Create and describe a monster/creature.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
Create and describe a monster/creature in as many words as it takes to do the job. If you are feeling up to it do it as you would find in a story, compared to an encyclopedia.

I was walking home when, there in my path, a large strange creature stood. It had tens of thin long seemingly wooden legs that jutted out from the bottom of a metal ring. The creatures legs had no joints. At first when I saw it it seemed to be no more than a strange lawn decoration that was blown away from original setting. That changed when it noticed me its legs bent like a bow before it sprung into the air. I was too shocked to move as it landed around me. Its legs surrounded me like a cage, as the ring began to vibrate and hum. That hum soon turned into the sound of a voice and a strange pitched hum that seemed like an approximation of an organ. The creature began to lean from side to side to allow its legs to clack against the pavement. The cacophony of noise quickly changed into an ordered groove as a song began. It was some strange form of bossa nova, yet the singers words could not be distinguished from one another.

I tried to walk home, I had thought this to be a hallucination from some weird sudden onset of psychosis. The creature followed my steps, never allowing me to leave the center of its cage. I tried to touch one of its legs, but it was large enough that the two steps it took me to come close to them, was long enough for it to reorientate me to the center of its cage. I tried to run, but it still surrounded me. I took a deep breath as I got strange stares from passerby's.

Clearly this creature wanted something, I took a stick of gum from my pocket and threw it up through the ring. The gum fell a foot in front of me. The annoying clacking began to annoy me, it was horribly of rhythm. I began to think for a solution for a while, my foot was tapping on the ground. Slowly, I realized the creature was changing the rhythm of its hobble to fit my foot taps. After it was in sync the creature stopped, and bent its legs. Before jumping onto another passerby.


Deleteriously devilish, deliciously dumbfounding
Feb 13, 2019
Dog-sized. Has six furry legs with 4 joints each, all of them except for the front ones end with hooves. Front legs significantly shorter and end with what seems to be clawed baby hands.
Its body is round and very very soft and elastic to touch. Covered with short fur.
Has no tail.
Its head is bulbous with a fat snout that has no nose - only a mouth that stretches into a long and thin line when closed, when opened it is a gaping round maw with three rows of crooked and sharp teeth and a serpentine double tongue. Eyes usually closed and look like saggy bags. When opened has compound eyes - each of which are slimy and white and roll around - looking like they will fall off.
Very flexible, can squeeze itself into impossibly small holes. Doesn't need to breathe, nor eat. Can crawl on walls and ceiling and most any surface as well as under water down to 600m deep. Never tires. Bullets only irritate it.
Hunts humans and animals and pulls their eyes out and then adds them into its eye sockets.
Can change colors at will. Stalks its prey.
If you look around carefully, you can find it lurking behind you - blending in with the wall


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
The duke's soldiers slowly pushed themselves through the waves of animated corpses from the nearby villages and into the cave that is the mad scientist's lair. Blood and grime caked the narrow tunnel that only allowed the men filed into rows of two as they grimaced, what entered their vision as they reached their destination had sent a couple of them puking.

Dried bodies of children hung upside down with blood drawn like livestocks, pregnant women with their stomachs torn open and a mound of fetuses in the centre of the stone room.

Then a whimper, not from the platoon but from the mound. A baby's cry was then heard, then another one, and another one. Until the chamber is filled with deafening cries of hungry babies.

One of the hung corpses fell, splattered onto the ground near the mound and was quickly absorbed into the pile. On cue, the bodies fall like rain while the women on the ground were dragged roughly towards the centre.

The soldiers were shivering as the mound grows into a perfect ball of bodies, shimmering on its surface are warped faces of the victims. Limbs from the bodies extend out of the ball like rambutan, clawing the air as though drowning.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
A bird flies directly overhead, landing on a tree branch in front of them. On closer inspection Bowen realizes its a small grey snake with feathery wings.

Whispering excitedly, the boy points at the snake creature "Grandpa Look!! That snake has wings!"

"Ahh, That is the Ophis Pteretos, or Winged Serpent. Don't worry, they are harmless. They mostly hunt birds, and make their nests in trees." The old man says while making calming gestures at the children "Their venom paralyzes birds, it hmm... it keeps them from being able to move if they get bitten, however it only causes numbness in people"

The serpent flicked its tongue out, tasting their scent on the wind, and flew off towards another tree.

