Why are the companies trying to literally kill off all their best characters?


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2020
No they don't, unless they're indie. If they're in a company or with a publisher they have to listen to higher ups orders no matter how garbage the orders are. Like how the dev team complained about 2 player coop in dead space 3 and forced to redo every single map worth months of work to accomodate said feature that made the game flop in the first place.
yeah they can, they just did whatever they wanted
comic characters die and revive all the time, they're recyclable assets to the companies, there will be thousands of iterations of them constantly anyways, that they die and get humilliated is nothing new and not worth crying like a baby over
i find the game itself dumb and ugly and i wont play it myself anyways, but ya'll should learn to live with the thought that there's shit that you will never like out there and that you can't do anyting about it
nobody is buying that piece of shit of a game anyways


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
Personally, I had no attachment to Joel from the last of us, so his death wasn't all that bad for me.
Still liked part 2.

As for Suicide Squad. It's the live service like gameplay that's ruined the game for me.


A Cloud Of Pure Spite And Eyes
Dec 15, 2021
yeah they can, they just did whatever they wanted
comic characters die and revive all the time, they're recyclable assets to the companies, there will be thousands of iterations of them constantly anyways, that they die and get humilliated is nothing new and not worth crying like a baby over
i find the game itself dumb and ugly and i wont play it myself anyways, but ya'll should learn to live with the thought that there's shit that you will never like out there and that you can't do anyting about it
nobody is buying that piece of shit of a game anyways
I wrote a book. I sold it, and I sold it along with my name. It was a good book very well balanced. It was a low level suppliment for d20 under the rules that allowed for third party use of the core material. Everyone said it was great and I got a good chunk of change for it.

However, Bardic Press thought it needed a little... spice.

And the book was then altered to include some new high power ultra broken shit.

I wrote a book about TREES.

MAGICAL. TREES. And the things you could do with MAGICAL. FUCKING. TREES. The SIMPLE THINGS THAT ADDED COLOR AND BACKGROUND TO A CAMPAIGN. I worked out rules for growing, harvesting, having tree farms, tree mills. Techniques. A sample tree logging town and logging camp and low level adventures that would involve the setting. You know, simple shit for like... a party of 5th level players.

Bardic Press included a fuckin DEMI-LICH whose Magic Skull was made out of FUCKIN' WOOD.

My book became a laughing stock and was universally panned. And you know what the worst part was?


This whole... "THEY" did whatever they wanted is false. "THEY" didn't do whatever they wanted any more then "I" wrote that book. I wrote "A BOOK", and I sold THAT BOOK, then MY BOOK turned into WHATEVER THE FUCK BARDIC PRESS TURNED IT INTO.

The people who love the IP, who want to make quality work often get overturned and replaced by the HR department. I signed a contract and had no legal option other than to bend over and grab my ankles. These freaks get in charge of policy and say, "You have to do this crazy shit, or you will get fired and be in breach of contract and get visited in a dark alleyway by a cocaine-fueled hippogriff that plays the banjo and thinks you have a PURDY MOUTH.

This was not a GROUP CHOICE. This was the decision by a very small, but vocal minority that for some reason people are afraid of. Why? because at the time, someone thought they would be useful pawns, but didn't realize they weren't normal idiots. They were ideologues. You cannot use an ideologue the same way as a normal fool because they JUST. DON'T. SHARE. YOUR. VALUES.

They let the serpents in, and the serpents took over.

At least an evil person is GREEDY. These people HONESTLY believe they are doing all this shit for THE GREATER GOOD.

There is no faster path to evil, but the Greater Good.

To treat these Religious Fanatics, and it is a religion to these fools, like they are just stupid idiots who will "wise up" is the same logic that resulted in the sacking of Rome. They HONESTLY DON'T KNOW THEY MADE A BAD GAME. They ACTUALLY believe YOU ARE EVIL FOR NOT LIKING IT.

Do you understand you are dealing with INSANITY? Insanity doesn't CARE about reality. You can THINK eventually reality will force them to change, but no, it won't if they are ACTUALLY CRAZY.


Jul 13, 2023
they dont need to make any sense, every game developer can do wahtever they want, you can always just not care about it and not buy or play the game...
its like seeing a yaoi BL novel, and it says what it is in the title, yet you chose to read it despite not liking yaoi, and then complaining to the author about how he would dare write such a thing, like are you the king of the world or something? everyone can do whatever they want sire
Did you not comprehend what they said? You made a terrible analogy.

They stated the company could've done better in executing the story. They didn't complain about how the company got the idea to kill off the Justice League. They complained about the methods of the progress.

If we use your analogy and make it make sense, we will see why your argument was a strawman.

They, MrPopocap, would criticize the romance(The way the main characters in the game went about killing the Justice League in the game) in the Yaoi-Bl novel(The game, obviously) because it was rushed, illogical, problematic, and boring.

You make it seem as if Popo hated the very root of the game when he did not. He was disappointed and angry with the development of the game.
We have long past the point of "just a joke/game" YEARS ago. This is politics. This is ideology. This is religion. These freaks HATE what you like. They don't want you to be happy. They are bullies. They are bigots. They are everything wrong with ignorant people, and they THINK they are the good guys. They are the new nazis.
Are you talking about liberals?
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On Vacation, on Uranus
Oct 7, 2022
>Trusting AAA devs.

Never do that.


Crimson Queen Of The Night
May 8, 2021
>x DC Releases Kill The Justice League

>x People get angry because the deaths of the justice league are pretty straightforward

>x Gets mad bc Batman did not fight like batman in the boss fight. People dont know that Batman's primary power is inducing fear, the fist comes later. Also, the four really don't stand a chance if Batman or Superman fought really seriously. The Justice league's power was probably toned down or nerfed so much.

