Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018

Felt a strong feeling.

Something akin to boredom.

Deep inside the sewers.

Paralyzed any rats found.

Choked them to death.

Pulled off the tails.

Washed the tails.

Left all the bodies.

Had a good time.

Killed maybe a dozen.
Although there is nothing about how to deal with the body, you shouldn't leave the body lying around, for it could potentially breed some disease!

Rewards: 100 EXP, 20 G


Oct 21, 2019
Suspending the request several inches from my face, I ask the receptionist one last time. "I seriously just need to... help around in the tavern?"
"Yep." Celia, the receptionist who I scared into fainting, replies with an annoyed expression. Some chuckles can be heard from the lingering adventurers behind me, likely the ones who were there when she did so.
"Oh. Then... do I just present them this and they'll hire me?"
"I'll send them a message."
"Alright, then. Thanks!"
"Don't mention it."

The whole thing was relatively easy for me, as I could levitate objects and carry things around. Although the customers were spooked at first and some even drew their weapons, things settled down relatively quickly after I started actually carrying around supplies and orders. I probably shouldn't have appeared out of the receptionist's desk, but I can't help it. I don't have a body, so I might as well make the most of it.

Most of what I did was transport things like cleaning supplies and orders, and although I'm not completely sure, I think some of the people working there eyed me with some amount of jealousy. It was pretty fun, frankly, and I was able to chat with people during the whole thing.

The rest of the day wasn't very eventful aside from the people that initially panicked upon seeing me.

If possible, I also plan to make this place my residence and main workplace aside from taking up quests.

NOTE: Do you know where I could find a pouch, preferably with some sort of magic storage, to hold money and other items? Having my things float around inside me would get pretty annoying as I collect more stuff.
Good job helping around the tavern they've been woefully understaffed lately.
  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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Oct 21, 2019
Somewhere out of the city, on the plains...

Vicious was taking on a trio of goblins.

The first was disabled with a cut to the knee, then finished with a clobber to the skull. The second took a stomp to the ankle, went down, and similarly died from a smashed skull. That's when she felt a dull pain from behind; the last one had stabbed her in the back, but failed to pierce the leather, so it felt more like a poke. Sensing the confusion, Vicious laughed.

"Fool! When you're in my profession, guarding against backstabs is one of the basic steps! You'll need something better than that toy knife if you want to stab through my jacket! Hah!"

Vicious locked knives with the third goblin momentarily...then kicked him in the nether regions. Hard.


She then proceeded to finish it off by snapping it's neck.

"Three down, two more. I seem to recall there being a cave nearby. Let's see if I can catch some rabbits."


Vicious observed the entrance while chewing on a rabbit's leg.

"Two sentries. One to ring the alarm, one to delay. Preety good, but not having sniper cover is foolish. You'll die, you know."

Tied to her belt was two vials, both filled with clear yellow fluid. Vicious downed the last of her rabbit, lit a torch, and ran at the entrance. Of course, they spotted her instantly, and one of them howled loudly, alerting the ones inside.

Then two vials sailed past them followed by a torch, and as a flash fire erupted in the cave, both sentries couldn't help turning to see.

"Where are you looking?"


One ended up head first in the dirt immediately. As the remaining one shook a makeshift spear at her weakly, Vicious smiled.

When the fire had died down sufficiently for goblins to rush out of the cave, the entrance was long empty save for one goblin corpse with it's ears sliced off, and one more which was missing it's entire head. Meanwhile, a smugly grinning girl was counting out 10 ears in the pouch, more than halfway back to the city.
Thanks for culling the goblin population, they can become a real nuance to travelers.
  • EXP: 150
  • Money: 30G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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Oct 21, 2019
Physically tiring. Pfft. Physically. Physically.
Only barely containing my laughter, I hand the quest off to the nearby receptionist. Her glances alternate between me and the paper, before eventually asking me, "Are you... sure... you can lift things?"
I proceed to levitate a nearby book.
"Al-alright then." She writes a letter before handing it off to me. I wasn't able to see what it said, but I feel like it has to do with my lack of a body. "Let me give you a map of the directions."
Afterward, I follow the map to the area for in need of repairs. The overseer was somewhat surprised when he read the note but nonetheless directed me towards the required work. During the time, I found that I'm able to lift things up to around 300 lbs. The overseer was pretty happy about that, especially since we found that I could also carry liquids up to a certain size as well.
I continued on with the task until the day ended.
Good work on the city repairs, here's your reward.
  • EXP: 30
  • Money: 10G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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An objectionable existence
Jan 1, 2019
Office Work
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel city government.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild? Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day? Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse? Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!

  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10G

Character: Omni (Level 1)
Quest: Office Work!!

*Sits down with a wide grin and a rolled-up piece of leather in hand*

Fufufufufu, prepare to be impressed, pathetic and perishable human!
I-i mean... er fellow perishable human...

Anyway, after I left here with the quest docket and I went to the offices of Scribel City Council, the lady there gave me a bunch-ah-jobs to choose from. SO! I chose to bag and tag the belongings of dead adventurers.

Naturally. Since I LOVE dead hu- I mean, I love humans! Even if they are dead.

When I got to the warehouse, I was a bit disappointed since there were no dead bodies, only items. I still did my job properly! Coz I have a good work ethic!!

Anyhoo, when I was tagging all that stuff... I found this!
*unrolls the leather parchment *
It was in the bag of a dead body found in the river. OK, Loosen your purse strings Receptionist! I feel like I deserve a bonus!

Its a map, of the Northwestern area!

See here on the map. You can trace the river back north-west until you find where it flows from, a great lake, there you can see the mountains of the north.

Wait, wait, wait. I know the guild already knows there are mountains and the lake in the north.

But ya see here... here is the juicy bit,*licks lips* mm...juicy.... ah! North of the lake is a city!

*Omni points near to the edge of the map on a drawing of a doorway amongst the mountains*

The Bronze city! Gelderholm, the underground home of the dwarfs!

OK ok, I know what you are thinking, 'How does Omni know that door thingy means a city?'

And I hear ya. Now, here is why.

My bestf-... let me try that again. My friend lives there! She lives under the eastern part of the lake because she's a Hydra-dra-...errrr... since she is always high on life. Nice save She used to tell me how every summer she'd go swimming in the lake and then she'd gather all her friends and go play at Gelderholm. Yeah~ they'd really paint the town red. She is so cool...

Before moving to Scribel, I lived down south and it's so busy during summer with people coming over to where I lived, all the time. So I only get to hear stories about these massive parties but I've never been to one... I really wish I had gone with them... I heard dwarfs are delectable!
Er... I mean dwarven cuisine...of course haha ha ha...ha~

Well, it all matches what my friends told me about where she lives... The dwarfs are there in the mountains, the lake is there, and my friend is where that big red skull is, next to that picture of a nine-headed snake... Are you impressed? You are impressed right! No one else would have seen the value of this map, so no one would have stolen it either!

Only I!

SOoooooo a bonus? More money? More more money? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
*wink Wink Wink Wink Wink*
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Oct 21, 2019
Missing Children
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Locate a missing child and reunite them with their family.
What? You want to see the missing persons list? Well... sure. Some of them might just be kids who ran away from home, but it's dangerous out there. If you could find one of them, it would really help.

