Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Seeing that food was a reward, I decided to accept the quest. It's just cooking, it can't be that hard. I was wrong. 3 minutes after arriving, I was already cooking. It was so monotonous that I nearly fell asleep, but I couldn't as the kitchen was so noisy and the slightest sign of sleepiness would get you slapped awake by the Old man. I managed to not make any mistakes, and after 40 were done I quickly changed and got the stamp on the request form. The Old Man gave me a slap and said "Come Back Again".I found cooking to be fun, but not the same thing over and over again.

I handed the request to the receptionist, and then left.

God I really need a nap.
"Curious...hmm. Things seem to be in order. Well done. Here you go."

Exp: 40
Money: 10G
5 rations

(Please mark your report in some way to indicate that it's been appraised.)


Mafia Addict
Jan 7, 2019
When she started the job, Vicious was feeling pretty great.

After she delivered the first package to the old guy living under a disused bridge, she was still feeling pretty great.

After she delivered the second package to a lady living beside the Scribel River, she was still feeling pretty great.

As a matter of fact, the third and fourth packages were delivered smoothly as well. One to a treehouse in the middle of a grove, one to a dwarf who had dug out a cave for himself.

It was the last one that gave her some trouble.


"I've been going in circles!"

She'd passed this point earlier. Vicious used a knife to nick the bark as she walked, but no matter which direction she went, she would eventually run across a marked tree. The sun was still lazily cruising when she first started; now it was partially on it's way down.

"What the heck is this place? I just need to deliver the damn mail, for goodness sake! If I don't reach the house in my next attempt, I'm giving up!"

Punching the trunk of a tree in anger, Vicious made one last run---and this one succeeded.

"Finally! A clearing of some sort, and...a...wha."

Sticking out of the ground was an obsidian black spike, or at least that was her initial impression. After close observation, the exterior was glossy and smooth, and perhaps even perfectly conical.

"You know what, forget it."


Her knuckles were barely touching the door before it flew open and a little girl popped her head out from the side. She was dressed in pure white and was rather cute, but the cuteness was ruined by the pout.


"You're the owner?"

"What, so you're saying that Shiori can't own this house? Rude! Shiori should turn you into a brick for that insolence. Or maybe a wooden cube instead."

The little girl snorted, taking her package from Vicious.

"Well, at least you have the good sense not trying to cut down trees. Out of that and nostalgia, Shiori will let you go today. Now scram! Shiori has to get back to her black magic."

Watching the door slam shut firmly, Vicious stood there, uncertain whether she should be angry or not. After a bit, she shrugged, didn't think any more about it, and returned to the city to make her report.
" may have had trouble, but at least you got the job done! Weird as to how people living in the middle of nowhere have addresses, though." I said, still speaking in Sylvan. Maybe I should have spoken Elvish? Regardless, I gave her the rewards.
  • EXP: 60
  • Money: 20G


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Rank E Promotion Exam
Scribel City Adventurer's Guild​

Gem's Ravine​

  • Survive for two weeks without your equipment.
  • Travel through Gem's Ravine and climb Bighorn Mountain.
  • Retrieve an egg from a Giant Kukuu Bird Nest.
  • Return to Scribel City with the egg intact.
So you think you're strong enough to be Rank E? Pfft~ Don't get too cocky just because you've beaten up a few goblins with a fancy sword!

If you want to be Rank E, prove to me that you can survive in the wilderness without your precious tools and equipment. I'll be confiscating those for safekeeping~ Much of the World of Tonia is wilderness and filled with monsters, so you won't survive for long if you can't handle a simple camping trip~!
Of course, there will be monsters as you make your journey through Gem's Ravine. How will you handle them?​

At the end of the canyon, please climb Bighorn Mountain. A colony of Giant Kukuu Birds make their nests close to the peak. Kukuu Birds are known to kidnap eggs from other species and raise them as their own, so you'll find all sorts of random creatures wandering the mountain. Please retrieve an egg from a Giant Kukuu Nest and escape with it. You better keep it intact, or else you fail!

Feeling confident yet? If you're not ready, come back and talk to me another day!
Rank E Certificate
Random Egg (it might hatch!)​
Quest Report (18)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 4 (2100 EXP)
Quest: Rank E Promotion Exam
  • Survived slightly longer than a month in the wilderness without equipment
  • Traversed Gem's Ravine and climbed Bighorn Mountain
  • Returned home with a black egg from a Giant Kukuu Nest
Welp, it seemed it was time. Finally, after this one last ordeal, I would become a ranked adventurer! Although excited, I knew the exam before me was going to be extremely tough, I mean, it even sounded like it was calling me out! Fancy sword? Precious tools and equipment? The quest description literally described me so perfectly! But, I'll never succeed if I don't try! After handing all my stuff over to one of the receptionists for safe-keeping, I set out.

Unfortunately, it seemed the first problem would be locating this Gem's Ravine. A kind fellow in the tavern directed me towards a certain quest report which may lead to the right mountain range, so I decided to check that out first. In the report, it mentioned that after passing through farmland, there would be mountains with herbs and mushrooms found on it. Just to make sure I wasn't going on a wild goose chase, I dug for information in the library also. There I found that the river's northwestern fork would lead to a mountain range, alongside that west of Scribel was farmland, matching up with the report perfectly.

Since the river would give me a better sense of direction, I decided to leisurely follow it north. When I came across wild creatures that attacked me, I minimized my energy usage as much as possible, usually trying to sneak past them without alerting them. Since I was still near the forests, camping and hunting wasn't too difficult, especially with my magic, hence after two days I arrived at my destination, Gem's Ravine. Like its name, the ravine was dotted with beautiful gemstone veins. A branch of the river I had followed ran through the center, which would be crucial for me to remain hydrated during this trip. Above a distant mountain, giant birds circled the air and occasionally dove towards the canyon's forests. Since that must be Bighorn mountain, I set off into the depths of the ravine cautiously.

At first, I didn't encounter too many monsters, mainly ordinary animals, hence after hunting them down with my magic, I dried and preserved what I could and kept them as rations. After my evening meal, I would douse my campfire(not lit by fire magic to save mana), and sleep on a tall tree branch surrounded by other shrubbery. Just as sunlight began seeping through the tree leaves less, and a few days had passed, the danger level suddenly increased.

Before long, I began feeling stares filled with killing intent surrounding me wherever I walked. Since I wanted to avoid as many fights as possible to prevent getting any injuries early on, I slowed my walking speed and tried to be as stealthy as possible. Fortunately, since I had practised stealth quite a bit in previous missions I managed to avoid some of the monsters, but I obviously was nowhere near good enough to avoid all of them.

