Tell me about the protagonist in your story?


Apr 10, 2023
Hey guys, this is a forum where you can promote your story. But instead of writing a summary of your story, share with us the biography of your MC!

Here are some guidelines that may help you, if you're not sure what to write:

  • Try to keep the bio about a paragraph or two in length (Not Mandatory)
  • Tell us about your protagonist's history
  • What are your protagonist's dreams/goals?
  • Does your protagonist have special abilities?
  • Describe the physical looks of your protagonist. (Gender, age, race, height, etc...)
  • You may add anything you think, can help best describe your character!!!
After writing the biography of your character, you can add the title of your story at the bottom, so other people can check it out!

Also, take the time to read the biography of other protagonists and share what you liked about them, or what you didn't.


Apr 10, 2023
My main character is called Victor Drake. His name changes to Lucian after he is reborn.

In his old life, Lucian was a human and one of the most powerful mages in the world. However, during a battle with the demons, he is betrayed and killed by his best friend. Before taking his last breath, he swears to avenge himself, his comrades, and humanity.
When he wakes up, Victor realizes he's a baby, even worst, he's no longer human. He quickly realizes that he's been reborn as a demon, not just any demon, but the son of his arch-enemy, the demon king Valtair. In my story, Lucian will be navigating a world where humans and demons are each other's necks, all while keeping his identity a secret as he grows stronger in order to get revenge on his enemies.

The name of my series is: The Remnant
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Apr 10, 2023
Can we get an example?
Just added the biography of my MC. However, I did it on a whim... I could have added much more info, for example, the physical looks or abilities of my character...


Well-known member
May 8, 2019
Okay, let's try:
My main character is Shari,
a seventeen year old, tomboyish girl in a remote village from a forester family. That is until she gets abducted by a slime and transformed into one. Now she'd like to not get killed on sight and works towards the goal of establishing a somewhat secure foothold in the world (to achieve the former). Her still human-formed body is now physically weak, but aside from her cristalline core indestructable, and completely malleable. So she can get quite creative with it. Also, she has a powerful dissolving ability that slimes (which are usually a small common pest) use to convert matter into energy to keep going. To add to her perils, the lovestruck slime (basically MC Nr. 2) that transformed her is still following her around and basically calamity level.

The name of the series is "Slime Girl" (yeah, I know, very creative)

That's my biggest. Should I add some of my others as well?


Actual reason behind demographic problems
Feb 13, 2019
Victor Norman. From a story I am not writting rn but I hope I will go back to it eventually because I have lots of ideas but can't seem to just start.
Tell us about your protagonist's history
For now not revealed but a bit tragic
What are your protagonist's dreams/goals?
Experience the objective truth of magic
Does your protagonist have special abilities?
Talking with a demon in his head
Describe the physical looks of your protagonist. (Gender, age, race, height, etc...)
Male, 23-26, white, medium height, ghastly pale, very thin and sickly-looking, muddy green eyes, curly brown hair.


Apr 10, 2023
Okay, let's try:
My main character is Shari,
a seventeen year old, tomboyish girl in a remote village from a forester family. That is until she gets abducted by a slime and transformed into one. Now she'd like to not get killed on sight and works towards the goal of establishing a somewhat secure foothold in the world (to achieve the former). Her still human-formed body is now physically weak, but aside from her cristalline core indestructable, and completely malleable. So she can get quite creative with it. Also, she has a powerful dissolving ability that slimes (which are usually a small common pest) use to convert matter into energy to keep going. To add to her perils, the lovestruck slime (basically MC Nr. 2) that transformed her is still following her around and basically calamity level.

The name of the series is "Slime Girl" (yeah, I know, very creative)

That's my biggest. Should I add some of my others as well?
Sure! Shari sounds really cool btw!!!
Victor Norman. From a story I am not writting rn but I hope I will go back to it eventually because I have lots of ideas but can't seem to just start.

For now not revealed but a bit tragic

Experience the objective truth of magic

Talking with a demon in his head

Male, 23-26, white, medium height, ghastly pale, very thin and sickly-looking, muddy green eyes, curly brown hair.
He seems very intriguing... He kinda seems like he has the physique of the day to day NPC, but actually he has a lot of potential


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
He would never knew his whole life, but He actually denied [Hero] cheat OP abilities because he's bad at cooking, and among other thing that "unlike other [Hero]".

He still got his [Hero] title tho, but not the powers. He's lucky that nobody could see his [Hero] title. Not even he knew, and even if he knew, he will never be able to confirm it in his whole life as the Magical tech development of the world is still in infancy.

