. Most people end up falling asleep or not paying enough attention for this shift. So, thank you for your hard work."

Liana smiled back at the female elf and stretched. "It's fine, Miss Hejlikka. I prefer working night shifts anyway, so it's no problem for me. How about you? Don't you usually work during the day?"

The female elf smiled wryly, "My boss changed my work schedule to night shifts because I complained about him being unprofessional and flirting with the receptionists...Me and my big mouth, huh?"

Liana giggled in amusement before smiling apologetically, "I'm sorry about that. It must be tough, having such a boss."

Hejlikka shrugged before blushing a little bit, "...He's my little brother..."

Liana opened her mouth in surprise before closing it and smiling wryly, "You've been working hard."

The female elf smiled at that, before saying, "Dawn will be arriving soon. I think you've done enough work for this evening. You can go back now."

"Okay. How about you? When does your shift end?" Liana asked as she got up from her chair and smoothed down her dress.

"It ends when the morning shift supervisor comes, which she did a few minutes ago." She said while staring at the dress covering Liana's thighs before looking at the young woman's face again.

"I see. Then, should we leave together?" She smiled warmly and innocently.

Gulping a little, Hejlikka nodded slowly before heading off to get her cloak. While waiting, Liana wrote up her report of her quest and handed it in to the receptionist for evaluation.

Last edited:


Oct 21, 2019

> > >

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >

This will be the last time, it appears that I have gotten pretty good at making rations, I started to understand the little intricacies of recipe, why is salt added there, what does the rising power do, how much oil is the right amount. Cooking is a life skill and I cant help but imagine the possibilities it will spring from it, the word poison was at the forefront of those musings.

Seeing it was the last time I was going to undertake this quest, and the speed of which I was churning the rations, I took the liberty of making a dozen more, to take home, as souvenirs. But that guy, Rordon Gamsey, nothing gets past him, I swear he has got eye on the back of his head!

Anyway, enjoy your fifty odd rations. I consider my task done.
Well done here's your reward
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019

A small growl escaped my stomach as I followed the scent of food in the guild "Girl are you here for the ration quest?" I nodded my while while saying "yeah I've come to make some rations." The lady gestured over to me and just had me follow her to the kitchen. "Alright I'm going to show you something really basic all you need to do is copy me."

I did what she instructed and when the recipe was finished I realized that this recipe was what soldiers used to preserve meats while on a long campaign.

  1. Cut fat off of the meat: Dry only the meat, not the fat!
  2. Salt the meat: This will help inhibit bacteria growth and make the pemmican taste better.
  3. Dry the meat: Instructions follow.
  4. Turn the dry meat into a powder: use a knife to chop the dried meat into a fine almost powderlike thing.
  5. (Optional) Turn the berries into a powder: Same as with the meat.
  6. Mix the powdered meat and powdered berries together.
  7. Heat the fat so it liquefies.
  8. Pour the fat over the powdered meat/berry mixture. The ratio of fat to dried mixture is about 1:6, but you can experiment.
  9. Let cool and form into balls or bars.
Note: The powdered berries are only to enhance taste slightly
I was kind of relieved actually, It was not too hard but by the time I finished making all 40 rations the sun past mid-morning already, maybe it's the mid afternoon? I used my eyes to plead to the chef lady "You'll be getting 5 rations when you turn in the quest, cute little puppy eyes don't work on me little miss." I pouted and left to the receptionist's desk, with my stomach demand something in it.
Well done here's your reward.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019
Quest Report

Reaching the barracks, Harrison took one look at her and shouted: "NO! I'M NOT LETTING YOU WORK HERE AGAIN!" Seeing the surprised look on Liana's face, her gold eyes beginning to quiver, he softened his voice as he glanced around awkwardly, "I heard about how upset you were when Samson took over the morning shift...I'm giving you a break from doing that kind of thing so you don't damage your mental health." He gently patted her head before continuing, "Go do a job that doesn't let you see blood and gore tonight. Hey, I heard that the guild is understaffed in the customer service department, why not head there?" He gave as reassuring a smile as he could - although it ended up looking like a grimace due to him not being used to smiling like that.

"If you say so...I just thought I'd be able to console them and ease their passing into the next life if I was there..."

"No, I'm not letting you down there for a while. They're still getting rid of the bodies and sorting out the cells. Go." With that, he turned around and left her, heading to the prison to help deal with things there.

Pouting, Liana left the barracks and headed to the guild to see about this customer service job Harrison had mentioned.

Arriving at the guild, she mentioned to a receptionist about the job who then sent her with a signed note to the customer service department where a familiar looking female elf was reprimanding someone with a fresh black eye.

"--matter if he started it! We have guards here to help deal with such people! I'm docking your pay due to your poor interpersonal skills. Get out of my sight! Go work in the back and sort through the files!" She pointed an arm out towards the door leading into the filing department and pushed her glasses up.

"Yes ma'am!" The man with a black eye ran away in fear, not wanting to embarrass himself further and gain more of his superior's ire.

Turning around, Hejlikka saw Liana with a note in her hand, and a congenial smile on her face, and looked away awkwardly with a slight blush on her face.

"You're Miss Hejlikka, right? I took on the customer service quest and was told to come here for it. Here's the signed note." Liana smiled gently at the female elf as her gold eyes shone with warmth and kindness.

Taking the note from her, Hejlikka felt a bit disconcerted by the 180 degree change in attitude and personality but still retained her professionalism, "Ah, yes. Liana, right? Everything seems to be in order. It's good you arrived when you did since we've just had to remove an employee from the front lines." She led Liana towards an empty booth while detailing the kind of work she would need to do, expressly emphasising the part about not upsetting customers and being fair in evaluations of complaints.

"I see. I'll be sure to remember, Miss Hejlikka. Thank you for your explanation, it's much appreciated." She gave a small, delicate bow and smiled before sitting at the booth with her hands neatly folded on her lap.

" sure to have successfully resolved at least 5 complaints! I'll be back in a few hours to see how you're doing."

"Okay! I'll be sure to try my best!" She smiled more enthusiastically, showing eagerness to do well on the job.

Satisfied with Liana's attitude - but still feeling a little off about it - the female elf went off to do other duties.

Sitting at the booth, waiting for someone to come, Liana observed what the other customer service people were doing in a bid to learn how to better deal with possible difficult people. Eventually, a burly man - with a very dark tan - strode in with a face full of anger. Sweeping his gaze over the booths, he saw that Liana's was free and so walked determinedly towards her. Seeing the man, she smiled gently.

"Hello, sir, is there a problem you wish to complain about?"

"Of course!" He replied in a gruff tone.

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?" She presented a saddened expression, which slightly tugged at the man's heartstrings.

"Ah...well I was on the Escort Duty quest - helping some merchants deliver their goods - only when I came back the receptionist refused to give me the reward claiming I had failed!" He slammed his fist on the desk, drawing attention from other customers and workers.

Liana seemed unfazed as she showed surprise on her face before gently stroking the man's hand, "Is your hand okay? Let me rub it better."

"Ah...thanks..." He blushed before shaking his head and putting on a firm expression again, "Never mind about that! Why was my quest deemed a failure?"

"Hmm, could you give me your name, level and rank so I can check the files, please?" Liana smiled gently again while signalling for someone to bring over the most recent evaluated reports.

"Bigsley Hardsen! Level 4! Unranked! Ah, but I swear I'll be Level 5 and ranked soon! This blasted quest would have helped me fulfil the requirements for that, tch!"

"I see, I see. Let me just check for you, Mr Hardsen."

A man came over and placed a large stack of evaluated reports yet to be filed on her desk and went off to return to the receptionist section. Going through the files, Liana eventually found the report in question and read through it diligently.

"Let's see..."

Bigsley started fidgeting as he waited for the beautiful and gentle woman to finish reading his report, rubbing his swelling hand that had hit the desk earlier. After a few minutes, Liana put down the report and smiled wryly, looking a little embarrassed before casting her gold eyes on the customer.

"I'm sorry. As much as I would like to help you get a reward, it seems you failed to mention in your report the name of the merchants you were escorting, as well as the goods they were delivering. It pains me to say this, but you also didn't ensure they wrote a note confirming that you succeeded in the task."

"..." Bigsley breathed in heavily, a burning rage simmering inside and ready to explode.

"However, I can see that this is easily rectifiable, although it may take you some time."

"Tell me!" The man slammed his hands on the desk to the point he was leaning close to Liana, as he was staring into her eyes.

Gently smiling at the man, Liana replied: "All you'll need to do is take back the report, return to those merchants, record their names and the goods they'd delivered, as well as get a signed note from them detailing and confirming your work. Then you'll simply have to come back and re-submit your report."