  • EXP: 110
  • Money: 40G

It was sunny that day. Lib, who woke up with a hangover after celebrating her level up, went to the adventurer guild. As it was, the adventurer guild was bustling with activity.

"... Another missing child?" one of the clerk said.

"Yeah, it is 12th case this month. None of them had been found out yet."

"But, didn't we apprehend the culprit of the last month? If I remembered correctly, he was still behind bars, right?"

"That's right. That's why it was worrying. three people had been apprehended and found guilty. Yet the missing children case is still ongoing. It's possible that there was an organization behind it. All of the children from three months ago had been found dead, though. The first one is a killer, and the last two is kidnapper. Honestly... I feel like we had to increase the public safety inside of the city."

"Well... we could only leave it to those guards, I guess. And those adventurer folks too. Hopefully we can find some and return them. Okay, I'll post the request on the quest board. See you later."

'Missing children?' Lib pondered. After a moment, she decided to take the quest. She looked at the quest board and found each child's entry in the missing person list. As she copied the entries to her notebook, she went to the library to arrange the information.

NameSexAgeLast SeenPhysical CharacteristicsNotes
AliciaF1028th @marketplace in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyesBeth's Twin
BethF1028th, @marketplace in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyesAlicia's twin.
ClareF1121st, in the middle of the night @homeWhite hair, red-eyesFamily was murdered
CassandraF1322nd, @park in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyes
DietrichF1116th, unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th
EuropaF111st, @home between night and morningBlack hair, red-eyesFamily was murdered
FloraF1225th, @parkBlonde hair, blue eyes
GalateaF1319th, @street, eveningBlonde hair, green eyesHer friends saw her being pulled to an alley before being put to sleep
IreneF134th, @park in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyes
JeanF1213th unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th
KarlaF1110th Unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th
LuciaF117th Unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th

Other than all of them being female of the age 10 to 13 years old, there were no commonalities among them. Clare also stood as the only child who was missing not within 3 days of each other. It was possible that the girl Europa was not among those kidnapped, but she withheld her judgment. Seeing that she had no more clue, she decided to visit the orphanage.

The orphanage was located to the south of the city, near the southern outpost. The carriage driver she went with told her scary stories about the orphanage. Apparently, the children of the orphanage was at the threshold of demonification, thus they were isolated. They all have the characteristics of having silver-eyes.

When she arrived, she saw a stone wall encircling the orphanage. The stone wall was tall, as high as 5 meters give or take. There was only one gate she could see, with heavy oaken door isolating the orphanage from the rest of the world. From the outside, her first impression that the orphanage was a fortress.

She knocked on the gate. She heard a heavy bolt of steel being moved, and the gate slowly groaned as it was being opened. She saw a young girl, younger than her in front of her opening that gate.

"..." The girl was silent. She stared at Lib with her silver eyes, never blinking even once.

Lib felt uncomfortable. The girl felt like she could murder her at anytime and Lib would be helpless to stop it. She felt powerless in front of the girl. In fact, when the gate was opened, the heavy atmosphere made her feet trembled. As Lib stood in front of the girl, the girl moved and muttered,


The girl walked inside, and Lib could only follow her. As she entered the orphanage, the door moved shut on its own, and the bolt moved to lock the door. Inside, she could see a well maintained garden at one side, and the building made of stone on the others. Even with the vibrant garden, it felt cold somehow inside of that place.

The girl motioned to her to enter the building. As she entered, all of the children inside of the room gazed onto her. Each of their gaze felt heavy, some as heavy as the previous girl. It lasted just for a moment, but that moment may as well be an eternity as she was unable to breathe and felt like she would die.

Lib was aware of each of the children's presence, even as they focused on their own activity. She stood there until the girl took her hand and tugged on her slightly.

"Follow me."

As she went with the girl, the girl leads her to a room, which was apparently the matron's office. As she entered, she met face to face with the matron of the orphanage.

"Matron, visitor." The girl said.

"Thank you Clarice, you can leave." The matron replied.

Clarice went outside and left Lib alone with the matron.

"So..." The matron began. "You are here to ask about the missing children?"

"Yes. my name is Lib. I wanted to inquire about those children, if I may?"

"Well, if those children of mine was among the suspected kidnapped children, I'd say that you have no hope of completing this quest." The woman said, her expression neutral.

The woman turned his back on me, and said, "All of the children here are partially awakened. There is simply no way for a kidnapper to break through the gate and kidnap one of the children. No, I suspect that those children left on their own will."

The woman then opened the cabinet, and gave Lib four folder, each titled "Dietrich", "Jean", "Karla", and "Lucia".

"Here. I suspect that those won't be of any use for you though."

Seeing that the matron busying herself after giving those folders, Lib took her leave.

As she walked, she met the taciturn girl, Clarice, in front of the gate. The gate was still barred, and it would take her a lot of strength to move the bolt by her own power. Clarice looked at her and grasped her hand, then pulled her somewhere. Unable to do anything, she followed Clarice.

At the end of the garden, there was a tool shed. Clarice opened the tool shed and pull her inside. After she closed the door to the tool shed, she crouched down and pulled open a trap door. Seeing Clarice motioned her to enter, Lib entered the trapdoor after Clarice.

It was dark, cold and damp. In front of her, Clarice silently casted fireball spell and held it in front of her. Apparently, the tool shed was actually a dungeon inside. She saw that the ground was wet and she could hear the sound of the dripping water.

A soft, rhythmic sound could be heard from the end of the dungeon. As Clarice and she walked, the sound was getting slightly louder. The sound she heard was like a labored breathing. As they got closer, she saw someone being held by chain inside of a prison.

Clarice took a key from her pocket and opened the gate.

She motioned for Lib to enter inside, and closed the gate.

"Miata, brought food."

In that moment, Lib realized that the situation had gone south.

"Miata... wake up."

Clarice prodded the girl in chain. The girl laid there, unmoving except her chest rising and falling.

Lib was sure she could not escape against Clarice. She tried to brandish her sword. Yet, the girl pushed her down with telekinetic force while focusing on the girl called Miata. No matter what she tried to do, she couldn't lift her head or her finger. While in that situation, Clarice finally glanced at Lib and moved closer.

"Miata... do you want a bite-sized food?" Clarice muttered as she lift Lib's sword. In one fell swoop, she severed one of Lib's arm. The stump that was her arm was bleeding profusely, yet Clarice only focused to cut those things to small pieces. As she had pieces as small as her thumb, she held Miata's mouth and opened her lower jaw. She then levitated a piece to the opened mouth of Miata.

"Miata, please swallow it. I know you haven't eaten yet." she pleads. Yet, there was no reaction at all from Miata beside of an empty gaze.

Lib felt that her consciousness began to weaken as everything went dark.



The ceiling in front of her was pristine. She was momentarily awake, but she felt so tired that she wanted to embrace the sleep once again.


"... girl has awakened already. We should have disposed her since long ago."

"She is Clarice's. No matter what, Clarice is the only one who can revert the awakening process. Without her to do the tuning, a lot of us would have already become that."

"Still... with the incident with the outsider, what would you report to those higher-ups?"

"Just leave it to me. I'll convince them to let us keep her."

Someone was talking beside her. She tried to open her eyes. She saw a woman with silver eyes talking with someone. the woman, like she somehow felt her gaze, turned on her. As her eyes focused, the woman was apparently the matron she previously talked to.

"It seems that she was awake. I'll take my leave." A man in a black missionary get-up said.

