Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report:
Character: Robert Von Ducksmouth (Level 1) (EXP 150) (Money 3G)
Quest: Night Watch

To whom it may concern,

I, Robert Von Ducksmouth, took up the task of assisting the Scribel City's Guard with the Night Watch. During my watch, I just happened to be in the area of the Happy Harlot Brothel so I took it upon myself to vigorously interrogate one Miss Cherry Poppins, an employee of the Brothel about the slime problem I found in the area. She suggested that the slimes might have been bred to provide the nearby apothecary with resources used in the manufacture of "mana potions". It seems there had been a lot more demand for the potions thanks to the recent opening of the Scribel City Adventurer's Guild. In the pursuit of my duties, it was necessary to provide Miss Poppins with one gold coin which I hope to have reimbursed. I have provided a receipt from Miss Poppins for the gold coin. She stated that this receipt is merely printed on the same paper her normal customers use as that was the only form of receipt the Brothel kept. The "kiss" mark on my neck is merely an old injury that showed up due to the cold weather at night and should not be considered as having been made by Miss Poppins.

Good day,
Robert Von Ducksmouth
Something about this report seems... susp... suspicious... are we even allowed to reimburse you for that gold coin? :blob_dizzy: Maybe you can ask the guild master in the Tavern about it...

Um... aside from that, while the information seems useful... please don't leave your post next time.

If you're able to figure out which apothecary is the one in question, that would be helpful.


  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 1G


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report (7)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 2 (425 EXP)
Quest: Prison Guard
  • Guarded the prisoners in Block C from morning till night.
Today, little Folke gave me a hug as I left. He seems to have grown really attached to me after I rescued him from the sewers. I suppose it feels nice being a hero for once. Back then, I was for sure the villain that caused millions of deaths. Well, times have changed I guess. I did feel a bit of guilt having originally only taken the quest for its gold, but I feel it became more meaningful to me than just gold could've been. Hmm, maybe I should interact with others more... it's not only the world I should be exploring afterall.

After applying for the quest, I uneventfully made my way to the prison, where I was given a simple tour of the cells and an introduction to my duties. Although the quest objective was to watch over a single prisoner, it seemed that the guards had put me in charge of a small group of cells. I didn't particularly mind since I thought the day would pass by peacefully regardless, with the cell walls being so thick and the prisoners being shackled so tightly.

The day passed by as uneventfully as I imagined it to be.

The prisoners chatted amongst themselves mundanely, some regretful of their actions, some more psychopathic and some mentally unstable. At noon, I passed each prisoner their lunch and took then took their trays away. Some reacted a little from seeing my mistmatched eyes, but it was nothing too serious.Then in the evening, I passed each prisoner their dinner and then took their trays away. Finally, sometime during the night, I swapped shifts with another guard before leaving the premise.

Although repetitive and mundane, I felt that I had learnt a little more about what makes a criminal. It had been a while since I had experienced such a peaceful quest, perhaps if I just needed some easy rewards, I could do this again sometime.
Good work! There's not much to remark about, but I'm glad it seems you are getting along well with that boy. I'm pleased to see it seems to have turned out as quite a happy ending.


  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 1G


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Umm... I think I will skip the quest reports about slime subjugation... :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Quest: Night Watch
Name: Cassel
Level: 1 (50 Exp)
After making an unlikely friendship with a slime. He headed out to take his third night guarding the city. Being uneventful as usual he watched the empty void take up most of his vision.

To be frank, he'd take another job if it weren't for the fact that all the reports made on them made anything else sound better.

So it was the boring life for him. Anyways aside from the occasional animal cry or bugs flying around there wasn't a lot to report. After the sun rose he traded shifts with a guard and made his way back to the guild.

Oh look! This one is written by my friend! They even mentioned me in the report too! :blob_aww::blob_aww::blob_aww:

Obviously I need to grade it an A+++! :blob_happy::blob_happy::blob_happy:


  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 1G


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Let's Go... South!
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Explore South of Scribel City
  • Update: It seems to be large body of water? (source)
  • EXP: 100
  • Money: 3
After I travelled the south for 2 days, I came across the swamp region and found some yellow trees. It seems these trees are not fully grown, they might start to grow when the swamp spread out. There are a lot of crabs, crayfish, and reptiles around here mostly normal size with the exception of a giant serpent I saw during the night. The swamp gets really foggy in the night and morning so be careful when camping there.

I found that most of the reptiles I saw do not use venom but either shred the prey apart or shallow it whole. Some of them got really interesting ability though, like shotting stream of water or shred skin to escape. I fought few creatures in the swamp, serpents' scales are pretty slippery while lizards got spiky and hard scales. I haven't fought crocodiles when I was there because my gut tells me to leave them alone for now.

