Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Oct 21, 2019
> > >
Customer Service Department (UNAPPRAISED)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 2
  • Prerequisite Quest: Office Work
  • Report to duty at the guild offices.
  • Resolve at least 5 complaints.
  • Do not upset the customers.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Every workplace has them — the infamous "difficult customer".
In the Customer Service Department, we get the toughest of the tough.
These are the clients that nobody else wants to deal with.
How will you deal with them? Can you handle a rowdy adventurer?
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >

"All right. First rule of adventure; Adventurer should not go on an adventure. Make sure that you're adequately prepared to handle situations that you might face. Don't mistake overconfidence with bravery."

This sentence from the receptionist surfaced from his memory. His hand, that was already going to take the slime subjugation quest from the board, faltered.

'What should I prepare, then?' He thought.

He looked at himself. The adventurer in the tales he had read was wearing armor, has weapon like swords and spears, rode a horse to their destination. Or, they would be a magician of great might, conjuring firestorm and blizzards. There are also the elven archers, with their dashing look capturing the hearts of maidens everywhere. Himself? He only had his clothes from when he was a farmer, and a kitchen knife as a weapon.

'I need to find myself a weapon.'

He only had 40G to his name. When he arrived at the market, he found a stall manned by a lizardman.

"Welcome adventurer. This one greets you. What do you seek?"

He looked at the lizard's wares. Iron sword, wooden bow, iron dagger. He found those three kind and no more.

"How much is the sword?" He asked.

"50G, adventurer."

"can it be lower? I only have 40G."

"I'm afraid it can't. How about Iron dagger? You could buy two of them. Or you could take the wooden bow with you."

He pondered. His kitchen knife was also made of iron. But, was it suitable for hunting monsters?

His heart yearned for the bow.

"Alright, I take the bow. How much is it?"

"40G." The lizard said. The lizard then picked up the bow and filled the quiver, and handed it in exchange with his money.

Predictably, he was unable to hit the tree where he set the target on. It was only a short distance, around 40m from where he was. But the arrow he released did not launch true. He also had some bruises because of his incorrect usage of the bow.

'Was it a mistake? No. It was not. I just need to do more training.' He reaffirmed himself.

As it was, he went back to the guild, and took the customer service department quest.

I don't think that's what the job entailed but as this was your first time I'll let it slide.
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
OOC:Please mark your post in some way to indicate that it as been evaluated.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
"I'm glad nothing troublesome happened, but I'm going to ask you work on your writing skills, mister Sil.

"May the gods help you learn new skills."

Final Reward:
Money: 10G

OOC: Remember to tag it as appraised~
... And gz on breaking the record of shortest report ever I guess? xD


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Quest Report - verified

Waking up as soon as the sun set, Liana saw she had fallen asleep on the sofa and had somehow acquired a patchwork blanket over her body. Sitting up, she noticed Hejlikka - resting her head on her crossed arms - fast asleep beside her. She looked to have dark circles under her eyes, a sign she'd been awake way past the time she should have gone to sleep. Remembering that she should have arrived early in the morning, Liana wondered why the female elf looked so tired when it was evening - as well as why she was sleeping next to her in the living room.


Not wanting to disturb the sleeping elf, Liana silently got off the sofa and looked around for the wine bottle. Finding it on the sofa, she carefully picked it up and checked that its contents hadn't been reduced while she'd been sleeping. Noting in her mind that the blood level was the same as before she fell asleep, she silently walked to the kitchen and carefully opened the bottle. Smelling the strong bitter scent wafting out of the opening, Liana subconsciously bit her lip in hesitation before shoving the bottle to her mouth and drinking down the rest of the contents.

"Mmnh..." Feeling her body brimming with a lot of energy, she licked her lips to catch any residual liquid and realised that the bitter taste wasn't as bad as the first time she drank it making her wonder if it was like how some human foods and drinks required repeated exposure in order to acquire a taste for it. "..." That thought made her a little concerned that she'd end up becoming addicted to the flavour if she kept drinking it, thus placing her more easily in the palm of Jasper's dangerous hands. Shuddering at the thought, she washed out the wine bottle a few times to ensure nothing got contaminated by the demon blood, she then left the house with the empty bottle; an idea formed in her mind from last night.

Walking down the street, Liana hastily went past the tavern and headed for the guild quest board. She knew she didn't want to work in the offices for a while. She had the feeling that Hejlikka would start asking lots of uncomfortable questions if they met and so determined that she would avoid her until she'd sorted out her feelings and emotions on certain things. With that in mind, as she was glancing through the numerous quests, she recalled how Julrik had complimented on her cooking when she saw a certain quest that caught her eye:

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
Thinking about how there was no way office workers would be in the kitchens, Liana went to the guild receptionist to get a note and directions to the place before making her way there.
Entering the kitchen, Liana was surprised at how busy it was even though it was the evening. Seeing a man shouting at some nervous-looking teenagers who were making their work space an incredible mess, Liana wondered if he was one of the permanent chefs or not. As soon as that thought popped into her head, the man noticed her presence and went up to her with a stern expression filled with impatience:

"You here to make rations?" He asked while towering over Liana.

"Yes. Is there any space for me, sir?" She smiled gently, seemingly unfazed by the man's intimidating exterior.

"There's a work station at the back. Get to it! Why aren't you moving already?!" He shouted, looking angry.

"Ah, I was feeling overcome by your powerful presence. Don't mind me." Smiling as she headed for her work station, the chef scratched his chin while his eyes followed the newbie, unsure of what to make of her just yet.

Reaching her designated spot, she noticed a huge pile of fresh ingredients ready to be used in numerous boxes around the kitchen. Inspecting the equipment available, Liana walked to the ingredients and pondered over what would be a good idea for a ration. Looking around, she saw something she recognised from when she was at the temple. "Ngh!" Making a tiny bit of noise, Liana felt a twinge begin throbbing in her head. Gathering the ingredients, she hurried to her work station to start making the rations.

After a few hours, Liana brought forward a box filled with 60 rice crackers and showed them to the chef. Tasting one, the chef nodded that it was acceptable before taking the whole box to the ration storage room.

"Good work! Now get out of my sight!"

Gently smiling at the chef, Liana complied and immediately left.
Reaching the guild, she wrote up her report and handed it in for evaluation. She then hurriedly left as soon as the report was evaluated.

