How's the whole virus stuff affecting you?


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Uhn... I work from home, so... Tbh, my life is the exact same.

Only things that changed was that I couldn't start visiting a psychotherapist that my psychologist recommended... Oh, and my psychologist is doing remote sessions now.

Everything else didn't really change.


discord-less mudblood
Apr 25, 2020
I've been partially bedridden for the better part of two years prior the pandemic. Resources I've been regularly using and budgeting like toilet paper suddenly and almost unreasonably becoming a scarce commodity is very inconvenient. Very.

Food is not yet a problem. I'll just absorb ambient energy if worse comes to worst.

In a zombie apocalypse, people might be in shock and in denial for a while, but the empirical evidence inevitably cannot be denied. However, with diseases and viruses, it just isn't as obvious a threat since sicknesses are common enough. In horror movies, we see some extras clowning around until they become victims. In real life? Sadly, the same.

Is there some fad or trend of having no choice but disappointing leaders?


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
Does it HAVE to be political? If so, Trump might not be the best, but Obama was a lying piece of shit no less terrible than Trump. Obama did nothing he swore to do and helped no one but the banks which he bailed out. So let's not pretend Trump is the only poor president because these discussions tend to swerve that way.

I'm in NYC, Brooklyn to be exact.

As for being effected, not really lol. I mean I can still walk to the corner store for whatever I need. I rarely went to any super markets to begin with since there is practically two or three mini marts or corner stores per block and im used to walking everywhere anyway. It's kind of dicey if you want to use the subway but oh well. Some people tell me certain stations aren't allowing usage but idk if that's true or not since I haven't attempted to go outside my neighborhood. Not too far anyway

The night life is most definitely lessened though people are still walking around at night. Not as many places to drink, eat, or hang out though a some places are still open despite it being preferred that they close. Most things are take out though. It was weire for a while at first. Streets were empty for two or three days at the beginning. Plenty of ambulances were racing all around though so I'm assuming a lot of people got sick or died at home.

Funniest thing happened to me yesterday. I got to watch two guys duke it out over onion rings in the middle of the street. So that was fun. Also, every single chinese food restaurant I've passed by is closed. Is it like this everywhere?

Also, who the hell cares if it sounds racist. It began with China. If that sounds racist, man the fuck up and grow thicker skin because I cant be bothered with any of this Political correctness bullshit.
Brawling over onion rings? o.O. reminds me of the brawls over toilet paper in shops here.


Professional Headpatter
Jan 31, 2019
Personally affected mostly by the fact that my university lectures are a huge mess.
They tried to set up online courses but then limited the number of participants, so if you weren't lucky to see the e-mail immediately (on a university intern e-mail system), you had nearly no chance to get into a course. Especially if you are neither a freshman nor close to graduation, as those courses took priority in being set up.

As a result, I have currently a null semester with zero courses.
Thankfully, I still have the qualifications to take part in the exams of a few courses and there's some talk that this semester all exams might be null attempts, so even if I fail, it wouldn't affect my total number of tries. If that's true, I'll definitely go for a few I failed before.

You'd expect a little more from a CompSci faculty but they clearly put the priority on their "hair cut app" that they worked on with "high pressure". I died a little inside when I read that. That was their priority? Really? You can't even make use of that app if you don't randomly possess some weird special equipment for it.

Still better than an acquaintance. Their online classes partly allowed for a total of 15 participants. 15. They have hundreds of students...

Good thing my university fees aren't outrageously high here. It still annoys you a little.

Apart from my university, I'm mostly stuck at home. Being unable to meet family is seriously quite depressing. Especially if you live alone. I just want to get outside again.
Never thought I'd see the day where I actually want to go outside.

And this depressing mood kills all motivation to write as well... Even though I technically have time to write a lot now.


New member
Feb 21, 2020
I've been partially bedridden for the better part of two years prior the pandemic. Resources I've been regularly using and budgeting like toilet paper suddenly and almost unreasonably becoming a scarce commodity is very inconvenient. Very.

Food is not yet a problem. I'll just absorb ambient energy if worse comes to worst.

