Adventurer's Guild Adventurer's Guild - Reception Desk


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2020
Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G

Name: Ryzen
Level: 1 (EXP: 120)
After gathering enough information from the guild's archives along with Robert Von Ducksmouth's claims, I had a hunch that something was going on in the sewers.

Plus, I took this quest alongside my investigation so that I could earn some merits along the way.

I began my investigation to the place where Robert had his encounter with the slimes; in an alleyway behind the Happy Harlot Brothel. I had found some of the slime residue from Robert's encounter and it seemed like there were more. The residue created a trail that would lead me to the sewers.

After reading those reports from previous adventurers, I wasn't going to go in without caution so I immediately wore my cloak to hide my presence. I used [Mana Sense] to navigate my way, but my magic was too flawed so I couldn't avoid stumbling around and occasionally dumping my feet in sewage water. So far, it was working as I manage to sneak attack ten lone and unsuspecting slimes just so that I can hand them in for the reward. But I wasn't done yet.

I waited for a while before I encountered a group of slimes with what seemed to be the carcass of a giant rat. It was definitely a sight to behold...

Luckily, with my cloak, I was able to tail the group of slimes. The group made a few detours, devouring every living thing it came across, before making its way deeper into the sewers. I could still remember the report regarding the human corpses that were found here in the sewers so I certainly wouldn't let my guard down.

It was then that I found something noteworthy. There was a large hole in the sewer walls that was covered with goop. I had a gut feeling that if I entered that hole, I would not come out of this place alive...

But the idea of being the first to find out something that not even the guild knew, and how this information could benefit them was very tempting. So much so that it ruled out the possibility of death from entering the Slime Caverns (yes, that is what I'm calling it.) Plus, I was confident of my cloak's concealing ability so I had nothing to worry about.

I took my chances and ventured further.

Oh, how I wished I had listened to my gut feeling...

It seemed as if all the slimes inside the labyrinth of caverns knew of my existence as swarms of slimes rushed towards me. They chased me around like a predator playing with its prey as I started to get lost after being chased around by them. It was then that I saw... it.

A large blob of green slime unlike any that I have ever seen. Unlike it's small kin, this... big slime gave an imposing aura that instilled fear in me. If it wasn't for the fact that I've been in dangerous situations constantly, my legs would've been like jelly and I would be slime food.

Despite the slime being so large that it looked it wouldn't move too well inside the narrow cave, it maneuvered itseld easily and was able to easily catch up with as I attempted to escape. It was a fortunate thing that with the large slimes constant hitting of the cave walls that it managed to cave itself in when the cave ceilings started to come down on us. I was lucky enough to be on the other side.

I didn't want to tempt fate anymore as I hastily exited the sewers.

Whatever was down there, based on the reports from the archives, it was certainly a mutant slime.


The Winds Of Change Will Erode All Things.
Jul 6, 2019
Exploration and Scouting
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Anywhere
Required Level: 1
  • Obtain any information that is worthwhile for the city to know.
The Scribel Adventurer's Guild will pay for any information that is worthwhile. Did you did you discover a band of goblins? Did you discover a new area? Do you have new and novel information that we didn't know before? Tell us what you have, and we might reward you!

  • EXP: 0 - 75
  • Money: 1 - 10G


Long time.


Much water.


Unsure size.


Also trees.

Not many trees.

Trees had yellow.

Small trees.


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Quest Report (5)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 2 (205 EXP)
Quest: Missing Children
  • Folke Nylph has been located, recovered and reunited with his family
When I heard the evaluator's words, I was immediately somewhat shocked. In the world I came from, healers were scarce, much less ones that could heal wounds of my magnitude. And here there was a temple full of those kinds of miracle makers? After heading over there with doubts in mind, I was shocked once more by the truth. I emerged with barely a single flaw on my skin! It was amazing! Doesn't that mean I could charge straight towards death and just be healed to perfection? Well, let's not get too carried away just yet, the way the priest paled so quickly after healing me was rather scary. Let's try and not make their jobs too difficult...

With the bliss of being pain-free, I quickly applied for a newly unlocked level 2 quest at the guildhall. There was no specific reason I applied for this particular quest, it just gave good gold and didn't seem as lengthy as some of the others. But after scrolling through the missing persons list, I suddenly paused at the picture of a child. He didn't seem any older than 10 and seemed quite thin and scrawny. But what really surprised me was his bright fiery eyes. They were so similar to my mother's and my own left eye that I didn't even think about it and decided to search for him.

He was last sighted playing with his friends on a northern street around a week ago, which I went to investigate first. All in all, everything seemed fine. The road and streets were tidy, the lamps were well-cleaned, the grates were new... wait new? After inquiring at the city hall they told me that they replaced the grates around a week ago since were brittle and easy to displace...

Although I had some speculations in mind, I had to go down and confirm. After gaining permission, I cautiously entered the sewers and ventured near the northern area. After killing a couple of slimes and unsuspecting giant rats with a mix of feeble magic and novice swordplay, I encountered him, huddled in a corner, almost nothing but skin and bones. He had camouflaged himself well to hide here for so long, as unintentional as it might have been.

