Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Tavern


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
After cleaning herself up and handing in her report at the reception desk, she returned to her tavern room to pick up Sable, who had been eagerly and anxiously waiting for her as always and brought her downstairs to the bustling common room of the tavern.
Randell rubs his chin in thought.

"I don't believe it would be intelligent of me to accompany you on such a request, as I am ill suited for that opponent as of now. However," Randell raises his finger. "I hear that the carnivorous flowers have a sweet smelling nectar they use to lure in prey. If you're already planning on going there to kill a few, I would be willing to compensate you if you were to collect a bottle of that nectar. How does... 15 gold sound?"
"Here is the bottle. Thank you." Randell hands Felicia and empty bottle. "If you need any basic potions made, be sure to contact me."
Finding her usual rickety sofa, ordering her usual coffee, and looking at her usual list of current quests once more, she awaited the craftsman's arrival to hand him what she promised. On the table beside her, sat a strange bottle filled with a thick dark pink liquid.

After a weary day, it was time to call it a day and head into the tavern.

The place was bustling with all types of figures. To each on their own, I sat down on a free table. There was a loud creak on the chair as if my armor weight was testing its endurance to hold me. A waitress comes by and asks for my order,

"Common meal with a refreshment."

A give her 10G and she leaves towards the window sill to the kitchen only to loudly shout my order. Moments later she comes back with a bowl of brownish liquid along with green plants that I do not recognize, next to it was a glass of yellowish liquid. I thank the waitress and she heads to another customer.

I take of my helm only stare at the food in a daze.

"*long sigh* Strange town...."
As she casually surveyed the room, she noticed more new faces, which was a daily occurrence to her now. However, a young man caught her attention, as one of the few donned in heavy metal armour, seemingly contemplating something deeply as he stared at his food.

Wondering if he was lost or confused, she called out to him. "Are you alright?"


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
As she casually surveyed the room, she noticed more new faces, which was a daily occurrence to her now. However, a young man caught her attention, as one of the few donned in heavy metal armour, seemingly contemplating something deeply as he stared at his food.

Wondering if he was lost or confused, she called out to him. "Are you alright?"

Breaking my gaze, a voice of a woman called out to me.

"Hmm? Ah yes, quite so. Please, worry not on my matter as I was merely gathering my thoughts."

I took a spoonful of the brownish liquid and to my surprise... it was bland. Seeking for a tint of flavor, I drank the yellowish liquid only to be met a sourly taste that even froze my thoughts as I didn't notice that I was showing such a shrinking face that one would think my face would disappear. That was of no help either.

"Apologies for such a sight. To what pleasure may I have in this chat?"


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Breaking my gaze, a voice of a woman called out to me.

"Hmm? Ah yes, quite so. Please, worry not on my matter as I was merely gathering my thoughts."

I took a spoonful of the brownish liquid and to my surprise... it was bland. Seeking for a tint of flavor, I drank the yellowish liquid only to be met a sourly taste that even froze my thoughts as I didn't notice that I was showing such a shrinking face that one would think my face would disappear. That was of no help either.

"Apologies for such a sight. To what pleasure may I have in this chat?"
"I see, that's good to hear." She responded simply, before watching amusedly as his face twisted horribly from eating his first meal here.

"Haha, yeah, the food here isn't the most tolerable, but it gets us through the day. If you really can't stand it, there's a lovely stall down the road that sells dishes made of Salmun, a local specialty. Or you could just make your own food, though if you want to use the kitchens you'd have to complete a ration-cooking quest three times." She explained warmly to the newcomer.

"Oh, you can call me Felicia. I used to have a few titles back in my old world, but here everyone is equal, which is quite nice to see. What about yourself?" She sipped her coffee leisurely as they chatted, being one of the few drinks tolerable in the tavern.


That Guy
Jan 22, 2019
After cleaning herself up and handing in her report at the reception desk, she returned to her tavern room to pick up Sable, who had been eagerly and anxiously waiting for her as always and brought her downstairs to the bustling common room of the tavern.
"Ah, thank you for that. I should be able to do quite a bit with it."
Randell takes the bottle.
"If you ever need someone who can make you something more... exotic, in regards to alchemy, I will do my best to accommodate you."