In a zombie apocalypse, people might be in shock and in denial for a while, but the empirical evidence inevitably cannot be denied. However, with diseases and viruses, it just isn't as obvious a threat since sicknesses are common enough. In horror movies, we see some extras clowning around until they become victims. In real life? Sadly, the same.

Is there some fad or trend of having no choice but disappointing leaders?
Personally affected mostly by the fact that my university lectures are a huge mess.
They tried to set up online courses but then limited the number of participants, so if you weren't lucky to see the e-mail immediately (on a university intern e-mail system), you had nearly no chance to get into a course. Especially if you are neither a freshman nor close to graduation, as those courses took priority in being set up.

As a result, I have currently a null semester with zero courses.
Thankfully, I still have the qualifications to take part in the exams of a few courses and there's some talk that this semester all exams might be null attempts, so even if I fail, it wouldn't affect my total number of tries. If that's true, I'll definitely go for a few I failed before.

You'd expect a little more from a CompSci faculty but they clearly put the priority on their "hair cut app" that they worked on with "high pressure". I died a little inside when I read that. That was their priority? Really? You can't even make use of that app if you don't randomly possess some weird special equipment for it.

Still better than an acquaintance. Their online classes partly allowed for a total of 15 participants. 15. They have hundreds of students...

Good thing my university fees aren't outrageously high here. It still annoys you a little.

Apart from my university, I'm mostly stuck at home. Being unable to meet family is seriously quite depressing. Especially if you live alone. I just want to get outside again.
Never thought I'd see the day where I actually want to go outside.

And this depressing mood kills all motivation to write as well... Even though I technically have time to write a lot now.
*Pays respects. That sucks hard. It's not like there's a pressing need for a limit. My college moved everyone to video calls. And most communication with teachers is done via Whatsapp.

Can't wait for this mess to end. I'll appreciate 2020 if some sense of normalcy returns.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
The virus thing had finally forced me to write the stories that I always wanted, but also made me feel like I should not have written them at all, with every stories I created ended up stuck at their first ten chapters and not forwarding even with some has more than 20 chapters worth of skeleton.

I work as a simple mechanical design engineer and to be honest, working at home is straining me, because I myself can churn work on time but am very lazy if I have no work in hand. I can work on my stories, but I also don't wish to.

Looking back at them, Google Docs has already sort out loads of grammar errors, but the worst issue is that the characters including the MCs lack depth and motivation to do anything, most of the incidents they faced are mainly based on the shits the author flung their way and I am writing them into something like a typical xianxia MC even when my time and location are set in medieval fantasy europe.

So far the callouts for CCP to take responsibility in my neighbourhood are ringing, but based on all the news we have, most likely after the end of all this plague, everything will get sweep under the rug and no actions will be taken for those who are suffering at the lower bracket.
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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2019
I don't live in a place with
The virus thing had finally forced me to write the stories that I always wanted, but also made me feel like I should not have written them at all, with every stories I created ended up stuck at their first ten chapters and not forwarding even with some has more than 20 chapters worth of skeleton.
I work as a simple mechanical design engineer and to be honest, working at home is straining me, because I myself can churn work on time but am very lazy if I have no work in hand. I can work on my stories, but I also don't wish to.

DId you plan it out ? it might help to plan out some form of skeleton and have an ending that you are steering the story toward.


This does spark joy.
Nov 26, 2019
I don't live in a place with

DId you plan it out ? it might help to plan out some form of skeleton and have an ending that you are steering the story toward.
I did, the issue is that I planned out but at the same time I kept on branching out further, creating unnecessary subplots and to be honest my eyes hurt. I was planning to trim the branches and continue but after awhile, I sort of just dropped all the writings and went back to sleeping for more than 16 hours, only to wake up when my boss calls in to work on the projects at hand.

Then there is the issue of me planning to post first 20 chapters to test waters in SH.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2019
Does it HAVE to be political? If so, Trump might not be the best, but Obama was a lying piece of shit no less terrible than Trump. Obama did nothing he swore to do and helped no one but the banks which he bailed out. So let's not pretend Trump is the only poor president because these discussions tend to swerve that way.