Even though he saw me, his amber eyes seemed to still be hazy and in too much disbelief to properly process the fact that he was saved. Or perhaps... he had seen others that didn't help him down here? Shaking that speculation away, I hurriedly approached the dirty child and wrapped him in a cloak to keep him warm, whilst handing him a ration from my inventory. Finally, he blinked and properly looked at me. His body was wracked with sobs as he huddled closer to me and wolfed down the ration without restraint. As a prior princess, his stench was almost unbearable, but I soothed him as best I could. Who knows what he had experienced trapped down here for so long.

As we made our way to the surface, I gradually coaxed him to tell his story. Initially, I thought that a couple of children would be stuck down here, having been daring each other or up to mischief in the city sewers. But no! His story was so much more inhumane than what I was thinking! The reported 'friends' he was playing with actually bullied him into the sewers with threats and coercion. Unfortunately, while he was unconscious from the fall, the grates were replaced, leaving him no way out in this maze of sewers and monsters! Not only that, those 'friends' never reported this to the authorities(most likely for fear of punishment)!

Absolutely disgusted and enraged, after reuniting him with his tearful family I swore to get his revenge! Unfortunately, I couldn't exactly just go and beat up a bunch of kids, so I had to leave the matter to the authorities...
:blob_pat_sad: That's a very troubling account! I hope the child is okay! It must be frightening to be stuck down there for a week! Perhaps it would be good to check on him later!

Children are just... ugh! I don't know what to say! Bullying is horrible! Especially when it ends up like this!

Perhaps we could have a meeting with all the parents of all the kids. If we get the adults in the same room, perhaps we can talk about a solution for the future...

Overall, excellent work! *stamps*!

  • EXP: 110
  • Money: 4G


Jan 4, 2019

Long time.


Much water.


Unsure size.


Also trees.

Not many trees.

Trees had yellow.

Small trees.

Oh, a source of water! And so big? It could be a big lake, or maybe a sea?! Either way, this requires further investigation. If it's a sea, then we definitely need to take a look at it.

For the trees, I'm not sure. Small, yellow trees, what could that mean? Either way, good job on your investigation.


Quest Rewards:

Exp 75
Gold 3


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2020
Office Work
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Spend a day as an office clerk in the Scribel city government.
Have you ever wanted to work for the government? Sort files? Process papers? Read quest reports all day? Be a receptionist? Manage a warehouse? Wait no longer! The city guild is hiring entry-level workers!

  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 1G
Nothing interesting happens today. There is a bunch of paperwork that have similar information so I suggest to get more people to check these papers. I also went to the warehouse today during lunch break. And no. That place is not a warehouse, it's just a big box that you threw everything inside and left it in the corner. Maybe I could use this to avoid more paperwork.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Follow the River
: Scribel City Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Explore the river near Scribel City
Description: Several adventurers spotted a river while on their quests (1) (2) (3). Where does it lead?
  • EXP: 100
  • Money: 3
Quest Report (6)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 2 (325 EXP)
Quest: Follow the River
  • Explored one of the downstream branches of the river
  • Located marshland
After another visit with Folke, the little boy I had rescued a couple of days ago from the sewers, I decided to take on a more explorative quest to clear my mind a little, which would also give me room to experiment with my magic during the expedition. Since all the exploration quests didn't have much of a difference to me, I just picked the first one and headed towards its general location. Seeing as I had picked the river, I faintly recalled the brown-haired boy who's quest report I had assessed. He mentioned that the glowstones may have originated from upstream, and seemed to be eager to be a part of the research team for it. 'Well then, I guess I'll leave that for him to explore.' I thought offhandedly, not particularly bothered either way.

As I trailed the river bank leisurely, experimenting with spells as I walked, I faintly noticed that the number of trees was lessening and that it was getting a little harder to breathe. After defeating a slime that hopped into my path out of nowhere, I was greeted with a rather amazing sight. The river branch I followed had led me to a sudden waterfall, which led to shallow streams and patches of lakes. After digging a small hole in the ground using my shoes, I noticed water leakage. No wonder the ground was turning slightly softer beneath my feet: I had entered wetland territory.

Deciding to stop wasting mana on my spell experimentation, I focused all my attention on the surroundings around me. Below the waterfall, there was not a single tree in sight, ruling out the idea that this was a swamp. Since there wasn't any tell-tale peat and an abundance of reeds, cattails and common marsh plants, I deduced that this must be a marshland of some sort. Although the surroundings initially seemed rather ordinary, I noticed that the plants seemed to grow... bigger than usual here. Perhaps due to this, the creatures here were bigger as well. I noticed the vague outlines of strangely-shaped slimes, dragon-like alligators, giant dragonflies with pincers, and that was all that I saw with one view. Who knew how much wildlife was hidden beneath the surface of this place...

