Free feedback thread.


Active member
Oct 25, 2021
Bruh. ☠️

I will give you feedback in a few days, but before I do it, here's a friendly advice. If you plan to continue writing and posting on SH, don't post chapters in quick succession. Try not to post more than 3 chapters a day, and try to spread your releases. If you post chapters in quick succession, your story will be flagged as spam, and it will be hidden from the latest updates for some time(usually less than a day). No latest updates = almost zero views. Deleting and reuploading chapters also considered as spam.
yeah, I noticed that it disappeared after a few minutes lol, I was just planning on giving two chapters for the sake of it and continue on my daily updates tomorrow, anyways, thanks


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
I'm quite a newbie here so, feedbacks are quite appreciated! Also constructive criticism is always welcome!
(Anywhere is fine with me!)
Obligatory reminder that English is my second language, and this is subjective feedback from a reader. I stopped reading after I finished Chapter 1 : (Lost in Starlight) and briefly looked through Chapter 6: (I see you as a Friend)

Two friendly pieces of advice. If you will continue to write and post on SH, use as many fitting tags and genres as possible. The more tags and genres you use, the better the visibility of your novel. If you plan to continue writing and posting on SH, don't post chapters in quick succession. Try not to post more than 3 chapters a day, and try to spread your releases. If you post chapters in quick succession, your story will be flagged as spam, and it will be hidden from the latest updates for some time(usually less than a day). No latest updates = almost zero views. Deleting and reuploading chapters is also considered as spam.

This will sting, but your novel is bad. I will be honest, I sometimes look through other feedback threads, and I saw TheTriniry giving you a back-to-basics rating or something like that. And I 100% agree with his rating.

The story itself, plot, worldbuilding, and characters might be good. I can't judge it after reading a single chapter. So don't take my words as if I bash everything. The thing that needs a LOT of work is your execution. The way you write, your prose, and most importantly, your grammar are really bad. You will probably have to rewrite the whole thing to fix this; or edit heavily.

I will show a couple of examples to illustrate my points.
As she fell asleep, through a cluster of clouds as they departed, a little girl was visible, lying on a hill with her hands resting behind her head, basking in the sun and gazing up at the sky. This sentence is simply incomprehensible, reason is your grammar. I have no idea what you wanted to say here.

When the car turned at a corner and the view of the crowd was blocked by debris she Debris? What?

Even after all these years she wondered to herself that, her fans never cease to surprise her. Wondered doesn't fit the context.

most famous and the arising sensation of the year You can't be the most famous and arising star at the same time, not in this context.

This is just a tiny, minuscule fraction of all the mistakes that you have. Looking through the newest chapter, your grammar didn't change one bit.
I don't know what else to say here as I'm not good enough to give advice on grammar. So I will end the feedback here.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2022
Could you rate my short Joke Shitpost story ?

I remember I made a joke parody Shitpost in a comment section after the chapter contain a npc character called Hanz.

"Hanz, The name of your company. Why Greenfield?"

"Yes. There is a reason why I chose that name for my company."

Daichi listened to the man's story.

"It reminds me That time I got bombed by Allies and I got reincarnated to Naruto world that I shouldn't have know since Naruto didn't exist back then"

"Before I was born, I was a entrepreneur named Hanz in my past life. I have Greenfield milk company in German. But Hitler came and I got conscripted to Nazi in WW2."

"Everytime my partner ask for flamethrower, they say : 'Hans, Get ze flammenwerfer'. Again, again and again. I got killed by a bomber plane and got reincarnated here"

"The world is kinda backwards compared to my time. But hey, as a Ex Nazi soldier, I enjoy being reborn here with my fellow soldier. Some guys even get reborn as female."

"We gather as fellow German soldier that retired via reincarnation to anime that doesn't exist at our time. Kinda lucky the kindergarten sensei didn't realize what were talking using German language"

"And beside, Being Konoha shinobi isn't that much different from Nazi Army, we got our own dictator, gestapo Anbu, and our own swastika in Snail symbol."

"Eventually I give up the academy and choose to be merchant. I was an entrepreneur back them, so I will be one today. I tried to recruit my friends, but it seems that they prefer to be nuke-nin since they can interact with nuclear"

"Hail-Konoha !"
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A Writer With Enthusiasm & A Jester of Christmas!
Apr 24, 2023
I can understand now, where the problems lie. I didn't really think at first that the script-like style was going to be a problem. That's because I wanted it to work as manga script in the future.

I'll rewrite the first chapters if that's the case and will omit the PROLOGUE, because in all honesty I wanted to use it as a 2nd synopsis (that's not necessary as you mentioned).

The good thing I can get from your review is that the problems can easily be taken care of, instead of if they were plot-related.
Though, I'd love to know your opinion on the story and vocabulary/grammar and the general premise of the story. Do you think you would give this story a chance if I correct my mistakes?

