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  • I was told to come here for answers.
    answers for what? how to get on the FBI watchlist? if so, I can also help you. I have tons of experience. From committing 27 war crimes in Yugoslavia to murdering an ant, I have all the experience you will need.
    dunno, check whatever thread I was told to come here at January 16th when I made that post
    What's up my friends and enemies. I've been gone for a while, but I shall return soon with another masterpiece of debauchery in progress. Shed no more tears for me for I shall be returning to your loving, but more likely detestable, embrace.
    In trying to figure out how to spend more time on SH now that I got a job, I just had the most brilliant idea. Come here DURING work hours! Brilliant!
    Thanks for wasting my time off of work by making this available to read.
    that's a smooth way to not have a job again
    Wait... are you an alternative account of @Agentt ? We already know that he likes to be a loli...
    I think those two are too different in writing style to be the same, though...
    The lolicon clan is spread too wide to be attributed to one person
    I am not Agentt, I am a more of an Operative.
    Beautifuliful. I ended up typing that as I was writing. Typo due to typing fast... or my Muse gifted me the title of my upcoming story!?
    How about that, I'm a writer that hasn't written anything proper in weeks because I'm still planning. So yeah, I'm a true writer.
    My webcomic got banned on Webtoon for being inappropriate, even though nothing happened. Though a Discord buddy said because they are stationed in Korea, so I guess that must be it.
    Well, it's explicitly stated to include an age gap, so that's that. I'm surprised Tapas hasn't struck it yet.
    I call BS on that. That in of itself does not break anything on their ToS. But we'll see what happens when they respond to me (if they respond that is).
    try posting them on pixiv instead.
    I took around 2 weeks to sort out some issues and reflect on things. I got a job with my dad's company so I can work remotely. I got summoned to jury duty and postponed it towards December. Life is still in turmoil, but I learn something about it everyday. People are still awful, but I still love every single one of them.

    The Lolicon Gentleman, your best friend forever, has returned to Scribble Hub.
    You decide to write about LoliGen. I, on the other hand, will now write about a loli as a main character! Now we can compete with who is the gentler man!!!
    • Wow
    Reactions: gaylolis
    Very well! I accept your challenge! Let us duel with pistols at dawn.
    I left early this morning to my job interview!

    I got lost along the way and missed the appointed time...

    Well, dang. Back to square one.
    Deleted member 54065
    Don't give up! Just try again!
    The trick is to call ahead and let them know what's up. I'd be mad too if I wasn't told the applicant was going to be late.
    Eh.... well... my phone died on the way... :blob_pat_sad:

    All I could do was email them back and apologize profusely.
    My Isekai adventure begins! Let's go!

    I decided, for my isekai, it will be 3 chapters every week at average 1000 words. What do you think of this schedule?
    I think 1000 words are too little. 1500-2000 words are the best length. But it's my subjective opinion.
    1k words is a good lenghth, but that schedule sure is fast, you sure about the quality?
    My previous story was 1 chapter a day and every chapter was practically a rough draft (only one quick revision) and people didn't mind. My latest story has 12 chapters already written and revised a few times. I'm pretty confident this time the quality will be much better.
    My new isekai story will be 4 chapters every week, so I'm building a backlog of 16 chapters before uploading. Man, I'm having so much fun writing this., though keeping track of the stats is kind of convoluted. I guess I'll get used to it.
    My isekai, it finally begins! Three chapters so far. Will build a backlog before uploading and then we'll have some fun!
    Me: "Chocolate makes me happy! I will eat a lot!"
    My teeth: "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?"
    It's time to find a job and get back in the workforce. There's a labor shortage due to everybody living off the government teat due to the pandemic. But when it's over, it's going to be madness! I better get a job while employers are desperate.
    I got a write a resume, write a cover letter, maybe buy some new clothes, talk to my old managers, get a haircut...

    All this just to get a minimum wage job. Dang! If I get the job, I'm compensating by snatching some ice cream to take home!
    Be a writer, write your dreams away instead of working for minimum wage! Yeah, now that I have done my idealistic bullshit...good luck on that. Hopefully, this pandemic bullshit comes to an end soon.
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