However, what really surprised me was a certain carnivorous plant that I could vaguely see dotted around the more land-based areas of the marsh. It was the exact same carnivorous vine plant that had suddenly appeared on Farmer Joe's field!

Although shocked, I hurriedly decided to head back before any of these creatures noticed me. Especially by myself, there was no way I could explore this place without dying at least a thousand times...


Jan 4, 2019
Goblin Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 3
  • Exterminate goblins.
  • Collect 5 pairs of goblin ears.
Although goblins are one of the weakest monsters, they can be dangerous in numbers and threaten travelers. It is ill-advised to take on more than a few at once.

  • EXP: 150
  • Money: 3G

Name: Vor Saknave
Level: 3 (EXP: 650)

Quest Report:

After reaching level 3, I was eager to start investigating the corpses I found early on in the sewers. However, my gut told me that whoever was malicious enough to kill that many people without anyone noticing, would be too strong for current me. As such, I abandoned the idea of starting the investigation. Instead, I sifted through the appraised reports to see if there was anything interesting. Lo and behold, there it was. A report made more than a month ago describing a goblin camp north-east of the city. It said that there was also two packs of wolves in the area. By now, goblins must have already tamed them and turned into riders.

Either way, this needed investigating. I took the goblin subjugation quest from the board and made my way towards the goblins' camp. It took me around 15 minutes to make it there. I climbed up a tree for a better look at their settlement. They barely had any fences, one big tent, and several smaller ones. There were also wolves roaming around the settlement. From the tree, I could see seven.

I bid my time, waiting atop the large tree. I had no idea how many goblins there were, so I couldn't possibly storm their mini-village and hope to live after that. The reports said that the estimated number was 12. Even that was too much for me. To top it off, that number was probably already outdated. It had been a month since the last sighting of these goblins so who knows what could have happened in the meantime. Either way, I had to be cautious.

It was midday when a party of goblins made its way towards the settlement. There were 10 goblins, each armed with a large knife or a nailed bat. Two riders led the group, each of which rocked a sword on its back. The party seems to have just come from a successful hunt. Goblins on the back carried two bloodied boars. It took two goblins to carry a boar each. Seems like they will be feasting today.

The evening went without much action. The goblins partied and feasted while I patiently waited for my opportunity. I knew that before long, they would be too tired and sleep. That would be my opportunity to strike.

As I predicted, by sunset, they were all dead on the ground snoring. They didn't even bother entering their tents to sleep. Better for me.

For this task, I knew that relying on my magic would be foolish. Even if I manage to kill a goblin with a fireball in one shot, the sound of the flames conjuring and the smell of a roasted goblin will surely awaken the rest. As such, I unsheathed my trusty knife and got down and dirty.

I entered the settlement with silent steps, making sure not to step on any branch. I then targetted goblins that were farthest away from the main group. That way, even if I mess up, I would still have enough distance for a chance to run away.

After reaching the first goblin, I looked at it and then at my knife. My hand was shivering. It was one thing to kill slimes using fireballs from far away. But this-this was something completely different. It was more intimate, more terrifying.

I shook my head and psyched myself out of that train of thoughts. This wasn't the time to discover my soft side. I swiftly covered the goblin's nose and mouth be slashing its neck. I did manage to muffle the cries, but what I forgot was the trampling.

The goblin trampled with all of its limbs, it was as if it was trying to make as much noise as possible. I kept slashing at its neck, hoping for it to stop, with my eyes closed. At that point, I was panicking. Fortunately, after a few seconds, the body calmed down and stopped trampling. I opened my eyes to see the gruesomely decapitated head of the goblin. I swear I was about to puke right there and then. I stopped myself.

I looked around to see if the noise awakened any of the other goblins. Fortunately, it seems that it wasn't loud enough to snitch them away from their dreams. Thanking all the gods for this fortune. I slashed one of the dead goblin's ears and made my way to the next. This time, I learned from my earlier mistakes.

I sneaked up on the goblin, put my left arm under his right shoulder and covered his nose and mouth with my left hand. I then rested my body on top of him to block his movements. My legs blocked his and he couldn't move any limb. One slash and he was dead. This time, there was no noise. Only his muffled cries.

I continued with the same procedures until I finished the quota. By then, I was covered from head to toe in goblin's blood. It didn't smell or look much different from humans, or elves for that matter. The corpses, I left there. I didn't have any more strength in my body to carry them away. Guess their friends are gonna be in for a rude wakeup tomorrow. Either way, none of my business.

I was able to make it back to the city before midnight. After handing out this report, a warm bath and a nice bed await me.


〖Failed to be active〗〖Digging out of my grave〗
Dec 23, 2018
After coming back from the Tavern, I decided that before taking a quest myself I could look at the reports and see what other people have been up to. Walking up to the stack of reports that never seem to end, I grab the one on top and see that it was from that kind elf from the tavern. Wondering what kinda quest he's done I lightly jog to my seat and begin to read...