Thanks for the feedback, this is the first time I've gotten an objective review of my writing and I guess the only way from here is up!
Despite Sailus' warnings and disclaimers, having it written as a script is a story killer no matter what. Even if you have an incredible amount of popularity, you'll still fail to attract anybody, like J.K Rowling and the Cursed Child book. And repeating the synopsis is also a story killer as well. People just don't like repeats like that. Now, if you were doing a synopsis/mythological saga in the prologue, that would work.
The general premise of the story, already having a major plot hole due to having a poorly handled OP power, is deeply worrying. Kind of makes a protagonist where it doesn't work, sensically, for there to be one.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Hello, could check the prologue of my story too? I started recently and, thanks to school, I have little to no experience when it comes to writing anything with more than 30 lines. Any feedback (I don't really mind where it is sent) is appreciated!

Obligatory reminder that English is my second language, and this is subjective feedback from a reader. I stopped reading after I finished Chapter 1 – Game of tag

Before I start with the feedback, here is a friendly advice. If you will continue to write and post on SH, use as many fitting tags and genres as possible. The more tags and genres you use, the better the visibility of your novel.

Another thing I want to mention is your synopsis. You should rewrite it as it does no good to your story. I felt prejudiced after reading your synopsis. I thought it was yet another badly-written story judged based on the synopsis alone. What I want to say by this, if not for the feedback, I would've not given your story a chance. Even though the content of your story left me pleasantly surprised. And if you look at your total views and how many views your chapters have, you can see that this synopsis of yours is a huge disservice to your story.

Okay, with this out of the way, I can start the feedback. And I want to start with a bad point, as there isn't an awfully lot to mention here.
First of all, typos.
Running through some alleys, a hooded kid carrying in his small hand a bag so full that, if not for the way he cared it,

Sadly, it was a necessary measure, as the prisoners kept there were kept there were, for the most part,

A different kind of seat started leaving his pores in droves.

Antara took his bag from his pocked and unceremoniously dropped it between the two piles.

“Oi! The little rat is here”

So, if you keep causing us trouble like that, my patience will run out. And will not fun.

The hoodie kid nodded slowly. He didn’t however, change his posture in the slightly.

“Hah… Just bring that stupid newbie to me. It seems like he is need of some reeducation.”

These are not examples like I usually do, these are the only typos that I've noticed. Considering your chapters are more than three thousand words long, it's not much. However, some of those typos could be fixed by using Google Edits or Grammarly. I don't know how many typos you have later on, but if it's on the same level, I suggest using some kind of editing software.

Another type of mistake that I noticed is unnecessary repetition.
His eyes started eyeing

Noticing that, another man, noticeably
I highly doubt these particular sentences need repetition to fit your writing style, so it would be nice to change both.

Second to last mistake, sometimes you don't split paragraphs in dialogues properly.
“But isn’t that what you so desperately desired?” The ‘commander’ asked with a slight grin appearing on his face. Edvald opened his mouth

“Hah… Just bring that stupid newbie to me. It seems like he is need of some reeducation.” Seeing the dark smile on his commander’s face, the subordinate did not dare remain there with a hurried “Of course, sir!”,

Split the paragraphs whenever you change who speaks or acts. In the first case, this, Edvald opened his mouth should be a separate paragraph. In the second case, this, Seeing the dark smile on his commander’s face, should be a saparate paragraph.

And lastly.
“Enough, Edvald, can’t you see you’re making it even harder for him?”
“But commander, he deserves that!! That little rat made us run from left to right like fools!”

Edvald didn't act in a way to make anything harder for MC. Saying, "And it will not be fun." Is hardly a threat. So when Edvald says how MC deserves it, it doesn't even make any sense. You should either change the line or change Edvald's dialogue line to make him sound more intimidating.

That's it with the bad parts. I didn't notice a lot of mistakes. Though your punctuation probably needs some work, I'm not good enough to point out where or why.

What are the good parts? Well, this will probably sound underwhelming, but it's your writing style\prose. It's unique enough and overall good. Slightly less easy to read and comprehend than I would like, but overall good.

The thing is, your story is not my cup of tea, so I have no intention of reading more than one chapter. This leads me to the plot, characters, worldbuilding, and so on, I can't say much. Usually, when I read so little, I can't say a lot unless there are problems. In your case, you didn't have any problems apart from that one line. This is also a plus since I saw some stories that had a lot of logical mistakes or minor plotholes in the first few chapters.

And that's the end of my feedback. I really don't know what else to add. It's good but flawed. As usual, I didn't rate your novel, but if I had to, 3.25 stars. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. If I can, I will answer them.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Please do mine! And you can post it here, idc:
Obligatory reminder that English is my second language, and this is subjective feedback from a reader.