[OOC: Third of a wine bottle of Jasper's blood changed to - Empty wine bottle]

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
> > >
Guarding the Entrance
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm City
  • Required Level: 6
  • Prerequisite: Joint Military Exercises
  • Guard the entrance to the dwarven city.
  • Sound the alarm in the event of an attack.
  • Defend the entrance.
The hydra's minions attack swiftly and without warning.This isn't a cushy job where you can just relax and take a snooze.We need you to be vigilant. This is a siege.An assault on the city can come at any moment. Rewards:
  • Points: 200-280 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
'My apologies, but this report's going to be rather short. As of this moment we've finally managed to drive them off, but I'm sure the bastards will be coming back for more. Had a sneaking suspicion that this was gonna happen, and sure it did. Those scaly *expletive* adapted to the frontlines, and now it's getting hotter on the front. Arrows don't work well, not even firebombs do as much damage as before.

See, the previous few hordes were sizeable but lacked in coordination, so the job was just to pick them off wave by wave, and save the big guns for the last few waves. Now? They're somehow working together when they're advancing. The individual strength still sucks as ever, but when these *expletive* work together they cause a lot more trouble. Those rather strong *expletive* also do actually smart things now. Spike shooters (Or that's the term I call it) hiding behind the shield boys and taking pot shots at us so we can't return fire.

Then the other day a new type got here, and I watched as a catapult shot bounced right off it's suddenly-expanding frills and flew right back at us. Thank god I managed to intercept it with another firebomb before it hit the wall and blew up half of it---thing doesn't even look like a f***ing snake at this point. Then there's the things that do nothing but screech loudly enough to cause headaches.

F***ing hell. My throat's drier than the Saharan after all the singing.

Still, me and the dwarven boys here, we're doing fine. Or at least we haven't taken too much losses yet. Those annoying screamers come every couple hours and wake everyone up, so they've actually started rotating crews between the city and this gate. It's barely past noon and we've already fended off two hordes; I won't be surprised if there's still two more before my shift ends for the day. And I don't think I'll be in any hurry to leave even if my shift ended, anyway.

On a side note, those frilly f***s earlier? They're getting in the way of our firebombs, but they only seem to appear in groups, protecting what I glimpsed was a smaller snake in the middle. And when those guys show up, the hordes get fiercer and a lot more annoying. Wonder if there's a connection there.

...Annnd here they come again. I'm supposed to be on lookout duty, but at this point I don't even need the bell; practically the entire shift has camped out on the walls, waiting for the next one. I suppose it's good fortune that those *expletive* are still scared of fire, but it's not easy to replenish the amount of firebombs we're going through at this rate. The gate will not last forever, and I've seen enough to tell; a couple months more at best.

The production needs to be halted somehow.'

- Vicious, G.G.
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2020
If You See Something, Say Something
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Observe something suspicious or noteworthy.
  • Report your findings to the guild.
Scribel City relies on civilians to maintain public order.
Please report sightings of suspicious people, monsters, and other concerning intel.
The guild will assemble a task force to investigate and tackle the threat.
  • Points: 50 EXP
  • Money: 0-30 G
  • Other: n/a
I sit in a corner with the crossbow fully armed and loaded. Something is going on in the alley way that I have been hiding in.
Assertion: Muffled Screaming is going on.
Conclusion: Murder, assault or sex.
Assertion: The smell of blood is in the air.
Conclusion: Unchanged.
Slowly moving my body around to get in a better position when the screaming cuts off as if silenced by a knife. The smell of blood grows far stronger as if a larger wound has been opened. Something slowly drops to the ground in the alley, it sounds like some kind of body. I peek around the corner and see 1 humanoid object lying on the floor and a second winged figure with large wings attached to their back standing over them. A small dark object in their hands. Slowly I lean back into the corner to drop down to the floor to get a better look.
Assertion: Body on the floor. Screaming ended
Conclusion: Dead? Mental exhaustion.
I slowly move along the floor careful to keep my movements hidden from the winged man who is now bent over the body trying to pick it up. The arms dead and unresponsive to the careful movements of the winged being. Slowly closing on the winged man I can see that his feathers are being affected by some kind of wind weather that is because of the shaping of his body or because his target is still alive. The winged man slowly begins moving his wings in extremely small movements and so I stop movement. He begins to take flight whilst carrying the body even in such a small alley. After he disappears I slowly make my way over to the spot where the body was. On the floor is a very small pool of blood. The stench of blood had been for an amount leaked of a far greater amount touching the fresh air.
Someone else will have to look into this encounter in the night. There was that quest in the guild guess I'll go and do that. I slowly walk off to the guild from my alley hiding spot
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020

Quest Report

Waking up as soon as the sun set, Liana saw she had fallen asleep on the sofa and had somehow acquired a patchwork blanket over her body. Sitting up, she noticed Hejlikka - resting her head on her crossed arms - fast asleep beside her. She looked to have dark circles under her eyes, a sign she'd been awake way past the time she should have gone to sleep. Remembering that she should have arrived early in the morning, Liana wondered why the female elf looked so tired when it was evening - as well as why she was sleeping next to her in the living room.


Not wanting to disturb the sleeping elf, Liana silently got off the sofa and looked around for the wine bottle. Finding it on the sofa, she carefully picked it up and checked that its contents hadn't been reduced while she'd been sleeping. Noting in her mind that the blood level was the same as before she fell asleep, she silently walked to the kitchen and carefully opened the bottle. Smelling the strong bitter scent wafting out of the opening, Liana subconsciously bit her lip in hesitation before shoving the bottle to her mouth and drinking down the rest of the contents.

"Mmnh..." Feeling her body brimming with a lot of energy, she licked her lips to catch any residual liquid and realised that the bitter taste wasn't as bad as the first time she drank it making her wonder if it was like how some human foods and drinks required repeated exposure in order to acquire a taste for it. "..." That thought made her a little concerned that she'd end up becoming addicted to the flavour if she kept drinking it, thus placing her more easily in the palm of Jasper's dangerous hands. Shuddering at the thought, she washed out the wine bottle a few times to ensure nothing got contaminated by the demon blood, she then left the house with the empty bottle; an idea formed in her mind from last night.