Goblin Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Near Scribel City
Required Level: 3
  • Exterminate goblins.
  • Collect 5 pairs of goblin ears.
Although goblins are one of the weakest monsters, they can be dangerous in numbers and threaten travelers. It is ill-advised to take on more than a few at once.

  • EXP: 150
  • Money: 3G

Name: Vor Saknave
Level: 3 (EXP: 650)

Quest Report:

After reaching level 3, I was eager to start investigating the corpses I found early on in the sewers. However, my gut told me that whoever was malicious enough to kill that many people without anyone noticing, would be too strong for current me. As such, I abandoned the idea of starting the investigation. Instead, I sifted through the appraised reports to see if there was anything interesting. Lo and behold, there it was. A report made more than a month ago describing a goblin camp north-east of the city. It said that there was also two packs of wolves in the area. By now, goblins must have already tamed them and turned into riders.

Either way, this needed investigating. I took the goblin subjugation quest from the board and made my way towards the goblins' camp. It took me around 15 minutes to make it there. I climbed up a tree for a better look at their settlement. They barely had any fences, one big tent, and several smaller ones. There were also wolves roaming around the settlement. From the tree, I could see seven.

I bid my time, waiting atop the large tree. I had no idea how many goblins there were, so I couldn't possibly storm their mini-village and hope to live after that. The reports said that the estimated number was 12. Even that was too much for me. To top it off, that number was probably already outdated. It had been a month since the last sighting of these goblins so who knows what could have happened in the meantime. Either way, I had to be cautious.

It was midday when a party of goblins made its way towards the settlement. There were 10 goblins, each armed with a large knife or a nailed bat. Two riders led the group, each of which rocked a sword on its back. The party seems to have just come from a successful hunt. Goblins on the back carried two bloodied boars. It took two goblins to carry a boar each. Seems like they will be feasting today.

The evening went without much action. The goblins partied and feasted while I patiently waited for my opportunity. I knew that before long, they would be too tired and sleep. That would be my opportunity to strike.

As I predicted, by sunset, they were all dead on the ground snoring. They didn't even bother entering their tents to sleep. Better for me.

For this task, I knew that relying on my magic would be foolish. Even if I manage to kill a goblin with a fireball in one shot, the sound of the flames conjuring and the smell of a roasted goblin will surely awaken the rest. As such, I unsheathed my trusty knife and got down and dirty.

I entered the settlement with silent steps, making sure not to step on any branch. I then targetted goblins that were farthest away from the main group. That way, even if I mess up, I would still have enough distance for a chance to run away.

After reaching the first goblin, I looked at it and then at my knife. My hand was shivering. It was one thing to kill slimes using fireballs from far away. But this-this was something completely different. It was more intimate, more terrifying.

I shook my head and psyched myself out of that train of thoughts. This wasn't the time to discover my soft side. I swiftly covered the goblin's nose and mouth be slashing its neck. I did manage to muffle the cries, but what I forgot was the trampling.

The goblin trampled with all of its limbs, it was as if it was trying to make as much noise as possible. I kept slashing at its neck, hoping for it to stop, with my eyes closed. At that point, I was panicking. Fortunately, after a few seconds, the body calmed down and stopped trampling. I opened my eyes to see the gruesomely decapitated head of the goblin. I swear I was about to puke right there and then. I stopped myself.

I looked around to see if the noise awakened any of the other goblins. Fortunately, it seems that it wasn't loud enough to snitch them away from their dreams. Thanking all the gods for this fortune. I slashed one of the dead goblin's ears and made my way to the next. This time, I learned from my earlier mistakes.

I sneaked up on the goblin, put my left arm under his right shoulder and covered his nose and mouth with my left hand. I then rested my body on top of him to block his movements. My legs blocked his and he couldn't move any limb. One slash and he was dead. This time, there was no noise. Only his muffled cries.

I continued with the same procedures until I finished the quota. By then, I was covered from head to toe in goblin's blood. It didn't smell or look much different from humans, or elves for that matter. The corpses, I left there. I didn't have any more strength in my body to carry them away. Guess their friends are gonna be in for a rude wakeup tomorrow. Either way, none of my business.

I was able to make it back to the city before midnight. After handing out this report, a warm bath and a nice bed await me.
Hmm, from the composure he had at the tavern, I was sure he was used to taking lives already but guess not. Then again, I remember him saying he was quite young.... Oh well, atleast he was able to obtain experience now~.

Anyways lets put my rambling to the side for now. Hmm? What should I do about this... The quest says that it required 5 pairs of ears but in his report, he only brought back one of each goblin's ear. The quest had 2 requirements which were goblin extermination and to bring 5 pairs as proof. Well, he might have been shocked from killing a true living being for the first time... It also depends on the importance of those ears, were they gonna be used for something? Did the guild only need it as proof....


Let's give him around 3/4 of the full reward then since he technically did fulfill the requirements of the 1st and half of the second.

After deciding on that, I took the sheet and went to hand it to the staff members.

