The portrayal of demons in fantasy stories

How would you prefer demons to be represented in fantasy novels?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2022
In my story 'demons' are 'entities from hell' that cause chaos and destruction wherever they go, but I plan to slowly reveal the the story's version of 'Hell' is somewhat different from the reader's assumptions of 'Hell'. It's still a bad place, just... uniquely bad. And it's less that demons are consciously doing evil for funsies, and more that they're unthinking 'existences that unravel creation.'

I think that the role of demons in fantasy depends on the story tho, agree there. It also depends on how much screentime the demons have. If they only appear once or twice in antagonistic roles, then all-powerful always chaotic evil individuals is fine, but if you're gonna have one as a lead, then without a smidgen of depth and variety I'm gonna get really bored, really fast. (Of course, this is also my opinion on most villains. They don't need to be empathized with or redeemed, but depth and nuance should increase in proportion with screentime to keep them interesting.)


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
There are two problems with demons:

1. Misunderstanding what good/evil is.
2. Ecology.

People dont understand morality. You get two types, basically. Absolute morality, usually your bible thumpers or karma reincarnators, and relative morality, which are your arrogant atheists and "True-Communism-Was-Never-Tried" socialists.

Let's be blunt. By definition, the concepts of Good and Evil are CONCEPTS, and all concepts are defined by the person using them, so good and evil is always subjective. Case closed. There is no real good and evil, right?


People seem to think that because 'I can change my point of view, therefore I can change what is good or evil' actually is a big brain idea. It isn't. You can change good and evil... FOR YOU. You can't change it for me, and you can't change it for society. You want to believe murdering puppies is "good"? Fine. You can do that.


Society has rules, you follow them, or society punishes you. You become the evil. Now, is this right? Is this fair? NO ONE CARES. Take your, 'I define reality' bullshit and get fucked. Raping your sister is bad. Society thinks it is bad. I'm with society on this one. If you want to believe this is good, guess what? Get the hell out of my society, you freak. You quit, the moment you decided to take this "evil" position.

Just because something is relative, doesn't make it WRONG.

You don't redefine good and evil, you redefine where you stand in comparison to everyone else.

SO, while demons might not think they are evil, because eating a human soul is perfectly fine to them, it also means that over here, in the human camp, they are fuckin' evil and all this 'they are just misunderstood" crap is just that. CRAP. You go feed your soul to the demon, I'll choose to think it's bad and stab him instead.

Which brings us to ecology.

Demons... are fiction.

YES. I KNOW. Big Brain ideas here, huh?
My point is, one must DEFINE the demon first and most people don't. Most story just has: Ooo, Demon! He has creepy powers! He eats Souls... somehow! The female demons are all sexy and shit and want to eat your soul through your dick.

Uhh... why? How? What is the goddamn REASON? Hell, the mechanism by which this happens? If I don't know this, your demons suck ass. They are a joke. If you define this, then I can tell you more about the demon's morality. If demons need souls to live, then, well, they aren't evil to THEM, but to us, they are evil. Like a bunny thinks a wolf is evil. I dont care about how the wolf feels. I"M A BUNNY. I'm on team bunny and Team wolf can fuckin' die when I nuke that wolf with a A-10 Warthog.

But what if, the demons just get POWER from humans? Like, they get mana to power their magic from human suffering? They feed off negative emotions. Well... Demons don't need to KILL humans, and humans suffer all the time, so I'm sure there is enough natural mama floating about. But if you want to supercharge yourself, you need to MAKE suffering.

Now only SOME demons are evil and some neutral. It'd be like if YOU had magical power, but you could bind a spirit into a rock and torture the rock to get more spells each day. Are YOU evil? (The answer is, YES, BTW) You don't NEED it. You WANT it. That is being selfish.

I would argue that the second type of demons are more evil than the first, because they have a CHOICE, but they are not INHERENTLY evil, like the first. The first, we cannot EVER get along. The second, we could, but it would take work.

Now you have another group which I alluded to before. The ALIEN MIND DEMON.

I hate BONES. BONES ARE EVIL. All humans must die because they have bones. I MENTALLY cannot understand bones. Like someone who freaks out over bed bugs and wants them all dead, I hate endoskeletons.

This is Blue-Orange morality. Not black and white. You have Good vrs Evil, I have Bacon vrs Bones. Bacon is my good. Bones are my evil. I, as an alien brain with alien thoughts simply think this way and I cannot UNDERSTAND any other way.