Then I found a large lake nearly the size Scribel when I got out of the swamp, this probably where the other adventurer came here or another water source since I haven't go to the east or west yet. Across the lake, I spotted a structure like a fence and humanoid creatures with green or brown skin and crocodile-like jaw catch some fish from the lake, I assumed that those are lizardman. Since they may be hostile to us, I decided to not interrupt them and head back to town.
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G
Quest Report - Solet' Luna ( EXP: 0 )
- After getting his first hammer smithed, Solet wanted to test its power and immediately went to the outskirt of the City. However, before he could see any trace of slimes, Solet conveniently saw a young boy stuck on a tree. With his simple-mindedness, he stopped and went to help the kid come down safely, and even carried him to his parents! All in all, he wasted about an hour to play with the kid, but I must admit, this side of his is very cute on its own.

Anyway, in his first confrontation with the cute slime, he almost smashed it with his hammer before he tried to capture it. This enraged me very much when the slime melted his glove. Just because of my blunder, he almost got hurt! Nevertheless, it got turned into a puddle of sticky liquid. I got too careless that I lost the first core, hehe. Well, he just had to work a little harder for me.

The next eight cores were obtained without any problem, one hit from the hammer was enough to settle the fight. The real problem is their sticky liquid, it ruined our cloth! Luckily we had spare clothing to change. Although I'm confident in my appearance, sharing it to others who are not Solet is not my thing.

As for the last two cores, I decided to do it myself as Solet was getting tired. Although one hit was enough, the slimes are slippery and Solet was too slow. Nevertheless, I almost lit a tree on fire because of my carelessness. My usual control over magic needed some more adjusting to the laws of the new world.

On the way back, Solet got some candies from the kid from earlier! I guess that kid really like him, huh?

In the end, Solet could not write or read very well so it's my time to write the report.

  • 10 Slime Cores
  • Some tasty candies
Hmm... I think I will leave a note about not to smash slime into pieces so its goo doesn't fly and stick to their clothes. Alright.

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G


The Winds Of Change Will Erode All Things.
Jul 6, 2019
City Construction
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day performing construction labor.
There’s always things to be built in a frontier city, and we could always use more manpower. We fix potholes, repair walls, and more! The job isn’t very dangerous, although it can be physically tiring.

  • EXP: 30
  • Money: 1G
Had fun.

People funny.

Very loud, but funny.

Moved and pulled things.

Chains dirty.

But moved many things.

Boss person glad.

Acted strange, but glad.
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Had fun.

People funny.

Very loud, but funny.

Moved and pulled things.

Chains dirty.

But moved many things.

Boss person glad.

Acted strange, but glad.

Good Job little shadow. Your Boss even gave a positive remark on your working attitude.

Here is your reward.


  • EXP: 30
  • Money: 1G


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
'What do we have here?'

Quest Report

: Kuon Eustoma Shil'verase (lvl:1, EXP: 0)
Quest: "Need A substitute Teacher!"


(I accepted this quest cause I want to learn more about humans...I mean people living in Tonia.

I believe that teaching children would help me to understand the nature of their kind and this worlds common sense in general.)

After looking for awhile & asking locals, I immediately found the school location.

its a simple & humble building the place bring one's sentiment, a place suitable for honing ones knowledge.

I talk to the quest sponsor "Lilia Kastle" she give a brief guide line on what my quest is about & the nature of this job. None the less its simple and interesting, this would be easy I naively thought

.......but I wonder why lady Lilia have this look of shock & awe as she look to me ever since we met?

.........I wonder?


CONCLUSION children are terrible they are bad news. They are small & harmless indeed, BUT as soon as I step in the room they scream and crowded me almost immediately, asking a barrage of question one after another. Like "whats my name" or "Where I came from" or "if I am princess?" or "Do I have a lover" or "pls be my older sister"

.... I feel drained even though I yet to do any lesson at all~

I did my job I teach them basic Mathematics, & some life lesson about good and bad such as the concept of karma & Respect.
they are noisy and almost did not pay attention only selfishly asking personal question to me. So I use a tiny bit of my skill known as "Over powering" to dominate them by shear pressure of my will albeit a fragment of it, they stop speaking Immediately...even movement as if time stop,..

......... I think I did go overboard?

At the end of the day they all PERFECTLY learn basic Mathematics and became more decent human being in both mind & spirit due to my teachings...... Hmph!