Bigsley looked at her sternly before standing straight again, lamenting a bit that the woman didn't rub his hands better after he'd slammed them down on her desk. "But the report was deemed a failure, won't you get in trouble for allowing me tor re-submit it?"

"This report has not been filed away yet, so I have deemed it as if you never having submitted the report. I hope that is all right with you?"

"Ah...sure. It's just a few hours of walking back and forth and getting their confirmation, not like anyone died."

"That's good, then." She smiled brightly at the acknowledgement of the solution provided. "Then, I wish you a pleasantly safe journey, as well as success the next time you submit your report."

"...Yes...of course..." Bigsley took the report with him and left, blushing all the way out of the building. Seeing the man leave, Liana called for someone to take the stack of reports away since other booths might need them.

After half an hour, a female elf came over with a sour look on her face. She saw Liana was available and headed in her direction. Noticing the elf approaching, Liana smiled at her as she greeted, "Hello, this is the customer service department, is there a problem you need help with?"

"Yes." The elf replied curtly.

"I see, and what seems to be the problem?"

"The receptionist marked my quest as partially successful and I found her reasoning unsatisfactory."

"Oh? I'm sorry to hear that. What part did you find unsatisfactory, if I may ask?" Liana showed a concerned look, evoking a sense of gratitude from the elf.

"She said she struggled to read my writing, thus deducted some of the reward because she needed to put on some glasses which she claimed made her look unfashionable and so wouldn't get a handsome adventurer to look her way if he came in while she was wearing them."

Liana opened her mouth in surprise at the reason for the quest being evaluated as partially successful.

"I am incredibly sorry to hear about that. Could you give me the name of the receptionist, as well as your own name, level, rank and the quest you undertook, please?"

"Of course. The receptionist was called Imelda Carson - a half-elf. My own name is Freja Haljssen, my Level is 6 and my rank is E. The quest I did was to be a personal bodyguard to city official and his family for a week. I shall refrain from naming them since the report already states it and I do not wish for prying ears to learn of their current predicament."

"I see. Thank you for being forthcoming with your answers. Let me have a look and see if there was anything else wrong with the report before I inform my superior about the receptionist. Ah, please take a seat while you wait."


The elf woman sat down as the man in charge of delivering quest reports came over again with a stack of reports waiting to be filed. Finding the correct report, Liana read through it before asking for someone to call Hejlikka over. Looking at Freja, Liana called her to come back.

"I've read through your report. Although the handwriting is not as elegant as some peoples' are, it's still legible. I see no problems with it and your employer also seemed to be happy with your services. It seems they've even sent for your services again. As for the receptionist, I need to ask my superior about that..."

With that, Hejlikka arrived with an impatient look on her face.

"Why did you call for me? I'm busy. Haven't you seen the large stack of...Freja, why are you here?" She noticed who the customer was and frowned in uncertainty.

Freja gave a nod of acknowledgement to Hejlikka before responding, "I'm complaining about how my report was evaluated."

The superior showed surprise on her face as she turned to Liana for an explanation, to which she complied: "It seems that receptionist Imelda Carson has unfairly evaluated Miss Haljissen's report, not giving her the full reward she deserves on account of the writing style forcing her to wear glasses and looking less attractive towards the male customer base. I called for you because I wasn't sure how to handle the receptionist or this case."

"That hussy! I'm so sorry about this, Freja. I'll go get the reward you weren't given and then will thoroughly punish that girl for her unprofessional behaviour!" Hejlikka then stormed off, came back after 30 seconds to place a bag of coins, to then storm off once again towards the receptionist section.

"Well, it seems that we have clarified the problem. Please allow me to add the missing experience onto your guild card, Miss Haljssen."

"Of course." She replied with a light smile on her face, making her seem a lot more beautiful than earlier.

"Then, if you have any further problems, don't hesitate to come here and our department will do our best to help resolve them." Liana gently smiled at the female elf, which made the customer smile even more.

"Thank you." She then left with a satisfied expression.

Hejlikka came back a few minutes later with an energetic look, like she'd let a load off her chest from venting/shouting, etc...

"Good work, Liana. You did right to call me over. If you need me for other cases, I'll help." She then left to deal with some other stuff.

A while later, a little girl came in crying and immediately ran over to Liana's free booth.

"Waaaaaah! Why can't I get a reward? Waaaaah!"

Seeing the girl crying non-stop, Liana got out of her seat and quickly went up to her, knelt down and hugged her while gently rubbing her head. "There, there. Sh-sh-sh. Why don't we sit over there and you can tell me about what happened?" She said in a soothing, placating tone.

The girl sniffed a few times before snuggling into Liana's chest and explaining what happened:
"I went on my first quest *sniff* and gathered lots and lots of pretty flowers for it *sniff. Only the mean old man said I failed my queeeeeeeest! Waaaaaah!"

"Oh? What was the quest that you did?"

"*sniff* It was called Healing Herbs *sniff*. Mummy told me that pretty flowers were full of goodness and would make anyone who saw them feel better *sniff*, so I picked up lots and lots! But the man said that none of them were healing herrrrrrrrrbs! Waaaaaaah!"

"I see, you poor thing. Such a mean man for telling you that. Do you have some of the flowers still with you? How about you let me have a look instead?" Liana smiled gently at the girl, her gold eyes making the girl feel warmth from them thus calming her down. The girl then gave her one of each flower before falling asleep from all of the crying she'd done.

Calling for the report - using the name on the girl's guild card - so she could go through it, Liana carefully inspected the flowers and recognised them all as ones her temple used to sometimes use when making healing poultices. Re-evaluating the report as a success, she then procured the rewards and gently woke the girl up.

"I've had a look at them and they all do indeed have healing effects. Your mummy was right and that old man was wrong. Here's your reward for completing your first quest." She smiled brightly at the girl as she handed the reward over.

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The girl jumped up from the chair and hugged Liana's waist in happiness and joy, before waving at her and running out with a smile on her face. Liana returned to her seat at the booth and had the reports cleared away once more.

An hour later a man with fox ears and tail came in and nonchalantly strolled over to Liana's booth.

"Good evening, sir! Is there a problem?" Liana opened with a gentle smile.

The man's tail swished and his fox ears twitched as he gently smiled back and said, "My quest was deemed a failure, even though I fulfilled all of the objectives set. I would like my full reward and re-evaluation of my report, please."

"Oh?" Liana looked surprised before asking, "For what reason did the receptionist give for deeming it a failure?"

"It was a silly reason that you don't need to know. However, my report really does fulfil the quest objectives so..." He smiled wryly, "...please give me my reward?"

"Well, can you please give me your name, level, rank and the title of the quest please? I need to verify the report and evaluation given by the receptionist."

The fox-man gritted his teeth briefly before smiling even more gently, "Of course~ My name is Felix Wiska, I am Level 2, Unranked and did the Charity Work quest."

"I see. Then, please, have a seat while I check the situation."

"...Of course..."

After a few minutes, Liana was given the report, along with a note attached with bold capital letters on it, 'FAKE REPORT! EXTORTION OF MONEY, FOOD AND GOODS! ON CITY GUARD WATCH-LIST'. Still smiling gently, Liana hid the note under the desk and carefully looked through the evaluation and report. She then called Felix over and smiled apologetically.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, Mr Wiska. You see, it seems that what you wrote in this report isn't what actually happened, and so...with regrets, I cannot give you any rewards."

Felix's face sank into a cold and murderous look as he uttered in a dark and low tone, "What?"

A fireball appeared above his tail but was quickly doused out by some guards who had water buckets on standby for fire emergencies. Seeing that the fox-man was acting in a threatening manner towards the staff, the guards took him away in manacles towards the barracks to be judged.

"..." Liana looked at a co-worker beside her and asked, "Did I do something wrong?" A worried look on her face.

"No. He just wanted to exploit the system but realised he'd been found out. You'd have been in more trouble if you'd actually given him the reward."

"I see."

After another 2 hours, 7 more people came in to complain about things: 2 trying to cheat the system, 4 with valid claims, and 1 with an invalid claim. Apart from the ones trying to con, the rest of the customers left with satisfaction. Hejlikka arrived again and noted the work Liana had done.

"You've done well for your first time on this job. Especially since it was a night shift you took. Most people end up falling asleep or not paying enough attention for this shift. So, thank you for your hard work."

Liana smiled back at the female elf and stretched. "It's fine, Miss Hejlikka. I prefer working night shifts anyway, so it's no problem for me. How about you? Don't you usually work during the day?"