I'm in NYC, Brooklyn to be exact.

As for being effected, not really lol. I mean I can still walk to the corner store for whatever I need. I rarely went to any super markets to begin with since there is practically two or three mini marts or corner stores per block and im used to walking everywhere anyway. It's kind of dicey if you want to use the subway but oh well. Some people tell me certain stations aren't allowing usage but idk if that's true or not since I haven't attempted to go outside my neighborhood. Not too far anyway

The night life is most definitely lessened though people are still walking around at night. Not as many places to drink, eat, or hang out though a some places are still open despite it being preferred that they close. Most things are take out though. It was weire for a while at first. Streets were empty for two or three days at the beginning. Plenty of ambulances were racing all around though so I'm assuming a lot of people got sick or died at home.

Funniest thing happened to me yesterday. I got to watch two guys duke it out over onion rings in the middle of the street. So that was fun. Also, every single chinese food restaurant I've passed by is closed. Is it like this everywhere?

Also, who the hell cares if it sounds racist. It began with China. If that sounds racist, man the fuck up and grow thicker skin because I cant be bothered with any of this Political correctness bullshit.

I am honestly just trying to clarify to those who read the post and are Chinese, Just don't want a whole bunch of messages firing at me about painting the whole of China when it is only the CPP fuckers that are the problem. The news at the current moment is shitt, and I honestly just wanted to hear something else that isn't fucking CORONA VIRUS related. With that clarify, I will say that my college classes are all held to meet on ZOOM at a certain time and day when the professors are available to host the meeting. This is pretty good so far, we can share screen and communicate in chat without having to worry about getting a spot and could just join.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2019
I did, the issue is that I planned out but at the same time I kept on branching out further, creating unnecessary subplots and to be honest my eyes hurt. I was planning to trim the branches and continue but after awhile, I sort of just dropped all the writings and went back to sleeping for more than 16 hours, only to wake up when my boss calls in to work on the projects at hand.

Then there is the issue of me planning to post first 20 chapters to test waters in SH.
At least you are capable of doing that much, I am still at the creative thinking aspect and not fucking up with dialogue lol. If you wish to bring in an Idea and explore it then great, but keep it simple and work with what you know and don't branch out too far or else the original objective will be lost. Writing is like painting in a sense, it can go on forever and stop at any moment, the question you must ask yourself is, are you satisfied with what You have created and if the answer is yes, then that is it and move on. Give the writing a year and come back to re-read what you wrote and maybe it might help with polishing the story just a little bit or help you gain perspective into how to further your own skills.


Sent Here To Piss You All Off
Jul 2, 2019
Brawling over onion rings? o.O. reminds me of the brawls over toilet paper in shops here.
Lol you have toilet paper there? Man people would be buying extra clips for their handguns and semi-auto rifles here if peeps knew where the bum-paper was!!!! Most likely anyway. It is NYC after all.


Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
Lol you have toilet paper there? Man people would be buying extra clips for their handguns and semi-auto rifles here if peeps knew where the bum-paper was!!!! Most likely anyway. It is NYC after all.
It's better now but there was like a month of so period where shelves would be completely bare of toilet paper, paper towels, tissues because people panic bought to stockpile OR to resell at higher prices later on. Even now, pasta stocks are regularly super low with almost bare shelves. it all boggles the mind.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
So many Art Commissions to finish and no time for writing... HAALLLPPPHH MEEGHHH!!!


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
Finally have a lot of free time to catch up on all the novels I'm reading
But also made me lazier, since most of my exercise was from walking around campus, not being forced to move means I'm usually not moving at all...


Active member
Nov 19, 2019
The virus caught us at an incredibly inconvenient time. We were lucky in the sense that my husband was in the second-to-last batch of immigration interviews. So his legal permanent resident status was a go, whereas very early into the pandemic the government shut down and indefinitely postponed all cases.