One of the most difficult battles I had was against a lone dark blue wolf, which had a crescent moon pattern on its forehead. It was in the late evening, hence the faint moonlight caused the mark on its head to glow slightly. It didn't seem to be one of the random monsters hatched from a Kukuu egg, since it was a mammal, but it was still dangerous regardless. Just from the way it moved, I could tell it was a lot stronger than a normal dire wolf.

We stared at each other cautiously for a long time, as I silently materialized an icy dagger behind my back. Just when my attention began to wane, it struck out like lightning, instantly giving me a bloody claw mark across my left upper leg despite my best efforts to dodge. Since it had come so close to me, I didn't hesitate to use the ice dagger in my hand to stab it straight into the blue wolf's skull. I also froze it to the floor so that it couldn't lash out at me as it died, using quite a bit of my mana in the process.

Although frustrated at getting injured, I counted myself as lucky. I couldn't imagine even trying to face a whole pack of those fiends, especially since it seemed that the one I just killed wasn't at full power due to the moonlight being so faint. Due to that incident, I had to set up camp early for the night, treat my wound with the healing herbs I had gathered earlier on, and try and recover my mana as much as possible. Afterall, it was one of my only weapons out here.

Although I had a few wounds scattered all over my body, I successfully made it to Bighorn Mountain with rations to spare for the climbing trip. Fortunately, there was a mountain trail to hike up, although it was quite steep and ruined from being unused over the years. There were far fewer creatures on the mountain due to it being Giant Kukuu Bird territory, hence I didn't have much of a difficult time avoiding combat. The main thing I had to worry about was avoiding the view of the Giant Kukuu Birds themselves, which proved to be a challenge. There was one time I was spotted by one of the birds and had to run as fast as possible into a nearby cave, where I wasted a lot of mana killing the bats that attacked me in there. Other than that, however, I managed to avoid their view by using the crevasses and overhangs to hide and rest in from time to time.

Before long, I managed to arrive at a Giant Kukuu Bird nest, one of the few slightly lower down the mountain. I was super fortunate, as just as I arrived, both parents had left, perhaps to get another egg, perhaps to hunt and replenish themselves, who knows. Either way, there were only two eggs in the nest. One was huge and dark-purple in colour, with little white speckles. The other was a bit smaller and was a pure glossy black in colour. Although I preferred the aesthetics of the purple one, I obviously wasn't going to risk anything, and decided to take the smaller egg, which was still big and difficult to carry. As I hid in a nearby hole on the side of the mountain, I assessed my situation.

I had exhausted all my dried meat, was itching for a proper bed to sleep in and wanted to rest and repair my injuries, but I was only half-way done with the exam! And this time, I had to make the whole journey back with a giant egg in my hands! Sighing to myself, I continued the journey, very cautiously carrying the egg in my hands. Since I had already made my way up this mountain before, I knew where all the best hiding spots were, which I was grateful for whilst carrying the huge egg in my hands. Slowly, I entered a bit of a rhythm whilst carrying the egg. Since I didn't want to kill the poor creature inside, I would often heat it up every now and then with my fire magic, which it seemed to enjoy as I swore it leaned closer towards me whilst I did that.

As I made my way down Bighorn Mountain, I finally arrived back at the most dangerous setting of this exam, Gem's Ravine. This time, however, since I had found out that the mountains were far safer to traverse, I mainly stuck to the edge of the ravine, even though it took me far longer to reach home. It was indeed difficult hunting whilst safeguarding my egg, but fortunately, the rest of the creatures I faced were nowhere near as difficult to deal with as that blue wolf. After reaching the edge of the ravine, I followed the river south and reached the nostalgic northern forests again.

Anyways, the rest of the journey was pretty uneventful definitely not running out of paper or anything, especially since it was familiar territory. There were a couple of times I almost lost the egg, especially back in the ravine, but I usually hid it well before heading to bed. There are a few slight scratches on the shell, but if you knock on the egg a couple times, it wobbles about quite excitedly, so the creature inside is definitely still alive!
TL;DR: Thanks to Okarin's and the library's help located where Gem's Ravine was, headed north to the ravine, hunted animals and preserved them as dried meat rations, was attacked by a powerful dark blue moon wolf, climbed Bighorn mountain using a ruined mountain trail, was chased by a bird into a cave with aggressive bats, chose the smaller black egg from a Giant Kukuu Bird's nest and made way down the mountain, went around the edge of the ravine to stay safer, followed river home and arrived with the egg safely.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Prison Guard
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Spend the day guarding a prisoner.
Looking for more boring work? There are various vagabonds in the prison, and they need to be watched. It shouldn’t be too dangerous... well, as long as nothing goes wrong.

  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 10G
Report - Solet' Luna
With many questions and doubts in my mind, I decided to go and gather some knowledge from an inconvenient source. From the words of mouth, the prison was one of the first building to ever be built into the City, alongside the Adventure Guild. Many of the old prisoners were one of the very first settlers of the town, and there was a rumour that mysterious sounds would manifest within the new moon night.

If possible, I would like to find the oldest prisoner within the prison, but no one, not even the wardens themselves, knew the exact detail of the prisoners. From my inquiry, some of the prisoners seemed to always be in there, even before the first records book was written.

Before my shift, I went around the prison to examine the surrounding. Although there was nothing unusual about the building itself, a sense of gloominess permeated the air. To me, this place was more like a dungeon than a prison. At the end of the first-floor cell, there was a huge gate that was sealed shut with many magical formations, the kinds that even I knew nothing about. If not for their glowing nature, I would have assumed that it was just gibberish.

During my shift, I asked around for the most unusual prisoner, and many pointed me to one of the innermost cells. Without any hesitation, I went to check the mysterious person.

His cell was surprisingly clean, like, the rest of the prison was filled with vines and moss. Rats and insects were rampant, and the smell was unbearable. However, this person's cell was as clean as it could be. There was not a single speck of dust to be seen, and the room was decorated as if it was a nobleman's living room. A reddish sofa, two bookshelves, a landscape painting... Even the man dressed neatly as if he was a nobleman from a lost kingdom.

Our conversation was too smooth. The man easily answered all of my questions without any delay. He told me his name was Korluas, but that was the only thing he told me about himself. Any question about his past only ended in him shaking his head and smiled eerily. Sometimes, I felt that something else was watching over our conversation. A strange sense of foreboding remained constant throughout our chat.

When asked about the construction of the prison, the man immediately tried to change the topic, and when asked about the sealed gate, he visibly trembled as his face paled. I could only assume that something inside that gate was too traumatising for him to recall.

Lastly, when asked about the demon cultists, he said that they had always been here. If not for the suppression from the church, this place would have already been overrun by them. The war against them started over a long times ago, but now, everything seemed to evaporate into thin air. To further my inquiry, I tried to get the information about the said church, but he only smiled and said that it was "The Church of the True God of the Primordial Light".