Walking down the street, Liana hastily went past the tavern and headed for the guild quest board. She knew she didn't want to work in the offices for a while. She had the feeling that Hejlikka would start asking lots of uncomfortable questions if they met and so determined that she would avoid her until she'd sorted out her feelings and emotions on certain things. With that in mind, as she was glancing through the numerous quests, she recalled how Julrik had complimented on her cooking when she saw a certain quest that caught her eye:

Cooking Rations
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Visit the guild kitchens.
  • Cook 40 satisfactory rations.
The guild stockpiles on rations in case of emergency.
Rations are foods that are easily preserved and can store for a long time.
The Adventurer's Guild provides the ingredients, and there is an easy recipe to follow.
One ration is one day's worth of food.
  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations
  • After completing quest 3 times:
    • Permission to use guild kitchens
Thinking about how there was no way office workers would be in the kitchens, Liana went to the guild receptionist to get a note and directions to the place before making her way there.
Entering the kitchen, Liana was surprised at how busy it was even though it was the evening. Seeing a man shouting at some nervous-looking teenagers who were making their work space an incredible mess, Liana wondered if he was one of the permanent chefs or not. As soon as that thought popped into her head, the man noticed her presence and went up to her with a stern expression filled with impatience:

"You here to make rations?" He asked while towering over Liana.

"Yes. Is there any space for me, sir?" She smiled gently, seemingly unfazed by the man's intimidating exterior.

"There's a work station at the back. Get to it! Why aren't you moving already?!" He shouted, looking angry.

"Ah, I was feeling overcome by your powerful presence. Don't mind me." Smiling as she headed for her work station, the chef scratched his chin while his eyes followed the newbie, unsure of what to make of her just yet.

Reaching her designated spot, she noticed a huge pile of fresh ingredients ready to be used in numerous boxes around the kitchen. Inspecting the equipment available, Liana walked to the ingredients and pondered over what would be a good idea for a ration. Looking around, she saw something she recognised from when she was at the temple. "Ngh!" Making a tiny bit of noise, Liana felt a twinge begin throbbing in her head. Gathering the ingredients, she hurried to her work station to start making the rations.

After a few hours, Liana brought forward a box filled with 60 rice crackers and showed them to the chef. Tasting one, the chef nodded that it was acceptable before taking the whole box to the ration storage room.

"Good work! Now get out of my sight!"

Gently smiling at the chef, Liana complied and immediately left.
Reaching the guild, she wrote up her report and handed it in for evaluation. She then hurriedly left as soon as the report was evaluated.

[OOC: Third of a wine bottle of Jasper's blood changed to - Empty wine bottle]


Well done.

  • Points: 40 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: 5 rations


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
'My apologies, but this report's going to be rather short. As of this moment we've finally managed to drive them off, but I'm sure the bastards will be coming back for more. Had a sneaking suspicion that this was gonna happen, and sure it did. Those scaly *expletive* adapted to the frontlines, and now it's getting hotter on the front. Arrows don't work well, not even firebombs do as much damage as before.

See, the previous few hordes were sizeable but lacked in coordination, so the job was just to pick them off wave by wave, and save the big guns for the last few waves. Now? They're somehow working together when they're advancing. The individual strength still sucks as ever, but when these *expletive* work together they cause a lot more trouble. Those rather strong *expletive* also do actually smart things now. Spike shooters (Or that's the term I call it) hiding behind the shield boys and taking pot shots at us so we can't return fire.

Then the other day a new type got here, and I watched as a catapult shot bounced right off it's suddenly-expanding frills and flew right back at us. Thank god I managed to intercept it with another firebomb before it hit the wall and blew up half of it---thing doesn't even look like a f***ing snake at this point. Then there's the things that do nothing but screech loudly enough to cause headaches.

F***ing hell. My throat's drier than the Saharan after all the singing.

Still, me and the dwarven boys here, we're doing fine. Or at least we haven't taken too much losses yet. Those annoying screamers come every couple hours and wake everyone up, so they've actually started rotating crews between the city and this gate. It's barely past noon and we've already fended off two hordes; I won't be surprised if there's still two more before my shift ends for the day. And I don't think I'll be in any hurry to leave even if my shift ended, anyway.

On a side note, those frilly f***s earlier? They're getting in the way of our firebombs, but they only seem to appear in groups, protecting what I glimpsed was a smaller snake in the middle. And when those guys show up, the hordes get fiercer and a lot more annoying. Wonder if there's a connection there.

...Annnd here they come again. I'm supposed to be on lookout duty, but at this point I don't even need the bell; practically the entire shift has camped out on the walls, waiting for the next one. I suppose it's good fortune that those *expletive* are still scared of fire, but it's not easy to replenish the amount of firebombs we're going through at this rate. The gate will not last forever, and I've seen enough to tell; a couple months more at best.

The production needs to be halted somehow.'

- Vicious, G.G.
Sounds like Hell. The information about these "spike shooters and shield boys" is appreciated.

  • Points: 260 EXP
  • Money: 20 G


Pure and Innocent Maiden~
Jan 2, 2019
Quest Report - verified

With half of the night left to go, Liana headed to the quest board again and saw one that worked for her while she searched for somewhere to sleep in the day time:
If You See Something, Say Something
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Observe something suspicious or noteworthy.
  • Report your findings to the guild.
Scribel City relies on civilians to maintain public order.
Please report sightings of suspicious people, monsters, and other concerning intel.
The guild will assemble a task force to investigate and tackle the threat.
  • Points: 50 EXP
  • Money: 0-30 G
  • Other: n/a
Leaving the quest board, Liana began strolling around the city - specifically choosing to go near the areas that looked to have very dark alleys. Seeing some children running around in those alleys, Liana decided not to scare them with her presence and so continued onward.

After walking around for an hour, she saw: a few slimy things that had an amorphous body shape and decided to not get close to them due to her instincts saying they were dangerous; some middle-aged men in cloaks standing behind some younger men in cloaks who were bent over against the walls and panting(?), she wasn't too sure what that was about so ignored the group that had stopped to stare at her and continued walking; and a man seemingly having a conversation with some fruit...she noted it seeming like a conversation because the man was holding two apples and producing words out of light magic that seemed to be answering questions but didn't get to ask the man since he ran away when he noticed her presence (@Generic.Archdemon).

Not really knowing if any of that counted as something suspicious, or noteworthy, Liana walked down a dark alley...
before being grabbed from behind and hit on the head and stabbed her in the back- forcing her to drop the empty wine bottle she'd been carrying all of this time. However, the hit and stab didn't knock her unconscious, it instead awoke her vampire state whereby she instinctively slashed her sharp nails at the assailant's throat, causing them to release her and push their hands against their wound. Liana's own stab wound visibly healing due to her having drank Jasper's demon blood earlier that evening.

"Sh*t!" The half-elf woman shouted as they tried to use a healing potion on themselves.