  • EXP: 125
  • Money: 1.5G


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
After a day of prayers, I figured I could once again look over some of the reports to see what I could help the guild out with. It was not much, but I'm sure the goddess is pleased with any work that helps others out, even small scale things like these.

I took over one of the older reports that seemed unattended and read through it.
The Stevie's Wardens had a mission for collecting the horns of horned rabbits. They were all over the place and they had scouted the warrens aheads of time, so it didn't take long. Most of the time was spent walking, or bagging random game we encountered on the way. On the second day, though, we ran into a direwolf pack with two kobold riders between them. Stevies team deal with them. There was some loss to the loot, but considering what I had to go through to protect that bag of meat from armored wolves that weigh as much as I do, I'd say everything went reasonably well. Oh, and we found an old watchtower up there. It's abandoned and a good shelter, so it might not be a bad idea to send someone to fix the door and mark it as a safe spot.

Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Do you still have a surplus of that healing grass? I want to buy some if you do.
"It seems you went through quite a lot, I'm not sure if the Warden's party did their job properly though... If they are hiring you exclusively to carry their luggage, it must mean that they would work as your guards to properly protect you from harm, which they seemed to fail to do.

"While their effort and barely-on-time save is of course appreciated, they must make sure to properly protect their contractors, because otherwise the promised reward is not worth the danger you undertook to obtain it.

"I'll file a complaint on their behavior and perhaps their reward will be cut for failing to properly escort the adventurer they themselves hired... Nonetheless, you did a good job and deserve a full reward.

"May the gods grant you luck in finding more reliable sponsors next time."

Final Reward:
Money: 2G


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2019
Healing Herbs
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Anywhere
Required Level: 1
  • Collect a large sack full of healing herbs.
Recently there has been reports of a special type of grass that has healing properties. The City of Scribel would like to stockpile on this grass for emergencies. Make sure that you're collecting the right kind of plant though! We don't want a sack of ordinary grass!

  • EXP: 40
  • Money: 2G
Quest Report - Baihua
Since I already knew of a place where the healing herbs grow, I decided to just go there to collect them. I was already familiar with the scent of the healing mana, so it wasn't as difficult to find as last time.

As usual, the clearing was filled with the relaxing mana. I'm still not sure whether it was the mana that caused the healing plant's growth, or whether the healing plants gave rise to the atmosphere, but it truly was peaceful. Since it's so remote and difficult to access, I don't think anyone other than me has found it - it made me feel like this was my personal place. But I digress again.

I harvested the healing grass - I think they named it brightweed? - and started filling my bag. Since I realized I had taken quite a bit the last time I came here, I decided not to take any extra, nor gather the twin-flowers.

Gathered: 1 kg healing grass
OOC: This one, along with the night watch quest, are really farmable aren't they?


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
The next report on the list was about slaying slimes... There was an incredibly high number of reports that dealt with this topic, to think there were this many of those monsters so near us... I'm getting increasingly worried.

I'm afraid I cannot do much about it though, so for now, I suppose I should just make sure the appropriate information is repassed to the guild's officials... Let's see if this one brings anything new.
Name: Ryzen
Level: 1 (EXP: 120)
After gathering enough information from the guild's archives along with Robert Von Ducksmouth's claims, I had a hunch that something was going on in the sewers.

Plus, I took this quest alongside my investigation so that I could earn some merits along the way.

I began my investigation to the place where Robert had his encounter with the slimes; in an alleyway behind the Happy Harlot Brothel. I had found some of the slime residue from Robert's encounter and it seemed like there were more. The residue created a trail that would lead me to the sewers.

After reading those reports from previous adventurers, I wasn't going to go in without caution so I immediately wore my cloak to hide my presence. I used [Mana Sense] to navigate my way, but my magic was too flawed so I couldn't avoid stumbling around and occasionally dumping my feet in sewage water. So far, it was working as I manage to sneak attack ten lone and unsuspecting slimes just so that I can hand them in for the reward. But I wasn't done yet.

I waited for a while before I encountered a group of slimes with what seemed to be the carcass of a giant rat. It was definitely a sight to behold...

Luckily, with my cloak, I was able to tail the group of slimes. The group made a few detours, devouring every living thing it came across, before making its way deeper into the sewers. I could still remember the report regarding the human corpses that were found here in the sewers so I certainly wouldn't let my guard down.

It was then that I found something noteworthy. There was a large hole in the sewer walls that was covered with goop. I had a gut feeling that if I entered that hole, I would not come out of this place alive...

But the idea of being the first to find out something that not even the guild knew, and how this information could benefit them was very tempting. So much so that it ruled out the possibility of death from entering the Slime Caverns (yes, that is what I'm calling it.) Plus, I was confident of my cloak's concealing ability so I had nothing to worry about.

I took my chances and ventured further.

Oh, how I wished I had listened to my gut feeling...

It seemed as if all the slimes inside the labyrinth of caverns knew of my existence as swarms of slimes rushed towards me. They chased me around like a predator playing with its prey as I started to get lost after being chased around by them. It was then that I saw... it.