After seeing the man left, the matron fetched something from beside the drawer. It was a glass of water. She held the water onto Lib's lips.

"Here, drink." The matron commanded. Feeling parched, Lib drank the water she offered.

"Any children in this orphanage has experienced partial awakening. They are already half-way from becoming a «Mazoku», a mindless monster that hungers for mana. I guess some of you call them demon. Clarice, despite being one of us, is able to control the mana inside of other people easily. This orphanage was built because she can even stop the awakening process. Of course, being able to control this process means that she could also accelerate the awakening process, making some people wary of her. Therefore, the government decided to isolate her and build this place for us." The matron said.

Lib wished to say something. About the unreasonableness of being held in a place filled with those monsters like her. About how Lib was now left with only a hand. She wished she could just get away from this place, never to visit this place again.

The matron then changed the topic, "About the children who was kidnapped. I've seen your notes. The red-eyed ones would have already awakened, since the family was killed already. To evade the detection of the city guard, they must be quite intelligent or have the ability to shapeshift, though I am leaning for the latter. If those children of mine is really involved, it is possible that your target are looking for young magician. One possibility that should be considered is that your culprit is this Europa girl, since magicians naturally contained a lot of mana inside of their body. Though, to eat people once every three days..."

The matron grimaced.

"Still, two awakened ones uncountable in the city. By today, there should be another victim." The matron continued.

Even with her explanation, Lib felt something strange. How did the children from the orphanage get abducted? Were they a part of the pattern at all? would an awakened one be able to get through Clarice? Clarice or the matron should know how those four left. Yet, she refused to entertain the thought of encountering her.

Something was nagging in the back on her mind.

Immediately she thought back about the man in black said. They said they took care of one instead of killing it? It was a stretch, but if they were taking care of it, the mana expenditure must be high. Were they the one who actually kidnapped the children? Then, why did they let her live?

If it was one in their care, then to spirit away those four as the feed of that awakened one would be easy to do. Then, why did the string of missing person happened? In the exact interval too. She felt confused. The culprit always choose from the female population, young girls of age 10 to 13. Still, to take the children on the verge of being awakened from the orphanage was a really risky proposition. She never faced against an awakened one, but if those children were able to defeat her effortlessly as Clarice did, how strong would they be if they truly awakened?

As she pondered, the matron left her on her own. In the end, she felt that she should leave from this place as soon as she could.

The remaining time in her solitude was spent trying to pack her things. She decided to leave the staff she had and leave with the World Key.

The building was oddly silent. as she wandered, she found through the windows that those silver-eyed children were in the courtyard. As far as she remembered, there was only one gate. Therefore she braved herself to go through those children. Once again, Clarice stood in front of the gate.

The memories of Clarice casually cutting her hand come to her mind. it was her hand. It was red. It was blood. blood. BLOOD. everything was red. everything was covered in blood. she was drowned inside of the sea of blood.

Lib screamed.


Someone shook her body. They put the smelling salt to wake her up. slowly, she opened her eyes to find a ceiling made of stone.

"Where... am I?"

"You are at the southern guard tower, miss. We found you passing out near the lake. Your belongings are placed beside you."

With that remark, the guard left her.

She was glad she was no longer at the orphanage. The orphanage was a place of nightmare, and she have no will to care about the missing children of the orphanage. Deciding to drop the quest, she asked the guard for a carriage to the city.

The carriage arrived, and she boarded the carriage. Apparently, there was a twin already inside of the carriage. One of the twin had blonde hair and blue eyes, and one is identical except the red eyes she had. Though, with their facial feature, the twins were awfully like the missing person Alicia and Beth, but older.

'Awakened one?' Lib thought. The red-eyed girl did not seem hostile at all, nor she seem like she would eat her sibling. Seeing the recognition on Lib's eyes, the girl smiled playfully and morphed her face to that of a monster. Lib immediately try to brandish her sword.

"Cease that at once, Beth." The blue-eyed one spoke.

"Aww... you are no fun, Alicia. The girl seemed to recognize me as one of them, you know." the red-eyed one retorted. Her face immediately morphed back.

"Forgive my sister, stranger. she means you no harm." Alicia said.

'How?' Lib wanted to ask. The curiosity seem overwhelming, yet her mouth refused to speak that one word.

"Curious, aren't you? Seeing that I should be a berserk, mindless monster?" Beth said with a smug face.

Alicia immediately put her foot on Beth's, making her face morph from smugness to pain as she winced.

"Please ignore her, stranger. Pardon us for the disruption."

As Alicia silenced Beth, we went back to the city of Scribel.

I reported the quest as failed, and went back to the tavern.
If it weren't for your missing arm I don't think I'd believe you.
  • EXP: 110
  • Money: 0G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Character: Omni (Level 1)
Quest: Office Work!!

*Sits down with a wide grin and a rolled-up piece of leather in hand*

Fufufufufu, prepare to be impressed, pathetic and perishable human!
I-i mean... er fellow perishable human...

Anyway, after I left here with the quest docket and I went to the offices of Scribel City Council, the lady there gave me a bunch-ah-jobs to choose from. SO! I chose to bag and tag the belongings of dead adventurers.

Naturally. Since I LOVE dead hu- I mean, I love humans! Even if they are dead.

When I got to the warehouse, I was a bit disappointed since there were no dead bodies, only items. I still did my job properly! Coz I have a good work ethic!!

Anyhoo, when I was tagging all that stuff... I found this!
*unrolls the leather parchment *
It was in the bag of a dead body found in the river. OK, Loosen your purse strings Receptionist! I feel like I deserve a bonus!

Its a map, of the Northwestern area!

See here on the map. You can trace the river back north-west until you find where it flows from, a great lake, there you can see the mountains of the north.

Wait, wait, wait. I know the guild already knows there are mountains and the lake in the north.

But ya see here... here is the juicy bit,*licks lips* mm...juicy.... ah! North of the lake is a city!

*Omni points near to the edge of the map on a drawing of a doorway amongst the mountains*

The Bronze city! Gelderholm, the underground home of the dwarfs!

OK ok, I know what you are thinking, 'How does Omni know that door thingy means a city?'

And I hear ya. Now, here is why.

My bestf-... let me try that again. My friend lives there! She lives under the eastern part of the lake because she's a Hydra-dra-...errrr... since she is always high on life. Nice save She used to tell me how every summer she'd go swimming in the lake and then she'd gather all her friends and go play at Gelderholm. Yeah~ they'd really paint the town red. She is so cool...

Before moving to Scribel, I lived down south and it's so busy during summer with people coming over to where I lived, all the time. So I only get to hear stories about these massive parties but I've never been to one... I really wish I had gone with them... I heard dwarfs are delectable!
Er... I mean dwarven cuisine...of course haha ha ha...ha~

Well, it all matches what my friends told me about where she lives... The dwarfs are there in the mountains, the lake is there, and my friend is where that big red skull is, next to that picture of a nine-headed snake... Are you impressed? You are impressed right! No one else would have seen the value of this map, so no one would have stolen it either!

Only I!

SOoooooo a bonus? More money? More more money? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
*wink Wink Wink Wink Wink*

"Well, I guess I'm thankful I don't live in Gelderholm, then...Did you just admit that you stole the map, by the way? Please put it back later. But the work seems to be done properly, so here you go."