In the end, before I went out, the man called out to be one last time and whispered: "Beware of the falling stars, and do not trust the raising sun.".

I have no idea what he was talking about, and how much can I trust him... Ah, there are even more questions than before.
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That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
Investigate Local Apothecaries
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Read this quest report.
  • Visit 3 apothecaries in Scribel City.
  • Investigate if it is possible that alchemists are breeding slimes.
  • Update: (source)
Some receptionists have noted a high volume of slimes observed near Scribel City. Multiple hypotheses have been proposed regarding the elevated number of slimes. One quest report suggested that local apothecaries could be breeding slimes.

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 20G
Report for Quest: Investigate Local Apothecaries
: Scribel City Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of Execution:
I am an alchemist. I know how to make potions. I know what to look for when investigating potion making. As such, I thought this quest would be well suited for me.
This afternoon, I ventured to one of the apothecaries while sporting an injury I had purposefully placed a bit of poison on. Since I am resistant to many lesser poisons, its effect on me was minor, but the people working there did not notice this in the slightest. I like to think that I am an excellent actor when I wish to be.
They brought me into the apothecary and immediately gave me the correct treatment for the potion. They were quite excellent at there work, easily identifying the poison by its symptoms and then administered me the correct treatment. Part of the treatment for this poison is a drug that commonly puts people to sleep. I was able to resist this thanks to a drug I had already administered myself. I waited until the people working there thought I was asleep, and then crept into the back when they left.
In this specific apothecary, I am certain that there is definitely something amiss. I found an obscene quantity of slime cores hidden away, and while there was no slime breeding happening in that building, I would personally not make the slime breeding ground's location the apothecary itself, but put it in a separate location.
I also discovered a few logs displaying how many cores were being purchased from outside sources and the numbers listed in the documents seemed to be inconsistent with each other and the amount I found squirreled away.
So, while there is no definitive proof, this is highly suspect and I recommend others investigate the situation as well.
Appraised and Approved by: Solet' Luna
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Reactions: GM


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report (18)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 4 (2100 EXP)
Quest: Rank E Promotion Exam
  • Survived slightly longer than a month in the wilderness without equipment
  • Traversed Gem's Ravine and climbed Bighorn Mountain
  • Returned home with a black egg from a Giant Kukuu Nest
Welp, it seemed it was time. Finally, after this one last ordeal, I would become a ranked adventurer! Although excited, I knew the exam before me was going to be extremely tough, I mean, it even sounded like it was calling me out! Fancy sword? Precious tools and equipment? The quest description literally described me so perfectly! But, I'll never succeed if I don't try! After handing all my stuff over to one of the receptionists for safe-keeping, I set out.

Unfortunately, it seemed the first problem would be locating this Gem's Ravine. A kind fellow in the tavern directed me towards a certain quest report which may lead to the right mountain range, so I decided to check that out first. In the report, it mentioned that after passing through farmland, there would be mountains with herbs and mushrooms found on it. Just to make sure I wasn't going on a wild goose chase, I dug for information in the library also. There I found that the river's northwestern fork would lead to a mountain range, alongside that west of Scribel was farmland, matching up with the report perfectly.

Since the river would give me a better sense of direction, I decided to leisurely follow it north. When I came across wild creatures that attacked me, I minimized my energy usage as much as possible, usually trying to sneak past them without alerting them. Since I was still near the forests, camping and hunting wasn't too difficult, especially with my magic, hence after two days I arrived at my destination, Gem's Ravine. Like its name, the ravine was dotted with beautiful gemstone veins. A branch of the river I had followed ran through the center, which would be crucial for me to remain hydrated during this trip. Above a distant mountain, giant birds circled the air and occasionally dove towards the canyon's forests. Since that must be Bighorn mountain, I set off into the depths of the ravine cautiously.

At first, I didn't encounter too many monsters, mainly ordinary animals, hence after hunting them down with my magic, I dried and preserved what I could and kept them as rations. After my evening meal, I would douse my campfire(not lit by fire magic to save mana), and sleep on a tall tree branch surrounded by other shrubbery. Just as began sunlight seeping through the tree leaves less, and a few days had passed, the danger level suddenly increased.

Before long, I began feeling stares filled with killing intent surrounding me wherever I walked. Since I wanted to avoid as many fights as possible to prevent getting any injuries early on, I slowed my walking speed and tried to be as stealthy as possible. Fortunately, since I had practised stealth quite a bit in previous missions I managed to avoid some of the monsters, but I obviously was nowhere near good enough to avoid all of them.

One of the most difficult battles I had was against a lone dark blue wolf, which had a crescent moon pattern on its forehead. It was in the late evening, hence the faint moonlight caused the mark on its head to glow slightly. It didn't seem to be one of the random monsters hatched from a Kukuu egg, since it was a mammal, but it was still dangerous regardless. Just from the way it moved, I could tell it was a lot stronger than a normal dire wolf.

We stared at each other cautiously for a long time, as I silently materialized an icy dagger behind my back. Just when my attention began to wane, it struck out like lightning, instantly giving me a bloody claw mark across my left upper leg despite my best efforts to dodge. Since it had come so close to me, I didn't hesitate to use the ice dagger in my hand to stab it straight into the blue wolf's skull. I also froze it to the floor so that it couldn't lash out at me as it died, using quite a bit of my mana in the process.

Although frustrated at getting injured, I counted myself as lucky. I couldn't imagine even trying to face a whole pack of those fiends, especially since it seemed that the one I just killed wasn't at full power due to the moonlight being so faint. Due to that incident, I had to set up camp early for the night, treat my wound with the healing herbs I had gathered earlier on, and try and recover my mana as much as possible. Afterall, it was one of my only weapons out here.

Although I had a few wounds scattered all over my body, I successfully made it to Bighorn Mountain with rations to spare for the climbing trip. Fortunately, there was a mountain trail to hike up, although it was quite steep and ruined from being unused over the years. There were far fewer creatures on the mountain due to it being Giant Kukuu Bird territory, hence I didn't have much of a difficult time avoiding combat. The main thing I had to worry about was avoiding the view of the Giant Kukuu Birds themselves, which proved to be a challenge. There was one time I was spotted by one of the birds and had to run as fast as possible into a nearby cave, where I wasted a lot of mana killing the bats that attacked me in there. Other than that, however, I managed to avoid their view by using the crevasses and overhangs to hide and rest in from time to time.

Before long, I managed to arrive at a Giant Kukuu Bird nest, one of the few slightly lower down the mountain. I was super fortunate, as just as I arrived, both parents had left, perhaps to get another egg, perhaps to hunt and replenish themselves, who knows. Either way, there were only two eggs in the nest. One was huge and dark-purple in colour, with little white speckles. The other was a bit smaller and was a pure glossy black in colour. Although I preferred the aesthetics of the purple one, I obviously wasn't going to risk anything, and decided to take the smaller egg, which was still big and difficult to carry. As I hid in a nearby hole on the side of the mountain, I assessed my situation.