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
"Ah, thank you for that. I should be able to do quite a bit with it."
Randell takes the bottle.
"If you ever need someone who can make you something more... exotic, in regards to alchemy, I will do my best to accommodate you."
"No problem, I'm glad to be of assistance. And, I will keep that in mind, good luck in your future journey as an alchemist and an adventurer." She smiled as she handed him the strange bottle.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2020
"I see, that's good to hear." She responded simply, before watching amusedly as his face twisted horribly from eating his first meal here.

"Haha, yeah, the food here isn't the most tolerable, but it gets us through the day. If you really can't stand it, there's a lovely stall down the road that sells dishes made of Salmun, a local specialty. Or you could just make your own food, though if you want to use the kitchens you'd have to complete a ration-cooking quest three times." She explained warmly to the newcomer.

"Oh, you can call me Felicia. I used to have a few titles back in my old world, but here everyone is equal, which is quite nice to see. What about yourself?" She sipped her coffee leisurely as they chatted, being one of the few drinks tolerable in the tavern.

She is nice enough to lend me help on information, but does she want something? I don't see the value in her gaining favor from me as I have only met a handful of people, she is not one them. Unnecessary, but helpful info was told to me such as completing three ration-cooking quests for rights of the kitchen use. Just her mentioning of an old world only raises more questions. What old world? Which world is this? What happened to my world? Is she royalty with titles? Thinking about these things will only cause me a headache. One thing is certain though..... I'm [Lost]

Just from a simple chat, no... maybe even before this talk, Felicia denounced that I was a new face. Either she has sharp memory or more cunning than she appears, either way she is not wrong and have most likely lived in this place far longer than I have.

"Such useful information, I shall gratefully accept Lady Felicia. Perhaps I shall partake in this delicacy you call "Salmun" in the future. I am sir Reival of the Lancer corps. Heavy Division class. My arrival on this place has only been a night's away. Forgive me Lady Felecia but there is much on my mind as of late. I shall indulge myself on rest in my quarters. If our paths allow us to cross again, may it better than what I have shown."

I hesitantly quickly finished my bowl of brownish liquid along with the yellowish drink.... or not I'll just leave the drink at the table, grab my helm and stood up.

"A bid you a rest of lovely time Lady Felicia."

I went to a nearby waitress to ask of her of a vacant room. Paid an extra 3G as the the drink was "extra", then she guided me to my room and left. Needless to say..... this place is truly strange.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
She is nice enough to lend me help on information, but does she want something? I don't see the value in her gaining favor from me as I have only met a handful of people, she is not one them. Unnecessary, but helpful info was told to me such as completing three ration-cooking quests for rights of the kitchen use. Just her mentioning of an old world only raises more questions. What old world? Which world is this? What happened to my world? Is she royalty with titles? Thinking about these things will only cause me a headache. One thing is certain though..... I'm [Lost]

Just from a simple chat, no... maybe even before this talk, Felicia denounced that I was a new face. Either she has sharp memory or more cunning than she appears, either way she is not wrong and have most likely lived in this place far longer than I have.

"Such useful information, I shall gratefully accept Lady Felicia. Perhaps I shall partake in this delicacy you call "Salmun" in the future. I am sir Reival of the Lancer corps. Heavy Division class. My arrival on this place has only been a night's away. Forgive me Lady Felecia but there is much on my mind as of late. I shall indulge myself on rest in my quarters. If our paths allow us to cross again, may it better than what I have shown."

I hesitantly quickly finished my bowl of brownish liquid along with the yellowish drink.... or not I'll just leave the drink at the table, grab my helm and stood up.

"A bid you a rest of lovely time Lady Felicia."

I went to a nearby waitress to ask of her of a vacant room. Paid an extra 3G as the the drink was "extra", then she guided me to my room and left. Needless to say..... this place is truly strange.
"It was a pleasure to meet you Sir Reival, rest well." She smiled ambiguously as he rushed through his meal, abruptly stood up and left the common room.

It was pretty clear that she had scared him, although, she did not know how. Perhaps her communication skills had degraded after spending all her time questing lately. Still, she had met her fair share of strange folk after coming to Tonia, she simply brushed off the matter and continued looking over the papers in her hands. Afterall, a new world was not something just anyone could get used to.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020

The hooded figure from before approached me.
"I'm here for the hunting axe."
From his backpack, Adsall pulled out the hunting axe from the bag. It was a beautiful hunting axe, having a shiny axe head and a handle that had a pattern carved into it.
"Like you I also don't half ass things. I hope this is suitable."
Adsall handed him the hunting axe, after which he proceeded to take his leave towards his room.