  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10G


Active member
Jan 2, 2019
+ + +
Night Watch
SponsorScribel City Adventurer's Guild
LocationScribel City
RequirementsLevel 1
  • Watch for monsters, vagabonds, and criminals.​
  • Sound the alarm if there is an attack.​
  • Stay awake and vigilant for the whole night.​
  • Do not leave your post.​
Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed. We need people to help keep the city safe.
+ + +​

Quest Report:
Character: Creed (Level 1)
Quest: Night Watch

I entered the guardhouse after Dusk, just before the moon is out.

I've seen some Wolves moving around the forest but they aren't coming close to the walls.

also no monsters or bandits outside the wall.

*Sigh* i want to eat some chocolate after the report is done...
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Quest Report:
Character: Creed (Level 1)
Quest: Night Watch

I entered the guardhouse after Dusk, just before the moon is out.

I've seen some Wolves moving around the forest but they aren't coming close to the walls.

also no monsters or bandits outside the wall.

*Sigh* i want to eat some chocolate after the report is done...
"Short and simple. Very nice. Here you go~"

  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10G
  • Chocolate x1


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2020
Exploration and Scouting
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Anywhere
Required Level: 1
  • Obtain any information that is worthwhile for the city to know.
The Scribel Adventurer's Guild will pay for any information that is worthwhile. Did you did you discover a band of goblins? Did you discover a new area? Do you have new and novel information that we didn't know before? Tell us what you have, and we might reward you!

  • EXP: 0 - 75
  • Money: 10 - 50G

Almodeus Thompson (Lvl.1)

Quest Report :

Hey,This is Almodeus here. After I'm reporting about healing herbs delivery I found this quest on the board so I think this quest is worth a shot.
I'm going to the same mountain that I gathering healing herbs. So I prepared another 3 large bags that can fill healing herbs. I experiment with these herbs a while ago and found that although they're not made in to medicine but it's still effective to fresh wounds.

I climb to that mountain again. This time I using another route because the previous has second to none healing herbs and mushrooms.
Unexpectedly,I found monsters. They're similar to small humanoid monster with fur covered all over the body with dog head. I think I know what they are. I think they're called Kobold or something?

There're 3 kobolds that appeared in front of me. Of course,I killed all of them. Since all of them using blunt object such as tree bark and stone so with my Slimy skin I can reflect all of them. and with my Idenfify I found their weak points and delivered deathly blows to them with my Inferior Swordsmanship.
I looting their corpses but found nothing worth while except their blood and fangs that can use as materail for alchemy and blacksmith.

After that I found another great source of herbs and mushrooms. There're many types of them. Most of them are poisonous but if you're using the right method you can turn them into antidote. I gathered as much as I can and turn some poisonous herbs into a paste and applied to my dagger.

Previously,I didn't met with any monsters so I think this mountain is quite dangerous in some route. I have blank paper and ink in my traveler bag so I write down the route that I passed by. "Quite dangerous"

After that I dive deeper into the mountain and found traces of footprints. There're small and big mixed together. And I found kobold fur beside these footprints. Is this kobold traces? But these big footprints are as big as human adult...

I trail the traces and found a cave. In front of the cave there're two kobold guards. It's as big as me with muscle that can squeeze me to death. They're wearing armors that didn't suitable to their intelligent and behavoir. How can they get armour and weapons? Is someone given them or they made it by themselves? Is there Kobold Shaman in their group?

I drawn the route to this cave and quickly get out of there immediately. On my way down the mountain I found a boar and killed it with my dagger. Before the poison circulate throughtout its body I drawn it blood out and make sure that the meat isn't poisonous.

This is all of my report

Almodeus Thompson got
  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 10G
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Oct 21, 2019
Exploration and Scouting
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Anywhere
Required Level: 1
  • Obtain any information that is worthwhile for the city to know.
The Scribel Adventurer's Guild will pay for any information that is worthwhile. Did you did you discover a band of goblins? Did you discover a new area? Do you have new and novel information that we didn't know before? Tell us what you have, and we might reward you!

  • EXP: 0 - 75
  • Money: 10 - 50G

Almodeus Thompson (Lvl.1)

Quest Report :

Hey,This is Almodeus here. After I'm reporting about healing herbs delivery I found this quest on the board so I think this quest is worth a shot.
I'm going to the same mountain that I gathering healing herbs. So I prepared another 3 large bags that can fill healing herbs. I experiment with these herbs a while ago and found that although they're not made in to medicine but it's still effective to fresh wounds.

I climb to that mountain again. This time I using another route because the previous has second to none healing herbs and mushrooms.
Unexpectedly,I found monsters. They're similar to small humanoid monster with fur covered all over the body with dog head. I think I know what they are. I think they're called Kobold or something?

There're 3 kobolds that appeared in front of me. Of course,I killed all of them. Since all of them using blunt object such as tree bark and stone so with my Slimy skin I can reflect all of them. and with my Idenfify I found their weak points and delivered deathly blows to them with my Inferior Swordsmanship.
I looting their corpses but found nothing worth while except their blood and fangs that can use as materail for alchemy and blacksmith.

After that I found another great source of herbs and mushrooms. There're many types of them. Most of them are poisonous but if you're using the right method you can turn them into antidote. I gathered as much as I can and turn some poisonous herbs into a paste and applied to my dagger.

Previously,I didn't met with any monsters so I think this mountain is quite dangerous in some route. I have blank paper and ink in my traveler bag so I write down the route that I passed by. "Quite dangerous"

After that I dive deeper into the mountain and found traces of footprints. There're small and big mixed together. And I found kobold fur beside these footprints. Is this kobold traces? But these big footprints are as big as human adult...

I trail the traces and found a cave. In front of the cave there're two kobold guards. It's as big as me with muscle that can squeeze me to death. They're wearing armors that didn't suitable to their intelligent and behavoir. How can they get armour and weapons? Is someone given them or they made it by themselves? Is there Kobold Shaman in their group?

I drawn the route to this cave and quickly get out of there immediately. On my way down the mountain I found a boar and killed it with my dagger. Before the poison circulate throughtout its body I drawn it blood out and make sure that the meat isn't poisonous.

This is all of my report
Good work here's your reward.
  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 10G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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Dec 23, 2018
Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 10G

Quest report[FILLED]:

There were not a lot of things that could be done by an adventurer with one hand. At least for one without the ability to telekinetically move things. As it was, Lib felt that she had to force herself instead of wallowing in sadness after her loss of her right hand.

Lib never learned how to wield a sword. The World Key she had are shaped like a sword, and the other weapon she had was left inside of that place. All in all, she was left without other option, except if she decide to shell some of her money to buy another weapon. Thankfully, the sword she had was usable using one hand.

With one sword in her hand, she went to the adventurer guild, and decided to take the subjugation quest against the slimes. One library entry about those slimes was that they were easily pierced. Since she had no magic at all, this was the best method for her to do it.

The first slime was found at the riverbank. this slime variant seemed to like to consume the water as its main staple. It seemed like the liquid inside the slime has lower viscosity compared to the usual slime. The core of the slime seemed to actively moving. The slime seemed to not be alert though, as it carefreely grazing at the riverbank's grass.

With a lunge against its body, the slime had bursted immediately as the sword pierced it. The core of the slime was then pocketed and Lib went her way.

