Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
> > >

Office Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Zorion slowly walks into the guild and places his report on the counter. However the handwriting in the report does seem less unified than his usual.

Dear Guild Staff,

After the near fatal encounter the week prior, I sought task that are less physically challenging, at least until my body recovers. I had spend the day at the city hall archives entering in statics of quest completion rate of the guild. The process was uneventful however that level of uneventful-ness is what I need right now. I remain.

At your service,
Zorion Orti
It seems like someone is joining us in the hell guild. I shall dump send a few of my 'completed' paperwork to his room as guidance.

Points: 35 Exp
Money: 10 G
Jan 9, 2019
> > >

Customer Service Department
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Office Work
  • Report to duty at the guild offices.
  • Resolve at least 5 complaints.
  • Do not upset the customers.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Every workplace has them — the infamous "difficult customer".
In the Customer Service Department, we get the toughest of the tough.
These are the clients that nobody else wants to deal with.
How will you deal with them? Can you handle a rowdy adventurer?
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Zorion entered the guild and delivered his report, a lot of his bandages are now gone it won't be long when he can take on more dangerous quests again.

processed and filed
Dear Guild Staff,

DISHONOURABLE! How very dishonourable! Where did these adventurers' sense of right and wrong go? Their guild registration was rejected because they lied on their applications! What is "Level 10 world ender Calamity Enchantment"?! What is "infinite shadow clone techniques"!? They are level 1!!! What class is [World breaker]? What is [OverGod]? What are those?!?! They just look like common folk!

By all that is holy!


I seem to have written my report with too much passion. Regardless, when the adventurers were asked to demonstrate their abilities, some feigned an injury or an upset stomach. Those that did not pretend to be sick ended up filling n their registration form properly. It'd be important to note that the adventurers that did not wish to redo their forms promised to return with their "World ender" spells ready or with things equally powerful. I hope you find my performance satisfactory, I remain.

At your service,
Zorion Orti
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Let's Go... East!
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Explore East of Scribel City
  • Note: Slime hoard sighted in this direction.
  • Update: Seems to be a large plain (source)
  • Update: There is a rock formation suitable for a quarry (source)
  • EXP: 100
  • Money: 30

Adsall limped into the guild, with two crutches. Handed in the request to the receptionist, and slowly limped out.

Riding with stride and with a glint in his eye, Adsall passed through the city gates.
"Finally I'll be able to mine.", He thought to himself while grinning like an idiot.
He had prepared a lot for this quest. He had bought himself a new strapped leather bag full of mining provisions (45 G) which he could wear on his side. He even rented a bay coloured horse for 55G. It's name was Maximus and even-though it wasn't that fast, it was very smart.

Eventually, Adsall reached his target destination. The rock formation. However; it appears that there was no quarry, this was probably because the guild's efforts were more focused towards the bridge quest. It didn't really matter anyways. Adsall rode around noting the nearby scenery:
'Tree, Tree, Bush, Shrub.' until he noticed a cave opening. Adsall tied his horse to a tree and wandered in, armed with his hammer and an oil lamp.

As he crept deeper into the cave, Adsall noticed that this part of the cave had glowing crystals forming on the wall. He decided to take some with him. Continuing his exploration, Adsall went in deeper. When he was about to turn the corner, he stopped himself. There were monsters fighting. Peeking out, Adsall could see a badly injured mole like creature clashing its claws with... a grey slime? Despite the mole having sharp claws, it couldn't seem to damage the slime. 'Wait... aren't slimes able to evolve themselves by eating, and judging by its colour... A rock slime?', Adsall hypothesised. If that was so... Adsall had to be careful. A slime charging to attack you to one thing, but a mini boulder charging at you? He'd probably be severely injured or die. He could run, but he needed ores. Like his dad used to say "Those who risk, reap the rewards". While Adsall pondered in thought, the rock slime charged at the mole with a loud THUD and knocked it into the wall killing it. It then slowly approached the corpse and began dissolving it. During which it's grey colour began to fade to light gray. The slime core was now visible. Seeing his opportunity, Adsall armed with his pick charged and struck the slime. The slime then began to lose form and melt.

Adsall took the slime core and compared it to another slime core he had in his bag. They were slightly different as this slime core had a slight grey tinge. Adsall pocketed both cores. He then looked at the mole corpse. The thing that caught his eyes were it's claws, they were as big as daggers. They were harder than iron. Realising that he didn't have a knife, Adsall attempted to use his pickaxe to cut of the moles claws. He was semi-successful as he managed to get 2 pristine claws. Due to the fact that there was nothing left to loot, Adsell ventured deeper.

Until... He came across the ore vein that he oh-so longed for. He set his oil lamp down and began mining. There was enough to fill three fourths of his side bag. Adsall turned to leave he spotted something that gave a purple shine. It was a purple crystal which was attatched to a small silver ore vein. "Lucky! I found Amethyst and Silver!" They were rare after all. After harvesting both of them and filling both his bags Adsall went to leave the cave.

However, he was stopped by a grey slime in front of the mouth of the cave. When the slime saw him, It turned gray and charged at him. Adsall reflexively dodged, but the slime still hit his right leg causing him to drop his oil lamp. His right leg nearly broke. Using the pickaxe as a walking stick, Adsall quickly limped his way towards his horse. He quickly untied it and mounted it, but not before the slime charged at him another time, hitting his pickaxe's wooden handle and breaking it. Reaching into his pouch/side bag, he found some healing herbs and begun chewing them.

On arrival, Adsall was put into the medical bay. A healer was called and managed to heal his right leg, however due to the extent of the damage a cast has been put on his right leg.

Attatched to this request was a < Rock Slime Core >, and a < Mole Claw >.

Items Gained: <Iron Ore> x 15, <Silver Ore> x 5, < Amethyst > x 1, < Mole Claw > x 1

"So it seems there are stronger variants of slimes out there? Those that you've met were closer to what I was used to in my home world... It would be worrisome if there were some that were as dangerous as the ones I know of.

