What does everyone's notes look like?

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Active member
Mar 4, 2022
Chapter synopses, mind maps for larger story points, notes on the world, magic, countries, profiles for various characters etc. I just write whatever comes to mind in my notes, much of which will never actually show in the story.


Queen of Yuri Devourer of Traps
Dec 23, 2018
Firstly, I'm not asking anyone to reveal anything. As someone who barely even writes notes for his story, I figured I'd start with there. Who knows, maybe it'll ignite a spark inside me and motivate me to continue writing.

Anyway, on to the question. What does everyone's notes contain? Is it a jumble of small plot points you deem worthy to keep for later? Is it a full outline of a chapter, detailing what happens? Or is it a timetable that just has the main idea of the story?

Whenever I try to write notes, my mind just turns blank, so...
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Active member
Feb 28, 2021
Personally, most character details are in my head, but i do write down events that will happen in a per chapter basis (currently writing LN length chapters) and some dialogue ideas that might be interesting so that i don't forget about them later, as for where, it's scattered around my scrivener file, discord chats, and soft copy of notes in my phone...


In your heart~
Dec 23, 2021
Firstly, I'm not asking anyone to reveal anything. As someone who barely even writes notes for his story, I figured I'd start with there. Who knows, maybe it'll ignite a spark inside me and motivate me to continue writing.

Anyway, on to the question. What does everyone's notes contain? Is it a jumble of small plot points you deem worthy to keep for later? Is it a full outline of a chapter, detailing what happens? Or is it a timetable that just has the main idea of the story?

Whenever I try to write notes, my mind just turns blank, so...
me and my editor goofing about


□■ - I like running in mazes - ■□
Nov 16, 2021
Firstly, I'm not asking anyone to reveal anything. As someone who barely even writes notes for his story, I figured I'd start with there. Who knows, maybe it'll ignite a spark inside me and motivate me to continue writing.

Anyway, on to the question. What does everyone's notes contain? Is it a jumble of small plot points you deem worthy to keep for later? Is it a full outline of a chapter, detailing what happens? Or is it a timetable that just has the main idea of the story?

Whenever I try to write notes, my mind just turns blank, so...
I don't have notes 😅
(Should I?)


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2020
I try to write notes but I always lose them and make some last-minute decisions that usual rule them obsolete lol
So, my whole story is pretty much improvised on the spot, except for the base ideas that make up all my characters.

Like, I have one character with Beethoven/Werwolf references, another based on vampires/greek mythology,...
It probably sounds pretty messy but it works for me!


Sleep deprived mess of a published author
Jan 29, 2020
I don't really make notes. I'll come up with ideas and save them in a messy doc folder but that's it. It's all planned out in my head.


Stuck on rewrite hell
Jun 11, 2019
When I come up with a story, a create a folder with a text file containing the basic premise, a list of main characters, a list of secondary characters, a list of antagonists, and a file with random ideas I may or may not use. If I ever get around actually writing that story, then I start adding whatever else is needed (lore tidbits that will never be relevant, spells that will be used twice at most, ideas for sequels I'll never write, etc.)


Apr 29, 2022
Hm... For the most part I just have ideas in my head and don't run with notes, since when I do make notes they are really just something in the world replicated as "notes". An example is my magic system, I have rules, balance, and how the characters use them; The rest I just have some tid bits on characters personalities and how they think of certain characters, all in my head. Well... I do have the smaller notes on characters, but those are more like a garbled mess of facts about the character.

Let's suppose I made a character note, it would often go like this:
Likes, dislikes, and demeanor.
Thoughts on close friend and/or rival.

And most of it can fit on a small piece of note book paper no bigger than my palm. So I guess it depends, either it is detailed (most often doing so if it is something that needs to be understood in depth and can have superficial aspects when implemented in the actual story), or very loose (most often when it needs to be dynamic and shouldn't stay still forever.)