I don't land on your morality scale. I am perpendicular to Good/Evil or Law/Chaos. I am Bacon/Bones and what I do is perfectly logical from my point of view. Why? BECAUSE OF MY ECOLOGY. I am sure if you understood the alien dimension I came from, you would also understand why Bacon is good and Bones are bad. And for that reason, in your universe, I am confused as fuck. Why are you protecting your wife? Why does she scream as I help her be free from the tyrany of bones? Yes, she is dying, but seriously, you are better off dead then being filled with bones. Hold on, almost done. Just got to get this skull thingie, then I'll come help you.

"demon" is just a made up thing, so how to make the think is what's important.

I notice your choice of demons don't land on this scale anywhere.


Active member
Feb 13, 2022
Does anyone on this site have a preference in the way demons should be portrayed in fantasy novels?

Note: If you think that there are other ways that demons can be portrayed in fantasy novels/the options that I have given in the poll choice are not accurate enough, please let me know. Thank you.
I like that they can represent emotions. The demons are the mirror of the human's inner thoughts.
Pride, sloth, wrath...
Because of this, they are hateful because they show the dark side of humans.


🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
There are two problems with demons:

1. Misunderstanding what good/evil is.
2. Ecology.

People dont understand morality. You get two types, basically. Absolute morality, usually your bible thumpers or karma reincarnators, and relative morality, which are your arrogant atheists and "True-Communism-Was-Never-Tried" socialists.

Let's be blunt. By definition, the concepts of Good and Evil are CONCEPTS, and all concepts are defined by the person using them, so good and evil is always subjective. Case closed. There is no real good and evil, right?


People seem to think that because 'I can change my point of view, therefore I can change what is good or evil' actually is a big brain idea. It isn't. You can change good and evil... FOR YOU. You can't change it for me, and you can't change it for society. You want to believe murdering puppies is "good"? Fine. You can do that.


Society has rules, you follow them, or society punishes you. You become the evil. Now, is this right? Is this fair? NO ONE CARES. Take your, 'I define reality' bullshit and get fucked. Raping your sister is bad. Society thinks it is bad. I'm with society on this one. If you want to believe this is good, guess what? Get the hell out of my society, you freak. You quit, the moment you decided to take this "evil" position.

Just because something is relative, doesn't make it WRONG.

You don't redefine good and evil, you redefine where you stand in comparison to everyone else.

SO, while demons might not think they are evil, because eating a human soul is perfectly fine to them, it also means that over here, in the human camp, they are fuckin' evil and all this 'they are just misunderstood" crap is just that. CRAP. You go feed your soul to the demon, I'll choose to think it's bad and stab him instead.

Which brings us to ecology.

Demons... are fiction.

YES. I KNOW. Big Brain ideas here, huh?
My point is, one must DEFINE the demon first and most people don't. Most story just has: Ooo, Demon! He has creepy powers! He eats Souls... somehow! The female demons are all sexy and shit and want to eat your soul through your dick.

Uhh... why? How? What is the goddamn REASON? Hell, the mechanism by which this happens? If I don't know this, your demons suck ass. They are a joke. If you define this, then I can tell you more about the demon's morality. If demons need souls to live, then, well, they aren't evil to THEM, but to us, they are evil. Like a bunny thinks a wolf is evil. I dont care about how the wolf feels. I"M A BUNNY. I'm on team bunny and Team wolf can fuckin' die when I nuke that wolf with a A-10 Warthog.

But what if, the demons just get POWER from humans? Like, they get mana to power their magic from human suffering? They feed off negative emotions. Well... Demons don't need to KILL humans, and humans suffer all the time, so I'm sure there is enough natural mama floating about. But if you want to supercharge yourself, you need to MAKE suffering.

Now only SOME demons are evil and some neutral. It'd be like if YOU had magical power, but you could bind a spirit into a rock and torture the rock to get more spells each day. Are YOU evil? (The answer is, YES, BTW) You don't NEED it. You WANT it. That is being selfish.

I would argue that the second type of demons are more evil than the first, because they have a CHOICE, but they are not INHERENTLY evil, like the first. The first, we cannot EVER get along. The second, we could, but it would take work.

Now you have another group which I alluded to before. The ALIEN MIND DEMON.

I hate BONES. BONES ARE EVIL. All humans must die because they have bones. I MENTALLY cannot understand bones. Like someone who freaks out over bed bugs and wants them all dead, I hate endoskeletons.

This is Blue-Orange morality. Not black and white. You have Good vrs Evil, I have Bacon vrs Bones. Bacon is my good. Bones are my evil. I, as an alien brain with alien thoughts simply think this way and I cannot UNDERSTAND any other way.