The female elf smiled wryly, "My boss changed my work schedule to night shifts because I complained about him being unprofessional and flirting with the receptionists...Me and my big mouth, huh?"

Liana giggled in amusement before smiling apologetically, "I'm sorry about that. It must be tough, having such a boss."

Hejlikka shrugged before blushing a little bit, "...He's my little brother..."

Liana opened her mouth in surprise before closing it and smiling wryly, "You've been working hard."

The female elf smiled at that, before saying, "Dawn will be arriving soon. I think you've done enough work for this evening. You can go back now."

"Okay. How about you? When does your shift end?" Liana asked as she got up from her chair and smoothed down her dress.

"It ends when the morning shift supervisor comes, which she did a few minutes ago." She said while staring at the dress covering Liana's thighs before looking at the young woman's face again.

"I see. Then, should we leave together?" She smiled warmly and innocently.

Gulping a little, Hejlikka nodded slowly before heading off to get her cloak. While waiting, Liana wrote up her report of her quest and handed it in to the receptionist for evaluation.

Thank you for your hard work, here's your reward.
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Oct 21, 2019
Quest Report (Unappraised)

References: (1); (2.1), (2.2), (2.3);

Ever since I read that report from miss Luna about the cemetery, I have been meaning to investigate it... However, with the number of mysterious incidents within the city skyrocketing, and me getting possessed, I ended up avoiding it for a while.

However, ever since my conversation with miss Oam, I could understand my own shortcomings better and could slowly restore my faith in the goddess, and I felt The Goddess was properly answering my prayers once more, even if not as well as how she did it back in my home world, it was still a great improvement, and I could finally cure my wounds and feel energized again.

With this, I figured it was time to look at what was going on in the cemetery at last. I prayed that The Goddess would protect me, and moved to the graveyard.

Once I arrived there, I saw the usual workers that I generally met while making prayers for the deceased. I greeted them briefly and they asked what business I had in the cemetery today, and I told them I was actually in an investigation about an unusual mist, jewels and possible disappearances... Sadly though, none of them had a clue on what this could be all about, so I had to look around on my own.

My first round through the cemetery was... Uneventful. I gave some prayers to a few names I recognized within it, but I didn't get wind of any mist or any mysterious riches floating around near the tombstones. After a while doing that, I figured it might be better to try replicating the situation of miss Luna's report.

I talked to the gravekeepers about it and explained I wanted to see if we could isolate the cemetery tonight. Perhaps if I was the only one there, I could find the mist somehow. They worried for me, but I reassured them that there was nothing to fear, for The Goddess was on my side, she would protect me from all harm.

They agreed to it, I always appreciated how much value is given to a priestess word, they know I carry the word of The Goddess, and therefore they trust her to protect me... And I prayed that The Goddess would guide my steps, for I knew that whatever was in this graveyard, would not be something that mortals should meddle with.

I spent some time appraising reports while I waited until night came. In that meantime, I found out that mister Adsall had already taken some of the orphanage quests and started aiding it, something I was very thankful for... Hopefully it will grow into a better place for the children like this.

Once night fell, I went back to the cemetery. The gravekeepers had already gone home, so the place was quite lonely, a loneliness that fit death... I entered inside it and noticed something amiss right away... I didn't quite get the mist, or the jewelry like miss Luna had, but it was just... A feeling. A feeling that something wrong was here, something unholy, something that should not belong to this world.

I wondered why it only seemed to manifest itself in those conditions, but I moved along, walking around the cemetery to see if I noticed anything else amiss... It didn't take too long for me to see a few tombstones with two coins in it... It reminded me of an old tradition that meant those coins were there in order to pay the fee of the afterlife's boatman. Did this mean this cemetery was more closely related to death than normal? Or was I just overthinking it by comparing it to a tradition of my own world? I wasn't even sure if afterlives were shared between worlds to begin with, and besides, all graveyards were closely tied to the afterlife due to the high amount of dead within it... Perhaps I should stop overthinking it.

For now... Let's try something. I approached the coins and prayed for the person underneath the tombstone. I wished them a safe passage to the afterlife and that the boatman would guide them towards their loved ones... The coins seemed to shine for a moment, and then disappeared into an unnatural fog... It seems The Goddess answered my prayer.

After I finished granting this soul a peaceful passage into the afterlife, I started looking around for a small bit, paying attention to the graves with and without coins in them. There wasn't much in common in either group, often times the tombstone designs were quite different, and there seemed to be no similarity in the names or dates engraved on them... At first at least.

Because after walking for a while, I noticed two things that separated the graves with and without money on them... The ones with money, were usually older. While there were plenty of graves without money on them that were older than the ones with money, on average, the ones with money were the older ones.

And also... I did not recognize any of the tombstones with money on them. While I by no means had memorized every single tombstone in the city, I could at the very least recognize the graves of the people I prayed for during their funeral, and all of those tombstones had no money in them at all... Perhaps... Those that had their money with them, were those that were not granted a peaceful passage to the afterlife?

I decided to bet on that possibility. One by one, I started praying on the graves. On each and everyone one of them, I knelt down near the coins and prayed until they disappeared into a bit of mist, just like the first ones. Some were easy, others were hard... I didn't mind, I was in no hurry. I kept going through them without leaving any behind.

I don't know how much time I spent on that, miss Luna's report signaled that the graveyard seemed to be a lot bigger than its normal size during her exploration, and I concurred, there were far more graves in here than there normally were... But what she did not report, was that time here seemed... Fuzzy.

I'm really unsure of how much time I spent praying, but it was definitely more than just a few hours. It wouldn't surprise me even if days had passed by while I prayed for those souls... And yet, I was not hungry, I was not sleepy, and the sun had not risen yet.

Nonetheless, I continued, one prayer at a time, one soul at a time, I gave them safe passage by praying for a better afterlife for them... And after a Goddess knows how long, I finally started noticing an increase in the wealth surrounding the tombstones, just like miss Luna had reported.

Those wealthier tombstones were harder to send away as well, as if... Their attachment to this world was greater than the other ones, and so were their regrets. I persisted though, I knew The Goddess had sent me for a reason, I was not going to abandon a single one of those poor souls, they deserved to rest in peace.

More hours passed, I started noticing another thing about the remaining tombstones... They were very old. Older than the portals to other worlds, possibly older than the guild itself. They were very old graves that most likely... Wouldn't even be in the graveyard anymore, considering the size of Scribel's cemetery, their bodies were most likely turned into ash by now and their place was given to a new body at this point.

Was this why the graveyard seemed bigger than before? Because there were tombstones that transcended time over here? I was unsure, it was hard to take conclusions... But it didn't matter, even if it was a soul that died in the distant past, The Goddess would still want it to rest now, and so I did my best to help them.

By the time I reached the graves filled with jewelry, I started spending what seemed to be over an hour praying for each soul. Some of them were even conscious enough to speak to me, it was a... Very unique experience, I had never talked directly to the dead before. I heard their regrets, their attachments, their wishes to remain in this world... And I prayed for them. I could not force them to pass away, but I knew that this was what was best for them. It was surprising that they did not become vengeful spirits after such a long time in this world, even after gaining awareness of themselves, they just remained in this very... Unusual part of the cemetery, spending their days wallowing about days long past.

I wish I could have learned more about how life was in Scribel in the past by talking to them, or at least how their life was... But after this long, their memories were very fuzzy. They remembered a few moments clearly, but somehow other memories contradicted those, and what was certain at one point, became uncertain in the next... Those poor souls went through many hardships for sure.

Meanwhile, I kept praying. I prayed until they accepted their reality, accepted that their grievances have long lost their purpose, that the people they resented weren't even in this world anymore... Accepted that it was time to move on. And once they did, they too disappeared unto the mist.

Eventually, the last of the graves with coins, jewels and other monetary items had had their souls purified and moved on to the afterlife. I felt quite happy to help this many dead to reach a better place, but... This quest was not over. I was still in the extended graveyard, and in front of me, lied the mist that miss Luna had thrown her lantern at.

From her report, the mist had tried sucking her in, and she ran form it before being caught up and then suddenly appearing at the graveyard's entrance. However, the mist was not moving towards me at all, it seemed perfectly fine in staying where it was, as if it was... Waiting for me.

I did not know why I felt like it wanted me to move towards it, but I trusted this feeling, it was surely The Goddess that was telling me to move forward... And that's what I did, I moved ahead, inside the mist.

My vision went white for a moment, I could not see anything, the thick mist completely blocked everything... Yet I continued to walk forward, one step at a time. Until I traversed the mist and arrived at an eerie dark place.

It's hard to describe what I was seeing... It was fuzzy, changing, flowing... I did not seem like this was a "place" per se, instead it was a...

