Search results

  1. Tempokai

    A democratic poll.

    For managed democracy.
  2. Tempokai

    Explain this image

    Explain this image using whatever fantasy/sci-fi description. this image I was taking using long exposure and accidentally moved it. It came out so cool compared to image i was taking that it's a crime to not share it
  3. Tempokai

    Fox girls.

    And a suprise: Use them however you want. I just spent unused points to generate them.
  4. Tempokai

    I had generated such good image it's a crime to not share it.

    Here she is. Just look at it, no visible AI artifacts, appealing design, and 15 minutes wasted to do it. Just grab her and use it as cover or whatever, I don't care much.
  5. Tempokai

    Have your main character ever shot a man in [INSERT PLACE HERE]to watch him die?

    Have your main character ever shot [INSERT VIOLENT ACTION HERE] a man being in Reno [INSERT PLACE HERE] to just watch him it die? Why? For what? Did a cool country music play in the background when it happened? Why not?
  6. Tempokai

    What OS to install?

    My ye olde PC HDD had died. I ordered an external SSD to "temporarily" replace it. It will be delivered tomorrow. Now, I'm stuck in choosing OS for it. First, Windows. Ded HDD had windows 7 installed in it, and... let's say it ran like a dying tortoise during a half marathon in a Gobi desert. I...
  7. Tempokai

    The future is now.

    I fed the ChatGPT (after paying 20$) my 70k word novel, like this... and it can do this: The future is now.
  8. Tempokai

    Write a satirical isekai story

    I'll start.
  9. Tempokai

    Solar eclipse

    There's currently a solar eclipse happening in Americas. Which I can't see because I'm literally in the moonless dark while writing this, lol So, have you read or watched things where solar eclipse is happening and it's main plot of the arc, plot, whatever? Into my mind only the Twilight (of...
  10. Tempokai

    Roast your MC lol
  11. Tempokai


    "The Cataclysmic Celestial Dragon-Slaying Cyclone Thunderstrike Technique of the Serpent-Fist Clan, Wielder of the Sacred Sword of the Shimmering Moonlight, Evoking the Harmonious Dance of the Thousand Petal Blossom in the Azure Skies, Mastering the Inner Chi Energy of the Serene Mountain Zen...
  12. Tempokai

    Layers of irony.

    How much layers of irony you've written in your novel/arc inside that overlap with each other at the same time? My maximum layers I've wrote was 6 for my main character. (My brain doesn't work currently to write a short description of it)
  13. Tempokai

    Question for experts.

    If I pet a cat infront of the my boss' dog that likes me and is chained, is it NTR? The dog clearly wants to be petted and watches the petting the cat with interest, and I'm instead petting the cat (which is more in comfort with me than my boss)? wrong answers only
  14. Tempokai

    Bugs Forum front webpage crashes when you do specific thing

    In the "latest profile posts", if you press three dots to open the profile post fully in a overlayed window. It opens, and shows the post fully. If you then press the three dots again while the profile post window is open (it's hidden underneath the window), the webpage crashes, and then reboots...
  15. Tempokai

    Why the kingdom building in the LMS is memorable?

    I was rereading the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor again, and was somewhat surprised that I remembered more details than I thought. I've read many kingdom building novels, but LMS takes the crown by being more memorable. Maybe it's because of satisfying way of starting from a desolate place, and...
  16. Tempokai

    What most mundane thing you understood by horrific means?

    When I was 6, I remember watching a tv. Some detective thriller was being played and watched it out of sheer boredom. And then killer had thrown body into a salt and buried inside the giant machine where salt was held. The detectives were searching for the culprit few weeks later, and I...
  17. Tempokai

    Would you eat the sweet meat bun?

    I had a dream, where I was searching for something in the market. Before that I was stopping some monster by using a bus. Anyway, some familiar character from the manga comes at me and shows me a fried meat, coated in sugar and stuffed in hot dog bun. Before I could bite it, I woke up at 6AM...
  18. Tempokai

    A destructive question

    Let's say you're a god. Ordinary god of the generic fantasy world. Your world has a system, and is generally peaceful enough to not bother with it. One day, you got sick of it for a reason. You want to destroy it. Even if you violate the divine law, you will destroy it. Ah, also your...
  19. Tempokai

    Recommendations MC fights with miscellaneous items

    Is there a novels where MC fight with misc items? Like using a sandal in Advanced Player to punish the ones who tries to kill him, or like dwarf in typical Dwarf Fortress fashion mauling someone with a freaking sock, or even the MC from CYOA Magium throwing trees to destroy the mercenary band...
  20. Tempokai

    DeepL Write

    Today I needed to translate something from Japanese, and hit the DeepL site. Bla-bla-bla, here is the thing it showed me. I tested it with a novel that I was reading currently, and it worked like a charm. Here I put a snippet from the random novel I got from the...