Writing Prompt Looking for interesting Isekai idea to write

Jan 15, 2019
female protagonist (villainess) reincarnate as a sentient hot spring who steam people to death before they realize it.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2019
Your quote is outdated... I already edited my post a few times.

The reason why the king didn't disclose the princess being a figment = to maintain order / dignity / prevent turmoil.
Even if it's a fantasy world, if a figment existence is known, would that bring out disturbance in society?
Who knows if the person beside you (especially wife or child) is just a product of your imagination.

Perhaps a supplemental backstory needed for this figment.

Let's just say it was possible because soul reincarnation/transmigration takes place, and the soul actually parasitic into the brain, forming a tumor.
Which means, this case is the first time, and there is no predecessor event before this.
The princess just appeared out of nowhere sometimes after the prince was born. Out of the womb.
And after various investigation by trusted imperial magician, they somewhat informed about the situation, but not yet alarmed by potential threat.
The prince is healthy and no defect detected, so all is fine.

So, the king & queen decides to raise her all the same as if she was their child.
However, since they didn't know the unknown, they were keeping guard, by indifference.

About the figment inner organ, how did she eat / excrete :
- eat still same as human, except nutrition is digested as magic power.
- excretion still the same, all that can't digested become excrement.
- blood is still red liquid, because the princess believed so. If she thinks blood is green then it really becomes green.
- the five senses functioned as it is, except better, because there are not human organs to begin with.
- normal growth rate, since she believes so.
If she thinks she is a child, then she stays child forever, but thanks to her brother this didn't happen (she is comparing their growth).
- every people wants to stays in the peak age, including her. After 15-16 she didn't want to grow old and then her appearance stays that age ever after.
- no pimple, no bad odor, perfect hair condition, etc. <- why the prince considers other girls as inferior.

And about why they didn't tell the prince about his sister. Well, he is still a child.
Perhaps they were planning to tell him (and her) once they were adult. Except they were too late when the time comes.
If they tell them early, they afraid it'll only confuses them and instead become counterproductive.

About the sickness, there is no other symptom except tiredness, same as MP deficiency every time the girl recklessly used magic.
This happen often during academy period, as they often practice stuff.
The prince basically spend double MP consumption every day. And then in a few grades later, both of them learned advanced magic.
This further increase MP consumption and worsened the prince further. But still not alarming enough.

The girl noticed her brother's health and nursed him with care, at this time he fall in love with her.
A few days later then the deed has done, the girl accepts.

And then the tumor suddenly growing quietly, as the girl's soul constantly strengthening. It still not yet take effect on the prince's health, but it will after age 20 or later. They haven't found out about this.
Only after the prince fainted after exhibition match / tournament thing (the girl uses quite a lot of advanced magic in a day), then they notice something was wrong.

Imperial physician / doctor invited, and stuff. Then the hidden danger revealed!
Removing the tumor = lost the girl.
Not removing the tumor = prince died at 25, at the same time, girl also gone with him dead.

Conflict period. (their incestuous relationship also busted)



I feel bad for TS, this is kinda hijacking his thread.
Hijacking kinda always happens so don't worry.

Well, this version is so much better than the previous ones.

Again, it is not about telling the public but telling the prince and the girl.

Still, there are issues. Like, the prince's condition is not alarming but he needs to be nursed? What is not alarming about that?

Why it's the girl who nurses the prince? There should be countless of servants to do that. Also, the King and Queen should have known of the situation through their spy network. It is their child and heir of the throne. Not to mention the gossips and the academy workers who would report to the King and Queen. You would really think what happens to the prince wouldn't get out?

There is also the academy. Why not a tutor? After all, he is a prince. He could also have started magic training earlier since they have a lot of resources for that. Also, there would be various danger and enemies if he go into the academy, home schooling is much better.

Again, your excuse of them not telling the prince because he is a child. First, this is a really modern concept. Medieval times have children learn a lot of 'adult' things at the age we consider young. They have different concept of adulthood (like they train 7 year old on swordsmanship or get them to work on the farm). And even if we take the modern view: it is counterproductive in what way? I couldn't really think of anything counterproductive if the prince knows. In fact, in your story it is actually counter productive not to tell them.

And what do you mean no defect is detected? It is a tumor . . . in the brain. Also, the King and Queen know of the abnormality but doesn't keep a monitor on it. Your child have tumor in the brain but then you just forget about it?

Still, I'll admit this, this version could actually work. Not many readers are actually that perceptive. Some faults in the story, like what I point out here, would escape notice. This could really work well as is. So, while I do point out the issues, they aren't that big of a deal. Some deft writing and your readers would not know or question it. This is a great job.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2019
Still, there are issues. Like, the prince's condition is not alarming but he needs to be nursed? What is not alarming about that?

Let's just say, you were experiencing muscle pain, and your sister helps you alleviate the pain by massaging it, that kind of feeling.

Why it's the girl who nurses the prince? There should be countless of servants to do that. Also, the King and Queen should have known of the situation through their spy network. It is their child and heir of the throne. Not to mention the gossips and the academy workers who would report to the King and Queen. You would really think what happens to the prince wouldn't get out?

Let's just say again, the academy is a boarding school. And they forbid the prince bringing lots of servant. He can't bring chef, stylisher, nekomimi maid, etc.

And the girl really cares for her brother, why not? Who dares to hinder a princess to care for her brother?

There is also the academy. Why not a tutor? After all, he is a prince. He could also have started magic training earlier since they have a lot of resources for that. Also, there would be various danger and enemies if he go into the academy, home schooling is much better.