The problem, though, was that the scent of blood in the air made Liana's vampire state go into blood lust and she pounced with a surge of strength and scratched at the half-elf's hands and face forcing the potion to fall to the ground before being opened.

"Kyaaaaaaaa!" Her assailant screamed as her face got torn apart by Liana's sharp nails.

With the scent of blood getting even stronger, Liana's fangs instinctively grew longer and, after easily prying the weakened half-elf's hands away from her neck, she bit down hard and sucked. The half-elf struggled, desperately trying to shove Liana off with her legs but eventually weakened to the point she could barely lift her hand. Soon after, her heart stopped beating and she died. Regaining her lucid vampire self, Liana saw that she had killed her assailant and felt nothing. She then picked up the empty wine bottle and placed the opening next to the ripped up throat that was raised in the air by Liana's other hand.

Watching the remaining blood flowing into the wine bottle, Liana's cold, detached face showed no malice, hatred, or sadness. She then closed up the wine bottle that was 2/3's full and looked around the area for the knife the half-elf had used to stab her. Eventually finding it, she slashed at the half-elf's body all over to mask the scratch and bite marks she'd made, cleaned herself with the healing potion, and then
...looked upon the mutilated corpse of a half-elf woman.


Liana made a mental note of the location while staring at the knife inserted deep into the woman's throat. "How want to stab someone in the dark of night..." She muttered to herself before leaving the area with her wine bottle and returning to the guild to write up her report.
Not having found anywhere to sleep while on the quest, Liana pondered over whether to go back to the kitchen and make more rations...

[OOC: Empty wine bottle changed to - Wine bottle 2/3's filled with half-elf blood]

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2020
Hello? I just arrived and I'm lost!
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Figure out where the heck you are.
  • Locate the Adventurer's Guild.
  • Survive your first day.
Arriving in a brand new world always comes with culture shock.
Come visit the Adventurer's Guild! We're experts on dealing with Otherworlders.
If we can't answer your questions, at least we can point you in the right direction!
You'll definitely survive your first day without a problem... probably!
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a

I say my goodbye's to Dr.Fern and I walk through the gate. Me and Gobo walk out the otherside of the gate and the first thing that we notice are the stares from the other travelers at us. Well they must not have much goblin's holding a potted plant I guess. I walked to the nearest looking guard and write in the air, asking him where the Adventure's Guild is located. While he was telling me where the Adventure's Guild was at, I still noticed these stares at us both. Well at least we know where the Guild is located now.

Well we both finally got to the Adventure's Guild. I see the big board of request and hear the loud, but still coherent sounds of people talking. Just what the I first imagined, when thinking about this place. What I didn't expect was that the loud noises were towards us, but more specifically Gobo. "Goblin! Goblin! Goblin!" the place shouted. I hurriedly casted light and tried to explain our situation on how Gobo wouldn't hurt anyone. However I couldn't write as fast, as how fast the other adventures were approaching us.

Luckily at the last moment, a huge came in front of us blocking the other adventurers. "An orc?". It seems the orc's name is Pierre, as I infer from the adventurers talking with him. I finally get the crows attention with my Light words and explain me and Gobo's situation and status. The guild was still uneasy, but Pierre's good word finally broke though and let us go with ease. On the case that if Gobo ever hurt anyone in town unprovoked I and Gobo would be banished to the swampland, something I would definitely not like. Well as the crowd dissipates, me and Gobo thank Pierre and tell him if he needs anything potion related he can rely on me. As I say to my goodbyes to Pierre, he tells me if I need a place to stay while in Scribel City I can stay next door in the Guild Tavern for about 10g/day.

Me and Gobo get in line to the guild counter. Finally we get to the counter and have me register as an adventurer and Gobo as my Pet. I get my guild card and a map of Scribel Region. The Guild receptionist helps me learn about the places of interest in Scribel City and outside. I thank the receptionist and me and Gobo walk outsides, towards the Guild tavern. Pierre sets us up with room and board, just in time for dinner. Me and Gobo finally get to our room, Gobo full with a nice meal and me full of good fresh spring water. Gobo set's me up near the window stand so I can look out at the new city. As Gobo falls asleep, I think about my first day in our new place, situation, and world.

+Guild Card + Scribel Map
-10 gold (Room+Board)

X BigGreen&Gobo

TLDR: Me and Gobo finally arrived in Scribel. We had an incident at the Guild, but luckily a person came and helped us. We settled down to the tavern next door, awaiting our day tomorrow
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020

Night Watch
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel City
  • Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.
  • Do not leave your post.
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed.We need people to help keep the city safe. Rewards:
  • Points: 30 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: n/a

Character: Reciful the innocent malice
Lvl: 2 (0/600)
Class: Chaos Bringer
Race: Eldritch Abomination

Quest name: Night watch

Reciful shall do Night watch! After all Reciful has many Eyes in dark!


A black haired Loli, is standing at the city guard Garrison office.

The guards were intensely looking at the loli with eyes full of doubt & suspicion.

"....are really sure about this?" The guard captain ask in a very serious tone.

"...*Nods*.." the loli nod her head.

".....…..for the 10th time, I'll Ask again....Are You really a Adventurer!?, I have been doing Guard duty for the pass 50 years & this is not the first time I saw adventurers you know!?..... but- BUT! No matter how I look at you!... YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE GIRL!! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A SWORD!! NOR ARMOUR AT ALL..HOW IN THE WORLD YOU ARE A ADVENTURER!?!?!?!?!?" the Guard captain lose his mind.

the guard captain shouted as if he lose his sanity, thats just how ridiculous the claims of the beautiful little girl right in front of him.

The little girl with silky black hair as if to symbolize the night itself, pale white skin, Obsidian eyes, with a Ethereal Beauty as if crafted by the gods. Wearing a simple white one piece dress that gives of a pure & holy image adding to her natural beauty.

The silent girl name is Reciful.

Reciful Suddenly visited the Garrison at noon, knocking into its doors & take out the Guild proof & the Quest Request paper showing it to the guards.... Where did she store those?.. its a mystery.

" B but Captain She have a proof..... You know?... THAT Adventurer Guild won't hand over proof & quest request just to anyone & its impossible to Fake it!." Said by a random Guard.

" I know-..I know-...But-... it just that!...I mean Look!! she's way damn younger than my Granddaughter Back at home who is already 16 yrs last year!!!!... This Loli is at least at 12 or 13 yrs old at best!!! " Guard captain shouted, like a mad man.

