SHF High-school Fanfic


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
Well, at least she has you to help her. That counts for something.
*pat pat*
*falls face first into the ground, asleep*

(good night everyone) ✨️
(⁠⁠⁠❀;≧∇≦;) kehehe~ (Can't give two different reactions)

(⁠⁠⁠❀≧ᆺ≦)˝∩˝ Goodnight~ ***teleports Babushka to bed along with some newly created floofy blankets***


More stabby, more happy~
Sep 5, 2023


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
Just put in this prompt for grins and giggles, and I was not disappointed~
Divine cosmic adorable furball, black fur, violet eyes, blob, fox
Somehow I got a couple decent pics related to my character...
The decent ones~



These joke ones that will not be related to my true form... probably (maybe a transformation)


Half Kitsune Half Succubus
Apr 22, 2022
Just put in this prompt for grins and giggles, and I was not disappointed~

Somehow I got a couple decent pics related to my character...
The decent ones~


subatomic cephalopod
Aug 23, 2023
kitties! kitties for snacking on? no. must remember. this realm prefers to keep their kitties far from curious tentacles.


Garlick slayer || Bread lover || Master Roller
Dec 29, 2023
Who showed up in a chapter?
~98% accurate​
  1. A Weird Pamphlet
    1. Everyone
  2. Voting for the Class President
    1. Hans, Envy, Tony, Kraken, Paul, Anon,
  3. Blehmonade
    1. Envy, Void, The Eldritch God, Kraken, Aaqil, Ellie, Quack, Tony, Sailus, Botty, Sola-sama,
  4. Everystory needs a Villain!
    1. Matcha, Prince, Tsumi, Hans, Ssemouy, Hound, Ellie, Anon, Paul, NAC-JAC, Quack, Aaqil, Corty, Nahrenne, Assurbanipal II (?), Puppet, Envy, Sailus (bruh),
  5. Rhaps’ Face
    1. Prince, Corty, Envy, Sailus, Puppet, Paul, Rhaps, CupcakeNinja, Janitor, Reina
  6. The Legendary Bread Battle
    1. Anon, Envy, Aaqil, Sailus, Enigma, Azure, Corty, Cortavar, Quack, Kalliel, Sleds
  7. Don’t Bring a Book to a Knife Fight
    1. Azure, Sailus, Ellie, Void, Enigma, …daikon,
  8. A Chompy Day
    1. Nahrenne, Envy, Luoir, Reina, Puppet, The Eldritch God, Boi, NAC-JAC, Melchi, Danny, Hound, Kraken, Azure, Corty, CupcakeNinja, Anon, Ria, Paul, Ssemouy, Bartun, Kalliel, Kureous, Cortavar, Aurora, The Eldritch God, Void, Sailus, Matcha, Assurbanipal II, Rhaps, Bouca, Tsumi, Janitor, 2wpm, Aaqil, Botty,
  9. Secret Organization
    1. Janitor, Rhaps, Matcha, Ssemouy, George,
  10. Diary of the Transfer Student
    1. Reina, Voidiris(?), Puppet, Ria
  11. Who Stole the Hoard?
    1. Prince, Corty, Envy, Matcha,Reina, Kureous, Anon, Enigma, Kraken, Puppet, Janitor,
  12. The Tale of a ‘Spasticated’ One and a Dragon
    1. Prince, George, Envy, Tony, Janitor, Ellie, Sailus,
  13. Just A Normal Day
    1. Janitor, Boi (?), Tony, Melchi, Cactus, Reina, Paul, Prince, Sleds, Nahrenne, Paul, Rhaps,
  14. The Endbringer of Scribblehub Highschool
    1. Quack, Luoir, Corty, Boi, Enigma, Azure, Rhaps, Matcha, Hound, Janitor, Arca
  15. Class Prez
    1. Hans, Corty, Anon, Quack, Aaqil, Paul, Ran-Ron, Narvii, Quagma, Midnight, Envy(), Theirl, Enigma, Jchemist, Cortavar, Matcha, Archie, ArcBlade, Darkness, Assurbanipal II, Tony,
  16. Transferred to Interdimentional High School
    1. Envy, Puppet, Corty, Luoir, Rhaps, Kureous, Ellie, Sola, Midnight,
  17. Insane Reality
    1. Prince, Envy, Anon, Sailus, Aaqil, Paul, Ellie, Puppet, George,
  18. Fighting, Business and Drugs
    1. Azure, Corty, Puppet, Sola-sama, Sleds, Quack, Kalliel, Kureous, Midnight,
  19. The Last Bruh
    1. NAC-JAC, Tsumi, Matcha, Boi, Paul, Ssemouy, Sailus, Hans, Prince, Quack, Envy, Aaqil, Corty, Sleds, Botty, Azure, Assurbanipal II, Enigma, Kureous,
  20. Making Mythstakes
    1. Quagma, Sailus, George, Prince, Archie, Janitor,
  21. Camera Mystery
    1. Rhaps, Corty, Reina, Matcha, Ssemouy, Puppet,
  22. Newspaper
  23. Stabbing Everything
    1. Everyone
  24. Am I in love with an Eldritch Horror?
    1. Corty, Matcha, Ellie, Ssemouy, NAC-JAC, Nahrenne, Voidiris, Envy, Botty, Sailus, CupcakeNinja, Quack, Assurbanipal II, Azure, Enigma,
  25. An Average Lunch at ScribbleHub Cafeteria[Ssemouy]
    1. Everyone
  26. The Master Plan
    1. Tony, Envy, Kraken, Kureous, Puppet, Sleds, Quack, Ellie, Sola-sama, Enigma, Midnight, Ron-Ran,
  27. Recollections
    1. Sola-sama, Ellie, NAC-JAC, Kureous, Envy, Prince, Rhaps, Sleds,
  28. Harbinger of Fluffiness!! [Enigma]
    1. Enigma, Corty, Hound, Danny, Quack, Quagma, Aaquil, Azure, Reina,
  29. Newspaper
  30. Theirl in Peril
    1. Sola-sama, Envy, Botty, Reina, Ellie, Kraken, Darkness, Enigma, Theirl
  31. When Robbery Goes Wrong
    1. Aaqil, Ria, Kalliel,
  32. To be a Teacher
    1. Blade, Archie, Azure, Corty, Tony, Luoir, Kureous, Prince, Envy, Voidiris, Cnin, Hans, Ran-ron, Janitor,
  33. Are You There God? It’s Me, Marilyn. [Darkness]
    1. Everyone
  34. More of this Reality
    1. Corty, Anon, Sola-sama,
  35. Operation: Caeneus
    1. Corty, Matcha, Kureous, Rhaps, Voidiris, Azure, Janitor, Danny, Ellie, Ssemouy, Botty,
  36. Staff Camp
    1. Hans, Ran-ron, Quack, Tony, Archie, Janitor,
  37. The Witch Chapter
    1. Tony, Sailus, Envy, Quack,
  38. Newspaper
  39. Dance of the Stars’ Child, Pt. 1
    1. Jchem, Quack, Corty, Azure, Enigma, Prince, Envy, Sailus, Hound, Tsumi, Botty, Voidiris, Matcha, Puppet, NAC-JAC,
  40. Who let the dogs out?
    1. Hound, Tony, Quagma, Enigma, Prince, Janitor, Envy, Ssemouy, Ellie, Matcha, Azure, Danny, Boi, Quack, Reina, Ria,
  41. Cuddle With Ria
    1. Ria, Botty, Aaqil, Quack, Matcha, Corty, Envy, Ssemouy, Voidiris, Rhaps, NAC-JAC, Hound, Danny, Assurbanipal II, Luoir, Janitor,
  42. Love Letter and Bad Luck
    1. Azure, Puppet, Midnight, Ellie, Envy, Theirl, Sola-sama
  43. The Hunt
    1. Enigma, Rhaps, Corty, Quack, Hound, Quagma, Ria,
  44. Oh See Donut Steel
    1. Quagma, Voidiris, The Eldritch God, Quack, Rhaps, Kraken, Enigma, Reina, Ellie,
  45. Newspaper
  46. Bonding with the Transfer students
    1. Hans, Tony, Chiyuki, Azure, Luoir, Theirl, Kureous, Rhaps, Corty, Darkness, Midnight, Ran-Ron, Sleds, Boi, Puppet, Quagma,
  47. Sad Valentine
    1. Matcha, Azure, Danny, Enigma, Envy, Prince, George, Boi, Hound, Botty, Pixy, Voidiris, Corty, Nahrenne, Midnight, Ssemouy, Rhaps, Reina
  48. Baking Bad
    1. Azure, prince, Corty, Reina, Nahrenne, Matcha, Ssemouy, Quack, Boi, Bouca, Sleds, Rhaps,
Guess you finally gave up on this.