Active member
Feb 23, 2020

The hooded figure from before approached me.
"I'm here for the hunting axe."
From his backpack, Adsall pulled out the hunting axe from the bag. It was a beautiful hunting axe, having a shiny axe head and a handle that had a pattern carved into it.
"Like you I also don't half ass things. I hope this is suitable."
Adsall handed him the hunting axe, after which he proceeded to take his leave towards his room.
He looked at his brand new tool. It was skillfully made, a craftsman pride he could see. "Thank you," he said with a nod to his patron. Seeing the man left, he also stood up and left the tavern, ready to test his new equipment.


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I've been wanting to ask about this for a long time... If you don't mind me, Miss Nene, could you tell me about your Goddess? I've been picking up some interested in divinity, and do you perhaps knew about the name, the God of Light in this world?
"About The Goddess? I am always glad to preach her words to new followers, what might you be interested in knowing about?

"I'm afraid I don't know much about the local deities of Tonia however, while I respect their domain and will not antagonize their followers, I have no real interest in learning about themselves, for I'm sure The Goddess will safely guide my steps."
OOC: Btw, you forgot to reply to this one? o.0


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"About The Goddess? I am always glad to preach her words to new followers, what might you be interested in knowing about?

"I'm afraid I don't know much about the local deities of Tonia however, while I respect their domain and will not antagonize their followers, I have no real interest in learning about themselves, for I'm sure The Goddess will safely guide my steps."
If it's possible, I would like to know the domain of your goddess, as well as the grace she bestowed to her followers. Not the inner working structure or any secrets like that, just some common knowledge would suffice.

Ah, understandable. The Primordial Light seemed like a title for a myth, isn't it? No luck here too, huh...


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
If it's possible, I would like to know the domain of your goddess, as well as the grace she bestowed to her followers. Not the inner working structure or any secrets like that, just some common knowledge would suffice.

Ah, understandable. The Primordial Light seemed like a title for a myth, isn't it? No luck here too, huh...
"The Goddess' domain? That is actually a hard to answer question.

"While The Goddess is not native to Tonia, she is said to rule over one, all and none. No matter where and when, The Goddess watches over all. While she is primarily a goddess for the foxes, she does not discriminate, The Goddess aids all who seek her aid... And at the same time, The Goddess does not enforce her teachings over any, all may learn, none is forced to.

"Her powers are clearly weaker in this world than they were on my native one. But the mere fact I can still sense her presence here is enough proof that The Goddess is anywhere and everywhere.

"... I'm sorry, I may have gone too far, was this too much? Or was it too little actually? Were you perhaps asking about her domain as in her powers as opposed to the place she rules over? In that case I may have given information you weren't interested in? My deepest apologies in this case, it was not my intention.

"The Goddess teaches us to love. She respects all living beings and tells us to treat all live equally and to preserve each creature's right to live on their own. She does not condone battles or the execution of actions that have the intention of harming others, neither physically nor emotionally.

"This translates into what powers we are allowed to learn under her guidance, to heal, to protect, to cleanse... The things we can do in order to save those that are under harm, and assure they can live another day. While the extent of The Goddess' powers go beyond that, those are the powers she teaches us, as those are the ones we need to ensure her faith is propagated in accordance to her teachings.

"And because of that, it's hard to portray what powers fall under her domain. It's said that The Goddess can do anything, so everything should be under her domain, shouldn't it? But her teachings teach us to love, and the powers she grants us are those to spread love, so perhaps you could say that what she truly rules over is love itself.

"... Although The Goddess does not condone the creation of Love Potions or other similar gadgets. Each person has their own will and their own path that will be guided by The Goddess, they should not have their will manipulated by outside factors nor be controlled by those that may or may not mean them harm. The Goddess only wishes for all to seek their own path, and to fight the light in their own way, even if she tries to guide us to the best of her capabilities.

"... Ah, I think I may have gone on for too long? Am I bothering you, mister Solet? I hope I'm not... Ah! I still have not answered the other question though, you have asked what grace she bestows upon us...