Even in Alaska, there were just _loads_ of people who were trying to immigrate legally, and all of them are now stuck in a limbo until USCIS and Homeland are back in business. (We couldn’t even get Homeland on the phone a few weeks ago, so telling them ‘hey, we’re moving’ is enough of a no go that we functionally *cannot* change our place of residence/mailing address until they’re back)

Our ‘plan’ had been for him to find some work until summer, to rock the summer fishing gig, then go to another state until next fishing season. Now, even if we _do_ make plenty of money fishing (questionable, depends on if restaurants and processors are working), then it isn’t even a certain thing whether we _can_ go to another state (flights are much more expensive, and domestic air travel is very hard to manage (quarantine where? Quarantine *how*?)... to say nothing of trying to rent a place, or buying a small bit of land and finding a vehicle to park on it).

Alaska was already in the red since Saudi Arabia started driving the price of oil into the ground... but now it’s losing tourism for the summer, potentially all of its fishing income, and oil isn’t worth anything 😅 That leaves... mining? Logging???? Farming??????? I don’t see how Alaska’s going to make it out of this happy: we have to ship in near-all of our food anyhow...

TLDR: It’s been incredibly inconvenient, even though it doesn’t matter to me if I go outside or not. It *could* be extremely bad, but it isn’t unlikely that I’ll be stuck wintering here again... and sometimes being rent free just isn’t worth the trouble.

Extra tidbit: the virus changed the Department Of Motor Vehicles significantly too, so getting my drivers’ permit changed into a drivers’ license will be a bit more of a challenge than I’d strictly prefer.
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Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
So many Art Commissions to finish and no time for writing... HAALLLPPPHH MEEGHHH!!!
*pat pat pat* At least you're busy and kept working! \(^^)/
Finally have a lot of free time to catch up on all the novels I'm reading
But also made me lazier, since most of my exercise was from walking around campus, not being forced to move means I'm usually not moving at all...
Wafu! >.<

Try doing some exercises at home! >.<
The virus caught us at an incredibly inconvenient time. We were lucky in the sense that my husband was in the second-to-last batch of immigration interviews. So his legal permanent resident status was a go, whereas very early into the pandemic the government shut down and indefinitely postponed all cases.

Even in Alaska, there were just _loads_ of people who were trying to immigrate legally, and all of them are now stuck in a limbo until USCIS and Homeland are back in business. (We couldn’t even get Homeland on the phone a few weeks ago, so telling them ‘hey, we’re moving’ is enough of a no go that we functionally *cannot* change our place of residence/mailing address until they’re back)

Our ‘plan’ had been for him to find some work until summer, to rock the summer fishing gig, then go to another state until next fishing season. Now, even if we _do_ make plenty of money fishing (questionable, depends on if restaurants and processors are working), then it isn’t even a certain thing whether we _can_ go to another state (flights are much more expensive, and domestic air travel is very hard to manage (quarantine where? Quarantine *how*?)... to say nothing of trying to rent a place, or buying a small bit of land and finding a vehicle to park on it).

Alaska was already in the red since Saudi Arabia started driving the price of oil into the ground... but now it’s losing tourism for the summer, potentially all of its fishing income, and oil isn’t worth anything 😅 That leaves... mining? Logging???? Farming??????? I don’t see how Alaska’s going to make it out of this happy: we have to ship in near-all of our food anyhow...

TLDR: It’s been incredibly inconvenient, even though it doesn’t matter to me if I go outside or not. It *could* be extremely bad, but it isn’t unlikely that I’ll be stuck wintering here again... and sometimes being rent free just isn’t worth the trouble.

Extra tidbit: the virus changed the Department Of Motor Vehicles significantly too, so getting my drivers’ permit changed into a drivers’ license will be a bit more of a challenge than I’d strictly prefer.
*hugs* That seems really rough! Ganbatte!!! >.<


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2019
I'm safe. I still have a job (for now).
Only, my paycheck is suffering slightly because my hours have been reduced. I'm not earning any of that sweet overtime pay that I use to buy stuff.

That aside, life goes on as normal. Nothing has really changed much. You can't control the population of a free country with oppressive decrees.

If only the media wouldn't blow everything out of proportion, causing mass hysteria, then my industry wouldn't be suffering so badly.
They're really trying to ruin the economy for political gain by skewing public perception. They will not be satisfied until people like me are unemployed.