The male children would turn bright red & start trembling every time I look at them.

While Female children start calling me Mistress or Queen for some reason & this little girls have this weird gaze into me that give me goosebumps.

.........I wonder why?

This is the over all report of my quest completion

By: Kuon

Kail gazed at Kuon weirdly. 'I don't feel anything though.'

"So you are quite oblivious about your beauty, huh?" Kail muttered quietly.

"And please don't use your power at little children. We don't know what kind of weird effect will pop up." Kail stamped the report with passing marks.


  • EXP: 15
  • Money: 0.25G


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019

Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G

After I have sorted some reports on the guild, I wanted to fight some slimes again.

I wandered around empty alleyways in the hope of finding slime in a group of 4 or less. Being alive is more important than leveling up quickly after all.

Eventually, I stumbled upon 3 slimes absorbing some wastes littered on the empty streets. Heh, I have brought my secret weapons with me, a wonderful soap that I bought from an alchemist. I deduced that Slime has a corrosive property and they should be acidic right?

I splashed the 3 slimes with my soapy water and slowly back away. The slimes started to vibrate intensely before the slime body mass was reduced by 30%. It seems the soapy water was not a strong alkaline to counteract the slime's strong acid. Well, I started poking all the slimes there with my trusty stick and they died in no time at all. So, body mass equates to strength and durability huh? This needed more verification and I started to refill back my bucket with soapy water and walking around to find other wonderful specimens.

4 hours later, I can safely conclude that they become weaker after they lost a significant part of their mass. With a bucket of soapy water, now I can even fight a group of 10 slimes. Ahahahaha, this is truly wonderful. I could easily kill the slimes and even washed a part of the alleyway (halfheartedly). So, this is what you call a win-win situation right?

Now I have easily gathered 35 slime cores and a lot of gelatin-like substance after the slime was soaked in soapy water for a while.

Ah~~I need a warm bath after running around tirelessly for hours after all.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Night Watch
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters that get too close to the city, and sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Watch for vagabonds and criminals, and sound the alarm if there is suspicious behavior.
  • Stay awake for the whole night. Do not leave your post.
Explanation: Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed. We need people to help keep the city safe.
  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 1G
Quest Report - Solet' Luna ( EXP: 75 )
- Solet had already asleep but I still wanted to read my books, and where is better than the Night Watch Tower? The light of the candles can never be compared to the natural moonlight!

Just as I was enjoying my read, a beam of light abruptly shone and dimmed down. It appeared to be some kind of flying object crashed landing onto somewhere outside of the city. Although the location of the site was unknown, the general direction was to the west of the city.

Because of that event, I placed my book down and continued to keep an eye out for any possible change around the general surrounding. If not for the different laws of magic, I would have sent out some scouts to keep a lookout.

Aside from the unidentified object crash site, the only eventful moment was when a loud scream echoed the city. It appeared that some adventures were fooling around the campfire, watching the sky while talking about some other mundane subjects. One of them had a death-like aura around it tho, which intrigued me a little.
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Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
After I have sorted some reports on the guild, I wanted to fight some slimes again.

I wandered around empty alleyways in the hope of finding slime in a group of 4 or less. Being alive is more important than leveling up quickly after all.

Eventually, I stumbled upon 3 slimes absorbing some wastes littered on the empty streets. Heh, I have brought my secret weapons with me, a wonderful soap that I bought from an alchemist. I deduced that Slime has a corrosive property and they should be acidic right?

I splashed the 3 slimes with my soapy water and slowly back away. The slimes started to vibrate intensely before the slime body mass was reduced by 30%. It seems the soapy water was not a strong alkaline to counteract the slime's strong acid. Well, I started poking all the slimes there with my trusty stick and they died in no time at all. So, body mass equates to strength and durability huh? This needed more verification and I started to refill back my bucket with soapy water and walking around to find other wonderful specimens.

4 hours later, I can safely conclude that they become weaker after they lost a significant part of their mass. With a bucket of soapy water, now I can even fight a group of 10 slimes. Ahahahaha, this is truly wonderful. I could easily kill the slimes and even washed a part of the alleyway (halfheartedly). So, this is what you call a win-win situation right?

Now I have easily gathered 35 slime cores and a lot of gelatin-like substance after the slime was soaked in soapy water for a while.

Ah~~I need a warm bath after running around tirelessly for hours after all.
Very interesting observation and experimentation... Maybe we can expand on the result of this paperwork further? Truly a unique yet practical technique.

If possible, may I acquire some of the gelatin-like substance?


  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Very interesting observation and experimentation... Maybe we can expand on the result of this paperwork further? Truly a unique yet practical technique.