"Plane." I heard a voice I did not expect to hear so soon coming from behind me. I turned around in a hurry and saw the demon that entered inside me. His body was more... Tangible this time. It was still of roughly the same shape, but it didn't feel made of mist, it felt like it was his actual body this time... But how? "It's a lot easier to manifest myself on an immaterial plane." He answered.

That was very confusing... "Are you reading my mind?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Ever since you accepted me in, I have been able to access your mind." He licked his lips, "I deeply enjoyed feasting on your fearful thoughts." That made me shiver for a moment, the thought was... Scary.

I calmed down. That was exactly what he wanted. He laughed and then spoke, "Oh, such a pity, you were nicer when you got scared more easily." I did not appreciate his comment, but I decided to take it as a compliment. My thoughts on that made his smile turn into a snicker though, which was somewhat bothering. I did not appreciate having my mind so easily seen through.

It was better to change the topic than to play his game though, so I asked, "Why are you here?"

He changed his complexion into a more serious one, "To take you back." That was not an answer I was expecting... Why? "Because the living do not belong to the plane of the dead. I don't want to lose my source of food this early."

His answer was loaded, though not entirely unexpected. That the mist lead me to the afterlife was not surprising, nor was it surprising that this was dangerous to me... However... "I refuse." I answered him. He seemed to get annoyed at my reply for a moment...

Until he started laughing that is. "Who said you had a choice!?" He screamed, and then my body turned away from him, and back towards the mist that was just behind us... I stepped towards it, once. Twice. Thrice... My body once again was moving completely against my will.

It was a bit surprising to see he could that even when I was not fearing him, and the thought he could take my body over whenever he pleased was indeed terrifying, and as soon as I thought that, my body started moving faster towards the mist... However...

I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed that The Goddess would allow me to fulfill her will, that she would let me do whatever she wished me to do here... And so, my body stopped moving.

"You dare to defy me?" He asked.

I turned around and looked straight into his eyes. "The deal was that my life would be yours. Right now though, I'm not really alive, am I? The living cannot exist in the plane of the dead." He twitched, it was enough to tell me I was right. "This plane is dangerous because the longer I stay away from my real body, the thinner my life force will be and as such, I may die for real... Ain't I correct?"

The demon started grumbling, but he did not deny my words... This much was plenty for me. So I continued, "I have no right nor the power to stop you from watching, but I still want to make sure the souls buried in Scribel are going to have a peaceful afterlife, I ask you to not interfere until then.

"... And do not worry, I also have no intention of throwing away the life The Goddess has given me. I do not believe she has sent me to die here." The demon snickered, but made no comment... This was fine.

I turned away from him and started moving deeper into the plane of the dead. It was quite the unusual experience, I wasn't quite stepping on anything per se, there was just some sort of path that I knew I had to follow, some way my instincts told me that would lead me to wherever I wished to be... To the place The Goddess has sent me to be.

It did not take long to find it. The thing that felt the most physical around here. A river of sorts, it had a cloaked boatman in it, and multiple souls surrounding the boat... Or rather, in the boat, moving through the river, in multiple... No, in one boat. One boat that existed in multiple places, with a single boatman that manned its only boat, and that was standing still, waiting for me, while at the same time ferrying all that wished to pass through this life to the next one.

I was not capable of understanding what I was looking at. But I did not need to, what I needed to do, was to approach him and talk. For The Goddess certainly did not send me here to understand how the dead pass to a new life, she sent me to help them reach said life.

And so I walked towards the cloaked boatman, once I got close enough, I noticed that there was nothing within his cloak. It was a dark cloak filled with pure darkness inside it, something that seemed like it would pull me towards it if I stared for too long. An endless abyss that represented the inevitable death... Or so I believed.

When I stood in front of it, the boatman spoke, "What does the living wish in the river of the dead?" Its voice was strange. It felt like I heard it directly in my soul, it surrounded me completely, coming from everywhere and nowhere, yet I knew it was coming from the boatman right in front of me, it was an absolutely astonishing experience.

I understood that whatever it was, was far beyond what I was supposed to be handling... The demon was right, I was certainly not supposed to be here.

However... The Goddess sent me here for a reason, and I was not going to disappoint her. I steeled myself and answered it, "I came here to ask for safe passage. To let all those that die in Scribel have a safe trip from their previous life to their new one." My voice came out hoarse, I felt like I was running out of breath, as if the boatman's very presence was draining my life away... It was hard to stay on my feet.

The boatman answered, "The dead must repent before they reach their appropriate realm. Only those that deserve it may come to reunite with those that they long for."

... What? Repent? They aren't even aware of their own existence, how could one expect them to repent for their sins if they can't even understand that they have committed sins during their life? "This is wrong! The Goddess grants safe passage to all that desire it, a sinful life should not be accompanied by an afterlife filled with suffering!" My heart ached, I was sweating cold, my legs started trembling...

The boatman answered, "Your goddess is not from here, her word does not rule over those that die in here."

I was angered by that reply, what is this foolishness!? "I refuse! I refuse to accept this! The Goddess is merciful, she is not one to fight over who is right and who is wrong..." I started coughing, my legs could no longer sustain me and I fell on my knees. "The Goddess only wish for the best for everyone... She does not believe one should be punished for that which they no longer control... Please... Please release the dead of Scribel..." I started crying, my hand clung to the Boatman's boat while I begged him, I just wanted... I just wanted it to let them go.

The boatman's hand moved towards mine, it was a black skeletal hand that came out of the darkness of the cloak. While it moved, the boatman spoke once more, "Do you wish for a safe passage...?" I eagerly nodded, his hand moved closer, though just as it was about to hold my wrist, I was pulled away.

The Demon was now holding me in a princess carry, I did not understand what was happening... And still, he spoke clearly, "Her life does not belong to you. Do not attempt to take other's possessions away before their due time." Possession? That was me? "Yes, that's you." The demon said while reading my mind once more, "Good grief, I don't want to lose such a juicy food source so soon, get a grip, you idiot."

I was deeply offended by how he directed his words towards me, but I understood what he meant. My life is still yours, and the boatman was about to grant me safe passage from this world to the next... To think I was once again tricked by words like that... I still have much to learn.

I had a hard time keeping my eyes open, I did not think I had much time left. Still, I directed my words towards the boatman once more. "Please, in the name of The Goddess, grant safe passage to those that desire it, do not let them suffer for eternity in the land of the living when they should be long gone." Each word that I said greatly hurt my throat, each time my heart beat felt like it would be the last... But not yet, my job here was not done.

The Boatman looked towards me with its infinite 'face', and asked a simple question, "Is that what you truly desire?"

I nodded once more and struggled to get a word out... With a burning throat, I said, "Yes." My vision started fading, it became blurrier than before, almost as if everything was splitting into multiple copies of itself... Everything was shaking, I could hardly tell what was what... Even my body started to feel unreal, transient, something that would soon cease to exist.

The boatman answered my plea, "Very well, the will of your goddess will be granted then." I thanked him for his mercy, and The Goddess for giving me the strength to endure this until the end... I however, was unable to voice my feelings, I could barely keep myself whole the way I was now, speaking was out of question.

Seeing that our exchange was over, the demon spoke plainly, "We need to go." And started walking back the way we came. I did not deny him, instead I looked at his face as he moved us back.

It was a very weird sensation, the being that took away my life, was also the one saving it now. I wondered what was his expression as he did so, but I was unable to make it out clearly, my vision was far too fuzzy for that... What I felt right now though, was... Happiness. I was happy that even a demon could help me in serving The Goddess will, that even in a place with no light, the Goddess could always find a way to guide our path.

And I was thankful, thankful for his help. He may have said it was because my life belonged to him, but he had still allowed me to do as I pleased even though he had always had the power to forcefully push me out of here, even if by not controlling my body, he could do it with his own... To take over my free will, yet still respect it when I wished for it strongly enough... He was such a weird demon. I was curious about what went on his mind as I thought this, for I knew he could hear all that went through my mind.

"You think way too much, you know that?" He said. I giggled internally, he almost felt a bit cute right now. "I should just drop you here and feed on someone else..." Was his answer to those thoughts. And while he was perfectly capable of doing so, we both knew he had no intention of following through with that action.

We reached the mist that signaled the border between worlds and moved through it in silence. Before long, we finished crossing it, and I was suddenly in the ground, taking deep breaths while trying to recover the strength of my pained body.

"She's alive!" Someone said. I looked towards it and saw the two gravekeepers worriedly looking over me, with the demon that brought me here nowhere to be found... I suppose he is back inside me right now.