The [Hero] Overpowered system went into someone else, a non-heroic person that can cook, a female with same circumstances as Him, but never does heroic action in her life.

She ends up acting as pseudo Otome protagonist, while also secretly playing hero around as Magic Girl, Wonderwomen, Spy agent, Fairy & Spirit guardian etc. and finally playing as slow life merchant after she's tired playing around fulfilling her childhood Mary Sue fantasies for years.

She has [Hero] powers but no [Hero] title. In theory it could allow her to become the strongest evil women she could be.

But unfortunately (or fortunately?) She's not capable of doing thing with intentional [Evil Alignment] as Heroic system powers force her will and thought into [Good alignment].

It's not like her life is ruined tho, it simply prevent her to veer off to the path of evil and put some limitations into [Neutral alignment] activities. Not that she ever need to do anything with [Evil Alignment] in first place with all the OP power she has.


Spicy Transbian
Oct 24, 2021
Okay, I'll bite. Mostly for the chance at protagonist-describing. I'm shy as FUCK about my story, though. (and it can get grimdark, almost grimderp, at times)

I'm mostly biting because Lucian being reborn into the enemy faction and having to deal with that strikes fairly close to some of the themes I'm trying to explore, and the best friend betrayal also resonates with my poor sadventure. I imagine there's also magic and other chicanery at play here.

Now then...

Enter: Emmett Sinclair. Emmett is an errand boy in a ruined rural village called Charade Gin, apprenticed to a fire magic wielder named Jacqueline. As a farmhand, they have considerable muscle toning and core strength, which helps them on their adventures from time to time.

Why is Charade Gin in ruins? Why, because five years earlier, a bunch of mage-supremacists called the Emissaries of Total Salvation (because they always try to make themselves sound good) stormed in to eradicate every non-caster in the village. Charade Gin's spellcasters didn't like this, but the enemy leader, Aegis, easily overwhelmed them with invisible antimagic that only Emmett was able to actually see. It was a one-sided massacre, with a lot of casualties, including Emmett's parents and their childhood friend's brother.

Oh yeah, before all this, Emmett had a childhood friend named Patrick, who really wanted to fight this overpowered end boss who breaks the magic system. Hard to do that when you can't even see his attacks, but Em didn't know that so they yell at him, basically saying "Hey don't do this!" Patrick's brother, Bryce, has a shit fit, because here this punk is, pretending to be some kind of LEGENDARY HERO or some shite, so he tries to literally curbstomp them.

Except, Aegis saved Emmett's life, by killing Bryce. And now Patrick blames Em, and everyone else thinks they're a giant liar. Oh yeah, adding insult to injury, Emmett IS a spellcaster, but their spellcasting ability is utter bollocks.

Fast forward to present. Jacqueline took Emmett in because they no longer have parents, but gave up teaching them when their Magic didn't grow basically at all in half a decade.

Now Enter: The Can Vahs Arcane Colleges. Think Magic University essentially. They send representatives in to invite Patrick to study because he's a bit of a prodigy. What throws everyone in a tizzy is they also invite Emmett. Now to give an idea how absurd this is, imagine a First-Year Hogwarts Student being recruited into the Auror Office. Now imagine said First-Year suddenly having to perform at that professional level.

AND THE IDIOT ACCEPTS!! So now they have to get from primary-level to postsecondary-level in a MONTH.

Oh and to throw chaos in the fire, they eventually learn that as some sort of cosmic joke, Emmett was taught Magic entirely wrong!! And so they need to relearn from scratch anyway!!

The title of the book is Solstice, and I'm only sharing this because I'm participating in this thread and wish to do so properly, but again I'm dreadfully shy. I was also not in the best of minds when I wrote it, but I'm too stubborn to let a book die, especially when I died for a year and came back like a phoenix :devilish:

PS: Some quick blurbs about characters that came in while I was writing:

Slime girl seems interesting, fairly generic, but you can do some wild stuff with generic protagonists. I'd play a LOT with that slime malleableness and you can go FAR with that.

And hmm... System trickery. is that System the secret antagonist?! Now that'd be wicked ^w^


Apr 10, 2023
Okay, I'll bite. Mostly for the chance at protagonist-describing. I'm shy as FUCK about my story, though. (and it can get grimdark, almost grimderp, at times)

I'm mostly biting because Lucian being reborn into the enemy faction and having to deal with that strikes fairly close to some of the themes I'm trying to explore, and the best friend betrayal also resonates with my poor sadventure. I imagine there's also magic and other chicanery at play here.

Now then...