I don't land on your morality scale. I am perpendicular to Good/Evil or Law/Chaos. I am Bacon/Bones and what I do is perfectly logical from my point of view. Why? BECAUSE OF MY ECOLOGY. I am sure if you understood the alien dimension I came from, you would also understand why Bacon is good and Bones are bad. And for that reason, in your universe, I am confused as fuck. Why are you protecting your wife? Why does she scream as I help her be free from the tyrany of bones? Yes, she is dying, but seriously, you are better off dead then being filled with bones. Hold on, almost done. Just got to get this skull thingie, then I'll come help you.

"demon" is just a made up thing, so how to make the think is what's important.

I notice your choice of demons don't land on this scale anywhere.
People base their morals depending on what they worship, their desires, their understanding. Most people base it off of what society says, because they don't care enough to think things through, trusting society.
But recently we've seen society shifting morals rapidly. Based on what our rulers desire. Who's to say it's bad or good? It's a shift. But if society is all that matters, how can we criticize other societies with different morals? We cannot. We cannot say that communism is evil. We cannot say that nazi germany is evil. We cannot say anything is evil.
This is obviously incorrect.
There are absolutes.
We can say these things are evil, because we know what good is. We have moral agency, the capability of choosing between good and evil. Animals do not, they only have survival instincts.
How do we know good? Because God exists. The creator of all things, who made all things good. But where is evil? It is the rejection of a good God. A moral choice. The demons were once good, but they made a moral decision. To reject God and live by their own desires. Man also made this decision when he disobeyed God, sin. The good world that God made is plagued with sinful men spurred on by evil spirits whom rebel against God and seek nothing else but to kill, steal, and destroy all of God's creation.

I appreciate your dedication to a character, but I must say this: take eternity seriously.

The heat death of the universe, which will take an unfathomably long time to occur? Nothing when compared to infinity. What's the point then? Nothing has meaning, not even enjoying your life despite everything else. Pointless. After an eternity, it'll be like it never happened.

But there will be one who remembers.
It meant something to him. For he made all creation with a purpose. So that he may have communion with us, that is why he has made us in his image.


A Hermit that is NOT that Lazy…
Aug 12, 2021
I am no expert in this, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but historically demons were just supernatural beings. Some were good, some were bad, and some were neutral. Until the Abrahamic religions, more specifically beginning with early Christianity and some of the concurrent Jewish sects(though I may. be wrong here), redefined them as only being creatures of evil. So, in my opinion, they are nothing other than a group of supernatural entities, where there may be different species inside of that subdivision.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
But there will be one who remembers.
It meant something to him. For he made all creation with a purpose. So that he may have communion with us, that is why he has made us in his image.

Blech. Can you NOT? Save the preaching for a church, this here is a writers forum.
I am no expert in this, so feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but historically demons were just supernatural beings. Some were good, some were bad, and some were neutral. Until the Abrahamic religions, more specifically beginning with early Christianity and some of the concurrent Jewish sects(though I may. be wrong here), redefined them as only being creatures of evil. So, in my opinion, they are nothing other than a group of supernatural entities, where there may be different species inside of that subdivision.
Yeah, you make a really great point.

The Sumerians were around for a few thousand years before any abrahamic religions. The Daemons of Mesopotamian religion were more like nature entity's who served Enki or their version of Hades - Ereshkigal. The same is true for many 'pagan' religions accross the world. Demons differ depending on mythology of the region you are from: Europeans had the fey, monsters of Hel (not HELL) ECT. Native americans had trickster spirits. The japanese have a truly massive variety of akuma & oni & various monsters in their folklore. The middle east has Djinn after the fall of Mesopotamia.

So i guess the point is, since not even our ancestors could decide on what demons are, then we are free as authors to steal from mythology and freely come up with our own interpretation of what demons are...
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A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
But there will be one who remembers.
It meant something to him. For he made all creation with a purpose. So that he may have communion with us, that is why he has made us in his image.
Atheist here. However, just so you know, have a great deal of respect for X-ians. I have yet to hear anyone ever say, "Oh look, Christians are moving in next door. There goes the neighborhood." Absolute good/evil is a perfectly valid position to take. I don't think it's correct in this universe, but I believe from anecdotal evidence that people who choose the absolute position rarely wind up justifying evil actions.