First of all, friendly advice. If you plan to continue writing and posting on SH, don't post chapters in quick succession. Try not to post more than 3 chapters a day, and try to spread your releases. If you post chapters in quick succession, your story will be flagged as spam, and it will be hidden from the latest updates for some time(usually less than a day). No latest updates = almost zero views. Deleting and reuploading chapters also considered as spam. You've basically killed your own novel by posting all chapters at the same time.

Another advice, SH readers prefer shorter chapters. SH readers on average prefer 1.5-2.5 thousand words long chapters.

Now, I will start the feedback. And I will preface it by saying this, I'm going ham. This is going to be 100% subjective, and I will be as prejudiced as a reader can be.

This story is a 1-star. The reason for that is simple. I can't read it. Usually, I force myself to read at least a slightly substantial part of the chapter. Even when I refuse to give feedback, I usually read at least one chapter. Your story, I can't read it. I just can't force myself to do it.

When I click on the story, I'm greeted with a very bad synopsis.
This is not his story.
This story is about Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft

Then why the hell did you even mention that other dude? You can be vague in your synopsis, and then write a prologue that will subvert the expectation of a reader. You can write a prologue about Conlan Griffin, and at the end of the prologue say that the story is actually about Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft.

Why would you do the same, in a very short synopsis? Doesn't make any sense to me and wastes my time.

Perhaps your prologue will make up for it? Nope. I skipped it. Perhaps RR readers will like it, or some hardcore LitRPG fans, but I won't read this. And I honestly doubt readers who are lukewarm towards LitRPG would read this.

Then comes the actual story. Double space between the paragraphs, which considering the size of your chapters, is a major downside. And long, VERY LONG, hard-to-understand sentences. Lots of them.

Combine it with this.
“The audacity to come to the heir of the largest global incorporation It's a corporation.

What WAS relevant was that this girl’s name was Lucille Goldcroft, the heir, as she stated, to the largest international incorporation Again, this is a corporation.

Incorporation has the following meanings in three dictionaries.


  1. the act of incorporating or the state of being incorporated.
  2. the act of forming a legal corporation.
How can Lucille be an heir to the largest ACT of forming a corporation?

The clammy, sweaty complexion of his skin, in addition to the not-unnoticeable tremble to his clasped hands said otherwise. Of his hands?

He absolutely had no intentions of trying to bring amazement to the demon in sitting behind a desk opposite him. Incomprehensible.

Yeah, I'm not reading more of this. I spent minutes trying to get past a couple of paragraphs. Yet I'm supposed to read ten thousand words? It will take me around an hour to read a single chapter of yours. With NO hook for me in the synopsis, there is no hook in the prologue either. This results in me having zero idea of what your novel is about.

You might argue with me. Don't you have a hook here?

This story is about their quest for revenge, the strength they gain, the fundamental mechanics of magic and its nature, their exploration of the mysteries, wonders and complex secrets of the 'Tower' they all live in...

Well, this isn't a hook. This thing is extremely generic and doesn't tell me about what to expect.

You will probably be very angry at me and think I'm rude. I want to make something clear. I didn't, and won't rate your story. Plus, I said I will be harsh and blunt. My purpose in writing this feedback wasn't to bash you, or insult you. I wanted to show you what a reader like me will feel when they see your story. Usually, readers on SH are silent. So I wanted to show you what PART of those silent readers will think.
Dec 4, 2022
It seems Ge-O-Fey beat me to it, darn. :blob_evil:
I am working on a side project in my free time, and I wish to have fresh eyes on it from a different perspective. PM is fine since I don't want to clog this thread. Thank you for this service. I'm still trying to get myself familiar with SH forums, for it is a different culture than RR :blobthumbsup:
Link: I Will Not Be Isekai'd


Unofficial Class President, Author
Jul 1, 2023
Hello! First time writer here. I was wondering if you could check out my story:

I think my main issue might be the amount of dialogue right now. I was trying for a decent amount of exposition without info-dumping as a narrator. I also think that the first chapter (split into a ton of parts) might be a bit off putting since it’s fragmented into so many short scenes. My reasoning was that I really wanted to get our major players on the board first, with later chapters being more focused. Any feedback appreciated!


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020

Nothing is better than free feedback

u can reply here, thanksss
Obligatory reminder that English is my second language, and this is subjective feedback from a reader. I stopped reading after I skimmed through chapter [1] Sacrifice

Sorry for taking so long to write this feedback; I was lazy. And sorry one more time since I won't be able to give you a proper feedback. The reason for that is simple. Your writing is very childish.

I'm not sure how to properly explain this. First of all, your genres and tags are not at fault. The fact that MC is blatantly OP(you even state this in a small note) isn't what makes your writing childish. It's as if your story was written by a thirteen-year-old chuunibyou, this is the main problem I think.