"You did a good job exploring, mister Adsall, but I beg of you to be more careful in the future." *Nene's eyes turned black for a second, but she then suddenly shook her head, and then they were back to their usual color* "The gods would not be pleased if you were to lose the life they gave you because you overestimated your capabilities.

"Next time you wish to go mining, please take someone with you that can protect you while you're distracted with the ores. This time you were lucky that the slime only appeared near the entrance, but next time you might not be so lucky.

"May the gods protect you now and forevermore."

Final Reward:
: 100
Money: 30G
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Dec 23, 2018
> > >

Slime Subjugation
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in Scribel City.
  • Collect 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel City, and they end up in all sorts of weird places.
While they aren’t too dangerous, they can slowly erode and damage structures over time.
They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff.
Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >


Today, I went to the sewer once again, in order to catch myself some slime cores. I prepared a mask to attenuate the stench of the sewers.

It was raining for a little bit. But since I don't have a raincoat, I could only hope I did not catch a cold. As it was, I went into the sewer from the entrance in the market district.

The current was actually a little bit higher. At this point, I planned to postpone my hunt at the sewer, but since I didn't know any other habitat for those slimes, I steeled myself and marched into their lair.

I found some wandering slime, which thankfully was isolated from their groups. The first three was easily dispatched with my punch, but the fourth was actually a challenge for me. The slime's body was more acidic than what I could bear, so I had to pull off a pipe from a nearby wall and use that as a blunt weapon. Its body was easily resistant to blunt weapon damage though. So at that point I use the pointy part of the pipe since the first pipe broke from the wall with a sharp tip (else I would take another pipe). To think that it was that effective compared to using my punch, I thought I would take this pipe for my slime hunting from now on.

The next six slime was subjugated without any incident. It was just when I was going back, the sewer current water level actually rose without me realizing. as it was, I was almost swept away because of one slippery terrain. Thankfully, I could return safely.

So, quest completed and ten slime core submitted.

From Reis.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Arriving in a strange forest, I stumbled upon a large gate with a guardsman nearby. He quickly took notice of me due to my heavy making loud clanking noise as I approached him.

"Good day to you sir, may I inquire you in which land does this place lay on?"

"Hmm? That's sum accent ya got there boy. I guessing you're not from around here as well. There's a toll for every not recognized citizen of the city of 3G, since I'm feeling nice enough I'll let you in for free. Head straight down the road and you'll see a sign called Adventurer's Guild. Go there and they'll answer your questions."

I thanked the guard and followed his directions. Surely enough I saw the building called Adventurer's Guild and entered it. People took a glance at me then resumed whatever they were doing.

At a desk was an available receptionist clerk.

"Hi! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. How may I help you?"

"I was inquired that this establishment may answer my concerns. To which land does this place lay on?"

"Ahh, you must be an another [Stray], well that's what I call them, various beings of unknown origins who end up here in Scribel City. For now I highly recommend you signing up with us and head over to the quest board to get a feel on how things work here."

I take up on her offer and registered with the guild. Heading over to the quest board, I got a vague understanding of how things work here, for now I should do a quest to know where is where in this city. This will do.

> > >
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.
We need people to help keep the city safe.
  • Points: 25 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Greetings to you Guild

The night of the watch has been uneventful. The task at hand was simple enough to perform at such an occasion, or as it was I wished it to be so. Being stationed at a nearby gate in the midst of the night had other fellow guardsman be wary of me as I believe it is due to my armor being "overqualified" to the task, nevertheless I hoped to believe that it would give assurance to others when others take notice of me.

Returning to the main topic, I am not confident with this info but i saw a glimpse of shadowy figures roaming about the forest outside the gate. From what I saw, I can truly say with confidence that they are four legged to say the least. Prepared for the worst, I steadied myself for battle but my resolution came to no avail as morning has come and thus ends my position.

At service to you, Lancer Reival

OOC: If people don't mind, I'll only wrote in this format to settle a base story for my character. Will write in the "usual" format like the others from what I've seen.

Evaluation Report
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
> > >
Blacksmith's Apprentice
  • Sponsor: Smithing Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Visit the Smithing Guild forges.
  • Bring a load of firewood as payment.
  • Assist the blacksmith with his/her craft.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
The Smithing Guild is looking for dedicated students interested in smithing.
Blacksmithing is an intensive process that requires many assistants.
Bring a load of firewood, and you will make charcoal and operate the bellows.
Over time, we will teach you to swing a hammer and be a blacksmith's striker.
If you can't stand the heat — get out! — and stop wasting our time.
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use Smithing Guild forges
> > >

Report by Kail

I woked up quite early and was eager to finish the final round of the smithing quest. I have prepared the necessary items and headed straight to the Smithing Guild.

Smokes had already culminated slowly on top of the chimneys and metal clanking noise bellowed out from the entrance. It seemed the blacksmiths were eager to start their work early in the morning.

As usual, I gave firewoods and showed the quest parchment to the receptionist and I could easily make my way to Eornia's workshop. The rough-looking elf was busily chanting something in elvish and maintained her concentration to imbued mana in the armor.

I left her alone as I read the parchment she left on the table and started to do what I usually do, sorting out new materials in the workshop.

After roughly half an hour later, Eornia had done enchanting the armor. She noticed my figure busily sorting out the materials and called me out.

"Come here and look at my latest magic armor. This armor can easily resist low-level magic." The armor was glittering with silvery shine and some sort of rune pop up on the surface once in a while.

I gave an appropriate response as I showed my awe and respect to Eornia.

"Heh, not bad right." She put the armor away and looked at me eagerly. "Let's finish your quest quickly. Today, I will teach you how to use the forging hammer." She was more eager to teach me than I thought.

She taught slowly how to properly use the hammer and the way to circulate the mana inside it in a certain tempo. After a few hours fo me getting in the right rhythm, I had grasped the basic technique of mana forging. Eornia was quite happy with my improvement speed and showed me the way she forged a basic dagger with her technique.