" Whats more! She looks so fragile than my muscle headed Granddaughter!!... She looks like a Noble's child no matter how I see it!!?" The captain adds.

"B-b-but she is from that guild you know captain?... I mean THAT guild " the Guard said so as if emphasizing something.

"......your right.....Perhaps this one is actually some kind of super human or wherever. "

They all said so, as they stare at the expression less Little girl.

" But I just can't imagine such a Innocent, & adorable looking little girl have such a bloody occupation.. no matter what she is "

"I know captain... this is insane-"

They contemplated deeply, questioning how ridiculous it is, all while making so many conclusion on how such a cute girl became a Adventurer creating various misunderstanding one after another..... In the end they let her do the quest..but they treat it more like letting a cute girl role playing as a guard, giving her candy & letting Reciful act like a guard as if playing with her.

Ignorance is really scary indeed.
[POV: Reciful ]

Night Fall~

Reciful is being accompanied by many guards giving Reciful candies & Desserts!! Being Guard is Fun~

...but they're not doing Their jobs? they're all talking & playing with Reciful... Are guards lazy?

Since Guards were all too lazy people! Reciful shall do their jobs! Cause Reciful is awesome!!

Reciful is now Lvl 2..Yay!! Now Reciful have more control & power over her First skill (Tenebrous)

when night falls, Reciful manipulated the darkness within & outside the city wall! Making it into Reciful's Domain! A semi part of Reciful main body!!

Then Reciful produce Sneaky hidden Red eyes all over the place! Reciful has no blind spot!.

While the Guard we're sooo lazy playing with Reciful. Reciful is working hard You know!! Reciful work hard without them even noticing it at all!!

Throughout Reciful watchful Eyes in shadow! Reciful saw the following!!

• Slimes climbing the outer walls!
• Sneaky Sewer Giant rats in the Garrison food storage basement!!
• some Goblins watching in the bushes outside!
• Bad child kidnappers collaborating with some corrupt City Guards!
• and a few Evil Ghost!... But Reciful eat them cause they looks tasty!!

Reciful Informed the lazy Guard people through a new skill Reciful just learn the! (Chaos Whisperer Skill) Reciful Whispered inside their inner conscience! Without then even knowing its Reciful helping them telling information!! Ahahahaha!!

They manage to kill & caught all the baddies!! Thanks to Reciful whispers!!

Hmm.... but when morning came... they all became weird? they said things like Reciful is a blessing? That Reciful give good luck? They said they want Reciful here forever?.....

Since they became creepy! & annoying! Reciful teleport away through the shadows when no one is looking!!

Signed: Reciful the Eldritch Abomination
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Jan 9, 2019
*Story Chain: An impossible future - (1) (2) (3)*

> > >

Hunting Mission
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Hunt some medium-large game.
  • Bring it back to the guild.
  • Meat must be edible and fresh.
The chef at the guild wants some ingredients re-stocked!
Of course there needs to be meat! Meat!! Meat!!!!
Bring us some meat!
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: 5 jerky
> > >

Zorion walked into the guild carrying multiple sacks. He placed the sacks on the reception counter and started to open them one by one. The first was filled with meat as per the the quest demanded, The second was filled with the innards and organs of an animal, the third was full of bones with bits of flesh still hanging off them. When he finished opening the sacks he placed a rolled up piece of hide on the table, the inner side still greasy and fresh, then last and not least. a mason jar, full of what could only be blood.

The Receptionist looked over the meat and bones and could see that if the items were assembled it would make up the entirety of a single boar. Zorion waited for the receptionist to assess the goods and was prepared to take back what was left behind.

He recalled how the morning started the, the start of the quest. He did not think he had it in him, the ability to track, hunt, skin and dress an animal, yet he did. The knowledge come from the two years he spent inside his own mind.

But the wasn't real... was it?

And yet, the skills were there, the things Clive and remnant adventurers taught him. he remembered how to do them, mostly. If it was all in his mind, where did the knowledge come from?

Using the know how, he looked for tracks of wild game, he tracked the paw marks, followed fresh dung with stealth and guile. When he found his prize, it was by the river, a boar, The angle was sound, it took seconds, to notch an arrow, the flight was true, into the side of the boar hitting just inches behind its front leg, straight into the heart!

My bow aim got better... Zorion realized.

After following the trail of blood for a few meters Zorion found the creature, without letting it suffer, he started the blood letting and then butchered the animal with practised hands.

Looking at his hand at the reception, Zorion asked himself, It can't be real, that dream... can it?

He pondered as he waited for evaluation to complete.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
> > >
Harvest Season
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Farmland
  • Required Level: 1
  • Assist a farmer with their crops.
  • Chase away any pests.
  • Perform a satisfactory job.
Farmers in the Scribel Region are always in need of temporary labor.
Head out to rural farmland and get reconnected with nature.
Beware: Pests and bugs are slightly bigger here than you might expect!
  • Points: 45 EXP
  • Money: 10 G
  • Other: A basket of fresh produce
> > >

Vysic had a hard day of work. He had been picking weeds and chasing crows for the whole day.
It would've been uneventful, but he noticed something weird.

Aren't these pests getting bigger?

The crows had doubled in size from the ones in the town, furthermore they were more gutsy than the average crow. Dive bombing and pecking random farmers.

The slimes were also bigger, some even larger than heads of lettuce.

This was definitely suspicious.

"Good work! About the abnormality, I'll report it to the guild to see if we could find the cause and effect of this."

Rewards: 45 EXP, 10 G, A basket of fresh produce
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020


> > >

Hunting Mission
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 2
  • Hunt some medium-large game.
  • Bring it back to the guild.
  • Meat must be edible and fresh.
The chef at the guild wants some ingredients re-stocked!
Of course there needs to be meat! Meat!! Meat!!!!
Bring us some meat!
  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: 5 jerky
> > >

Zorion walked into the guild carrying multiple sacks. He placed the sacks on the reception counter and started to open them one by one. The first was filled with meat as per the the quest demanded, The second was filled with the innards and organs of an animal, the third was full of bones with bits of flesh still hanging off them. When he finished opening the sacks he placed a rolled up piece of hide on the table, the inner side still greasy and fresh, then last and not least. a mason jar, full of what could only be blood.

The Receptionist looked over the meat and bones and could see that if the items were assembled it would make up the entirety of a single boar. Zorion waited for the receptionist to assess the goods and was prepared to take back what was left behind.