Enter: Emmett Sinclair. Emmett is an errand boy in a ruined rural village called Charade Gin, apprenticed to a fire magic wielder named Jacqueline. As a farmhand, they have considerable muscle toning and core strength, which helps them on their adventures from time to time.

Why is Charade Gin in ruins? Why, because five years earlier, a bunch of mage-supremacists called the Emissaries of Total Salvation (because they always try to make themselves sound good) stormed in to eradicate every non-caster in the village. Charade Gin's spellcasters didn't like this, but the enemy leader, Aegis, easily overwhelmed them with invisible antimagic that only Emmett was able to actually see. It was a one-sided massacre, with a lot of casualties, including Emmett's parents and their childhood friend's brother.

Oh yeah, before all this, Emmett had a childhood friend named Patrick, who really wanted to fight this overpowered end boss who breaks the magic system. Hard to do that when you can't even see his attacks, but Em didn't know that so they yell at him, basically saying "Hey don't do this!" Patrick's brother, Bryce, has a shit fit, because here this punk is, pretending to be some kind of LEGENDARY HERO or some shite, so he tries to literally curbstomp them.

Except, Aegis saved Emmett's life, by killing Bryce. And now Patrick blames Em, and everyone else thinks they're a giant liar. Oh yeah, adding insult to injury, Emmett IS a spellcaster, but their spellcasting ability is utter bollocks.

Fast forward to present. Jacqueline took Emmett in because they no longer have parents, but gave up teaching them when their Magic didn't grow basically at all in half a decade.

Now Enter: The Can Vahs Arcane Colleges. Think Magic University essentially. They send representatives in to invite Patrick to study because he's a bit of a prodigy. What throws everyone in a tizzy is they also invite Emmett. Now to give an idea how absurd this is, imagine a First-Year Hogwarts Student being recruited into the Auror Office. Now imagine said First-Year suddenly having to perform at that professional level.

AND THE IDIOT ACCEPTS!! So now they have to get from primary-level to postsecondary-level in a MONTH.

Oh and to throw chaos in the fire, they eventually learn that as some sort of cosmic joke, Emmett was taught Magic entirely wrong!! And so they need to relearn from scratch anyway!!

The title of the book is Solstice, and I'm only sharing this because I'm participating in this thread and wish to do so properly, but again I'm dreadfully shy. I was also not in the best of minds when I wrote it, but I'm too stubborn to let a book die, especially when I died for a year and came back like a phoenix :devilish:

PS: Some quick blurbs about characters that came in while I was writing:

Slime girl seems interesting, fairly generic, but you can do some wild stuff with generic protagonists. I'd play a LOT with that slime malleableness and you can go FAR with that.

And hmm... System trickery. is that System the secret antagonist?! Now that'd be wicked ^w^
Damn! This story really is something... I also like the book title!


(❀⁠≽ᆺ≼)⊃~~~~✧ ꧁Floofy Ninja!!!꧂
Jan 29, 2023
Nadia Cordelia Vulpine - age 22
She was drowned to death with blood by an evil multiversal administrator and cursed as a fox girl as part of his prank. She has been reincarnated into another world and given godly powers as part of her compensation. Most people mistake her for a child/young teen.
Her powers are:
  • Teleportation - She can only teleport to locations that she has been or within line of sight. She can teleport objects and people only if she is touching them or vise versa or an army as long as they are linked touching each other in a chain to her. If she does not will it, if someone touches her while she is teleporting, she won't have to worry about them being brought with her.
  • Absolute Defense-That ability is exactly as it sounds. Nothing will be able to hurt her, her mind, or her soul anymore as long as she doesn't allow it.
  • Darkness-Basically anything she can think of with darkness as a medium can be accomplished, whether it is attacks, defense, storage, or even healing.
Traumatizing Reincarnation of a Hemophobic Hermit Into an Anime World


Feb 1, 2019
My MC is a royal bastard.
His father hates him.
The citizens calls him The child of a whore.
He is trapped in a city filled with criminals wanting to kill him.
And everyone thinks he is a cruel tyrant.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2023
Hey guys, this is a forum where you can promote your story. But instead of writing a summary of your story, share with us the biography of your MC!

Here are some guidelines that may help you, if you're not sure what to write:

  • Try to keep the bio about a paragraph or two in length (Not Mandatory)
  • Tell us about your protagonist's history
  • What are your protagonist's dreams/goals?
  • Does your protagonist have special abilities?
  • Describe the physical looks of your protagonist. (Gender, age, race, height, etc...)
  • You may add anything you think, can help best describe your character!!!
After writing the biography of your character, you can add the title of your story at the bottom, so other people can check it out!

