Is ScribbleHub cool with LGBT+ users?

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Cultured Yuri Connoisseur
Dec 23, 2018
Actually, the default pronoun for a person of unknown or unspecified gender in modern English is "they". It's super weird to default to using "he" for everyone...

The only time I've ever heard someone use "he" as default was some stuck-up guy in my literature class who thought he was making a point or something (rather than, in reality, making a tit of himself in front of an audience).
Yeah, i usually will use a name if i know or, if lacking their name, just use "they" if they arent a "him" or "her".

what boggles my mind when it comes to pronouns is all the confected ones like "zher", "zhim" and etc. They just sound so... :blob_hmm_two: :blob_hmm_two: :blob_hmm_two: :blob_neutral::blob_neutral:


The Yuri Empress
Dec 25, 2018
Yeah, i usually will use a name if i know or, if lacking their name, just use "they".

what boggles my mind when it comes to pronouns is all the confected ones like "zher", "zhim" and etc. They just sound so... :blob_hmm_two: :blob_hmm_two: :blob_hmm_two: :blob_neutral::blob_neutral:

They're for people who have specified those are their pronouns. You just need to practice with them to get used to them when someone asks you to use them.

Admittedly I don't understand the people who push to use them as a gender neutral replacement for "they" in other situations, but... I think that movement died a few years ago. Maybe they realised the pointlessness of it themselves.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Actually, the default pronoun for a person of unknown or unspecified gender in modern English is "they". It's super weird to default to using "he" for everyone...
Back in the olden days, they used to use "he/him" for default, just like they used to say "man" and "mankind" in short for all of humanity. It sounds super weird to modern ears, but that's how it used to be. Personally, I find no problem in conversing online or IRL without needing to reference somebody's gender. So, unless they've made their preferred pronouns and nomenclature known to me, I'll either default to neutral or (rarely) just ask.


The Yuri Empress
Dec 25, 2018
Back in the olden days, they used to use "he/him" for default, just like they used to say "man" and "mankind" in short for all of humanity. It sounds super weird to modern ears, but that's how it used to be.

Yes, but they also used to use a completely different word for "egg". Nobody nowadays should be speaking like that unless they want to sound weird to everyone around them.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
Yes, but they also used to use a completely different word for "egg". Nobody nowadays should be speaking like that unless they want to sound weird to everyone around them.
There's a good reason that the language is evolving. The old language was pointlessly exclusionary. Of course, as writers, it's our job to command the language for the sake of narrative, and sometimes that means delving into that weird old language. For instance, one of my villains is a 300 year-old vampire who talks like that, and it definitely comes across as creepy - and is supposed to come across as creepy. But anybody using that stuff for their day-to-day speech is either totally clueless or being deliberately annoying.


New member
Sep 15, 2020
There's a good reason that the language is evolving. The old language was pointlessly exclusionary. Of course, as writers, it's our job to command the language for the sake of narrative, and sometimes that means delving into that weird old language. For instance, one of my villains is a 300 year-old vampire who talks like that, and it definitely comes across as creepy - and is supposed to come across as creepy. But anybody using that stuff for their day-to-day speech is either totally clueless or being deliberately annoying.

Ehhh I identify as Transgender as the other definition as one of my know the catch all one that refers to....Drag Queen/King, Transvestite, Transsexual, BiGender, Genderqueer, Gender****, Intersexed, etc. and I'm not hanging up referring to that either. Doing this also makes GLBT a lot more inclusive of an acronym than is the cluster**** that is GLBTQIA.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2020
Actually, the default pronoun for a person of unknown or unspecified gender in modern English is "they". It's super weird to default to using "he" for everyone...

The only time I've ever heard someone use "he" as default was some stuck-up guy in my literature class who thought he was making a point or something (rather than, in reality, making a tit of himself in front of an audience).
And here I am, thinking that I should use "you" in such cases. Welp, guess my understanding and knowledge of English isn't as good as I thought.


Exhausted Member
Aug 3, 2020
And here I am, thinking that I should use "you" in such cases. Welp, guess my understanding and knowledge of English isn't as good as I thought.
Sometimes I use 'he' instead of 'she' for characters in my novel even though I'm the one who created them...(sometimes I also typed 'It' :sweating_profusely:.I guess my brain is pretty fucked up)


Producer-Rapper-Writer-Cultivator-Fellow Human
Aug 3, 2020
The best form of inclusivity is including all under the same umbrella of generality... Anyone with strong opinions for or against lgbt people is an outlier and on a case to case basis should be ignored... Toxic positivity and constructive negativity shouldnt be blanketed under a premade opinion,,, but judged on the context,,, prose and the objective behind what was written... I strive to treat everyone equally and as such to treat no one as special,,, but thats just my opinion...


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2020
Actually, the default pronoun for a person of unknown or unspecified gender in modern English is "they". It's super weird to default to using "he" for everyone...

