Do you fear death?

Jan 15, 2019
i'm more afraid that people close with me will die and i'll never see them again.

as for myself, i think i'm okay if it's not painful. like i just fell asleep one day and i woke up in a comfy another world or something. i feel the most frightening thing isn't the death itself, but where i'll end up next. though, i always yearned that i wouldn't really feel it when my time comes, no need for any suffering or anything like that.

i don't think i will have a lot of regret since i'm not looking forward to do anything in this world. i just want to be lazy, no matter the place.


Apr 13, 2021
Like the title, I want to ask :
Do you fear death? How much do you fear? According to you, what is death? Do you wish immortality? Do you believe in afterlife?
Specific question: What would you feel when you see a dead body? Are you ready to accept death at any moment?

According to you, what is life? For what are we living? Any purpose there? Do you believe in gods, ghosts like that stuffs?

And the last... The question I often ask myself: If your belief is on a single life, how much should you cherish your every moment? What should you do?

#There will be no people who hadn't thought about death a few times. Because it is too mysterious, we just push it at the back of the mind and try to enjoy the present as we boldly say; 'face it face to face'. I understand people has different attitude towards everything.

These questions are to know about a bunch of different attitudes towards death...

When death comes...👻👻👻

Not much. Those things just happen naturally.

The state of being free. Only when you die will you finally be ridded of your problems. However I myself do not know what is beyond death. Maybe it's eternal suffering, eternal peace, or maybe something we can't even comprehend. But those things will just come naturally, no need to fear it very much.

Of course I wish for immortality. While I'm not much afraid of death, I still wish to live even if I die.

Probably call the police or a relative. While I would feel bad for the person, even if they are my closest ones, I would just move on and accept it. Though I may feel depressed but that's natural.

Yes. Although I have many regrets.

I honestly dont know how to answer this question. But if I have to summarize it, it'll be a dream. While death is quite terrifying, so is life. It is an enigma only to be theorised.

For me, as a Christian, I honestly just plan to live my life simply. But to be honest, I just see God as my father of sorts. I never had a father figure to lean on so most of my childhood was quite lonely. Though I respect other peoples religion, I will also try to make them convert.

I can't cherish every moment of my entire life. You can only cherish life when you're close to death. Cherishing everything you've done up until now is quite related to the words of a certain cartoon character, "We didn't know we were making memories, we were just having fun.". All that nostalgia will probably come flowing into you if you die a peaceful death. And that peaceful death is just one of my wishes in life.


Emperor of trash writing
Jan 1, 2019
Do you fear death?
No, please let me die.

How much do you fear?

According to you, what is death?
When you die.

Do you wish immortality?
I'm working on it for others.

Do you believe in afterlife?

What would you feel when you see a dead body?
Nothing, I've seen enough. Not that I felt anything in particular the first time.

Are you ready to accept death at any moment?
No, if I die after finding a nice novel and not being able to finish it, I would be sad.

According to you, what is life?
1. Are you alive just because you breathe? If you cannot enjoy life you are not alive imo
2. When you live.
Choose whichever you want.

For what are we living?
No reason in particular. If you really want a reason it is to observe our surroundings. Humans are not important, not even a speck of dust worth in the universe.

Any purpose there?
Look above.

Do you believe in gods, ghosts like that stuffs?
Maybe there is a higher existence, not that it makes any difference.

If your belief is on a single life, how much should you cherish your every moment?
You cannot cherish every moment anyways. You are human. You can try to be happy as much as you want but human emotions are complex and many things are not decided by you. If you can maximize the happiness that is given you then you are already doing a good job.

What should you do?
Just live as you want, don't be too forceful with yourself.

Because it is too mysterious
No, it's not. It simply too complex for human understanding. Death is like immortality and eternity/unlimited etc., humans cannot fathom it. Anyone who says they understood that concept fully is lying/doesn't understand that they didn't understand it fully.

