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  1. DJ_Rhaposdy

    What are your occupation right now

    High school SpEd/English teacher.
  2. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Idiot plot or realistic plot, pros and cons

    I like shenanigans. Shenanigans created by idiots are more fun to read, than write, though.
  3. DJ_Rhaposdy

    What do you think about a twist on a familiar trope that completely changes its fundamental essense?

    I actually have extradimensional creatures called Ahngreel that are inspired by vampires. They have grey skin, pointed ears, whiteless eyes that glow in the dark, and nailess fingers that end in points. They are technically immortal; they don't age, can be killed, but resurrected as their souls...
  4. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Do you write out of chronological order?

    Not really. I know some authors that like to skip past the "boring parts" and fill them in later after the action scenes, but I know that if I don't write the transitions, I won't want to go back and edit. I do plan out certain parts and the story itself can be told out of chronological order...
  5. DJ_Rhaposdy

    How would you describe your main protagonist as poorly as possible?

    A prince with a swollen head but a good heart on a vengeance quest to rescue his friend from being a member of the Isekai Hero’s harem.
  6. DJ_Rhaposdy

    FREE REVIEW! Just subimit it, and I'll review it.

    I would appreciate your insight! Mine's no where near finished, but it is about to wrap up the first major arc of the story, so it's as good a time as any to get feedback whenever you feel...
  7. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Blunt Feedback

    Mine are still a work in progress (especially Fragmented Blade), but I'd love some feedback for either/both.
  8. DJ_Rhaposdy

    I will tell you when and why I stopped reading your story.

    I've been working on a fantasy/comedy adventure for fun. If that intrigues you, please check out my story. Title says it all...
  9. DJ_Rhaposdy

    What is your protagonist(s) or antagonist(s)'s motive?

    Protagonist: To fulfill his role as a prince by defeating the corrupted Isekai Hero (Plus, rescuing his friend, Silva, from being a member of the Hero's harem). Antagonist: Using the most powerful person in his harem to unmake the world out of spite for the people who slightly mistreated him...
  10. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Would you like to feature in my next video?

    It’s not my flashiest first line, but it gets the point across: “I stood in the antechamber of the Demon King's Tower—a spacious chamber of dark stone that resided atop a great tower of 278 grueling floors—taking this moment to reflect upon my journey so far.” If prologues aren’t your thing...
  11. DJ_Rhaposdy

    shameless self promotion

    Let me give it a go: Is life too happy without the fear of inevitable death and misery around every corner? Then read this story: It's got a pessimistic lead given magic powers by a talking cloud bird and getting shellacked by a BPD...
  12. DJ_Rhaposdy

    What media inspired your work?

    The media I'm inspired by depends on the certain vibe I'm going for. The two stories I posted on Scribblehub were inspired by different anime genres, Magical Girl and Isekai. But I have other stories inspired by Western fantasy, news articles, songs, etc. It all depends on I feel I can tell a...
  13. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Which Sounds Better, "Fire Witch" or "Flame Witch?"

    Gotta love how you threw in Tsundere right in the middle of such good suggestions! As far as lore goes. As of now, witches are not burned, just disliked. The word is used as an insult for mages.
  14. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Which Sounds Better, "Fire Witch" or "Flame Witch?"

    Ooh! I like those names! Especially Witch of Embers, which I might change to Ember Witch or Witch of the Ember. That is definitely the most accurate to what Gertrude does in the story. So many good suggestions! Lady of the Flame may be a name she's called when she's not acting as an...
  15. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Which Sounds Better, "Fire Witch" or "Flame Witch?"

    I've been reading over my story Former Isekai Hero was Corrupted by His Overpowerdness and Now the People Need Me, a Prince of This World, to Defeat His and Save our Land and found a bit of a continuity error in the nickname for one of my characters, a powerful fire mage. I had originally named...
  16. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Share your Characters and/or Art

    An And I appreciate it! Tell me more about Draco
  17. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Share your Characters and/or Art

    It's also about characters in general. Paint me a picture with your words! :blob_paint: Which of your characters are you most proud of?
  18. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Share your Characters and/or Art

    I look forward to seeing it! :blob_popcorn:
  19. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Share your Characters and/or Art

    Thought I'd throw some of my character art for my story Fragmented Blade. I originally made them for my glossary section, but can't figure out how to put them there. Feel free to share some of your art and/or tell me about your characters. I'd love to see work and characters that you're proud...
  20. DJ_Rhaposdy

    Tell me about the protagonist in your story?

    My protagonist is fourteen-year-old American girl named Noel Miller from a small town in the state of Iowa. Before the story begins she is greatly disliked by her town due to her family curse that bends reality out of her control. All she knows is that it makes her life weird. She is somewhat...