The only time I've ever heard someone use "he" as default was some stuck-up guy in my literature class who thought he was making a point or something (rather than, in reality, making a tit of himself in front of an audience).
Realy? I did not know that.
It's been a while since I went to school, but I'm pretty sure that the companies I still deal with ( a few English, Dutch & a Romanian one) still use the masculine in their official communications.
Make me wonder what happened to ye olde 'Dear Sirs' for addressing a company?


Light Up Gold - Parquet Courts
Jul 14, 2019
Personally speaking, I don't care about your sexuality or whatever you identify as UNTIL you decide to be an ass about it. I haven't seen "those" folks up till now, and I hope it stays that way.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Yea I wasn't going to say it, but saying "As long as they don't force me to say things I don't like." Is so fucking cringe given the context lol.

Imagine your name is Johnathan, but you want to be called John or Joe. Then some random dipshit comes up with zero respect, pulls out your birth certificate. "Um no! I will refer to you however I want! They said your name was Johnathan. Right here it says Johnathan, so that's what I'll say! Don't force me to say things!"

What it shows is a lack of growth and mostly respect. It's fine if you don't understand. I'd argue most people, including myself, don't understand. But if you can't have the common courtesy to call someone by something as simple as their chosen pronoun, then you should reevaluate yourself. Because it doesn't make you look "cool", but instead pathetic. Like you're still operating with a high school mindset.

The same goes with the free speech warriors. So cringe, trying to live up to unnecessary ideals, that they can't understand why a SOCIAL media company would want to ban "hate speech" and other types of personal attacks. And again you don't have to agree with it, but it shows you have no common decency and respect for other people if you have an issue with something so little. Like you said, the bare minimum.

I disavow the last part tho lol. Those are your views not mine XD
Not a good example mate. Pronouns and names are different. Names, you dont utter that exact name your whole life. Pronouns, thats simply asking you to chage how you've learned to speak since a kid. So, I dont know what you mean by human decency but not forcing people to change the way they've always spoken to serve your brittle mental fortitude would be more in line with that[human decency]. And respect doesnt come from simply using their chosen pronoun. Most people will remain respectful and would respect your choices unless it encroaches in their territory and forces them to do something they dont want to. So if you want respect, simply dropping the pronoun shit would go miles that way. And I dont get the pronoun mess anyway. You've made a choice to change your gender, sure people have the right to do what they want. But why expect others to cater to that change. And why act like a victim every time someone doesnt.

Actually, the default pronoun for a person of unknown or unspecified gender in modern English is "they". It's super weird to default to using "he" for everyone...
Its actually not. 'He' had always been the common pronoun when unspecified. 'They' has only popped up recently and has seen an increase in use. Tho correct me if I'm wrong cuz I had read it somewhere and I cant remember the source; it was a trustworthy source however.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Its actually not. 'He' had always been the common pronoun when unspecified. 'They' has only popped up recently and has seen an increase in use. Tho correct me if I'm wrong cuz I had read it somewhere and I cant remember the source; it was a trustworthy source however.
"They" has been used in the past, but it is uncommon. Another reason why people use "he" is because it gives a more specific vibe to the sentence. "They" is often associated with multiple people than one unknown person. He gives a clear concise meaning that the sentence is referred to a singular person.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2019
So, I dont know what you mean by human decency
Yea of course you don't, that's the point.

but not forcing people to change the way they've always spoken

No one is forcing you to do anything. The analogy I used is exact to the given circumstance. Which is why I said people who make that argument you make, shows a lack of growth. The idea that, "because I always did X." Doesn't make it okay in anyway shape or form. Growth is not only learning new things as you... grow. But also unlearning certainly behaviors that tend to be anti-social. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand that gender is a not a binary. That there is a difference between sex and gender. Even when you break it down to the chromosomal level. Not everyone fits into XX, XY. There are distinctions, even if you discount intersex people. But last point you said people can change names. Correct. In fact we can change all social constructs. Which gender and names are.

Trans people from my understanding, aren't even changing their gender, but finally coming to understand the gender they are or feel as they are, rather than the one assigned to them at birth.

I'm not going to pretend like I know everything. I don't. But I try to listen to people when they speak and steelman what they say. Asking someone to refer to you in a certain way is perfectly fine. And you shouldn't have an issue with that. No one is imposing anything on you. The way you respond to such a gesture confirms you don't have respect for other people imho. That you are against new ideas and new understanding of what humans are outside and inside


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
Yea of course you don't, that's the point.

No one is forcing you to do anything. The analogy unused is exact to the given circumstance. Which is why I said people who make that argument you make, shows a lack of growth. The idea that, "because I always did X." Doesn't make it okay in anyway shape or form. Growth is not only learning new things as you... grow. But also unlearning certainly behaviors that tend to be anti-social. If you can't understand that, you'll never understand that gender is a not a binary. That there is a difference between sex and gender. Even when you break it down to the chromosomal level. Not everyone fits into XX, XY. There are distinctions, even if you discount intersex people. But last point you said people can change names.