When death comes...👻👻👻


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2020
Short answer, yes I fear death. I am afraid everyone else will die and leave me alone. I am scared of all my friends and family dying young while I age and desiccate, increasingly alone, watching one after another of my important persons suffer and die. Unlikely as it is, I am also terrified of hurting and killing people, or critters (although it would certainly be through ignorance or accident rather than intention). I go through my day hyper-aware that I am physically capable of killing pretty much anyone I see walking down the street. No matter how improbable it is that I would trip on nothing and slug that old lady in the throat on my way down, snapping her neck, I step off the sidewalk and give her a wide berth as I go on my way.
Do I fear my own death? I'm not sure. I'm trying to. I think I would feel more 'human' if I were more afraid of dying. When someone I knew dies, or if I hear about a deadly accident on the news, I mostly feel jealous. "Why are they so lucky?" I think to myself. I can't help but obsess and fantasize about my own death. Then there's my complex about non-participation in my country of residence's cultural values and standard life goals. While I can't exactly say I am happy, I am materially happy. I have everything I could ever need to be happy with my right now. I don't need a lover, I don't need a job, I don't need ambition, I don't need responsibility. None of them would make me happy, and I am happy enough without them. But I am bombarded with messages that say I'm not allowed to be called happy if I don't have these things. Wouldn't it be better if I died instead? Instead of those people who have goals, who have ambition and shared values? Those people who have 'economic value' to society, and who value 'the economy' shouldn't they live instead of me?
Do I wish for immortality? Well I believe mortality is an intrinsic part of the human soul. I suspect that even if a nanite swarm of medical robots released into the world was able to quickly revive a person to consciousness after their head gets squished by a dropped I beam from 17 stories high, most people would descend into a type of coma called psychic dyskinesia by the time they reach 120. The weight of regret and memory would invariably become too heavy, and combined with no longer fearing death, the rewards of life become too little to sustain consciousness. This is a real medical condition today, though suffered by only the most pitiful survivors of the worst trauma a human can even experience. Such tragedy (and sometime in the future merely the weight of extended existence) will cause dopamine in the brain and throughout the body to gradually disappear. The patient stops caring, stops talking, stops eating, stops thinking, stops reacting to touch, stops autonomously kicking their leg when their knee is struck, and eventually just stops. I apologize for fetishizing that a little, some bad habits crept up on me. It really is the worst way to die, since it is literally being killed directly by pain, and not just by a pain triggered cardiac event.
What do I think happens when someone dies? Straight and simple, their substance scatters. However, I believe that the soul is a type of substance. I don't believe in an immortal immutable soul (sorry Christianity), but in a soul sea of sorts. A fixed amount of soul substance permeating the universe. Human souls are like raindrops or eddies in this ocean. When a person dies, their soul scatters like a raindrop into the ocean. I figure soul also governs things like 'when will this atom of C14 decay?' or 'will this particular photon of light be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted by my window?', and 'just for kicks and giggles this N64 will glitch and a new game of Majora's Mask will start with inventory filled with ocarinas of time'. Bear in mind that these are merely explorations of 'plausible', and that we certainly don't have any technology that can detect souls. We likely won't for a very long time.
What is the purpose of life? I think the purpose of life is to grow up, after all "We are all children in the eyes of the Lord," and we are only children in the eyes of science and evolution. This is something that will take place over countless generations, but certainly that every human is part of.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
This might take long but here's my opinion that leads up to my strange answer.
“The cosmos is within us... ...The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” - Author, Astronomer, Astrophysicist, Carl Sagan

The lightest of gases, were produced in the big bang. The chemical elements up to iron - carbon, oxygen, neon, silicon and iron - are produced in ordinary stellar neucleosynthesis (Created by stellar fusion inside cores of stars under immense pressure and temperatures). Anything heavier than Iron (i.e Gold, Titanium etc.) are only created by death of stellar mass stars that shoot out massive quantities of elements light years across the space. All of these elements, however miniscule, has role to play in function of the human body.
Why do we live? Humans are, what I believe, are the product of universe itself, trying to make sense of itself. Therefore just trying to make sense of what's around you, even if its something as innocuous or simple as understanding 1+1=2, is enough of a purpose.