Foxy, the fluffy butt-stabber!
Nov 17, 2020
For Villainess, Retry!, it's a little over 100 pages of typed notes; for Days of Blood and Roses, it's over 500 pages of typed notes. Besides character profiles and setting descriptions, there's links and notes on a lot of miscellaneous stuff.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2021
Mostly stuff to keep things consistent, some characters description and their powers, brief descriptions of places in the world and plot points, and smaller stuff like how much money the mc has at any given chapter.


Active member
May 17, 2022
Firstly, I'm not asking anyone to reveal anything. As someone who barely even writes notes for his story, I figured I'd start with there. Who knows, maybe it'll ignite a spark inside me and motivate me to continue writing.

Anyway, on to the question. What does everyone's notes contain? Is it a jumble of small plot points you deem worthy to keep for later? Is it a full outline of a chapter, detailing what happens? Or is it a timetable that just has the main idea of the story?

Whenever I try to write notes, my mind just turns blank, so...

I set up a Google sheet.

1. It lists chapter by chapter, linking to the Google Doc the draft lives in.

2. It also includes a cheat sheet of every character:
- Name and notable features (visual and personality)
- Ch of first appearance in novel
- Birthday/Death
- Significance of character to story

3. I also created a timeline of events before even writing the chapters. I started with the first chapters and what I have in mind for the end, then a filled in the middle of major events and what foreshadowing has to occur where.

These 3 points made it so much easier to keep track of characters/places and what foreshadowing had to occur where.

I didn’t do that with another novel I wrote (not published)… and now it’s a mess going through and organizing events/timelines/characters. It’ll take a year of cleanup before I’m ready to publish that one even though it’s technically complete and ready.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
Whenever I try to write notes, my mind just turns blank, so...
I have bullet point lists of names for places, characters, etc. I have a blurb, and maybe a few fragmented notes, and that's about it. Below are all my notes for Oni Rokura, a three-arc, four-hundred page series. This is typical for the way I do my notes. Notice how it's mostly just names for characters and fantasy items, places, etc. Nothing on plot except the blurb. Also, these were much shorter when I started. They typically expand as I write, because many of these notes are simply a way to reference or remember names.


  • Oni Rōkura
  • No Dice
  • Static weapons and spells
  • Overpowered
  • Static Growth
  • Kinetic Magic
  • Blink
  • Persistent Bad Luck
  • Consequences
  • Bloodlust
  • Tracking
  • Hunger
  • Regeneration
  • Fatigue
  • Oni Rage
  • Fatigue
  • Celestial Eyes
  • After Images > Combines with tracking
  • Bad eyesight
  • Mental Suppression
  • Memory Loss
  • Lord Hans Bellefeuille (bell-foy)
  • Encasement/Crystal of the Gods
  • Fist of the Gods
  • Animal Transformation/Becomes a golden-furred cat
  • Sharp blue eyes, like the sea
  • Golden hair
  • Thin, young, beautiful
  • A snitch for Ogai, shrewd, becomes loyal to Rōkura?
  • Wears a lot of black and white?
  • Very business-like

  • Parents were royalty
  • Tall, at five feet seven inches
  • C-cup breasts
  • Long black hair
  • Hot-pink skin with white marbling up her right arm and on her shoulder
  • Luminous Aqua Eyes: Cannot see well
  • Hunger for meat: When wounded, she craves blood for Regeneration
  • Shinjiro Tanabe
  • Thousand-blade strike
  • Tall, handsome
  • Young but not overly young
  • Long black hair
  • Note: Because this character is overpowered, she has to lose in other ways, and quite frequently. While combat is easy for her, make her persistent bad luck, and the natural consequences of using violence come out and inflict pains upon her.
  • Old Blurb: Murdered with her parents in a magical cult ritual, Rōkura is brought before an annoying deity named Ogai who likes to play loose with the celestial rules. Ogai offers Rōkura a chance to attain her revenge in exchange for services to be rendered. Well of course she takes Ogai-sama up on his offer! The only problem is that to resurrect her as an isekai in his little game of gods, she has to roll for random stats—and wow does the oni girl get the best bad luck for her task; she’s powerful, and yet Rōkura has incurred a rather embarrassing “ability” that may be more trouble than all of this is worth.