"... What happened?" I asked. They explained to me that they were looking at the graveyard from the window of a nearby abandoned house, and that I had fainted as soon as I stepped at its entrance. And I remained like so for about an hour. My breath was steady for the most part, but it got rougher in the last few seconds, and even my heart had stopped beating for a few seconds, so they had been really worried for me. And at the same time, they had not been able to move me no matter how hard they tried, so they just kept watch in the meantime.

I thanked them for their help, and asked if they could once more leave me alone... They were really worried about it, but I reassured them that this time things would be a lot safer, and that I just needed to check something. They ended up complying and moved away from the graveyard... And so, I left it and moved inside once more.

This time, I did not feel like something was amiss like before... This time it was peaceful. Free. A place of rest at last.

I walked around for a bit longer just to be sure, but it didn't take long to go over the entire graveyard... If anything, the only thing I could find, was a forgotten lantern that seemed to have been left here... It felt a bit different from normal though, a bit less... Mundane. Perhaps miss Luna would be able to do something with it. Or maybe she will just be happy to have it back.

I moved back to the entrance and waved at the window that the gravekeepers were in. They quickly approached and then asked me what had happened... I decided it was best to not tell them though, so I just said that I had aided the dead to move on.

And with this, I went back to the guild, to report today's occurrences.
  • Entered the Graveyard and found nothing unusual in it.
  • Entered it during the night when nobody else was inside, and actually found the mysterious things that miss Luna was talking about in her report.
    • The extended graveyard was in fact a time-displaced graveyard within Scribel. Reuniting everyone that had been buried in here throughout time.
    • Existing in the boundary between the realm of the dead and the living. All souls that had not been granted safe passage to the afterlife by a priest, remained in this time-displaced graveyard, forever repenting for their sins.
  • Prayed for each and every soul that had ever died in Scribel and not given passage by a priest until they moved on to the afterlife.
  • Crossed through the mist that Miss Luna found and entered the world of the dead.
  • Talked to the boatman that helped the souls cross to the next life, and convinced it to get rid of the time-displaced graveyard and allow any soul that wishes to move on, the passage to the afterlife. As opposed to needing to repent for their sins or the blessing of a priest like they needed previously.
  • Almost died in the process due to staying too long in the world of the dead and talking to the very being that carried the dead to their new life. Was saved by the very demon that currently owns my life.
  • After all was said and done, I recovered the lantern that miss Luna had lost, it seems to have become a bit less mundane, perhaps something happened to it after staying for too long in the boundary between life and death.
  • Even though it seemed like I stayed days, maybe even weeks in the time-displaced graveyard, about only one hour passed for the living.
  • ... As for what did I do that was related to the job itself? I helped the passage of the souls to a new life, that should greatly reduce the chances of an undead approaching the city due to being lured to them... That counts as a satisfactory job... Right?
Sounds like quite the experience you had there. Try not to worry the people around you so much.
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
> > >
Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
> > >
Hello Mr/ Mrs. Receptionist

Today the guild kitchen was cooking salted pork.

A guild cook gave me a quick oreintation of the kitchen and then showed me how to make the salted pork.

It was pretty easy, and I managed to make 40 rations perfectly. I did make one extra by accident, so I decided to eat it. The taste was pretty mundane, there wasn't much taste at all.

Afterwards, the guild cook gave my quest form a stamp and quickly sent me on my way.

"Well, I'm glad everything went smoothly... Though please don't eat the kitchen's food without permission, those supplies are much needed.

"Since you weren't reprimanded by the chef, I'll let it slide, but you'll receive a penalty if you do it again, alright?

"May the gods help you control your impulses."

Final Reward:
Money: 10G
Items: 5 Rations

OOC: Please remember to tag your reports as appraised in some way.
Last edited:


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
After the long journey among the dead, I was feeling quite tired, so I thought it would be good to take some easier work and appraise some reports instead of taking another quest.

This one is from... Mister Vysic? I believe he is quite new... Let's see...

Hello Mr/ Mrs. Receptionist

Today the guild kitchen was cooking salted pork.

A guild cook gave me a quick oreintation of the kitchen and then showed me how to make the salted pork.

It was pretty easy, and I managed to make 40 rations perfectly. I did make one extra by accident, so I decided to eat it. The taste was pretty mundane, there wasn't much taste at all.

Afterwards, the guild cook gave my quest form a stamp and quickly sent me on my way.
"Well, I'm glad everything went smoothly... Though please don't eat the kitchen's food without permission, those supplies are much needed.

"Since you weren't reprimanded by the chef, I'll let it slide, but you'll receive a penalty if you do it again, alright?

"May the gods help you control your impulses."

Final Reward:
Money: 10G
Items: 5 Rations

OOC: Please remember to tag your reports as appraised in some way.


Active member
Feb 23, 2020

Charity Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit a local temple or orphanage.
  • Collect donations, food, and medical supplies from civilians.
  • Volunteer your time to help the needy.
Living in a frontier city has its tough moments.
Scribel City has high numbers of orphans and disabled veterans,
and the places that support them are overcrowded.
There simply isn't enough government money to help them all.
Will you step in to lend a hand?
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a

A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at the building from afar. Everyone might not notice that due to him having his face hidden by the cloak. But he doesn’t really care. For some reason, seeing the orphanage was like something heartwarming for him. True that the place is filled with orphans that were either abandoned by their parents or just lost their parents for whatever reason. But at least they were gathered there, not on the street. Not to mention that the caretaker, which he still needs to asked her name, seems to be one of those good people willing to sacrifice their life for the orphans.

He then pushed open the gate, which was making the usual creaking noise. Carrying some of the firewood he got from his previous job on his shoulder, he approached the door. Before he could even knock on it, the door opened slightly. A small face peeking from the crack of the door. It was a girl, probably younger than him. If memory serves him right, she was one of the older orphans that helped him on preparing the boar meat the other day.

“Oh, the hunter from before?” she said, once again stopping him from saying anything. Being faced by a sudden question, he just nodded at her while taking a step back. For some reason, the girl just gave him a toothy grin before looking back. “Ms. Tabea! It’s the hunter from before!” she shouted with a very energetic voice. She then opened the door and gestured him to get inside. With a slight hesitation, he entered the orphanage.

The first thing that he noticed was the condition of the building. It was not what he remembered. The floor, the walls, even the stairs were in a much better condition. It was as if someone replaced the whole building. But he then noticed the same broken windows, which for some reason made him relieved that he didn’t get the wrong place. He then followed the girl which led him to the kitchen.

There she met her, the caretaker, which she now knows the name due to the girl shouting for her. “Oh, nice to see you again, Mr. Hunter,” said Tabea with a smile on her face. Michuema also noticed that her face had become brighter, probably due to the fact that the orphanage has turned for the better. “So, what do you bring today?” the girl asked him. Being caught by the sudden question again, he was unable to answer, only letting out some ‘Uhm’ and ‘Ehm’ sound. Seeing that, Tabea nudged the side of the girl and shook her head. She then realized that she just made a mistake. “S-Sorry, I have misspoken,” she said as she bowed her head to him. “..It’s okay,” said Michuema with a low tone. “Ellen, go take care of the laundry, will you?” The voice of Tabea was calm as she tried to at least prevent more awkwardness from the two. The girl quickly bowed to the two of them and left to do the laundry.

“I’m sorry about that, Mr. Hunter. She didn’t mean anything by that,” the caretaker said that as she bowed to him, in which Michuema quickly shook his head and mutter ‘it’s okay’ to her. “Can I know your name, please?” she asked him. “Michuema,” he said with a low voice. “…the place has been renovated,” he added. Then the caretaker smiled at him. “Yes. It seemed that someone posted a job in the guild and it led to this. I’m so happy that someone is paying attention to this place.” The hunter noticed the small tear that almost dropped from her eyes. Usually, he would be happy to hear that, but somehow a pang of pain assaulted his chest. “I see,” he said with a quiet tone.

“There’s also a girl that tried to live here, renting a room, she said. Oh, she’s a fellow adventurer too, like you. Her name is Oam.” She then started to tell some stories about how she often brings some food here from the sour pickled cult or something. He just listened to her while nodding from time to time. He then remembered the weight on his back. “Ah, I bring…. some firewood.” For some reason, he was embarrassed to say that it was the only thing he brought. But the caretaker looked at him with a smile. An earnest and genuine smile. “Thank you so much, you’ve been a lot of help to us,” she said to him. And once again he couldn’t really take that thanks. It was as if he didn’t do enough. “I’ll…go chop them.” After he bowed to her slightly, he then moved toward the back of the orphanage.