Bowen thought that the way they flew was majestically funny. They made a wiggling motion through the sky, but their feathers were beautiful when the light hit them. On a closer look, it didnt 'wiggle'. It had a small fin on its tail that it used to swim through the air like a fish.

(just a simple creature from one of my books, nothing too crazy)


Active member
Nov 17, 2020
You look around. There is nothing, you are sure of it. A twig snaps. Your head swivels to the right from where you had heard the noise only to see nothing. The forest around you seems to close in as your breath quickens and you walk backwards until everything stops and all you hear is your light panting. Panting? You turn around and jump backwards before looking up. Above you clinging to a tree that you had backed yourself into is a drooling maw of darkness.

The saliva of the being above you drips onto your face and slides down. The creature maneuvers around the tree and winds up in front of you. Silence ensues as you take each other in, the creature is thin and walks on two legs. You can't help the small part of your mind that thinks it to be weak because of its figure.

The creature takes a step towards you allowing you to get a better look at it, its face is long and almost doglike in nature though it had two long curling horns almost like a ram on the top of its head. You don't know if it had short black hair or if it was just its skin, you hope that it is fur. It lets out a rumbling breath as its head tilts closer to establishing eye contact with you and sniffs a few times, its eyes are a deep void in more than one sense. They draw you in and show you things, such wonderful, wonderful things. You witness its realm and how to go on the path leading there. All of the sudden it breaks eye contact and you are free from the sweet madness that it promised, its arms, as branchlike as they are, reaches out to you. Its hands are long, which you didn't think was possible but you were witnessing it, grabs onto your shoulders with its spindly fingers and squeezes.

All of the sudden you were in front of a house with a wonderfully intricate knife in your hands. You look behind you and grin as you see the wonderful creature urge you forward as you open the door to the house which you assumed was supposed to be locked. You see a picture on the wall of a family of four, a dark haired robust man, a woman with brunette hair, and two little girls with dark hair sitting in front of the two adults. Something in you twitches when you see the two girls but you ignore it in favor of walking up a staircase. You hear two voices talking to each other before a light comes on in the room to your left.

A man walks to the doorway before seeing you and freezing. You take advantage of his shock and lunge forward so you can drive the knife in your hands into his stomach and rip it sideways spilling his beautiful insides onto the floor. A scream grabs your attention as you step pass his body and look towards the bed in the leftmost corner of the room. The woman tries to hit you but you dodge and return the favor with a quick slash to the throat. A quite gasp behind you alerts you to another presence at the doorway. The two girls were standing there in complete shock, you step forward to give their lives what? What were you doing? Were you about to kill children? Your eye moves to the left and you see a reflective surface, behind you was the creature. Its grin was uncanny as it gestured for you to continue your duty. Your shaking hand brings itself up and back down. The two girls finally reacted and ran down the stairs while you sank to your knees and blankly watched them go. You look down and see the knife buried in your own stomach. You smile weakly and move your head toward the creature so you can flip it off before you died. "How disappointing."

A deep voice echoes in the room as you slump forward. Your vision blurs and you find yourself on your knees before a throne. You lift your head up and laugh. Sitting on the throne was the creature.

It echoes your laugh and starts clapping. You don't know how long you laughed with the creature until it turned into you cursing its existence while it gave a few more chuckles. When the both of you were done laughing it flicked its hand and you found yourself in another forest.

Despair begins to grip you as the same events begin to play out in front of your eyes. Over, and over, and over, AND OVEROVEROVEROVEROVEROEVEROVEROVEROVErOVerOveroverove.......

(Apologies it seemed I got a bit carried away while writing this. Hope you enjoyed. As a bit of an explanation once you read it all its meant to be a demon of sorts and since you didn't complete what it compelled you to do it makes you repeat the event over and over again until you finally break and it gets to collect your soul.)