  • New Blurb: A reincarnated oni girl goes on a blood-soaked revenge spree while her patron deity plots further assassinations that serve his own ends. While Rōkura searches for the people who murdered her, she must also learn how to live.

  • She becomes an overpowered demon with bloodlust and regenerative capabilities, but what offsets her amazing powers is her new Persistent Bad Luck stat, a rather embarrassing drawback that might be more trouble than she can handle.

  • Momori Jinja
  • Momori Kazō
  • Ken-sama

  • Botan
  • Hokorash
  • Shinjiro
  • Thousand-Blade Strike
  • Tall, long black hair, young and handsome
  • Daimyō Hino
  • Old lady Yami
  • Natso
  • Ren
  • Mizu
  • Ōjasu
  • Masako
  • Sujin
  • Kenshi
  • Ryuunosuke
  • Oku
  • Fujiwarai
  • Hans Bellefeuille
  • Roshi
  • Boro
  • Yasu
  • Oro

    • Kazuno Hirai / Tall, gangly, strong / Yellow Oni
    • Lucian / Powerful Human, Dark
    • Esmeralda / Human, Rich, Vane and Powerful
    • Severin / Human, weak, smart
    • Speaks fast, like Ben Shapiro
    • Kezia / Cat Person, Tricky, Fast
    • Chinatsu / Human, Child, Psycho
    • Lady Victoire Dammartin
    • Salomé Valois
    • Yorn Hallik / Coach driver
    • Parents were royalty
    • Tall, at five feet seven inches
    • C-cup breasts
    • Long black hair
    • Hot-pink skin with white marbling up her right arm and on her shoulder
    • Luminous Aqua Eyes: Cannot see well
    • Hunger for meat: When wounded, she craves blood for Regeneration
    • Shinjiro Tanabe
    • Thousand-blade strike
    • Tall, handsome
    • Young but not overly young
    • Long black hair
    • Masako Yōzei
    • Sujin Yōzei
    • Asana Yōzei
    • Kamino Yōzei / Uncle
    • Shinjiro Tanabe
    • Rōkura Yōzei
    • Hot-pink skin with white marbling up her right arm and on her shoulder
    • Luminous Aqua Eyes: Cannot see well
    • Anjō Ōkoku / The kingdom from which Rōkura is from
    • The Death of Rōkura and her parents:
    • “Now…” a man’s voice said. “I will deliver the royal family to you. But you must take them away from here.”