As he kept chopping the wood, he noticed that the kids were becoming much happier. Some of them talked about the pickle they had the other day. Some said that he was happy that the floor doesn’t make sound as much as before. Then others said that the shield that was made by the adventurer from the other day was cool and inspiring. Hearing that, he felt more and more out of place. “…I need to do more…” He said to himself as he finished the last firewood and piled them neatly. After that, he didn’t even say goodbye to Tabea. The girl from before, Ellen saw him, and he just waved at her before he exited the place, somehow feeling a bit ashamed he couldn’t do more for them.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020

> > >
Healing Herbs
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Identify healing herbs in the wilderness.
  • Collect 5 small sacks of healings herbs.
  • Do not accidentally harvest the wrong plants.
Many species of healing herbs can be found throughout the world.
A special type of grass with healing properties is known to grow in this area.
The guild would like to stockpile on these herbs for emergencies.
Make sure that you're collecting the right kind of plant though!
We don't want a sack of ordinary grass!
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Hello Mr/Mrs Receptionist.

The weather was wonderful today. The flowers were blooming, the wind was cold, the weather was warm. Just like the perfect day.
I managed to get 7 small sacks worth of healing herbs. (Keeping 2 sacks to myself).

I ran into some slimes, but I just stabbed them with my spear. They popped like water balloons. I went deeper into the forest and stumbled on...

A Corpse. She was an adventurer and a young one at that. On her body I found her guild card, "Claire, Age 17". Her clothes were all tattered and covered in blood, there were also a large amount of stab wounds on her body. It was a sad sight, but death was an inevitable part of life.

It didn't look like it was from a goblin either. A goblin wouldn't kill a female so blatently like this, after all we all know how goblins reproduced.

The stab wounds also looked strange. A goblin's knife would normally be very crude so much so that the knives would often break, leaving shards of stone in the wound.

The last and most distinct thing would be that there was no signs of poisons. Goblins loved using poisons. Even if it was weak paralytic potions, they'd put it all over their knives, often leaving a purple tinge on the wounds of their would be victims.

I recovered most of her belongings, and asked a guard to come and take her body.

Attatched to the letter are Claire's belongings.

That's mildly disturbing.
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
OOC: Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.
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Active member
Feb 23, 2020
Gather Seeds
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Get seeds of vegetables that could be planted in the orphanage's free area and that can be taken care of by someone with little experience in taking care of plants. Preferably of things that don't take too long to be harvested.
  • Donate them to the orphanage.
Description: The orphanage is in constant need of food donations in order to feed the children. Getting some seeds to make a small plantation in its free area could help alleviate the issue, even if there is clearly not enough space to plant enough to feed them all.
  • Exp: 50
  • Money: 20G

The notice on the board quickly grabbed his attention. Looking for seeds. Eager to do that, he quickly picked them up and then ran to the forest with his usual gear. While the forest is his domain, he always tried to be as careful as possible. One wrong move and he might lose his life. It was that dangerous.

He then scoured the forest ground, looking attentively. The quest clearly stated looking for some seed that can be easily planted by amateurs, which in this case probably the orphans, and also for something that can be harvested quite fast. He racked his brain while remembering the lesson he got from his mentor back in the village.

He then finally found it, a small bush filled with bright colored bulbs. They are squashes. The villagers used to forage for them as they grow quite fast. He used the knife to get the one that can be used to get the seedlings. From time to time he would look around, trying to make sure that no wild animal will ambush him since these types of plants are also their main diet. Filling his small bag enough with the squashes and some of the ripe ones, he then moved toward the other part of the forest.

His next target could be acquired not far from the first spot. From the green patches, the hunter picked a few green beans. The pods were filled with lots of beans, making them rather plump. He smiled at it, remembering the episode where he had a soup filled with one of those beans, warming not only his body but also his souls after a long hunt that ended up in failure due to him missing his shots. Once again he filled his bag with the beans.

Moving onto the next plants, he let out a sigh. While it was easy to find them, the problem was the bag. It was getting heavier. That is understandable since the bag is filled with quite a lot of squashes and bush beans. But the face of the orphans in his head made him able to work harder. He then picked the last of his objective. Some wild onions. Growing them is easy, as simple as putting the bulbs on the dirt and just wait. He picked several of them and then quickly filled his bag.

Looking at his harvest, he smiled a bit. He then stretched his back a bit, feeling quite tired. After resting a bit, he picked up the bag and then walked toward the orphanage. Once again, he was greeted by Tabea, the caretaker. “Greetings,” he said to her as soon as she turned around. “I got you the seeds. And some vegetables too.” He then let down the bag, which made a little thump sound as it hit the ground. “S-So many,” said Tabea as he inspected the bag, “Thank you so much, Mr. Michuema.” Once again, she smiled at her. But the smile faded quickly as she looked at him. “Are you okay?” she said as he looked at him with a concerned expression. He nodded and then picked up the bag. “I’ll move this toward the kitchen.” He then walked toward the kitchen carrying the bag. “W-Wait, I’ll call the others.” The hunter then shook his head. “It’s fine. I can do this much. I’ll leave right away.” He then moved faster and, just as he said, he left the orphanage as soon as he finished moving the seeds and the vegetables. When he passed by Ellen and Tabea, he just waved at them and then left the place.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
I'm not homeless, am I?
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somewhere to sleep.
:blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep::blob_sleep: Rewards:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a


Character: Reciful The Innocent malice
Level: 1
Class: Chaos bringer
Race: Eldritch Abomination

Quest name: I'm not homeless, am I!?

Quest report
Reciful... finally..... FIND A HOME!!!:blobrofl:

YAY!! Reciful is happy!!:blob_happy:

Reciful shall tell you how She got a home! Since Reciful is happy & proud:blob_uwu:...

Also Reciful made new friend! U know!!!:blob_happy:


Reciful got ignored A lot by of people they are meanie's!! Reciful wait for 2 days...2 DAYS!! But no one reach for Reciful! How mean!!:blob_pout:

Then when night came, A cute silvery Rainbow slime reach out for Reciful! She is Reciful first friend Susul ! I name her that cuz she makes 'Suuu~♪ Suu~♪' noise a lot!!

Susul is a slime created my a mad alchemist cultist!! Long ago! Susul said so by doing gesture to tell Reciful... & since Reciful is smart Reciful Understood Susul saying!!!

Susul is a rare slime unlike other ugly stupid snot slime! Cuz Susul is Special u know! Since she is Reciful friend Reciful is proud for her!! Ehe ehehehehe!

But Susul is bullied by other slime & forced to live in the Dangerous plaza full of 'Slime killers' (Writer:.Adventurer).

Those Insignificant pathetic ugly Slimes dare to bully Reciful's friend... I shall Obliterate those Slimes & crush their soul again & again within a imperceptible darkness!!! Reciful is Angry!!:blob_thor:

Anyway! Susul Guide Reciful in a very normal looking alley somewhere in the city, but the alley have a strong illusion in it. But its useless! since Reciful is very good at mind games (writer:..:blob_shock::sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely: )

Then we go to a labyrinth like plaze that only Susul a slime & being like Reciful can travel in it cuz its super tight! & No air!.

Then we reach a hidden big black old church in the end of the labyrinth! Its in a weird place! U know! Cuz as there is tree's, grass & many flowers! like a miniature forest with the black church in the center! As if a hidden garden!!

Susul Said this is the home of the bad alchemist who made Susul. Susul also said after soooooo many years came to past, the Bad Alchemist ghost still haunts it wanting to hurt Susul...

Bad Alchemist! Reciful shall kill you again!!!

Susul asked Reciful to Defeat the Bad Alchemist ghost & help the spirits of her fellow test subject children who is still trap inside there...... Reciful don't get it! but since Reciful is kind & its for Susul! Reciful friend! Reciful shall do her absolute best!!!

So Reciful manipulated all the shadow in the place making it into Reciful's Domain! In short making it a temporary part of Reciful body! Since Reciful is super weak unlike before this is all what I can do yet.

Then I move the shadow & shallow the Entire hidden garden inside it! From there Reciful see the bad alchemist ghost he try to attack me... What a nerve~....then Inside the Shadow I open my Countless red eye in all direction & gaze at him with full force, which shattered his mental strength that almost breaks his soul.

After making him almost a empty shell of his former self I open one Big mouth with countless razor shard teeth's & using many of my tendrils & tongue I grab the bad alchemist ghost, he try to beg for mercy..... But no... Reciful shall give no mercy, Reciful Eats his soul & crush it with Reciful's teeth's.