The total disregard for anything besides glorifying the MC, no connections between the scenes, and an awful lot amount of stuff you add that doesn't have any value to the story. And obviously, the quality of the story itself doesn't help, as you have tense problems, bad paragraphing, and so on. Btw, there are more problems, but it's kinda pointless to point them out, as you need a complete rewrite. Currently, there is no story or storytelling. You've just thrown a bunch of things you thought would be cool together.

My advice, go read a well-written story and read some guides. Compare it with what you wrote and make appropriate changes.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Could you rate my short Joke story ?

I remember I made a joke parody in a comment section after the chapter contain a npc character called Hanz.

"Hanz, The name of your company. Why Greenfield?"

"Yes. There is a reason why I chose that name for my company."

Daichi listened to the man's story.

"It reminds me That time I got bombed by Allies and I got reincarnated to Naruto world that I shouldn't have know since Naruto didn't exist back then"

"Before I was born, I was a entrepreneur named Hanz in my past life. I have Greenfield milk company in German. But Hitler came and I got conscripted to Nazi in WW2."

"Everytime my partner ask for flamethrower, they say : 'Hans, Get ze flammenwerfer'. Again, again and again. I got killed by a bomber plane and got reincarnated here"

"The world is kinda backwards compared to my time. But hey, as a Ex Nazi soldier, I enjoy being reborn here with my fellow soldier. Some guys even get reborn as female."

"We gather as fellow German soldier that retired via reincarnation to anime that doesn't exist at our time. Kinda lucky the kindergarten sensei didn't realize what were talking using German language"

"And beside, Being Konoha shinobi isn't that much different from Nazi Army, we got our own dictator, gestapo Anbu, and our own swastika in Snail symbol."

"Eventually I give up the academy and choose to be merchant. I was an entrepreneur back them, so I will be one today. I tried to recruit my friends, but it seems that they prefer to be nuke-nin since they can interact with nuclear"

"Hail-Konoha !"
It's not funny, 0/5 stars.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020

Are you still giving feedbacks?
If so, I would like you to take a look at my story. There's only one chapter for now, but I would really like it if you read it and give a feedback.

Infinity Seed | Scribble Hub
Thanks for reading!
You will have to give me a spoiler to get any feedback. Is this GB or not? A synopsis about a GIRL and then in the first chapter a boy loses 'IT'. What did the boy lose?


New member
Jul 20, 2023
You will have to give me a spoiler to get any feedback. Is this GB or not? A synopsis about a GIRL and then in the first chapter a boy loses 'IT'. What did the boy lose?
It's not gender bender.
The boy lost his baby tooth. Having a fairy exchange baby tooth into coins is an important ritual in this world. The boy wasn't supposed to meet the fairy because he should be magically asleep. Now the fairy vanished with his tooth and left no coins.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Hello! First time writer here. I was wondering if you could check out my story:

I think my main issue might be the amount of dialogue right now. I was trying for a decent amount of exposition without info-dumping as a narrator. I also think that the first chapter (split into a ton of parts) might be a bit off putting since it’s fragmented into so many short scenes. My reasoning was that I really wanted to get our major players on the board first, with later chapters being more focused. Any feedback appreciated!
Obligatory reminder that English is my second language, and this is subjective feedback from a reader. I stopped reading after I finished Chapter This Cult Lacks a Personality (4)

First of all, friendly advice. If you plan to continue writing and posting on SH, SH readers prefer shorter chapters, but not as short. Currently, your average worcount per chapter is 607. First of all, it's way too little. The lowest number I've seen on trending was an average of around 700 words per chapter. HOWEVER, important note. If your chapters are so short, you have to upload at least once a day for a long time. This, "One update per week minimum; often will be more." should be "One update per DAY minimum; often will be more." Otherwise, small amount of words per chapter will repel readers. Which can be partially seen from a number of your views.

Okay, with this out of the way, I can talk about the story. And I can't say much.

The first and probably the most important thing I want to say is, to split up your paragraphs. The paragraphs that start with; "The beak lined", "They slowly step into the Baptismal Pool", “I know you were named for a bird, do you have to act like one?”, and other paragraphs of similar lengths. I don't care how you do it, but you should split them. Why? Because reading such paragraphs on a phone is pure torture.

The second thing I want to mention is subjective. I was lost. I read your story, and I can understand everything written on its own, yet when I try to make a full picture, I simply don't understand what the hell is happening. Assuming that you split your first chapter into seven parts, each part is actually a separate chapter. And they aren't connected. You lost me. I have no idea what is happening, why, and I have no desire to learn.

This is pretty much it, as I simply can't say anything good or bad. I didn't find any good or bad parts, because I couldn't understand what is actually happening. The last thing I will say, your prose is good.