Another way to look at it is that we're born purposeless, without a direction and discover our own purpose. In an objective sense, the purpose of life is to create more life.
Go to school, get a degree, get a job, find love, have kids and help them succeed in life, retire and eventually pass away. That's the norm that most people expect. Some of us abhor this prosaic formula like we were destined for something greater, others find purpose and direction from this and do not mind following the script to a tee, yet there are some that dream to achieve this 'bland' life. Whichever of these broad categories you fall into, the thing is, according to evolution and life itself, as long as you passed on your genes, (your children) technically, you've already won the game of life. Everything after that is just gravy. For humans, evolution decided that after we grow old, we can still help our children, which in turned helped them succeed and pass on their genes hence our comparatively lengthy lifespan, to life its just more winning.
But you can find your own purpose, even if its stupid as becoming the king of intergalactic house of pancakes. No one's stopping you.

People imagine death as eternal darkness or unending agony after or during the process of dying but that is not something you can experience. If you were dead, you wouldn't know what the concept of feeling something even is. Death in many ways are similar to falling asleep or being put under by a medication during surgery, you have no awareness that surgeons just opened up your chest cavity and swapped out your heart. Just like that you'll have no idea that you're even dead. In death, instead of tiredness or morphine its something in your body failing be it heart, the brain or some other vital organ that's needed that puts you to your eternal rest. In that sense unless you fear going to sleep, both you and I do not fear death, we fear the idea of never waking up again. An end to our journey, losing our consciousness, our being forever. But because you know you'll wake up in the morning you may not have an existential dread trying to sleep. The same can not be said for sure for death, and maybe that is where the fear and anxiety of death comes from. We don't know for sure if there's something more for us after death.

Reincarnation is a huge part of Buddhism and Hinduism among other religions. In those belief, the idea of ascending after death into higher godlike entity or falling into lower being exists, often with extremely little or no recollection of your past life. Despite that, depending on the interpretation, the goal of human life is to escape the cycle of life and death itself, not become god, even though you have the choice. The goal is to become one with the cosmos or the universe itself. Basically, you can't die and suffer if you haven't lived in the first place, a very unga bunga simplification that glosses over a lot of their teachings.
Though I believe those beliefs are not without their merits. After death, your body shuts down and gets broken down by bacteria to its constituent elements and become nourishment for the earth. From that earth may bloom flowers, grass or a tree. Some livestock may come and take nibble of those plants, going up the food chain, let's say that a cow ate grass, who gets slaughtered and its meat consumed by a soon to be a mother and the nutrients found their way into feeding the growing fetus. From that process in which part do you think you will live on? Hopefully the fetus since you might have a chance to live again, isn't that great? But most likely you are part of everything that led up to the fetus. You are the earth, the grass, the cattle, the mother and the child all at once. Now at this point I don't think you would want to be conscious. I don't think it will be a very good to feel that you have been broken down into decillions of little pieces all being part of some other organism. But it is an afterlife of sorts.

I think I would very much so like unaging body rather than an immortal one.
“The end of biological aging would not mean the end of death in any way. It’s more like a Summer evening when you were a kid, and your mom called you inside. You just wanted to keep playing, have a little more fun during sunset before you went to sleep. It’s not about playing forever, just a little longer, until we feel tired.” - Kurzgesagt Why age?
I believe humanity could have achieved a heck of a lot more if people lived longer, or maybe not that is an alternative reality. But imagine where we would be scientifically and technologically if great scientists, inventors and engineers of past were alive today. Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei. Would the stress and pressure of life still be the same if we consistently lived up to the age of 200? Would we still retire at around our 50s and 60s then? Would we stop learning? What would our education system be? Highschools that takes 10 years to graduate?