"Truthfully speaking, The Goddess bestows no graces. She guides us and looks over our paths while leading us towards her greater plan, but she does not interfere. Once the deities start interfering in the mortal world, chaos may issue, for the mortals cannot withstand the true power that comes from the Divine... Should two beings blessed by the Divine clash then, only destruction would follow.

"The Goddess however, does not stop other deities from acting the way they please. She does not accept their behavior of granting blessings, but she does not confront them about it. Just like we need to grow and find enlightenment, so do many of the other gods, for nobody is perfect, we all can still learn, even The Goddess can. But by being aware of her own limitations, she can grow and guide us through even better paths. For even she, who is said to be able to do anything, can still commit mistakes.

"So The Goddess doesn't grant, she guides. She shows the way to align our will to her own, and as such, manipulate the powers of the world into magic, to help others and spread The Goddess' love.

"Does this knowledge suffice? Or should I go more in-depth into it? Oh no, what am I speaking, I have clearly spoken too much, my deepest apologies, it's just been so long since I could last spread her teachings that I couldn't help making sure they were clearly told... I hope it was enlightening, mister Solet."


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
"The Goddess' domain? That is actually a hard to answer question.

"While The Goddess is not native to Tonia, she is said to rule over one, all and none. No matter where and when, The Goddess watches over all. While she is primarily a goddess for the foxes, she does not discriminate, The Goddess aids all who seek her aid... And at the same time, The Goddess does not enforce her teachings over any, all may learn, none is forced to.

"Her powers are clearly weaker in this world than they were on my native one. But the mere fact I can still sense her presence here is enough proof that The Goddess is anywhere and everywhere.

"... I'm sorry, I may have gone too far, was this too much? Or was it too little actually? Were you perhaps asking about her domain as in her powers as opposed to the place she rules over? In that case I may have given information you weren't interested in? My deepest apologies in this case, it was not my intention.

"The Goddess teaches us to love. She respects all living beings and tells us to treat all live equally and to preserve each creature's right to live on their own. She does not condone battles or the execution of actions that have the intention of harming others, neither physically nor emotionally.

"This translates into what powers we are allowed to learn under her guidance, to heal, to protect, to cleanse... The things we can do in order to save those that are under harm, and assure they can live another day. While the extent of The Goddess' powers go beyond that, those are the powers she teaches us, as those are the ones we need to ensure her faith is propagated in accordance to her teachings.

"And because of that, it's hard to portray what powers fall under her domain. It's said that The Goddess can do anything, so everything should be under her domain, shouldn't it? But her teachings teach us to love, and the powers she grants us are those to spread love, so perhaps you could say that what she truly rules over is love itself.

"... Although The Goddess does not condone the creation of Love Potions or other similar gadgets. Each person has their own will and their own path that will be guided by The Goddess, they should not have their will manipulated by outside factors nor be controlled by those that may or may not mean them harm. The Goddess only wishes for all to seek their own path, and to fight the light in their own way, even if she tries to guide us to the best of her capabilities.

"... Ah, I think I may have gone on for too long? Am I bothering you, mister Solet? I hope I'm not... Ah! I still have not answered the other question though, you have asked what grace she bestows upon us...

"Truthfully speaking, The Goddess bestows no graces. She guides us and looks over our paths while leading us towards her greater plan, but she does not interfere. Once the deities start interfering in the mortal world, chaos may issue, for the mortals cannot withstand the true power that comes from the Divine... Should two beings blessed by the Divine clash then, only destruction would follow.

"The Goddess however, does not stop other deities from acting the way they please. She does not accept their behavior of granting blessings, but she does not confront them about it. Just like we need to grow and find enlightenment, so do many of the other gods, for nobody is perfect, we all can still learn, even The Goddess can. But by being aware of her own limitations, she can grow and guide us through even better paths. For even she, who is said to be able to do anything, can still commit mistakes.

"So The Goddess doesn't grant, she guides. She shows the way to align our will to her own, and as such, manipulate the powers of the world into magic, to help others and spread The Goddess' love.