The hight of irony. People who accept moral relativity usually wind up committing evil acts far more than people who accept absolute morality. So what's better? The truth, if it results in horrible outcomes, or a lie that makes the world a better place? If you accept moral relativity, wouldn't you HAVE to support moral absolutism, because it gets better results?
Blech. Can you NOT? Save the preaching for a church, this here is a writers forum.
Please. As long as he doesn't get pushy, it's fine. It is a discussion about morality and that is a valid position. Furthermore, it IS a writer's forum. You would do well to understand the mindset of someone who is FAITHFUL, for you may need to write about a character who IS faithful, someday.

Personally, I feel the biggest mistake atheists ever made was to assume that just because there is no god, that religion has nothing to teach us. Most religions developed as a means to help its members SURVIVE. There is a reason the oldest government in the world is the US, and every other country before us had at least ONE government revolt or break in the line of legitimacy, yet Christianity is over two thousand years old. People who follow 'a god' which had rules that resulted in survival... survived.

The ones that didn't, failed. For weal or for Woe, religion has been successful for a reason and one should not just out of hand reject it just because they got the whole 'higher being' thing wrong. If you want to be a good writer, philosophy, especially philosophies you don't agree with, are on your reading list.
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Keeper of Fluffy Tails
Jan 18, 2019
As an occultist, I have to say that demons are similar to humans. Some are good, some neutral, and some evil. Many have different forms of morality, which as mentioned before, can drastically change how they act and how others view them. If they choose to help others, they are good. If they choose to harm others, they are evil. If they act one way or another purely due to their nature, they are neutral. Many simply desire freedom to act as they wish, and the same for others as well, and this can be seen as evil by many, simply because this leads to not caring about any laws of societal structures.

Additionally, there are many definitions of demons, with the modern ones branding them as evil the majority of the time, while in the past they were viewed in a broader light. This is quite similar to what happened with the Fae, though in reverse. Fae used to be viewed as terrifying inhuman creatures that followed insane rules, but now are seen as cute little lovable fairies.

Part of the issue is perception as well - if you only hear of the bad, you think all are bad, even if many are not. This is also an issue with angels, as they are quite capable of being 'evil' as well, but they have much better PR in most situations.

But of course, everyone thinks their own way, and some of us are seen as insane by the majority of people. *shrugs*

For stories, I just accept that people may have their own definition of demon, and go by what they define them as in their personal universe.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
Atheist here. However, just so you know, have a great deal of respect for X-ians. I have yet to hear anyone ever say, "Oh look, Christians are moving in next door. There goes the neighborhood." Absolute good/evil is a perfectly valid position to take. I don't think it's correct in this universe, but I believe from anecdotal evidence that people who choose the absolute position rarely wind up justifying evil actions.

The hight of irony. People who accept moral relativity usually wind up committing evil acts far more than people who accept absolute morality. So what's better? The truth, if it results in horrible outcomes, or a lie that makes the world a better place? If you accept moral relativity, wouldn't you HAVE to support moral absolutism, because it gets better results?

Please. As long as he doesn't get pushy, it's fine. It is a discussion about morality and that is a valid position. Furthermore, it IS a writer's forum. You would do well to understand the mindset of someone who is FAITHFUL, for you may need to write about a character who IS faithful, someday.

Personally, I feel the biggest mistake atheists ever made was to assume that just because there is no god, that religion has nothing to teach us. Most religions developed as a means to help its members SURVIVE. There is a reason the oldest government in the world is the US, and every other country before us had at least ONE government revolt or break in the line of legitimacy, yet Christianity is over two thousand years old. People who follow 'a god' which had rules that resulted in survival... survived.

The ones that didn't, failed. For weal or for Woe, religion has been successful for a reason and one should not just out of hand reject it just because they got the whole 'higher being' thing wrong. If you want to be a good writer, philosophy, especially philosophies you don't agree with, are on your reading list.

You sound like an atheist version of an apologist.

You say no one ever says "there goes the neighborhood" when christians move in? I say that. (not in those words).
I live in the bible belt of america. I see the damage christianity causes on a daily basis. I see it in the people so poor that they cant always feed their family - yet donate 5 -10% to the church. I see the ignorance in the eyes of a believer when i talk about anything that might even come close to shaking their world view. I see the damage they cause to our political landscape: overturning roe vs wade, inserting zealots into positions of power, creating laws & legislature based on their twisted religion. I see the damage of their discrimination. I see their pride, they view themselves as holier, thus better than anyone who doesnt follow their philosophy. I see it in the natural curiosity they crush out of children.

I agree with you in that religion has a lot to teach us... about human nature.

