How would society react to this dystopian prison?


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
I just wached a sci-fi prison escape movie called fortress starring christopher lambert from highlander and it got me wondering on what the worst prison would look like in the future.

What I came up with was a prison where the prisoners where restrained to a bed in a silent concrete cell with no windows and a single flickering light that switched on in the morning and off at night.

The prisoner would be hooked up to a special iv which gives them their daily nourishment, a tube will be inserted into the butt and genitalia to extract the waste the body produces.

Once a month machine arms would lift the prisoner up, wash their body and their bedding and then leave.

The prisoner would never leave the confines of the bed nor interact with any human as everything is automated. This will last until their prison sentence ends or if the sentence is beyond their lifespan, until they die.

What do you think future dystopian prisons would be like? Any Ideas?


I need a vacation.
Oct 7, 2022
I love the idea of prison planets that later on get renamed to Australia for some reason and nobody knows why but all the native creatures to the planet are vicious and kill the prisoners in droves so there are no overpopulation problems.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
I will accept your description of the prison there as plausible only because you kept adding the word "dystopian." In any reasonable world, that wouldn't be the direction things take, as the current trend of society is toward rehabilitation rather than incarceration.

That said, if we're looking at pure dystopian prisons, I think the prison you proposed there has 1 key flaw. Too expensive.

What I think would be far more likely if we go the dystopian direction would be an asteroid prison converted to have breathable air, and then they just dump the prisoners there and then forget about them. No need for wardens, no need to do much more than just regularly deliver food and new prisoners. Far more cost effective for whatever government is running it.

Or, maybe we could look at the worst of both worlds. How about The Birdcage from Worm? It's a giant structure suspended inside a spatial pocket inside a mountain. I say suspended because for over a thousand feet around the structure, it's just an empty vacuum. If you try to break through the wall, you'll just be sucked out into the airless space and suffocate. The only safeties the prison has against someone doing this is that every cell is designed to be barametrically sealed in case the outer wall containment is breeched. In fact, there's not a lot of protection against prisoners actually breaking the wall. In fact, they're plenty welcome to do exactly that and get themselves killed.

It's also a lot like my asteroid idea in that there are no wardens, the prisoners are just dumped down there. There is an AI that takes care of processing the prisoners as they enter the prison and monitoring them as they are in there, but there's no actual enforcement by outside forces as to what goes on IN the prison. The only enforcement you get is from cell-block leaders, which are fellow in-mates who just gained a lot of organic respect in much the same way as would gang leaders of prison gangs. Basically, in order to maintain order, they formed their own government inside the prison.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
Dude, humans can only live in isolation at best for 15 days. As in, they will expire from shock and mental breakdown from the lack of human interaction.

*Cough* Read a JP porn with such a setup and imho, that's straight up torture porn.

You might as well intro Itachi's Tsukuyomi aka Time Dilation. Shorter "actual" sentence but the prisoner gets a whole lot more messed up. See Grey Boy from the Worm.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
I love the idea of prison planets that later on get renamed to Australia for some reason and nobody knows why but all the native creatures to the planet are vicious and kill the prisoners in droves so there are no overpopulation problems.
You forgot the people who will be saying "Australia is a myth, it ain't real." Lol xD


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2022
I just wached a sci-fi prison escape movie called fortress starring christopher lambert from highlander and it got me wondering on what the worst prison would look like in the future.

What I came up with was a prison where the prisoners where restrained to a bed in a silent concrete cell with no windows and a single flickering light that switched on in the morning and off at night.

The prisoner would be hooked up to a special iv which gives them their daily nourishment, a tube will be inserted into the butt and genitalia to extract the waste the body produces.

Once a month machine arms would lift the prisoner up, wash their body and their bedding and then leave.

The prisoner would never leave the confines of the bed nor interact with any human as everything is automated. This will last until their prison sentence ends or if the sentence is beyond their lifespan, until they die.

What do you think future dystopian prisons would be like? Any Ideas?
This is just solitary confinement. Prolonged use of this is illegal in most countries.

Not the US but US prisons already are Dystopian so hey.


Pervert Supreme
Jan 1, 2019
I just wached a sci-fi prison escape movie called fortress starring christopher lambert from highlander and it got me wondering on what the worst prison would look like in the future.

What I came up with was a prison where the prisoners where restrained to a bed in a silent concrete cell with no windows and a single flickering light that switched on in the morning and off at night.

The prisoner would be hooked up to a special iv which gives them their daily nourishment, a tube will be inserted into the butt and genitalia to extract the waste the body produces.

Once a month machine arms would lift the prisoner up, wash their body and their bedding and then leave.

The prisoner would never leave the confines of the bed nor interact with any human as everything is automated. This will last until their prison sentence ends or if the sentence is beyond their lifespan, until they die.