"Does this knowledge suffice? Or should I go more in-depth into it? Oh no, what am I speaking, I have clearly spoken too much, my deepest apologies, it's just been so long since I could last spread her teachings that I couldn't help making sure they were clearly told... I hope it was enlightening, mister Solet."
"That sounds like a very nice goddess" Oam said. She seemed to have been listening from the start. "But can I ask about Her story? What role does she play in your pantheon?"

Feeling the gaze of a few adventurers, Oam shrunk slightly, "Well... I'm just asking."


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
"That sounds like a very nice goddess" Oam said. She seemed to have been listening from the start. "But can I ask about Her story? What role does she play in your pantheon?"

Feeling the gaze of a few adventurers, Oam shrunk slightly, "Well... I'm just asking."
*giggles a little* "You were actually able to ask a question that is more complicated than the one Mister Solet asked.

"To put it simply... I don't know. Nobody knows, perhaps not even The Goddess herself knows.

"The origins of the gods are beyond the comprehension of mortals, if the gods created us, then surely someone must have created the gods as well, right? But in that case, who created those that created the gods then? It is an eternal spiral that would never lead to an end... And as such, we don't question it. We believe in The Goddess' teachings, but we do not know where she came from, or how she came to guide us.

"As for her role? That is... A complicated question. I am glad to see that Tonia's Pantheon seems to be mostly peaceful, but that was not necessarily the case back in my world... There were wars. Many wars, the believers of one deity claiming that the venerating the opposing deity is heresy, that what those that were different believed was not something that was allowed to be...

"It was sad. I have lost count of how many souls I have helped reach the afterlife, of how many times I prayed for the wars to end, for the mortals to accept the existence of other deities and to not fight one another due to their different beliefs... And while I held true to those teachings of The Goddess, many that believed in other gods did no such thing.

"Amidst all this chaos and constant battles among priests and often times entire nations that followed the priests words, it is hard to locate what was the role of each god in the pantheon.

"Some said that Luminous was the one and true god, the only one that was real, while all others were fake, that were blasphemy... Others said that Furion was the father of all gods, the one that ruled over all in his seat on top of Yggdrassil, others that Miranna was the mother of all gods, that she traveled through the fields of the world on top her firstborn, the Tiger God Tyrande, and that she let the other gods rule free, but would come back in times of disaster.

"There was no consensus, no stepping back, and often times... No respect. And as such, the truth behind the pantheon of my own world is something I am not aware of.

"I believe The Goddess was a mediator. Someone that talked to the other deities, that helped them reconcile their differences and accept that even if their priests were in war, they had no reason to be as well. I believe The Goddess was someone that spread her teachings to the other gods, just like she spread to us. But I do not have any way of knowing rather that is true or not. I can only pray that whatever The Goddess was doing, was something that stopped us from facing a much worse fate than we would have otherwise."


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"The Goddess' domain? That is actually a hard to answer question.

"While The Goddess is not native to Tonia, she is said to rule over one, all and none. No matter where and when, The Goddess watches over all. While she is primarily a goddess for the foxes, she does not discriminate, The Goddess aids all who seek her aid... And at the same time, The Goddess does not enforce her teachings over any, all may learn, none is forced to.

"Her powers are clearly weaker in this world than they were on my native one. But the mere fact I can still sense her presence here is enough proof that The Goddess is anywhere and everywhere.

"... I'm sorry, I may have gone too far, was this too much? Or was it too little actually? Were you perhaps asking about her domain as in her powers as opposed to the place she rules over? In that case I may have given information you weren't interested in? My deepest apologies in this case, it was not my intention.

"The Goddess teaches us to love. She respects all living beings and tells us to treat all live equally and to preserve each creature's right to live on their own. She does not condone battles or the execution of actions that have the intention of harming others, neither physically nor emotionally.

"This translates into what powers we are allowed to learn under her guidance, to heal, to protect, to cleanse... The things we can do in order to save those that are under harm, and assure they can live another day. While the extent of The Goddess' powers go beyond that, those are the powers she teaches us, as those are the ones we need to ensure her faith is propagated in accordance to her teachings.

"And because of that, it's hard to portray what powers fall under her domain. It's said that The Goddess can do anything, so everything should be under her domain, shouldn't it? But her teachings teach us to love, and the powers she grants us are those to spread love, so perhaps you could say that what she truly rules over is love itself.