Religion is successful the same way any predatory system or business or idealogy is successful. It capitalizes off fear of death, community, peer pressure. Dopamine from praying makes you feel good, like 'god is with you' . Rulers make use of it because it keeps a populace docile and ignorant. An angry mob is less likely to tear apart a dictator if they think they will go to hell for it, or heaven for being a good hardworking slave.

Lastly, dont assume i know nothing about faith just because i view christianity as a vile ideology that has harmed the world for 1500 years.

I was raised christian


Jan 4, 2021
The colour-blind demon now breaks down in the middle of the candle lit dinner, her perception of the world shattered by your sudden revelation.

"I... I wasn't blue, d-da bu dee da bu da?"
I'm more concerned she somehow considered what she saw as red, to be blue, :blob_hmm_two: :blob_cookie:


Boo Tao Main
Mar 3, 2022
these bastards that dont want them to be purely evil
There are two problems with demons:

1. Misunderstanding what good/evil is.
2. Ecology.

People dont understand morality. You get two types, basically. Absolute morality, usually your bible thumpers or karma reincarnators, and relative morality, which are your arrogant atheists and "True-Communism-Was-Never-Tried" socialists.

Let's be blunt. By definition, the concepts of Good and Evil are CONCEPTS, and all concepts are defined by the person using them, so good and evil is always subjective. Case closed. There is no real good and evil, right?


People seem to think that because 'I can change my point of view, therefore I can change what is good or evil' actually is a big brain idea. It isn't. You can change good and evil... FOR YOU. You can't change it for me, and you can't change it for society. You want to believe murdering puppies is "good"? Fine. You can do that.


Society has rules, you follow them, or society punishes you. You become the evil. Now, is this right? Is this fair? NO ONE CARES. Take your, 'I define reality' bullshit and get fucked. Raping your sister is bad. Society thinks it is bad. I'm with society on this one. If you want to believe this is good, guess what? Get the hell out of my society, you freak. You quit, the moment you decided to take this "evil" position.

Just because something is relative, doesn't make it WRONG.

You don't redefine good and evil, you redefine where you stand in comparison to everyone else.

SO, while demons might not think they are evil, because eating a human soul is perfectly fine to them, it also means that over here, in the human camp, they are fuckin' evil and all this 'they are just misunderstood" crap is just that. CRAP. You go feed your soul to the demon, I'll choose to think it's bad and stab him instead.

Which brings us to ecology.

Demons... are fiction.

YES. I KNOW. Big Brain ideas here, huh?
My point is, one must DEFINE the demon first and most people don't. Most story just has: Ooo, Demon! He has creepy powers! He eats Souls... somehow! The female demons are all sexy and shit and want to eat your soul through your dick.

Uhh... why? How? What is the goddamn REASON? Hell, the mechanism by which this happens? If I don't know this, your demons suck ass. They are a joke. If you define this, then I can tell you more about the demon's morality. If demons need souls to live, then, well, they aren't evil to THEM, but to us, they are evil. Like a bunny thinks a wolf is evil. I dont care about how the wolf feels. I"M A BUNNY. I'm on team bunny and Team wolf can fuckin' die when I nuke that wolf with a A-10 Warthog.

But what if, the demons just get POWER from humans? Like, they get mana to power their magic from human suffering? They feed off negative emotions. Well... Demons don't need to KILL humans, and humans suffer all the time, so I'm sure there is enough natural mama floating about. But if you want to supercharge yourself, you need to MAKE suffering.

Now only SOME demons are evil and some neutral. It'd be like if YOU had magical power, but you could bind a spirit into a rock and torture the rock to get more spells each day. Are YOU evil? (The answer is, YES, BTW) You don't NEED it. You WANT it. That is being selfish.

I would argue that the second type of demons are more evil than the first, because they have a CHOICE, but they are not INHERENTLY evil, like the first. The first, we cannot EVER get along. The second, we could, but it would take work.

Now you have another group which I alluded to before. The ALIEN MIND DEMON.

I hate BONES. BONES ARE EVIL. All humans must die because they have bones. I MENTALLY cannot understand bones. Like someone who freaks out over bed bugs and wants them all dead, I hate endoskeletons.

This is Blue-Orange morality. Not black and white. You have Good vrs Evil, I have Bacon vrs Bones. Bacon is my good. Bones are my evil. I, as an alien brain with alien thoughts simply think this way and I cannot UNDERSTAND any other way.