Given a simple choice of Living for ten additional years or dying then and there, I think we would all pick living multiple times over. We will all find something to want for, a slightly better home, a nicer looking car, a first place in some competitive game's leaderboard, finishing up our a gacha game's characters collection. And for that, we would have to work for, and to do that, you need to be alive and have time to spend, like that ten years I mentioned. After that why not something grander? Why not save up and try to own a habitable planet just for yourself? Wanna see what's beyond the ever expanding observable universe, go for it. Commission a ring world project even if it's ridiculously costly and stupidly unfeasible? You have plenty of time to figure it out and get it done.

It's just like what the game Little Inferno told its players that played it to its end.
"But what happens when you have achieved your dreams? Well, then it's time to get bigger dreams."
Why would you want to die? When there's so much you could do, and then some in life.
But you might say that's too optimistic, nothing you'll do will matter and everyone will forget about you. That's nihilism speaking. But nothing says you can't be an optimistic nihilist.

"Entropy, the steady decline into disorder that’s a fundamental part of the universe… …entropy will get us all in the end.
The White Cliffs of Dover are a symbol of Britain, they are this imposing barrier, but they’re just chalk. Time and tide will wash them away, a long time in the future. This, too, shall pass. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t build things anyway. Just because something is going to break in the end, doesn’t mean that it can’t have an effect that lasts into the future. The world can be better because of what you built in the past... ...So until then: try and make sure the things you’re working on push us in the right direction. They don’t have to be big projects, they might just have an audience of one. And even if they don’t last: try to make sure they leave something positive behind." - Tom Scott (This Video Has 50,717,485 Views)
Not everything we will leave behind will be of material nature. Others will be more intangible, like our beliefs and stupid messages we left behind the dms of some discord server. Sure, what you do may not have any meaning to anyone now, or later, but it might do something long long after you're gone, you'll never know, as if you'll be there tell anyway, right? Right?
Thank you so much for your long answer. It felt like I had gone through a whole round of counseling.
Actually, it all started when I was in 2nd standard (7yrs old). It was a time I was super ignorant. One day, I went back from school and lied down. Because of a traffic, my parents and brother were not home yet. I was alone. Suddenly I felt like I couldn't move. Like I was frozen. Something like electric current is running through my body. And I couldn't understand what is happening to me. I watched my body from above and asked to myself ' what is this?why can't I move?' I tried to struggle. But only after sometime passed did I understood that something is not right. I knew we can't look at our own body from above. When I looked around, what I saw became the worst nightmare in my life. Upto this day...
(I don't want to think about that.)

My father has anxiety disorder. He has travelling phobia and he is a very possessive person and extreme environmentalist. He will only allow us to live the way he likes (Not critisizism). Since he fears travelling, always thinking that if he die in an accident we can't survive ourselves( this phobia is developed from his own bitter experiences), he hates to let us too. Additionally, with my parents' tight schedule, there was not enough time for that. I grew up without much contact to people. In school, because of my particular personality I didn't make any actual supportive friends. I am kinda like an anti social but a very talkative person. And I know to keep secrets as secrets. So no one find out.

I like to read a lot. I began my journey to seek the truth from there. I took books from the library or asked my father to bring them, i pretty much completed Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bible, Quran, ideas of Buddhism, Jainism I was 10. Next year, my dad bought a new phone (but no internet). Only after such a long time, did I find out what I experienced is something called OBE (Out of Body Experience) and Astral Projections. . People say that they want it so badly. It is appetising to hear that you can travel without a body, Isn't it? When it happens to a know-nothing, it is not good. The after affects are enormous. I didn't tell a thing to my parents cause I was sure they won't believe me , but still they unconditionally supported me, noticing that I was depressed. Thanks to them, I am not a coward now.

Pretty much believes became unconvincing for me as I couldn't get on something solid for myself . That was when I understood that belief is a power. I was like a god who is striving to make his own loyal followers at that time (now too). And that experience, which happened 2 more times... I like it to call imagination since it is not that pleasant. Yeah... Even though I am almost okay now, sometimes I will again recall those and again starts to question life. That is why I decided to ask in the forum.
No, please let me die.


When you die.

I'm working on it for others.


Nothing, I've seen enough. Not that I felt anything in particular the first time.

