Free First Chapter Feedback (V2)


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Hi! I would love some feedback if you're still offering. Here's the first chapter.
RATING: Would not Keep Reading


Decent character voice. And it's written decently for a web novel, and by decently I mean short easy to understand sentences. You could read this for enjoyment.


There's some general confusion on scene construction. It all makes sense when I read it back, but I struggled a bit on the first go several times. Take the start, you put into your audience's head that she's falling and going to die. But then there's this animal that she's on top of. We can't see it properly, it's unclear how she fell and didn't hurt herself. She apparently can't see what it looks like. You're missing key details like how big it is until she rolls off of it and hurts herself from falling(?). You run into these issues where it can't be understood linearly. If we had more present sense impressions, like how big the horns are and a thought about her trying to see the whole thing but commenting on it being so big, then it would be an easier read.

Structurally it's a bit odd. It feels like a story that starts in the middle and she's even refrencing things that just happened, but didn't in the literal text. Talking about thugs or whatever. I guess you're trying to be clever, but it's confusing. I backed out and tried to see if there was a prologue that had critical details and was shocked to find that there wasn't. I think you're too reliant on your audience implicitily understanding this "type" of story without doing the leg work to craft a scene.


Fine. Bit confusing and lacking necessary details.
Hello i am already fix the mistake you point out earlier,care to give me some feedback again Here the chapter
Replied to your message.
Hi, I'm new to the site and I was wondering if i can get feedback on the first chapter of My Webnovel

RATING: Would not Keep Reading

You have some tense issues right away in the first paragraph. And this is pretty consistent going forward with you flip flopping between past and present tenses seemingly at random. I think part of the issue is that it's a character in the present narrating things about the past, but then things int he past are sometimes in current tense, and some things in the current are in past tense. Bit of a mess.

And then when the story starts it's all in present tense? But then a couple of the past tenses are wrong or skewed in some way. Frankly, if the author can't put in the work to get the most basic aspect of writing (tense) correct, I'm not putting in the work to get past the first page.

as it’s a phenomenon to defy its typicality. This is just nonsense.


Start with fixing your tenses.
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New member
Mar 8, 2024
RATING: Would not Keep Reading


Decent character voice. And it's written decently for a web novel, and by decently I mean short easy to understand sentences. You could read this for enjoyment.


There's some general confusion on scene construction. It all makes sense when I read it back, but I struggled a bit on the first go several times. Take the start, you put into your audience's head that she's falling and going to die. But then there's this animal that she's on top of. We can't see it properly, it's unclear how she fell and didn't hurt herself. She apparently can't see what it looks like. You're missing key details like how big it is until she rolls off of it and hurts herself from falling(?). You run into these issues where it can't be understood linearly. If we had more present sense impressions, like how big the horns are and a thought about her trying to see the whole thing but commenting on it being so big, then it would be an easier read.

Structurally it's a bit odd. It feels like a story that starts in the middle and she's even refrencing things that just happened, but didn't in the literal text. Talking about thugs or whatever. I guess you're trying to be clever, but it's confusing. I backed out and tried to see if there was a prologue that had critical details and was shocked to find that there wasn't. I think you're too reliant on your audience implicitily understanding this "type" of story without doing the leg work to craft a scene.


Fine. Bit confusing and lacking necessary details.

Replied to your message.

RATING: Would not Keep Reading

You have some tense issues right away in the first paragraph. And this is pretty consistent going forward with you flip flopping between past and present tenses seemingly at random. I think part of the issue is that it's a character in the present narrating things about the past, but then things int he past are sometimes in current tense, and some things in the current are in past tense. Bit of a mess.

And then when the story starts it's all in present tense? But then a couple of the past tenses are wrong or skewed in some way. Frankly, if the author can't put in the work to get the most basic aspect of writing (tense) correct, I'm not putting in the work to get past the first page.

as it’s a phenomenon to defy its typicality. This is just nonsense.


Start with fixing your tenses.
Thanks so much for the feedback! I appreciate it.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2020
Here's the prologue to my first short story. Posted it a year ago, and am still satisfied with how I wrote it. Mostly, as I'm tossing around ideas for a 3rd short with the potential of leading to a long-form novel, I'm looking for areas to improve in general terms. As a head's up, it's full of memes and pop culture references that date from the present back to the 1980s-ish, so have fun with that.