If possible, may I acquire some of the gelatin-like substance?


  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G
"These extra materials? Yeah, I don't have the need for it anyway." Kail gave the receptionist the small bag filled with gelatine-like substance.

"Oh, the extra cores will be mine. Bye-bye" Kail swiftly walked out of the Guild without waiting for a reply. :blob_evil_two:


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Need a Substitute Teacher
Sponsor: Lilia Kastle
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Requirement: Must be good with kids.
  • Teach my elementary school class for the day.
My mother is sick in the countryside, and I need to visit her urgently. Because of this, I can't teach my class. I can't pay very much, but I appreciate the help!

  • EXP: 15
  • Money: 0.25G

Quest Report

This seemed really fun, and it was! There was a paper that said to do the best you can teach the stuff on it, and I followed it really carefully!
It said to teach math, reading, monster safety, and exercise!

I went to the school, and there were a lot of kids! They called me a kid too, but I'm not a kid! I'm 14! I think. That's an adult! Apparently this is the second day their teacher hasn't been here! Her mom must be really sick.
So, as an adult, I taught them a bunch of important stuff. We definitely didn't play at all. Not even a little. They're really smart! They all knew almost as much math as I did! Their addition and subtraction was perfect! Luckily, my mastery of multiplication came in handy! Next was reading, so I found a book in the room, and we read it. But that got kind of boring, so we stopped reading and acted it out instead. They were all tired after the finale where they saved the princess from me, so I decided to teach them philosophy! Malice told me that word. I told them that as long as they enjoy whatever they do, they'll be happy! So do your best to enjoy things! For some reason they thought it was obvious. It wasn't obvious to me...

I checked the paper, and I still had to do monster safety, so I told them not to get close to monsters. After that it said to do exercise again, so I decided that we'd play tag! I was it. None escaped. Then apparently time was up. It went past really fast, but it was fun! I said bye to all of them, and now I'm done.
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Oct 21, 2019
Quest Report

This seemed really fun, and it was! There was a paper that said to do the best you can teach the stuff on it, and I followed it really carefully!
It said to teach math, reading, monster safety, and exercise!

I went to the school, and there were a lot of kids! They called me a kid too, but I'm not a kid! I'm 14! I think. That's an adult! So, I taught them a bunch of important stuff. We definitely didn't play at all. Not even a little. They're really smart! They all knew almost as much math as I did! Luckily, my mastery of multiplication came in handy! Next was reading, so I found a book in the room, and we read it. But that got kind of boring, so we stopped reading and acted it out instead. They were all tired after the finale where they saved the princess from me, so I decided to teach them philosophy! Malice told me that word. I told them that as long as they enjoy whatever they do, they'll be happy! So do your best to enjoy things! For some reason they thought it was obvious. It wasn't obvious to me...

I checked the paper, and I still had to do monster safety, so I told them not to get close to monsters. After that it said to do exercise again, so I decided that we'd play tag! I was it. None escaped. Then apparently time was up. It went past really fast, but it was fun! I said bye to all of them, and now I'm done.
Thanks for looking after the kids. I'm glad you had fun.

*Smiles subconsciously*
  • EXP: 15
  • Money: 0.25G
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
After I got back to the Guild, these people looked really busy so I decided to help them out and took a paper!

Quest Report - Okarin

Let's see... I ran out of money again so that means I need to do work, right? Well, I went to the Guild and picked up a flyer that looked reasonable.

All of those Sewer quests -- Ew! No waaay! Since I'm a slime, I tend to naturally absorb fluids in the environment, and I don't want to soak up sewage water. :blob_blank: Yuck! Even the idea of that is disgusting!

Instead, I took the healing herb quest because I don't really like fighting things, and doing in the work in the city sounds boring. I want to go outside! Isn't the whole point of being in a new World about being outdoors?

+ + +

In either case, I started walking in a random direction since I wasn't really sure where I was going to find healing grass.

On that thought... what is "healing grass", anyways? Surely it's just... grass...? ...with healing properties...?


I looked at a patch of grass at my feet and simply... sat down on it.

*splish* *splash* *swish* *nom*

...I sort of just dissolved and tasted it with my slime-ness.

+ + +

Fifteen minutes later, I decided that this was just ordinary grass.

Tasted very... grassy. No healing properties at all.

Huh, a dud.

I decided to walk in a different direction before sitting down in a different patch of grass.

*splish* *splash* *swish* *nom*

+ + +

(( Three days later ))

"Eureka! Oh slippery slabberwack! I found it!"