No, if I die after finding a nice novel and not being able to finish it, I would be sad.

1. Are you alive just because you breathe? If you cannot enjoy life you are not alive imo
2. When you live.
Choose whichever you want.

No reason in particular. If you really want a reason it is to observe our surroundings. Humans are not important, not even a speck of dust worth in the universe.

Look above.

Maybe there is a higher existence, not that it makes any difference.

You cannot cherish every moment anyways. You are human. You can try to be happy as much as you want but human emotions are complex and many things are not decided by you. If you can maximize the happiness that is given you then you are already doing a good job.

Just live as you want, don't be too forceful with yourself.

No, it's not. It simply too complex for human understanding. Death is like immortality and eternity/unlimited etc., humans cannot fathom it. Anyone who says they understood that concept fully is lying/doesn't understand that they didn't understand it fully.

Short answer, yes I fear death. I am afraid everyone else will die and leave me alone. I am scared of all my friends and family dying young while I age and desiccate, increasingly alone, watching one after another of my important persons suffer and die. Unlikely as it is, I am also terrified of hurting and killing people, or critters (although it would certainly be through ignorance or accident rather than intention). I go through my day hyper-aware that I am physically capable of killing pretty much anyone I see walking down the street. No matter how improbable it is that I would trip on nothing and slug that old lady in the throat on my way down, snapping her neck, I step off the sidewalk and give her a wide berth as I go on my way.
Do I fear my own death? I'm not sure. I'm trying to. I think I would feel more 'human' if I were more afraid of dying. When someone I knew dies, or if I hear about a deadly accident on the news, I mostly feel jealous. "Why are they so lucky?" I think to myself. I can't help but obsess and fantasize about my own death. Then there's my complex about non-participation in my country of residence's cultural values and standard life goals. While I can't exactly say I am happy, I am materially happy. I have everything I could ever need to be happy with my right now. I don't need a lover, I don't need a job, I don't need ambition, I don't need responsibility. None of them would make me happy, and I am happy enough without them. But I am bombarded with messages that say I'm not allowed to be called happy if I don't have these things. Wouldn't it be better if I died instead? Instead of those people who have goals, who have ambition and shared values? Those people who have 'economic value' to society, and who value 'the economy' shouldn't they live instead of me?
Do I wish for immortality? Well I believe mortality is an intrinsic part of the human soul. I suspect that even if a nanite swarm of medical robots released into the world was able to quickly revive a person to consciousness after their head gets squished by a dropped I beam from 17 stories high, most people would descend into a type of coma called psychic dyskinesia by the time they reach 120. The weight of regret and memory would invariably become too heavy, and combined with no longer fearing death, the rewards of life become too little to sustain consciousness. This is a real medical condition today, though suffered by only the most pitiful survivors of the worst trauma a human can even experience. Such tragedy (and sometime in the future merely the weight of extended existence) will cause dopamine in the brain and throughout the body to gradually disappear. The patient stops caring, stops talking, stops eating, stops thinking, stops reacting to touch, stops autonomously kicking their leg when their knee is struck, and eventually just stops. I apologize for fetishizing that a little, some bad habits crept up on me. It really is the worst way to die, since it is literally being killed directly by pain, and not just by a pain triggered cardiac event.
What do I think happens when someone dies? Straight and simple, their substance scatters. However, I believe that the soul is a type of substance. I don't believe in an immortal immutable soul (sorry Christianity), but in a soul sea of sorts. A fixed amount of soul substance permeating the universe. Human souls are like raindrops or eddies in this ocean. When a person dies, their soul scatters like a raindrop into the ocean. I figure soul also governs things like 'when will this atom of C14 decay?' or 'will this particular photon of light be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted by my window?', and 'just for kicks and giggles this N64 will glitch and a new game of Majora's Mask will start with inventory filled with ocarinas of time'. Bear in mind that these are merely explorations of 'plausible', and that we certainly don't have any technology that can detect souls. We likely won't for a very long time.
What is the purpose of life? I think the purpose of life is to grow up, after all "We are all children in the eyes of the Lord," and we are only children in the eyes of science and evolution. This is something that will take place over countless generations, but certainly that every human is part of.
Thank you so much for your answer🙏
( You guys are so good. I got my reasons back with your answers. Thanks again.)