Still on the riverbank, Lib found her second and third slime. Apparently, the slime could use water jets to propel themselves. Using high pressure from some hole, she found out that those slimes could easily threw themselves to the water to recover the water used for the water burst. Their clear body showed that this variant of the slime had excellent camouflage ability. Also, they were easily swept away, so that may be a tactics they used to flee when needed. All in all, the water slime variant were troublesome to face unless against ranged enemy.

Lib decided to go further west to the slimecreek. With the name slimecreek, she thought she would be able to easily encounter slimes.

As it was, there was a lot. By a lot, Lib counted over 50 slimes in the riverbank alone. Due to that, she went back along the way, to see more of those water slimes. It seemed that the slimecreek was the place they end up if they were swept by the current. She met two other water slimes. She ignored the one nearest to the riverbank and began to throw stones at the slime. Apparently, they have slight resistance against the stone without a sharp edges, as the stone were reflected by the slime's body. An obsidian stone managed to pierce its skin and made the slime burst out. She took another core to her bag.

In the end, she went eastward along the river, only attacking at a group of 1 or 2 slimes. At the end of the day, she managed to gather the requested 10 core and went back to the city to submit her proof of subjugation.
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Oct 21, 2019
Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 10G

Quest report:

There were not a lot of things that could be done by an adventurer with one hand. At least for one without the ability to telekinetically move things. As it was, Lib felt that she had to force herself instead of wallowing in sadness after her loss of her right hand.

Lib never learned how to wield a sword. The World Key she had are shaped like a sword, and the other weapon she had was left inside of that place. All in all, she was left without other option, except if she decide to shell some of her money to buy another weapon. Thankfully, the sword she had was usable using one hand.

With one sword in her hand, she went to the adventurer guild, and decided to take the subjugation quest against the slimes. One library entry about those slimes was that they were easily pierced. Since she had no magic at all, this was the best method for her to do it.

The first slime was found at the riverbank. this slime variant seemed to like to consume the water as its main staple. It seemed like the liquid inside the slime has lower viscosity compared to the usual slime. The core of the slime seemed to actively moving. The slime seemed to not be alert though, as it carefreely grazing at the riverbank's grass.

With a lunge against its body, the slime had bursted immediately as the sword pierced it. The core of the slime was then pocketed and Lib went her way.

Still on the riverbank, Lib found her second and third slime. Apparently, the slime could use water jets to propel themselves. Using high pressure from some hole, she found out that those slimes could easily threw themselves to the water to recover the water used for the water burst. Their clear body showed that this variant of the slime had excellent camouflage ability. Also, they were easily swept away, so that may be a tactics they used to flee when needed. All in all, the water slime variant were troublesome to face unless against ranged enemy.

Lib decided to go further west to the slimecreek. With the name slimecreek, she thought she would be able to easily encounter slimes.

As it was, there was a lot. By a lot, Lib counted over 50 slimes in the riverbank alone. Due to that, she went back along the way, to see more of those water slimes. It seemed that the slimecreek was the place they end up if they were swept by the current. She met two other water slimes. She ignored the one nearest to the riverbank and began to throw stones at the slime. Apparently, they have slight resistance against the stone without a sharp edges, as the stone were reflected by the slime's body. An obsidian stone managed to pierce its skin and made the slime burst out. She took another core to her bag.

In the end, she went eastward along the river, only attacking at a group of 1 or 2 slimes. At the end of the day, she managed to gather the requested 10 core and went back to the city to submit her proof of subjugation.
Good work and thank for the new information.
  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 10G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Need a Substitute Teacher
Sponsor: Lilia Kastle
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Requirement: Must be good with kids.
  • Teach my elementary school class for the day.
My mother is sick in the countryside, and I need to visit her urgently. Because of this, I can't teach my class. I can't pay very much, but I appreciate the help!

  • EXP: 15
  • Money: 3G

"This seems pretty easy", I mumbled. I took the quest and proceeded towards the school. It was a semi-derelict school, the paint was very old and had started degrading as well as the building itself. I opened the door with a loud BANG and proceeded to walk carefully over the creaky brittle floor boards. *How is this school even intact?* I thought to myself. I arrived at the classroom. It was full of desks like any typical classroom; however, the age and durability of the equipment was apparent. Everything seemed to have been repaired beyond belief with tape and glue everywhere. It was a genuine wonder to how everything was staying intact. I also noticed that I was early which was pretty good as I could take a nice nap before class began.

"Hey. Hello. Mister?? HELLO!!!"
"Gah What?"
"Hey look Mister's awake!"
"Are you our substitute teacher? You are right!"
It seems that the class has arrived. All the children appeared to be poor, with tattered and dirty clothes and holed shoes.
"Hi I'm Adsall, and yes I am your substitute teacher. Do you guys know if your teacher, Mrs Lilia, prepared any material for me to teach?"
"No she just said to do whatever the substitute tells us to do and to be on our best behaviour" , A little girl said while smiling.
*F*ck Now what. I guess she just wanted a babysitter. I guess I can teach maths.* I thought to myself
"Now then today I will be teaching you addition and subtraction."

In the end I ended up teaching them how to count to ten. After all of them finished. I decided to patch up their clothes using the leftover fabric I had in my bag, as well as giving them my blanket to cover up as they gave me their clothes, as I am not a pedophile. I decided to do some flower patches and sword shaped patches. The kids were all overjoyed and started to showoff their clothes to each other. Something odd did stand out though, Mart. Mart was one of the school kids. When I took his shirt to patch up I noticed that his chest was pretty bruised in multiple areas. As if he had been punched. When I went to ask him about it he opened his mouth as to say something but quickly closed it, snatched back his shirt and joined his friends. Class soon ended, and all the students started to go home.

I don't think I'm getting any sleep tonight.

... It's a sad reality, but the reality nonetheless. Life comes at us fast and hard, and we have no idea what is in store for us. Some may survive while others don't, but that's just the cause and effect of things. Maybe, just maybe, if we become strong enough, maybe we can do something about it. So, don't focus too much on the sadness and work hard, for someday, we might be able to change it.

Anyway, enough with my nonsense, just take these rewards and do what you needed to do.

Rewards: 15 EXP, 3 G
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Giant Spider Nests
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Forest near Scribel City
Required Level: 3
  • Burn down a Giant Spider Nest.
  • Do not burn down the entire forest (please!).
Giant Spiders are extremely scary monsters, and too many civilians lost their lives caught in giant webs. Fortunately their nests are flammable. Maybe it's possible to burn them down without a fight?

  • EXP: 170
  • Money: 20G
The request's condition was: Please do not burn down the entire forest.

Tch. My plans were foiled before they even begun.

As she lamented the unfairness of it all, Vicious stared at one of the nests from afar. Unlike the previous run in with Giant Rats, Giant Spiders lived up to their name. Just one alone was almost her height.

It almost made her sad that she couldn't just torch the entire forest. Almost. Because Vicious was a model adventurer (lol) and would definitely not do anything as harmful as that (lol).

"Hmm? Let's see here..."

Closing her left eye, Vicious glared at one of the spiders with her right eye. As the winds picked up in power and speed---

Nothing happened.

But of course. What was I hoping, for black flames to suddenly burn all the spiders to death and disappear after it's done? Now that would be cheating.

Slowly, her vision drifted over to settle on a certain plant, and Vicious grinned.

Then again, who said you had to have supernatural powers to cheat?


