SHF High-school Fanfic


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
  • Corty - The narrator of the pamphlet, a blonde girl with heterochromia who sits in seat 30. Formerly a guy before being transformed by a gummy bear.
  • Hans - The class's teacher, currently away on leave. Sits in seat 1.
  • HelloHound (Hound) - A three-headed dog who sits in seat 2. Her bites go cleanly through you but you regenerate.
  • Azmiran Myrian (Prince) - A dragon who sits in seat 3. A bit of a kleptomaniac.
  • Anon - A mysterious figure in seat 4 who wears hoodies and masks. Possibly a closet pervert. Nails rules to the school entrance.
  • Sailus Gebel - From the Russian realm, sits in seat 5. Doesn't like prologues. Wears a diamond tiara.
  • En-chan - A vampire queen in seat 6. Tries to recruit people to her blood farm.
  • Georgelee5786 - Sits in seat 7. Knows a lot about trucks. May actually be a truck.
  • Un'Thoth Neverborn (Eldritch God) - An eldritch horror in seat 8 who brought his cat to school once. It ate the building.
  • Matcha - Possibly from juvie, sits in seat 9. Tried to court Corty.
  • Ssemouy Onan - Became Matcha's minion, sits in seat 10. Plays minor evil roles.
  • Cupcakeninja - Sits in seat 11. Will "screw" people if bored.
  • Kraken - Vampire, En-chan's sister, sits in seat 12. Total siscon.
  • Luoir - Genderfluid trickster in seat 13 who sold Corty the gender-bending gummy bears. Now tries to molest Corty.
  • Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon - A sentient weapon in seat 14. Can shoot burning liquid from his nozzle/face.
  • Melchi - Sits in seat 15. Has a crush on someone in class. Wears a bucket on his head.
  • Paul Tromba - Most normal student, sits in seat 16. Published author.
  • Ellie - The Hall Monitor in seat 17. Will drain your lunch money and peg you.
  • Rhaps - Calls himself a male fairy in seat 18 but seems genderfluid. Sold Corty the gummy bears.
  • The Monotone Puppet (Puppet) - Sits in seat 19. Looks like a puppet but is very quick-witted. Part of a cult.
  • Ria - A new student, possibly a fairy, sits in seat 20. Hasn't opened up yet.
  • Reina - Sweet maid girl in seat 21. Embodies innocence.
  • Bouncy Cactus (Bouca) - Androgynous student in seat 22 who can get into anything, even people's pants.
  • Username - Human lawyer-type in seat 23. Copies off her homework.
  • Danny - Sits in seat 24. Stays out of trouble but disappears on full moons, possibly a werewolf.
  • Aurora - Shy but passionate student in seat 25 who can light her hair on fire when excited.
  • Tsumi - An egg in seat 26. Impervious shell.
  • 2swordsperminute - A snail in seat 27. Made an intentionally difficult video game.
  • Bartun - Lizard guy in seat 28. Don't do weird things to him.
  • Cortavar - Pyromaniac in seat 29 who burns everything.
  • Iamnotabot - Not an AI/bot, sits in seat 31. Gets kidnapped a lot.
  • Nahrenne - Blunt but sweet chef in seat 32. Brings great snacks.
  • Void Iris (Voidiris) - Floating eldritch eye being in seat 33.
  • Kureous - Prankster in seat 34 who sleeps through class. Sold the gummy bears.
  • Kalliel - Daydreamer in seat 35.
  • Sleds - Popcorn eater in seat 36 who feuds with Quack.
  • Redemit - The school's janitor who can appear at will.
  • Enigma - Fox girl master spy who lives in the ceiling.
  • Azure Fog (Azure) - Vampire girl in the ceiling who stabs people randomly.
  • Simple Russian Boi (Boi) - Hand/finger amalgamation from the Russian realm, makes hard bass music.
  • Sola - Shared Corty's seat. Gets lunch money stolen. May have African warlord uncle.
  • Aaqil - The school's cat who brings cookies and sits on desks.
  • Ran/Ron - The nurse with split personalities who will heal you by touching your balls.
  • Tony - The headmaster who will shoot you if you enter his office.
Thank you, this will become handy while writing the Twilight parody/fanfic chapter. This ensures that everyone will be blessed with the Cringe.


