Writing [Tutorial] Writing Erotic HORROR


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
🎃Happy Halloween, my Delicious Friends!🎃
Writing Erotic HORROR
Tossing a random sex scene into a Horror story will not give you an Erotic Horror story. All that does is make a Horror story with erotic bits. To write a true Erotic Horror, both Death and Sex must carry equal weight in the plot. Death and Sex must both make the story happen, preferably with one the result of the other:

Sex = Death or Death = Sex.

DISCLAIMER: This is Advice, and only advice. If you choose to use this technique, or just bits and pieces from here or there; Great! If not, that's fine too. Feel free to fold, spindle, or mutilate as you see fit. It is only advice.


Art by Victoria Frances

Let's begin with:
What is Erotic Horror?
According to Wikipedia:

Erotic horror, alternately noted as Dark Erotica, is a term applied to works of horror fiction in which sensual or sexual imagery (or descriptions of the physical act of sexual intercourse) are blended with horrific overtones or horror story elements.​

In other words:

If Erotica is:
They have sex and something happens.

Then Erotic Horror is:
They know exactly what will happen if they have sex,
and do it anyway

Believe it or not, the basic principal is actually a left-over from the antique Victorian view of "If you have Sex, something bad will happen to you." Something still promoted in today's horror flicks, especially those featuring teens.

Erotic Horror takes it one step further with:

Sex = Death or Death = Sex.


Art by Kawacy

Erotic Horror's
Most Common Plot-lines:

The new Girlfriend is a real monster.
-- Commonly foreshadowed by the fact that none of his family or friends likes her. The male protagonist then ignores all warnings to meet her in some deserted and blatantly creepy spot. They have sex and her true monstrosity is finally revealed.

This ends in one of two ways:

- He dies in her embrace.​
- He kills her in self defense, and regrets it.​

Far less often do you see the opposite:

The new Boyfriend is a real monster.
-- In this style of story, the family usually approves as do her friends, while the heroine is the one with all the doubts. Eventually she gives in to family and peer pressure and goes on a date with this guy. By the end of the date, she decides he's not so bad after all. He then takes her to some deserted and blatantly creepy spot. They have sex and his true monstrosity is finally revealed.

This ends in one of two ways:

- She dies in his embrace.​
- She kills him in self defense, and resents* it.​

In M/M stories...

The Secret Lover is a real monster.
-- None of his friends or family knows about the guy the protagonist is seeing because the protagonist is actively hiding or in denial about his attraction to this guy. The male protagonist then agrees to meet the guy in some deserted and blatantly creepy spot. The protagonist is seduced into sex and the other guy's true monstrosity is finally revealed.

This ends in one of two ways:

- He dies in his lover's embrace.​
- He kills his lover in self defense, and actively tries to *forget it ever happened.​

*Note: Why does the female protagonist Resent losing their lover
while the male protagonist Regrets losing their lover?

Basic psychology. Males have a tendency to regret losing anything they found pleasurable, where females tend to resent having made a bad choice in lovers. In the case of two male lovers, Denial is the common route; "That never happened."

However, as the author, you are entitled to write your character's feelings any way you like. Those were merely what I found in the Erotic Horror stories I read.

To continue...!

The new Lover is a real monster -- to everyone else.
-- In this style of story, the protagonist shacks up or marries their new love and realizes that their love is hiding some kind of secret. Meanwhile, the people around them are disappearing or dying. Completely ignoring the fact that people are dropping like flies round their love, the protagonist begins to suspect that their beloved is cheating on them. The protagonist follows their beloved and witnesses their lover seducing someone and then killing them in a particularly nasty way. Discovered, the beloved confesses their monstrosity and immediately goes all out to seduce their beloved.

This ends in one of four ways:
- The protagonist willingly dies in their beloved's embrace.
- The male protagonist kills their beloved in self defense, and regrets it.
- The female protagonist kills their beloved in self defense, and resents* it.
- The protagonist kills their beloved to save them, then commits suicide to join them.

The new lover convinces their beloved to become a real monster.
-- In this style of story, the protagonist shacks up or marries their new love who then refuses to have sex with the protagonist until they prove their love by killing someone and bringing back a trophy. Sometimes it's an object, but usually it's a body part. Eventually, the protagonist realizes that they have become a mass-murderer, regrets what they've become and finally begins to question their lover's sanity.

This ends in one of two ways:

- The protagonist snaps and kills their beloved in a mad sexual frenzy, then commits suicide.​
- The protagonist kills their beloved lovingly and then commits suicide.​


Simplistically speaking,
Erotic Horror is when two lovers have Sex
and Death is either the result or the cause.

However...! This doesn't mean the Lovers themselves have to die. As long as someone dies because they had sex, it's still Erotic Horror.

On the other hand...

Occasionally you'll see a story where two lovers are having sex and a monster comes out of nowhere then kills one or both of them. This kind of story is not Erotic Horror – it's ordinary Horror.

What's the difference?

In any Erotic story, the Erotic must turn the plot.
In other words, Sex must make the story happen. If something else makes the story happen; such as the sudden appearance of a monster, then it's not an Erotic story because the sex doesn't make anything happen -- the monster does.

In order to be a true Erotic Horror,
both Sex and Death must turn the plot.

However, not any sex will do. It has to be Sensual and Consensual. The protagonist needs to be willing, eager, and enjoying the sex in order to be Erotic -- with Death as the result or the cause of the Sex.
Note: A simple 'raped to death' story isn't Erotic Horror either because Rape is Not sexy. That's just a Snuff tale.​

In other words, no matter how many sex scenes you toss into a Horror story, if the sex is not directly related to the horror as the cause or result, then what you have is a plain ordinary horror story with a few extra scenes.

How can you tell
if you've written an Erotic Horror?

If you can cut out the Erotic scenes without hurting the main Horror plot-line – you did it WRONG.
If you can cut out the Horror scenes without hurting the main Erotica plot-line – you did it WRONG.
If cutting out the Horror scenes or the Erotic scenes ruins the story – you did it RIGHT.​

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Jun 11, 2021
:blob_aww: If I wasn't a baby to horror, I would have given this a go.

I don't think having sex to avoid death would count as horror, now would it?:blob_melt: Hm... Nope, I don't think it does.


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
:blob_aww: If I wasn't a baby to horror, I would have given this a go.

I don't think having sex to avoid death would count as horror, now would it?:blob_melt: Hm... Nope, I don't think it does.
It would definitely be Erotica, but the smut has to result in Death or be the cause of death to be Erotic Horror.


Jun 11, 2021
It would definitely be Erotica, but the smut has to result in Death or be the cause of death to be Erotic Horror.
For some reason, I remember all the stories I have heard of men dying of a heart attack while in the act. :blob_no:


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
For some reason, I remember all the stories I have heard of men dying of a heart attack while in the act. :blob_no:
If they had a very good time...?
-- Though the story would be rather mundane -- unless the girl intended to kill him that way? No wait, that's a Snuff Tale, not Erotic Horror.


Jun 11, 2021
If they had a very good time...?
-- Though the story would be rather mundane -- unless the girl intended to kill him that way? No wait, that's a Snuff Tale, not Erotic Horror.
:blob_happy: I was talking about real-life stories.

My baby did this to me when he was a fetus.
:blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock: You just made me never want to have a kid.
Feb 6, 2021
do you have any recommendations? something that highlights the sense of foreboding and tension.


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
do you have any recommendations? something that highlights the sense of foreboding and tension.
What exactly do you want me to recommend?
-- I don't quite know what you're asking for? Stories, songs, pictures...?
Feb 6, 2021
What exactly do you want me to recommend?
-- I don't quite know what you're asking for? Stories, songs, pictures...?
novels on the subject? short ones are fine too. anything of quality would work. I imagine this is the same as horror but with the extra high of plucking the forbidden fruit. I haven't read much of regular horror, but I doubt it'd be hard to find something decent there. This on the other hand seems more niche.


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
novels on the subject? short ones are fine too. anything of quality would work. I imagine this is the same as horror but with the extra high of plucking the forbidden fruit. I haven't read much of regular horror, but I doubt it'd be hard to find something decent there. This on the other hand seems more niche.
Anything by Poppy Z Brite, if you want Good.
-- Look for the "Love in Vein" anthology series edited by Poppy Z Brite. They're mostly vampire short stories, but they're quite good. You can get used paperbacks at a very reasonable price.

You're right, Erotic Horror is quite niche. Most dark erotica published currently is Gothic Erotica --more supernatural beings, more angst, less murder-- which is what I tend to write.
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Level 34 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
THIS is one of many reasons why I never had kids.
:blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock::blob_shock: You just made me never want to have a kid.
That ain't the half of it! Just wait until you hear about what can happen if they give you too much Pitocin in labor!

BOOM! Emergency c-section!
C-sections, especially emergency ones, come with a higher risk of death than vaginal birth :s_wink:

Personally, that's why I refused an epidural. Pitocin causes stronger, more painful contractions. Pitocin is necessary for some people, but when your contractions are too strong, that's very bad.

My husband caught the nurses sneaking my Pitocin dose up without talking to us first. I was almost in too much pain to talk. I had no time to recover between contractions. We ordered them to take it down from a 9 to a 4, and the rest of the labor went smoothly. Still, the nurses looked at us like we were crazy and said that labor could stop if we turned down the Pitocin.

I listened to my body. My husband listened to my screams. We were right, and the nurses were wrong.

Pitocin isn't needed for everyone, but when it is, it can quickly get out of hand. I complained to my OB/GYN at my postpartum appointment, and she said it was normal to go up to 20 or 30 units of Pitocin. Normal if you don't happen to go into natural labor at the time of your scheduled induction, maybe. That's the thing: I already had some mild contractions when we showed up for my scheduled labor induction. We had to get my baby out at 39 weeks because his estimated fetal weight would have been over 10 pounds by 40 weeks. If I waited any longer, the hospital would have required me to have a C-section.

Personally, I have a huge pelvis, and I'm sure I could have handled a larger baby, but the doctors didn't care. Hospital policy is hospital policy. Honestly though, I know my body. It turned out that I only had to push for one hour instead of the usual two, and that baby shot out of me like a rocket once his head was free. The concern about him being over 10 pounds was about his shoulders getting stuck, but obviously that was no problem.

Aside from a higher risk of maternal death, I didn't want a C-section for my baby's sake:

Refusing the epidural and having an attentive partner saved me from an emergency C-section. Without being able to feel the pain, I wouldn't have known they were giving me too much Pitocin. How did we know about all this in the first place? One of my university professors showed "The Business of Being Born" to the class, and I made my husband watch it while I was pregnant.

"The Business of Being Born" is over 10 years old now, and I'm sad to say that not much has changed in all that time. Hospitals want to force people into unnecessary C-sections whenever possible because it means the hospital gets more money:

Here's another way hospitals are greedy:
How hospitals inflate bills for healthy births by labeling them 'emergencies' : Shots - Health News : NPR

I fought tooth and nail to have a vaginal birth, and I won!


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
That ain't the half of it! Just wait until you hear about what can happen if they give you too much Pitocin in labor!

BOOM! Emergency c-section!
C-sections, especially emergency ones, come with a higher risk of death than vaginal birth :s_wink:

Personally, that's why I refused an epidural. Pitocin causes stronger, more painful contractions. Pitocin is necessary for some people, but when your contractions are too strong, that's very bad.

My husband caught the nurses sneaking my Pitocin dose up without talking to us first. I was almost in too much pain to talk. I had no time to recover between contractions. We ordered them to take it down from a 9 to a 4, and the rest of the labor went smoothly. Still, the nurses looked at us like we were crazy and said that labor could stop if we turned down the Pitocin.

I listened to my body. My husband listened to my screams. We were right, and the nurses were wrong.

Pitocin isn't needed for everyone, but when it is, it can quickly get out of hand. I complained to my OB/GYN at my postpartum appointment, and she said it was normal to go up to 20 or 30 units of Pitocin. Normal if you don't happen to go into natural labor at the time of your scheduled induction, maybe. That's the thing: I already had some mild contractions when we showed up for my scheduled labor induction. We had to get my baby out at 39 weeks because his estimated fetal weight would have been over 10 pounds by 40 weeks. If I waited any longer, the hospital would have required me to have a C-section.

Personally, I have a huge pelvis, and I'm sure I could have handled a larger baby, but the doctors didn't care. Hospital policy is hospital policy. Honestly though, I know my body. It turned out that I only had to push for one hour instead of the usual two, and that baby shot out of me like a rocket once his head was free. The concern about him being over 10 pounds was about his shoulders getting stuck, but obviously that was no problem.

Aside from a higher risk of maternal death, I didn't want a C-section for my baby's sake:

Refusing the epidural and having an attentive partner saved me from an emergency C-section. Without being able to feel the pain, I wouldn't have known they were giving me too much Pitocin. How did we know about all this in the first place? One of my university professors showed "The Business of Being Born" to the class, and I made my husband watch it while I was pregnant.

"The Business of Being Born" is over 10 years old now, and I'm sad to say that not much has changed in all that time. Hospitals want to force people into unnecessary C-sections whenever possible because it means the hospital gets more money:

Here's another way hospitals are greedy:
How hospitals inflate bills for healthy births by labeling them 'emergencies' : Shots - Health News : NPR

I fought tooth and nail to have a vaginal birth, and I won!
Well! I'm absolutely sure you horrified quite a few readers with this post!


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
TL;DR for the boys:

Well! I'm absolutely sure you horrified quite a few readers with this post!
compared to her usual, shorter posts, this is actually quite informative. since we're all sons of bitches (writers) AND posting in a site generally coined as SmutHub, I think a lot of guys would get an educational experience out of this.

I'm just waiting for that one guy with a preggo sex fetish to bookmark this.
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Jun 11, 2021
That ain't the half of it! Just wait until you hear about what can happen if they give you too much Pitocin in labor!

BOOM! Emergency c-section!
C-sections, especially emergency ones, come with a higher risk of death than vaginal birth :s_wink:

Personally, that's why I refused an epidural. Pitocin causes stronger, more painful contractions. Pitocin is necessary for some people, but when your contractions are too strong, that's very bad.

My husband caught the nurses sneaking my Pitocin dose up without talking to us first. I was almost in too much pain to talk. I had no time to recover between contractions. We ordered them to take it down from a 9 to a 4, and the rest of the labor went smoothly. Still, the nurses looked at us like we were crazy and said that labor could stop if we turned down the Pitocin.

I listened to my body. My husband listened to my screams. We were right, and the nurses were wrong.

Pitocin isn't needed for everyone, but when it is, it can quickly get out of hand. I complained to my OB/GYN at my postpartum appointment, and she said it was normal to go up to 20 or 30 units of Pitocin. Normal if you don't happen to go into natural labor at the time of your scheduled induction, maybe. That's the thing: I already had some mild contractions when we showed up for my scheduled labor induction. We had to get my baby out at 39 weeks because his estimated fetal weight would have been over 10 pounds by 40 weeks. If I waited any longer, the hospital would have required me to have a C-section.

Personally, I have a huge pelvis, and I'm sure I could have handled a larger baby, but the doctors didn't care. Hospital policy is hospital policy. Honestly though, I know my body. It turned out that I only had to push for one hour instead of the usual two, and that baby shot out of me like a rocket once his head was free. The concern about him being over 10 pounds was about his shoulders getting stuck, but obviously that was no problem.

Aside from a higher risk of maternal death, I didn't want a C-section for my baby's sake:

Refusing the epidural and having an attentive partner saved me from an emergency C-section. Without being able to feel the pain, I wouldn't have known they were giving me too much Pitocin. How did we know about all this in the first place? One of my university professors showed "The Business of Being Born" to the class, and I made my husband watch it while I was pregnant.

"The Business of Being Born" is over 10 years old now, and I'm sad to say that not much has changed in all that time. Hospitals want to force people into unnecessary C-sections whenever possible because it means the hospital gets more money:

Here's another way hospitals are greedy:
How hospitals inflate bills for healthy births by labeling them 'emergencies' : Shots - Health News : NPR

I fought tooth and nail to have a vaginal birth, and I won!
Holy shit! That's insane. But fucking true.

I am sad to inform this is an usual practice. Why? C-sections give more money to the hospital and doctors. So, doctors will always prescribe anything that will lead to a greater profit.

We are in the business of sick people. Not healthy ones sadly. Instead of promoting better health, the medical field seems to want the opposite.

You know, these people are in debt for most of their lives. But hey, they sell themselves off to pharma companies. Some doctors prescribe things patient doesn't need. This includes test/meds.

So, I wouldn't blame the nurses if they were following doctor orders. After all, this is what we do. We can't give medicine unless there is a order for it. And that comes from the MD.

However, if those nurses were not informing you of what they were doing, that appalls me. How can a fucking nurse give a patient a med without telling them? I mean, unless they are in coma, consent is always there.

As a patient you have the right to refuse treatment of any kind. Thus should always be informed of everything that goes into your body.

I am sad to say most nurses don't do this. So, I apologize for the lack of responsibility these nurses showed. I am glad your partner was there for you in a time of need. And I am also glad you and the baby turned out fine.

c: I hope it stays that way too!

P.S. Maternity fatality does increase with every intervention given to a natural birth. But it also has to do with follow ups after birth. Docs fail at this. Especially in the US.


Level 34 👪 💍 Pronouns: she/whore ♀
Apr 15, 2020
However, if those nurses were not informing you of what they were doing, that appalls me. How can a fucking nurse give a patient a med without telling them? I mean, unless they are in coma, consent is always there.

As a patient you have the right to refuse treatment of any kind. Thus should always be informed of everything that goes into your body.

I am sad to say most nurses don't do this. So, I apologize for the lack of responsibility these nurses showed. I am glad your partner was there for you in a time of need. And I am also glad you and the baby turned out fine.
Thanky! We agreed to a low dose of Pitocin, starting at a 2, but they never told us when they upped the dose. Maybe some of our concerns got lost over a shift change or something.


Chaotic lewd enby bunny. They/them
Feb 10, 2020
Me that wants both lovers to live: Hmmm.... unkillable monster in some way that can infect others. Boom! Nobody has to die.... except for all the victims, but who cares about those guys.


Author of Quality Smut
Mar 20, 2021
Me that wants both lovers to live: Hmmm.... unkillable monster in some way that can infect others. Boom! Nobody has to die.... except for all the victims, but who cares about those guys.
Well, then you just have a regular Horror tale like, Outbreak, or one of those Zombie flicks.

. . . . .

I'll find a way
Ben, I had several friends die from this virus. I can't play with it. Please remove this comment, or replace it?
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Active member
Apr 2, 2022
🎃Happy Halloween, my Delicious Friends!🎃
Writing Erotic HORROR
Tossing a random sex scene into a Horror story will not give you an Erotic Horror story. All that does is make a Horror story with erotic bits. To write a true Erotic Horror, both Death and Sex must carry equal weight in the plot. Death and Sex must both make the story happen, preferably with one the result of the other:

Sex = Death or Death = Sex.

DISCLAIMER: This is Advice, and only advice. If you choose to use this technique, or just bits and pieces from here or there; Great! If not, that's fine too. Feel free to fold, spindle, or mutilate as you see fit. It is only advice.

View attachment 10212
Art by Victoria Frances

Let's begin with:
What is Erotic Horror?
According to Wikipedia:

Erotic horror, alternately noted as Dark Erotica, is a term applied to works of horror fiction in which sensual or sexual imagery (or descriptions of the physical act of sexual intercourse) are blended with horrific overtones or horror story elements.​

In other words:

If Erotica is:
They have sex and something happens.

Then Erotic Horror is:
They know exactly what will happen if they have sex,
and do it anyway

Believe it or not, the basic principal is actually a left-over from the antique Victorian view of "If you have Sex, something bad will happen to you." Something still promoted in today's horror flicks, especially those featuring teens.

Erotic Horror takes it one step further with:

Sex = Death or Death = Sex.

View attachment 10211
Art by Kawacy

Erotic Horror's
Most Common Plot-lines:

The new Girlfriend is a real monster.
-- Commonly foreshadowed by the fact that none of his family or friends likes her. The male protagonist then ignores all warnings to meet her in some deserted and blatantly creepy spot. They have sex and her true monstrosity is finally revealed.

This ends in one of two ways:

- He dies in her embrace.​
- He kills her in self defense, and regrets it.​

Far less often do you see the opposite:

The new Boyfriend is a real monster.
-- In this style of story, the family usually approves as do her friends, while the heroine is the one with all the doubts. Eventually she gives in to family and peer pressure and goes on a date with this guy. By the end of the date, she decides he's not so bad after all. He then takes her to some deserted and blatantly creepy spot. They have sex and his true monstrosity is finally revealed.

This ends in one of two ways:

- She dies in his embrace.​
- She kills him in self defense, and resents* it.​

In M/M stories...

The Secret Lover is a real monster.
-- None of his friends or family knows about the guy the protagonist is seeing because the protagonist is actively hiding or in denial about his attraction to this guy. The male protagonist then agrees to meet the guy in some deserted and blatantly creepy spot. The protagonist is seduced into sex and the other guy's true monstrosity is finally revealed.

This ends in one of two ways:

- He dies in his lover's embrace.​
- He kills his lover in self defense, and actively tries to *forget it ever happened.​

*Note: Why does the female protagonist Resent losing their lover
while the male protagonist Regrets losing their lover?

Basic psychology. Males have a tendency to regret losing anything they found pleasurable, where females tend to resent having made a bad choice in lovers. In the case of two male lovers, Denial is the common route; "That never happened."

However, as the author, you are entitled to write your character's feelings any way you like. Those were merely what I found in the Erotic Horror stories I read.

To continue...!

The new Lover is a real monster -- to everyone else.
-- In this style of story, the protagonist shacks up or marries their new love and realizes that their love is hiding some kind of secret. Meanwhile, the people around them are disappearing or dying. Completely ignoring the fact that people are dropping like flies round their love, the protagonist begins to suspect that their beloved is cheating on them. The protagonist follows their beloved and witnesses their lover seducing someone and then killing them in a particularly nasty way. Discovered, the beloved confesses their monstrosity and immediately goes all out to seduce their beloved.

This ends in one of four ways:
- The protagonist willingly dies in their beloved's embrace.
- The male protagonist kills their beloved in self defense, and regrets it.
- The female protagonist kills their beloved in self defense, and resents* it.
- The protagonist kills their beloved to save them, then commits suicide to join them.

The new lover convinces their beloved to become a real monster.
-- In this style of story, the protagonist shacks up or marries their new love who then refuses to have sex with the protagonist until they prove their love by killing someone and bringing back a trophy. Sometimes it's an object, but usually it's a body part. Eventually, the protagonist realizes that they have become a mass-murderer, regrets what they've become and finally begins to question their lover's sanity.

This ends in one of two ways:

- The protagonist snaps and kills their beloved in a mad sexual frenzy, then commits suicide.​
- The protagonist kills their beloved lovingly and then commits suicide.​

View attachment 10214
Simplistically speaking,
Erotic Horror is when two lovers have Sex
and Death is either the result or the cause.

However...! This doesn't mean the Lovers themselves have to die. As long as someone dies because they had sex, it's still Erotic Horror.

On the other hand...

Occasionally you'll see a story where two lovers are having sex and a monster comes out of nowhere then kills one or both of them. This kind of story is not Erotic Horror – it's ordinary Horror.

What's the difference?

In any Erotic story, the Erotic must turn the plot.
In other words, Sex must make the story happen. If something else makes the story happen; such as the sudden appearance of a monster, then it's not an Erotic story because the sex doesn't make anything happen -- the monster does.

In order to be a true Erotic Horror,
both Sex and Death must turn the plot.

However, not any sex will do. It has to be Sensual and Consensual. The protagonist needs to be willing, eager, and enjoying the sex in order to be Erotic -- with Death as the result or the cause of the Sex.
Note: A simple 'raped to death' story isn't Erotic Horror either because Rape is Not sexy. That's just a Snuff tale.​

In other words, no matter how many sex scenes you toss into a Horror story, if the sex is not directly related to the horror as the cause or result, then what you have is a plain ordinary horror story with a few extra scenes.

How can you tell
if you've written an Erotic Horror?

If you can cut out the Erotic scenes without hurting the main Horror plot-line – you did it WRONG.
If you can cut out the Horror scenes without hurting the main Erotica plot-line – you did it WRONG.
If cutting out the Horror scenes or the Erotic scenes ruins the story – you did it RIGHT.​

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