A large blob of green slime unlike any that I have ever seen. Unlike it's small kin, this... big slime gave an imposing aura that instilled fear in me. If it wasn't for the fact that I've been in dangerous situations constantly, my legs would've been like jelly and I would be slime food.

Despite the slime being so large that it looked it wouldn't move too well inside the narrow cave, it maneuvered itseld easily and was able to easily catch up with as I attempted to escape. It was a fortunate thing that with the large slimes constant hitting of the cave walls that it managed to cave itself in when the cave ceilings started to come down on us. I was lucky enough to be on the other side.

I didn't want to tempt fate anymore as I hastily exited the sewers.

Whatever was down there, based on the reports from the archives, it was certainly a mutant slime.
"Those are... Quite troubling pieces of information, mister Ryzen.

"I'm afraid I was not given permission to give extra rewards to those that go beyond their allocated tasks, though I am still thankful for the intel you gave gathered, I'm sure the guild will have some use to it.

"Please have some rest and maybe visit the temple for healing if need be, you certainly deserve a break.

"May the gods grant you a better luck when attempting to help those in need."

Final Reward:
: 75
Money: 1G


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I was starting to feel a bit sleepy, but there were still a fair amount of reports to read... I suppose I could keep going for a while longer.

The next report was very short after all, so it shouldn't take too long to go over.
Nothing interesting happens today. There is a bunch of paperwork that have similar information so I suggest to get more people to check these papers. I also went to the warehouse today during lunch break. And no. That place is not a warehouse, it's just a big box that you threw everything inside and left it in the corner. Maybe I could use this to avoid more paperwork.
"So not only the guild's management overworks their adventures for pitiful amounts of pay, but they also aren't managing their documents properly and can't even organize a warehouse properly?

"Dear goddess, it seems like they even lack basic skills required for small organizations, much less big ones... I wonder how they have survived this far, the guild master is in need of a long scolding for sure.

"Nonetheless, you did a good job, I'll be sure to file a complaint over their lack of management skills... Though be wary that you're not allowed to go to the warehouse to take a break during work hours, so please don't try doing that if you take this quest again in the future.

"May the gods grant you better work environments in the future."

Final Reward:
Exp: 25
Money: 1G


tilda~ me~ home~ ♪
Dec 23, 2018
Healing Herbs
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Anywhere
Required Level: 1
  • Collect a large sack full of healing herbs.
Recently there has been reports of a special type of grass that has healing properties. The City of Scribel would like to stockpile on this grass for emergencies. Make sure that you're collecting the right kind of plant though! We don't want a sack of ordinary grass!

  • EXP: 40
  • Money: 2G
Quest Report - Okarin

Let's see... I ran out of money again so that means I need to do work, right? Well, I went to the Guild and picked up a flyer that looked reasonable.

All of those Sewer quests -- Ew! No waaay! Since I'm a slime, I tend to naturally absorb fluids in the environment, and I don't want to soak up sewage water. :blob_blank: Yuck! Even the idea of that is disgusting!

Instead, I took the healing herb quest because I don't really like fighting things, and doing in the work in the city sounds boring. I want to go outside! Isn't the whole point of being in a new World about being outdoors?

+ + +

In either case, I started walking in a random direction since I wasn't really sure where I was going to find healing grass.

On that thought... what is "healing grass", anyways? Surely it's just... grass...? ...with healing properties...?


I looked at a patch of grass at my feet and simply... sat down on it.

*splish* *splash* *swish* *nom*

...I sort of just dissolved and tasted it with my slime-ness.

+ + +

Fifteen minutes later, I decided that this was just ordinary grass.

Tasted very... grassy. No healing properties at all.

Huh, a dud.

I decided to walk in a different direction before sitting down in a different patch of grass.

*splish* *splash* *swish* *nom*

+ + +

(( Three days later ))

"Eureka! Oh slippery slabberwack! I found it!"

After three days of wandering around randomly (and sleeping outdoors), I found some grass that had a healing property.

I wasn't hungry anymore since I was basically eating grass nonstop for the past couple days... (I'm not going to get fat, will I?) ...but I was enthusiastic!

Progress! Finally! I was getting somewhere!

I took note of my present location and I was at a riverbank... somewhere...?

Maybe this kind of grass grows near water? Oh well! Time to go back to the city!

Gathered: A large bunch of healing grass


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
As the last report didn't take too long, I figured I could go for one more today, so I picked the next one in the pile.
Quest Report (6)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 2 (325 EXP)
Quest: Follow the River
  • Explored one of the downstream branches of the river
  • Located marshland
After another visit with Folke, the little boy I had rescued a couple of days ago from the sewers, I decided to take on a more explorative quest to clear my mind a little, which would also give me room to experiment with my magic during the expedition. Since all the exploration quests didn't have much of a difference to me, I just picked the first one and headed towards its general location. Seeing as I had picked the river, I faintly recalled the brown-haired boy who's quest report I had assessed. He mentioned that the glowstones may have originated from upstream, and seemed to be eager to be a part of the research team for it. 'Well then, I guess I'll leave that for him to explore.' I thought offhandedly, not particularly bothered either way.