He recalled how the morning started the, the start of the quest. He did not think he had it in him, the ability to track, hunt, skin and dress an animal, yet he did. The knowledge come from the two years he spent inside his own mind.

But the wasn't real... was it?

And yet, the skills were there, the things Clive and remnant adventurers taught him. he remembered how to do them, mostly. If it was all in his mind, where did the knowledge come from?

Using the know how, he looked for tracks of wild game, he tracked the paw marks, followed fresh dung with stealth and guile. When he found his prize, it was by the river, a boar, The angle was sound, it took seconds, to notch an arrow, the flight was true, into the side of the boar hitting just inches behind its front leg, straight into the heart!

My bow aim got better... Zorion realized.

After following the trail of blood for a few meters Zorion found the creature, without letting it suffer, he started the blood letting and then butchered the animal with practised hands.

Looking at his hand at the reception, Zorion asked himself, It can't be real, that dream... can it?

He pondered as he waited for evaluation to complete.

Thank you for the meat.
Perhaps your subconscious had gathered all the information it had available and formulated a believable reality in your mind, or maybe you should lay off those magic mushrooms.

  • Points: 80 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: 5 jerky


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
[ Not yet Evaluated ]

: Reciful the innocent malice
Lvl: 2 (0/600)
Class: Chaos Bringer
Race: Eldritch Abomination

Quest name: Night watch

Reciful shall do Night watch! After all Reciful has many Eyes in dark!


A black haired Loli, is standing at the city guard Garrison office.

The guards were intensely looking at the loli with eyes full of doubt & suspicion.

"....are really sure about this?" The guard captain ask in a very serious tone.

"...*Nods*.." the loli nod her head.

".....…..for the 10th time, I'll Ask again....Are You really a Adventurer!?, I have been doing Guard duty for the pass 50 years & this is not the first time I saw adventurers you know!?..... but- BUT! No matter how I look at you!... YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE GIRL!! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A SWORD!! NOR ARMOUR AT ALL..HOW IN THE WORLD YOU ARE A ADVENTURER!?!?!?!?!?" the Guard captain lose his mind.

the guard captain shouted as if he lose his sanity, thats just how ridiculous the claims of the beautiful little girl right in front of him.

The little girl with silky black hair as if to symbolize the night itself, pale white skin, Obsidian eyes, with a Ethereal Beauty as if crafted by the gods. Wearing a simple white one piece dress that gives of a pure & holy image adding to her natural beauty.

The silent girl name is Reciful.

Reciful Suddenly visited the Garrison at noon, knocking into its doors & take out the Guild proof & the Quest Request paper showing it to the guards.... Where did she store those?.. its a mystery.

" B but Captain She have a proof..... You know?... THAT Adventurer Guild won't hand over proof & quest request just to anyone & its impossible to Fake it!." Said by a random Guard.

" I know-..I know-...But-... it just that!...I mean Look!! she's way damn younger than my Granddaughter Back at home who is already 16 yrs last year!!!!... This Loli is at least at 12 or 13 yrs old at best!!! " Guard captain shouted, like a mad man.

" Whats more! She looks so fragile than my muscle headed Granddaughter!!... She looks like a Noble's child no matter how I see it!!?" The captain adds.

"B-b-but she is from that guild you know captain?... I mean THAT guild " the Guard said so as if emphasizing something.

"......your right.....Perhaps this one is actually some kind of super human or wherever. "

They all said so, as they stare at the expression less Little girl.

" But I just can't imagine such a Innocent, & adorable looking little girl have such a bloody occupation.. no matter what she is "

"I know captain... this is insane-"

They contemplated deeply, questioning how ridiculous it is, all while making so many conclusion on how such a cute girl became a Adventurer creating various misunderstanding one after another..... In the end they let her do the quest..but they treat it more like letting a cute girl role playing as a guard, giving her candy & letting Reciful act like a guard as if playing with her.

Ignorance is really scary indeed.
[POV: Reciful ]

Night Fall~

Reciful is being accompanied by many guards giving Reciful candies & Desserts!! Being Guard is Fun~

...but they're not doing Their jobs? they're all talking & playing with Reciful... Are guards lazy?

Since Guards were all too lazy people! Reciful shall do their jobs! Cause Reciful is awesome!!

Reciful is now Lvl 2..Yay!! Now Reciful have more control & power over her First skill (Tenebrous)

when night falls, Reciful manipulated the darkness within & outside the city wall! Making it into Reciful's Domain! A semi part of Reciful main body!!

Then Reciful produce Sneaky hidden Red eyes all over the place! Reciful has no blind spot!.

While the Guard we're sooo lazy playing with Reciful. Reciful is working hard You know!! Reciful work hard without them even noticing it at all!!

Throughout Reciful watchful Eyes in shadow! Reciful saw the following!!

• Slimes climbing the outer walls!
• Sneaky Sewer Giant rats in the Garrison food storage basement!!
• some Goblins watching in the bushes outside!
• Bad child kidnappers collaborating with some corrupt City Guards!
• and a few Evil Ghost!... But Reciful eat them cause they looks tasty!!

Reciful Informed the lazy Guard people through a new skill Reciful just learn the! (Chaos Whisperer Skill) Reciful Whispered inside their inner conscience! Without then even knowing its Reciful helping them telling information!! Ahahahaha!!

They manage to kill & caught all the baddies!! Thanks to Reciful whispers!!

Hmm.... but when morning came... they all became weird? they said things like Reciful is a blessing? That Reciful give good luck? They said they want Reciful here forever?.....

Since they became creepy! & annoying! Reciful teleport away through the shadows when no one is looking!!

Signed: Reciful the Eldritch Abomination
"Nice job clearing all the monsters nearby. If possible, could I witness your ability? Just a little bit, for my research purpose."

Rewards: 30 EXP, 10 G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Vysic had a hard day of work. He had been picking weeds and chasing crows for the whole day.
It would've been uneventful, but he noticed something weird.

Aren't these pests getting bigger?

The crows had doubled in size from the ones in the town, furthermore they were more gutsy than the average crow. Dive bombing and pecking random farmers.

The slimes were also bigger, some even larger than heads of lettuce.

This was definitely suspicious.
"Good work! About the abnormality, I'll report it to the guild to see if we could find the cause and effect of this."

Rewards: 45 EXP, 10 G, A basket of fresh produce


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Tour guide for a visitor
: Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
Tag List: @ohko
  • Read this quest report.
  • Show the Leprechaun Sica around the city.
  • Ensure that Sica comes to no harm.
  • Leave a favorable impression.
A visitor from the Halfwing Federation has come to Scribel City. They would like a tour of the city. Would you oblige?