I had exhausted all my dried meat, was itching for a proper bed to sleep in and wanted to rest and repair my injuries, but I was only half-way done with the exam! And this time, I had to make the whole journey back with a giant egg in my hands! Sighing to myself, I continued the journey, very cautiously carrying the egg in my hands. Since I had already made my way up this mountain before, I knew where all the best hiding spots were, which I was grateful for whilst carrying the huge egg in my hands. Slowly, I entered a bit of a rhythm whilst carrying the egg. Since I didn't want to kill the poor creature inside, I would often heat it up every now and then with my fire magic, which it seemed to enjoy as I swore it leaned closer towards me whilst I did that.

As I made my way down Bighorn Mountain, I finally arrived back at the most dangerous setting of this exam, Gem's Ravine. This time, however, since I had found out that the mountains were far safer to traverse, I mainly stuck to the edge of the ravine, even though it took me far longer to reach home. It was indeed difficult hunting whilst safeguarding my egg, but fortunately, the rest of the creatures I faced were nowhere near as difficult to deal with as that blue wolf. After reaching the edge of the ravine, I followed the river south and reached the nostalgic northern forests again.

Anyways, the rest of the journey was pretty uneventful definitely not running out of paper or anything, especially since it was familiar territory. There were a couple of times I almost lost the egg, especially back in the ravine, but I usually hid it well before heading to bed. There are a few slight scratches on the shell, but if you knock on the egg a couple times, it wobbles about quite excitedly, so the creature inside is definitely still alive!
TL;DR: Thanks to Okarin's and the library's help located where Gem's Ravine was, headed north to the ravine, hunted animals and preserved them as dried meat rations, was attacked by a powerful dark blue moon wolf, climbed Bighorn mountain using a ruined mountain trail, was chased by a bird into a cave with aggressive bats, chose the smaller black egg from a Giant Kukuu Bird's nest and made way down the mountain, went around the edge of the ravine to stay safer, followed river home and arrived with the egg safely.
It's my honour to witness the ( first? ) completion of the E-ranked mission!

Anyway, I can already see the exhaustion in your face, so I won't be troubling you too much. Just fill in the information paper here and then you're good to go.

Oh— I should be calling you senior now... Congratulations!

Rewards: 400 EXP, 50 G, Rank E Certificate, and your own egg!


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Report for Quest: Investigate Local Apothecaries
: Scribel City Guild

Name: Randell Stephenson
Method of Execution:
I am an alchemist. I know how to make potions. I know what to look for when investigating potion making. As such, I thought this quest would be well suited for me.
This afternoon, I ventured to one of the apothecaries while sporting an injury I had purposefully placed a bit of poison on. Since I am resistant to many lesser poisons, its effect on me was minor, but the people working there did not notice this in the slightest. I like to think that I am an excellent actor when I wish to be.
They brought me into the apothecary and immediately gave me the correct treatment for the potion. They were quite excellent at there work, easily identifying the poison by its symptoms and then administered me the correct treatment. Part of the treatment for this poison is a drug that commonly puts people to sleep. I was able to resist this thanks to a drug I had already administered myself. I waited until the people working there thought I was asleep, and then crept into the back.
In this specific apothecary, I am certain that there is definitely something amiss. I found an obscene quantity of slime cores hidden away, and while there was no slime breeding happening in that building, I would personally not make multiple slime breeding grounds but put them in the same location. I would also not make the location the apothecary itself, but put it in a separate location.
So, while there is no definitive proof, this is highly suspect and I recommend others investigate the situation as well.
Hm... Truly suspicious indeed. It is also a very creative way to injure yourself to get inside the store.

I'll report to the guild, so rest well. Injuring yourself can backfire, so please be more careful next time!

Rewards: 75 EXP, 20 G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Recovering the Dead Body
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 3
  • Search and recover the dead body.
  • Note: It must be the correct person!
A few days ago, we received another report of a casualty out in the wilderness. The guild has not yet had a chance to recover the body yet, and the family is asking for a proper burial. We've provided you with a photo and their last known location... so thank you for helping us. This isn't a pleasant job, but it is a necessary one.

  • EXP: 50 - 150
  • Money: 10G
'Might be worth looking into who submitted this particular case. Nearly died in there, and the whole thing felt like a baited trap. Who was the informant that tipped the guild off about this body?'

Leaning rather unsteadily against the counter, Vicious attached that note to her report.
"Another task to get my hands dirty. Oh joy. So what do you have for me? Who died?"

"A girl in her early teens, It seems. She ran away from home after getting into a fight with her parents. They said this wasn't the first time it's happened, but when the girl didn't return in the morning like previously they got worried, and filed a report. That was last week. And now..."


Shrugging, Vicious left the city.


"Alright, that's the house in the reports...oh."

The two-storey building was still standing. That's a plus. Too bad just about every visible window was broken, and the undergrowth was slowly creeping up the sides, towards the top. The entire building was fenced off, rows of sharp spikes on the tip of the fences.

Whoever owned this mansion previously must have really hated birds.

But her objective was outside; in the small yard that stretched between the broken front entrance and gate, there was a...not-unfamiliar circle. Even from this distance she could spot the body.

If he stood here and saw the body, it would make sense. Just...what was the informant doing all the way out here? This place is not exactly near the main roads...

Shaking her head, Vicious reached to push open the gate, but stopped midway.

The place was giving her really bad vibes. Subconsciously she reached for her trusty shotgun, gripping it and feeling the comforting sensation of the wooden stock in her fingers.


The gates needed oiling too.

Vicious took a few pensive steps towards the body. Towards the circle on the floor, glowing faintly red.

The feeling of wrongness only intensified. Something foreign, something unknown. Something that was not supposed to be. She'd just about reached the outer rim of the circle formation before she was able to trace the source of her unease.

The silence. Even now, there was not a single sound. No birds perched in the trees, no chirping from the grass. The entire place felt lifeless, and yet she had the sensation of being watched.

I really do not like this. Too many unknowns.

Hesitating, she took a step into the circle. Then another. The corpse matched the photo; this was the body she was to bring back. Fair hair and pale skin, almost white from losing blood, yet the girl's corpse was remarkably clean besides the slit that ran across her throat. A quick death.

She's gotten all the way to the body when the circle flared crimson.

Not good!

The blast knocked her backwards and Vicious slammed against the wall, wincing as she got to her feet. Behind the settling smoke she could see the body rising.

This song and dance again...goddamned cultists and their demon-lovin' asses. Fine. If that's what it wants, I'll give it a good ass whooping.


Sometime later, Vicious was sitting on the floor, one leg propping up her arm, which was in turn propping up her head. Before her lay the smoking remains of another thing that once used to be a girl.