As I trailed the river bank leisurely, experimenting with spells as I walked, I faintly noticed that the number of trees was lessening and that it was getting a little harder to breathe. After defeating a slime that hopped into my path out of nowhere, I was greeted with a rather amazing sight. The river branch I followed had led me to a sudden waterfall, which led to shallow streams and patches of lakes. After digging a small hole in the ground using my shoes, I noticed water leakage. No wonder the ground was turning slightly softer beneath my feet: I had entered wetland territory.

Deciding to stop wasting mana on my spell experimentation, I focused all my attention on the surroundings around me. Below the waterfall, there was not a single tree in sight, ruling out the idea that this was a swamp. Since there wasn't any tell-tale peat and an abundance of reeds, cattails and common marsh plants, I deduced that this must be a marshland of some sort. Although the surroundings initially seemed rather ordinary, I noticed that the plants seemed to grow... bigger than usual here. Perhaps due to this, the creatures here were bigger as well. I noticed the vague outlines of strangely-shaped slimes, dragon-like alligators, giant dragonflies with pincers, and that was all that I saw with one view. Who knew how much wildlife was hidden beneath the surface of this place...

However, what really surprised me was a certain carnivorous plant that I could vaguely see dotted around the more land-based areas of the marsh. It was the exact same carnivorous vine plant that had suddenly appeared on Farmer Joe's field!

Although shocked, I hurriedly decided to head back before any of these creatures noticed me. Especially by myself, there was no way I could explore this place without dying at least a thousand times...
"This is quite the useful information, I'm sure the guild will appreciate it... If anything, it's a place that newer adventurers should be warned as off-limits, for it is clearly beyond the capabilities of most people that are not very experienced in this business.

"Thank you for your hard work, may the gods keep granting you wonderful discoveries."

Final Reward:
: 100
Money: 3G


Bad Fiction Author
Apr 16, 2019
Night Watch
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters that get too close to the city, and sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Watch for vagabonds and criminals, and sound the alarm if there is suspicious behavior.
  • Stay awake for the whole night. Do not leave your post.
Explanation: Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed. We need people to help keep the city safe.
  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 1G

Quest Report:
Character: Robert Von Ducksmouth (Level 1) (EXP 150) (Money 3G)
Quest: Night Watch

To whom it may concern,

I, Robert Von Ducksmouth, took up the task of assisting the Scribel City's Guard with the Night Watch. During my watch, I just happened to be in the area of the Happy Harlot Brothel so I took it upon myself to vigorously interrogate one Miss Cherry Poppins, an employee of the Brothel about the slime problem I found in the area. She suggested that the slimes might have been bred to provide the nearby apothecary with resources used in the manufacture of "mana potions". It seems there had been a lot more demand for the potions thanks to the recent opening of the Scribel City Adventurer's Guild. In the pursuit of my duties, it was necessary to provide Miss Poppins with one gold coin which I hope to have reimbursed. I have provided a receipt from Miss Poppins for the gold coin. She stated that this receipt is merely printed on the same paper her normal customers use as that was the only form of receipt the Brothel kept. The "kiss" mark on my neck is merely an old injury that showed up due to the cold weather at night and should not be considered as having been made by Miss Poppins.

Good day,
Robert Von Ducksmouth


Magical Girl of Love and Justice
Dec 23, 2018
I had to wonder why the pile of reports kept increasing even though I was appraising them... I heaved a sigh and internally complained about how short-staffed this guild was.

Nonetheless, I once again reminded myself that doing menial tasks like those was also serving the will of the goddess, and therefore, I continued moving through the reports.
Quest Report - Baihua
Since I already knew of a place where the healing herbs grow, I decided to just go there to collect them. I was already familiar with the scent of the healing mana, so it wasn't as difficult to find as last time.

As usual, the clearing was filled with the relaxing mana. I'm still not sure whether it was the mana that caused the healing plant's growth, or whether the healing plants gave rise to the atmosphere, but it truly was peaceful. Since it's so remote and difficult to access, I don't think anyone other than me has found it - it made me feel like this was my personal place. But I digress again.

I harvested the healing grass - I think they named it brightweed? - and started filling my bag. Since I realized I had taken quite a bit the last time I came here, I decided not to take any extra, nor gather the twin-flowers.

Gathered: 1 kg healing grass
OOC: This one, along with the night watch quest, are really farmable aren't they?
"There certainly isn't much to be said, I'm glad you found a good spot, mister Baihua.

"I'd recommend not gathering too many herbs from the same place too often or you might stop them from reproducing themselves though, please be wary of the impact of your actions towards the environment, alright?

"May the gods find you many places to find what you seek."