After she created the dagger, I asked if I could try to forge a spear and used the Slime-slayer spear as a base material. Eornia was actually quite surprised when she saw the spear. She explained it to me that the spear was imbued with the fighting spirit and enlightenment of the previous wielder and asked where did I acquire it. I explained that an honorable knight gave me this spear after he was touched by my slime research.

Eornia was quite amused and she gave me a hand in crafting a new metal spear with the Slime-slayer as the core. We worked for 2 days straight in perfecting the spear and it takes a toll on my wallet. Most of the materials cost was covered by me and Eornia generously helped with me partially with the forging process and she freely imbued an enchantment on the spear.

A blue spear with intricate design covered the handle of the spear with a purplish aura emanating from the spear tip. I was overjoyed when I saw it as I know that this spear would be my main weapon in the future. The spear properly inherited the base of the Slime-slayer as I could sense the fighting spirit within it. Perhaps, this spear would develop a weapon spirit as long as I nurtured the spear with my mana and hone my spear technique with it.

After all the works have been done, Eornia acknowledged me as her apprentice and we did a formal master-apprentice ceremony based on elven tradition. To end the day with a bang, I personally cooked some boar meat and drank strong liquor together to our heart content. I didn't know what happen but I knew that I passed out right after my master challenged me to a drinking contest. *shiver* Note to self: Don't accept her challenge next time.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Arriving in a strange forest, I stumbled upon a large gate with a guardsman nearby. He quickly took notice of me due to my heavy making loud clanking noise as I approached him.

"Good day to you sir, may I inquire you in which land does this place lay on?"

"Hmm? That's sum accent ya got there boy. I guessing you're not from around here as well. There's a toll for every not recognized citizen of the city of 3G, since I'm feeling nice enough I'll let you in for free. Head straight down the road and you'll see a sign called Adventurer's Guild. Go there and they'll answer your questions."

I thanked the guard and followed his directions. Surely enough I saw the building called Adventurer's Guild and entered it. People took a glance at me then resumed whatever they were doing.

At a desk was an available receptionist clerk.

"Hi! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. How may I help you?"

"I was inquired that this establishment may answer my concerns. To which land does this place lay on?"

"Ahh, you must be an another [Stray], well that's what I call them, various beings of unknown origins who end up here in Scribel City. For now I highly recommend you signing up with us and head over to the quest board to get a feel on how things work here."

I take up on her offer and registered with the guild. Heading over to the quest board, I got a vague understanding of how things work here, for now I should do a quest to know where is where in this city. This will do.

> > >
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.
We need people to help keep the city safe.
  • Points: 25 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

Greetings to you Guild

The night of the watch has been uneventful. The task at hand was simple enough to perform at such an occasion, or as it was I wished it to be so. Being stationed at a nearby gate in the midst of the night had other fellow guardsman be wary of me as I believe it is due to my armor being "overqualified" to the task, nevertheless I hoped to believe that it would give assurance to others when others take notice of me.

Returning to the main topic, I am not confident with this info but i saw a glimpse of shadowy figures roaming about the forest outside the gate. From what I saw, I can truly say with confidence that they are four legged to say the least. Prepared for the worst, I steadied myself for battle but my resolution came to no avail as morning has come and thus ends my position.

At service to you, Lancer Reival

OOC: If people don't mind, I'll only wrote in this format to settle a base story for my character. Will write in the "usual" format like the others from what I've seen.

Oh, a new adventurer. Welcome to Scribel City.

I have read your report and it said something about a wandering beast near the city right? You don't need to worry about it. There are a lot of small calamities looming around our city and a few brave adventurers had already done the deed to temporarily halted the disaster.

No normal beast would dare to trespass into the city in fear of getting mauled by true monsters disguising as an adventurer.

Please enjoy your stay here in Scribel City.

  • Points: 25 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a

OOC: Please put your character sheet in your signature.
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: You can write in whatever format that you are comfortable with. Your enjoyment is what matters the most here.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Grave Digger

  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2

  • Go to the local cemetery.
  • Dig graves and assist with burials.
  • Stop vandalism and grave robbery.
  • Prevent the undead from spawning.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Many adventurers are killed in action every year.
It is important to ensure that there is a surplus of graves and tombstones.
Without a proper burial, undead may be attracted to the area.
The cemetery must be closely monistored for undead activity.

  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a

Report - Solet' Luna
Death is a natural phenomenon, and also one of the mysteries great sorcerers sought to find the solution to. What comes after death? Are there any living things that could overcome death? With only a little bit of thoughts, the answer seemed to be the Undying, or simply the so-called undead.

That's is the reason why I decided to accept this quest. Aside from it, there is also the unconfirmed facts about the graveyard dirt, that it could be used to repel the pixies/faeries. I must thank Miss Viscious for her discovery. Two birds in one stone, as the old saying goes.

Tonight was very quiet, as the location of the graveyard was somewhat isolated. Understandable, nobody wanted to live with corpses, at least no ordinary minds. Adding to the fact that it was a new moon, the entire area, aside from some dimly-lit lanterns and candles, was completely engulfed in the thick fog and darkness.

I was very unlucky, as there was not a single soul in sight. It seemed like today was a celebration day for the routine grave keepers and guards. Everyone, except me, was out in the city, maybe in a bar, getting high and drunk while talking about life and dreams.

While I was patrolling the area, I spotted many gold coins, laying around the gravestones in the inner part of the graveyard. There was no adventure guild symbol on it, the gold coin was 100% pure gold and was as flawless as any material could be. Feeling curious, I followed the coins and walked in the general vicinity of the area.

Now, as I went in deeper and deeper, more extravagant objects began to appear. From the pure gold coins, gems and diamond-headed staffs began to emerge, followed by necklaces, and emerald rings. The gravestones, however, reduced in numbers and appeared less and less. If not for my foreboding sense of dread, I would have already tried to pick one up from the ground. Thankfully, the holy magic of Solet had an intense reaction when I came close to them.