"Can't believe I had to waste a shot."

Opening her palm, Vicious sighed. Before today, she had three. Now, there were only two gold-lined cylinders lying in her palm. She gritted her teeth as she tied up the bleeding cuts on her arms and legs with wads of cloth.

"I should get more vials of holy water after I get this poor thing back to the city...still can't toss this feeling. Ahhh, forget it. Let me just..."

Falling back onto the grass, she closed her eyes.

"Take a nap before...I turn this in..."
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Prison Guard
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Spend the day guarding a prisoner.
Looking for more boring work? There are various vagabonds in the prison, and they need to be watched. It shouldn’t be too dangerous... well, as long as nothing goes wrong.

  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 10G
Report - Solet' Luna
With many questions and doubts in my mind, I decided to go and gather some knowledge from an inconvenient source. From the words of mouth, the prison was one of the first building to ever be built into the City, alongside the Adventure Guild. Many of the old prisoners were one of the very first settlers of the town, and there was a rumour that mysterious sounds would manifest within the new moon night.

If possible, I would like to find the oldest prisoner within the prison, but no one, not even the wardens themselves, knew the exact detail of the prisoners. From my inquiry, some of the prisoners seemed to always be in there, even before the first records book was written.

Before my shift, I went around the prison to examine the surrounding. Although there was nothing unusual about the building itself, a sense of gloominess permeated the air. To me, this place was more like a dungeon than a prison. At the end of the first-floor cell, there was a huge gate that was sealed shut with many magical formations, the kinds that even I knew nothing about. If not for their glowing nature, I would have assumed that it was just gibberish.

During my shift, I asked around for the most unusual prisoner, and many pointed me to one of the innermost cells. Without any hesitation, I went to check the mysterious person.

His cell was surprisingly clean, like, the rest of the prison was filled with vines and moss. Rats and insects were rampant, and the smell was unbearable. However, this person's cell was as clean as it could be. There was not a single speck of dust to be seen, and the room was decorated as if it was a nobleman's living room. A reddish sofa, two bookshelves, a landscape painting... Even the man dressed neatly as if he was a nobleman from a lost kingdom.

Our conversation was too smooth. The man easily answered all of my questions without any delay. He told me his name was Korluas, but that was the only thing he told me about himself. Any question about his past only ended in him shaking his head and smiled eerily. Sometimes, I felt that something else was watching over our conversation. A strange sense of foreboding remained constant throughout our chat.

When asked about the construction of the prison, the man immediately tried to change the topic, and when asked about the sealed gate, he visibly trembled as his face paled. I could only assume that something inside that gate was too traumatising for him to recall.

Lastly, when asked about the demon cultists, he said that they had always been here. If not for the suppression from the church, this place would have already been overrun by them. The war against them started over a long times ago, but now, everything seemed to evaporate into thin air. To further my inquiry, I tried to get the information about the said church, but he only smiled and said that it was "The Church of the God of Light".

In the end, before I went out, the man called out to be one last time and whispered: "Beware of the falling stars, and do not trust the raising sun.".

I have no idea what he was talking about, and how much can I trust him... Ah, there are even more questions than before.
"Feels like we're blundering along the length of a spider's thread, not knowing what awaits in the darkness...very assuring. Nicely done. Here you go."

  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 10G


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
'Might be worth looking into who submitted this particular case. Nearly died in there, and the whole thing felt like a baited trap. Who was the informant that tipped the guild off about this body?'

Leaning rather unsteadily against the counter, Vicious attached that note to her report.
"Another task to get my hands dirty. Oh joy. So what do you have for me? Who died?"

"A girl in her early teens, It seems. She ran away from home after getting into a fight with her parents. They said this wasn't the first time it's happened, but when the girl didn't return in the morning like previously they got worried, and filed a report. That was last week. And now..."


Shrugging, Vicious left the city.


"Alright, that's the house in the reports...oh."

The two-storey building was still standing. That's a plus. Too bad just about every visible window was broken, and the undergrowth was slowly creeping up the sides, towards the top. The entire building was fenced off, rows of sharp spikes on the tip of the fences.

Whoever owned this mansion previously must have really hated birds.

But her objective was outside; in the small yard that stretched between the broken front entrance and gate, there was a...not-unfamiliar circle. Even from this distance she could spot the body.

If he stood here and saw the body, it would make sense. Just...what was the informant doing all the way out here? This place is not exactly near the main roads...

Shaking her head, Vicious reached to push open the gate, but stopped midway.

The place was giving her really bad vibes. Subconsciously she reached for her trusty shotgun, gripping it and feeling the comforting sensation of the wooden stock in her fingers.


The gates needed oiling too.

Vicious took a few pensive steps towards the body. Towards the circle on the floor, glowing faintly red.

The feeling of wrongness only intensified. Something foreign, something unknown. Something that was not supposed to be. She'd just about reached the outer rim of the circle formation before she was able to trace the source of her unease.

The silence. Even now, there was not a single sound. No birds perched in the trees, no chirping from the grass. The entire place felt lifeless, and yet she had the sensation of being watched.

I really do not like this. Too many unknowns.

Hesitating, she took a step into the circle. Then another. The corpse matched the photo; this was the body she was to bring back. Fair hair and pale skin, almost white from losing blood, yet the girl's corpse was remarkably clean besides the slit that ran across her throat. A quick death.

She's gotten all the way to the body when the circle flared crimson.

Not good!

The blast knocked her backwards and Vicious slammed against the wall, wincing as she got to her feet. Behind the settling smoke she could see the body rising.

This song and dance again...goddamned cultists and their demon-lovin' asses. Fine. If that's what it wants, I'll give it a good ass whooping.


Sometime later, Vicious was sitting on the floor, one leg propping up her arm, which was in turn propping up her head. Before her lay the smoking remains of another thing that once used to be a girl.

"Can't believe I had to waste a shot."

Opening her palm, Vicious sighed. Before today, she had three. Now, there were only two gold-lined cylinders lying in her palm. She gritted her teeth as she tied up the bleeding cuts on her arms and legs with wads of cloth.

"I should get more vials of holy water after I get this poor thing back to the city...still can't toss this feeling. Ahhh, forget it. Let me just..."

Falling back onto the grass, she closed her eyes.

"Take a nap before...I turn this in..."
... Demons and their cultists again? What are you? A demon-magnet? Take care of yourself too. You might encounter something really dangerous out there!

But hey, I visited the prison a while back and got some intel about the demons. You can read about it here. Maybe you can continue where I left off and find some more information about this whole scheme.

Rewards: 115 EXP, 10 G


Dec 23, 2018
Missing Children
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Locate a missing child and reunite them with their family.
What? You want to see the missing persons list? Well... sure. Some of them might just be kids who ran away from home, but it's dangerous out there. If you could find one of them, it would really help.