If you enjoy it, the whole thing is under 4000 words so feel free to see it through to the end (again, with tons of jokes and references throughout...think of all the easter egg references from movies like "Ready player one" and then have Deadpool narrate the entire thing). (PS. now that I've said that, you'll definitely be reading it in Ryan Reynold's voice and it will be glorious.:cool:)


New member
May 1, 2024
RATING: Would not Keep Reading


Decent character voice. And it's written decently for a web novel, and by decently I mean short easy to understand sentences. You could read this for enjoyment.


There's some general confusion on scene construction. It all makes sense when I read it back, but I struggled a bit on the first go several times. Take the start, you put into your audience's head that she's falling and going to die. But then there's this animal that she's on top of. We can't see it properly, it's unclear how she fell and didn't hurt herself. She apparently can't see what it looks like. You're missing key details like how big it is until she rolls off of it and hurts herself from falling(?). You run into these issues where it can't be understood linearly. If we had more present sense impressions, like how big the horns are and a thought about her trying to see the whole thing but commenting on it being so big, then it would be an easier read.

Structurally it's a bit odd. It feels like a story that starts in the middle and she's even refrencing things that just happened, but didn't in the literal text. Talking about thugs or whatever. I guess you're trying to be clever, but it's confusing. I backed out and tried to see if there was a prologue that had critical details and was shocked to find that there wasn't. I think you're too reliant on your audience implicitily understanding this "type" of story without doing the leg work to craft a scene.


Fine. Bit confusing and lacking necessary details.

Replied to your message.

RATING: Would not Keep Reading

You have some tense issues right away in the first paragraph. And this is pretty consistent going forward with you flip flopping between past and present tenses seemingly at random. I think part of the issue is that it's a character in the present narrating things about the past, but then things int he past are sometimes in current tense, and some things in the current are in past tense. Bit of a mess.

And then when the story starts it's all in present tense? But then a couple of the past tenses are wrong or skewed in some way. Frankly, if the author can't put in the work to get the most basic aspect of writing (tense) correct, I'm not putting in the work to get past the first page.

as it’s a phenomenon to defy its typicality. This is just nonsense.


Start with fixing your tenses.
Thank you so much for the feedback! I have rewritten it almost entirely, making it more in line with my current writing style. This is a relatively older project, so i didn't look at it as thoroughly as I should have. I'd like you to reread it if possible, but I can understand if you don't want too. Thanks again


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
I am ready for you to tear me a new one. This is the first novel I wrote, its genre is dark fantasy.
English isn't my first language, and I'm terrible at it.
Tried using Grammarly and other spelling-checking apps to fix the grammars and whatnot.

RATING: Would not Keep Reading.

As someone who speaks two langauges and is learning a third, the last thing I want to do is tear you a new one. But yes, the grammatical issues are apparent so let's just go through them:

in the continent of Azevaria. On the continent

It is not that Gregory wanted to live alone,
Right away, tense issues. First paragraph was past tense. This is present. ALSO, the first paragraph had him living with his daughter so why are you saying that he is alone? but that he has an obnoxious personality, hard to say what's wrong here without knowing the intention of the first phrase, doesn't work though. and being a heavy drinker himself, made it worse. Reads way better without the comma and 'himself'.

Regina quickly moved to the storage where she placed all the beers, to get a few bottles and placed them on Gregory's table.
To get a few bottles and place them. The way verb phrases work is that they have to stay in the same tense. You are effectively saying to get a few bottles AND to place them. You are then taking these two seperate sentences and then combinng them. Get in the infinitive, then place is in the infinitive.


It's hard work. Keep at it if you enjoy it.

My chapter - first novel i'm seriously writing, looking for feedback to understand where as an aspiring author i could do better

I was ready to go to sleep but knew this was outstanding. RATING: Middle of the Road so Would not Keep Reading


You have some good writing here. Not all of it is good, but some paragraphs like your first hit. Likewise, I think you have a keen attention to detail. Lots of thought put in to what you're crafting here. As a skill, it's something that I like to see in a work.


I guess I don't talk about the ratings I give, but Middle of the Road normally means I liked a decent chunk of it but wasn't engaged enough to read all the way through.

It is long, but taking a step back, I think you have some fundamental issues that I got hung up on:

When you start by creating a scene, we need to know the who, what, and why as soon as possible (the where and when can be somewhat more negotiable and sprinkled down the line). Here, it's a bit in the inverse. We know there is some need for a rush, but we don't know who this character is outside of his job title and we don't know what he's doing. This also means that we don't have the ability to understand him as a person because there is no room to show his relationship to his actions; we don't understand his actions.