Short answer, yes I fear death. I am afraid everyone else will die and leave me alone. I am scared of all my friends and family dying young while I age and desiccate, increasingly alone, watching one after another of my important persons suffer and die. Unlikely as it is, I am also terrified of hurting and killing people, or critters (although it would certainly be through ignorance or accident rather than intention). I go through my day hyper-aware that I am physically capable of killing pretty much anyone I see walking down the street. No matter how improbable it is that I would trip on nothing and slug that old lady in the throat on my way down, snapping her neck, I step off the sidewalk and give her a wide berth as I go on my way.
Do I fear my own death? I'm not sure. I'm trying to. I think I would feel more 'human' if I were more afraid of dying. When someone I knew dies, or if I hear about a deadly accident on the news, I mostly feel jealous. "Why are they so lucky?" I think to myself. I can't help but obsess and fantasize about my own death. Then there's my complex about non-participation in my country of residence's cultural values and standard life goals. While I can't exactly say I am happy, I am materially happy. I have everything I could ever need to be happy with my right now. I don't need a lover, I don't need a job, I don't need ambition, I don't need responsibility. None of them would make me happy, and I am happy enough without them. But I am bombarded with messages that say I'm not allowed to be called happy if I don't have these things. Wouldn't it be better if I died instead? Instead of those people who have goals, who have ambition and shared values? Those people who have 'economic value' to society, and who value 'the economy' shouldn't they live instead of me?
Do I wish for immortality? Well I believe mortality is an intrinsic part of the human soul. I suspect that even if a nanite swarm of medical robots released into the world was able to quickly revive a person to consciousness after their head gets squished by a dropped I beam from 17 stories high, most people would descend into a type of coma called psychic dyskinesia by the time they reach 120. The weight of regret and memory would invariably become too heavy, and combined with no longer fearing death, the rewards of life become too little to sustain consciousness. This is a real medical condition today, though suffered by only the most pitiful survivors of the worst trauma a human can even experience. Such tragedy (and sometime in the future merely the weight of extended existence) will cause dopamine in the brain and throughout the body to gradually disappear. The patient stops caring, stops talking, stops eating, stops thinking, stops reacting to touch, stops autonomously kicking their leg when their knee is struck, and eventually just stops. I apologize for fetishizing that a little, some bad habits crept up on me. It really is the worst way to die, since it is literally being killed directly by pain, and not just by a pain triggered cardiac event.
What do I think happens when someone dies? Straight and simple, their substance scatters. However, I believe that the soul is a type of substance. I don't believe in an immortal immutable soul (sorry Christianity), but in a soul sea of sorts. A fixed amount of soul substance permeating the universe. Human souls are like raindrops or eddies in this ocean. When a person dies, their soul scatters like a raindrop into the ocean. I figure soul also governs things like 'when will this atom of C14 decay?' or 'will this particular photon of light be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted by my window?', and 'just for kicks and giggles this N64 will glitch and a new game of Majora's Mask will start with inventory filled with ocarinas of time'. Bear in mind that these are merely explorations of 'plausible', and that we certainly don't have any technology that can detect souls. We likely won't for a very long time.
What is the purpose of life? I think the purpose of life is to grow up, after all "We are all children in the eyes of the Lord," and we are only children in the eyes of science and evolution. This is something that will take place over countless generations, but certainly that every human is part of.
Thank you so much for your answer🙏
( You guys are so good. I got my reasons back with your answers. Thanks again.)
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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2019
1. Fear? Yes... and Not really... Whose death? feelings... vary...
2. How much? A lot, and not at all... it also... varies...
3. What's Death? Its what happens when an autonomous, self regulating system... stops working for some reason and falls apart...
4. Wanna live forever? Yes or No... depends on specifics...
5. Afterlife? Maybe... Probably... Most living things that have ever lived, have died, and there is life after those deaths...
6. Feelings on corpses? Depends... case by case basis...
7. Ready to go anytime? Well... Some "moments" might be more agreeable than others...
8. What's Life? It is an autonomous, self regulating system... while its working properly...
9 & 10. What's it all about? All value, purpose, etc, (not just beauty) is in the "eye" of the beholder...
11. Gods and... Stuff? Superstition... And the downside of "not needing to reinvent all the wheels"...
12. Live each week.. or month... like it might be your last... emphasis on the word: might.