After three days of wandering around randomly (and sleeping outdoors), I found some grass that had a healing property.

I wasn't hungry anymore since I was basically eating grass nonstop for the past couple days... (I'm not going to get fat, will I?) ...but I was enthusiastic!

Progress! Finally! I was getting somewhere!

I took note of my present location and I was at a riverbank... somewhere...?

Maybe this kind of grass grows near water? Oh well! Time to go back to the city!

Gathered: A large bunch of healing grass

Woah! A slime-person-human-grass-eating-thingy? Cool! Uh, I'm supposed to see if they did the thing they said they did? It seems like they did. So, there's a bunch of special healing grass near a river somewhere? Ok! I think they did it.

  • EXP: 40
  • Money: 2G


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
Pixie Problem
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Prevent pixies from stealing from the Guild storeroom for one week.
The Adventurer's Guild is known to have a pixie problem -- small little mischievous fae who love to steal things. They tend to appear when nobody is looking, and then they raid our pantry! Most pixies seem to have a heavy sweet tooth, and it always seems like we're missing sugar and cookies. They're notoriously difficult to catch... so what should we do?

  • EXP: 120
  • Items: A bag of cookies
After spending a fair amount of time looking through reports, I figured it would be a good idea to take one of those quests. I looked through the list and found what seemed to be a good choice, although... A whole week for a job that gave no payment? It was somewhat confusing.

I had to ask around to find out that I was allowed to eat the supplies of the storeroom and to sleep there if I desired, so I would be compensated for my one week of work by not having to worry about rent or food in that time period... It was not an ideal work environment, but it seems there is no such thing in this guild, so I suppose it will have to do.

Once I arrived at the storeroom, I was left to my own devices... I felt like this was quite the breach of security as I shouldn't have a hard time stealing something if I wanted to. Is this just blind trust or did they have some security measures I was unaware of? Considering how the pixies were able to constantly able to get away freely, I'm afraid it might be the former... Yet another thing to file a complaint for I suppose.

Nonetheless, I decided to get started. There was no way I'd be able to catch up to something as small and swift as a pixie if I allowed them to have the initiative after all, so I moved around the storeroom and started placing two talismans on each wall, while making a prayer as I put each in their appropriate places, and yet another one once they were all prepared.

With this the barrier was set, now all that was left, was to wait.

The first two days went by with no incident whatsoever, it would be ideal if nothing happened throughout the week, but considering how this was a permanent request from the guild, I doubted that would be the case.

On the third day, I was doing my usual prayer routine, when I suddenly heard a faint shout. It would probably be easily missed if we were outside, but in a quiet storeroom, sound traveled far. I got up and started moving towards its general direction, aware that the culprit would probably no longer be there by the time I arrived... It was okay though, time is something I have plenty of.

The following hour was filled with me casually walking towards shouts that kept coming from all over the place, those pixies are certainly fast, I'll give them that... Eventually though, they got tired, sat on the ground and waited for me.

When I got near, I could take a proper look at the culprit. She looked similar to a human, but she was only 10cm tall, had two wings coming out of her back, and some shiny glitter constantly came out of her body... Interestingly enough though, the glitter disappeared when it hit the ground, as opposed to dirtying it... Quite the unusual being.

I sat down next to her and asked, "I'm Nene, you are?"

She gave me an annoyed stare in response... But as I said nothing else, she eventually replied, "What do you want?"

I calmly answered, "To know your name."

The pixie rolled her eyes, but gave an a reply anyways, "Tink."

That was quite the unusual name... Different races, different naming conventions I suppose, I shouldn't give that much thought. Instead of delving into that topic any further, I asked her, "Why are you here, Tink?"

To that, she snapped, "Why else, you dumbass!? Don't try smart with me! Now get rid of this damned barrier so that I can get away with your sweets!"

That was not quite what I expected from the way the quest depicted the fairies... I thought she'd be meeker once she realized she'd be unable to get away scot free, but instead she became rude? That's troublesome... "Well, I'm afraid I cannot do that, as it is my job to stop you from stealing from this storeroom." To that, she just looked away grumpily... This is not progressing well... "However, that is not to say we can't make a deal to let you out."

This time she turned back towards me with glittering eyes, "You want me to steal something for you then? Tell me the name and I'll get it back in no time! Don't underestimate my thieving capabilities, old lady, I'll have to know I'm..." And she started bragging about herself doing unsavory activities... I wish she wouldn't call me an old lady though, I may be past my prime, but I'm still fairly young.

After letting her talk for a while, I interrupted her, "I'm afraid it is against the goddess' teachings to steal things though, so that is not what I request." She got grumpy again.