So when I said that you have good details, I really did mean it. It's just that without a solid foundation to hang those details on, they become meaningless. The building isn't a character. However much you punch up the location with the deep lore, my enjoyment is capped by my engagement.

What does the wizard want? What happens if he doesn't get what he wants? What is impeding his ability to accomplish this goal. And within that frame work we can explore his character. And then on top of that, you can add all your world building.


Give me some of that humanity, brother man.
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New member
Apr 13, 2024

It's hard work. Keep at it if you enjoy it.
Wow I didn't know there's still so much error after using Grammarly and grammar checker! Thank you for showing me how a human proofreader can do so much more than mere AI tools. Really appreciate it.


New member
Apr 27, 2024
Hear ye, hear ye. The old thread is dead, long live this thread. (It can be found here)

After two years+, I am unable to edit the very first post and update my "Best of List" shoutout, so I have created a new thread.

The Rules are the same. Submit a link to your first chapter (or prologue) and I will give you a critique as well as a rating. There are no requirements and I will read anything. If I miss your story, it was by accident- just send me a message.


1. Caninstinct
2. Ange'ls Dirge
3. Queensmen
4. Hive
5. A Meeting of the Ways

Be Sure to Check out my Other Thread for my Youtube Channel
Congrats on your second thread! Please review my series, I really would like am opinion.


Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Here is my first chapter of a new story I’m writing! Thanks in advance for the feedback!
The Winter We Lost: A Sci-Fi AI Story
RATING: Would not keep Reading.


The structural construction of sentences reads well. If you can take a step beyond the content for a second, it's very easy and enjoyable to read.

I'm also enjoying the world building. It can be so boring to open up a story and just get slapped with exposition, but personalizing it very soon did a lot of heay lifting. It also works when it moves fast and covers a bunch of topics.


My main issue is how poorly thought out some sentences and ideas are:

their last brown roasted leaves weak

After global warming ended a millennia ago and our planet was struck by a medium-sized meteorite that wiped out half of Asia’s population, I turned 15 This reads like the character is a millennia old? I was braced the entire book to find out they had been turned into an ai or something that would mean they could live a thousand years.

The year after that,. . . I was in my early twenties. . . . Your'e definitely having some confusion here putting ideas next to eachother. This just reads like he tunred 20 the year after all this happened. Which was apparently the year he turned 15.

However unlike wartime, there was less urgency to build these automachines. Great sentence. Progress grew at a snail’s pace, relying on the knowledge of yesteryears. It was globally calibrated yet felt like disparate progress most of the time. No idea what you're saying with the rest of this. What knowledge should they be relying on? What is the knowledge of yesteryears? What is global callibration? You aren't really saying things.

Until one fateful afternoon, just west across the Atlantic Ocean. Your character is FROM the USA. What does this mean.

This is not an exhaustive list. only the big offenders. I was frequently wondering why you chose certain sparse information or why you would gloss things over.


Readable but sloppy.
Here's the prologue to my first short story. Posted it a year ago, and am still satisfied with how I wrote it. Mostly, as I'm tossing around ideas for a 3rd short with the potential of leading to a long-form novel, I'm looking for areas to improve in general terms. As a head's up, it's full of memes and pop culture references that date from the present back to the 1980s-ish, so have fun with that.

If you enjoy it, the whole thing is under 4000 words so feel free to see it through to the end (again, with tons of jokes and references throughout...think of all the easter egg references from movies like "Ready player one" and then have Deadpool narrate the entire thing). (PS. now that I've said that, you'll definitely be reading it in Ryan Reynold's voice and it will be glorious.:cool:)
Rating: Would keep Reading.


In the specific context of what you're trying to achieve and the intended audience, most of this is pretty great. Obviousl with all those caveats, I'm saying this is probably not for me. Despite that, one joke landed which made me happy. Perhaps the highet honor I can give a comedy. (It was the whole branches vs Odin thing).

The only room for imrovement then would just to be more clever which is vague and unhelpful. It's sort of the downside to comedy in writing vs. a tight five. You can't go to the club and see what hits and what doesn't.