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
I have three ideas for a chapter, two of which would feature you. But the third one would not. One idea features the whole class, though.
I'm definitely interesting, I just hope that people at least let me have my human disguise for many I reasons but I came in knowing that won't really work.


What is a custom title?
May 2, 2021

Based on the image hans made.


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
I am totally a man, at least a femboy. And I do not take responsibility for Corty's gender change, he had read and heard the side effects.
I don't know what the most doubtful thing in your sentence is.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Okay, so I fed a 1.9k word prompt to ChatGPT describing practically everyone, and it spat out these ideas.

Episode Title: "The Great ScribbleHub Heist"

One day, an unexpected announcement echoes through the ever-changing walls of the ScribbleHub School Adventures classroom. Tony, the enigmatic headmaster, reveals that he has hidden a mysterious artifact somewhere within the confines of the classroom. The artifact, known as the "ChronoQuill," is said to hold the power to reveal the truth behind the school's existence.

The students are abuzz with excitement and intrigue. Some are genuinely curious about the artifact, while others see it as an opportunity for mischief or personal gain. The challenge is simple: find the ChronoQuill and unlock the secrets of ScribbleHub High.


  1. The Nerd Alliance: Azmiran Myrian, Anon, Salius Gebel, and Georeglee5786 form an unlikely alliance to solve riddles and decipher clues. They use their unique skills and knowledge to navigate through the ever-shifting classroom. Azmiran, being a dragon prince, contributes his charisma to persuade others for information.
  2. The Heist Masters: Matcha, SsemouyOnan, Cupcakeninja, and Kraken decide to take a more daring approach. They form a team of self-proclaimed heist masters, attempting to outwit the others and claim the ChronoQuill for themselves. Their extravagant plans involve elaborate distractions and misdirection.
  3. Model Students Investigate: Paul Tromba, ElliePorter, Rhaps, TheMonotonePuppet, RiaCorvidiva, Reina, and BouncyCactus decide to approach the challenge with reason and strategy. They gather information discreetly, avoiding the chaos caused by the delinquents and weirdos. RiaCorvidiva's mysterious background adds an air of suspicion to the investigation.
  4. The Weirdos Unite: Corty, Iamnotabot, Nahrenne, VoidIris, Kureous, Kalliel, and Sleds form an alliance of the unconventional. They decide to embrace their weirdness and use their eccentricities to uncover the truth. The group discovers that their oddities might be the key to solving the ChronoQuill mystery.
  5. The Animal Kingdom's Plan: Supreme Quack Albus, Redemit, Enigma, Simple_Russian_Boi, Sola-sama, and Aaqil the Comfort Cat devise a plan that involves the unique talents of the animal and supernatural beings in the classroom. They believe that the answers lie in the instincts and senses of their non-human companions.
  6. The Nurse's Perspective: Ran and Ron, the split-personality school nurses, take it upon themselves to observe the students and analyze their behaviors during the quest for the ChronoQuill. They offer counseling sessions to those who seem stressed or overwhelmed, uncovering unexpected emotions and connections within the class.
As the students embark on their quests, alliances form, rivalries intensify, and the chaos within ScribbleHub School Adventures reaches new heights. Little do they know, the journey to find the ChronoQuill will not only reveal the secrets of the school but also bring them closer as a peculiar and unforgettable community.

I am not responsible for the AI calling people weirdos. I definitely did not assign a stereotype to each row that led to this assumption.