There was a coil of...rope...running along the floor. Or rather, what appeared to be a green rope. It ran the whole length around the nest, forming a loose circle. After ensuring that no part of the rope touched any trees, Vicious lit it on fire, before retreating to a safe distance. She continued to keep watch.

It didn't take long before the girl observed spiders falling off the nest, landing on their backs and sluggishly moving their limbs. Then, careful to wrap her nose and mouth with a dense roll of cloth, Vicious strode over and started beating in arachnid brains. It wasn't too long before all the occupants of the nest were twitching on the ground, heads looking like pulped watermelons.

"Worth every minute. Plants with paralysing agents when burnt sure are killer to work with."

Grinning, she fished out another torch, set the nest alight, and when the thing was smoked into a charred husk, the satisfied adventurer stamped out any remaining embers before returning to hand in her report.
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Dec 23, 2018
Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 10G

Quest report:[FILLED]

Today, she decided to limit herself inside of the city, except the sewer. She took another slime subjugation quest and try on her hand whether she could find them in the residential area.

As it was, the residential area was mostly clean of the slimes. She went to each house and asked whether there was a slime infestation in their house. Some of the people inside, though, took offense to her saying that. For those men, it was because it was a slight against their manliness if they couldn't beat those things. For the women, it was because they were thought that they couldn't make their home clean, since it was trivial to keep those slimes away if they keep it clean. Finding no success, Lib moved to the other area.

As she went to the market district, she apparently found out that they have their own specialized slime disposal worker. Since there was a lot of waste produced by the market, the shop owner felt that paying 1G for 1 slime disposal was too high. Therefore, they offered this job to dispose of the slimes inside of their district. He also said that they barred adventurer from hunting the slime in this district too.

At the craftsmen district, At least she found some people who apparently had apprentice who was lazy to clean their place. Those craftsmen themselves usually consider those task not worth doing and offload them to their apprentice. Apparently, those slimes consume soot and smog from the forge they have, and sometimes clogged the forge. The slime variant in this place were considered beneficial as long as they don't block the air vent or something. Nevertheless, there must be a routine cleaning they must do. As those craftsmen allowed Lib to dispose of them, Lib was able to fulfill her quota of slime today.

One thing unique to the slime around here is that they may produce diamond inside of their body. Some of the craftsmen allowed one slime to build up the carbon content inside its body, and at some level of blackness, they popped up the slime. At their blackest, the durability of those slimes are really strong and their body become more round-shaped. At that point, The craftsmen cracked open the slime and look to see if a diamond formed inside. Pretty nifty side income, if she might said. One craftsman offered her to open a black one with her sword, yet no matter how hard she hit it, it was deflected.

As a side effect, they functioned like an air purifier, consuming carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Really, She don't think those slimes were a pest there.

in the afternoon, she reported back her findings and the requested cores to the adventurer guild.
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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2020
+ + +
Slime Subjugation
SponsorScribel City Adventurer's Guild
LocationScribel City
RequirementsLevel 1
  • Exterminate slimes in Scribel City.​
  • Collect 10 slime cores.​
Slimes are a pest in Scribel City, and they end up in all sorts of weird places.
While they aren’t too dangerous, they can slowly erode and damage structures over time.
They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff.
Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!
+ + +​
City Construction
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day performing construction labor.
There’s always things to be built in a frontier city, and we could always use more manpower. We fix potholes, repair walls, and more! The job isn’t very dangerous, although it can be physically tiring.

  • EXP: 30
  • Money: 10G

Quest Report :

Another quest of Slime subjugation. I went to the usual place for grinding slimes and found someone there.
It's a couple of male and female. The male seem to be swordsman and the female is sorcerer of sorts. They're hunting slimes quite fast but I also noticed that slime cores are damaged.

But there are not much problems with these couple so I quickly go hunting my own slimes.

Slimes are weak that's for sure. But after I hunting about 5 slimes I found that without killing them I can extract their core out from their body. You just need some speed and gloves. The extracted core still alive so that means if you put it near their body It'll revived.

"Oh, so that is how this city's adventurer hunting slimes?" Swordsman said and coming near me

I glared at him and counldn't tell him that I was just experimenting with these slimes. After that he told me that he come from the village near Scribel city. He came here to fullfill his dream of becoming adventurer with his childhood friend,The female sorcerer.
I and him going quite well that he taught me some of his swordsmanship style. It's full of how to parry attack from opponent and dealing twice of damage back. This style suited me well but I can't bring the full potential of this style.
The female sorceror taught me how to control mana. I learn that in a second but I found another problem as well. Mana Manipulation is about controlling energy in nature called Mana to chant spell but what I got in return is how to manipulate the energy inside my body. I called this skill,Ki Manipulation.

Although it is such a regret that I can't learn Mana Manipulation or use that Counter style to the fullest potential but it's still beneficial to me in some ways or another.

10 Slime cores retrieved.

Almodeus Thompson learn Swordsmanship - Counter style through Brightest Mind
Swordsmanship - Counter Style turn into Inferior Swordsmanship - Counter style by Jack of all trades,Master of None

Almodeus Thompson learn Mana Manipulation through Brightest Mind
Mana Manipulation turn into Ki Manipulation by Jack of all trades,Master of None

Inferior Swordsmanship - Counter style : Primitive form of swordsmanship - counter style. You can deal damage back to your opponent without receiveing damage.
Ki Manipulation : Manipulate energy inside your body and bring out the maximum potential of your body. Strengthen your body temporarily.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Missing Children
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Locate a missing child and reunite them with their family.
What? You want to see the missing persons list? Well... sure. Some of them might just be kids who ran away from home, but it's dangerous out there. If you could find one of them, it would really help.

  • EXP: 110
  • Money: 40G

Sorry for the long report, receptionist lady! There was a lot to write.

Mirth and Vicious

Why are there so many missing kids? Kids shouldn't have to worry about stuff! It doesn't seem right. And I heard one of them was found dead! This many kids don't go missing in a town for no reason! I think someone is behind it! Or well, that's what Malice thinks, and if Malice thinks so, it's probably true. This doesn't really make me happy. So, I'll let Malice take over again.

Too many missing. It's not right. This town may be near the wild, but the gates are well watched. Children can't vanish into the wild easily. As for reasons they may vanish in the town, they could run away, but children who do that would likely return quite quickly. There aren't many places a normal child can survive on their own. If children are going missing and not returning, there's a reason.

According to this quest report, a child was found dead, holding an animal? Strange. The quest report is quite hard to interpret. Was it a toy? I find it unlikely a real animal would be held by a dying child, even as someone finds the child. I decided to ask the parents for more information.

They were understandably... distressed by my inquiry, but when I said it was for the sake of saving more children they did their best to help. According to them, their child simply vanished one day as they were shopping together in the market. They looked away for a moment, and the next thing they noticed she was gone. It's quite possible the child might have gotten separated in the market, but according to the parents they walk to the market quite often, and the child should have had no trouble finding her way back home. The only conclusion is that something prevented her from returning; but then why was she found? Did they no longer need her? It doesn't really make sense. Why are so many children still missing?

Ah.. someone came in with another related quest report. This one... demons? Then... I guess it does makes sense.

Sacrifices, huh? How cruel. Then the one that was found, must have been a failure?

A group with a unique emblem? If they were found in the sewer, they have likely made their base there.
I don't want to let this continue any longer than necessary.