  • EXP: 80
  • Money: 20G
Looking around the quest board, Adsall saw an easy quest. Tour guide.
Tour guide for someone from the Halfwing federation. Guess I should do my part for my fellow Halflings.

Adsall met with the Sica at the village gate.

"So you're my escort aye~", she said excitedly. "Show me what makes Scribel great!"

"Hey no need to be rude. How about introductions first."

"I'm Sica, a half dragon."

"It says you're a leprechaun."

"Tee hee!", Sica said while smiling with her fist against her head and her tongue out.

"Ugh...I'm Adsall, a blacksmith and a half dwarf."

"Oh so you're like me! That's good to hear!", Sica yelled excitedly.

Suddenly, there was a loud growling... it was Adsall's stomach. He had forgotten to eat breakfast again.

"Eh? Is that growling I hear? Are you hungrrrryyy?", She teased.

Adsall averted his gaze from Sica and started blushing.

"Ha Ha Ha- GROWL"

Sica's amusement was quickly stopped by the sound of her stomach growling, actually it was more like her stomach was yelling.

"Should we get some food?"

"Yes please.", She softly responded with her flushed face.

They didn't talk much (due to what is dubbed the "growling incident") until they both had their fill of food.

Afterwards Adsall took her to see Spire Reef. She really enjoyed the seafood there. He then took her to see the Farms, where she happily ate vegetables. Finally he took her to see the Guild's famous flower gardens. Where she happily partook in some tea drinking and biscuit eating.

This girls a glutton isn't she.

A couple of shady people did try to attack us, but she quickly dealt with them.

"I'm supposed to protect that?" Adsall muttered.

"Hey why are you taking their possessions?" Adsall yelled. "Oi don't strip them!"


Eventually it became sunset. A content Sica and exhausted Adsall approached the gate.

"Hey today was really fun Adsall. Before I go... here!"

She suddenly held Adsall's hand.

A green light began to engulf his hand which slowly travelled up his arm and eventually covered his body, before dissipating. After which she let go of his hand.

"What was that?"

"A blessing of luck!"

"Well uh thanks."

"No problem, It was a fun date."


"Well it's time for me to go. We should do this again some time!", she said as she left.

"What do you mean date? What do you mean next time!", Adsall frustratedly yelled until the sudden realisation hit him.

He was technically on a date.

Left speechless and flustured, Adsall slinked back to the tavern and drank some ale.

"We weren't aware of her combat capabilities, but I'm glad no harm came to her... And at the very least, she seemed to have fun, so this was not a bad start.

"However, I'll have to reduce your reward. What were you thinking when you took her all the way to Spire Reef? That is town is located in a pirate country, do you have any idea of what would happen in case she was kidnapped? I'm honestly surprised you two came out of it unharmed, The Goddess must have surely protected you this time. Don't bet on this happening all the time though, for miracles don't tend to happen too often.

"May the gods teach you some common sense."

Final Reward:
Money: 10G

OOC: I don't know what I was thinking when I was writing her personality, I don't even think I portrayed it well. :sweating_profusely: Sorry Evaluator.
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
> > >
Guarding the Entrance
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Gelderholm City
  • Required Level: 6
  • Prerequisite: Joint Military Exercises
  • Guard the entrance to the dwarven city.
  • Sound the alarm in the event of an attack.
  • Defend the entrance.
The hydra's minions attack swiftly and without warning.This isn't a cushy job where you can just relax and take a snooze.We need you to be vigilant. This is a siege.An assault on the city can come at any moment. Rewards:
  • Points: 200-280 EXP
  • Money: 20 G
  • Other: n/a
> > >
'We nearly lost the gate to the snakes last night.

Or to be more accurate, early this morning. Sanguine seemed pretty happy at the tavern I left him...her? It? I passed the innkeeper's daughter some gold for taking care of him, as usual. Then, instead of resting at an inn, I decided to head to the walls, drag out a small bench and sleep under the open sky, like what the dwarves had been doing this afternoon. As it turned out, I'm glad I decided to do so.

Because those f***ers decided to launch a surprise attack at two in the morning. They weren't even supposed to be up that late----or early, whatever. The dwarven lookout I was chatting with nearly lost his head had I not pushed him aside, saving him from getting a new head piercing; then he swept my legs out from under, sending me to the floor.

It hurt a bit, but I prefer that to being impaled with a spike. Then we rang the bells loudly to get the rest up.

To be honest, I'm pretty damned surprised we got through that assault with only a few dozen deaths. Fighting in the pitch black was a real tactical nightmare, especially since we couldn't tell the size of the horde. Yeah, it turned out to be true that dwarves have darkvision, while I could still see quite okay in the night, but we were too busy ducking behind the walls to do any proper suppression. At some point, several flares went flying into the grounds below, providing brief illumination. That's when we spotted that one annoying f***er. You know, the thing with frills. And as to be expected, the smaller f***er was hiding behind it, doing whatever it usually did. I'm guessing that's some sort of commander. And since it was there, the horde naturally got a lot more annoying than usual.

The city dispatched several squads to reinforce us constantly once they got wind of the assault, which I think is honestly the reason why I'm still alive to write this report. Without the constant flow of munitions coming in, we'd never have held out until dawn.

Well, I have to admit, that's half the reason. The other half of the reason, also the same reason for all the deaths, was because we ran short of firebombs just slightly before dawn. I forgot who suggested the idea---maybe he's already dead and buried---but someone suggested we force a retreat by taking out the leader. Then the horde would return to their unruly, relatively tamer mode, and we'd be able to mop them up. Since the assault still showed no sign of letting up and we'd be overran eventually if we did nothing, the bare minimum number of dwarves stayed on the way to man the catapults and ballistae. The rest of us suited up for close quarters.

God, never again. My clothes continue to smell like blood no matter how many times I wash them.

I'll say this much. The Pied Piper of f***ing Hamelin couldn't attract so many snakes with the number of rats he baited with his music. The snakes were pressing against the gates so tightly that they were actually piling higher and higher, to the point where we had to use a battering ram to open the gate from inside. Then we charged right into the horde and made for the commanding-fucking-whatever-it-was, and obviously the snakes didn't make it easy for us. Swinging the bat was the only thing I could think of at that moment.