While at it Reciful also grabs & eat all of Susul ghost friends hatred, despair, regrets, madness, sadness & agony making them free from those, Since Reciful can touch, see, hear & eat things that cannot be perceived such as emotions.

they thanked Reciful & very happy to see Susul one last time, they said to Reciful please take care of Susul & thank you very much.... Reciful is happy, Reciful did a good deed!!.

Then a Woman made of light with many wings & a halo arrive from above & came to fetch & guide Susul's friends spirits.

Hm?? The Winged Woman looks at Reciful in disbelief, awe, & shock... Why??...hmm now that I remember she remind me of people called Gods... Reciful hate them they hurt Reciful always.

" !?... No nononono! I'm not a god!? & Im not also here to fight you!! so stop with those red Eye's please! Your gaze is super bad for spiritual beings!! "

Reciful stops glaring.

" Ahem! Sorry for being surprise.. i just did not expect that someone such as Yourself have compassion & have the concept to help other beings to begin with "

H h how rude!!!

" Even so, Thank so much, for helping them Oh Great Outer One, you even eat away all their sins & not just their Despair in the Process "

humph! Praise Reciful more!!

" Well then I'll make sure they'll reach paradise for sure.... Farewell to you 'Oh~ Daughter of the Demon Sultan, & beloved nameless Princess of the Void" "

.. Reciful have a name now!!! you meanie!! Reciful really hate your kind!!

and so Reciful now have a home along with Reciful new friend Susul the rare slime!! Reciful wants to, Invite you, to her home... But its physically impossible Reciful think?


Signed by: Reciful the Eldritch Abomination
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Well-known member
May 4, 2019
Quest Report (APPRAISED)

> > >
Charity Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit a local temple or orphanage.
  • Collect donations, food, and medical supplies from civilians.
  • Volunteer your time to help the needy.
Living in a frontier city has its tough moments.
Scribel City has high numbers of orphans and disabled veterans,
and the places that support them are overcrowded.
There simply isn't enough government money to help them all.
Will you step in to lend a hand?

Points: 35 EXP
Money: n/a
Other: n/a

Quest Report

Adventurer: Oam Lola
Quest: Charity
Summary: - Delivered some donations from the temple to the orphanage.
- Helped with preparation of food.
- Refilled the water reservoir.

It's been a while since I came to report, but the Temple has been busy trying to regain some of its popularity, so I've been sitting in front of a charm-selling stall set up by a cult of a Crystal Frog God from another world, so I've forgotten about the guild for a bit. But since the proselytization weekends are now over, I'm back!

In any case, a devout of a fertility cult passed by and have heard of the troubles in the orphanage, along with the pickled god cult, donated some fruits and pickled fruit to the orphanage. I went there at noon and arrived an hour later.

Well, I arrived there... but I was initially confused. There was a strange shield sign on the building and it seemed like the walls became brand new. I passed by the gate and couldn't see the kids anywhere, where usually I'd find a few outside. But when Tabea opened the door, I knew I didn't make the wrong turn.

"What happened while I wasn't here?" I said while inspecting the out-of-place shield symbol.

"Some adventurer from the guild helped us out." the lady said with a bright smile, "the sponsor was someone named Nene,"

"I see, I see, I am glad," I said, lifting up the bag of fruits, "But can you help me carry these foods?"

"A-ah! It must have been tiring!" she said as she picked up the bags. She peeked inside and looked back at me, "There are even fruits now?!"

"Courtesy of the Cult of Deriy, " I said,

"Ahaha! Please deliver my thanks to them!"

She carried the bags to the kitchen. I've never seen her smile so brightly before.

"By the way," I said, "Where are the kids?"

Just as I said that, the sound of a large herd of footsteps came reverberating from the ceiling.

She sighed defeatedly, "They are... upstairs... but now they won't stop running inside the house! Do you know how terrifying it is when they keep running up and down the stairs? And then they can't stop beating on the walls, it's as if they're trying to destroy the house immediately after it's just fixed, and then there's Lily who can't stop slamming the doors..."

She complained about the kids a lot.

But I can tell that she was actually really happy.

"Maybe I can talk some sense into them," I said.

"If you can, that would be great." she said, "Thank you,"

The sound of tiny thundering footsteps once again passed by their heads.



I prepared food with Tabea not long after resting from the walk. I also bought bread for them, and so there wasn't any cooking done today. But I found out something quite difficult to stomach after seeing the empty tub of water in the back of the kitchen...

The orphanage doesn't have a well, so Tabea needs to make a five minute trip back and forth to the nearest public well to get fresh water. Luckily she also had a small carriage (albeit without horses) that can be used to pull buckets of water. It was decided that one of us will stay to keep watch over the children and the other will go to the well to stock up on water. I was going to be the one to pull the water up.

So I went there and pulled the carriage off
It was actually quite light when I departed.
But when I returned, I ended up light-headed, and I collapsed in front of the door.

"Ouch ouch ouch!! Be careful!"

Even though I was crying loudly like that, she was actually just feeling around my back very gently, "You should have told me that you had back pain..."

"Well how should I know that it would get so heavy after only twelve buckets?!"

"Tei!!" she suddenly pushed her weight on the upper part of my back, causing it to crack loudly. It sounded like countless bones just popped off.

"OUCH!" I reflexively cried. But... "?! It doesn't actually hurt?"

"Hoho, are you surprised?"

"How was I supposed to react when you said 'I am going to crack your spine'?!?"

"How else was I to say it...?"

After half an hour of massage, I was feeling much better.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" I was stretching my back and feeling around, I felt even better than when I came here this morning.

"There was an old lady who used to stay here as and help out around the orphanage,"

"Oh yeah? Where is she now?"

"Ah, she passed away," she said, "But she did teach me some good ways to crack people's back."

"I see... I'm sorry,"

"It's fine,"

I ended up sleeping with Tabea because I was too tired to walk back to the temple, and it was also night, and there had been a lot of scary things happening in the city as of late. So we ended up sharing a bed. It was only a single person bed and it wasn't even a mattress, so I thought "hey I can just sleep on the floor!" but she didn't want my back to die again, and so we slept... anyways... veering off-topic!

I left the orphanage in the morning.
Thinking about submitting a quest too.
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tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
I lost my cat again!
Sponsor: Mera
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Find my cat please!
Description: My silly cat ran away again! :c Please help me find them! I hope they didn't get lost in the sewers...
  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10

Quest Report - Anja

It was the break of dawn in the City of Scribel, and a blond-haired girl was already up and running.

What for? Her morning run. Ten laps around the city walls. She had started a few hours ago, and her shoulders were drenched with sweat. For some reason, it seemed more difficult than normal, and the girl was gasping for air. Her legs were on fire.

Why was she so out of shape? She hadn't felt like this in years — before she started training for the Olympics.

Perhaps it was something to do with the Gate? She felt weaker; sluggish. Angelina Noir was an ordinary human. She achieved unordinary things, but that was because trained hard. All of her life, she wanted to be a superhero. She didn't have superpowers, so she trained her fists punching trees until her arms were as stiff as lead. She was the best in her civilian sport — a world champion — but almost helpless when it came to real villains with real super powers that rivaled the actual heroes.

It frustrated Anja to feel so weak.

She felt weak now, and it was disgusting. Every athlete knows the sickening feeling when your body felt sluggish and out-of-shape.

The anger motivated Anja to push herself harder.

+ + +​

By the time Anja finished her physical routine, the sun was already a decent way across the morning sky. Running around the city ten times certainly wasn't a trivial task.

It had already been a few days since the girl first arrived in Scribel City, and she immediately proceeded to fit right in. She registered at the Adventurer's Guild immediately, but she was dissatisfied by the selection of quests that were offered. They seemed useless and trivial. Anja was impatient. The journey through the gate had made her weak, and she wanted her body to recover faster.

To do so, Anja knew she needed intensive training. As an Olympian back on Earth, she was used to training for 14 hours a day. She liked training for every single moment she was awake, and she would happily push herself until she died of dehydration if her manager didn't stop her. People called her dumb and muscle-brained, and Anja genuinely liked it.

However, here in this world, it wasn't possible to train 24/7. She needed money and food and water.

It was extremely frustrating that she couldn't spend all her time training, but Anja knew she couldn't always get things her way.

She strolled into the Guild Hall (without changing -- still drenched in sweat) and picked up a Quest Bulletin that seemed suitable.

+ + +​

—Lost cat, huh? I can do this.

It was also a good excuse to explore the city and finish her other errands. Anja pocketed the flyer and made her way over to Market Street. On the way, she stopped by the grocery and picked up three whole loaves of bread and a dozen eggs.

Yes... she ate a lot.