Considering the previous report mentioned movable walls in the sewer, it's unlikely I will find anything following the normal routes. As such, the most efficient method will likely be to take advantage of my own appearance. But, I will need help to ensure my safety. As such, I chose to ask the adventurer who has previously encountered them.

It took a bit of time to contact her, but when I did she was surprisingly willing to help. She didn't speak very much, and was quite blunt when she did, which honestly I appreciated more than someone who wasted time on idle chatter.

I stated my plan, and we acted immediately.
I roughened my clothes, rolling around on the ground to get myself appropriately dirty and scratched, and began to wander the less populated streets, maintaining a pitiful appearance, a little slouched, with a scared expression on my face. It took some time, but eventually I noticed someone approaching me. It was difficult to ignore the instinct to resist, as the cloaked man approached, but I restrained myself. He grabbed my head, and I felt a strange dark energy which stole away my consciousness. I cannot describe what occurred next as I was... disabled. As such, I shall leave it to Vicious.

* * * * *

From the roof she was watching from, Vicious noted the exchange.

Cloaked. Of course. Well, I'd better get moving.

Keeping track of what was going on on the ground, Vicious took the shortcut across the rooftops, watching as the cloaked stranger kidnapped her new friend---come to think of it, she didn't exactly introduce herself either. So they were technically both strangers.

You know, if I was part of this mysterious organisation, that girl might have been in a bit of trouble. Thank the heavens rituals don't interest me.

Musing dryly, Vicious took note of the prolonged journey the man took, turning several corners and making a huge detour in the maze-like alleyways of the slums. He was attempting to mask his movements.

A pity the girl watching him had friends of her own. As said girl lifted a piece of paper --- a copied version of the map she had uncovered from the previous sewer visit --- she realised she could just drop the man now and interrogate him. But then again, if he was fanatic enough he might just switch himself off to keep the secret. And then there was the girl.

Guess I better go with the reliable route.


The good news---she found the hideout the cloaked man was using. Trailing behind him, nice and easy, she had shadowed him the whole way without being noticed. Of course, it probably helped that the man was preoccupied with the captive over his shoulder. He led her right into the hidden section of the sewer.

The bad news---he had company. As the door swiveled about it's axis, she spotted a few more people inside. There was also a reddish hue which did not give her the best of impressions, which vanished as soon as the door slid back into place.

Now for the rescue effort. Just go in, fight a bunch of cloaked freaks while trying to ensure the captive doesn't get harmed. Easy peasy. Except for just about everything.

Vicious stared at the torches mounted on the walls every now and then.

I wonder if she's immune to fire...

* * * * *

When I regained clarity, I was in a small cage, likely normally used to hold small monsters. There were many similar cages, holding children in a variety of conditions. I could feel Mirth's anger, and that's something rare. It seems my kidnappers had just tossed me into the cage without checking me, as I could feel that the metal wire I wrapped around my thigh was still there. The lock on the cage looked quite cheap, and I felt confident I could pick it. However, I chose to wait. I wasn't sure what Vicious would do, and the man who took me here (at least I assume it was the same person) was still in the room. I could hear him moving around from my position lying in the cage. Making preparations of some sort, I assumed. Considering the number of children in this room, it's unlikely they can perform whatever rituals they're doing quickly. That, or they need a large number for whatever they're attempting. I'm not sure which I prefer.

After some time, the man left the room, and I quickly sat up as soon as I couldn't hear him anymore. I unwrapped the wire from my leg and began quickly picking the lock. It didn't take long for some of the other children to notice, but they stayed strangely silent as they watched. It was... slightly disturbing.

It took a bit, but I managed to get the lock off. I whispered quietly, "I'll be back. I can't let you out right now, it's not safe." And I didn't say this part, but I also couldn't take the risk that some of them might be demons. My first priority was simple; try to find Vicious. I don't know her well, but from what I read on her quest reports she seems quite capable in the violence department. Considering that I had no idea both where I was or where Vicious might be, I decided the best solution was to make a nice commotion so that she can find me. So, I let Mirth have her turn.

I moved through the confusing halls carefully, searching for an opportunity. Luckily, one arrived, in the form a man. He had a recognizable dragon-claw emblem on his chest, so there was no mistaking him as an ally. Hidden in a small alcove, we waited for him to approach. And when he did, Mirth let out her anger.

I may call myself Malice, but honestly I find Mirth scarier than myself. I may act out of ill will, but I do it for a goal. Mirth acts for herself. And when she's angry, she really doesn't control herself. It's honestly quite surprising how much of a mess can be made from the body of a single human. You wouldn't expect the... material to be able to spread so far, but it really can. After she exhausted her emotions, I snuck away, carefully hiding any traces. Luckily, in the sewer, there's plenty of.. fluids.. to use.

It wasn't long before I heard shouts. Most of them seemed to believe one of their demons had gotten loose. An understandable conclusion, in my opinion. I stayed in the alcove where I had hidden. If this failed to attract Vicious's attention, I wasn't sure what it would take.

* * * *

"Hurry! Check on the captives!"

While she was still thinking of how best to break in, Vicious heard faint shouting from behind the door, and the scampering of feet could be heard as well.

They're moving. Nice opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, the girl unslung her method of extreme violence and kicked down the door. Barging into the room, the first she saw was a cloaked man rising from his seat.


The blow echoed quite deeply through the tunnels, and the man slumped to the floor unconscious.

What a wimp. It's just the shotgun's stock.

Snorting a bit, Vicious headed further in. She'd barely cleared the first room when someone popped out of the corridor, and ate a blow to the face for his troubles. The cloak behind was about to call for help, but Vicious tugged the knife free from her belt, flipped around, and flung it.

She was aiming for the throat, but it veered off mark and stabbed right into the chest. Sadly, this meant the man's dying scream was quite loud.

Well, my cover's blown. Time to find her.

Since she didn't have to worry about noise any longer, Vicious pocketed her shotgun, and pulled the knife out of the corpse. She also searched the two bodies and took another two knives.


Arching her head back, Vicious laughed; a sharp, loud bark that reverberated off the walls, and ran in the direction those footsteps seemed to be heading from earlier.

* * * * *

It didn't take long for the commotion to intensify with the distinct sound of combat echoing through the corridors, and a loud laugh. Choosing to trust in my partner's capabilities, I moved back to the room where I had been captured. Whether they had been turned into demons or not, I had to keep them from getting the children. As I ran, I encountered a few of them moving the same direction. I didn't have time to slow down, so I just punched them in the neck to take them out quickly. I couldn't risk extended combat when I was unaware of their abilities.

I reached the cage room relatively quickly. Checking inside, it was almost exactly as I left it. Hopefully this meant none of them were demons. I turned back to the entrance, hiding next to the entryway, waiting for whoever might come. Hopefully, it would be Vicious. I'd like to get out of here with the children as soon as possible.

* * * * *

A group of people were stationed in the corridor.


The one nearest to the entrance was taken out of commission by a thrown knife. Seconds later, someone kneed him in the face, and down he went.


His buddy reacted decently, but half a word was all he got out before the stock of a firearm clobbered him right across the face. Then the rest of the cloaked men reacted, and rushed at the lone girl who had entered. Vicious shrugged as she pocketed the shotgun and brought out two knives.

"Big mistake."