After most of the worldly wealth showed themselves before me, I looked forward, and once I saw that the fog had obstructed my vision from seeing the path, I decided that this was the furthest I would go. Something was telling me that I was not prepared. What awaited me ahead would not be anything I could manage.

The sky was still dark, and the stillness of the graveyard was unbroken. The small yard had seemingly extended in size, for I had walked for almost an hour, but still could not see the end of it. Any more step taken forward would be unwise. For the first time since I came to this world, I had tasted the fear of silence.

As I sensed a gaze laid upon my body, I slowly turned around and walked back the way I came from. Just as I took a step backwards, the silence of the yard was disrupted by a soft yet hoarse laugh. With only one lantern on me, I threw it at the fog behind me and ran as fast as I could, before the fog in front of me engulfed my vision. For a split second, I had no idea where I was, and before I knew it, I was already back at the entrance of the graveyard.

The sun was coming up, and the fog slowly dissipated into nothingness. In the end, I stood at the entrance of the graveyard for the whole hour. Only when the mist had thoroughly disappeared did I walk back into it, trying to find the same location I had left my lantern. Strangely, the gold coins and other impossible wealth seemed to have disappeared, as well as my lantern.

The night was too peaceful, without anything besides me. Maybe everything was just my imagination, and I accidentally lost my lantern... I could only hope so.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
> > >
Blacksmith's Apprentice
  • Sponsor: Smithing Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Visit the Smithing Guild forges.
  • Bring a load of firewood as payment.
  • Assist the blacksmith with his/her craft.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
The Smithing Guild is looking for dedicated students interested in smithing.
Blacksmithing is an intensive process that requires many assistants.
Bring a load of firewood, and you will make charcoal and operate the bellows.
Over time, we will teach you to swing a hammer and be a blacksmith's striker.
If you can't stand the heat — get out! — and stop wasting our time.
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use Smithing Guild forges
> > >

I woked up quite early and was eager to finish the final round of the smithing quest. I have prepared the necessary items and headed straight to the Smithing Guild.

Smokes had already culminated slowly on top of the chimneys and metal clanking noise bellowed out from the entrance. It seemed the blacksmiths were eager to start their work early in the morning.

As usual, I gave firewoods and showed the quest parchment to the receptionist and I could easily make my way to Eornia's workshop. The rough-looking elf was busily chanting something in elvish and maintained her concentration to imbued mana in the armor.

I left her alone as I read the parchment she left on the table and started to do what I usually do, sorting out new materials in the workshop.

After roughly half an hour later, Eornia had done enchanting the armor. She noticed my figure busily sorting out the materials and called me out.

"Come here and look at my latest magic armor. This armor can easily resist low-level magic." The armor was glittering with silvery shine and some sort of rune pop up on the surface once in a while.

I gave an appropriate response as I showed my awe and respect to Eornia.

"Heh, not bad right." She put the armor away and looked at me eagerly. "Let's finish your quest quickly. Today, I will teach you how to use the forging hammer." She was more eager to teach me than I thought.

She taught slowly how to properly use the hammer and the way to circulate the mana inside it in a certain tempo. After a few hours fo me getting in the right rhythm, I had grasped the basic technique of mana forging. Eornia was quite happy with my improvement speed and showed me the way she forged a basic dagger with her technique.

After she created the dagger, I asked if I could try to forge a spear and used the Slime-slayer spear as a base material. Eornia was actually quite surprised when she saw the spear. She explained it to me that the spear was imbued with the fighting spirit and enlightenment of the previous wielder and asked where did I acquire it. I explained that an honorable knight gave me this spear after he was touched by my slime research.

Eornia was quite amused and she gave me a hand in crafting a new metal spear with the Slime-slayer as the core. We worked for 2 days straight in perfecting the spear and it takes a toll on my wallet. Most of the materials cost was covered by me and Eornia generously helped with me partially with the forging process and she freely imbued an enchantment on the spear.

A blue spear with intricate design covered the handle of the spear with a purplish aura emanating from the spear tip. I was overjoyed when I saw it as I know that this spear would be my main weapon in the future. The spear properly inherited the base of the Slime-slayer as I could sense the fighting spirit within it. Perhaps, this spear would develop a weapon spirit as long as I nurtured the spear with my mana and hone my spear technique with it.

After all the works have been done, Eornia acknowledged me as her apprentice and we did a formal master-apprentice ceremony based on elven tradition. To end the day with a bang, I personally cooked some boar meat and drank strong liquor together to our heart content. I didn't know what happen but I knew that I passed out right after my master challenged me to a drinking contest. *shiver* Note to self: Don't accept her challenge next time.
Congrats on getting the new spear and having a great master! Hopefully, you would progress much faster than before. Having a good mentor is a factor to become a successful adventurer.

Rewards: 75 EXP, Permission to use Smithing Guild forges


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
'Meimei! wake up!'

It was that strange voice again. That voice that was with her since she arrived in this new land nagged her to wake up, even if she just want to sleep.

'Meimei! wake up! look, the gate is open! it is our chance to enter!'

Why did that voice want to enter that city that much? That city must be full of those humans. She was different than them. She was superior than those humans. After all, some of those other cats she met has human slaves that serve them food and scratch them where it itches, and she was better than them.

'Meimei! come on! Let's go there!'

Will the nagging ever stop?

'Look! There is no one paying attention to this direction! Let's enter!'

That was it. She'll enter the stone castle of that humankind if it would stop that voice from nagging her and let her sleep. No self respecting cat doesn't have their cat nap, and she was already behind schedule with all the journey to here!


"Hey, mike. Look at that."

"Isn't that just one of those big cat? must be someone's pet wandering here. Though I wonder how did it came outside."

"It looks like it'll go inside. What if it is a monster?"

"It looks docile though. Well... let me take my spear first."


She could hear everything they said. If it was not for her nagging, she wouldn't even touch this place. It was better to hunt for the food in the forest rather than going here.

'Whaaat? How come they thought that Meimei is a monster? They had the nerve to call someone like meimei a monster?!'