"So what?" She asked.

I calmly replied, "I want you to work for the guild." Her face got even grumpier, "You see, this place extremely short-staffed right now, and helping hands are extremely needed. You are clearly very fast and good with your hands, so I think it would be a great boon if you could help out in carrying messages or going through documents."

She seemed to be outraged at the idea, "Me? Work? Do you even have any idea who I am, old lady? I work for nobody, alright? I'll have you know that I..."

Tink was about to start bragging again, but I cut her off at the start this once, "How about a bag of cookies?" She stopped speaking and paid more attention to me. "If I stop this warehouse from being raided for a whole week, I'll be rewarded with a bag of cookies. However, I am not very fond of sweets myself, so I wouldn't mind giving it to you... Provided you used your skills to aid the guild that is."

She was giving very careful thought to my proposition. "And then what? Even if you paid me for one week's worth of work, that bag won't last forever."

I just smiled at her question, it was surprisingly cute to see such an unruly pixie get swayed by a handful of sweets... I suppose their value is much bigger when they can hardly carry more than one cookie in each of their trips here. "If you show some good work, I'm sure the guild master would gladly provide you with a steady supply of sweets in order to keep helping the guild."

Tink gave my proposition some very serious thought. Eventually though, she asked, "How can I be sure you aren't scamming me?"

I answered calmly, "It would be completely against the goddess' will to tell lies to people. Moreover, you can directly ask the guildmaster in advance before doing any work if you so desire.

"In addition, I'll only be here until the end of the week, so if I were to try fooling you, nothing would stop you from stealing supplies again once I was gone."

She seemed to be almost convinced, "What about the barrier though...?"

I simply answered, "I cannot maintain it from a large distance. Even when I'm this close, it requires a constant influx of prayers to keep it up."

After giving it a bit more thought, she said, "Alright, I'm in!"

I smiled in happiness due to seeing someone entering the holy path of good deeds. Then I told her the directions to the guildmaster's chambers, gave a rough idea of what kind of work she'd be expected to do, and asked her to tell her friends about the deal if she liked the outcome of it. Afterwards, I temporarily lifted the barrier that stopped her from leaving in order to let her start working... And then I put the barrier up again and got back to my prayers.

... A similar encounter happened two more times throughout the week, though the other pixies weren't as rude as Tink, they certainly took about the same effort to convince... It was a bit saddening that I would need to spend my money buying two more bags of cookies in order to pay them for their work, but it was worthwhile in the long run.

Hopefully this would help reduce the burden on the guild workers and lead to a better work environment, or at least I prayed it would be like that.

Once the week was over, I took the talismans off the walls, left the storehouse, bought the cookies for the two pixies that I convinced latter, and told the receptionist to directly deliver my reward bag to Tink instead.

It felt like a productive week, though I wonder if asking them to spread the word to other pixies will really reduce the amount of attacks in the storeroom we get... I pray it will.
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Oct 21, 2019
After spending a fair amount of time looking through reports, I figured it would be a good idea to take one of those quests. I looked through the list and found what seemed to be a good choice, although... A whole week for a job that gave no payment? It was somewhat confusing.

I had to ask around to find out that I was allowed to eat the supplies of the storeroom and to sleep there if I desired, so I would be compensated for my one week of work by not having to worry about rent or food in that time period... It was not an ideal work environment, but it seems there is no such thing in this guild, so I suppose it will have to do.

Once I arrived at the storeroom, I was left to my own devices... I felt like this was quite the breach of security as I shouldn't have a hard time stealing something if I wanted to. Is this just blind trust or did they have some security measures I was unaware of? Considering how the pixies were able to constantly able to get away freely, I'm afraid it might be the former... Yet another thing to file a complaint for I suppose.

Nonetheless, I decided to get started. There was no way I'd be able to catch up to something as small and swift as a pixie if I allowed them to have the initiative after all, so I moved around the storeroom and started placing two talismans on each wall, while making a prayer as I put each in their appropriate places, and yet another one once they were all prepared.

With this the barrier was set, now all that was left, was to wait.

The first two days went by with no incident whatsoever, it would be ideal if nothing happened throughout the week, but considering how this was a permanent request from the guild, I doubted that would be the case.

On the third day, I was doing my usual prayer routine, when I suddenly heard a faint shout. It would probably be easily missed if we were outside, but in a quiet storeroom, sound traveled far. I got up and started moving towards its general direction, aware that the culprit would probably no longer be there by the time I arrived... It was okay though, time is something I have plenty of.