What do you think future dystopian prisons would be like? Any Ideas?
crime rate would drop EXPONENTIALLY
Yall dont like to admit it, but extreme measures often produces results.
Fuckers stopped fearing jail and prison and thats a problems. People forgot that the whoooole fucking reason society is able to function properly is because of a fear of consequence. Without that, yall just fuck around too much. I'd be a damn MENACE if i didnt fear the electric chair, ya see? And if the Fortress was a thing in real life? Buddy, i'd be a model citizen. Helping out at shelters, putting the shopping cart back in place every time i leave a store, the whole 9.
This is just solitary confinement. Prolonged use of this is illegal in most countries.

Not the US but US prisons already are Dystopian so hey.
lol no most US prisons are not that bad at all....Why, what does your nation's low security prisons look like? Does the warden bake you cookies?


Deleteriously devilish, deliciously dumbfounding
Feb 13, 2019
I just wached a sci-fi prison escape movie called fortress starring christopher lambert from highlander and it got me wondering on what the worst prison would look like in the future.

What I came up with was a prison where the prisoners where restrained to a bed in a silent concrete cell with no windows and a single flickering light that switched on in the morning and off at night.

The prisoner would be hooked up to a special iv which gives them their daily nourishment, a tube will be inserted into the butt and genitalia to extract the waste the body produces.

Once a month machine arms would lift the prisoner up, wash their body and their bedding and then leave.

The prisoner would never leave the confines of the bed nor interact with any human as everything is automated. This will last until their prison sentence ends or if the sentence is beyond their lifespan, until they die.

What do you think future dystopian prisons would be like? Any Ideas?
literally what ordinary people will live like in the future lmao


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2022
literally what ordinary people will live like in the future lmao
Wall-E reality coming in hot.
I just wached a sci-fi prison escape movie called fortress starring christopher lambert from highlander and it got me wondering on what the worst prison would look like in the future.

What I came up with was a prison where the prisoners where restrained to a bed in a silent concrete cell with no windows and a single flickering light that switched on in the morning and off at night.

The prisoner would be hooked up to a special iv which gives them their daily nourishment, a tube will be inserted into the butt and genitalia to extract the waste the body produces.

Once a month machine arms would lift the prisoner up, wash their body and their bedding and then leave.

The prisoner would never leave the confines of the bed nor interact with any human as everything is automated. This will last until their prison sentence ends or if the sentence is beyond their lifespan, until they die.

What do you think future dystopian prisons would be like? Any Ideas?
Without the "dystopian" aspect, it is as others have stated; illogical but also something plausible. In the current state of affairs, such a sentence would get so much backlash people might start throwing shit at the windows of the governing party. Like, actual feces.

However, in a society that has this as a baseline already established, it could be one of many potential sentences given to criminals. It's an idea, and ideas need background in order to be established. What kind of world/society allows this thing to happen? And why are criminals still a thing if this is the punishment they'll receive? Cause if I heard I'm getting a tubed shoved up my ass and down my throat for 15 days, I'm damn sure not committing the crime aligned with that punishment. If I do, you're gonna have to kill me before I let you catch me. That's crazy.


2024 Shovel Duel Champion
Mar 6, 2022
Asteroid or planet turned into Australia, sorta like corty said


The Inventor of Words
Aug 11, 2021
"You want to know the truth? I will tell you young un' what we are... We are livestock. Me, you, your mother, father, siblings... we are all cattle injected into this planet right when the dinosaurs went extinct. We are space food, and our thoughts were of the finest delicacy in the galaxy. They would taste our despair, happiness, triumph, worship, and memories and savor it like a true gourmet... Remember, they would be always watching you, keeping tabs on you, and when it is your time to go when you are good but buried, they will reclaim you, tell you'd be going to the afterlife or some shit, but the truth is they will simply feed on you, and when you are truly gone, your soul has ceased to the universe's elements, and has turned to cosmic dust, that is when you are truly dead... but not free... We are never free... We all live in a prison, son... we all do... your flesh is just a prison within another bigger prison we call a planet. Do you want to be free? I'd advise you to die, but I won't because I knew... you'd just find yourself in another damn prison..." said a crazy guy from a secluded mental ward with a strange accent.

And this crazy guy... he is actually your roommate. Why? Because you will be in the ward too.


Chronic lecher masquerading as a writer
Feb 18, 2021
This is just solitary confinement. Prolonged use of this is illegal in most countries.

Not the US but US prisons already are Dystopian so hey.
OP is even more generous than real prison, because some solitary confinement have no windows and the light is on permanently lol, I guess they can keep track of time with the meals


Certfied Super Secret Final Secret Final Boss
Oct 13, 2021
How about a white room with nothing in it, no corners, nothing. And the inmates get read terrible fan fiction by an AI that reads with terrible connotations.


Crimson Queen Of The Night
May 8, 2021
Read a JP porn with such a setup and imho, that's straight up torture porn.
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