Final Reward:
: 40
Money: 2G

OOC: Most quests are super farmable if you try to actively farm them, that's not a problem though, I think most people would get bored of writing the same thing over and over again pretty quickly after all, so instead they'd start searching for new stuff to do.


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2019
Prison Guard
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 2
  • Spend the day guarding a prisoner.
Looking for more boring work? There are various vagabonds in the prison, and they need to be watched. It shouldn’t be too dangerous... well, as long as nothing goes wrong.

  • EXP: 50
  • Money: 1G
Quest Report (7)
: Felicia El Freliti
Level: 2 (425 EXP)
Quest: Prison Guard
  • Guarded the prisoners in Block C from morning till night.
Today, little Folke gave me a hug as I left. He seems to have grown really attached to me after I rescued him from the sewers. I suppose it feels nice being a hero for once. Back then, I was for sure the villain that caused millions of deaths. Well, times have changed I guess. I did feel a bit of guilt having originally only taken the quest for its gold, but I feel it became more meaningful to me than just gold could've been. Hmm, maybe I should interact with others more... it's not only the world I should be exploring afterall.

After applying for the quest, I uneventfully made my way to the prison, where I was given a simple tour of the cells and an introduction to my duties. Although the quest objective was to watch over a single prisoner, it seemed that the guards had put me in charge of a small group of cells. I didn't particularly mind since I thought the day would pass by peacefully regardless, with the cell walls being so thick and the prisoners being shackled so tightly.

The day passed by as uneventfully as I imagined it to be.

The prisoners chatted amongst themselves mundanely, some regretful of their actions, some more psychopathic and some mentally unstable. At noon, I passed each prisoner their lunch and took then took their trays away. Some reacted a little from seeing my mistmatched eyes, but it was nothing too serious.Then in the evening, I passed each prisoner their dinner and then took their trays away. Finally, sometime during the night, I swapped shifts with another guard before leaving the premise.

Although repetitive and mundane, I felt that I had learnt a little more about what makes a criminal. It had been a while since I had experienced such a peaceful quest, perhaps if I just needed some easy rewards, I could do this again sometime.


Tale Admirer
Dec 23, 2018
Slime Subjugation
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Exterminate slimes in the City of Scribel.
  • Bring back 10 slime cores.
Slimes are a pest in Scribel, and they end up in all sorts of weird places. While they aren’t exactly dangerous, they can slowly erode structures and damage buildings over time. They also spread diseases if they get into the sewers and pick up icky stuff. Slimes are bad! Eliminating them is a public health campaign!

  • EXP: 75
  • Money: 1G
Quest Report - Solet' Luna ( EXP: 0 )
- After getting his first hammer smithed, Solet wanted to test its power and immediately went to the outskirt of the City. However, before he could see any trace of slimes, Solet conveniently saw a young boy stuck on a tree. With his simple-mindedness, he stopped and went to help the kid come down safely, and even carried him to his parents! All in all, he wasted about an hour to play with the kid, but I must admit, this side of his is very cute on its own.

Anyway, in his first confrontation with the cute slime, he almost smashed it with his hammer before he tried to capture it. This enraged me very much when the slime melted his glove. Just because of my blunder, he almost got hurt! Nevertheless, it got turned into a puddle of sticky liquid. I got too careless that I lost the first core, hehe. Well, he just had to work a little harder for me.

The next eight cores were obtained without any problem, one hit from the hammer was enough to settle the fight. The real problem is their sticky liquid, it ruined our cloth! Luckily we had spare clothing to change. Although I'm confident in my appearance, sharing it to others who are not Solet is not my thing.

As for the last two cores, I decided to do it myself as Solet was getting tired. Although one hit was enough, the slimes are slippery and Solet was too slow. Nevertheless, I almost lit a tree on fire because of my carelessness. My usual control over magic needed some more adjusting to the laws of the new world.

On the way back, Solet got some candies from the kid from earlier! I guess that kid really like him, huh?

In the end, Solet could not write or read very well so it's my time to write the report.

  • 10 Slime Cores
  • Some tasty candies


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2019
Night Watch
: Scribel City Adventurer's Guild
Location: Scribel City
Required Level: 1
  • Watch for monsters that get too close to the city, and sound the alarm if there is an attack.
  • Watch for vagabonds and criminals, and sound the alarm if there is suspicious behavior.
  • Stay awake for the whole night. Do not leave your post.
Explanation: Currently, the Scribel City Guard is understaffed. We need people to help keep the city safe.
  • EXP: 25
  • Money: 1G
Quest: Night Watch
Name: Cassel
Level: 1 (50 Exp)
After making an unlikely friendship with a slime. He headed out to take his third night guarding the city. Being uneventful as usual he watched the empty void take up most of his vision.

To be frank, he'd take another job if it weren't for the fact that all the reports made on them made anything else sound better.

So it was the boring life for him. Anyways aside from the occasional animal cry or bugs flying around there wasn't a lot to report. After the sun rose he traded shifts with a guard and made his way back to the guild.

Edit: Evaluated by Receptionist Okarin :blob_paint:
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