The following hour was filled with me casually walking towards shouts that kept coming from all over the place, those pixies are certainly fast, I'll give them that... Eventually though, they got tired, sat on the ground and waited for me.

When I got near, I could take a proper look at the culprit. She looked similar to a human, but she was only 10cm tall, had two wings coming out of her back, and some shiny glitter constantly came out of her body... Interestingly enough though, the glitter disappeared when it hit the ground, as opposed to dirtying it... Quite the unusual being.

I sat down next to her and asked, "I'm Nene, you are?"

She gave me an annoyed stare in response... But as I said nothing else, she eventually replied, "What do you want?"

I calmly answered, "To know your name."

The pixie rolled her eyes, but gave an a reply anyways, "Tink."

That was quite the unusual name... Different races, different naming conventions I suppose, I shouldn't give that much thought. Instead of delving into that topic any further, I asked her, "Why are you here, Tink?"

To that, she snapped, "Why else, you dumbass!? Don't try smart with me! Now get rid of this damned barrier so that I can get away with your sweets!"

That was not quite what I expected from the way the quest depicted the fairies... I thought she'd be meeker once she realized she'd be unable to get away scot free, but instead she became rude? That's troublesome... "Well, I'm afraid I cannot do that, as it is my job to stop you from stealing from this storeroom." To that, she just looked away grumpily... This is not progressing well... "However, that is not to say we can't make a deal to let you out."

This time she turned back towards me with glittering eyes, "You want me to steal something for you then? Tell me the name and I'll get it back in no time! Don't underestimate my thieving capabilities, old lady, I'll have to know I'm..." And she started bragging about herself doing unsavory activities... I wish she wouldn't call me an old lady though, I may be past my prime, but I'm still fairly young.

After letting her talk for a while, I interrupted her, "I'm afraid it is against the goddess' teachings to steal things though, so that is not what I request." She got grumpy again.

"So what?" She asked.

I calmly replied, "I want you to work for the guild." Her face got even grumpier, "You see, this place extremely short-staffed right now, and helping hands are extremely needed. You are clearly very fast and good with your hands, so I think it would be a great boon if you could help out in carrying messages or going through documents."

She seemed to be outraged at the idea, "Me? Work? Do you even have any idea who I am, old lady? I work for nobody, alright? I'll have you know that I..."

Tink was about to start bragging again, but I cut her off at the start this once, "How about a bag of cookies?" She stopped speaking and paid more attention to me. "If I stop this warehouse from being raided for a whole week, I'll be rewarded with a bag of cookies. However, I am not very fond of sweets myself, so I wouldn't mind giving it to you... Provided you used your skills to aid the guild that is."

She was giving very careful thought to my proposition. "And then what? Even if you paid me for one week's worth of work, that bag won't last forever."

I just smiled at her question, it was surprisingly cute to see such an unruly pixie get swayed by a handful of sweets... I suppose their value is much bigger when they can hardly carry more than one cookie in each of their trips here. "If you show some good work, I'm sure the guild master would gladly provide you with a steady supply of sweets in order to keep helping the guild."

Tink gave my proposition some very serious thought. Eventually though, she asked, "How can I be sure you aren't scamming me?"

I answered calmly, "It would be completely against the goddess' will to tell lies to people. Moreover, you can directly ask the guildmaster in advance before doing any work if you so desire.

"In addition, I'll only be here until the end of the week, so if I were to try fooling you, nothing would stop you from stealing supplies again once I was gone."

She seemed to be almost convinced, "What about the barrier though...?"

I simply answered, "I cannot maintain it from a large distance. Even when I'm this close, it requires a constant influx of prayers to keep it up."

After giving it a bit more thought, she said, "Alright, I'm in!"

I smiled in happiness due to seeing someone entering the holy path of good deeds. Then I told her the directions to the guildmaster's chambers, gave a rough idea of what kind of work she'd be expected to do, and asked her to tell her friends about the deal if she liked the outcome of it. Afterwards, I temporarily lifted the barrier that stopped her from leaving in order to let her start working... And then I put the barrier up again and got back to my prayers.

... A similar encounter happened two more times throughout the week, though the other pixies weren't as rude as Tink, they certainly took about the same effort to convince... It was a bit saddening that I would need to spend my money buying two more bags of cookies in order to pay them for their work, but it was worthwhile in the long run.

Hopefully this would help reduce the burden on the guild workers and lead to a better work environment, or at least I prayed it would be like that.

Once the week was over, I took the talismans off the walls, left the storehouse, bought the cookies for the two pixies that I convinced latter, and told the receptionist to directly deliver my reward bag to Tink instead.