"... Although The Goddess does not condone the creation of Love Potions or other similar gadgets. Each person has their own will and their own path that will be guided by The Goddess, they should not have their will manipulated by outside factors nor be controlled by those that may or may not mean them harm. The Goddess only wishes for all to seek their own path, and to fight the light in their own way, even if she tries to guide us to the best of her capabilities.

"... Ah, I think I may have gone on for too long? Am I bothering you, mister Solet? I hope I'm not... Ah! I still have not answered the other question though, you have asked what grace she bestows upon us...

"Truthfully speaking, The Goddess bestows no graces. She guides us and looks over our paths while leading us towards her greater plan, but she does not interfere. Once the deities start interfering in the mortal world, chaos may issue, for the mortals cannot withstand the true power that comes from the Divine... Should two beings blessed by the Divine clash then, only destruction would follow.

"The Goddess however, does not stop other deities from acting the way they please. She does not accept their behavior of granting blessings, but she does not confront them about it. Just like we need to grow and find enlightenment, so do many of the other gods, for nobody is perfect, we all can still learn, even The Goddess can. But by being aware of her own limitations, she can grow and guide us through even better paths. For even she, who is said to be able to do anything, can still commit mistakes.

"So The Goddess doesn't grant, she guides. She shows the way to align our will to her own, and as such, manipulate the powers of the world into magic, to help others and spread The Goddess' love.

"Does this knowledge suffice? Or should I go more in-depth into it? Oh no, what am I speaking, I have clearly spoken too much, my deepest apologies, it's just been so long since I could last spread her teachings that I couldn't help making sure they were clearly told... I hope it was enlightening, mister Solet."
Love and Fox? Rule over the entire world? She must be one of the upper class of the pantheon for sure. Ah, I didn't mean to disrespect the goddess. Luna just wanted to research about div— Nevermind let not talk about her. She seemed a little down for a moment.

Before meeting her, I also believed in the Lord too. As the sole human god of my world, he is the God of Purity. Although he is indeed the god that all citizens worshipped, he despised the impure humans, those that touched upon the sorcery. In the end, I was forced to choose between her and the Lord. I regretted not one bit.

... Maybe a little, I got stuck in Luna's body and it was hard living as a woman.


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
*giggles a little* "You were actually able to ask a question that is more complicated than the one Mister Solet asked.

"To put it simply... I don't know. Nobody knows, perhaps not even The Goddess herself knows.

"The origins of the gods are beyond the comprehension of mortals, if the gods created us, then surely someone must have created the gods as well, right? But in that case, who created those that created the gods then? It is an eternal spiral that would never lead to an end... And as such, we don't question it. We believe in The Goddess' teachings, but we do not know where she came from, or how she came to guide us.

"As for her role? That is... A complicated question. I am glad to see that Tonia's Pantheon seems to be mostly peaceful, but that was not necessarily the case back in my world... There were wars. Many wars, the believers of one deity claiming that the venerating the opposing deity is heresy, that what those that were different believed was not something that was allowed to be...

"It was sad. I have lost count of how many souls I have helped reach the afterlife, of how many times I prayed for the wars to end, for the mortals to accept the existence of other deities and to not fight one another due to their different beliefs... And while I held true to those teachings of The Goddess, many that believed in other gods did no such thing.

"Amidst all this chaos and constant battles among priests and often times entire nations that followed the priests words, it is hard to locate what was the role of each god in the pantheon.

"Some said that Luminous was the one and true god, the only one that was real, while all others were fake, that were blasphemy... Others said that Furion was the father of all gods, the one that ruled over all in his seat on top of Yggdrassil, others that Miranna was the mother of all gods, that she traveled through the fields of the world on top her firstborn, the Tiger God Tyrande, and that she let the other gods rule free, but would come back in times of disaster.

"There was no consensus, no stepping back, and often times... No respect. And as such, the truth behind the pantheon of my own world is something I am not aware of.

"I believe The Goddess was a mediator. Someone that talked to the other deities, that helped them reconcile their differences and accept that even if their priests were in war, they had no reason to be as well. I believe The Goddess was someone that spread her teachings to the other gods, just like she spread to us. But I do not have any way of knowing rather that is true or not. I can only pray that whatever The Goddess was doing, was something that stopped us from facing a much worse fate than we would have otherwise."
"I see..."
"It seems like your world was quite difficult as well."
"But your Goddess does sound like the fifth Primordial one where I came from. If that is so, it is not surprising that her power could reach here. Well, the problem might not actually be that the Goddess has difficulty reaching out to you, it sounds more like your body and soul has difficulty reaching out to her."