  • EXP: 110
  • Money: 40G

It was sunny that day. Lib, who woke up with a hangover after celebrating her level up, went to the adventurer guild. As it was, the adventurer guild was bustling with activity.

"... Another missing child?" one of the clerk said.

"Yeah, it is 12th case this month. None of them had been found out yet."

"But, didn't we apprehend the culprit of the last month? If I remembered correctly, he was still behind bars, right?"

"That's right. That's why it was worrying. three people had been apprehended and found guilty. Yet the missing children case is still ongoing. It's possible that there was an organization behind it. All of the children from three months ago had been found dead, though. The first one is a killer, and the last two is kidnapper. Honestly... I feel like we had to increase the public safety inside of the city."

"Well... we could only leave it to those guards, I guess. And those adventurer folks too. Hopefully we can find some and return them. Okay, I'll post the request on the quest board. See you later."

'Missing children?' Lib pondered. After a moment, she decided to take the quest. She looked at the quest board and found each child's entry in the missing person list. As she copied the entries to her notebook, she went to the library to arrange the information.

NameSexAgeLast SeenPhysical CharacteristicsNotes
AliciaF1028th @marketplace in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyesBeth's Twin
BethF1028th, @marketplace in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyesAlicia's twin.
ClareF1121st, in the middle of the night @homeWhite hair, red-eyesFamily was murdered
CassandraF1322nd, @park in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyes
DietrichF1116th, unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th
EuropaF111st, @home between night and morningBlack hair, red-eyesFamily was murdered
FloraF1225th, @parkBlonde hair, blue eyes
GalateaF1319th, @street, eveningBlonde hair, green eyesHer friends saw her being pulled to an alley before being put to sleep
IreneF134th, @park in the afternoonBlonde hair, blue eyes
JeanF1213th unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th
KarlaF1110th Unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th
LuciaF117th Unknownsilver-eyedorphanage children, reported at 17th

Other than all of them being female of the age 10 to 13 years old, there were no commonalities among them. Clare also stood as the only child who was missing not within 3 days of each other. It was possible that the girl Europa was not among those kidnapped, but she withheld her judgment. Seeing that she had no more clue, she decided to visit the orphanage.

The orphanage was located to the south of the city, near the southern outpost. The carriage driver she went with told her scary stories about the orphanage. Apparently, the children of the orphanage was at the threshold of demonification, thus they were isolated. They all have the characteristics of having silver-eyes.

When she arrived, she saw a stone wall encircling the orphanage. The stone wall was tall, as high as 5 meters give or take. There was only one gate she could see, with heavy oaken door isolating the orphanage from the rest of the world. From the outside, her first impression that the orphanage was a fortress.

She knocked on the gate. She heard a heavy bolt of steel being moved, and the gate slowly groaned as it was being opened. She saw a young girl, younger than her in front of her opening that gate.

"..." The girl was silent. She stared at Lib with her silver eyes, never blinking even once.

Lib felt uncomfortable. The girl felt like she could murder her at anytime and Lib would be helpless to stop it. She felt powerless in front of the girl. In fact, when the gate was opened, the heavy atmosphere made her feet trembled. As Lib stood in front of the girl, the girl moved and muttered,


The girl walked inside, and Lib could only follow her. As she entered the orphanage, the door moved shut on its own, and the bolt moved to lock the door. Inside, she could see a well maintained garden at one side, and the building made of stone on the others. Even with the vibrant garden, it felt cold somehow inside of that place.

The girl motioned to her to enter the building. As she entered, all of the children inside of the room gazed onto her. Each of their gaze felt heavy, some as heavy as the previous girl. It lasted just for a moment, but that moment may as well be an eternity as she was unable to breathe and felt like she would die.

Lib was aware of each of the children's presence, even as they focused on their own activity. She stood there until the girl took her hand and tugged on her slightly.

"Follow me."

As she went with the girl, the girl leads her to a room, which was apparently the matron's office. As she entered, she met face to face with the matron of the orphanage.

"Matron, visitor." The girl said.

"Thank you Clarice, you can leave." The matron replied.

Clarice went outside and left Lib alone with the matron.

"So..." The matron began. "You are here to ask about the missing children?"

"Yes. my name is Lib. I wanted to inquire about those children, if I may?"

"Well, if those children of mine was among the suspected kidnapped children, I'd say that you have no hope of completing this quest." The woman said, her expression neutral.

The woman turned his back on me, and said, "All of the children here are partially awakened. There is simply no way for a kidnapper to break through the gate and kidnap one of the children. No, I suspect that those children left on their own will."

The woman then opened the cabinet, and gave Lib four folder, each titled "Dietrich", "Jean", "Karla", and "Lucia".

"Here. I suspect that those won't be of any use for you though."

Seeing that the matron busying herself after giving those folders, Lib took her leave.

As she walked, she met the taciturn girl, Clarice, in front of the gate. The gate was still barred, and it would take her a lot of strength to move the bolt by her own power. Clarice looked at her and grasped her hand, then pulled her somewhere. Unable to do anything, she followed Clarice.

At the end of the garden, there was a tool shed. Clarice opened the tool shed and pull her inside. After she closed the door to the tool shed, she crouched down and pulled open a trap door. Seeing Clarice motioned her to enter, Lib entered the trapdoor after Clarice.

It was dark, cold and damp. In front of her, Clarice silently casted fireball spell and held it in front of her. Apparently, the tool shed was actually a dungeon inside. She saw that the ground was wet and she could hear the sound of the dripping water.

A soft, rhythmic sound could be heard from the end of the dungeon. As Clarice and she walked, the sound was getting slightly louder. The sound she heard was like a labored breathing. As they got closer, she saw someone being held by chain inside of a prison.

Clarice took a key from her pocket and opened the gate.

She motioned for Lib to enter inside, and closed the gate.

"Miata, brought food."

In that moment, Lib realized that the situation had gone south.

"Miata... wake up."

Clarice prodded the girl in chain. The girl laid there, unmoving except her chest rising and falling.

Lib was sure she could not escape against Clarice. She tried to brandish her sword. Yet, the girl pushed her down with telekinetic force while focusing on the girl called Miata. No matter what she tried to do, she couldn't lift her head or her finger. While in that situation, Clarice finally glanced at Lib and moved closer.

"Miata... do you want a bite-sized food?" Clarice muttered as she lift Lib's sword. In one fell swoop, she severed one of Lib's arm. The stump that was her arm was bleeding profusely, yet Clarice only focused to cut those things to small pieces. As she had pieces as small as her thumb, she held Miata's mouth and opened her lower jaw. She then levitated a piece to the opened mouth of Miata.

"Miata, please swallow it. I know you haven't eaten yet." she pleads. Yet, there was no reaction at all from Miata beside of an empty gaze.

