How do you not completely get your ass kicked?


Was definitely popular growing up
Jan 23, 2021
I had a dream where I got into a fight with this one douche from school and I got my ass beat in it. To be specific he started biting my hand and I tried to awkwardly get him off it without really doing much of anything. Is there anything I could do so that if I do get my shit kicked irl it isn’t completely one-sided?


Crimson Queen Of The Night
May 8, 2021
You could buy a retractable steel baton. Its perfect for those douches who ambush you in school.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2019
Normally I'd suggest a gun but as you seem to be in school this is the next best thing

God made Man, Sam Colt made 'em equal, and John Browning made 'em civilized.

At least bring a lighter and or knife.
Amen and hallelujah brother


Lord Of The Potatoes
Feb 11, 2021
Since it is in school and any weapon or tool would give you more trouble in the future, just be an asshole, aim at their balls, eyes, and ears, and if you have long nails, scratch, bite, spit, do whatever you can. If you somehow managed to take them down, don't walk away, or they will get up and attack again, just keep going until a teacher or someone else stops the whole thing. Now, if they are bigger than you and got you into a headlock, good luck with that, stomping their feet or biting their arm as if you mean to tear that flesh away is your best option. Now, your actual best option is a group of friends and avoiding fights.


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
When you punch, keep your hand/wrist/fist straight with your arm. Try to hit with your pointer and middle knuckles, not with your ring and pinky knuckles as those two are less rigid and easier to break.

Use the weight of your shoulder/entire body to increase the power of punch.

Deleted member 113259

Since it is in school and any weapon or tool would give you more trouble in the future, just be an asshole, aim at their balls, eyes, and ears, and if you have long nails, scratch, bite, spit, do whatever you can. If you somehow managed to take them down, don't walk away, or they will get up and attack again, just keep going until a teacher or someone else stops the whole thing. Now, if they are bigger than you and got you into a headlock, good luck with that, stomping their feet or biting their arm as if you mean to tear that flesh away is your best option. Now, your actual best option is a group of friends and avoiding fights.
You know what? Bringing a gun to school may be more trouble than it's worth.
Guess this should be done British style. 🔪


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2022
I had a dream where I got into a fight with this one douche from school and I got my ass beat in it. To be specific he started biting my hand and I tried to awkwardly get him off it without really doing much of anything. Is there anything I could do so that if I do get my shit kicked irl it isn’t completely one-sided?
Get better at running.


What is a custom title?
May 2, 2021
If one hand is in the mouth you are 1/2 way to a rear naked choke.


Bluetooth 7 Enabled Holy Blade w/ Red Dot Sight
Jul 17, 2019
Depending on your country/laws/etc, you have a vast arsenal of options, some more effective than others.

The 30cm wooden ruler, an exquisite weapon for the job. Several slaps will leave a lasting mark on your foe.

Or may I interest you in the upgraded variant?

Banned in several conventions, the metal 30cm ruler may offer you the edge to stop the confrontation before it begins. But should it already commence, then know that the steel-graded linear tool (mind you which can fit in conventional pencil cases) will assure your victory.

But perhaps you require backup?

The artillery of the educational world. In the classroom setting you have unlimited at your disposal. Hurl them at will.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
I had a dream about getting in a fight with Chuck Norris.
I woke up with a black eye.

But seriously,
People chase after that which runs and run from that which chases.

If you are the subject of a bully (assuming you are both male), do not make threats you cannot carry out. Stand your ground, and be prepared to put him in the hospital. Pick a body part and break it. Go for an ankle and bite it. Get ahold of a finger and snap it. Grab him by the collar and repeatedly smash your forehead into his. Yes, you will be injured as well, but you will develop a reputation for being, "Not worth it."

I had the shit beat out of me for about a decade until 12th grade when I finally said, enough was enough. You picked a fight with me, you went to the hospital. Unless you are going to kill me, you will not be walking away. After two fights like that, I didn't get bothered again for the rest of the year.

Bully like to grandstand. If you are quiet and completely fuckin' insane, there are easier targets.

Certainly, you shouldn't find out where he lives and then go to the guidance counselor for one of those big books of Colleges that include those business reply cards in the back. Because if you filled out all hundred-odd business reply cards asking for information and fill in the Bully's home address, he'd be swamped with snail mail spam for YEARS.

Calling up mortgage brokers and asking for information about getting a mortgage about the address of your Bully would also be rude as it would flood his parents with harassing phone calls and spam. You shouldn't do that either.

Let's not even get into how you shouldn't open up checking accounts in your bully's name and then use that to leverage his credit information before leaking it onto the internet for scammers to steal. That's just wrong.

You should never ever do any of these things because they are illegal and immoral. You are far better than that.

And writing all these suggestions down in a book like you are planning to do it and letting people find said book would be the height of deception as well. People might think you are a complete sociopath and thus avoid picking a fight with you like the plague.

What you should do is take up running.

Long-distance running/biking is a very healthy thing to do and it is something that will serve you well for the rest of your life. I took up biking 32 miles every weekend from 10th grade on and while I was still rather fat, under that fat was a core of muscle that could take a hit.

REMEMBER: the one constant in all societies for the right of passage of males is some test of endurance.

You have not become a "man" until you can prove that you can endure suffering. Be it a hunt for an animal, sitting in a sweat lodge, camping out in the wilderness, or drinking 21 shots on your 21st birthday (a stupid thing to do. Good way to get yourself in the hospital), every rite of passage for a boy turning into a man is proving how much pain you can put up with. Which really is a man's role in this world.

The only unconditional love you will ever experience is from your mother or a dog.

Otherwise, everyone will look at you and love you conditionally based on what you can do.
Women are human beings, Men are Human Doings. If you aren't doing anything, what good are you?

So unless you want to be kicked to the curb and ignored by society as a complete loser, increasing your endurance and ability to take a beating is the most fundamental physical skill you can develop as a male in modern society. Strength is fine. Learning how to fight is fine. However, the ability to stay awake for 48 hours straight handling shit while your pregnant wife is stuck in bed and vomiting is a talent you will use far more than muscles.

You can get a gun to win a fight.
You can use equipment to help you lift and move things.
The ability to just put up with shit for days on end without complaint or showing weakness is fundamental to being a man in today's society.

BTW, never show weakness. Ask for help to solve problems, but don't show weakness. Nothing is more disgusting to a woman than a weak man, especially a man who cries. Sorry if this sounds strange, but it's honest and the truth. As a man, you are alone and nobody cares about you. The sooner you realize nobody is going to save you and that you can only rely on yourself, the sooner you can move on to enjoy the many perks that come with being a successful man in today's society.