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
Love and Fox? Rule over the entire world? She must be one of the upper class of the pantheon for sure. Ah, I didn't mean to disrespect the goddess. Luna just wanted to research about div— Nevermind let not talk about her. She seemed a little down for a moment.

Before meeting her, I also believed in the Lord too. As the sole human god of my world, he is the God of Purity. Although he is indeed the god that all citizens worshipped, he despised the impure humans, those that touched upon the sorcery. In the end, I was forced to choose between her and the Lord. I regretted not one bit.

... Maybe a little, I got stuck in Luna's body and it was hard living as a woman.
"There were such mages in my world, we called them Bridge Mages, they merge the body and soul of two mages and in return for their discomfort, was able to access deeper and darker arts. I've never directly met them... but I heard that they were terrifying in the battlefield."


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
"There were such mages in my world, we called them Bridge Mages, they merge the body and soul of two mages and in return for their discomfort, was able to access deeper and darker arts. I've never directly met them... but I heard that they were terrifying in the battlefield."
I have no idea what you're talking about but I'll note that down. Maybe Luna will like it. She loves exploring things, and it's sometimes troubling things too. *Sighs* She seems to be getting herself into every bad scenario imaginable.


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
Love and Fox? Rule over the entire world? She must be one of the upper class of the pantheon for sure. Ah, I didn't mean to disrespect the goddess. Luna just wanted to research about div— Nevermind let not talk about her. She seemed a little down for a moment.

Before meeting her, I also believed in the Lord too. As the sole human god of my world, he is the God of Purity. Although he is indeed the god that all citizens worshipped, he despised the impure humans, those that touched upon the sorcery. In the end, I was forced to choose between her and the Lord. I regretted not one bit.

... Maybe a little, I got stuck in Luna's body and it was hard living as a woman.
"I meant no disrespect! In fact... I think such deep love for each other is hard to come by. That is respectable."


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Love and Fox? Rule over the entire world? She must be one of the upper class of the pantheon for sure. Ah, I didn't mean to disrespect the goddess. Luna just wanted to research about div— Nevermind let not talk about her. She seemed a little down for a moment.

Before meeting her, I also believed in the Lord too. As the sole human god of my world, he is the God of Purity. Although he is indeed the god that all citizens worshipped, he despised the impure humans, those that touched upon the sorcery. In the end, I was forced to choose between her and the Lord. I regretted not one bit.

... Maybe a little, I got stuck in Luna's body and it was hard living as a woman.
*giggles some more* "I'm sure nothing you have said would have offended The Goddess, mister Solet. You do not need to worry.

"I do not know if she is high or low in the pantheon, I only know that she teaches us to spread her love, and that is what I put my utmost efforts into.

"It is... Pitiful when the deities put the mortals against each other, I can only hope that it was just a misunderstanding of the God of Purity's teachings, and that in fact he never hated the humans like his priests said he did... It would be extremely said to see such behavior for a being as great as a God, but alas, none is perfect, not even The Goddess is.

"At least you have made your decision, and even with or without regrets, I am sure you have done that which has guided you through the right path. I firmly believe so."
"I see..."
"It seems like your world was quite difficult as well."
"But your Goddess does sound like the fifth Primordial one where I came from. If that is so, it is not surprising that her power could reach here. Well, the problem might not actually be that the Goddess has difficulty reaching out to you, it sounds more like your body and soul has difficulty reaching out to her."
"Perhaps you're right. I have recently... Having a hard time manipulating the powers that are granted by The Goddess, my will is not properly aligning with her, and my magic is much weaker than it has ever been before...

"Doubt crept in my head, I knew The Goddess would never abandon me, yet the fear of her doing such a thing took over me... Ever since... Ever since this thing got inside me." *her eyes briefly flash a shade of black, before turning back to normal* "And since then, I have been no longer able to reach her properly.

"Thank you, miss Oam, your words are much appreciated. I think I may have found that which I have been missing..." *laughs a bit* "To think even a priestess could start lacking in faith, I suppose I still have much to learn."