Trans people from my understanding, aren't even changing their gender, but finally coming to understand the gender they are or feel as they are, rather than the one assigned to them at birth.

I'm not going to pretend like I know everything. I don't. But I try to listen to people when they speak and steelman what they say. Asking someone to refer to you in a certain way is perfectly fine. And you shouldn't have an issue with that. No one is imposing anything on you
Putting aside the argument about there being two genders, which I believe there is but u dont, so lets keep that aside. Just becuz you say using different pronouns is growth does not mean it is. Instead, it is whats creating all the clashes. If you truly wanted a change for the better, you wouldnt have started the pronoun shit to begin with. Majority of the people dont have any problem in accepting trans. But then you, using the argument of 'change', try to increase the clash between the community. There's a reason why u guys are called snowflakes. Its becuz you cant accept the consequences of your actions and try to force other people to change for your sake by using the 'change' or 'human decency' argument. No one's stopping someone from changing their genders, but why do you think they also have to oblige to that and change themselves. Expecting such is simply being self-entitled and whining when not getting it is simply victim mentality.
The idea that, "because I always did X." Doesn't make it okay in anyway shape or form
But neither is changing that becuz u might somehow 'hurt' other people's feelings otherwise.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2019
I'm not staying, "using pronouns is growth." As if I'm an authority. I'm saying having an open mind and being able to absorb new information as human society develops and learns more about ourselves and the universe, is growth. You can disagree all you want, but I'm not pulling that out of my ass. I think that's a pretty fair definition of growth. Now all you have to do is plug in the trans issues of today. It's very simple. We start to understand more about gender and sex. Understand that sex is a bimodal not binary. And that gender is a societal construct like any other. But you refuse this information on the basis that when you were younger it was different lol. I can't see how you don't see the issue here. But I guess you are right. Fuck Galileo while we are at it amiright? I mean they should have killed the guy XD

Just becuz you say using different pronouns is growth does not mean it is. Instead, it is whats creating all the clashes. If you truly wanted a change for the better, you wouldnt have started the pronoun shit to begin with.

Wow!! Truly the dumbest shit I've ever heard lmfao. Btw I stopped reading after that. There's no point in continuing this, because you can plug that logic into any scenario. Literally ANY scenario to disprove that dumb shit.

The idea that you shouldn't fight for yourself, because it will make others mad? Huh!? Are you a cuck? Looool gg no re. You win my dude. I don't mean to kink shame, but holy shit. "Please sir, if you could... If you could just stop fucking my girlfriend, pretty please. No? Ok sorry, didn't want to make you angry."


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2019
I'm not staying, "using pronouns is growth." As if I'm an authority. I'm saying having an open mind and being able to absorb new information as human society develops and learns more about ourselves and the universe, is growth. You can disagree all you want, but I'm not pulling that out of my ass. I think that's a pretty fair definition of growth. Now all you have to do is plug in the trans issues of today. It's very simple. We start to understand more about gender and sex. Understand that sex is a bimodal not binary. And that gender is a societal construct like any other. But you refuse this information on the basis that when you were younger it was different lol. I can't see how you don't see the issue here. But I guess you are right. Fuck Galileo while we are at it amiright? I mean they should have killed the guy XD

Wow!! Truly the dumbest shit I've ever heard lmfao. Btw I stopped reading after that. There's no point in continuing this, because you can plug that logic into any scenario. Literally ANY scenario to disprove that dumb shit.

The idea that you shouldn't fight for yourself, because it will make others mad? Huh!? Are you a cuck? Looool gg no re. You win my dude. I don't mean to kink shame, but holy shit. "Please sir, if you could... If you could just stop fucking my girlfriend, pretty please. No? Ok sorry, didn't want to make you angry."
.....Damn mate...your IQ level... So in your opinion, changing how people use pronouns is the definition of change here. And you should fight for it like it will bring a revolution.... What it does in the end is create conflict and distance between the community. Tho with your IQ level, I dont expect you to get that part. I mean, you took that and brought it to being a 'cuck'.... *sigh* You, my friend, are a prime example of a snowflake. Waste time on meaningless shit, and drag others in.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
And I dont get the pronoun mess anyway. You've made a choice to change your gender, sure people have the right to do what they want. But why expect others to cater to that change. And why act like a victim every time someone doesnt.
There is no social requirement for you to be decent to other people and not be an asshole. But getting upset when people don't show you the modicum of common decency and respect to refer to you as you wish to be referred is not unreasonable and it is not playing the victim. People have the right to do what they want, including the right to be jerks to other people, but it is reasonable to expect blowback when you are deliberately insensitive or dismissive of what somebody tells you is their lived experience or how they would like to be treated.
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