>x People gets upset bc the game is trash. Its not that bad anyway, the suicide squad will be slaughtered if the JL came in, full force, no morals attached and the only reason, they fought like that is bc Brainiac wants the four brought back alive.

>x Call customer service to get a refund for a game that you finish playing and complain its shit. I mean if it's bad why do you buy it in the first place though.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
I mean if it's bad why do you buy it in the first place though.
Because you didn't want to spoil anything. Blind playthroughs bring more satisfaction and enjoyment. You bought it, and started playing, and only after nth amount of gameplay you understand it is shit. Not sure if this is the case here, so don't start arguing with me on that, however, it's a legit reason.


Active member
Sep 7, 2022
Because you didn't want to spoil anything. Blind playthroughs bring more satisfaction and enjoyment. You bought it, and started playing, and only after nth amount of gameplay you understand it is shit. Not sure if this is the case here, so don't start arguing with me on that, however, it's a legit reason.
I went blind for the first hour, but stopped because I already didnt like the gameplay, it was boring and didnt have much variety, and I had the 2-hour-refund-rule from STEAM.

So, as I already didnt like the game I checked some spoilers, to see if it was worth continuing playing and not get my money back, and it wasn't.

I will say, however, if in the future the game is 10$ I would recomend buying, because it's only 10 dolars.


Riding the Thunder
Apr 29, 2023
Here is the thing. Now we can get the rest of the House of El.

also I would have thought they get Hal Jordan and not John Stewart. Heck Guy Gardener would’ve been more hilarious.


Active member
Oct 30, 2023
Bad writers.

Shock value for the sake of shock value, subversiveness for the sake of subversiveness, message and themes working against the story rather than uplifting or serving it... all tell-tale signs of amauter writing.

Understand that to get in a position like that, writing for big corporations or working on big hollywood movies, what usually takes isn't skill in the craft but rather the ability to make connections.

Then there's also all the complications of working with big projects, where lots of interest overlap and the story keeps being shifted around or making compromises because the rest of the production can't keep up or work together properly.

Naturally there's also political and investor motivators, where some segments of the production convince the rest that people like X or Y due to some perceived cultural trend. People really underestimate how out-of-touch some people in critical positions can be.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2022
I went from consuming games and movies in genres I enjoyed on launch full price or even buying special editions etc. I pre-ordered consoles, games, went to midnight screenings for new movies etc etc.

Now I wait until they are on sale and also they have had enough time to get a good idea of their quality regardless of which formerly acclaimed studio is behind it before buying it.

I've been let down too many times in a large variety of ways and it being from a formerly reputable company really means nothing anymore. Too many times I've bought something because the companies previous work was amazing only to be left disappointed.


Suffering in Final period
Apr 22, 2022
First of all, this whole post is a rant about the game Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, so if you don't want spoilers, please stop reading it now.


First, we have Joel from TLOU, now Batman, Flash, Superman, etc. I don't get it. Like, normally, only Batman was needed to take down the 4 MC from the game, but somehow even when the JL wasn't holding back, ( Flash said this in the game) they were killed easily.

Don't get me wrong, it's not the fact that they were killed ( I even want some main character to die, mainly Steve from ST, and Shepard from Mass Effect, as it would make sense given the arcs they had throughout their respective media) but the way they do it on the games is so disrespectful, to say the least. Joel, a hardened survivor who managed to outlive 90% of the world population by that point, died because he let his guard down in the middle of a room with a lot of strangers, something he would never do normally, but did anyway because of PLOT. Hell, FLASH WAS PISSED ON by Captain Boomerang in the game, Batman was killed by Harley Quinn with a shot to the head when it was already established his 'helmet' is bulletproof in the other Arkham Games. And no, the whole brainwashed thing doesn't fit here, not even the end where the main villain says he wanted to see what the SQ could do, so he let them come to him. That's just pure bullshit to try and make sense of this ridiculous plot.

If they made this game separated from the Arkham universe, maybe, just MAYBE, it would be acceptable what they did, but no, they had to destroy all of Batman's legacy from that universe. The game has no redeemable qualities, so for those who want to buy it, don't be like me who did it, please don't waste your money.

Another can of worms that I don't really want to open is the fact that the only member of the JL who had an honorable death was Wonder Woman, who is a woman, the rest were disrespected on so many levels that it's ridiculous.

Anyway, I really want to go inside those companies and ask what the hell were they thinking when they made those games? Like, I don't get it, you gave a middle finger to your fans and when they react by not buying your game or supporting your company, you act surprised.

I just wanted to play games to have fun, enjoy the story, and be satisfied when I beat the game. But, for the last few years, the plot of the games was getting worse and worse, and I see myself having to only play multiplayer games, to not get frustrated with games that focus on the plot, because they were getting to a whole new level of trashiness.

RIP Arkham Batman, you will be missed!
To replace the straight white male characters with diversified ones. To pander to the non existent modern audiences and ESG money


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2024
Rage is also a way to hype the audience. Then, once you all are herded like sheeps into the pen of rage, they can just revive the dead through some parallel universe, time travel, speed force, or arbitrary superpower BS. :blobspearpeek:


????????? (???/???)
Apr 18, 2022
I think the problem isn’t replacing of straight white males, I think the problem is the lack of quality because of the desire to replace straight white males.

They’ll hire any delusional idiot as long as they get with the program, it’s not merit based but ideology based.