Lib felt that her consciousness began to weaken as everything went dark.



The ceiling in front of her was pristine. She was momentarily awake, but she felt so tired that she wanted to embrace the sleep once again.


"... girl has awakened already. We should have disposed her since long ago."

"She is Clarice's. No matter what, Clarice is the only one who can revert the awakening process. Without her to do the tuning, a lot of us would have already become that."

"Still... with the incident with the outsider, what would you report to those higher-ups?"

"Just leave it to me. I'll convince them to let us keep her."

Someone was talking beside her. She tried to open her eyes. She saw a woman with silver eyes talking with someone. the woman, like she somehow felt her gaze, turned on her. As her eyes focused, the woman was apparently the matron she previously talked to.

"It seems that she was awake. I'll take my leave." A man in a black missionary get-up said.

After seeing the man left, the matron fetched something from beside the drawer. It was a glass of water. She held the water onto Lib's lips.

"Here, drink." The matron commanded. Feeling parched, Lib drank the water she offered.

"Any children in this orphanage has experienced partial awakening. They are already half-way from becoming a «Mazoku», a mindless monster that hungers for mana. I guess some of you call them demon. Clarice, despite being one of us, is able to control the mana inside of other people easily. This orphanage was built because she can even stop the awakening process. Of course, being able to control this process means that she could also accelerate the awakening process, making some people wary of her. Therefore, the government decided to isolate her and build this place for us." The matron said.

Lib wished to say something. About the unreasonableness of being held in a place filled with those monsters like her. About how Lib was now left with only a hand. She wished she could just get away from this place, never to visit this place again.

The matron then changed the topic, "About the children who was kidnapped. I've seen your notes. The red-eyed ones would have already awakened, since the family was killed already. To evade the detection of the city guard, they must be quite intelligent or have the ability to shapeshift, though I am leaning for the latter. If those children of mine is really involved, it is possible that your target are looking for young magician. One possibility that should be considered is that your culprit is this Europa girl, since magicians naturally contained a lot of mana inside of their body. Though, to eat people once every three days..."

The matron grimaced.

"Still, two awakened ones uncountable in the city. By today, there should be another victim." The matron continued.

Even with her explanation, Lib felt something strange. How did the children from the orphanage get abducted? Were they a part of the pattern at all? would an awakened one be able to get through Clarice? Clarice or the matron should know how those four left. Yet, she refused to entertain the thought of encountering her.

Something was nagging in the back on her mind.

Immediately she thought back about the man in black said. They said they took care of one instead of killing it? It was a stretch, but if they were taking care of it, the mana expenditure must be high. Were they the one who actually kidnapped the children? Then, why did they let her live?

If it was one in their care, then to spirit away those four as the feed of that awakened one would be easy to do. Then, why did the string of missing person happened? In the exact interval too. She felt confused. The culprit always choose from the female population, young girls of age 10 to 13. Still, to take the children on the verge of being awakened from the orphanage was a really risky proposition. She never faced against an awakened one, but if those children were able to defeat her effortlessly as Clarice did, how strong would they be if they truly awakened?

As she pondered, the matron left her on her own. In the end, she felt that she should leave from this place as soon as she could.

The remaining time in her solitude was spent trying to pack her things. She decided to leave the staff she had and leave with the World Key.

The building was oddly silent. as she wandered, she found through the windows that those silver-eyed children were in the courtyard. As far as she remembered, there was only one gate. Therefore she braved herself to go through those children. Once again, Clarice stood in front of the gate.

The memories of Clarice casually cutting her hand come to her mind. it was her hand. It was red. It was blood. blood. BLOOD. everything was red. everything was covered in blood. she was drowned inside of the sea of blood.

Lib screamed.


Someone shook her body. They put the smelling salt to wake her up. slowly, she opened her eyes to find a ceiling made of stone.

"Where... am I?"

"You are at the southern guard tower, miss. We found you passing out near the lake. Your belongings are placed beside you."

With that remark, the guard left her.

She was glad she was no longer at the orphanage. The orphanage was a place of nightmare, and she have no will to care about the missing children of the orphanage. Deciding to drop the quest, she asked the guard for a carriage to the city.

The carriage arrived, and she boarded the carriage. Apparently, there was a twin already inside of the carriage. One of the twin had blonde hair and blue eyes, and one is identical except the red eyes she had. Though, with their facial feature, the twins were awfully like the missing person Alicia and Beth, but older.

'Awakened one?' Lib thought. The red-eyed girl did not seem hostile at all, nor she seem like she would eat her sibling. Seeing the recognition on Lib's eyes, the girl smiled playfully and morphed her face to that of a monster. Lib immediately try to brandish her sword.

"Cease that at once, Beth." The blue-eyed one spoke.

"Aww... you are no fun, Alicia. The girl seemed to recognize me as one of them, you know." the red-eyed one retorted. Her face immediately morphed back.

"Forgive my sister, stranger. she means you no harm." Alicia said.

'How?' Lib wanted to ask. The curiosity seem overwhelming, yet her mouth refused to speak that one word.

"Curious, aren't you? Seeing that I should be a berserk, mindless monster?" Beth said with a smug face.

Alicia immediately put her foot on Beth's, making her face morph from smugness to pain as she winced.

"Please ignore her, stranger. Pardon us for the disruption."

As Alicia silenced Beth, we went back to the city of Scribel.

I reported the quest as failed, and went back to the tavern.
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The Winds Of Change Will Erode All Things.
Jul 6, 2019
Trail Maintenance
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Clear the wilderness trails of obstacles.
Recently there has been a lot of bad weather, blowing over trees and eroding the trails. The wilderness trails need to be maintained and cleared of obstacles. However, there may be beasts lurking in the wild, so be careful...

  • EXP: 80
  • Money: 20G

Looked at the map.

Followed the set path.

Fallen tress and rocks.

Easy to move away.

Fire not so easy.

Just isolated the flame.

Waited till flames gone.

Continued and was bored.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Office Work
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel city government.
Have you ever wanted to work for the guild? Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day? Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse? Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!

  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10G

It was a hot and sunny day, So I chose a quest that allowed me to stay inside. Desk work. There wasn't much to say, I filed some papers, read some quest reports, but there wasn't anything note worthy. I fell asleep for a bit, but was then woken up and berated. I was then delegated to do some reception work, which was hard. Some adventurer's were rude, Some were trying to pass grass as healing herb. I honestly want to forget about it. Next time I think I'll just stay awake and do desk work.

Hmm... although I appreciate the honesty, you still fell asleep on the job. Asking around, it seems you were slacking off for an hour on the job so it could've been worse. I can sympathize with your issue with the adventurers, though. That's why I prefer to stay in here, checking over quest reports like yours.

