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  • finally got a yuri dream

    i think it's about a tentacle girl with twintail and bdsm outfit, who want to tie me and her sister up, so we'll get together.
    i end up enjoying illusion connect a lot more than expected.

    the raid system is really nice. arknights and azur lane made me hate grinding the same stage over and over (1-7 in arknights and 7-2 in azur lane)

    there's so much content right now and i just wanna go at my own pace.

    this is what comes up when i typed 'i'm feeling lucky' on google and clicked the i'm feeling lucky button.
    how the hell did kuma kuma bear get tagged as yuri on NU?

    did yuna get a girlfriend or something in the latest chapters?

    if that's the case, it's probably worth picking up again. though i'm fine as long she didn't end up with some guy.
    pretty sure it's just a tagging error. at least in the translated chapters (359 as of rn), there's nothing like that
    also romance as a whole isn't really a thing in that novel, which is neat
    ah yes. prolly will pick it up again. kinda stopped reading since the translations are kinda slow.
    the best advice i got for today

    since i suck at writing anyway, just turn off my brain.

    it makes all the difference since i finally able to continue my stuff after a long break.
    if only there's a feature to exclude latest novels with certain tag

    i don't want to see any more novels with bisexual protagonist tag
    i'm not sure if i'm interested in illusion connect, i don't see any cute lolis in the vids i watched.

    insta skip.

    plus i really hate how the leaders are all guys. i wanna play as a girl and yuri my waifus.
    when i realized that directed by robert b weide is a variation of to be continued meme
    Hahaha, very funny but where's the picture of your reaction ? You just said "when" there's no meme in there, you know when there's no meme you have to take of your clothes NOW.
    this life is a meme. directed by robert b weide.
    arknights and azur lane share the most painful aspect

    the biggest pain is actually farming for the mats to raise your units. getting them is easy, but maxing them makes me bleed inside.

    still, i'm content as long i can get my waifu.
    Arknights is actually worse in that respect. AL only requires bulins which, apart from UR bulins, are easy to come by. It's just when you have a swarm of new ships from an event that it gets tricky.
    AK requires tons of all sorts of stuff to E2 operators. on the bright side, E1 is easy as fuck to do.
    grinding in AL can be extra tiring, especially during events. but that's mostly since i'm just 3 months in. they can take forever to go to lv 120, and the gold gear drops are terrible. and talk about the pr as well.

    played arknights near lunch, so i only need mats and barely touched the supply anymore, except the vouchers i guess. it's kinda simpler since the only thing gating you is the sanity.

    this song really gives me hard nostalgia.

    and there i realize my music taste is boomer af
    waifu labs rng really hates me. even after so many rolls, i didn't see any lolis.

    on the other poses she didn't look that much like a loli, so i went with this.

    the character's belle, mirai-chan's 'little sister'. although i hadn't really got to the point of writing her again. i need to continue the cozy girls sometime.

    Kaori's a bit of a Yukino-face, now i think about it. she's supposed to have big boobs, but here looks kinda flat. prolly due to the angle.

    probably the closest i got to mystia (the slime girl) human form. but her arm (?) looks like a penis so it's kinda disturbing to me. though it kinda fits her since she can be random af.
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