It felt like a productive week, though I wonder if asking them to spread the word to other pixies will really reduce the amount of attacks in the storeroom we get... I pray it will.
As per your request the bag of cookies has been delivered to Tink.

Also thanks to the pixies help productivity as increase by about 4%. you have been rewarded with 2G for this.

  • EXP: 120
  • Money: 2G
  • Items: A bag of cookies
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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
Reclaiming the Family Farm
: Willey Willew
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 2

  • Clear the decrepit farm of debris and rocks.
  • Chase away any infesting monsters.

So... recently my Grandpa passed away, and he left me the deed to the family farm. However, apparently no one has lived there for a long time, and it's gotten overgrown with weeds and other stuff. I'd love to go reclaim it, but I'm kind of scared to go by myself... because like... what if there are monsters?

  • EXP: 80
  • Money: 1

Quest Report

After helping with kids and doing other stuff around town, I really felt like stretching my limbs a bit, so I took this job! The guy said he had to come along with me. He got angry when I kept calling him "you" and said to call him Will. He also called me a little girl, and said that I wouldn't be able to help. It made me mad, but the last time I punched a wall Malice told me not to, and said I should have more self control. So, I didn't punch a wall. Or him. I really wanted to. Will is a dumb name.

I followed him to the farm. We went out the west gate. We passed a lot of farm-looking buildings, but apparently his was a bit further. When we got there, it was all messy and stuff. I asked what he wanted me to do first, and he said he wanted to make sure there were no monsters first. That sounded fine to me, because honestly I was in a pretty bad mood. So, I went inside. He followed me, because he said he wanted to make sure I was actually working. :mad_s:

So, when we got inside and there were a bunch of rats, I was very happy! With my trusty knuckles on, I started punching! The rats bit me a few times, but that's the fun part! Blood flying everywhere, and the thrilling pain! Hooray! The slimes were ok, but I think it's not as good as things that bleed. Anyways, when I was done for some reason Dumb-Face Will looked scared. I mean, the rats were all dead, so there wasn't anything to be scared of. I looked through the rest of the place, and there weren't any other monsters! Just a big mess. So, feeling nice and refreshed, I helped Stinky Breath Will clean up. It took a lot of work! I had to tear out a bunch of weeds, and pile up broken and useless stuff outside, and move a bunch of rocks out of the field. I had fun by throwing the rocks at trees to see if I could hit them. I actually hit most of them! So, after I was done, Idiot Meanie Will said I could leave. I don't know why he still looked scared, the place was all cleaned up.

The reception person also looked worried when I came in. I guess I should probably take a shower. This blood is gonna dry. Sorry receptionist person! I hope you weren't too worried. It's not mine. Mostly.


Oct 21, 2019
Quest Report

After helping with kids and doing other stuff around town, I really felt like stretching my limbs a bit, so I took this job! The guy said he had to come along with me. He got angry when I kept calling him "you" and said to call him Will. He also called me a little girl, and said that I wouldn't be able to help. It made me mad, but the last time I punched a wall Malice told me not to, and said I should have more self control. So, I didn't punch a wall. Or him. I really wanted to. Will is a dumb name.

I followed him to the farm. We went out the west gate. We passed a lot of farm-looking buildings, but apparently his was a bit further. When we got there, it was all messy and stuff. I asked what he wanted me to do first, and he said he wanted to make sure there were no monsters first. That sounded fine to me, because honestly I was in a pretty bad mood. So, I went inside. He followed me, because he said he wanted to make sure I was actually working. :mad_s:

So, when we got inside and there were a bunch of rats, I was very happy! With my trusty knuckles on, I started punching! The rats bit me a few times, but that's the fun part! Blood flying everywhere, and the thrilling pain! Hooray! The slimes were ok, but I think it's not as good as things that bleed. Anyways, when I was done for some reason Dumb-Face Will looked scared. I mean, the rats were all dead, so there wasn't anything to be scared of. I looked through the rest of the place, and there weren't any other monsters! Just a big mess. So, feeling nice and refreshed, I helped Stinky Breath Will clean up. It took a lot of work! I had to tear out a bunch of weeds, and pile up broken and useless stuff outside, and move a bunch of rocks out of the field. I had fun by throwing the rocks at trees to see if I could hit them. I actually hit most of them! So, after I was done, Idiot Meanie Will said I could leave. I don't know why he still looked scared, the place was all cleaned up.
Please don't punch your clients and please try to keep any collateral damage to a minimum.

Other than that good job.
  • EXP: 60
  • Money: 1
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