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
✨️ ˝/\___/\˝✨️
✨️ ( ❀>⁠ᆺ<⁠)✨️


Bittersweet Cranberry Flavored Euphoria
May 29, 2022
There was already a fight scene between his tentacles and Ssemouy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That was a fight?! :blob_shock: I've been bamboozled yet again!

I'm being logical not hateful
My reasoning
1) you haven't been featured in that many chapters, and when you appear in chapters it's for comedic purposes
2) all chapters you've written feature you being rejected by girls and dying
3) you have a unique ability yet it's not used in any way throughout the fanfic (hell you could literally go ahead and make your own reality marble (Fate reference) and us it in combat you could even make idk golems out of chocolate)
4) you could have been a great villain in my eyes but what I've mentioned in the clauses above ruins it
Foolish fox, Lord Matcha is one of the most OP people in SHHS! His powers of seduction are literally unrivalled, he has the biggest harem in SHHS. Here's his rizz list:
1. Voidiris (see: forum interactions + that one chapter where NAC-JAC JAC'ed all over the placd
2. NAC-JAC (see: Cafeteria chapter and the same chapter he rizzed voidiris)
2. Corty (see: Cooking chapter)
3. Me x3 (this much is obvious)
4. Quagma (see: most recent chapters)
5. Pixy (she craves his chocolate)
6. Danny and Boi (family rizz)
7. Luoir(Luoir)
8. Azure's knives (stab rizz)
9. MidnightFox (she just doesn't know it yet)

Two of those are eldritch(Quagma, Voidiris), a further two if you count family(Danny, Boi) two can match up to eldritch (me x2). Everyone but Voidiris would likely be willing to come to his support should push comes to shove.

He has his scythe form too, which coupled with the Villainess' Declaration can beat literally everyone but Tony given the right conditions.

He's also been stabbed by Azure the 2nd most amount of times. If that isn't impressive, I dunno what is.

He may not be powerful in direct combat, but he has a heart of pure chocolate and a mind capable of playing 4d chess. He's the most OP when it comes to social manipulation and connections :blob_uwu: