Welcome thread for the newbies!


Sep 18, 2023
Greetings to all and Happy New Year!

I'm Nemo Nusquam, itinerant writer and daydreamer.

I've been writing for about sixteen years now--with varying degrees of commitment--but I've been creating stories since I have use of memory.

When writing in English I mainly stick to speculative fiction; Fantasy, Scifi and Horror. When writing in Spanish I tend to lean more toward Magical Realism and the "Literary" (which is more of a quality than a genre, I believe, but you catch my drift).

Looking forward to join the conversation. Best of luck this 2024!


Perpetually Positively Pondering
Jan 18, 2024
Totally bypassed this originally. Whooops. Anywho.

I'm L8rose or just Rose.

I'm a hobby illustrator, writer and game developer (although most games I've made have been short ones for my kids). Most of my illustrations have been of my own characters or monsters for games I've worked on. And I've been writing since pretty much when I learned to write, my earliest work being a Sailor Moon fanfic and my current main one being a Dragon Age / Skyrim crossover (just haven't been in the right headspace to finish my editing to continue uploading it atm). I also like researching and often get so lost in looking things up for writing that I never get to the writing.

When it comes to reading, I tend to stick to the fantasy and sci-fi genres but I usually only look for female protagonist stories. Lately I've been on the hunt for Apocalypse or Post-Apocalypse but I've read a ridiculous amount of Transmigration and Reincarnation. Currently, I'm going through another read of a few Chinese stories of transmigration into the 1970s.

I don't really have a favorite book but I'd have to say the Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy and Harperhall Trilogy by Anne McCaffrey were probably the most influential overall. The six books introduced me to the idea of having fantasy but with a sci-fi explanation, yet not delving too deeply into the reasoning. Despite the flaws (and retcons), the books also showcased an interesting world and different take on dragons. Probably why I could never get into the other books in the series where she (or her son) tried so hard to explain everything. Favorite book aside, I tend to read anything when I have the time.


A Trickster that loves Puppets
Jun 13, 2023
While I know most of the users here are migrating from Novel Update Forums but I'm pretty sure along with the ones from the other forum there will be members that are completely new so that's the purpose of this thread! To welcome the newbies.

An example of the intro would probably be good so here's mine
I'm called Ophious but people here usually call me Ophi or Phiphi for short
Well since I'm here you can probably tell I have a deep interest in reading novels, games anime and manga are also things I like, basically I'm like an average person. I do like cooking a little and gardening is starting to become a boom in my family and I might join
Current favourite has got to be my sister the villainess by cupcake ninja, there will be r18 scenes later but it'll be indicated in the chapter title and isn't necessary to read for the plot! I like it since it's quote funny
Genres I prefer are fantasy, comedy and slice of life
Not really into deep dark stuff


Witch of miracles/Miracle feline
Jan 21, 2024

Please call me Bern or I might bite your head off (it’ll hurt).

I am a pretty avid reader and currently trying my hand at writing for the first time. My hobbies range from hiking to playing the most obscure, messed up RPG games and visual novels I can manage to find. Please do give me suggestions so I can add more games to my list.

I only read stories that have some degree of fantasy or horror mixed in alongside relatively explicit themes (even if they aren’t done very well). I have also found myself sadly addicted to numbers and skills going up in my stories so LitRPG’s are at the top of my pending stories.

My favorite story at the moment is “Markets and Multiverses” because it’s relatively long, gritty and actually uses its intended premise well. The fact that it has a pretty solid upload schedule doesn’t harm it either.


New member
Feb 17, 2024

Hey all, name's EmeraldKitten (tho I might change to EmeraldMythra later). Can just call me Mythra.
Not so much a reader as I am a writer. I found this site when googling some questions about writing topics, and I have a lot of ideas in mind to write. Though at the same time I am not sure if my writing is top notch. Not something I really want critiqued though, as I need to remind myself I write mostly for myself and if I try too hard to be "perfect", I will burn out. I don't make money on my writing.

I do like to read some stories on here though, as I do get inspired and learn how to write better through reading. I write NSFW topics but may start writing SFW stories as well, maybe fanfiction?


Feb 4, 2024
Didn't realize this was a thing until now. Hello everyone! I go by Praybird, Pray, Pb, whatever you'd like.

Despite having heavy writing phases throughout my life, I never really sat down to write a full story. I'd always write small bits of lore or setting, maybe a small scene then and there of this world I had in my head, and I'd never connect them or put them together for others to read. I didn't really trust myself to put in the necessary effort in writing an actual story.

But then I discovered a particular webnovel that broadened by horizons a ton. I finally started realizing that you didn't really have to sit down and write an entire book before anyone ever knew about it. Just last month, I finally managed to work out a coherent beginning, and...it's been super fun so far. It's weird knowing people are enjoying what I have to share through words.

Hopefully the experience will be just as fun on the reader's side. Maybe. Possibly. I dunno, you tell me, huh?


New member
Feb 15, 2024
Hello there Scribble people! I'm pretty new to this place Scribblehub. You can call me Beeze. I do both writing and I do Art. For me, I only recently got into writing a Novel. I used to do little drawings and tried to formulate a story, but now, I am trying to bring my stories to life. The Genre i'm most invvested in is Fantasy type of Novels involving magic. Iv'e always been into that kind of stuff. Recently, iv'e been leaning into some Dark fantasy stuff too, and even some Horror, but I can't say I wouldn't enjoy a story of any genre if it's done good. Some stories tend to suprise me. I also wrote a story of my own, involving reincarnation with some System and technological elements combined.

