SHF High-school Fanfic


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023


I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023
Was the "brat" part nessesery? :blob_neutral:

Fyi I get better luck with "smirking" rather than "smug"... brat isn't necessary either... -_-
  1. Tell Azure that she's cute
  2. Spoil Azure
  3. Get stabbed by Azure
  4. Flirt with Azure
  5. Piss Seymour off
  6. Stab someone, preferably of heroic alignment
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I came here to laugh at you
Dec 7, 2023


Edible Bittersweet Edgelord, Rebel against Entropy
Sep 25, 2023
I must properly show my adoration to my Symbiote and since you've been showering your Waifu/s with gifts I need to do something that would match the same level :blob_evil: I removed the screenshot because I don't want to spoil the surprise for Azure until it's finished :blob_evil:
I can't wait to see it!
I'm sure you'll outshine me, after all, you are the one I draw inspiration from.
You are my rizz muse. 🤩


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
Seymour, my beloved, to whom I have sworn eternal service.
It is unthinkable to me that my chocolate does not rank as your favorite delight, I, Lord Matcha, the master chocolatier, whose creations even Aumary seeks inspiration from. I cannot accept it, and I will not rest until you declare my chocolate the most delectable of all!

Pondering over what could possibly be lacking in my chocolate, I realized the issue wasn't the chocolate itself but that it wasn't tailored to your specific desires. As the one I have chosen to wed, you deserve nothing less.

For you, my adored, I have selected the exquisite Ruby chocolate, as unique and special as you, offering a taste distinct from traditional chocolates. It presents a berry-fruitiness and luscious smoothness. But, naturally, that alone would not suffice.

Thanks to my splendid Ane-San, who commands Flora, I was gifted the finest, juiciest, and perfectly ripe cranberries—a unique mix of sweetness and tartness, with a slight astringency that makes it refreshingly delightful.

Blending them, I've crafted this ruby cranberry chocolate, which I've named Seymour Chocolate in your honor.
I insist you taste it, and I will not be content until you proclaim it the best you've ever had!

Therefore, I bring you this book, crafted from your chocolate.
Triple S is the minimum rank for you.

Thank you, Ane-San 🤩
(OOC: Unfortunately, the AI can't generate correct lettering, however, I don't mind how it came out)
Very well, then, I shall graciously accept your tribute. Initiative like this ought to be deserving of a small reward now, isn't it? Though do know that such trinkets I naturally expect to receive from those under me, so you need not my gratitude.

Come, now, sit down next to me, and stick close, I shall proclaim one of my truths to you, and I shall only proclaim it once. Chocolate will never be the flavor I find most delectable. In fact, I find chocolate-coated cranberries to be degrading of the pure product. Though do not mistake me, I shall partake in them nevertheless, as the taste is still palatable.

You see, I know not whom, but I know a wizened sage told me that all good flavors in this world are acquired. And when you are so old people mistake your life as eternal, you may as well have acquired them all. I have lived an incredibly long life, one that counts up to infinity, and although I remember not even a fraction of it, the experiences remain. Let it be known that cranberry had remained my favorite, ever since the beginning of that small eternity, though many had came a close second.

I do not even remember anymore the reasoning behind why it is my favorite taste. Why I am so addicted to that trickling sourness laced with sweet euphoria. I can only imagine that the pleasantness is linked to a primal experience - one that permeates even the very conception of my existence. Though it matters not, I need only savor the moment, and the fact that it is delicious.

Allow me to demonstrate.

*She slowly licks the cover of the chocolate book, then traces her tongue across the spine*

Mhm, see? Delightful indeed, but nothing for me to be excited about. I would much rather bite into your shoulder right now and drink from your viscera. And even that would not compare to the moment I made you mine. I devour with my mind as much as I do with my body, so a flavor is only satisfactory when linked with the proper experience. Seymour chocolate, while a fine one, is far from the best I shall ever have.

Though, I feel a strange sense of calmness, it would be very unfortunate to not take advantage of this. I will grant you the privilege of pouring wine with me, as I allow you to partake in this chocolate with me. You do not have the option to refuse, as I can so easily force your body even if your mind is unwilling, kihihihi.


Imagine you can fly
May 29, 2022
I must properly show my adoration to my Symbiote and since you've been showering your Waifu/s with gifts I need to do something that would match the same level :blob_evil: I removed the screenshot because I don't want to spoil the surprise for Azure until it's finished :blob_evil:
Hmm maybe I should make a short dating sim on Twine for Matcha for April 1st :blob_hmm_two:, I do have two days of vacation next week.