Leaving the pile of unconscious (or dead) cultists on the floor, Vicious continued along, and soon reached a door on the side. She could hear noises inside.


She saw the interior contents of the room instantly. Cages of all kinds.

"Good heavens."

* * * * *

Fortunately, it wasn't too long of a wait before I heard the sounds of people getting beat up, and before long, Vicious entered.

"We need to take them and leave, as quickly as possible. We don't know how many of them might be here, or if they have help, so it's best to just get out. Do you have any way of making sure they're all.. still them?"

"Thought that might have been a concern. Here you go."

Vicious pulled out six vials from her pockets, handing over three of them.

"Demons don't get along well with holy water. There isn't enough to drench each of them in it, which would be the ideal telling method, but there should be just enough to splash each of them with a handful or two. I'll work on the left side, you do the right side."

Quickly taking the vials, I quickly splashed a bit on the children on my side. I was hoping there wouldn't be any, but.. it seems I wouldn't be so lucky. As the liquid splashed onto one of them, those in the cages next to them recoiled as the demon's flesh melted, and it screamed in agony. I quickly threw what was left of the holy water at it, then turned to Vicious to see how her side had gone as the demon slowly died.

On her end, Vicious had gone through about two vials and most of the children, and was left with a few more cages to work on. She splashed a handful on a little boy that looked around nine, and there was no visible reaction.


Why did she feel such unease?

The little boy did nothing but stare at her silently, not saying a word. She beckoned at him, but nothing happened.


The same thing happened to the next cage; no reaction, no movement. The nine year old girl stared at her just as quietly.

The last cage, however, ended differently. The ten-year old girl didn't react to the holy water, but sobbed and crawled closer to Vicious, holding out both hands. Just as she was about to unlock the cage, however, she stopped.

Why did she feel such unease? Her instincts were screaming, warning of danger---but what kind?

Vicious stared at the girl, stepping just out of her grasping range, and for a brief moment, she saw resentment on the child's face.

"What's your name?"

The child shut up instantly.


"What is your name, little one? Surely you can tell me. I'll let you out of the cage if you tell me."

The child crawled forward to stare at her, eyes not leaving her face.

"...You swear? On your life?"

"Of course. On my life it is."

Instantly the child changed; her body lengthened, turning a bright shade of pink. Bat-like wings unfurled from the waist, and horns grew out of her forehead; the irises took on a translucent hue and the demon hissed, speaking in a voice that sounded like several people talking at the same time.

"My name," declared it. "Is Dzfir, Lord of the Pit. Remember it as the name of one who will be your future master---now, I have fulfilled my bargain, so it is your turn. Free me from this unpleasant cage."



"What are you doing, worthless human? You agreed to let me out of the cage---"


"And so I did. Didn't remember promising to let you out alive though, lizard. Trickery 101. Go back and fill the pit in your head where your brains should be, dumbass."

Vicious yanked open the cage door, sending the smoldering remains of demon onto the floor, before crushing it into dust with her boot. At the same time, the previous two cages shimmered and finally revealed their contents; two partially rotted skeletons.

"A shame. Well, that happens."

I stared for a moment, impressed, before realizing that we didn't have time to waste.

"With that taken care of, I think it's time to get out of here."

It was difficult to move quickly through the tunnels with a large group of children, but the motivating power of fear made them do their best to keep up with us. Or was it something else? I still felt a bit uncomfortable. The few cultists we ran into were dispatched relatively easily by a fist or the blunt trauma of a gun. Luckily, the cage room wasn't too far from the entrance, likely for convenience. I couldn't help but wonder though, how deep did this maze go?

A question to be answered later. For now, these children have homes to return to.

We brought them here to the guild as we decided it would be easier for you to figure out where they live, than for us to wander around. This concludes our report.

Though, having arrived and read this report, I might have more concerns, and perhaps a clue as to why they were kidnapping children. They must have some way of inducing this process.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"This seems pretty easy", I mumbled. I took the quest and proceeded towards the school. It was a semi-derelict school, the paint was very old and had started degrading as well as the building itself. I opened the door with a loud BANG and proceeded to walk carefully over the creaky brittle floor boards. *How is this school even intact?* I thought to myself. I arrived at the classroom. It was full of desks like any typical classroom; however, the age and durability of the equipment was apparent. Everything seemed to have been repaired beyond belief with tape and glue everywhere. It was a genuine wonder to how everything was staying intact. I also noticed that I was early which was pretty good as I could take a nice nap before class began.

"Hey. Hello. Mister?? HELLO!!!"
"Gah What?"
"Hey look Mister's awake!"
"Are you our substitute teacher? You are right!"
It seems that the class has arrived. All the children appeared to be poor, with tattered and dirty clothes and holed shoes.
"Hi I'm Adsall, and yes I am your substitute teacher. Do you guys know if your teacher, Mrs Lilia, prepared any material for me to teach?"
"No she just said to do whatever the substitute tells us to do and to be on our best behaviour" , A little girl said while smiling.
*F*ck Now what. I guess she just wanted a babysitter. I guess I can teach maths.* I thought to myself
"Now then today I will be teaching you addition and subtraction."

In the end I ended up teaching them how to count to ten. After all of them finished. I decided to patch up their clothes using the leftover fabric I had in my bag, as well as giving them my blanket to cover up as they gave me their clothes, as I am not a pedophile. I decided to do some flower patches and sword shaped patches. The kids were all overjoyed and started to showoff their clothes to each other. Something odd did stand out though, Mart. Mart was one of the school kids. When I took his shirt to patch up I noticed that his chest was pretty bruised in multiple areas. As if he had been punched. When I went to ask him about it he opened his mouth as to say something but quickly closed it, snatched back his shirt and joined his friends. Class soon ended, and all the students started to go home.

I don't think I'm getting any sleep tonight.

Also I don't want the payment. It looks like they need it more than I do.
... It's a sad reality, but the reality nonetheless. Life comes at us fast and hard, and we have no idea what is in store for us. Some may survive while others don't, but that's just the cause and effect of things. Maybe, just maybe, if we become strong enough, maybe we can do something about it. So, don't focus too much on the sadness and work hard, for someday, we might be able to change it.

Anyway, enough with my nonsense, just take these rewards and do what you needed to do.

Rewards: 15 EXP, 3 G


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
+ + +
Office Work
SponsorScribel City Adventurer's Guild
LocationScribel City
RequirementsLevel 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel City government.​
  • Perform a satisfactory job.​
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild?
Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day?
Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse?
Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!
+ + +​
Report for Quest: Office Work
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of completion: I decided to work in the office today. This is not something I am unused to, but the amount of work was absolutely overwhelming. This would be considered a flagrant disregard for the well being of workers where I am from. Are you attempting to overwork us? I usually do work involving my hands all day, but I don't think I've ever gotten five cramps in my hand at once.
I spent a lot of the day filling out forms and comparing numbers and I have to say that the storage organization is terrible. For one, while there is an actual system in place for organizing quest completion forms, no one seems to bother organizing them by the actual method. What they are supposed to do is make a copy of the form, place the original in today's log of quests, and place the copy in a specific person's log of quests. What they actually do is unknown, because I seemed to find quests belonging to different people in the same slots as well as quests missing from the general log of quests. This should be rectified.
Either way, I am done with this quest. Pay me so I can never bother with this again.
Appraised and Approved by: Recpetionist Konaha
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