So I prompted it again and removed the uhh... bias. and asked it to keep things short, here's what I got:


  1. The Tale of Matcha's Charms:
    • The Chronicles predict that Matcha's attempts at courtship will lead to unexpected consequences. As he tries to charm various classmates, he finds himself entangled in a web of misunderstandings, leading to both comical and heartwarming moments.
  2. SsemouyOnan's Shadow Struggles:
    • SsemouyOnan's silhouette condition becomes the center of attention as the Chronicles hint at a mysterious power within her. The class bands together to help her uncover the truth behind her unique abilities, leading to surprising revelations about her past. I will not become chuuni.
  3. En-chan's Blood Farm Dilemma:
    • The Chronicles warn En-chan of the consequences of her villainous blood farm activities. Intrigued, the class encourages her to find alternative, ethical methods to satisfy her vampire instincts. This leads to a quirky quest for the perfect synthetic blood substitute.
  4. Rhaps' Fairy Shop Adventures:
    • Rhaps' mystical drug shop becomes the focus of the Chronicles as it predicts a surge in popularity. The class, curious about the magical substances, decides to explore the shop, uncovering hidden talents and discovering unexpected side effects.
  5. Aurora's Flaming Passion:
    • The Chronicles reveal Aurora's fiery enthusiasm and predict a momentous event tied to her intense interests. As the class supports her pursuits, they find themselves caught up in an unexpected blaze of passion, both figuratively and literally.
  6. Tsumi's Eggstravagant Journey:
    • The Chronicles predict Tsumi's contemplation on the universe will result in a remarkable transformation. The class rallies behind Tsumi as they embark on an eggstravagant journey, discovering the profound nature of existence in a series of whimsical adventures.
  7. Bartun's Flatulence Fiasco:
    • The Chronicles warn of Bartun's cursed seat causing an uproar. The class, armed with air fresheners and a sense of humor, navigates through Bartun's flatulence fiasco, turning an embarrassing situation into a laughter-filled bonding experience.
  8. The Great Animal Alliance:
    • The Chronicles hint at Supreme Quack Albus' role in solving a mysterious incident related to the black hole and predict that the animals and supernatural beings of the classroom will play a crucial role. The class teams up with the quirky characters to unravel the secrets of their unpredictable environment.
As the students delve into the Chronicles, they not only face amusing challenges but also strengthen their bonds, proving that even in the midst of chaos, the ScribbleHub School Adventures community is capable of overcoming any fate.

Imo the heist would have to be multiple chapters. But the set of SEVEN suggestions can work as standalone episodes. Feel free to use 'em, might write one myself, probably involving the drug store.