I have one solitary thing that might help:

It wasn’t anything deep or profound, though. His idea was much simpler than anything you might be thinking. Holding onto the stone with his thumb and middle finger, he uttered the most profound and intelligent thing one can say after another round of torture from “the cool kids” (seriously, even Cthulhu was getting in on this action).

Probably a symptom of you getting a little wordy, but you directly contradict yourself here. Which brings us back to the wordy. Even if it wasn't, you are probably using more words here and in other places than necessary. A little reservation will sharpen things up.


Pretty good. Liked that you had a distinct voice. And even that you approached it from a specific angle with all the memes and stuff; it's a cohesive vision.

Here's the first chapter of my current project.

I feel like my worldbuilding is really generic—though the later chapters might improve on that a little. Interested to see what you think.
RATING: Would Keep Reading!


I started out with line edits because the start was weak and had some worrying issues, but once we got through section 1 it was mostly just enjoyable so I'll talk genearly.

This is otherwise well written and engaging, especially at a web novel level. In fact,I would say that the conversation with the supervisor is excellently handled: there's this push pull, participants communicating information without directly saying it, and it clearly outlines everyone's positions while telling us where the story is going and creating stakes. If what you had submitted was just that conversation or everything was that quality I wouldn't just put you on the best of list, I'd give you directions on finding an agent.

But I think the rest is competently middling with the only real issue being the lack of ideas. As you mention, we know exactly what this is. That lack of surprise or exploration makes it a bit boring. Readable sure, but not engaging. Even if the world you're constructing is a near carbon copy of Bradbury or Orwell, you can still construct. You can still alude. You mention departments or facets without conveying meaning. Winston Smith showed up for work and sat down for the five minute hate. Your guy read a book.

One of these scenes actively explores the world in vivid imaginative detail. The other constructs an unlikely scenario (seriously, why does he have a book at work) to convey information you were already invoking with the setting. Only reading the first chapter, I'm not sure how real this society is to you.

To be clear, you are leagues ahead for almost all web novels. I would use the book scene in another critique to show how you braid in exposition. "See? The writer didn't just start talking about how books were banned for no reason. His character did something that made the information relevant.


Carl Meier's apartment had everything required by law: municipal water, centrally brewed coffee, a built-in radio receiver. Killer opening sentence. Love it with that coffee quip. This was unfortunate in a way, for these conveniences were, respectively, rusty and drugged; lukewarm, bitter, rusty, and drugged; and impossible to switch off. Meanwhile you're having a stroke or something on the second sentence.

a large back window, convenient for collecting rainwater; a multi-fuel stove, convenient for brewing black-market coffee; and a linen closet, convenient for storing extra blankets with which to muffle the radio. As someone who loves to break form, let me tell you that your semi colons are not working as intended. Absolutely no reason for those to be here.

On this particular morning, while he drank, he ran his hand through his longish hair. This is something I used to do. Using these vague words isn't cute 99/100 times. If the wink isn't overt, it just seems like bad writing. The hair seemed weak sensory verbs here, he was just using his hands. Felt, not seemed. greasy and he thought he would have to shampoo it soon. That was no trouble—the apartments had private bathrooms, decently sized to boot—and yet somehow he did not like to think about it. Makes no sense.

Even the religious propaganda, fantastic as it was, had a meaning Stating that it's fantastic conflicts with every other meaning conveyed here.

Any of several polite phrases or gestures might have been an appropriate response to this, but Eisenherz made none of them. He simply continued to look at Carl. Finally, slowly, he spoke.
That is exactly what he does though.


Some musicians need more cowbell. You need more ambition.
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Hi, I'm Stephen
Nov 23, 2020
Congrats on your second thread! Please review my series, I really would like am opinion.
RATING: Would not Keep Reading


Made it through 3 paragraphs, so let's just talk about that:

The room was not so big but two persons were already too much for it. Two people.

"The guy of contracts very awk. will be here in a minute, it's really luck awk. we managed to get him to this date." awk.

The woman speaking was talking but
but implies some contradiction, but none exists here. Try "while reading" reading the reports in front of her, that's run on sentence, and not in a 'I'm breaking the rules' kind of way. Also, "That's" is present tense, so tense swap. why the snobing face of the man in front of her was not perceived so many extra words to say: she didn't see and he kept sliding his fingers through the air like a crazy person on a spring day in the park. literally no idea what you're talking about with this man or why a crazy person does this in the park or in spring? What is this simile.


Speaks for itself.