Ultimate Wankmaster, Jizzer of Universes
Nov 27, 2020
Dog-sized. Has six furry legs with 4 joints each, all of them except for the front ones end with hooves. Front legs significantly shorter and end with what seems to be clawed baby hands.
Its body is round and very very soft and elastic to touch. Covered with short fur.
Has no tail.
Its head is bulbous with a fat snout that has no nose - only a mouth that stretches into a long and thin line when closed, when opened it is a gaping round maw with three rows of crooked and sharp teeth and a serpentine double tongue. Eyes usually closed and look like saggy bags. When opened has compound eyes - each of which are slimy and white and roll around - looking like they will fall off.
Very flexible, can squeeze itself into impossibly small holes. Doesn't need to breathe, nor eat. Can crawl on walls and ceiling and most any surface as well as under water down to 600m deep. Never tires. Bullets only irritate it.
Hunts humans and animals and pulls their eyes out and then adds them into its eye sockets.
Can change colors at will. Stalks its prey.
If you look around carefully, you can find it lurking behind you - blending in with the wall
but what kinda cock?


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2019
The large dog-like creature had no eyes. It's second mouth could almost be mistaken for a sagging stomach if it wasn't for the rows of jagged teeth. Drool started drippling out as it caught sight of you, melting the floor it landed on. You barely had time to shriek before it pounced forward. You turn to run, but feel a weight on your back and are immediately knocked down. "Help!" You scream to your two friends, but they don't look back. Rage overwhelms you, but before you can express it, the world turns dark. You scream in agony as the gaping maw descends and you're coated in acidic saliva. Needles stab into your chest from all directions, horrible cracking sounds fill your ears as great pain spreads through you one last time, then... you feel nothing at all.


Jun 6, 2021
Looks human. Acts like a monster. Exploits the innocence of a young mind to satisfy his sexual cravings.
Looks like a monster. Acts human. Exploits the innocence of a young mind to satisfy its need for scritches.


Active member
Sep 29, 2022
The scariest monsters are the ones you don't see. Like I'm not seeing this one. A shiver runs up my spine. The forest goes silent, no owls hooting, no small rustles in the grass of mice hunting for seeds. A cold wind blows across my face bringing with it the feint odor of rotting meat. Behind me, about ten paces back is a tree with a low hanging branch. I could climb it, if I was certain the beast wasn't behind me, and certain the beast couldn't climb. A reflection glimmers in a clump of bushes thirty feet away at eleven o-clock. It's the moon shining off the back of the beast's retina. I take a step backwards toward the tree. Another step, and another. It emerges from the undergrowth. I know it: 800 pounds, half wolverine, half grizzly, with jaws that can snap a man's femur. These were the beasts the wizards made--their gift to mankind. Another step. The wind shifts, bringing to my nose the overpowering, intense smell of rancid meat. That's when I know, I'll never make the tree. The beast's mate, is right behind me.


Imprisoned Soul Seeking Isekai
Dec 25, 2019
The first day. A strange speck hangs high in the sky, sometimes visible if you squint really close.

The second day. The dot is reasonably easy to find.

The third day. The spot is growing at a slow but noticeable rate.

The fourth day. The blot has resolved as a black circle with a darker center.

The fifth day. The people have grown concerned about the ever growing dark patch.

The sixth day. Jagged teeth, the darker center is a mouth.

The seventh day. The strange head swerves towards the moon, revealing a long serpentine body, then it passes behind the heavenly orb. The moon does not even scrape against the mountainous teeth as it is swallowed. The eyeless head points unerringly towards the planet.

Night has Fallen. The people of the world are at last one, in their despair. The gods have fled, and night has Fallen. . . . A second creature is seen, in the final moments before committing its terrible deed. The Sun is gone. Now there are only black silhouettes against an endless sea of stars. . .


Level 73 Practical Procastinator
Nov 4, 2022
It looked like a planet. goddamnit I could swear it was a planet!!! From the screen of the control panel you could easily see the craters, mountains and endless plains of grey rock. Just a desert, another god-forsaken rock in no man's space.
That is, until we tried to land on the "planetoid".
It was then that the largest craters oppened and those sickingly big eyes stared at us, the momentum our ship had accumulated now playing against us. They were a shade of black darker than the cosmos itself, with white irises giant enough to react to even the faintest of lights. It was hipnotizing... And they were locked on our exploration frigate.
By the time we activated the retroverse jets it was too late. A giant slit appeared at it's center, the most bizzare equator we had seen in our lives, and it opened like a gate to hell. A gate with sickingly metal-grey shark teeth and a gravitational pull of hundreds g.

"Hahahah... F*ck me"

It was the first time I ever agreed with Peter. And it would most likely be the last.