I don't land on your morality scale. I am perpendicular to Good/Evil or Law/Chaos. I am Bacon/Bones and what I do is perfectly logical from my point of view. Why? BECAUSE OF MY ECOLOGY. I am sure if you understood the alien dimension I came from, you would also understand why Bacon is good and Bones are bad. And for that reason, in your universe, I am confused as fuck. Why are you protecting your wife? Why does she scream as I help her be free from the tyrany of bones? Yes, she is dying, but seriously, you are better off dead then being filled with bones. Hold on, almost done. Just got to get this skull thingie, then I'll come help you.

"demon" is just a made up thing, so how to make the think is what's important.

I notice your choice of demons don't land on this scale anywhere.
bro wrote a whole essay 💀
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🐉Burns you with his Love🐉
Aug 23, 2022
You sound like an atheist version of an apologist.

You say no one ever says "there goes the neighborhood" when christians move in? I say that. (not in those words).
I live in the bible belt of america. I see the damage christianity causes on a daily basis. I see it in the people so poor that they cant always feed their family - yet donate 5 -10% to the church. I see the ignorance in the eyes of a believer when i talk about anything that might even come close to shaking their world view. I see the damage they cause to our political landscape: overturning roe vs wade, inserting zealots into positions of power, creating laws & legislature based on their twisted religion. I see the damage of their discrimination. I see their pride, they view themselves as holier, thus better than anyone who doesnt follow their philosophy. I see it in the natural curiosity they crush out of children.

I agree with you in that religion has a lot to teach us... about human nature.

Religion is successful the same way any predatory system or business or idealogy is successful. It capitalizes off fear of death, community, peer pressure. Dopamine from praying makes you feel good, like 'god is with you' . Rulers make use of it because it keeps a populace docile and ignorant. An angry mob is less likely to tear apart a dictator if they think they will go to hell for it, or heaven for being a good hardworking slave.

Lastly, dont assume i know nothing about faith just because i view christianity as a vile ideology that has harmed the world for 1500 years.

I was raised christian
*Is blind to life outside christianity.

Me: looks at places lacking it. :blob_shock:

Yeah, no. Christianity is the best thing to happen to humanity. The alternatives are not very desireable.

On morality, it encourages people to love one another, and to see each other as equals with roles. Whether it be rich or poor, man or woman, or master and slave. Why do you think christian nations were the only ones to get rid of the institution of slavery? And why do so many authoritarian countries suppress christianity? Because christianity does not follow the flow of power to them, but of God.
Laws have always been based on morals.

Demons are active rebels against God, they hate his laws so they disregard them. Nothing should get in the way of their desires. And they encourage others to do the same, taking delight when another joins them in delinquency. Stealing hearts and minds away from God. Killing those whom love God, heck killing everyone. Destroying God's creation.
They are the one's who see themselves as better than anyone else, better than God, making themselves the force that should not be defied. Lucifer fell because he didn't want to listen to God anymore. He worshipped himself.

That's all reality is. Either following God's will or not. Who or what do you worship? No amount of human progress changes that. Science, (It's just a tool, like any other institution) Ideology, self, Idols, wealth, status, etc. A person will follow whatever they worship, that has never and will never change. What do you worship? I hope it's worth it.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2022
That's all reality is. Either following God's will or not. Who or what do you worship? No amount of human progress changes that. Science, (It's just a tool, like any other institution) Ideology, self, Idols, wealth, status, etc. A person will follow whatever they worship, that has never and will never change. What do you worship? I hope it's worth it.

Lets just agree to disagree. ill be the the athiest who needs to touch grass over here, and you be the true believer who preaches at the internet over there


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2019
Cute/Sexy Succubi, Slimy Tentacles, R*pe, Cattle farms where humans are the cattle, Slavery, BDSM, Latex and Leather... etc...

And lots and lots of Aphrodisiacs...

Wild humans generally see the Demons as Evil, and the fate of those humans who were captured and domesticated as worse
than death, but all those who are captured, end up feeling like they're in paradise, without exception...


Level 73 Practical Procastinator
Nov 4, 2022
Cute/Sexy Succubi, Slimy Tentacles, R*pe, Cattle farms where humans are the cattle, Slavery, BDSM, Latex and Leather... etc...

And lots and lots of Aphrodisiacs...

Wild humans generally see the Demons as Evil, and the fate of those humans who were captured and domesticated as worse
than death, but all those who are captured, end up feeling like they're in paradise, without exception...
For someone that knows nothing but pain, pain is nothing but a normal routine, thus the burden on their minds is lessened, as they know nothing better than their miserable lives.
Or something like that.