13?. Death is mysterious? :unsure: how so?


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
1. Fear? Yes... and Not really... Whose death? feelings... vary...
2. How much? A lot, and not at all... it also... varies...
3. What's Death? Its what happens when an autonomous, self regulating system... stops working for some reason and falls apart...
4. Wanna live forever? Yes or No... depends on specifics...
5. Afterlife? Maybe... Probably... Most living things that have ever lived, have died, and there is life after those deaths...
6. Feelings on corpses? Depends... case by case basis...
7. Ready to go anytime? Well... Some "moments" might be more agreeable than others...
8. What's Life? It is an autonomous, self regulating system... while its working properly...
9 & 10. What's it all about? All value, purpose, etc, (not just beauty) is in the "eye" of the beholder...
11. Gods and... Stuff? Superstition... And the downside of "not needing to reinvent all the wheels"...
12. Live each week.. or month... like it might be your last... emphasis on the word: might.


13?. Death is mysterious? :unsure: how so?
It's kinda mysterious to me. Now, I feels like it's the simplest thing in the world. Thanks 🙏


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
I don't want to get to into this since nothing I say will change anyone's mind unless they actually believe me so I'll just say this. I don't fear death. I am content with life and have accepted that if I die, I will die content. Even if I can't do everything I wanted to I will know that I will never regret. I made my decisions and will stick with them. There is nothing for me to worry about not anything for me to be unhappy about. Yeah, I may be broke and I may be barely scraping by but I'm content. Because I have all that I need and know that all I've experienced has led me to being the person I am today. Even with all the trauma and suffering I've dealt with. I am content.
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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2021
I don't want to get to into this since nothing I say will change anyone's mind unless they actually believe me so I'll just say this. I don't fear death. I am content with life and have accepted that if I die, I will die content. Even if I can't do everything I wanted to I will know that I will never regret. I made my decisions and will stick with them. There is nothing for me to worry about not anything for me to be unhappy about. Yeah, I may be broke and I may be barely scraping by but I'm content. Because I have a hat I need and know that all I've experienced has led me to being the person I am today. Even with all the trauma and suffering I've dealt with. I am content.
I believe you man. Thanks🙏


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2020
Do you fear death?
How much do you fear?
While high up off the ground and upside down, I screamed that I wanted off of the Salt and Pepper Shaker at a boardwalk fair. That was when I had been in the middle of my teens. I suppose that gives me an idea of how much I fear for my own safety? I have encountered real life threatening scenarios before, but I was never fully aware how close I was towards losing my life (those shouldn't count). I don't believe I could give this an authentic answer without the chance of disproving my integrity from having another go with lifechanging risks.
According to you what is death?
A loss.
Do you wish immortality?
No. I'd either become callous towards people or intentionally isolate myself to avoid experiencing any more loss.
Do you believe in afterlife?
Depends on the definition. If you mean that there is something after death, then, yes. I remember those who were close and comfortable in my company, but are no longer with me. I never stop thinking about them.
Specific question: What would you feel when you see a dead body?
Not sure. Over the last few years, I've not cried at the last several viewings I attended and that has me concerned.
Are you ready to accept death at any moment?
Do I have a choice? If yes, then no. If not, then I don't believe it would matter.
According to you, what is life?
An amusing trial and error.
For what are we living?
We're an experimentation with possible probabilities. If God created us, I can envision the sight of us are curious with the variety of decisions never once thought of as reasonable. If God is eternal, I bet we are keeping up the quality entertainment too.
Any purpose there?
A means of passing the time with potential outcomes.
Do you believe in gods, ghosts like that stuffs?
Sure. I won't admit and don't expect to ever understand everything and anything. I believe there are possibilities we have yet to discover. If we believe it is impossible, it means we are missing something to explain it.
And the last... The question I often ask myself: If your belief is on a single life, how much should you cherish your every moment?
Cherish every moment like it is our last moment. Time spent is spent. There's nobody around to refund that time (yet).
What should you do?
Pursue happiness however possible.