  • EXP: 10
  • Money: 8G
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Reactions: GM


Dec 27, 2019
It's Time to be a Maid!
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as cleaning the Tavern.
  • Help out around the Tavern.
So you know that Tavern where a bunch of adventurer's live? Since it's owned by the government, the city will pay for you to work there. Sweep the floors, do the laundry, wash the dishes, help out at the bar...

  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 10G
Suspending the request several inches from my face, I ask the receptionist one last time. "I seriously just need to... help around in the tavern?"
"Yep." Celia, the receptionist who I scared into fainting, replies with an annoyed expression. Some chuckles can be heard from the lingering adventurers behind me, likely the ones who were there when she did so.
"Oh. Then... do I just present them this and they'll hire me?"
"I'll send them a message."
"Alright, then. Thanks!"
"Don't mention it."

The whole thing was relatively easy for me, as I could levitate objects and carry things around. Although the customers were spooked at first and some even drew their weapons, things settled down relatively quickly after I started actually carrying around supplies and orders. I probably shouldn't have appeared out of the receptionist's desk, but I can't help it. I don't have a body, so I might as well make the most of it.

Most of what I did was transport things like cleaning supplies and orders, and although I'm not completely sure, I think some of the people working there eyed me with some amount of jealousy. It was pretty fun, frankly, and I was able to chat with people during the whole thing.

The rest of the day wasn't very eventful aside from the people that initially panicked upon seeing me.

If possible, I also plan to make this place my residence and main workplace aside from taking up quests.

NOTE: Do you know where I could find a pouch, preferably with some sort of magic storage, to hold money and other items? Having my things float around inside me would get pretty annoying as I collect more stuff.

Report Evaluated
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Reactions: GM


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018

Looked at the map.

Followed the set path.

Fallen tress and rocks.

Easy to move away.

Fire not so easy.

Just isolated the flame.

Waited till flames gone.

Continued and was bored.
Your report always leave room for imagination, huh? Anyway, forest fire is something that needed to be put down as soon as possible, so you did a great job saving the forest. It would have been better if you could find the cause of the fire. Not to pressure you or anything though!

Rewards: 80 EXP, 20 G


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2019
Goblin Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 3
  • Exterminate goblins.
  • Collect 5 pairs of goblin ears.
Although goblins are one of the weakest monsters, they can be dangerous in numbers and threaten travelers. It is ill-advised to take on more than a few at once.

  • EXP: 150
  • Money: 30G
Somewhere out of the city, on the plains...

Vicious was taking on a trio of goblins.

The first was disabled with a cut to the knee, then finished with a clobber to the skull. The second took a stomp to the ankle, went down, and similarly died from a smashed skull. That's when she felt a dull pain from behind; the last one had stabbed her in the back, but failed to pierce the leather, so it felt more like a poke. Sensing the confusion, Vicious laughed.

"Fool! When you're in my profession, guarding against backstabs is one of the basic steps! You'll need something better than that toy knife if you want to stab through my jacket! Hah!"

Vicious locked knives with the third goblin momentarily...then kicked him in the nether regions. Hard.


She then proceeded to finish it off by snapping it's neck.

"Three down, two more. I seem to recall there being a cave nearby. Let's see if I can catch some rabbits."


Vicious observed the entrance while chewing on a rabbit's leg.

"Two sentries. One to ring the alarm, one to delay. Preety good, but not having sniper cover is foolish. You'll die, you know."

Tied to her belt was two vials, both filled with clear yellow fluid. Vicious downed the last of her rabbit, lit a torch, and ran at the entrance. Of course, they spotted her instantly, and one of them howled loudly, alerting the ones inside.

Then two vials sailed past them followed by a torch, and as a flash fire erupted in the cave, both sentries couldn't help turning to see.

"Where are you looking?"


One ended up head first in the dirt immediately. As the remaining one shook a makeshift spear at her weakly, Vicious smiled.

When the fire had died down sufficiently for goblins to rush out of the cave, the entrance was long empty save for one goblin corpse with it's ears sliced off, and one more which was missing it's entire head. Meanwhile, a smugly grinning girl was counting out 10 ears in the pouch, more than halfway back to the city.
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Dec 27, 2019
City Construction
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day performing construction labor.
There’s always things to be built in a frontier city, and we could always use more manpower. We fix potholes, repair walls, and more! The job isn’t very dangerous, although it can be physically tiring.

  • EXP: 30
  • Money: 10G

Physically tiring. Pfft. Physically. Physically.
Only barely containing my laughter, I hand the quest off to the nearby receptionist. Her glances alternate between me and the paper, before eventually asking me, "Are you... sure... you can lift things?"
I proceed to levitate a nearby book.
"Al-alright then." She writes a letter before handing it off to me. I wasn't able to see what it said, but I feel like it has to do with my lack of a body. "Let me give you a map of the directions."
Afterward, I follow the map to the area for in need of repairs. The overseer was somewhat surprised when he read the note but nonetheless directed me towards the required work. During the time, I found that I'm able to lift things up to around 300 lbs. The overseer was pretty happy about that, especially since we found that I could also carry liquids up to a certain size as well.
I continued on with the task until the day ended.

[SPOILER="Quest Evaluation"}
Good work on the city repairs, here's your reward.
  • EXP: 30
  • Money: 10G
OOC: Please mark your original post in some way to indicate that it as been filed. Thanks.
OOC: Daily cost of living is 10G.
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The Winds Of Change Will Erode All Things.
Jul 6, 2019
Giant Rat Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City Sewers
Required Level: 2
  • Hunt giant rats in the Scribel Sewers.
  • Collect 10 giant rat tails.
Overgrown rats in the sewers... nobody likes them. They’re not too dangerous, but you could get sick with a nasty illness if you’re bitten. They are agile and difficult to catch.

  • EXP: 100
  • Money: 20G

Felt a strong feeling.

Something akin to boredom.

Deep inside the sewers.

Paralyzed any rats found.

Choked them to death.

Pulled off the tails.

Washed the tails.

Left all the bodies.

Had a good time.

Killed maybe a dozen.


Dec 27, 2019
Quest: Office Work
It was a hot and sunny day, So I chose a quest that allowed me to stay inside. Desk work. There wasn't much to say, I filed some papers, read some quest reports, but there wasn't anything note worthy. I fell asleep for a bit, but was then woken up and berated. I was then delegated to do some reception work, which was hard. Some adventurer's were rude, Some were trying to pass grass as healing herb. I honestly want to forget about it. Next time I think I'll just stay awake and do desk work.
Hmm... although I appreciate the honesty, you still fell asleep on the job. Asking around, it seems you were slacking off for an hour on the job so it could've been worse. I can sympathize with your issue with the adventurers, though. That's why I prefer to stay in here, checking over quest reports like yours.

  • EXP: 10
  • Money: 8G