Huh. But she was a monster though. something like dig... monster? what?

Her head hurt really bad. It must be that memories things that that voice said. If it always hurted like this, she would rather not try to remember at all.

'Wait, meimei! They are coming here!'

Can that voice be calmer? She was trying to nurse her head here!


"Hello, little kitty. Where did you came from? Where are your owner?" one of the man said. He put his hand on top of her head.

'Quick, meimei! say 'meow'!'

Troublesome. Why did she have to pretend like those lesser ones? If she was compared to them, it would be like comparing an empress to a common peasant. Why wouldn't she understand that! She has her pride too! Yeah, human, scratch that part more. a little bit lower. Right, that was the right spot. Look, strange voice. That human was useful, unlike you.

'Meimei! just this once! please!'

Okay. Just this once. No more would she pretend like those commoner.


"Huh... it is really docile, see. Hey, charlie! look at its soft fur! I wonder who left this cat outside?"

She is no one's possession! She is hers!

"hmm... Is it not really a monster though? Its pupils are rather strange. And those appendages too." The other man said.

"Maybe it is. If it is, I'm thinking of taming it though. It'll be a good present for my daughter." he replied.

"If you say so. Let's go back. It's chilly."


'Adventurer guild. Are we sent to another world, meimei? Is this the so-called 'isekai'?'

Adventurer guild? could she eat that? she was feeling peckish right then. Right, one blob of something was moving there. could she eat that? When would that man stop carrying her? She wanted to try eating that!

"Michael, my pal! what brings you here? It's been a long time since you visit." A rotund man jovially said.

"Well... Jacques. I want to register this one as a tamed monster."

"Ooh. I see... I see. Myna, my dear. Can you prepare form C54 for my friend here?"

"Sure, boss. Here it is."

"Thank you, Myna. So, Michael. Here is the form for taming, on the room next door, we'll do a physiology check for this one. And after that, you return to Myna here to ask for your tamer license. If you want to prepare for a combat tamer license, you can ask Myna too."

'Mm... we are in adventurer guild, meimei! we should totally become an adventurer!'

Okay little kitty, can you be a dear and stay there? It won't take long, I promise."

At last, that man unhandled her. It was time to pursue that blob.

'Meimei! Let's register as adventurer! we could hunt as many of those slimes as possible if we are an adventurer!'


'Those blob thingie. I bet they are called slime! it is totally a common staple in the isekai!'

Why would she need to be an adventurer to do that though. If she was going to hunt, why would she need to get to be this adventurer?

'Meimei, if I am right, then it is kind of a pass to hunt. You know a pass right?'

Of course she knew. It is how someone could get an access to a new domain. She was one of those that have the access to the Kernel, the deepest domain of ******* *****. She did know everything that is happening in the world before.

Her head hurt again.

'Meimei... Are you alright?'

The pain has lessened a little bit. She could think more clearly then.

'Meimei... sorry...'

She forgave the voice. It was not the voice's mistake at all.

'So... Meimei, do you want to be an adventurer?'

If that was what was needed to hunt those, she'd do it.

'Okay. What you need to do is to go outside, and then look for the receptionist and ask for the receptionist for how to be an adventurer. I heard one before.'

The human the voice called receptionist, which one was it?

'I'll point her out to you.'


'Meimei... can you speak human language?'

Of course she could. How else she understood the voice's language? She understood every language known to mankind. She, the was once the angel of mysteries. Why couldn't she, when she once held the Knowledge?

'I see... I thought you can't. It would be easier if we talked to the guard before then. Come on. It is that girl wearing blue clothes.'

Huh... is this one someone's pet? How did it go here? I should bring it to the taming center." The receptionist said.

'Say that you want to register as adventurer, Meimei.'


"Oh... You can speak? Do your tamer want to register as an adventurer?"

She nodded. It would be a bother to correct this girl's misconception.

"Oh... I see. Then, is he waiting at the taming center?"

She nodded once again.

"Okay. So you need to bring these form to him. Do you have any pen?"

She shook her head.

"Okay, you can submit the registration request at the taming center too, as both his tamer license and adventurer registration would be duplicated and sent to the relevant department, including us. You understand so far? Anyway, here is the form, and this is the pen."

Accepting the pen and the form, she began to fill the request.

"Huh, you are back here? Nevermind, I can process the request." The receptionist said.

"Oh... so your tamer is called Meiko, and one of the celestial races? I see. Form checked, and everything is right. I don't claim to understand the celestial language, but ask your tamer to translate this 'cat' to our language, okay? I could write tamer as a placeholder for the job, and later he/she can change it."

Slime Subjugation
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in Scribel City.
  • Collect 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel City, and they end up in all sorts of weird places.
While they aren’t too dangerous, they can slowly erode and damage structures over time.
They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff.
Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a

Quest Report:

'Now that we are an adventurer, let's hunt! Take some quest related to slime on that quest board, Meimei.'

At long last she could taste those blobs. Her mouth saliva already started to increase due to the anticipation.

'Sewer huh. We saw one before outside of this building. So let's shelve the sewer idea for later.'

She agreed. Why would she want to play in the filth at all. It was better to stay clean as befitting her station.

'First thing first, the basics of adventure. We have to get a bestiary. Well, for now I'll note anything like a the slime's weakness, spawn location, et cetera. But we totally should have our bestiary.'

A slime sighted in front of her. she prepared her claw and attack it.

"X Scratch!" She called the attack name. Her claw instantly pierced its body from both sides and its body crumbled.

The slime was apparently too weak, that she lost the appetite to taste it. Her chosen child had given her Jelly before, and she thought that the body of the slime was like a jelly. It was apparently not.

'Meimei, take that core. It's our proof of subjugation!'

Core? that little ball? Why did she need to bring it?

'If what those isekai novel told me, those things will be our proof. If we do more quest, we have a larger access. And if this world is one with the status screen things, the more we hunt, the stronger we will be. Eh... Try to say 'status', meimei.'