Also, take the time to read the biography of other protagonists and share what you liked about them, or what you didn't.
Max Nordau is my mc


A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
Hey guys, this is a forum where you can promote your story. But instead of writing a summary of your story, share with us the biography of your MC!

Here are some guidelines that may help you, if you're not sure what to write:

  • Try to keep the bio about a paragraph or two in length (Not Mandatory)
  • Tell us about your protagonist's history
  • What are your protagonist's dreams/goals?
  • Does your protagonist have special abilities?
  • Describe the physical looks of your protagonist. (Gender, age, race, height, etc...)
  • You may add anything you think, can help best describe your character!!!
After writing the biography of your character, you can add the title of your story at the bottom, so other people can check it out!

Also, take the time to read the biography of other protagonists and share what you liked about them, or what you didn't.
My protagonist is a victim of experimentation and long-term exposure to Vengeful Spirits: ghosts that coalesce for the sake of revenge, but at some gain a life of their own. But they are far more than a mere victim. A master manipulator and incredible actor, they can be your perfect friend, a kindness as they perceive it for it makes the world better. A prodigy of surgery, plying their trade under the various gangs that span entire states, though those are often as fleeting as the wind. Currently, they are one of the main medical practitioners for gang wars under the banner of Luke's Pizzeria. Though to survive as a child in that harsh world without the personal power that the System gives adults honed her capabilities at manipulation to incredible levels before the start of the story, while shattering the true personality's stability. Their dream is to ascend, and find true friends amongst the Stars, entertainment-obsessed celestial beings. As for physical looks, I cannot describe them for story-related reasons. Nor can I do so for gender and race. The age is, if I'm remembering correctly, 17, and they are quite small.


Active member
Apr 27, 2022
My protagonist is fourteen-year-old American girl named Noel Miller from a small town in the state of Iowa. Before the story begins she is greatly disliked by her town due to her family curse that bends reality out of her control. All she knows is that it makes her life weird. She is somewhat volatile personality-wise as she often represses her emotions to avoid standing out too much. But, in reality, she is rather sarcastic and impatient.
This is repression is reflected in her appearance, which is rather plain with brown hair and blue eyes, which ironically makes her stand out in her new home in Tokyo, Japan. She has a hard time fitting into the city life, but she manages fine enough until she is given magical powers (mostly physical enhancements and healing abilities) and becomes the target of an ancient warrior, who seeks to hone her into a fighter like him. He understands the personality that she keeps hidden and feels like she can become someone who can rival his own power. Noel is naturally athletic and prefers to spend time outdoors collecting bugs and plants rather than stay indoors. She values those who are honest about their weaknesses as they remind her of her now-deceased father, who is her hero.



Apr 10, 2023
My protagonist is fourteen-year-old American girl named Noel Miller from a small town in the state of Iowa. Before the story begins she is greatly disliked by her town due to her family curse that bends reality out of her control. All she knows is that it makes her life weird. She is somewhat volatile personality-wise as she often represses her emotions to avoid standing out too much. But, in reality, she is rather sarcastic and impatient.
This is repression is reflected in her appearance, which is rather plain with brown hair and blue eyes, which ironically makes her stand out in her new home in Tokyo, Japan. She has a hard time fitting into the city life, but she manages fine enough until she is given magical powers (mostly physical enhancements and healing abilities) and becomes the target of an ancient warrior, who seeks to hone her into a fighter like him. He understands the personality that she keeps hidden and feels like she can become someone who can rival his own power. Noel is naturally athletic and prefers to spend time outdoors collecting bugs and plants rather than stay indoors. She values those who are honest about their weaknesses as they remind her of her now-deceased father, who is her hero.

I really like where you are going with this story. Noel sounds really cool
My protagonist is a victim of experimentation and long-term exposure to Vengeful Spirits: ghosts that coalesce for the sake of revenge, but at some gain a life of their own. But they are far more than a mere victim. A master manipulator and incredible actor, they can be your perfect friend, a kindness as they perceive it for it makes the world better. A prodigy of surgery, plying their trade under the various gangs that span entire states, though those are often as fleeting as the wind. Currently, they are one of the main medical practitioners for gang wars under the banner of Luke's Pizzeria. Though to survive as a child in that harsh world without the personal power that the System gives adults honed her capabilities at manipulation to incredible levels before the start of the story, while shattering the true personality's stability. Their dream is to ascend, and find true friends amongst the Stars, entertainment-obsessed celestial beings. As for physical looks, I cannot describe them for story-related reasons. Nor can I do so for gender and race. The age is, if I'm remembering correctly, 17, and they are quite small.
Hell yes! This is a unique concept with lots of potential