A proverb that maybe can be applied in our modern concept.
The main function of the school is not for learning, but for socializing. Learning goes second.

They meet their candidate vassal here, also potential love interests (or political marriage tool) here.
And the king raised a heir worthy for his throne, not a NEET.

As for danger and stuff, oh well, let's just say the army / police / justice department is very skilled.
If some people dared to send assassin or something and they caught on it, every responsible party will charged with treason and their family got punished by 9 generations extermination.

Again, your excuse of them not telling the prince because he is a child. First, this is a really modern concept. Medieval times have children learn a lot of 'adult' things at the age we consider young. They have different concept of adulthood (like they train 7 year old on swordsmanship or get them to work on the farm). And even if we take the modern view: it is counterproductive in what way? I couldn't really think of anything counterproductive if the prince knows. In fact, in your story it is actually counter productive not to tell them.

Hmm, let's view this problem from a different way of thinking.

The information of figment princess is delicate.
The king for some reason can't disclose this to the public.
Can't he disclose this to his child who is still underage?

Of course no. There is no merit to do so. So what if his child knows or not, it won't change the fact.
On the contrary, it only increases the risk of information leak. What if he blabber this to the public later?

And what do you mean no defect is detected? It is a tumor . . . in the brain. Also, the King and Queen know of the abnormality but doesn't keep a monitor on it. Your child have tumor in the brain but then you just forget about it?

Add the word "other" between "no" and "defect" then.

All five sensory normal, the tumor is small and frozen solid, no growth and stand still just like accessory.
And it is in the brain area, even with magic, removing it would take enormous labor and high chance of failure.
The only one who can remove it effortlessly without any side-effect would be the girl herself in the future. (why? because the plot says so)

Let's just say, they did monitor, but after few years of no abnormality, they become lax with their monitoring.
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Apr 6, 2020
Ideas are a dime a dozen. The important question is, can you really write a great story?

I wanna write something for the fun of it, is all. I already have a couple serious wips on the side but they take too much brainpower. I want something easy as a break from all the plotting I've been doing lately. And the way I see it, Scribblehub ain't exactly a cesspool of great writing talent.

Can I write a great story? Hell yeah. Will everyone enjoy it? Hell no.
Reincarnated as the evil incestuous mother to the villain who taught him dark magic. The father is an emperor who kidnapped the heroine's pregnant mother to be a political hostage but was otherwise a good man. Villain fell for the heroine during her time growing up with him together and when the father sent the heroine and her mother back he later killed his father and and mother and took over the throne. By then his mother had already forced her incestuous feeling on him long since, even during the time the heroine was living with him

Now the twist: our MC reincarnated as the mother after she already fucked her son and the heroine is also reincarnated.

The next twist! At the same time the MC becomes the mother, the villain, her son...GETS HIS FUTURE MEMORIES BACK. Thats right. He is a "second chance" character who has died in the original storyline and has gone back to his younger self's days, learning from his past forcefulness and now trying to seduce the heroine before she meets the male lead. Or killing the male lead before they meet. Whichever

Obviously tho shit is different cuz of the mother being reincarnated, and the heroine. So you have the drama between him trying to forgive his mother and stuff

....this is a darn good idea. If you dont use it, i will.

Edit: also the Reincarnated heroine has a huge lady boner/crush on the smexy Emperor/villain's father. Least in my version she does!

Seriously i wanna use this idea if you dont.

I never learn, do i? Last time i told someone my ideas George made millions in the science fiction genre.

You should write it! Incest isn't my thing and I have NO idea how you're gonna resolve the story. Still up for being your sounding board though.


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
"Now, conquering kingdoms? Been there, done that. It's usually more trouble than it's worth. There are a lot of motivations for going a-conquering. Some people like the feeling of power over others. Some people like war and bloody battle. Others enjoy the wealth they get from plundering. I, on the other hand, enjoyed the adoration of the masses. Unfortunately, conquering kingdoms doesn't really make you popular with your new subjects.

"That is, unless you do it right."

Kingdom conquest, with the goal of mass popularity. A vain and immoral protagonist with a goal of being remembered forever as a great leader that was extremely popular.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2019
All of these are really weak justifications. Either, things are made contrived or the characters are made dumb.

Still, the ideas are polished enough so that many readers would not notice the issues. This could end up as a decent story.
Can I write a great story? Hell yeah. Will everyone enjoy it? Hell no.
Good then. People have given you many ideas for free.

Looking forward to the story you would write.


Active member
Oct 27, 2019
The Goddess of Technology's country is facing issues because she doesn't want them to depend on her or else they won't be inspired to innovate, so she decides to test out a new technique she had come up with. The Goddess pulls an engineer from our world into theirs and asks her to guide their country into an era of peace and prosperity.

The Matriarch of that country takes her in as their Royal Researcher, and she works with the Royal Archmage to acclimate our technology into their world.

The issue? Well the Engineer was summoned by the Goddess so the royal family have to respect her, but their standards towards sex are a lot more progressive than the royalty around her. When one of the princes catches her fancy, she decides to pursue him and antics ensue.


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
here's something i rarely see isekai doing:

single mother plucked from the actual world into a fantasy world where every 6 months one day passes in the real world. the single mother has to fucking speedrun her way through the whole ordeal in order to see her kids again, which really brings out the urgency in the gotta-go-back-to-my-world troupe that's so commonly butchered after chapter 5