'Okay, nothing happened. Do this world have level?'

From then on, she decided to ignore the voice for a while, while it was rambling about fantasy world and isekai things. She took a bite on one of the core. It was strange, a mixture of sour and acidic taste filled her tongue. Since it was bad, she stopped eating that.

Her hunt continued around the city. She felt that the behavior of those slimes was similar to something green. They prefer filthy places, even if their appearance was cuter than the green thing in her mind. Were they a failed evolution?

She finished her hunt when ten core has been gathered (even if one was half eaten). The voice told her to submit these cores to the receptionist once again, therefore she went to the adventurer guild and submit these.


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Active member
Feb 23, 2020
Healing Herbs
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Identify healing herbs in the wilderness.
  • Collect 5 small sacks of healings herbs.
  • Do not accidentally harvest the wrong plants.
Many species of healing herbs can be found throughout the world.
A special type of grass with healing properties is known to grow in this area.
The guild would like to stockpile on these herbs for emergencies.
Make sure that you're collecting the right kind of plant though!
We don't want a sack of ordinary grass!
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
After resting a bit, the hunter took the next simplest job. Herb gathering. Once again, it was not a foreign job for him. Not because it was his usual job, but it was something he often does for his own stock. After all, buying some herb from the local gatherer will cost him money, something he usually lacked off. Even his present self still lacks money. The money from last night’s job was only enough for his daily living expenses and he will need to do more or he risks depleting his savings faster than his arrow could fly.

With some small sacks on his hand, Michuema quickly began his task. Still with his bow and arrow at the ready, he looked around inside the forest. As one would expect, there was a lot of healing herbs, only to be hidden amongst ordinary and also, unfortunately, poisonous plants. After looking around just to make sure nothing will ambush him, he then quickly put back his weapon and pulled out his knife, cutting some of the healing herbs and put it inside the prepared small bag.

It took him quite some time, but eventually, he managed to gather enough to fill not only the five required sacks, but also a small sack for himself and also a small sack of poisonous herb for himself later on. The bounty of the forest is always amazing, not to mention that it can be used to both save and rob one’s life. With his job done, he then quickly tied the five healing herbs and then put the two other sacks inside his own leather bag. Pulling out his bow and arrow again, the hunter once more returned to the city to report his latest finished job.
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Well-known member
May 4, 2019
> > >
Charity Work
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit a local temple or orphanage.
  • Collect donations, food, and medical supplies from civilians.
  • Volunteer your time to help the needy.
Living in a frontier city has its tough moments.
Scribel City has high numbers of orphans and disabled veterans,
and the places that support them are overcrowded.
There simply isn't enough government money to help them all.
Will you step in to lend a hand?
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

There wasn't much I could do, and I didn't have the skills nor equipment to face the wilderness immediately like the other newcomers. So I took on charity. I also wanted to visit the main temple in any case. It was a little crowded, but not disorderly. Luckily I didn't get lost, and many of the nuns and monks there were nice.
I got mistaken as a young refugee at first, they smiled at me, thinking I was seeking refuge, but the misunderstanding cleared up immediately after I showed my guild card.

In summary, it went well.

For the actual charity, I opted to walk around town while shouting. There weren't too many donators in the outskirts, but after noon, my umbrella was already filled with enough coins to buy ten meals. Not only that, there was a strange man that came to me and gave me a small sack of coins. With this, more than thirty people would be fed fully.

In summary, it went really well. I didn't actually expect such a good result. In fact, many of them even insulted me and became angry at me for being so loud initially, but many gradually calmed down and gave me a copper coin.

The later part of the day, I volunteered to clean the altars of the temple. Some had statues and others only symbols. But many people here came from otherworlds, so I didn't know how far their influenced reached... ah, I'm getting a little offtopic.

But it was nice to know how much they loved their gods, even in another world.


In summary, it went well. The priestess also gave me a grass soup. It was sugared. "Maybe the God of Life will grow your ear back one day, you worked hard today."

I hope this qualifies enough to finish the quest.
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Active member
Feb 23, 2020
Slime Subjugation
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in Scribel City.
  • Collect 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel City, and they end up in all sorts of weird places.
While they aren’t too dangerous, they can slowly erode and damage structures over time.
They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff.
Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!
  • Points: 75 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
The next job. There will always be job after job. On one hand, Michueama is quite happy that the city is anything but lacking job to do. At another hand, he is a bit concerned whether the city will have enough hand to do all of those jobs. But since he is just a humble hunter, he just needs to do his job, as cleanly as possible, as fast as possible. The thinking part could be left to others who are much more experienced. And that person will be anyone but him, the humble hunter.

“…this won’t be a clean job,” he mumbled as he looked at the cluster of slime not far from his spot behind an abandoned house, a piece of information he got from the nearby local. Slime is anything but a ferocious creature. But are they harmless? Far from it. Able to corrode stuff, they’re a menace. A dangerous thing that will clearly do damage over time if left alone. But the thing is, it’s not easy to kill them. “…pierce their core..but I need to collect them.” A sigh followed his mumbling after that. Resigning himself to his fate, he then started looking around. Nothing was useful, seeing it was just an abandoned house. To be precise, just abandoned shack. He then just collected the junk there and tied them up together into one impromptu vessel. It was not the best, but it was something he came up within less than an hour.