Feel free to check out my story Here!


New member
Feb 21, 2024
Hi, you can call me Khai. I migrated from a site called Commaful because it's shutting down (a shame indeed). I like writing and swimming, and horror or thriller short stories. I used to like the Fazbear Frights books because of their unique and creative antagonists but I'm not interested in them anymore because they have lost their charming quality writing -- at least that's what I think. I'm writing a series of short horror stories called "The Void", which may contain some of my old stories on Commaful that I will decide to rewrite. I'm not interested in anime and I dislike cliche stories. Looking forward to writing more stories soon!


New member
Mar 12, 2024
I am writing about a super hero I made called energy source he gets way too op but still manages to have a good time
i love si-fi


New member
Mar 15, 2024
Hi there! My name is Jason. I go by the handle of House Master Po Ding. I write serialized fanfiction in the Battletech Universe. I'm also a published author in that universe, but there's never enough room to tell all the stories I want to, so my outlet is fanfiction. I've mostly posted it on my blog, but decided to start posting it here to get a better handle on my readership and hopefully to expand it.

I love tabletop wargaming, and games are my primary inspiration for the things that I write. I'll often paint miniatures up to match the stories that I tell. I hope that you'll give my stuff a read. Thanks again!


New member
Jun 23, 2023
Hi there, Folks, The name is Bugo but you can call me by my pen-name, Poor Wordsmith.. I also Scanlate, Translate Chinese Manhua to English in my Free Time using MTL, but I amke sure that it is readable and also still contains the Messege the author rely.. Currently I'm on Indefinite Hiatus in Scanlating, I mostly play Games on Phone and read Novels, Manga, manhua, manhwa, Webtoon, Webcomic.. and write fanfictions or original pieces out of a Whim..


New member
Mar 25, 2024
I'm very new to this site but not to writing. So while I have no idea how to navigate things here and will make lots of mistakes, the writing is my happy spot. I'm published in the U.S. on amazon and stuff, writing mixed genre dark romance. Testing out a new pen name and some dirty ideas to see if there is a niche in the wider world. What are those new ideas? 3rd person POV serial shorts with bunny women and werewolves. (no comments from the werewolf hating peanut gallery, please. I know you are out there. It is never going away.) It's a bit on the campy side with an anime feel. Read something like this once that stuck with me and saw some h3ntai doing "research." I will look at your erotic stories too, happy to provide 1st couple of chapter feedback for same as I have time- but please no contemporary or normal settings. I prefer imagnairy settings with my imaginary sex.

Looking foreard to meeing some new folks.

- I write therefore I typo.


New member
Apr 4, 2024

(Warning! Roleplay cringe incoming)

Greetings, this one is called Daoist_Carefree. I have long forgotten my original name by reading countless scriptures from the myriad worlds, be it one of cultivation, magic, or technology. Reading through countless scriptures, I have comprehended the Dao of Carefree, which makes me able to read demonic scriptures that gives others brain rot. But alas my comprehension of Dao of Carefree is still not enough to read vilest demonic scriptures and withstand the collapse of the heaven and earth.


Well-known member
May 6, 2024
Hi 👋

I'm RedMuffin, a sentient muffin, but you can just call me Muffin. Feel honored :blob_sir:

I'm a devoted reader who likes anything readable, so I can enjoy any story.

My area of activities was limited to Royal Road's Forums until recently, I decided to take a look around here to see if I can gift more muffinness to the people.

So, nice to meet you all!

(Also, I'm obsessed with internet points)


On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
Hi 👋

I'm RedMuffin, a sentient muffin, but you can just call me Muffin. Feel honored :blob_sir:

I'm a devoted reader who likes anything readable, so I can enjoy any story.

My area of activities was limited to Royal Road's Forums until recently, I decided to take a look around here to see if I can gift more muffinness to the people.

So, nice to meet you all!

(Also, I'm obsessed with internet points)
Well, let me be the first then to give your first point to you here, in the form of a like :blob_shade: :blob_cookie:


New member
May 8, 2024

I have dozens of original characters and concepts. But I'm still working things out and putting things together

I'm also autistic. And nt very good with socialization sometimes
Apr 3, 2024
So uh...
I am FlyingPotatoes and I am also the author of Dicera a yuri work.

I'm not sure if you guys can tell but I do love yuri so much that I enrolled at a catholic school for my entire highschool life just so I can observe some potential yuri ships right at the first seat. And God I tell you they don't disappoint.
I even found myself inside a circle. The said circle are comprised of girls which made me feel a bit awkward at first(seeing I'm a guy) and luckily I know everyone there as all of them already asked me stuff like opinions after all everyone that knows me in school already knew my addiction to yuri works.

Anyways, I also love reading and cooking.(I had to practice cooking before for our class and thanks to that I developed interest in it despite being an IT student.)

My current favorite work right now is probably asumi-chan is interested in lesbian brothels. God I love reading that one.

Also might as well promote my work Dicera here. Please do follow my oh-so-lucky-not mc Eris on her adventure after her soul got lost to the world of Dicera. Now stuck there she might as well go on adventure with girls on her side cause why not? Girls love is HOT!
May 29, 2024
Hello! I am Ellie and I love to read, write, and play violin! My favorite book is probably Ann Liang's I Hope This Doesn't Find You. The genres I'm interested in are basically any type of fiction in the young adult age range, and I'm writing a YA romance titled Call It What You Want.