After that, things just sort of became a blur. I remember saving the life of some dwarf only to see his head explode a few moments later, and other bits and pieces, but we somehow managed to blow that commander f***** to pieces. Then we had to crush the remainder of the horde, mop up the big ones, carry the dead to be buried and the snakes to be burned, and various other things. I spotted quite a few familiar faces among the caskets as well.

They also told me that I could go back and rest since I technically already did an entire shift, and they would just get someone to fill in for me, so I did just that. Probably gonna just grab some breakfast and then knock myself out until lunch, then write out the report.

Signing off for now.'

- Vicious, G. G.
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Making a Friend [Evaluated]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find somebody you can actually talk to without punching a friend!
  • Discover the wonderful magic of friendship! :blob_happy:
It's tough to be stuck in a strange universe far away from home.
It's even tougher if you're here without anybody you know.
Make a friend, and maybe things will get easier? :sweating_profusely:
  • Points: 100 EXP
  • Money: n/a
After spending 50 coins at the Shopping District, Vesper left the area on a happy note. He wanted to tour the city before doing anything else, so Vesper wondered around Scribel City. Just as he was about to exit a book store, Vesper bumped into someone and both person fell to the ground.

Vesper clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked up. The person who bumped into looked at him in apology after he saw Vesper's gaze. "Sorrry," the person, a young boy his age said. "Are you alright?"

"Just a fall," Vesper replied. "No harm. You are..?"

"I'm Hanu, an adventurer," Hanu said. "I'm new around here."

"You are? I'm new, too." Vesper said, getting up." "Where did you come from."

"Somewhere southeast," Hanu answered. "At the Eastern Continents."

"Really? Me, too!"

"That's great! I actually met someone like me," Hanu said. "Let's keep in touch? You're the first Easterner I met since coming here."

"Of course!."

Ice Mage Vesper - Level 1
GenderMaleRaceLuanLevel1 [70/100]
Age19ClassIce ElementalistMoney1950K

Vesper is positive and proud youth like most of his kins. He's also rather two faced, showing a positive to people who he just met or hardly knows and shows his friends and family a rather annoyingly arrogant person. He's adaptive and can read situations and knows when to retreat, a useful survival skill.
Vesper, a name that means the Evening Star, is born of the Luan Race. A bird race with similarities to the phoenix and born with the innate ability to control ice.

He grew up loving music which he occasionally use to control beasts and puppets with his white jade flute. A form of puppeting from his homeland. As a member of his race, Vesper is exceptional with the ice element.
Ice ManipulationThe ability to control and manipulate ice to his very imagination
Music PuppetingUsing musical instruments channeled with mana to control beasts and puppets
Archery ProficiencyExceptional ability with the bow and arrow
Divine SenseAn all purpose soul like part of all human, just some knows it's existence some don't. It can be a spatial storage, the size depend on your mental powers. It can also be used for out of body travels, communicate search your surroundings, and if you have the ability, invade other's minds. (Action not recommended as it can result in fatal injuries if your divine sense is attacked in the progress)
Flying SwordMainly used as an aerial transportation tool, it can be also used to attack enemies in form of flying swords. Attack moves are controlled by user's soul, divine sense, spiritual energy or mana power.
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Tutorial Quest 4: Um, where can I get a toothbrush? [Evaluated]
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Realize that you are unable to maintain a routine from your old life.
  • Find a solution to get around it... or not.
The culture shock continues!
Do they sell bath soap here? Underwear?
What am I going to do without my quantum teleporter?
OMG, my mana-phone is going to run out of battery! :blob_upset:
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
Vesper said good bye to Hanu and begin to walk back to the Adventure Guild. Yet, he stopped midway and remembered a huge probably. It's late noon, Vesper still haven't gotten his daily necessaries but instead spend 50 coins on food and want items. Not to mention he still needs a bath after days of travel.

Do they have peach blossom petals here for baths? Vesper, when he was back at home had always added peach blossom petals to his bath because he wants to have it's smell on himself. It has become a habit now after years of doing so. He took out the map he's gotten from the guild building and scan the paper. After finding the bath house's location, he fold it up and put it back to his sleeve pocket.

But first Vesper headed towards the Shopping District once again. He looked around for a long time, trying to find a place that sold soap bars and maybe see if they sell peach blossom scented ones. Finally, Vesper couldn't take it anymore and asked a town person where they sold self cleaning equipment. The person pointed him the way.

When Vesper found the shop, he hurried in with a sigh of relief that his little journey finally ended. He asked a staff to direct him to find a set of toothbrush, cup, and toothpaste. The staff gazed at him in confusion and ask what toothbrush and toothpaste are.

"They are what you clean your teeth with," Vesper tries to explain. "Forget, I'll going to the market and see if I could find peppermint. But do you guys have soap bar?"

The staff nodded and lead him the way. They only have one type of soap bar, so Vesper reluctantly took one.

In total, all that cost him a total of 15 coins. When he finished his purchase, Vesper headed towards the bath house with the items his bought in his daily necessaries spatial ring.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
Quest - Evaluated

With the first job done, we're off to do the important one as soon as possible.

> > >
Please Don't Starve (Together)
  • Sponsor: Adventurer's Guild
  • Location: Scribel Region
  • Required Level: 1
  • Find food.
  • Hope it is safe to eat.
  • Don't get diarrhea.
Have you ever wondered?
A cthulhu walks into the market and purchases a mysterious meat from a lizardman butcher.
Is it edible? Can you eat it? Will you die if you nibble on a piece?
I hope you're not too hungry...
  • Points: 35 EXP
  • Money: n/a
  • Other: n/a
> > >

[Iris POV]

Hungry..... warm..... soft.....

Person..... food?...... wet..... good.....



Person.... warm.... weird....


Food?... hard..... good....

Warm...... tired.....

[Reival POV]

I couldn't stand seeing her bones be seen from the outside anymore so I had to feed her something soft since she might be too weak to chew through hard foods. Luckily the local tavern serves that brownish soup so I got that for her, it may not be the best taste but it's a start.




I've been taking care of her for a few days. Since she's well fed now, I can clearly see color returning to her body and the bones can barely be seen. She's able to eat my solid rations now but still weak on really tough and chewy foods. Still, she still stares like a dead person but that's ok since progress is progress.

Sigh.... she's gonna cause a dent in my satchel.

Greetings to you Guild

Procuration of food has been going smoothly due to the purchase of goods with my gold. As for my companion, she is as well being fed well as I have taking care of our sustenance needs.

At service to you, Lancer Reival and Lady Iris.

Evaluation Report
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