After setting up the vessel near the entrance of the abandoned shack, he climbed up toward the roof, a feat which was quite dangerous due to the rickety condition of the building. He then pulled out his hatchet and then enter the building from the window, scaring the slime that immediately ran toward the entrance. Due to their number, the amount of slime he could hit and kill was far from enough. The majority of them just exited through the entrance. He then just followed them and looked at the vessel that has trapped the slimes. Due to the construction of it, which was bigger on the outside and smaller on the inside, they just pushed each other and then ended up in a small ditch that Michuema dug before, trapping them. “…almost not deep enough,” he mumbled as he saw one of them managed to climb their friend’s body and tried to escape the ditch. But before that could happen, he just whacks each of them with a nearby stick, in fear of corroding his hatchet further. After they all perished, he then picked the remaining cores. Only eleven of them were intact, the rest was destroyed. Before he left the place, he glanced back and saw that some of them were still there. It seems some other poor souls need to continue his job one day.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Giant Rat Subjugation
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City Sewers
  • Required Level: 2
  • Hunt giant rats in the Scribel City Sewers.
  • Dispose of the corpses.
  • Collect 20 giant rat tails.
The Scribel City Sewers are notorious for being invested with various critters.
Overgrown giant rats are a concern because they can spread disease.
While not too dangerous, they are agile and difficult to catch.
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
Report - Solet' Luna
After experimenting with the Heart of the Death, as I called it, I was eager to test the potions I got as one of the results from testing its nature. I called them Decomposition Potions.

Inside the sewers, I let Solet take over as he had been practising with his hammer for a while now. Although my body was not that physically strong for a paladin, the Elemental aspect of mine helped mended the gap between the strong paladin and the female paladin. With some practice on his end, coupled with his past experience, Solet quickly got used to my body.

Wielding his hammer, he quickly defeated a group of giant rats without any problem. Although the smell of the garbage and waste was exceptionally bad, I had purchased some masks just in case, and they proved to be very useful. Just only one fight, Solet had already gotten 7 tails.

This was where I tested my potion. With just one potion, the black liquid could quickly decompose all of the corpses in mere minutes. If not for my fear of it dissolving the floor of the sewer, I would not end the experiment by adding in my special potions to counteract the reaction. From my test, I discovered that the decomposition could be resisted by sufficient life force. So, any attempts to use them as an offensive mean failed without any progress.

Just as we almost completed our quest, the last group of the giant rats approached, with one of them acting strange. The rat had a big tumour on its back, subtly pulsating as if it was about to burst open. Solet quickly tried to dispose of them. However, compared to the other rats, this one was a lot faster and more violent than the ordinary giant rats. In the end, it successfully landed a bite on my arm before going down under Solet's hammer.

I quickly tried to purify my wound with the healing potion and the purification potion. However, the greenish substance continued to rot my flesh. As a desperate measure, I was forced to cut that part of my flesh with a heated dagger. It was extra painful, but compared to an unknown disease, it was a better choice. I promptly used my Decomposition Potion to dispose of the corpses before rushing out of the sewer.

Luckily, I was able to put some of the greenish liquid into my container, which I will be running some experiment with it. Hopefully, the disease would not develop into an epidemic.

Gathered: 23 Giant Rat Tails
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
There wasn't much I could do, and I didn't have the skills nor equipment to face the wilderness immediately like the other newcomers. So I took on charity. I also wanted to visit the main temple in any case. It was a little crowded, but not disorderly. Luckily I didn't get lost, and many of the nuns and monks there were nice.
I got mistaken as a young refugee at first, they smiled at me, thinking I was seeking refuge, but the misunderstanding cleared up immediately after I showed my guild card.

In summary, it went well.

For the actual charity, I opted to walk around town while shouting. There weren't too many donators in the outskirts, but after noon, my umbrella was already filled with enough coins to buy ten meals. Not only that, there was a strange man that came to me and gave me a small sack of coins. With this, more than thirty people would be fed fully.

In summary, it went really well. I didn't actually expect such a good result. In fact, many of them even insulted me and became angry at me for being so loud initially, but many gradually calmed down and gave me a copper coin.

The later part of the day, I volunteered to clean the altars of the temple. Some had statues and others only symbols. But many people here came from otherworlds, so I didn't know how far their influenced reached... ah, I'm getting a little offtopic.

But it was nice to know how much they loved their gods, even in another world.


In summary, it went well. The priestess also gave me a grass soup. It was sugared. "Maybe the God of Life will grow your ear back one day, you worked hard today."

I hope this qualifies enough to finish the quest.
That's more than enough to be classified as a completed mission. Good work!

Rewards: 30 EXP


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
After resting a bit, the hunter took the next simplest job. Herb gathering. Once again, it was not a foreign job for him. Not because it was his usual job, but it was something he often does for his own stock. After all, buying some herb from the local gatherer will cost him money, something he usually lacked off. Even his present self still lacks money. The money from last night’s job was only enough for his daily living expenses and he will need to do more or he risks depleting his savings faster than his arrow could fly.

With some small sacks on his hand, Michuema quickly began his task. Still with his bow and arrow at the ready, he looked around inside the forest. As one would expect, there was a lot of healing herbs, only to be hidden amongst ordinary and also, unfortunately, poisonous plants. After looking around just to make sure nothing will ambush him, he then quickly put back his weapon and pulled out his knife, cutting some of the healing herbs and put it inside the prepared small bag.

It took him quite some time, but eventually, he managed to gather enough to fill not only the five required sacks, but also a small sack for himself and also a small sack of poisonous herb for himself later on. The bounty of the forest is always amazing, not to mention that it can be used to both save and rob one’s life. With his job done, he then quickly tied the five healing herbs and then put the two other sacks inside his own leather bag. Pulling out his bow and arrow again, the hunter once more returned to the city to report his latest finished job.
It's good that nothing bad happened. Good work!

Rewards: 45 EXP, 20 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
The next job. There will always be job after job. On one hand, Michueama is quite happy that the city is anything but lacking job to do. At another hand, he is a bit concerned whether the city will have enough hand to do all of those jobs. But since he is just a humble hunter, he just needs to do his job, as cleanly as possible, as fast as possible. The thinking part could be left to others who are much more experienced. And that person will be anyone but him, the humble hunter.

“…this won’t be a clean job,” he mumbled as he looked at the cluster of slime not far from his spot behind an abandoned house, a piece of information he got from the nearby local. Slime is anything but a ferocious creature. But are they harmless? Far from it. Able to corrode stuff, they’re a menace. A dangerous thing that will clearly do damage over time if left alone. But the thing is, it’s not easy to kill them. “…pierce their core..but I need to collect them.” A sigh followed his mumbling after that. Resigning himself to his fate, he then started looking around. Nothing was useful, seeing it was just an abandoned house. To be precise, just abandoned shack. He then just collected the junk there and tied them up together into one impromptu vessel. It was not the best, but it was something he came up within less than an hour.