Empress of the Four Corners of the World
Jul 27, 2019
  • Corty - The narrator of the pamphlet, a blonde girl with heterochromia who sits in seat 30. Formerly a guy before being transformed by a gummy bear.
  • Hans - The class's teacher, currently away on leave. Sits in seat 1.
  • HelloHound (Hound) - A three-headed dog who sits in seat 2. Her bites go cleanly through you but you regenerate.
  • Azmiran Myrian (Prince) - A dragon who sits in seat 3. A bit of a kleptomaniac.
  • Anon - A mysterious figure in seat 4 who wears hoodies and masks. Possibly a closet pervert. Nails rules to the school entrance.
  • Sailus Gebel - From the Russian realm, sits in seat 5. Doesn't like prologues. Wears a diamond tiara.
  • En-chan - A vampire queen in seat 6. Tries to recruit people to her blood farm.
  • Georgelee5786 - Sits in seat 7. Knows a lot about trucks. May actually be a truck.
  • Un'Thoth Neverborn (Eldritch God) - An eldritch horror in seat 8 who brought his cat to school once. It ate the building.
  • Matcha - Possibly from juvie, sits in seat 9. Tried to court Corty.
  • Ssemouy Onan - Became Matcha's minion, sits in seat 10. Plays minor evil roles.
  • Cupcakeninja - Sits in seat 11. Will "screw" people if bored.
  • Kraken - Vampire, En-chan's sister, sits in seat 12. Total siscon.
  • Luoir - Genderfluid trickster in seat 13 who sold Corty the gender-bending gummy bears. Now tries to molest Corty.
  • Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon - A sentient weapon in seat 14. Can shoot burning liquid from his nozzle/face.
  • Melchi - Sits in seat 15. Has a crush on someone in class. Wears a bucket on his head.
  • Paul Tromba - Most normal student, sits in seat 16. Published author.
  • Ellie - The Hall Monitor in seat 17. Will drain your lunch money and peg you.
  • Rhaps - Calls himself a male fairy in seat 18 but seems genderfluid. Sold Corty the gummy bears.
  • The Monotone Puppet (Puppet) - Sits in seat 19. Looks like a puppet but is very quick-witted. Part of a cult.
  • Ria - A new student, possibly a fairy, sits in seat 20. Hasn't opened up yet.
  • Reina - Sweet maid girl in seat 21. Embodies innocence.
  • Bouncy Cactus (Bouca) - Androgynous student in seat 22 who can get into anything, even people's pants.
  • Username - Human lawyer-type in seat 23. Copies off her homework.
  • Danny - Sits in seat 24. Stays out of trouble but disappears on full moons, possibly a werewolf.
  • Aurora - Shy but passionate student in seat 25 who can light her hair on fire when excited.
  • Tsumi - An egg in seat 26. Impervious shell.
  • 2swordsperminute - A snail in seat 27. Made an intentionally difficult video game.
  • Bartun - Lizard guy in seat 28. Don't do weird things to him.
  • Cortavar - Pyromaniac in seat 29 who burns everything.
  • Iamnotabot - Not an AI/bot, sits in seat 31. Gets kidnapped a lot.
  • Nahrenne - Blunt but sweet chef in seat 32. Brings great snacks.
  • Void Iris (Voidiris) - Floating eldritch eye being in seat 33.
  • Kureous - Prankster in seat 34 who sleeps through class. Sold the gummy bears.
  • Kalliel - Daydreamer in seat 35.
  • Sleds - Popcorn eater in seat 36 who feuds with Quack.
  • Redemit - The school's janitor who can appear at will.
  • Enigma - Fox girl master spy who lives in the ceiling.
  • Azure Fog (Azure) - Vampire girl in the ceiling who stabs people randomly.
  • Simple Russian Boi (Boi) - Hand/finger amalgamation from the Russian realm, makes hard bass music.
  • Sola - Shared Corty's seat. Gets lunch money stolen. May have African warlord uncle.
  • Aaqil - The school's cat who brings cookies and sits on desks.
  • Ran/Ron - The nurse with split personalities who will heal you by touching your balls.
  • Tony - The headmaster who will shoot you if you enter his office.
<.< I request name change. Insert Assurbanipal II.


Gaze into the abyss to truly see?
Aug 9, 2023
The Weirdos Unite: Corty, Iamnotabot, Nahrenne, VoidIris, Kureous, Kalliel, and Sleds form an alliance of the unconventional. They decide to embrace their weirdness and use their eccentricities to uncover the truth. The group discovers that their oddities might be the key to solving the ChronoQuill mystery.
I love it.
En-chan's Blood Farm Dilemma:
  • The Chronicles warn En-chan of the consequences of her villainous blood farm activities. Intrigued, the class encourages her to find alternative, ethical methods to satisfy her vampire instincts. This leads to a quirky quest for the perfect synthetic blood substitute.
I hope somebody would like me, Rhaps or (idk another character that could have a motif) play the joke villain and try to hinder them.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
The Nerd Alliance: Azmiran Myrian, Anon, Salius Gebel, and Georeglee5786 form an unlikely alliance to solve riddles and decipher clues. They use their unique skills and knowledge to navigate through the ever-shifting classroom. Azmiran, being a dragon prince, contributes his charisma to persuade others for information.
@Anon2024 @Prince_Azmiran_Myrian @georgelee5786 Write it.