    “Do not worry,” another voice said, deep and businesslike. There was a malicious air about it. “They will die on another world.”
    • Tsundai River
    • Kanagowa
    • Ōmiya
    • Lord Toruhara
    • Zenshiteru
    • Riojiusuki / Second in Command of Rōkura’s honor guard, the Pale Dragons
    • Shinta / Legendary Champion of the Sundown Riders
    • Capital / Shihon
    • Kawashira / the name of the country where this story takes place
    • Shokari River / River winding through the Capital
    • Kaji / the foreman at the beginning of the story
    • Lord Derrin
    • Ivor
    • Quentin
    • Soulless Night
    • Kazuno Hirai / Tall, gangly, strong / Yellow Oni
    • Uses Oni Claws as her primary weapon
    • Yellow amber eyes, yellow skin, black lips and nails
    • WHIRL OF FATE: Powerful, can destroy groups of enemies or maul a single target
    • Kurri Warriors:
    • Kazuno Hirai / Tall, gangly, strong / Yellow Oni
    • Uses Oni Claws as her primary weapon
    • Yellow amber eyes, yellow skin, black lips and nails
    • WHIRL OF FATE: Powerful, can destroy groups of enemies or maul a single target
    • Lucian / Powerful Human, Dark
    • Esmeralda / Rich, Vane and Powerful
    • Severin / Human, weak, smart
    • Kezia Harwicj / Human, Tricky, Fast
    • Cat person
    • Rapier
    • Chinatsu / Human, Child, Psycho
    • Shurikenjutsu
    • Tantō
    • Lord Asher Boone
    • Tall, frilly and dapper
    • Long blonde hair reaching down to his back
    • Fencer
    • Rich gambler
    • UNFLINCHING ATTACK: Never misses on a single target
    • Alfin Van Doerscht Boone / Grandfather
    • Adrian Withersbee
    • Middling height, huge mustache and square shoulders
    • Sir Alaric Deen
    • Taisho Six/Roku
    • Yuki Arinatto
    • Tsubaki
    • Ryuunosuke/ Dead / Crushed?
    • Tatsuo
    • Kyosuke
    • Samuru
    • Daichi Ashikaga / Shōgun of the Land
    • Purveying Truths: Allows the shōgun to tell a lie when spoken
    • Bakufu
    • Hikaru Naga / top aide to the shōgun
    • Kota Hasegawa
    • Tsurugo no Koneko
    • Madam Haruna
    • Chimon
    • Ume / A Japanese flower
    • Seventh Circle of Masters
    • Daimyō/Commander Shōzu Yonezawa / Dead / Thrown from the Awara Castle Summit
    • Ginzuare / The name of the district where Shōzu presides
    • Tomokai / Commander Shōzu’s advisor
    • Suko / Forward scout of the army
    • Atama / Suko’s commanding officer
    • Gōru
    • Asuhime
    • Minowa
    • Touma / innkeeper and owner of the Zarigani-sama!
    • Taisho Six/Roku
    • Yuki Arinatto
    • Tsubaki
    • Ryuunosuke
    • Tatsuo
    • Kyosuke
    • Samuru
    • Tonkai / “Respect” / A greeting used in this country
    • Chōdaira / The name of a city on the outskirts of the Capital
    • Tsurugo / District in Chōdaira ruled by Daimyō Wenhui
    • Daimyō Wenhui
    • Capital / Shihon
    • Shogo / Manager where Shinjiro works
    • Torii / Shrine Gate
    • Tsuba / katana guard
    • Subarashī Suteppu / Great Step
    • Nomikinan / Past Emperor of the Monks
    • Oni Rōkura
    • God Killer
    • No Dice
    • Static weapons and spells with high defaults
    • Static Growth
    • Kinetic Magic
    • Blink
    • Persistent Bad Luck
    • Consequences
    • Bloodlust
    • Tracking
    • Hunger
    • Regeneration
    • Fatigue
    • Oni Rage
    • Overpowered
    • Fatigue
    • Celestial Eyes
    • After Images > Combines with tracking
    • Bad eyesight
    • Mind Lock
    • Memory Loss
    • Mizu Armor
    • Kirai (her sword’s name)
    • Drinks the power of her enemies and becomes stronger
    • Shinjiro Tanabe / Samurai of Daimyō Hino
    • Administrator Fujiwarai
    • Ken-sama
    • Oku
    • Kenshi Yatamonu
    • Ryuunosuke
    • Shoji: Japanese sliding doors
    • Four Candles Inn
    • “Tell her…” / What did Shinjiro tell Hans before leaving Rōkura’s side?
    • “Tell her…”
    • Banjo / Dead / Executed by Shōzu
    • Aki
    • Shin
    • Nobu
    • Kao
    • Thasarian / Dead, killed the Shōzu’s ninja
    • Taro / a wounded adventurer
    • Nomikinan
    • Awara Castle.
    • Natsu no Shūkaku / Chōdaira Summer Harvest festival
    • Sentōki Fists / Chōdaira street gang
    • Zarigani-sama! / this inn in which Rōkura and Hans are staying when first arriving in Chōdaira.
    • Anjō Ōkoku / The kingdom from which Rōkura is from
    • The Death of Rōkura and her parents:
    • “Now…” a man’s voice said. “I will deliver the royal family to you. But you must take them away from here.”

    “Do not worry,” another voice said, deep and businesslike. There was a malicious air about it. “They will die on another world.”
    • Tsundai River
    • Kanagowa
    • Ōmiya
    • Lord Toruhara
    • Zenshiteru
    • Riojiusuki / Second in Command of Rōkura’s honor guard, the Pale Dragons
    • Shinta / Legendary Champion of the Sundown Riders