After setting up the vessel near the entrance of the abandoned shack, he climbed up toward the roof, a feat which was quite dangerous due to the rickety condition of the building. He then pulled out his hatchet and then enter the building from the window, scaring the slime that immediately ran toward the entrance. Due to their number, the amount of slime he could hit and kill was far from enough. The majority of them just exited through the entrance. He then just followed them and looked at the vessel that has trapped the slimes. Due to the construction of it, which was bigger on the outside and smaller on the inside, they just pushed each other and then ended up in a small ditch that Michuema dug before, trapping them. “…almost not deep enough,” he mumbled as he saw one of them managed to climb their friend’s body and tried to escape the ditch. But before that could happen, he just whacks each of them with a nearby stick, in fear of corroding his hatchet further. After they all perished, he then picked the remaining cores. Only eleven of them were intact, the rest was destroyed. Before he left the place, he glanced back and saw that some of them were still there. It seems some other poor souls need to continue his job one day.
Please be careful when climbing the roof of an abandoned house, for it could spell trouble if you fell and broke your legs!

Rewards: 75 EXP, 10 G


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
I took the quest since it was at the bottom. It also pays. I'm glad.

> >>
Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.We need people to help keep the city safe. Rewards:
  • Points: 25 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
Summary: no alarms were sounded, but slight wall damage.

I was with a few adventurers and a few city guards. I was given the task to run towards the nearest station in case anything happened. Well I'm glad nothing big happened on my side of the city.
Early in the evening was silent. Nothing much but crickets.
At 9 in the evening I thought we saw an intruder, but it was just an adventurer returning home late.
I fell asleep a bit after, but it should be okay right? It was less than an hour of sleep.. there were also other adventurers around with me so it should be fine. Right?
But, well, nothing much happened for the rest of the night...
However, there was some kind of damage in the nearby wall the next morning. I wasn't sure how that happened and we didn't hear anything. The guards also didn't know anything. My intuition tells me that something came close to the walls.. but I am not qualified to make assumptions... It can't be helped, the ink is already on paper.
It looked like it was hit by a blunt object. There were a few debris lying around. The guards said they might have to report this to the higher ups.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
I took the quest since it was at the bottom. It also pays. I'm glad.

Summary: no alarms were sounded, but slight wall damage.

I was with a few adventurers and a few city guards. I was given the task to run towards the nearest station in case anything happened. Well I'm glad nothing big happened on my side of the city.
Early in the evening was silent. Nothing much but crickets.
At 9 in the evening I thought we saw an intruder, but it was just an adventurer returning home late.
I fell asleep a bit after, but it should be okay right? It was less than an hour of sleep.. there were also other adventurers around with me so it should be fine. Right?
But, well, nothing much happened for the rest of the night...
However, there was some kind of damage in the nearby wall the next morning. I wasn't sure how that happened and we didn't hear anything. The guards also didn't know anything. My intuition tells me that something came close to the walls.. but I am not qualified to make assumptions... It can't be helped, the ink is already on paper.
It looked like it was hit by a blunt object. There were a few debris lying around. The guards said they might have to report this to the higher ups.
Although nothing serious had happened, I still needed to deduce your rewards because of the negligence of your task. A single hour of inattention could spell endless trouble if not noticed! I'll relay on the guild about the unknown mark.

Rewards: 20 EXP, 7 G


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Escort Duty
  • Sponsor: Merchant's Guild
  • Location: Anywhere
  • Required Level: 4
  • Prerequisite: City Guard Training
  • Join a caravan of traders.
  • Protect the merchants and their caravan.
  • Ensure the safe arrival of the merchant's goods to their destination.
  • (Optional: Party Quest)
The Merchant's Guild is hiring guards to escort their next caravan.
It might take a few days or weeks, but the pay is decent.
Beware of thieves and vagabonds on the road.
  • Points: 175 EXP / person
  • Money: 40 G / person
  • Other: n/a
Quest Report (22)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 6 (3415/4200)
Quest: Escort Duty
  • Escorted a merchant caravan safely to Asteria
Similar to last time, Felicia's duty was to help escort a bunch of civilians. But this time, the scale was much larger and would last much longer, since she would have to escort the merchants and their caravans alongside quite a few other adventurers and guards. Since their destination was Asteria, the whole trip should take around three days. To be honest, Felicia felt she was becoming kind of lax. Since she was mainly doing the lower levelled quests to gain experience and unlock more challenging missions, she hadn't felt a true sense of danger and exhilaration in a while. Hopefully, she'd soon be able to rectify this.

After chatting a little with the other guards, it was time to set off. The main goods being transported this time was grains and other foods, meaning that they could get attacked by virtually anything. Hungry birds, hungry bandits, hungry thieves... hence Felicia decided to keep a close eye on the people monitoring the supplies in case anything 'mysteriously' went missing. The trip through the farmlands was peaceful, leading her to simply admire the scenery as they marched on by. Felicia had never actually been to Asteria, hence she was kind of looking forward to seeing the peaceful little village.

On the way there, after passing through the endless farmlands, the caravan was attacked by a flock of giant birds. She had seen these creatures flying around before, being distinctly red in colour with bright feathers, but had never actually fought one. Although their talons were sharp, they weren't that fast and didn't have good defences, so after firing a few spells as her comrades shot their bows, the birds were defeated. Felicia was a little disappointed, which frightened her a little. She had no idea since when she enjoyed battling so much...

Anyway, after that small ordeal, everyone arrived at Asteria safely. As described in earlier reports, the village wasn't that special in itself, but it was still a nice change of scenery from Scribel. After a little wandering around, she returned home with some of the other guards and adventurers, chatting leisurely along the way.
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