Well, she only ate four eggs, but it was still a lot. As for how? Well, she ate them raw while walking down the street. Anja trusted her stomach. A new world was bound to have a different microbiome than her own, and Anja's philosophy was that her immune system ought to be trained just like her muscles. The sooner that her body acclimated, the better.

Eventually, she made her way to the home address of "Mera", but it seemed like the girl wasn't home.

Regardless, Anja decided to proceed with the quest anyways.

+ + +​

Planning to make use of this situation, Anja chose to multitask.

And moving to a high-trafficked area of the neighborhood, Anja simply put her things down and started to do Tai-chi.

Why Tai-chi? Well, it cleared her mind, and Anja usually practiced it at least one hour a day. The "Internal" (内) disciplines of martial arts were far less violent than the "External" disciplines, but it had many valuable qualities that are beneficial for all kinds of people. Chen-style Taijiquan for instance was famous for its explosive use of power known as Faijin (發勁). Anja admired it for its total emphasis on the refinement of power, which is almost contrary to the technical-emphasis of many other Western martial arts schools.

Chinese Daoists once compared the art of Tai-chi to like moving water.

A single boxer who gave a straight punch did not move water. There was no real power with that kind of motion.

A fighter who is able to comprehend the flow of power like water is better able to work with it. In Japanese Akido, it was called using your opponent's weight against them. In physics, it was essentially the same thing as harmonic resonance. Waves. Water. Through resonance, even something as weak as a sound wave could shatter glass. The better you understood power, the more you realized that there was power in everything that surrounded you. Like gravity.

Anja closed her eyes and felt the flow of water.

And she breathed.

She exhaled.

Time passed.

+ + +​

There was nothing really that mystical about Anja's ability.

She didn't have any magic chakra, cultivation, or special energy of any kind. This absolutely wasn't a wuxia novel.

Periodically, she opened her eyes and scanned the plaza for anything that caught her attention. Anja had excellent focus, and she spotted many cats that wandered through this part of the neighbor. None, however, matched the description of Mera's cat.

So Anja continued with practicing Tai-chi.

+ + +​

It was actually close to evening before Anja finally noticed a new development.

A sliver of white fur.

She spotted it out of the corner of her eye, something small creeping into an alleyway, but it was the best she got.

Wordlessly, Anja lowered her arms and picked up the remaining carton of her eggs.

Immediately, she dashed across the street fast.

The cat must not have seen her coming, because Anja snatched it up immediately. It struggled in the blond-haired girls arms, but Anja had a firm grip. After a good luck, Anja was sure that she had the right one. The description matched.

Frankly, the girl was slightly surprised. Her luck was pretty good, wasn't it?

+ + +​

Later, Anja brought the cat home, and its owner was grateful.

Mera mentioned something about her cat running away every day — so it was nice to see it at least a few times a week.

They had a little bit of small talk, and Anja dropped a shameless question. Specifically, she asked if Mera knew of a place where she could sleep — perhaps slightly hidden from the main streets — since Anja didn't have enough money to pay for rent in the Inn. Anja ate a lot, she would prefer to sleep outdoors rather than go hungry.

The young girl was surprised by Anja's blunt question... especially since most adventurers weren't this shameless.

After some hesitation, Mera ended up offering Anja to sleep with her family goat in their backyard. She even offered an old blanket.

Anja was extremely grateful, and she promised to help out with finding Mera's cat more often in the future.
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Oct 21, 2019

A small smile appeared on his face as he looked at the building from afar. Everyone might not notice that due to him having his face hidden by the cloak. But he doesn’t really care. For some reason, seeing the orphanage was like something heartwarming for him. True that the place is filled with orphans that were either abandoned by their parents or just lost their parents for whatever reason. But at least they were gathered there, not on the street. Not to mention that the caretaker, which he still needs to asked her name, seems to be one of those good people willing to sacrifice their life for the orphans.

He then pushed open the gate, which was making the usual creaking noise. Carrying some of the firewood he got from his previous job on his shoulder, he approached the door. Before he could even knock on it, the door opened slightly. A small face peeking from the crack of the door. It was a girl, probably younger than him. If memory serves him right, she was one of the older orphans that helped him on preparing the boar meat the other day.

“Oh, the hunter from before?” she said, once again stopping him from saying anything. Being faced by a sudden question, he just nodded at her while taking a step back. For some reason, the girl just gave him a toothy grin before looking back. “Ms. Tabea! It’s the hunter from before!” she shouted with a very energetic voice. She then opened the door and gestured him to get inside. With a slight hesitation, he entered the orphanage.

The first thing that he noticed was the condition of the building. It was not what he remembered. The floor, the walls, even the stairs were in a much better condition. It was as if someone replaced the whole building. But he then noticed the same broken windows, which for some reason made him relieved that he didn’t get the wrong place. He then followed the girl which led him to the kitchen.

There she met her, the caretaker, which she now knows the name due to the girl shouting for her. “Oh, nice to see you again, Mr. Hunter,” said Tabea with a smile on her face. Michuema also noticed that her face had become brighter, probably due to the fact that the orphanage has turned for the better. “So, what do you bring today?” the girl asked him. Being caught by the sudden question again, he was unable to answer, only letting out some ‘Uhm’ and ‘Ehm’ sound. Seeing that, Tabea nudged the side of the girl and shook her head. She then realized that she just made a mistake. “S-Sorry, I have misspoken,” she said as she bowed her head to him. “..It’s okay,” said Michuema with a low tone. “Ellen, go take care of the laundry, will you?” The voice of Tabea was calm as she tried to at least prevent more awkwardness from the two. The girl quickly bowed to the two of them and left to do the laundry.

“I’m sorry about that, Mr. Hunter. She didn’t mean anything by that,” the caretaker said that as she bowed to him, in which Michuema quickly shook his head and mutter ‘it’s okay’ to her. “Can I know your name, please?” she asked him. “Michuema,” he said with a low voice. “…the place has been renovated,” he added. Then the caretaker smiled at him. “Yes. It seemed that someone posted a job in the guild and it led to this. I’m so happy that someone is paying attention to this place.” The hunter noticed the small tear that almost dropped from her eyes. Usually, he would be happy to hear that, but somehow a pang of pain assaulted his chest. “I see,” he said with a quiet tone.

“There’s also a girl that tried to live here, renting a room, she said. Oh, she’s a fellow adventurer too, like you. Her name is Oam.” She then started to tell some stories about how she often brings some food here from the sour pickled cult or something. He just listened to her while nodding from time to time. He then remembered the weight on his back. “Ah, I bring…. some firewood.” For some reason, he was embarrassed to say that it was the only thing he brought. But the caretaker looked at him with a smile. An earnest and genuine smile. “Thank you so much, you’ve been a lot of help to us,” she said to him. And once again he couldn’t really take that thanks. It was as if he didn’t do enough. “I’ll…go chop them.” After he bowed to her slightly, he then moved toward the back of the orphanage.

As he kept chopping the wood, he noticed that the kids were becoming much happier. Some of them talked about the pickle they had the other day. Some said that he was happy that the floor doesn’t make sound as much as before. Then others said that the shield that was made by the adventurer from the other day was cool and inspiring. Hearing that, he felt more and more out of place. “…I need to do more…” He said to himself as he finished the last firewood and piled them neatly. After that, he didn’t even say goodbye to Tabea. The girl from before, Ellen saw him, and he just waved at her before he exited the place, somehow feeling a bit ashamed he couldn’t do more for them.
Even the simplest of things can be a great help don't ever think otherwise.
Points: 35 EXP
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Oct 21, 2019

Hello Mr/Mrs Receptionist.

The weather was wonderful today. The flowers were blooming, the wind was cold, the weather was warm. Just like the perfect day.
I managed to get 7 small sacks worth of healing herbs. (Keeping 2 sacks to myself).

I ran into some slimes, but I just stabbed them with my spear. They popped like water balloons. I went deeper into the forest and stumbled on...

A Corpse. She was an adventurer and a young one at that. On her body I found her guild card, "Claire, Age 17". Her clothes were all tattered and covered in blood, there were also a large amount of stab wounds on her body. It was a sad sight, but death was an inevitable part of life.

It didn't look like it was from a goblin either. A goblin wouldn't kill a female so blatently like this, after all we all know how goblins reproduced.

The stab wounds also looked strange. A goblin's knife would normally be very crude so much so that the knives would often break, leaving shards of stone in the wound.

The last and most distinct thing would be that there was no signs of poisons. Goblins loved using poisons. Even if it was weak paralytic potions, they'd put it all over their knives, often leaving a purple tinge on the wounds of their would be victims.

I recovered most of her belongings, and asked a guard to come and take her body.

Attatched to the letter are Claire's belongings.
That's mildly disturbing.
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
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