Socially awkward Vampire/Yandere Madlad
Nov 18, 2021
People may not believe me when I say this, but no. When I'm alone and bored, my mind drifts off to depressing things sometimes and I'm like what if there is no afterlife? Is it just darkness?
So when my time comes, it comes, but I want to make sure I make the most out of my life before it happens.


super straight male & the opposite sex of female
Jun 24, 2021


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2021
Not in particular,

Death is simply nonexistence I don't really have to be worried about it. I don't value consciousness enough to care.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
I do fear death because I believe in an afterlife and is afraid of what lies beyond life here.

For purpose, I dunno. Not that it's on my mind.

Gods, ghosts, and spirits do exist imo but they're not so directly relevant in our lives.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2020
Fear death? Sure I have to much to do and go in my life for me to want it cut short. Though I could do without all the aches and pains that come along with getting older.


Legendary Member
Nov 9, 2021
Like the title, I want to ask :
Do you fear death? How much do you fear? According to you, what is death? Do you wish immortality? Do you believe in afterlife?
Specific question: What would you feel when you see a dead body? Are you ready to accept death at any moment?

According to you, what is life? For what are we living? Any purpose there? Do you believe in gods, ghosts like that stuffs?

And the last... The question I often ask myself: If your belief is on a single life, how much should you cherish your every moment? What should you do?

#There will be no people who hadn't thought about death a few times. Because it is too mysterious, we just push it at the back of the mind and try to enjoy the present as we boldly say; 'face it face to face'. I understand people has different attitude towards everything.

These questions are to know about a bunch of different attitudes towards death...

When death comes...👻👻👻
* a sage in his death bed, in a gruff voice*
Son...........*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*, do not fear - *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* death, fear only your *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* WIFE
Last edited:

Deleted member 22388

Do you fear death?
How much do you fear?
Fear to the bream only to.. Allah the King Of All
According to you, what is death?
Our soul is cut from our body by an angel. We will feel pain and be able to see vague stuffs(syaitan/angel). Afterword I'm not sure where we go.
Do you wish immortality?
Nah temporary better. But I'm quite grateful to be here
Do you believe in afterlife?
Yes, that's one of the believe pillar in Islam. Cause if heaven is present I might as well just go yeet there and do anything I want.
Specific question: What would you feel when you see a dead body?
"inna'lillahi wain'na ilai'hi ra'ji'un" then smile. Other then that I'm not sure how to react but feel a little sadness.
Are you ready to accept death at any moment?
Nope not now, I'm still having debts with Allah.
According to you, what is life?
A test for us to stay on the truth with other believers/disbelievers and the ignorant
For what are we living?
We are once souls before life on Earth. We chose to be human. And with that we must find the truth. Our memories were wiped out before coming here.
Do you believe in gods, ghosts like that stuffs?
Yes I believe in Allah, The jin and the angels even the unknown ones.
I remember that I read that the shadow is a living(alive) being that follows Allah's order. So if you flash a light the shadow will move. I can't recall if its hadith or in the Al-quran but its still quite fascinating when you think about it.
If your belief is on a single life, how much should you cherish your every moment?
I see Deja Vue many times already. I may have strayed the path. But since this could be the last life I will experience then...
What should you do?
Get the reward of the highest heaven where I can see Allah's beauty everysingle moment. And meet my wife there.
"Wife be patient! I will meet you once I pass the test!"
Through the best I could to fulfill, help and such. Avoid the ones that are not allowed and it will turn out good!

Have a good day.


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